#i might as well tag it as michael myers x reader cause of this
Ya'll the fucking eyes
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slasherstories123 · 2 years
Watching horror movies with the slashers
(plus what I think they’d wear as pajamas)
Paring: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Lester Sinclair, and Bubba Sawyer x GN! Reader
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Tags list: @brxwrvth @early20sfailingplenty @dootys @callmemeelah @fluffy-little-demon @mehidktbh @slash3rl0v3r @the-anxious-youth @beanbagbitch @mrs-heelshire @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @smenny @oneofvincentscandles @thatoneweirdgirlspage @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @l0sercat
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Michael Myers🔪
Horror movies you say? Is there candy? If there isn’t candy then he’s not watching it!
Michael will sit through ANY horror movie with a straight face in one sitting
I mean it's kinda expected since he's a killer himself.. BUT-
He enjoys them more than any other genre of movies and will always watch them when he had the chance
Or will watch them with you as his way of spending time with you
He’ll look down at you if you cling onto his arm at a jumpscare, thinking that you just can’t handle horror movies like he can, no matter how many times you say you can
Sometimes he’ll let out a chuckle if you fall off the couch from it😭
Now for the pajamas...
Michaels is kinda plain when it comes to his clothing.. I mean his coveralls are plain... and if he ever wears pajamas then they're gonna be plain too🧍🏾‍♀️
If you don’t buy him any plain clothes he might as well sleep in his coveralls, he doesn't like lots of designs just something simple like the old man he is
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Jason Voorhees🌳
Jason doesn’t really mind watching movies with you, he doesn’t really need the tv as entertaining but he’ll do it for you
He’ll jump a little bit but he’s really not that phased by it, Jason will jump if you scream, letting you cling onto him if you’re scared or just want to cuddle in general
He’ll cover your eyes at some killing parts out of instinct, he doesn’t know that he did it himself until he feels your hands pull his hand away from your face🥺
Jason likes to hold you sometimes during the “scary” parts because he’ll sometimes get scared himself and will just want to hold you as his way of comfort
He will get MAD if he has to pause the movie just because victims are out in the camp, he just wants to spend time with you!
Curse you victims!
Now it’ll take you a while to find some good pajamas for Jason cause ya know… he’s B.I.G
My guy will rip up any clothes that doesn’t fit him😟
Once you find him one that’s his size, he LOVES to wear it! He was the one who picked it out too. Since he likes a nature you bought him a bear onesie,
Jason thought it would be cute if you both wore matching onesies so you got one for your size too. You can’t help but laugh as he pick you up, both of you in your bear onesies
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Lester Sinclair 🛻
Lester dosen’t really watch horror movies that much 🤷🏾‍♀️
I can see him liking mystery and movies with animals in it
Plus he doesn’t really find them interesting.. depending on what the movie is
He thinks Nightmare on Elm Street is horrible, he doesn’t like it at all 😭
He’ll watch them with you, you’ll just have to find a good horror movie that just might interest him
It’ll be a good thing if he dies, if he sees an animal die in it then he don’t want to watch it anymore😭
Animals dying and or getting killed is NOT on the list of things he’d want to watch🙅🏾‍♀️
Will cheer on the survivor throughout the whole movie and will be happy if they survive from the killer🧍🏾‍♀️
I can also see Lester wanting to wear matching onesies with you too
But instead of a bear, it’s a raccoon since that’s his favorite animal😌
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Bubba Sawyer🥺
Can’t really handle horror movies that much🧍🏾‍♀️
Will jump at the smallest jump scares but can handle the bigger ones 😭
He’ll cover his eyes during the mire gorey parts, like he doesn’t cut people with a chainsaw
Even though he can’t watch horror movies he’ll still watch them for your sake. It’ll give him an excuse to hold you closer
You can tell he’s scared by his right grip on you😭 just change the movie to something cute 🧍🏾‍♀️
Sometimes chop top or nubbins will either join or scare the life out of both of you 🧍🏾‍♀️
Once the movies over he’ll sigh in relief, know knowing that he doesn’t have to watch it anymore
Bubba likes to wear cute pajamas with colorful shapes on them
Mainly hearts, he loves hearts!!
