#i medici 1x08
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cortegiania · 5 years
Hey! Do you remember in which episode of S01 of Medici the David sculpture by Donatello was shown?
Hi! I’m not completely sure but I think it was 1x08? Can any follower confirm?
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queenmercurys · 6 years
For the fandom thingy!! Got, Cinderella (or would Disney be easier idk), that one Medici show, the white queen/princess, and Star Wars!
thank you so much, hon! :D this is gonna be the longest ask ever, so I’m gonna put the game of thrones first and then cut everything else under the “read more” line ;P but yes, thank you
game of thrones:
Top 5 favourite characters: ROBB STARK (always), ned stark, arya stark, sansa stark, jaime lannisterOther characters you like: I love so many got characters, but besides the top 5, I really love tyrion lannister, margaery tyrell, bran stark, stannis baratheon (mostly book!verse) and myrcella baratheon.Least favourite characters: haha…. walder frey and roose bolton, always. Otps: tyrion/sansa, ned/catelyn, arya/gendry. Notps: robb/margaery, jon/daenerys, jon/sansa. Favourite friendships: jon/robb, jaime/tyrion, sansa/margaeryFavourite family: the starks, always!Favourite episodes: 1x08 (the pointy end), 1x01 (winter is coming), 1x10 (fire and blood), 2x08 (the prince of winterfell), 3x03 (walk of punishment) and 3x05 (kissed by fire)…. all these for very good reasons… Favourite season/book/movie: season 3 and book 3 are both my favorites, but both excluding that one moment that never happened.Favourite quotes: “I’m not fighting for justice if I don’t serve justice to murderers in my ranks, no matter how highborn.” - robb // “you think I’m fighting this war so that they’ll sing songs about me? I want to go home.” - robb // “I asked him, how can a man be brave if he’s afraid? that is the only time a man can be brave, he told me.” - robb // “love’s not always wise, I’ve learned. it can lead us to great folly, but we follow our hearts… wherever they take us.” - robb // “never forget what you are. the rest of the world will not. wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.” - tyrion // “the north remembers.” - various
Best musical moment: robb being named king at the end of season 1. Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: actually that’s also probably the moment robb was named king in 1x10. it’s just such a powerful, strong moment with a character I truly love getting the appreciation he definitely deserves. but at the same time there’s the obvious sense of dread, so I think the scene is done incredibly well.When it really disappointed you: well, ahem. obviously 3x09. it will always disappoint me. I get why it happened but it just sucks and hurts so badly. but other than for heartbreaking reasons, sadly a lot of season 7 disappointed me. I guess to name a single moment, the sex scene between jon and daenerys.Saddest moment: robb’s… departure… in 3x09. always.Most well done character death: *sigh* well, actually, probably ned’s. it’s really heartbreaking, but it had been built up to for multiple episodes, and it was done with a lot of feel and heartbreak. Favourite guest star: I’m not entirely sure who qualifies as a guest star, like how long they can be on the show to still be a guest, but I’m gonna say clive russell as brynden tully. he’s not supposed to just be a guest, but that’s what he turned out to be. still an amazing character.Favourite cast member: richard madden, always. my man. Character you wish was still alive: oh dear. robb stark, all the way, always. he’s still alive in my heart, though.One thing you hope really happens: robb comes back to life, takes back winterfell, saves the world from the white walkers and lives happily ever after. (what? that’s unlikely?)Most shocking twist: well, this is kinda hard for me to say because I actually knew that you-know-what would happen, so it wasn’t shocking when I saw it. in fact, I had tried to brace myself for it for ages. I guess I’m gonna say joffrey’s death, because that was definitely a twist.When did you start watching/reading?: probably in 2013? I honestly can’t really remember but it was in the 2012-2013 era. Best animal/creature: grey wind, always!Favourite location: winterfell!Trope you wish they would stop using: jon being an epic hero who gets one chance after another, forever. not exactly a trope, but I’m sure there’s a trope in there somewhere.One thing this show/book/film does better than others: creates complex, interesting characters with a lot of layer and depth, and shows that even villains can have a very humane side. and besides this, creating a world which is both fantasy, and yet still so very realistic almost to the point you could picture it being real history (which it obviously is not). Funniest moments: I will always a sucker for the moment in 1x01 when arya throws food at sansa and then cat commands robb to take her to bed. idk why, but I love it. as well as that, a lot of tyrion’s puns. and that moment at the end of 3x05 where tyrion and cersei are both acting like grumpy children as tywin commands them both to marry. idk why, but that cracks me up.Couple you would like to see: arya/gendry. I used to have more ships I liked on the show, but at this point that is the only one left I’d like to see.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: well, a lot of my faves are already on the show, but I think rebecca ferguson would be amazing, or alicia vikander. and obviously my girl lily james.Favourite outfit: robb’s outfit in 3x09. despite everything, it’s a freaking gorgeous outfit that makes him look even more perfect than usual.Favourite item: any accessory the starks wear that has a direwolf on it. also many of sansa’s and margaery’s necklaces.Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: oh yes, absolutely. so, so many things. obviously the dvd’s and all that, and the books, but also most of the funko pop dolls, a robb  action figure which is actually mighty accurate, and things like calendars, notebooks and so forth. lots of stuff.What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: well, I would love to be a stark but I would not want to be related to robb. so, wishful thinking, stark through marriage? but if that doesn’t count, I guess I would be a lannister, if not for anything else, then for my apperance. there’s not a lot of blonde families in westeros. Most boring plotline: sorry, but jon and daenerys.Most laughably bad moment: *sigh* sadly, a lot of the dorne scenes, which sucks, because they were supposed to be awesome.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: the moment in season 6 when bran goes to the past and sees young ned going to the tower to rescue lyanna. the moment when bran calls for ned, and he turns around, is pretty heartbreaking.Most layered character: I want to say robb, but I know that from an unbiased pov, that ain’t so. I suppose I would say jaime, then. he is very well developed, and turned from a clear villain to an anti-hero, and to basically a hero at the point where the show is now.Most one dimensional character: I guess show!ellaria sand. I don’t even know what she’s doing.Scariest moment: like scary scary? hmm… I don’t know, maybe that moment at the end of season 2 where sam is hiding from the army of white walkers?Grossest moment: the oberyn vs mountain fight in season 4. I still can’t watch that properly.Best looking male: robb. richard. robb. richard. this man. perfection!! Best looking female: alexandra dowling, who plays roslin. she’s so pretty. Who you’re crushing on (if any): in case it wasn’t obvious by now, robb stark.Favourite cast moment: I feel like any moment at the 2013 comic con fits. I love how close they all seem, and I love seeing richard hanging with kit, alfie, michelle, rose etc.Favourite transportation: in got this is a little hard to answer, but I do love horses, so.. the horses?Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): anything related to winterfell and the north. I also love the shots from iceland with beyond the wall scenery. I love snow and mountains.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: there’s actually so many theories around that sometimes I forget what hasn’t been actually addressed, but… hmm… I guess I would have liked to know more about what ned was actually up to during the war when robb was born (like I get that he went to grab jon, but there’s always been speculation about whether he actually cheated and what he was doing etc etc), and maybe honestly a lot of stuff related to that time period. except rhaegar and lyanna. I do not care what they did and why. but I can’t think of any actual plot errors right now.Best promo: the season 3 promo shoots were mighty good, I loved them. also season 6 just for the sake of them bringing robb back and me dying from excitement, even if it was just one promo picture.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I fell in love with the show quite quickly in season 1, and in the books it’s pretty much the same. maybe around halfway the first book I realized how complex and awesome it actually is.
cinderella (2015):
Top 5 favourite characters: prince kit (my darling), ella, the king, the captain, fairy godmotherOther characters you like: I really like ella’s parents a lot Least favourite characters: probably the grand duke.Otps: ella/kitNotps: anything related to ella and/or kit that isn’t ella/kit? :PFavourite friendships: kit/captainFavourite family: kit and the king!Favourite episodes: I am gonna translate this to favorite moment: forever the moment when kit reveals himself to be the prince and not a guard/soldier when he hears ella’s singing at the end of the movie.Favourite season/book/movie: ok, I guess I’m also gonna translate this to favorite moment :P another one of my faves is when kit is crying by the king’s bed when he’s dying. it’s such a vulnerable, beautiful moment which shows a male character in a light few disney movies had done in the past. plus, richard’s acting is a+++ in that scene. Favourite quotes: “kindness is free. love is free.” - ella // “just because it’s what’s done doesn’t mean it’s what should be done.” - ella // “we must simply have courage and be kind, mustn’t we?” - ella // “we need not look outside of our borders for strength or guidance. what we need is right before us.” - kit Best musical moment: probably the dancing scene, everything about it is perfect. as well as the scene after ella’s dress has been ruined and she runs to the garden. it’s such a powerful moment. I also like ella’s singing at the end of the movie.Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: oh, again the moment where kit takes off his cloak and reveals his identity. I love that so much. but also the moment kit first appears, that just got me so good.When it really disappointed you: I don’t think anything about this perfect movie has ever disappointed me.Saddest moment: when ella finds out her father is dead, and when kit’s father dies. lots of death.Most well done character death: I think it’s gotta be ella’s mother. the build it up nicely and it’s very heartbreaking.Favourite guest star: I guess this means minor character. I think hayley atwell is quite good in her role. also derek jacobi, if he counts as a guest.Favourite cast member: richard madden, always! Character you wish was still alive: well, I think all the deaths actually worked very well into the story, but I’m gonna say the king, since he doesn’t die in the original.One thing you hope really happens: I want a sequel/prequel about kit when he’s at war and how he becomes the person he is in the movie. this is based on the rumor of a prince charming movie happening. if they don’t do it about kit, don’t do it at all.Most shocking twist: I love this movie to bits, but it’s not very shocking. I guess, again, when kit reveals his identity? I keep talking about this scene.When did you start watching/reading?: I got into it the moment it was first announced, and I watched it in the theatres the day it came out march 2015. Best animal/creature: it’s gotta be the mice, eh? Favourite location: the secret garden.Trope you wish they would stop using: I don’t mind anything they used, but I guess it would have been okay if absolutely everyone had not been obsessed with ella when they saw her at the ball. she deserves it, it’s her moment, but it’s still a little bit of an unlikely scenario, no matter who it’s about.One thing this show/book/film does better than others: this movie does everything better than any other movie. but to name one thing: it is a remake of a classic and it does it wonderfully. it keeps true to the original, but it also adds something to it to make it worth watching as its own thing. that says a lot when you compare it to other recent disney remakes.Funniest moments: honestly, the stepsisters are pretty funny when they’re not tormenting ella. I also love the kit/king dynamics when they’re being playful around each other.Couple you would like to see: I think I saw everything I wanted to see, but it would have been nice to see a love interest for the captain, for example.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: well, I mean, since the movie’s already done… I guess I would have really liked to see sean bean as the king because robb/ned feels, but derek jacobi did a fantastic job, no complaints.Favourite outfit: ella’s wedding dress and her blue ball gown. but all the costumes are perfect and oscar-worthy *sigh*Favourite item:  it’s gotta be the glass slippers, right?Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: yep, for sure. the dvd, the blu-ray, the book (two versions), four ella dolls (including the pop funko thingy), two kit dolls, a calendar, a keychain, a necklace… and ella’s dress… etc… I’m pretty much a loser, eh? What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I would love to be related to ella, it would be an honor.Most boring plotline: nothing. absolutely nothing.Most laughably bad moment: nothing! Best flashback/flashfoward if any: well, I guess the time jump after ella’s mom’s death was done really well.Most layered character: probably kit, actually. I know I’m being biased, but he definitely shows he’s more than a cheerful, social prince who is charming. he’s been to war, he can be serious, he can be sensitive, and he can easily relate to other people and how they’re feeling. praise this babe.Most one dimensional character: well, the grand duke and the stepsisters, but they served their purpose.Scariest moment: I love this movie, but it ain’t scary.Grossest moment: and it ain’t gross, either.Best looking male: prince kit, always. Best looking female: ella sure is pretty.Who you’re crushing on (if any): kit. richard. my man. always.Favourite cast moment: any cast moment, honestly. I love the dynamic between the cast members, especially lily and richard!Favourite transportation: oh, the pumpkin carriage!Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the secret garden, as well as the snowy mountains.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: well, it does kinda confuse me how the glass slipper doesn’t disappear along with everything else, but I believe there’s an explanation for that somewhere.Best promo: all the promo they did for this movie is fantastic.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: the minute I heard it was being made. I called it my favorite movie before it even released, and I was right.
