#i mean that same sister also did allow other shady stuff though without batting an eye so idk how grateful i should be
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Getting sick as an adult and having the terrifying realization that when I would get multiple sinus infections a year from my "allergies" and my mom told me I would die if I didn't take my medicine even though I only felt mildly ill...
yeah turns out what she meant by that was not "sinus infections are very deadly" but was in fact "I will not take you to the hospital if this gets so bad that it starts to kill you and I cannot afford a dead kid on my hands"
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 17: Trade Offs and Promises
In time the girls had come across Death and Morgen. The two had chosen to make themselves comfortable in the gardens, course they were apart from each other. Morgen was reading a book but occasionally stealing glances at Death as he meditated. The girls decided on a little plan, with a single look between them sealing that. One of the girls makes a trail of flowers, whilst the other forms a tiny crown out of the same flowers. Once they'd finished, Anna held her sister up on her shoulders and then they both fell over. Luckily for them, Death didn't move or show any sign of exiting his current trance. They took the opportunity to hurry up and get the thing on his head. Just as Elaine tenderly placed the crown on Death's head, his eyes snapped open.
The girls screamed and fell over again as Death chuckled.
"No fair you cheated!"
"How so? You were the ones who came up to me assuming I wasn't paying attention." Death told them simply as he took the crown off his head, "So what were you planning on doing once you got this crown on me?"
The girls pointed to the trail of flowers that currently led to their Cousin, who shook her head whilst snickering a bit.
"Did you put them up to this? Or are they doing this of their own volition?", Death asked her.
"It certainly wasn't my plan, I assure you. Although it was amusing to observe their attempt at...whatever it was.", Morgen infers.
Death looks at the girls again, "Time to explain."
"Come on, everybody knows you and Cousin Morgen like each other.", Anna proclaims.
"Yeah, you always hang out together. Or go to the same places.", Elaine adds on.
"Because we're colleagues and friends. Do you know what that's like?"
The girls nod but Death can tell by their smiles that they don't quite get it. Or they don't care. Course he does get the feeling they may have other things to let him know about. But for now there was the current matter at hand, "Well girls. Essentially a man and woman can work together on something. But that doesn't mean they like each other. Not in the way you're thinking anyway."
"Mina's right then, you are a big dolt.", Anna told him a bit pouty.
Death cocked his head, "Excuse me?"
Elaine grabbed Anna's mouth and quickly explained, "Mina always calls you that, she says it's because you never seem to notice Morgen when she mmmph."
Death then glanced up at Morgen, who had silenced Elaine. Morgen was certainly blushing pretty damn hard right now. Not that he could blame her.
"Is there a reason why you silenced the children?"
"Well I only silenced Elaine, but regardless it seems as though they're getting a bit bothersome.", Morgen replied.
"Nuh uh.", The girls responded once their Cousin released Elaine. Leading to Anna being released by her sister.
"Girls let's just not get into relationship discussions right now. So run along already."
"But we wanted to tell Death something important?", Anna protested.
"What is the important thing? And it had better be so. Or else your Cousin is probably going to summon bugs in your pockets."
Both girls made a disgusted face at each other before Anna told him, "Fuzzball overheated today."
"We brought him back in, but we figured we should tell you since Puck says he might need a fur cut.", Elaine adds.
"Oi....Ok I'll get going in order to get him. Do you at least know where he is?"
"Mmhmm, he's in the room with that new boy. We don't know his name though." Anna responds simply.
"How in Creation di....no nevermind. I'll ask when I get there. Also before I go, girls please don't try to bring your Cousin and I together. Love's not something you can force. And finally, tell Mina to mind her own business about what I notice or don't notice."
The girls nod and even pinkie swear to him. Death can't help but chuckle, but as the girls insist on it he looks around before finally doing it with them. With that done he finally heads off and actually runs into Mina.
"Hello Death, everything well today?"
"Just foiled a prank by the girls. And they said something about you."
"Oh, and what was that then?"
"That I apparently don't notice Morgen that much when she's...something. Didn't catch the last part as Morgen was silencing Elaine at the time. That and you think of me as a dolt because of it. Is that them trying to spread rumors or is this the truth?", Death explains to her.
"Well I won't lie, ye are quite dense. I mean ya never seem to notice the little signs she gives ya."
