#i mean yeah mayhaps sara does exist but are we gonna see jace set an entire castle on fire
navree · 2 years
can you explain what you mean by it’s a proxy for jonsa?
Ah sorry, I'm sick and been sleeping badly this week and I meant that the Sara Snow debate was a proxy for the Jonerys/Jonsa ship wars from Game of Thrones.
Again, I've got no skin in the game, but the whole "we hate Sara Snow/we love Sara Snow" seems to be a proxy for the big Jonerys vs. Jonsa ship war that broke out once the original show overtook the books, which has also spilled out into book fandom (even tho none of these people have ever had any interactions in the books at all so it's basically like fighting over wind).
As I've said, I find it baffling, because Jace/Sara seems to be a pretty surface level comparison for Jonerys, what with the Targaryen struggling for the Iron Throne and a Northern bastard (or "bastard" in Jon's case) held in high standing both in Winterfell and within the Stark family meeting and falling in love in the backdrop of a war, just in this case it's a civil war rather than the War for the Dawn we're gonna get in ASOIAF. But the way this stupid ship war shook out was that a lot of the Jonerys people were die hard Targs and a lot of the Jonsa people were diehard Starklings so the Jonerys people hate anything that paints anything Targaryen in a bad light no matter what's going on and the Jonsa people get a bit rabid if you imply that a Starks aren't pure as the driven snow who are always right about everything.
@hollyjollyalicunt also pointed out to me that some might see Jace/Sara as a prototype for because Jace is a bastard of Targaryen blood (like Jon) and Sara is a Stark lady (like Sansa) and that's why people are into it and see it as a "here's how Jonsa can still win" kinda thing. And also Jace is likely going to be one of those characters that becomes the fandom's shared pony who gets shipped with everyone under the sun, cuz the Blacks are more easy to outright stan and the actor who plays him seems like a decent guy, so I imagine we'll be seeing a lot of warring even without the old wounds being brought back into play.
So now we've got to rehash shit all over again because somehow this involves both sore losers and sore winners and I'm over here thinking about how all this was born from a period where the stories were getting bad and Jon was becoming a wooden plank of a character and Sansa was becoming insufferable and Dany was getting schizophrenic writing moment after schizophrenic writing moment and again, not caring about any of the potential HOTD except for when Alys and Aemond come to slay.
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