I decided to do disney, too, only animated movies:
Top 5 favourite characters: cinderella, rapunzel, snow white, anna, quasimodoOther characters you like: I like a lot of disney characters, but to name a few, flynn, piglet, aurora, pocahontas, king arthur (if only on principle), merida.Least favourite characters: well, I don’t really hate anyone, but I guess I don’t like lady tremaine, the evil queen or some of the other villains.Otps: cinderella/charming, rapunzel/flynnNotps: I really have none.Favourite friendships: I guess anna and elsa are sweet, and I also like piglet and pooh, of course. all friendships are cute.Favourite family: hmm, I guess I like the incredibles family, and the lilo and stitch crew (my terms are on point)Favourite episodes: I guess favorite movie? cinderella!Favourite season/book/movie: another favorite movie? my second fave is tangled.Favourite quotes: “some people care too much. I think it’s called love.” - winnie the pooh // “if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” - cinderella // “you think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you.” - pocahontas // “don’t just fly. soar.” - dumboBest musical moment: that would probably have to be “I see the light” from tangled. or “god help the outcasts” from the hunchback of notre dame.Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: hmm, I don’t know. maybe when cinderella gets her dress.When it really disappointed you: I can’t say I was the hugest fan of frozen. don’t get me wrong, I like it just fine. but I don’t understand why it’s seen as the best of the best of the best.Saddest moment: basically every scene in the hunchback of notre dame.Most well done character death: probably mufasa in the lion king.Favourite guest star: like a guest voice actor? umm… ok, for reals, I couldn’t think of anyone. they’re all perfectly fine.Favourite cast member: kristen bell for sure, love her! and zachary levi. Character you wish was still alive: I think all the deaths were done well and for good reason, but maybe ariel’s mothe? she could realllyyy have used someone to talk to, and for someone to give her some much-needed advice.One thing you hope really happens: they make a movie based on the nutcracker. kinda like the barbie one. it’s mighty good. and I know there’s some liveaction coming about it, but no.Most shocking twist: I guess hans being a villain was surprising when it first happened?When did you start watching/reading?: when I was very, very tiny. maybe like 2 or 3.Best animal/creature: probably the mice in cinderella, and every creature in winnie the pooh.Favourite location: everything from cinderella, and everything from frozen.Trope you wish they would stop using: they could try making a male and female protagonists (who are approximately the same age and likely love interests to each other) just friends. I know they’ve done it a few times before, but more often than not they always end up getting together. even in frozen, which wasn’t supposed to be about romance. don’t get me wrong, I love romance. but they could try that.One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I think disney is pretty good at making engaging stories that entertain both adults and kids. that’s a balance not everyone can manage.Funniest moments: I think a lot of stuff in the emperor’s new groove is hilarious.Couple you would like to see: well, I guess the couple from the nutcracker, since I said I wanted that.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: richard madden’s voice is perfect, so naturally his voice-acting would also be perfect. also I do feel obligated to say ray chase, because he’s a very good voice actor. though seeing him in disney would be a bit odd. Favourite outfit: cinderella’s ballgown! Favourite item: the glass slippers for sure.Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: yeah! I have a few funko pop dolls (cinderella and rapunzel), some other random items like notebooks etc, and various dvds and such.What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I would like to be related to cinderella, or rapunzel.Most boring plotline: I can’t say I’m too fond of some of the movies with animal protagonists, like the aristocats. Most laughably bad moment: I can’t think of anything that’s this bad, but I’m sure there are moments that fit.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I like how they did the time skip in frozen. Most layered character: probably someone like mulan or elsa, but I think a lot of the characters are well-layered.Most one dimensional character: some of the villains, like the evil queen.Scariest moment: when the evil queen does anything in snow white.Grossest moment: I remember there are gross moments in some of the movies, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember any specific one. maybe ursula and those sea creatures of hers, those who used to be human? Best looking male: I…? I guess I’m gonna say prince charming for the simple fact that he is actually richard madden in my eyes.Best looking female: actually, probably aurora, even though cinderella’s my fave.Who you’re crushing on (if any): none.Favourite cast moment: I don’t really know, but I think the relationship between kristen bell and idina menzel is nice.Favourite transportation: the pumpkin carriage!Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the whole transformation/ball/aftermath sequence in cinderella.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I am kind of curious about the whole theory of elsa, anna and rapunzel being related. I mean, why not? Best promo: I think all the promo they do is pretty good.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I probably fell in love with this franchise when I was very small, and I never stopped being interested in it.