"Signs for what, exactly?", Death asks.
"Signs that she likes ya. Come on don't tell me ya don't know what blushing, batting eyelashes, stealing glances, and excuses for touching all mean when put together.", Mina states.
"You do realize how long it's been since the last time I've had to deal with ANY of those types of interactions right?"
"That's no excuse for not knowing. Either yer ignoring her, which would be worse. Or yer just not seeing it at all. Although yer reaction to me earlier statement seems to prove ye do know what's going on.", Mina retorts.
Death sighs heavily annoyed, "You, Bardak, Puck, and Strife...for fuck's sake. How about leaving a man to his own business?"
"I raised Morgen for the better part of her days! Ye really think I wouldn't be concerned when I see a man she's into, acting in such a roundabout way that not even I can tell what's on his mind?"
"You do not want to know what's on my mind. For several reasons.", Death warns her as calmly as he can.
"Charming. Resorting to threats to get people to leave him be. You may not care...."
"IT'S NOT that I don't care. It's about who I am, and what I have done in my life."
Mina sighed, "Ye really think she cares about yer past? That she'd hate ya for it? How forgiving has she been since she's met ye? Has she once acted in prejudice towards ye?"
"Even if she were to accept what I've done, all of it. There's still those I work for, the Council. I no longer have the freedom to make the choices like that. Not after the deals I've had to make. And not without worrying about the consequences that may come with them."
Mina looked at him concerned, "What are ye saying? That the Council wouldn't allow ya to be with anyone?"
"Split loyalties as they would put it. They don't want any of that, for any reason. Not to mention the risk of the return of the Nephilim. Even if it's not pure, it's still a possible threat to them. I did have a daughter before. Did, being a keyword. Although due to recent events I do have a reason to doubt now. But if my suspicions are indeed correct, the Council may find out about it and deal with it. In their own special way. I'm worried that if they find about the split loyalties, they'd do the same to Morgen. Too many people, most I didn't even care for, suffered because of me and the choices. I won't....I can't allow the same thing to happen to Morgen. I refuse to let her suffer for my sake. She deserves happiness, with someone who can give it to her. Someone other than me.", Death tells her honestly.
"Ah, so that seems to be the problem.", Bardak says from the doorway.
"Oh son of a bitch."
"It's not just telling her, it's the potential consequences you're worried about.", Bardak states simply.
"Bardak, you weren't meant to hear that. Any of it."
"Hmph, but I did anyway so who knows. Maybe it's a good thing I did, so I can give ya some advice on the situation. But after we save your rodent from overheating."
Death immediately stands up, "Aw fucking damn it!"
As Death immediately begins getting ice water together in a bowl he calls up Ale.
"Ceise, I'm gonna need your help with Fuzzball. He's overheating again."
"Ah, time to sheer him then?", She asked over the crystal.
"Alright, I'll let you know when I'm ready for a teleporting. I need to get home first, as my tools are there.", Ale informs him.
"What are you doing out?", Death inquires worried.
"I needed supplies Atan. House has been low for a while, and with a few folks to help feed I couldn't wait much longer."
Death sighed, "So you're out getting supplies for the house? Be careful, I saw Leatherbeard out and about. And by the sounds of it, he's pissed. Probably being messed with by spirits of some forest, maybe he pissed off I don't know. Just stay safe."
"Of course, but I'll let you know if anything happens though, don't worry. Call you later Atan.", Ale assures him sweetly.
"Ok.", Death says before hanging up. He takes a deep breath as Bardak takes the bowl from him.
"Something bothering ya?"
"My Mother's out and about. And I'm worried about Leatherbeard finding her.", Death explains a bit worried still.
"She may be blind but she's still can hold herself up in a fight. Sorta."
Death just shakes his head, "Let's just get this over to Fuzzball so we can take of him. As best we can anyway."
They do so and Fuzzball is laying down in a shaded part of the room now. Puck's watching him keenly as he pants, then hears Bardak and Death coming back.
"Ah bout fucking time."
"Where is he?", Death asks.
"In that shady spot there. Still panting up a storm.", Puck states.
"Right. If this ice water isn't enough I'll probably let him soak in some cool water afterwards.", Death expresses as Bardak places the bowl by Fuzzball.
