#i mean. im almost contractually obligated to put this in his tag
hatgame · 2 years
I do love going through your tags to read the backlog of thoughts you have on snatcher so if hes not asked?
he has not been! i am grateful for your interest.
any pronouns & unlabeled everything lol
a very uncommon opinion i have is that he finds great but self harming and maladaptive comfort in the cellar and blizzard stages of his life.
to base this:
something ive seen a lot but disagree with is the claim that after their death they gained control, going as far as to become lowkey power hungry and enjoy and crave being treated as an authoriy. living its truth as a spooky spirit and generally being content with this life.
hat(and bow?) kid kind of pokes fun at that by calling him a tsundere and a big softy, but i never thought of it as her seeing him as a literal tsundere. she saw something he doesnt want to be viewed as and went with it to gain the strongest reaction, even if only in theory, while really meaning she doesnt think his behavior is sincere. this might look like im putting words in her mouth but i just genuinely always assumed this was the intention. its pretty in character, too - shes mischevious and childishly malicious at times. i think its fits. i also only bring this up because itll be important later
with the blizzard still present around vanessas manor, ice covering the subcon well from the inside and chunks of ice randomly forming around the forest i believe its fair to say it did not vanish on its own and is instead actively suppressed by something. considering snatcher provides an array of services to the subconites (granting them bodies, likely supervising the new vilages construction, maintaining community important structures via contractually obligated mortals - none of her contracts benefit her directly. they resemble community service far more, which is remarked on by hat/bow kid in her diary) it wouldnt be too far of a stretch to come to the conclusion its by his efforts the blizzard is contained - not to mention when first encountered he tells hat/bow she needs her to take care of "some other things, that i cannot do myself..." implying there ARE things it can and does get done! and its for the blizzards suppression specifically i believe it steals and absorbs souls.
(newer content typically has them claim they hate chores and use minions for everything which i choose not to take into account due to most of said content severely contradicting his main game appearance writing wise. i also think there was something that justified treating it as an unreliable narrator but i cant recall what exactly so i wont be using that argument to defend myself here. so, source: trust me)
this places snatcher in the place of a damage suppressor for the blizzard. this, if on its own, while an interesting dynamic, isnt much more than that. its effect on snatcher as a person is unknown. that is, unless you take his backstory into account.
the blizzard is typically interpreted to exist a result of vanessas actions and unlikely but possibly continued efforts, but i personally would claim its an extension of her, similarly to how the snatcher is an extension of the prince: its her soul and personal apocalypse externalized. its her.
in this way, snatcher, even after his death, is forced into a relationship with her ghostly presence infusing and dilluting subcon where it must expose itself to and suppress her. its a dehumanizing and horrible position to be in. something to note is that in the subcon layer of the tour rift snatchers tree is shown beneath the village, coveted in frost. it always was a deeply haunting thing to me, and now i realize it can be used as further proof that the village can only really exist at the price of snatcher enduring constant violence behind the scenes. i used to say this very likely acts as a parallel to princes and princess vanessas relationship before realizing its not a parallel, its an extension of it. its almost like he never left.
the only opportunity he ever got from the constant pressure and obligation to keep up a notably insincere appearance, being used as a tool to keep something that feels larger than anything it could ever be in check, was when he was abandoned to fall apart in vanessas cellar. he even calls it home once. ("this captain guy is great! his nasty smell and dead eyes remind me of home..")
i will be honest, im mixed on to what degree he is aware of any of this, in the timeframe of the ingame events at least, but if he does come to the conclusion hes been going in circles i dont doubt hed start craving the only place defined by the lack of vanessas presence.
i have a lot more to say such as why he initially chose to leave the cellar, what he thinks vanessas opinion on him is, or how exactly the subconites factor into their recovery, which is fully possible btw, but thats it for now. thanks for reading, now you have a bit more context to my art
if hes feeling affectionate towards her it might also wish to wander in the blizzard again.. since its an extension of her, its kind of the closest they can possibly get, literally residing inside her soul while still remaining isolated and staying out of her reach and sight. its also invasive creepy and miserable and completely erases all boundaries between the two of them
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neo-shitty · 3 years
ah yeah, i think quarentine has given people some opportunity to actually just sit with the person they are, rather than be rushing around for the person they want to become. its good you got smth good out of isolation! ah thats great! hope you had fun and ur partner in crime speeds back home so you can get out more hehe.