medici: masters of florence:
Top 5 favourite characters: cosimo (my baby!!), lorenzo, lucrezia, marco bello and brunelleschi. Other characters you like: hmm… uuh… maybe piero, ugo and guadagni? there are not that many characters on the show, after all.Least favourite characters: sorry, but contessina. I just cannot with her. I can’t. Otps: lucrezia/piero and absolutely no one else.Notps: basically any cosimo ship that was canon, but mostly contessina/cosimo and cosimo/maddalena. I was very disappointed with the ships on this show. Favourite friendships: cosimo/lorenzo, cosimo/brunelleschi and cosimo/marco. Favourite family: well, the medici’s! Favourite episodes: I really love the first two episodes, but they’re all very good.Favourite season/book/movie: I guess I can say season 1 since season 2 is coming out? definitely season 1, if not for anything else then for my richard bias. Favourite quotes: “everything I have ever done has been for florence. for you. for the greater glory of god.” - cosimo // “you give me an education. you expose me to great beauty. and then insist I spend my life devoted to money and politics.” - cosimo // “if the medici are to shape history, we must live beyond our lifetimes. the whole tree does not die because one branch falls.” - cosimoBest musical moment: so many moments, but I think the moment when cosimo finds out that lorenzo’s dead in 1x08 is the number one pick.Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: any moment with richard, for sure, but I was so happy to see some of his different acting styles on the show, particularly in the later episodes, like when he confronts the pope in 1x08.When it really disappointed you: I guess I am never, ever gonna be ok with cheating plotlines, and I was also not ok with how bad the show made cosimo look just for contessina’s sake. like it was purposely trying to make the fandom hate one and love the other. and it sure worked *sigh* Saddest moment: when lorenzo dies and cosimo’s reaction to it.Most well done character death: again, I think lorenzo’s death was done very well.Favourite guest star: I thought brunelleschi was a hilarious character.Favourite cast member: richard madden, always!Character you wish was still alive: lorenzo, he didn’t deserve to die.One thing you hope really happens: I hope that at some point they bring richard’s character back, if only in flashbacks, as we actually get to see him happy for a bit.Most shocking twist: once again, lorenzo dying. and ugo being the killer was pretty surprising.When did you start watching/reading?: the moment it first aired. Best animal/creature: I do love the horses.Favourite location: anything in florenze, to be honest.Trope you wish they would stop using: badass female character who needs no man and is sassier, smarter and more powerful than anyone else. really doesn’t work for me. there should be some humanity in there too. One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I know this has been done before, but I think cosimo’s character and his multiple layers were done so wonderfully.Funniest moments: hmm, I think any moment with cosimo and lorenzo goofing around in rome in the first episode.Couple you would like to see: cosimo/happiness, actual happiness. impossible, I know.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: hmm, well, I am gonna go with rebecca ferguson again cause she’s so good. and my girl lily james.Favourite outfit: cosimo’s outfit in 1x01, in the flashbacks.Favourite item: cosimo’s sketch book, just cause I love watching him draw.Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: sadly just the dvd and some posters, there isn’t much merchandise for it.What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: well, again, I would like to be a medici, but not related to cosimo.Most boring plotline: contessina and her fling with her old love interest. why?Most laughably bad moment: none, really.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: all the flashbacks/forwards between older and younger cosimo were fantastic and gave much depth to his character.Most layered character: cosimo, in every way. he has his cold side, but he also has his soft side and richard did a fantastic job at displaying all of it.Most one dimensional character: none are really that one-dimensional, but I guess bianca really didn’t serve any purpose.Scariest moment: none.Grossest moment: hmm, I guess some of the scenes with blood but nothing was too bad? Best looking male: richard madden. cosimo. my baby.Best looking female: um, maybe bianca or lucrezia? I don’t know.Who you’re crushing on (if any): cosimo for sure!! Favourite cast moment: I really liked the premiere in the fall of 2016, the cast seems to get along well and richard looked fantastic (as always).Favourite transportation: horses.Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): anything in florenze.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: I think basically nothing was really left unanswered. I suppose there was some ambiguity in how much of a part cosimo had in rinaldo’s death, though.Best promo: I really like the promo pics, everything’s good.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: the minute it aired.