As Fuzzball scoots over to it and begins drinking, Death gets on one knee to pet him gently. "There there, we'll sheer you later. I assure you on that."
Meanwhile Ale and C continued their walk back to her home.
"Sorry to ask for your help there young lady.", Ale told C apologetically.
"I told ya.....just C will do. Now let's get this stuff back to your house huh? Gregory and Wren are probably hungry by now."
"I've no doubt they are...hmm?", Ale said before suddenly stopping. Her ears perking for any noise.
"Something wrong Ale?"
"Hm? Oh just...thought I heard something." , Ale tells her, still not moving.
"Could just be some critter in the brush. No offense Ale."
"No no, I heard something else. Something like metal.", Ale explains nervously.
C palms her blade, and begins to sniff the air around her, "Come to think of it, did it always smell like years of uncleaned piss and shit?"
Ale looked at her shocked, then smacked her upside the head, "Really?"
Little did they know, who was currently watching them. Leatherbeard sneakily comes up behind them, "Actually, to be more accurate about the scent. It's fish guts and sea brine."
He grabs Ale but launches his anchor at C. It hits before she can even blink. Knocking her clean out after she hits a tree that nearly snaps at the force.
"Listen carefully, pay attention and don't disobey. Or else, she won't be alive or pure. Now call your dear son.", Leatherbeard tells Ale after grabbing C by her head.
Ale buckles and calls Death nervously, worrying Death as he wasn't expecting her to be this fast.
"Ceise what's wrong? What's happened?", Death quickly questions her.
Leatherbeard however takes her crystal, "Well hello there Death."
"LEATHERBEARD.", Death growls through the crystal.
"The one and only, so ya know why I'm calling?", Leatherbeard says smugly.
"I'm afraid to guess."
"Hahahahaha....aw don't worry. I just want to have a little talk with ya. First off, I need to see if this sounds familiar at all to you." Leatherbeard states before stomping on C's chest. Causing her to yell out in pain.
"C!", Death shouts in worry.
"I thought that'd seem familiar to you, good good. But I need ya to come over, you can bring some friends if you want. However, I do have some rules First off, did you get my little puppy? Cause I'd like him back. Also I'm gonna need little Morgana, and sweet Arty too. Their Daddy needs them back."
"And if I don't?", Death inquires.
"Hahahah...Then I'm gonna set up a little cook off here, involving this one's village," Leatherbeard declares pulling on Ale's ear. Then he twists his foot on C's chest, "Then I'm gonna treat myself to this one."
"C!", Death shouts to her in worry.
"Yeah yeah, and then I'm gonna take this little bunny here out to dinner for some lapin a la cocotte."
Death freezes at that and quickly tells Leatherbeard, "I'll show up just leave them be!"
"Alright good. Now that we're seeing eye to eye on something, come on down. And make sure you meet my terms. I expect to see you around midnight, coming early is acceptable. Come in late, and I'll need to do me some cooking."
"I have some terms and conditions myself. First order of business, you will bring no harm to Ale or C.", Death warns him.
"Eh I expected that. I'll try and keep to that as best I can, as long as either of them behave themselves."
"Ok. Second off, the village will NOT come to harm."
"I'll see what I can do on those fronts. Anything else?", Leatherbeard asks.
"Can I at least be honored with a fight?"
"Sure. As long as you go en tête-à-tête with me, so be it."
"Then so be it. One on one, as you wish.", Death tells him.
Bardak looks at him like he's stupid, "Are ye fucking insane?! Ye do realize he'll cheat right?"
"He'll do something to outdo me, but I'm not so easy to kill. You know this Bardak."
War then comes in, having overheard it, "As always you let overconfidence be your undoing."
"You do realize that I'm going in knowing how to kill him, possibly? And I'm going in with you guys, and anyone else who's willing to join in.", Death states.
Arn raises his hand but Death shakes his head.
"You don't exactly have much of a choice. Given current circumstances.", Death states.
"Oh, and why is that?"
"He wants you back."
Arn begins to get a bit worried but is suddenly hugged by Puck. He tries to pull away but finds Puck is stronger than he lets on.
"Uh NO he will not be going be ANYWHERE near that Motherfucker! I actually already KNOW ABOUT THOSE RUMORS, NO! NO, JUST NO."