ah yeah ty, good suggestions.
hmm good point, i was sort of putting it separate to the whole not-sexualising thing, but yeah. mmm yeah i totally agree, some of the enhypen fics/imagines *shudder* and even reading innie stuff is just a bit *icky* cos everyone still thinks of him as our agi ppang. yeah def would be good but sadly this just seems to be the world we live in. :(
ah yes the holy masterlist (not sarc) i have actually read in the rain and gladius maximus before, but ill go look for in class! oooh thats good! character development lol. hmmmm yes champagne problems was the angst to end all angst, that shit hurt. it was actually one of the first of your fics i read and i recall almost crying over the whole thing, it was so heartbreaking, i can see how it almost made you want to drop angst. good that youve allowed yourself some lee-way tho :)
hehe thats so cool. okay here we go, ill try not to be mortally offended (/hj)
cheese - yes same, i liked it but that was all there was, it wasnt a super standout track. it was rlly underwhelming for me but some of the hook is super catchy so there is Redemption (tm) in store for cheese maybe
thunderous - mmm, yeah at first i totally agreed, i think they suffer from too much good music syndrome, that all their other tracks are such fucking bops its hard to stay at that level of perfection. the choreo was beautiful tho and tbh, the track has grown on me since ive been watching all the vids abt it. its my brothers favourite track
domino - YES GODAMMIT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TITLE TRACK. the raps, the vocals, the vibes, the fucking domino sound in the back? i would have streamed that shit on repeat. but tbh, as good as it is, it doesnt have that sort of grandness/oomph that skz seems to like in their title tracks so i can see why they chose thunderous (tho domino would have been so good) *sigh*
ssick - yeah same, not my fave track by a long mile, the crowd cheering was a ?strange? choice and the chorus was a bit bare/empty, plus like i mentioned earlier, it was kinda funny to me for some reason but ill still play it if im playing thru the whole album
the view - ahh one of those not like other girls (/j) i honestly think its just a good party song, just a bop to play in the background when nobodys rlly paying much attention. its pretty generic pop music but catchy
sorry, i love you - hehe yeah i thought it was going to be sadder as well, but i rlly loved the fact that they all just got to sing, which almost never happens, i dont think ive heard felix sing for a long time, so i enjoyed it. wasnt rlly a standout track but i just casually like it. looking forward to the fic haha
silent cry - this song i swear, some bits are rlly good and then others are just? why?? it does sound like a dance song tho idk. definitely not one of my faves either
secret secret - YES its so good! its such a chill song and i love their vocals in it. the combination of lo-fi/fake strings backup stuff and their heavenly vocals just makes it *chefs kiss* im listening to it rn and just... its so beautiful. it gives me pumped up another day vibes ya know? like my pace is edgy get cool, this one is energetic another day i feel like. overall i love it
STAR LOST - ah thats so cool! i didnt know that! on first listen this song had a similar vibe to secret secret but then the beat came in and ahh its such a good song. i can totally imagine them putting this song to a concert footage vid, this song is so sweet.
red lights - LMAO YES ITS SO AWKWARD WHY DOES IT GO ON FOR SO LONG ah thats good! yeah good point, its quite intense hehe. but that is my fave trope and this is lowkey my favourite track on the album so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just the combination of hyunjins and chans voices, the backing music, the lyrics ahh red lights my beloved
surfin’ - yes lmao its always a shock, i feel like they should have put gone away in between them, but its such a fun cute song, i cant get rlly mad. yeah, as an aussie i think im contractually obligated to like beaches lol. sand im not such a fan of, but my familys rlly into fishing and my brother loves bodyboarding so we stay at a beach house at least twice a year and we live like 5 mins from 3 different beaches (hehe all aussie cities are on the coast lol) so thats cool. do you like beaches?