the white queen/princess:
Top 5 favourite characters: elizabeth woodville, henry tudor, elizabeth of york, isabel neville and maybe anne neville.Other characters you like: I like all of elizabeth’s kids, her mother, and edward was sometimes okay. Least favourite characters: I didn’t like richard iii too much, or margaret beaufort. Otps: henry/elizabeth, edward/elizabeth and jacquette/richard mainly due to the book written about them, set before twq. Notps: richard/elizabeth. why. Favourite friendships: isabel/anne.Favourite family: I guess the tudors.Favourite episodes: I really like the later episodes, with the exception of the unnecessary elizabeth/richard romance.Favourite season/book/movie: my favorite season is season 1, as opposed to the white princess, because I never did get to see it.Favourite quotes: “do not doubt my courage. I am match for any man.” - elizabeth woodville // “you are what sustains me in battle. you are my home.” - edward // “she has done her worst. and look at us. we’re still here.” - henry/elizabeth // “how can I prove to you that I am with you except to ask you not to die?” - elizabeth of yorkBest musical moment: I think the music in the last episode is very good.Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: honestly I am gonna say any henry/elizabeth moment, even in twp even though I’ve not seen it. I love these two and ship them despite not seeing it. but I did read the book so that’s something. When it really disappointed you: richard/elizabeth. Saddest moment: I think edward’s death was really sad if only for elizabeth’s sake.Most well done character death: I think that richard’s death was built up quite well, we all knew someone was gonna die (and those who knew history knew who was gonna die), and it was done well.Favourite guest star: I don’t know who counts, so I’m gonna say freya mavor and michael marcus.Favourite cast member: rebecca ferguson, my girl! Character you wish was still alive: maybe richard (I mean elizabeth woodville’s father) cause he and jacquetta gave me all the feels in their book.One thing you hope really happens: they release twp somewhere where I can actually watch it?Most shocking twist: that they actually went there with richard/elizabeth.When did you start watching/reading?: maybe in 2015…? I really can’t be sure.Best animal/creature: I do love the horses.Favourite location: I do like the woodville manor.Trope you wish they would stop using: maybe the men being horrible pigs and the women trying to deal with that? I feel like almost all the men on the show were just the worst.One thing this show/book/film does better than others: I don’t know. I guess some of the characters were portrayed in a nice, human way, and the ships were pretty nice.Funniest moments: some moments between the plantagenet brothers.Couple you would like to see: a prequel series about richard and jacquetta.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: there’s never enough richard madden in the world.Favourite outfit: elizabeth (woodville’s) blue dress.Favourite item: elizabeth (woodville’s) ringDo you own anything related to this show/book/film?: just the books and the first seasonWhat house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: probably the woodville famMost boring plotline: richard and elizabethMost laughably bad moment: anything with richard and elizabethBest flashback/flashfoward if any: the flashforward when henry and elizabeth are suddenly adults was unexpected, but welcome.Most layered character: probably elizabeth woodville if not for any other reason, then because she was the most focused-on character. and rebecca brought great depth to her.Most one dimensional character: probably some of the people like edward’s mother.Scariest moment: none.Grossest moment: the final battle in 1x10.Best looking male: oh god, I don’t know. maybe henry in twp cause he looks slightly like richard.Best looking female: elizabeth woodville for sure.Who you’re crushing on (if any): none.Favourite cast moment: I like any of the cast moments, but I’ve not seen many.Favourite transportation: horses.Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): all the forests and water areas are so gorgeous, especially in the first episode.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: well, there are many plot confusions, but nothing particular. Best promo: I like the promo pic with elizabeth holding the sword in her hand.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: when I first saw it, and started reading it.
star wars:
Top 5 favourite characters: luke skywalker, leia organa, obi-wan kenobi, qui-gon jinn, yoda.Other characters you like: rey, poe dameron, finn, padme amidala.Least favourite characters: I don’t hate anyone, but the emperor sure sucked. I also don’t get the kylo ren hype.Otps: to be quite honest? none. but to say something, I guess rey/finn and padme/anakin (idk, man).Notps: kylo/rey.Favourite friendships: han/luke, obi-wan/anakin, finn/poe.Favourite family: the skywalkersFavourite episodes: I’m gonna take this as favorite generation (originals, prequels, sequels). that would be the originals.Favourite season/book/movie: the return of the jedi.Favourite quotes: “I am a jedi, like my father before me.” - luke // “no one’s ever really gone.” - luke // “hope is like the sun. if you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.” - leia // “so this is how liberty dies. with thunderous applause.” - padmeBest musical moment: the moment when luke is gazing at the sunset in a new hope, as well as in the last jedi. the feels. Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: luke coming to everyone’s rescue in the last jedi.When it really disappointed you: the obsession with kylo/rey, as well as some of the political plotlines in the prequels. Saddest moment: luke’s death, I think. though it was kinda bittersweet.Most well done character death: again, luke’s death, but also anakin’s.Favourite guest star: gwendoline christie.Favourite cast member: liam neeson.Character you wish was still alive: luke because what the heck is the next movie gonna have, then? I know it’s still gonna be good but with all of the original cast gone…One thing you hope really happens: kylo redeems himself without becoming a love interest for rey, everyone saves everyone, and they live happily ever after with rey training new jedis. also luke coming back as a force ghost to make bad puns.Most shocking twist: I don’t know, maybe luke dying.When did you start watching/reading?: when I was a tiny kid. maybe 4 or 5. Best animal/creature: well, it does say creature… r2-d2Favourite location: hoth and naboo.Trope you wish they would stop using: the good guy turned villain who is gonna be redeemed at the very last second (ironically, I also wrote that as what I wanted to happen). One thing this show/book/film does better than others: they really give a very good sci-fi adventure which doesn’t seem too hard for anyone to understand, and can interest both adults and children.Funniest moments: I actually really liked the comedic luke/rey moments in the last jedi.Couple you would like to see: I kind of like the idea of poe and rey.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: there’s never enough richard madden. plus, he loves sci-fi.Favourite outfit: padme had some gorgeous costumes, especially all her blue clothes. Favourite item: luke’s blue and green lightsabers.Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: just the dvds, really. and a star wars lunch box. funnily enough.What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I would like to be a skywalker, but I’d probably be bad at it.Most boring plotline: well, the political plotlines in the prequels.Most laughably bad moment: some of the very wooden moments in the prequels.Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I guess I like the flashback they did in the last jedi to what exactly happened between kylo and luke.Most layered character: probably someone like leia, or maybe even anakin to an extent.Most one dimensional character: some of the villains, like count dooku (is that really how you spell it?).Scariest moment: I really, really found darth maul scary as a kid.Grossest moment: the whole opening-up-the-creature to keep luke warm in the empire strikes back (my terms are on point again)Best looking male: idk, man. poe?Best looking female: probably padme.Who you’re crushing on (if any): none.Favourite cast moment: anything with daisy and mark.Favourite transportation: the falcon.Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): hoth.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: well, I mean, rey’s parents. that is the one thing I didn’t really like how they explained in the last jedi.Best promo: all the promo stuff is nice.At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: as a child when I saw the original movies.