All of sudden, Death feels a heeled boot hit him in the back of the head, "What the hell?"
"Oh don't you what the hell me you estúpido hijo de puta!"
"Well two can play at that game señora. Quién diablos eres tú?", Death retorts to the woman before him.
Course Arn answers that question for him, "Mama?"
The woman shoves Death to the side with surprising strength and her eyes widen, "My niño....my boy!"
Quickly she embraces Arn, leaving him reeling as he wasn't expecting her to come so quickly for him. Course Death now felt EVEN WORSE about the situation.
"He's expecting us to bring him along. But he is allowing me to bring others. Do you know who Leatherbeard is señora?", Death inquires of the woman.
The woman, who looked like a Spanish version of his own Mother but not exactly like a Lepus, immediately turned to look at him. Her eyes suggesting fury as her foot thumped hard against the floor, "Oooooohohohoho...I know very well of him. That depravado hijo de puta con una polla kraken."
Bardak looked at both Arn and Death, "Uh somebody gonna translate that?"
"She called him a depraved son of a whore with a kraken dick.", Arn responded before receiving a boot to the head.
"Language niño!"
"Mama I'm almost grown!"
"Doesn't mean you are yet! Now hush.", Esmie told him firmly.
Bardak continued to look confused, "Uhhhh...is anybody gonna introduce us to her? Cuz I'm mighty confused, and she scares me. I know she don't have silver but she still scares me. A little bit like my wife when she's mad, especially if I don't remember to certain 'things'. Not gonna get into that but STILL."
Puck then facepalms, "This 'lovely' woman here is Arn's adoptive Mother, Esmie. But Esmerelda is what we call her."
"Ah ok......is anybody gonna translate anytime she speaks Spanish? Cause I don't know it and can't keep up."
"Don't worry, I volunteer as translator.", Death responds.
"Good. Cause you know I only know how to speak Orcish, Goblin, Giant, and Dragon. Sometimes....on occasion. Like for the most part I can speak it on my own pretty well, but I can speak it very well on rare occasion.", Bardak states.
"When the hell is that?", Puck asks.
"When he's drunk. I know, I've seen it. It's one hell of spectacle.", Death replies simply.
"Yeah well you should see me when I'm pissed. That's then when the whole thing's lost."
"I've also seen that, and I heard some keywords during that. Definitely a state of mind I never wanna see this man in. Much less face head on." Death expresses.
"Right. Although before you go into that fight, you're taking this. Just hide it on your belt in a way he won't see it. I mean it, hide that dagger well." Bardak warns Death in a rare serious tone.
"I will. Thank you Bardak. Let's hope my skills are enough though."
"So aside from Bardak and myself, who else is coming?" War asks.
"Esmie, as I'm sure she'll want to protect her son. Just be aware that should anything go wrong you'll have the fight of your life." Death warns her.
"I'd like to see that bastard try! I won't let him hurt my Mama." Arn declares.
"You're brave boy, you might survive long enough for your Mother to get you two out of there if something goes wrong. Course as much as I hate this, he's asked we bring Morgen and Arthur." Death explains a bit solemnly.
"What's going on, and who wants you to bring my Niece and Nephew anywhere?" Vortigern demands of Death.
"Leatherbeard, he's taken my Mother and C hostage. He demands I bring Morgen, Arthur, and this young man here. I imagine Morgen's mentioned him to you."
"Aye she has."
"He is granting me a fight though, one I intend to win." Death expresses.
"If you're going to face that creature alone, make sure you know what you're doing. Morgen would be devastated at another person suffering or dying for her." Vortigern tells him.
"I have something that may help with that." Death assures him.
"Yeah, but be aware that Leatherbeard may have something on you as well. Whether it's magic or weapon, either one will do in this situation." Bardak warns him sternly.
"I'll be mindful, now let's uh....make sure Morgen is prepared for this."
"I'd prefer you told her yourself Death. The rest of us can prepare in the meantime. I'm trusting you to protect her and Arthur as best you can. Good luck."
"I'll do all I can. Thank you Vortigern." Death says before going off.
From there, Death finds Morgen standing on a balcony. She looked so at peace whilst looking out upon the land. Death admittedly felt awful about having to ruin this moment, but had no choice. He went up to her and placed a hand on hers.