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smemento · 3 years
hello hello! if it’s alright i have a dbd request, but if you’re not in the mood/have too many requests then no worries.
my silly idea is leon, frank, and quentin (or any different characters, i honestly dont mind if you want to do other ones) with an s/o who is clumsy as shit. trips 24/7, knees and shins covered in bruises, blows up gens, bad at vaulting things, that kind of stuff. i think it’s so funny; i just can’t get over clumsy ass characters rn idk why help
Survivors and Slashers w/ a Clumsy S/O
Content Tag(s): Fluff
Paring(s): Leon Kenned || Quentin Smith || Frank Morrison || + Michael Myers (x GN!Reader, Separately)
A/N: Hello hello! Thank you for the request and no stress, I actually only have a couple of requests (most of them for Ao3 content) so I'm more than happy to do this for you! <3 Hopefully its sorta what you wanted, might change it up and whatnot if I make it a series!
Leon doesn’t entirely have room to talk half of the time, especially when it comes to you messing up during a chase. That’s mostly because of how loud he is (not like you can blame him though.) Yet, that’s far more different then just simply being clumsy. 
The first time it happened was when you caught chase with Huntress, she was closing in on you and it looked like you were gonna get a good slash to the back. That was when you tumbled over your feet and crashed into the ground without much thought to catch yourself. It caused a whiff, yet you in pain and Huntress kinda standing there. She honestly thought it was on purpose until she noticed how injured you got yourself. (The bunny mom felt bad about it and kinda pretended to hurt you then go off to hunt others.) 
With that being said, Leon was quick to lend a hand, lightly teasing you through the staggers. 
From there he noticed it wasn’t just- a random bad luck moment.
You fall everywhere, constantly. 
Trial after trial, Leon watched you just eat shit 24/7. Once while trying to vault, foot bumping against the window and causing you to face plant, legs awkwardly folded about as you frail to fall in a breathable position. 
Started calling you Bambi, which everyone also grew accustomed to calling you when they found out how horrible you are at doing stuff sometimes. 
It doesn’t mean you aren’t a helpful teammate! 
Goodness sake, if Leon noticed you starting to feel down from your natural clumsiness, he’d be there to cheer you up. Hugs and kisses, telling you he’s sorry and how much he truly loves you with the way you are. 
Overtime, despite how frustrating it got sometimes, you learned to just, relax. As you found it funny whenever you tripped and even caused a dog pile with the other survivors or even tripped the killer during chase with your clumsiness. 
(Leon will constantly be there to drop a flash bang moments before you fall, giving you enough time to dust yourself off and get to running again. <3)
(Also kisses your bruises. :)) 
Quentin is a bit of a frail typa guy. He stumbles quite frequently but has never actually ‘ate shit’ just yet. 
He didn’t think anyone out of all the survivors was even that clumsy. Until you appeared. 
Upon first meeting, you fell for him. Both literally and figuratively, kinda caused you both to come out bruised more then needed during that trial but neither of you really cared. 
Well, you didn’t care.
Quentin was worried. 
Mf you’re falling every second, even at camp over the biggest or smallest things! How could he not be worried?! 
He literally witnessed you pop a gen, somehow break a locker then fail vaulting a pallet during a chase in one trial. Hell, that wasn’t even the worse of it when you kept bumping into stuff when you weren’t being chased.
Literally watched you bump into a tree and APOLOGIZE to it before kicking the stump and injuring your foot. 
Mr. Sleep Deprived is truly in love with you and down struck worried for your well-being 24/7. 
But, after your constant reassurance he grew accustomed to your clumsiness. You’re an amazing survivor and partner, and sharing kisses for one another injuries weren’t never not a thing after trials. 
Became a ritual. 
As you told him kissing your bruises will make all the pain go away. 
Man is so brutal to you.
You could be across the map and if he sees you falling his laughter will burn through the air, spreading like wildfire. 