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lawgoddess · 4 years
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EDITION #2227 – MAY 8, 2020  
Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources a_shot_of_brad: Bradley vs Technology (video) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: HOSTING SECOND CHARITY QUIZ - 'MEDICI' THEMED. FRIDAY 15 MAY 2020 (VIDEO) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: VIDEO OF 'MEDICI' CAST Q&A SESSION Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #411 Sign-ups! Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Rewatch Reminder: 1X09- Excalibur Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] OnSomeMerlinBs: they were just a couple of idiots in love (1/3) (PG-13) 1343 It seems like Arthur and Merlin are the only people who don't know they're both completely in love with each other. [M/A] Sunfall_of_Ennien: Just Don't Run Away (2/4) (NC-17) 4842 While it is Arthur's actions that incite the wrath of King Uther, it is Merlin's mouth--and his loyalty to Arthur--that get him into trouble. [M/A] Cello_trash: Making Windows Where There Were Once Walls (2/4) (PG-13) 4502 When Merlin entered his chambers, Arthur was already awake, and ordered Merlin to prepare two horses for a hunting trip. “Is it too much to hope that you’ll be taking Leon or Lancelot,” Merlin had asked, his voice laced with fake sweetness. “Stop being lazy, Merlin. It is an honor to be invited on a hunting trip with the king,” Arthur replied haughtily. “An invitation implies there being a choice, sire.” Or, yet another magic reveal fic with lots of angst, but also a fluffy happy ending with Merthur romance, because apparently I think there can never be enough of them. [M/A] kio_kio: Artea Pedrazzini, Queen of Carloman (1/4) (NC-17) 2254 No one had heard the country named "Carloman". However, all the papers looked correct, so they were let into the gates, but they were told to go straight to see the king. The king was suspicious. He kept most people out of the throne room, only his most trusted and just enough people to not make it look suspicious. His most trusted knights, Merlin, and himself. The rest of his knights at all entrances and exits, just in case. They may be a new enemy, or maybe a future ally. With Morgana still at large, it was always better safe than sorry. The doors to the throne room had opened and 6 people walked in. (Or: Arthur and Merlin meet their female counterparts from alternate realities. Sexy shenanigans may happen.) [M/A] Sheheryar_Shahid: Hidden (1/?) (G) 2179 Ever since the Dolma, Arthur has been looking for more examples of magic being used for good and a young boy brought in for trial brings him an opportunity and some revelations that change everything he was ever taught to believe in. [M/A] eliobelio: The Golden-Eyed King (1/?) (PG-13) 1471 Merlin, the young warlock destined to protect the arrogant future king, never imagined that his existence in Camelot would lead to discoveries beyond his imagination. First love, the discovery that the object of his destiny is more magical than he seems, the true owner of the throne in question... this was going to be one hell of a ride. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] martinsahedgehog: To Be King (PG-13) 1513 Sherlock crossover- Moriarty has cursed King John, leaving Sherlock to look after their kingdom and deal with this annoying king and his equally annoying knights. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: An Attempt At Skype (G) 1215 There is one thing that Arthur would never have expected of Uther: that his father ever would get a webcam. [M/A] eliobelio: The King’s Return (NR) 2509 After a century of waiting, pining, desperately trying to remember his lost friend, Merlin finally sees Arthur’s return. But, as the feelings that had been buried hundreds of years ago begin to resurface, and Arthur enters an unknown and terrifying world, it will not be an easy ride. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: The Grade (G) 333 Arthur only has one braincell, but it looks like he doesn't use it all the time. Maybe he should though. (Series: Part 9 of the Camelot Crack Drabbles series) [M/A] Astralda0602: He Is My Friend (G) 4711 Arthur Pendragon always knew his father could be cruel, but just how cruel he did not realise. Only when his only friend's life was at stake did he finally figure it out. With Merlin almost having died because of Uther's pride, Arthur finally confronts his father. [M/A] YellowAndVeritablyBonaFide: Jumpers aren’t supposed to be this bothersome (G) 4655 The Pendragon’s host a casual get together while Uther is away. Arthur spends the entire time with Merlin (of course) until... he spends a moment with Gwen and Merlin takes it entirely the wrong way. [M/A] HonoraryFox : Here's to second chances? (PG-13) 4501 For the 'Knife to the throat' square on my bad things happen bingo card. Merlin returns home to an entirely too tidy house and he knows something is wrong. (Series: Part 1 of the Bad Things Happen Bingo 2020 series) [M/A] BlueBigfoot: Crushing Feelings (G) 2429 Arthur is rattled when a sorcerer calls him a coward moments before her execution. He is finally forced to face his feelings. [M/A] 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf: The Affairs of Dragons (R) 2569 Men should never meddle in them. It tends to end in most disastrous fashion. For the men, anyways. (Series: Part 6 of the Tales of a Dragon and His Prince series) [M/A] litbeyondmeasure: The Hearts of Men (NR) 8203 He pushed up his crown with a crooked smile that sent Arthur's stomach into cartwheels. It was much too big, and the previous utterance of the reason being that it was proof of Arthur's big head slid aside at the spark that danced across Merlin's eyes. When Arthur Pendragon finds his servant tied to a stake on a trek through the kingdom, his heart is left shattered for reasons he can't explain. And, as time wears on, his feelings flourish into something deeper