"Morgen, forgive me. I bring news you won't like, in any way."
"What's wrong?" Morgen asked worried as she noted his tone.
Death couldn't help but cup both her hands in his own, "I'm so sorry Morgen, but Leatherbeard has asked I bring you, Arthur, and Arn to him. All in order to ensure my Mother and C aren't harmed in any way. He is granting me a chance to fight him however. And I swear to you right now, I WILL NOT LOSE TO HIM. NO MATTER WHAT."
Morgen felt her heart racing as he spoke, and quickly embraced him, "If you truly must do this, I only ask you one thing. Let me grant you a blessing, one that will give you an edge. So long as this is at night."
"It will take place at night. Although what is this 'blessing' you wish to give me?"
Morgen sighed deeply and told him, "It's an....'intimate' affair. We must do it at night, and we must do it within water. Starting it at dusk does count however."
"If by 'intimate' you mean...THAT...then no. I will not do that to you. I...think I appreciate the thought it's just that....it's a bit strange for me. That's all." Death expresses with a mix of embarrassment and concern.
"I just want to ensure you're safe out there, given who you are facing. And I......I don't want to lose to anyone else...I don't want to lose you." Morgen admits to him whilst turning to the side.
Death maintains his grip on her hands for a moment, then gently grabs her chin to turn it back towards him, "I'll be fine. Besides I think I have something that will work against that bastard. A promise I intend to keep on our return."
Morgen then watches as he removes his mask with his other hand then wastes no time closing the distance between them. The kiss she receives isn't the rushed one from before. Rather, this one is more deliberate. It felt more meaningful to her, as well as fulfilling. Death ends it after a few seconds that felt like minutes in that moment. It felt as though he'd broken through a wall. And behind that wall, was a truly beautiful garden full of calm and quiet. He let Morgen glance upon him without the mask a moment longer and then replaced it upon his face.
"Was that....your promise then?" Morgen inquired as her heart raced all the more.
Death's own raced with hers as he replied, "A promise that we'll make it out alive. A promise....that I'm going to try to....make a few steps...in hopefully a fruitful direction."
Morgen's eyes widened and turned a golden amber color as she finally told him, "Death, I love you."
"I could tell." Death told her before gently placing the side of his head against hers. The giggle she gave in response was all Death needed to know in terms of if that would be enough to show that he loved her. Beyond saying the words.
Death then hurries off to Bardak, a bit unsure about everything. Bardak could tell something went down through his body language.
"So what?" Death asked.
"So how'd it go?" Bardak inquires.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean how'd it go with Morgen?" Bardak presses.
"It went well."
"And? Why do you need to know about this?" Death questions while looking at him weird.
"Uh you're my best friend, I definitely gave ya some motivational speeches, and ye were in there for a long time. So SOMETHING happened."
Death sighed, "And what would you do if I told you?"
"Eh probably give ya some advice."
"Again? And then what?" Death inquired.
"And then I'd just see what else I can do. This is a work in progress man, remember that."
"If I tell you, I must you remain discrete. Do NOT share this with Strife cause he'll use that as ammo. Don't share this with Fury, because she'll hang this over me almost like blackmail. And don't tell War, or else he'll tell everybody." Death warns him.
"War wouldn't do that."
"True but still. I don't want to risk him. I may not usually have to worry about him, but still there occasional moments. Especially when Strife is egging him on."
Bardak only chuckles, "Heheh ok then, I won't say a thing. So, anything happen?"
"I kissed her."
"And what?" Death asks confused.
"And what else?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Did you do or say anything else?" Bardak presses.
"No. No I did not."
"YOU were the one who said actions speak louder than words. And for me that was pretty damn loud. Besides she got it....I think."
Bardak facepalmed, "Man actions do speak louder than words, but they hold more of a punch with words."
"Why didn't you tell me that before?"
"I was expecting ya to already get it."
Death facepalms as well, "Why would you think that?"
"Cause most of the time, and this is normally in battle I'll admit, you typically have good words to put behind the action. I'm not saying be a smartass about it, but try to come off just as suave."
"Do you even know what suave means?" Death questions him skeptically.
"For the most part yes, pretty sure Strife does too. I mean look at him and Miriam. If she was regular sized, those two would already be in bed by now."