gone away - ah gone away my beloved, i love this song sm, its just so pure and showcases their vocals and lyrics so well. yes the pitch change is very out of the blue, i feel liek they went directly from seungmins soft vocals to hans powerful ones which was an interesting choice, but hey, im not complaining
wolfgang - YES IKR ah im so happy he got to be included in that era and song. yeah its such a full on song i cant rlly listen to it if im in a quiet mood but its very motivating :)
hehe mood, i hope they do! ahhh no rest, but at least you wont have to pull a blink and wait a year for any word from the group lol. im not rlly into nct but im excited for them! ah hopefully youll be able to sneak some rest into that chaotic schedule, with enhypen (idk if u stan but yeah) squeezed into it haha
<3 w.a. 🐺
i wheezed at partner in crime, it reminded me of smth. i have a lee know fic in the drafts that i wrote 'in honor' of him (and his departure-ish). i'll tag you when i finish it, if you want. it's a rather hilarious one.
oh my god. based on my experience on the collabs i've joined before, writing explicit shit for '01 & '02 is not accepted (nct's maknaes) but with enha's hyung line '01 & '02 somehow it's okay? i do a double take every time i see fics like those i mean, technically, it's legal but still what the fuck. maybe it's just not for me at the moment. not at us venting our frustration about this. it's just something that's so accepted here that i am (in all honesty) slightly uncomfortable about. but oh well. that's kpop writerblr for you.
man i could've linked all the fics in the ask instead so you wouldn't have to go looking for them! i think i saw you like in class the other day (the fic i renamed into sharp-tongued, god it took me a while to remember the new title). describing champagne problems as an angst to end all angst is one way to put what i was feeling back in december. it just hurt to write and admit?? if that ever happened to me i would prolly cry :d
okay back to the album talk! i love how you answered with more thoughts. i love exchanges like these! i am a victim of the cheese hook and it's now one of my favorite tracks in the album. PLS, TOO MUCH GOOD MUSIC SYNDROME. that's on our self-producing kings 😌💅 also, your brother has taste! as i am typing this, domino's currently playing in my head and i realized that too, that it doesn't have that 'vibe' of a skz title track. honestly, this could be a title track of another group. ssick is starting to grown on me because i found the beats cool kdjsk not the not like other girls 😭 the view is the generic pop that i don't like but i get why a lot of people enjoy it. sorry i love you scratches a certain itch that i find myself singing the first few lines every time i remember it. i too would want to hear felix sing more!
> a mini junction on the album talk bc i got side tracked. on that topic, i want skz to switch positions at some point like i know those allrounders are capable of doing so. specifically, i want to hear seungmin rap!!!! (yk in the recent weekly idol he talked faster than changbin in a challenge and changbin is like the fastest rapper in kpop that's active atm if im not mistaken. my dandy boy has some potential and i want it UNLEASHED.)
back to album talk. silent cry is basically sad music to twerk to. secret secret is definitely one of my favorite tracks :( i loved how you compared the tracks HAJSAH i burst out laughing bc yk what, you're right! i want to make a star lost edit of skz but i simply do not have the time i want to cry. i love the song so much. ok, my dreaded track, red lights. idt i have played the track since we last talked. my friend sent me the lyrics tho and i'm itching to write a twisted au out of it. idk if you're comfortable with yandere but somewhere along those themes. the obsessive type of love that's sweet at first but turns rotten. IMAGINE IF THEY PUT GONE AWAY BETWEEN ASHJA it's like going from 50 shades to the notebook.
i was about to ask if you lived near the coast and you literally mentions it here god im so stupid. yes i LOOOOOOOOOVE beaches so much. living in an archipelago is fun :( i live in a part of the country that's more island than city so every time i want some vitamin sea it's accessible. i heard the waves in australia are great :( anYWHOOO gone away :(( every time it plays im compelled to skip it because it makes me sAD AND NOWADAYS I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO BE SAD. contrary to you, i dislike my quiet moods because i tend to overthink a lot.
i have this little analogy about how there are stays that enjoy songs the generic pop + mellow songs and then there are other stays that enjoy the noisy tracks. in my mind, it's like a perfect balance that makes me feel like all the tracks are loved in the end. just by different people.