than friendship. Try as he might, he cannot prevail in this particular battle. With everything to prove as a monarch and even more to lose, Arthur must either relinquish his emotion or his throne. But the hearts of men are complex creatures and cannot be reasoned with. [M/A] USER: The Boy I Was (The Man You Made Me) (G) 705 Arthur realizes just how much he’s changed since Merlin came around. [M/A] wordsss: the Definitive guide to King Arthur's laughter (G) 1298 Arthur doesn’t laugh as often as he should, but when he does, he picks from a handful of curated sounds. [M/A] Mischel: And the Reason Is You (G) 3833 What if Merlin took little Mordred to hide in Arthur's chambers instead of Morgana's? Would Arthur betray his own father in order to help them or would he hand them over to the guards instead? When Merlin bursts through the door and sees Arthur there, he has no idea what the prince will do. But the length to which Arthur is willing to go for Merlin will surprise them both. Set in the episode 1x08 The Beginning of the End. (Series: Part 8 of the Merlin Rewatch 2020 series) EDITION #2227 – MAY 8, 2020  Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources a_shot_of_brad: Bradley vs Technology (video) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: HOSTING SECOND CHARITY QUIZ - 'MEDICI' THEMED. FRIDAY 15 MAY 2020 (VIDEO) merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: VIDEO OF 'MEDICI' CAST Q&A SESSION Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #411 Sign-ups! Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Rewatch Reminder: 1X09- Excalibur Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] OnSomeMerlinBs: they were just a couple of idiots in love (1/3) (PG-13) 1343 It seems like Arthur and Merlin are the only people who don't know they're both completely in love with each other. [M/A] Sunfall_of_Ennien: Just Don't Run Away (2/4) (NC-17) 4842 While it is Arthur's actions that incite the wrath of King Uther, it is Merlin's mouth--and his loyalty to Arthur--that get him into trouble. [M/A] Cello_trash: Making Windows Where There Were Once Walls (2/4) (PG-13) 4502 When Merlin entered his chambers, Arthur was already awake, and ordered Merlin to prepare two horses for a hunting trip. “Is it too much to hope that you’ll be taking Leon or Lancelot,” Merlin had asked, his voice laced with fake sweetness. “Stop being lazy, Merlin. It is an honor to be invited on a hunting trip with the king,” Arthur replied haughtily. “An invitation implies there being a choice, sire.” Or, yet another magic reveal fic with lots of angst, but also a fluffy happy ending with Merthur romance, because apparently I think there can never be enough of them. [M/A] kio_kio: Artea Pedrazzini, Queen of Carloman (1/4) (NC-17) 2254 No one had heard the country named "Carloman". However, all the papers looked correct, so they were let into the gates, but they were told to go straight to see the king. The king was suspicious. He kept most people out of the throne room, only his most trusted and just enough people to not make it look suspicious. His most trusted knights, Merlin, and himself. The rest of his knights at all entrances and exits, just in case. They may be a new enemy, or maybe a future ally. With Morgana still at large, it was always better safe than sorry. The doors to the throne room had opened and 6 people walked in. (Or: Arthur and Merlin meet their female counterparts from alternate realities. Sexy shenanigans may happen.) [M/A] Sheheryar_Shahid: Hidden (1/?) (G) 2179 Ever since the Dolma, Arthur has been looking for more examples of magic being used for good and a young boy brought in for trial brings him an opportunity and some revelations that change everything he was ever taught to believe in. [M/A] eliobelio: The Golden-Eyed King (1/?) (PG-13) 1471 Merlin, the young warlock destined to protect the arrogant future king, never imagined that his existence in Camelot would lead to discoveries beyond his imagination. First love, the discovery that the object of his destiny is more magical than he seems, the true owner of the throne in question... this was going to be one hell of a ride. Fanfic: Complete [M/A] martinsahedgehog: To Be King (PG-13) 1513 Sherlock crossover- Moriarty has cursed King John, leaving Sherlock to look after their kingdom and deal with this annoying king and his equally annoying knights. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: An Attempt At Skype (G) 1215 There is one thing that Arthur would never have expected of Uther: that his father ever would get a webcam. [M/A] eliobelio: The King’s Return (NR) 2509 After a century of waiting, pining, desperately trying to remember his lost friend, Merlin finally sees Arthur’s return. But, as the feelings that had been buried hundreds of years ago begin to resurface, and Arthur enters an unknown and terrifying world, it will not be an easy ride. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: The Grade (G) 333 Arthur only has one braincell, but it looks like he doesn't use it all the time. Maybe he should though. (Series: Part 9 of the Camelot Crack Drabbles series) [M/A] Astralda0602: He Is My Friend (G) 4711 Arthur Pendragon always knew his father could be cruel, but just how cruel he did not realise. Only when his only friend's life was at stake did he finally figure it out. With Merlin almost having died because of Uther's pride, Arthur finally confronts his father. [M/A] YellowAndVeritablyBonaFide: Jumpers aren’t supposed to be this bothersome (G) 4655 The Pendragon’s host a casual get together while Uther is away. Arthur spends the entire time with Merlin (of course) until... he spends a moment with Gwen and Merlin takes it entirely the wrong way. [M/A] HonoraryFox : Here's to second chances? (PG-13) 4501 For the 'Knife to the throat' square on my bad things happen bingo card. Merlin returns home to an entirely too tidy house and he knows something is wrong. (Series: Part 1 of the Bad Things Happen Bingo 2020 series) [M/A] BlueBigfoot: Crushing Feelings (G) 2429 Arthur is rattled when a sorcerer calls him a coward moments before her execution. He is finally forced to face his feelings. [M/A] 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf: The Affairs of Dragons (R) 2569 Men should never meddle in them. It tends to end in most disastrous fashion. For the men, anyways. (Series: Part 6 of the Tales of a Dragon and His Prince series) [M/A] litbeyondmeasure: The Hearts of Men (NR) 8203 He pushed up his crown with a crooked smile that sent Arthur's stomach into cartwheels. It was much too big, and the previous utterance of the reason being that it was proof of Arthur's big head slid aside at the spark that danced across Merlin's eyes. When Arthur Pendragon finds his servant tied to a stake on a trek through the kingdom, his heart is left shattered for reasons he can't explain. And, as time wears on, his feelings flourish into something deeper than friendship. Try as he might, he cannot prevail in this particular battle. With everything to prove as a monarch and even more to lose, Arthur must either relinquish his emotion or his throne. But the hearts of men are complex creatures and cannot be reasoned with. [M/A] USER: The Boy I Was (The Man You Made Me) (G) 705 Arthur realizes just how much he’s changed since Merlin came around. [M/A] wordsss: the Definitive guide to King Arthur's laughter (G) 1298 Arthur doesn’t laugh as often as he should, but when he does, he picks from a handful of curated sounds. [M/A] Mischel: And the Reason Is You (G) 3833 What if Merlin took little Mordred to hide in Arthur's chambers instead of Morgana's? Would Arthur betray his own father in order to help them or would he hand them over to the guards instead? When Merlin bursts through the door and sees Arthur there, he has no idea what the prince will do. But the length to which Arthur is willing to go for Merlin will surprise them both. Set in the episode 1x08 The Beginning of the End. (Series: Part 8 of the Merlin Rewatch 2020 series)
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anamariamauricia · 8 years
It’s been months and I still can’t believe someone took L*uis’ 1x09 comment that Anne recoils from his touch 1. as an absolute truth 2. to come to the conclusion that Anne refuses to sleep with him and would have deserved to be shot for not doing her duty.
When L*uis says Anne recoils from his touch he’s in the middle of a drunken rant and I think he’s being his dramatic self and exaggerating or simply lying. There is no instance in the show, s1 or otherwise that I can recall, where Anne is shown not wanting to receive physical affection from him. She welcomes it, craves it. When he touches her she doesn’t pull away, freeze up or cringe as she does when R*chefort touches her in 2x08. 
When they step up to their thrones in 1x04, she doesn’t leave his offered hand hanging. She reaches for his hand in 2x01 and 3x07.
When Louis takes her hands and kisses them when they are reunited in 1x09, she is surprised at the intensity of his affection (PROBABLY because he doesn’t usually give her that kind of attention and affection), but doesn’t pull away, and then leans into his forehead kiss, smiling. She is smiling when he takes her hands in 2x01 and when he puts a hand on her arm at the end of 2x10.
Anne is also physically affectionate towards Louis. She takes his hand in 1x04 and puts her hand on his shoulder in comfort and support when Marie de Medici is talking to them in 1x06. She hugs him in 2x06. If she disliked being touched by him, then I doubt she would touch him so freely and casually.
There are several times where L*uis has said something but ends up meaning something else, not following through, or he was straight up lying.
In 2x02, he says he’ll grant Bruno(?) clemency if he helps them but then has him executed. A swift death is what he meant by clemency.
In 1x08, he says, “I admire loyalty more than any other virtue.” but in the next season sleeps with Milady, parades her around as his mistress, and then kicks her to the curb after her act of loyalty in 2x06.
In 2x10, he says “I cannot kill my own wife” and seconds later signs her death warrant.
In 3x07, he tells Anne he will name her regent and then in 3x09 he names Treville regent.
Again, when L*uis says that Anne recoils from his touch, he’s in the middle of a drunken rant which he started because he wants to bang Charlotte Mellendorf (who fawns over him, laughs at his jokes, and is into hunting, unlike Anne). He can’t have Charlotte as his wife because he’s already married to Anne, so he points out why Anne is a terrible wife and how it sucks sooo much for him to be stuck with her. And on top of Anne being a boring house potato, she can’t even give him an heir!!
Obviously, they have been intimate. Anne has been pregnant by him and Louis’ line in 1x09 that “Anne has been going there for years and still nothing” and the fact that Anne has gone there again, tells us that they have been and are still trying to conceive a child. What would be the point of Anne going to swim in the waters at Bourbon-les-Eaux if she wasn’t going to ~welcome his touch~ afterwards?
I think L*uis is just piling on reasons why Anne is a bad wife and is preventing him from being happy and powerful. He clearly believes it’s all her fault that they don’t have children since he thinks that bearing children isn’t one of Anne’s virtues and that it would, you know, be better if Anne was dead so he could “fill this palace with children” once married to Charlotte. 
He probably blamed Anne for the miscarriage too. He says in 1x01 that the Spanish letters debacle is all her fault even though it wasn’t and in 2x03 Anne thinks L*uis will blame her if the dauphin dies because everything is her fault.
Since Anne is shown on numerous occasions doing the opposite of recoiling from his touch and Louis doesn’t always 100% mean what he says, he probably just meant she won’t give him a blow job. 
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