"You do realize that she..."
"I know she has her kinks, but my point still stands as strong. You're gonna have to tell her, and you're gonna have to do it right." Bardak informs him.
After a moment of silence Death finally says, "Fine. I'll tell her after this crap is over with. Did tell her I have a promise to keep so..."
"There see that. That works. Should've mentioned that to me."
"Alright I guess should've told you that part if it would've shut you up. Anyway, we need to get moving soon." Death told him before leaving the room. He then caught Harker outside in the hall, "Harker, I need you to stay here. I'm going to be asking you a bunch of things so be ready when I'm back."
"Wait back? Where are you going?" Harker demands in a bit of worry.
"I'm going to face Leatherbeard. He's holding C and my Mother hostage, and wants me to bring Morgen, Arthur, and the kid from the other night. He is giving me a chance at a battle, but I don't intend to lose." Death expresses to him.
"After what happened with Miriam how can you be so calm about this?! You were scorched last time!" Harker yells in shock.
"I'm calm, because I have to be. If I'm not, I'll only be worse off in this fight. Just promise me you'll remain here, please."
Harker only sighs, "I will, but I must beg you to wait until I can call on an old acquaintance. Once I've done so, I can feel at ease with you doing this."
"I have until midnight, how long do you think it will take him?"
"Depending on where he is, maybe a few hours. I can always ask, or teleport him if we're able to. Or if he's willing to put up. He's had bad experiences with rapidly changing locations, something about what the barometric pressures changing or sea levels. I can't tell with him sometimes." Harker admits.
"Ok what the hell? Who is this person."
"Stormbeard." Harker states.
"Seriously? Stormbeard? You're friends with him?"
"Acquaintances. I joined his fleet after he saved me from Leatherbeard. Although he's similar to a sink or swim mentality, depending on a few things. And after a certain 'incident' he gave me the nickname Stormcaller. Either way, the man terrifies Leatherbeard, as he's one of the very few people that can actually harm him."
"How so?" Death asks curiously.
"One of Leatherbeard's few weaknesses, is lightning. Which Stormbeard can conjure at will due to a certain lineage he has. How do you think Leatherbeard got his name in the first place?"
"Stormbeard is the reason behind those burns?"
"And then some. Trust me, if anything goes wrong, having him on standby will be a true help, I'm sure of it." Harker informs him.
"Ok then, call him up. See how long it will take him to get here."
"Alright, I'll do just that." Harker states before hurrying to do so.
Meanwhile back in the arena, a massive man became aware of a new visitor. He looked down on the ornately dressed King before him.
"What do you want? I'm a busy man you know." He stated carving at some ice in his cell.
"Yes I hear home decor is rather 'time consuming'." Uther pointed out.
"Ugh, make it quick."
"I need you to do something for me."
"What? And this better not be stupid." The man informed him.
"I need you to retrieve my daughter and little son. The boy I sent never returned, and Leatherbeard has failed. Should you find Leatherbeard tell him to stand down, as his failure has been noted. As for the boy, if you bring him back as well, I will grant him mercy."
The man's eyes widen before he stands up, towering over Uther easily, "Who's the boy in question?"
"I thought someone would've told you, it's that one you always keep close to you. Arn." He then growls lowly and Uther wags his finger, "Don't transform unless you want your collar to activate again."
He thinks for a minute with quieter growls before finally responding, "Where was the last report of their location?"
"They're in the Unseelie territory last we checked, before Leatherbeard started blinking all over the place."
"What the hell?"
"Yes strange, either way bring back the boy alive and I may show him some mercy. You have twenty-four hours to do so." Uther expresses.
With a slight growl-like chuff he says, "Very well little King. You shall have your boon. Although, I will need some aid in this. Proper armor, and weapons."
"I know fully well you won't need those. I know what you are, as well as the rules and limitations of your kind. You are a Jotun, and it's not wise to hide it. What will you need, is this." Uther states whilst presenting a rune. One the Jotun knew all too well.
"You bastard."
"This is only to ensure your return, and to make sure you follow orders. Be lucky, that is not the boy instead of you who bares it. Or else he would've been dead a long time ago." Uther explains calmly.
"At least give me a scent to follow."
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