PULL A BLINK. bro i fucking hate yg entertainment. they have the biggest kpop girl group LOCKED in their basement when they could be (and i mean this in the most business-like way not morally) milking money of the quad. they're yg's biggest hope at not being bankrupt atm so it's a damn fucking mystery to me as to how they aren't doing anything. (jk i just realized lisa solo album soon, but i still need a ot4 cb hELLO)
i stopped looking forward to the teasers. rest > kpop boys. i don't want to sound like a cult member but have you tried checking out nct? are they just not your thing? (i get it tho, that's one hard group to get into). and yes i do stan enhypen!
wow i love how long these asks are! they're like online penpals. but i also want to ask about you! how have you been lately? are you feeling okay both mentally and physically? how's the weather there? do you have anything that you want to talk about? maybe an interesting book you read? feel free to bring up anything you want to share! i'm getting conscious about talking about myself HAJHSJ
and yet another long answer B) i am sooo sorry T___T should these ask exchanges feel draining to you, feel free to stop sending them in AAAA
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
This is gonna be a mess to explain but here it goes. So in school we took these tests where you'd be given various examples of sentences and somehow that put you in a visual learner category or the other one I forget what it was called but one was you had a very straight forward manner of thinking and the other let administrators know you were creative or some sort. That is what I mean when I said seeing perspective. It's the way words paint a picture instead of you just reading it as it is. As words. I already know that was a ghastly explanation but yeah you were on the right track. We just said it differently 😂.
So hi again! I am indeed back from the errands. It was quick then I got to read the newest chapter which had me 🥺 the entire time I had to talk business and that was very fun. But I loved it. You know, there's never really an unproductive day. Technically yes but you're also listening to music and thats not not doing nothing. That hardly made sense but it is still true. What do you usually do on Saturdays? I am going to be on my way to read the psycho fic. Prepare for me to come back and give you thoughts. Acoustic anything except for one song really hits different so I completely agree. A fun fact i like reading your tags. It's almost an inside look into your mind and it's fascinating. Yes! That exactly like that. It was just the first word to pop up and thought yep this is it. This is a nickname. I swear at times when I am writing in your box I am tripping out thinking what the actual fuck im literally having a conversation with you. Not that you're scary it is only my own inner anxiety about bothering people. Which happens often. I am curious to know what are your favourite acoustic songs? Now that your tags reminded me of that. -🧚‍♀️
oh is this like type A and type B or is that a different thing? btw learning styles are all bullshit it has to do with the subject not the learner which probably isnt even what we're talking about but as a psych student im contractually obliged to inform you
hello! slightly delayed response soz but welcome back im glad you liked the new chapter <3 i mean there are definitely unproductive days for schoolwork, or in general when i have things i should/need to do and then i don't do them, but. yesterday i managed to get a bit of stuff done that i needed to do, and today i have done...my best...all things considered...so. that's. yeah. i mean typically saturdays are my chill day and sundays are my homework day, but i also try to use saturday to get a little bit of work out of the way so that i don't have quite as much for sunday. i've been surprisingly terrifyingly unexpectedly on top of my stuff for the majority of this semester so at this point i'm just waiting for that to go down the drain lmao. but yeah saturday is my day to sleep in
hell yeah!! please do give me thoughts. you could also send your thoughts straight to meghna i bet she would appreciate hearing them. i should reread psycho fic im gonna do that after i answer this, reward for getting it done even though what i really need to do is read chapter 12 of my methods textbook. but. i just finished one assignment and. anyway. i haven't earned it but that is not gonna stop me.
oh no it's the opposite way round, it was all bangers except for one acoustic song, which DOES hit different. in general all of One Vibe and then one song of the Opposite Vibe always fucks. actually i have a playlist for that ! would you believe ! lmaooo
ahahaha well thank you my tags are my secret thoughts except not really secret just quieter just like me muttering under my breath talking to myself but also if anyone else is listening then talking to them too. so i'm glad you enjoy reading them gsdlfkhgj
i get it dude!! anxiety is a bitch. but i'm glad you're here anyway!! so that we can be homies!!!