The dude just finds how clumsy you are- hilarious. 
How could someone be so clumsy with their own body? He remembers when he pretended to be a survivor once, he was able to talk to you normally but damn. You blew up the gen you were working on hundreds of times before you gave up, hands aching as Frank cackled at you like some evil villain before disappearing to actually go hunt your friends. After all, they didn’t hear any of that? *He thought they were fine with ditching you for dead.* 
When you were being chased with him you, kinda- like... 
You ran straight into a tree is all that has to be said. 
It was a hard crash too, cheek sore as hell and started to bruised nicely after a couple of minutes. 
Frank found it funny. 
Never likes it when the other survivors laugh about it though. 
Will not hesitate to mori them the moment he can. 
No one gets to laugh at you except for him. That’s his only rule. 
Is allowed to patch up any of your clumsy injuries other then him.
Even with how much fun he has with you being a baby giraffe, he’ll take care of you if you had a bad fall. 
As a couple of the other killers started to create a game with your clumsiness. See who could bruise you up the most and whatnot. That pissed Frank off as well, had to have a ‘talk’ with some of them to back off. 
Never really understands the cues of you being upset sometimes when an accident happened so you might have to push your anger a bit during scenarios like that. May take sometime but,
he truly loves you. 
Very protective over you but, if he doesn’t need to he won’t catch or stop you from an accident. Frank will only ever do that if he knows it might cause a really bad injury. 
Heavily confused the first couple of times. 
Kinda- just... Well watches. Confused. Altering into a slight worry and disappointment as his presence just kinda, made your clumsiness worse. 
He found himself catching you from a bad vault once, both of you silent in your positions as you thank him. He only noticed what he was doing was ‘kind’ and totally didn’t shove you over the vault. He didn’t need or want your thanks! (didn’t understand the feeling it gave him, it was overwhelming so don’t trash him on it too much.)
Michael will kinda play a game with you from time to time as you grew close. Sometimes, if he had bad trials and you were there he knew being able to scare you here and there will make him feel better. The little noises you make as you get startled before stumble-crawling away makes his heart buzz in ‘joy’? 
He doesn’t really know. 
He just knows he finds it fun to scare you but not to hurt you. Conflicting feelings for the confused slasher. 
Like, how. Yes? 
Will constantly be stalking from afar if he can to watch how and what you trip over of so he can be cautious of not to go near such things when hes in a chase with you. Not like he’ll catch and hurt you though, unless he’s trying to snatch you to force you into hatch. 
Or clean up that blood and grim on your face.
No need to be all dirty. 
When no one is looking he’ll also stop from a bad accident. David kinda saw that once, you were looking over your shoulder, about to crash into the exact locker he was in until the shape appeared. A hand firmly against your shoulder, a bit of a yelp there but nothing more as tension eased. 
When he heard Davids’ breathing he did a ‘slash’ at you before yanking the man out of the locker and using his loved ebony mori <3
Would go on a spree moring everyone because he hated the thought of them catching him being soft with his human love. 
Once everyone is dead he’ll go off to you, knowing you won’t take the hatch without his permission or without a bye from him. Even if your scared. 
Blood is splattered on him, but you didn’t mind as he gave you a medkit, insisting you wrap yourself up in front of him before leaving. (even if the entity heals you after trials he wants to make sure you are fine, it helps him feel better about his ‘episodes.’ Plus, he’d rather not know the entity didn’t heal you for punishment of Michael having favorites.) 
If you didn’t understand the medkit drop, he’d drop his knife and kinda man handle you to wrap you up himself. He has zero idea how it works but he’s watched survivors do it enough. He can do it too!
Even if it kinda hurt you appreciated his urgent care for making sure your okay. Making sure to give his hands a couple of kisses and seconds of holding your face before leaving the hatch, reassuring him.
(This doesn’t mean Michael is always soft, he has bad days and you understand that. Sometimes he gives you the cold shoulder or won’t drop you the entire trial as he hunts down your friends. Whatever he does is what he does. You can’t argue with him.)  
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