OOOH big question. i mean let's start with everything noah kahan has ever done ever. loml. i actually have 2-4 playlists for this (maybe you have noticed i have a concerning playlist habit). okay here's some answers: most of room for squares or continuum (these are albums) by john mayer. dear winter by ajr. around the world and back by state champs (there are a few other champs songs as well, the unplugged EP is very good). grow as we go by ben platt, naive by andy grammer, a fair few maisie peters songs, all about you & walk in the sun by mcfly, honest by mali-koa, i could keep going but i. will not. but. i could. I Could.
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changbinsplushie · 7 years
I was tagged by @seungminies and @leader-chan to do it, and i’ll of course. I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS... THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL WELCOME MAR AND PAULA ❤❤❤
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
1. nickname: Tami
2. gender: Female
3. star sign: Cancer
4. height: 5’4’’ i guess (166cm)
5. time: 8:19 PM
6. birthday: July 04 1999
7. favorite bands: I’ll try making a list... Got7, Stray Kids, Uniq, KARD, (can i still put One Direction here ??), McFly, The 1975, The Vamps, Little mix and Twenty One Pilots... I think it’s all but i’m not sure ???
8. favorite solo artists: Harry Styles, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Marina and The Diamonds, Louis Tomlinson, Kehlani, Dua Lipa (THE RULEEEES GUYS THE RULESSSS) and Bea Miller ?? I think these are the ones I'm listening more in the moment...
9. song stuck in my head: I feel like the answer is To Me or Moon U.... BECAUSE THEY RANDOMLY START PLAYING IN MY HEAD ALL THE TIME AND I CAN’T AVOID IT 
10. last movie I watched: It was The Babadook (IT’S REALLY GREAT!! IF YOU LIKE HORROR I RECOMMEND IT!)
11. last show I watched: Stranger Things, like 3 eps of stranger things. that was it. 
12. when did I create my blog: yesterday.... I JUST WANTED TO JOIN THE FUN...
13. what do I post/reblog: Stray Kids
14. last thing I googled: The price of the NY subway in 1984 (don’t ask me why... just don’t.)
15. other blogs: I have 2 tumblrs that i’m active the most. both of them are for rpg purpose (again, don’t ask...) just to let it be here it is @hardthorn (where i post some gifsets i do based on my chars and stuff) and @plrsmuse (that i post some inspo and sometimes got7 shit)
16. do I get asks: i haven’t been here long enough... and i feel like i’ll not.
17. why I choose my URL: okay i don’t know how to explain (its almost self-explanatory). I thought all the URLS were taken idk and i stopped and said to myself “one of the moments that made me so happy was changbin with his plushie” i laughed so hard about that because he is like “my concept is dark” and then he fails because he is so soft to his plushie. That’s the meaning... I talk a lot. 
18. following: 24 (i made this yesterday..)
19. followers: 3 love beans that put cereal first i hope
20. average hours of sleep: What is sleeping? Is it really useful?? I normally go on with 3-5 hours... or less... like none...
21. lucky number: are lucky numbers a thing? i don’t think i have one because i have no luck but i’d say 8 (it called out to me)
22. instruments: im useless 
23. what I’m wearing: the shirt of my college course, a jeans and a converse... because i got home and i’m a useless even to take the clothes i go to college off my body. 
24. dream job: i’m just studying to become a psychologist, hoping that’s what i wanna do with my life...
25. dream trip: I wanna go to lots of places but I feel like i should say India BECAUSE MAN I WANNA GO THERE SO BADLYYYYY!!!
26. favorite food: piZZA
27. nationality: I’m Brazilian (like pls if there’s a lot wrong in this post it’s because english is not my first language)
28. favorite song right now: Moon U, Hellevator and Teenager (I listen to them a lot !!!)
29. last book I read: Was an Edgar Allan Poe.... One with some of his works...
30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want to Join: Like can i join the sims and just die in the pool?? thanks. Now for real, i guess... Hogwarts and maybe camp half blood ??? there are more from series but i can’t remember them now so i’ll leave you with these.
Tag: I feel like there’s no one else for me to tag.... I don’t know lots of you guys but i think almost everyone i follow were already tagged.... Anyone that wants do it feel free to do it... I’m tagging you. 
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