#i know his mask is supposed to be make him scary (unless u have a mask kink) but the eye just make it more creepy
Ya'll the fucking eyes
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osarina · 6 months
FEATURING: dazai osamu
SUMMARY: dazai does not nap. he hardly sleeps in general. so how is it that he's dozing off in your lap like this? you're a witch, he's decided. there's no other logical explanation. (wordcount: 800ish; sfw; fem!reader, mentions of alcohol & sleeping pills)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: very short & sweet but i toldddd you guys that i had a dazai nap time drabble in the works. i love my naps, so that means i obviously have to do nap time with all of the favs. perhaps i'll do jouno next. or maybe there's someone u guys want.
Dazai doesn’t sleep well. He never has, and he’s certain he never will. The only time he can manage to get some semblance of sleep is when he’s taken a few too many sleeping pills or he’s drank himself to oblivion. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a fact of life, and he thinks that he’d prefer to stay sleepless anyway if it means he can avoid the memories that plague his dreams.
Dazai can simply not remember when the last time he willingly slept was, which is why he’s so confused now, head resting in your lap, eyes heavy as he looks up at you. He can hardly hold them open, he can feel himself falling asleep and he’s alarmed because he does not sleep unless his body is drugged, drunk or dying.
“What kind of spell have you placed on me, bella?” Dazai says through a yawn—he yawned???
“What do you mean?” you ask quietly, fingers still carding gently through his hair as you look down at him, brows furrowed. 
He wants to reach up and rub out the wrinkle between your eyebrows but his arm feels too heavy. A part of him wonders if he’s dying, but he supposes if this is how he’s meant to go out—laying in your lap with your fingers brushing through his hair, staring up at your pretty face beneath the afternoon sun—then he couldn’t ask for a better death.
“‘m falling asleep,” he murmurs, and his voice slurs a bit over the words. His eyes feel even heavier, drooping shut as he tilts his head to the side to make himself comfortable on your lap. 
You giggle lightly, and Dazai swears the sound is angelic. “‘cause you’re so sleepy, obviously,” you say, a teasing lilt to your tone as you bring your freehand to his face to trace his cheekbone.
“I don’t sleep,” he protests weakly, leaning into your touch. 
He thinks that before he met you, he might not have ever experienced a gentle touch in his entire life, and now he simply cannot go without them. He craves them at every waking moment and gets severely distressed when he cannot obtain them. But only if they’re from you—the thought of anyone else touching him the way you do makes his skin crawl. Your touches make him feel vulnerable in a way that’s dangerous, and you’re the only person he trusts enough to see him that way.
“Everyone sleeps, silly,” you disagree softly, and Dazai wants to protest, to tell you how significant this is, but he can’t find the words. His mind feels muddled and hazy as exhaustion creeps through his bones and claws at his chest.
He supposes he doesn’t really need to tell you anyway, you probably already know—you always know somehow. You can always figure out when he’s having one of his bad days, no matter how hard he tries to hide it from everyone. You can always tell when he needs a break from everything, even when he tries to mask it with smiles and jokes. You can always tell when he’s sick of playing the role of a clown to make people overlook all of his faults and darkness, and you’re always there to be an escape for him. 
It used to be scary—he’s never had someone that could pick through all of his masks to see through his emotional state, his real one. A part of him wonders if it’s somehow a secret part of your ability but he knows it’s a ridiculous thought, because there’s no explanation for how you can do it whenever he’s laid up in your arms or draped all over you, which is 99% of the time he’s with you.
It used to be scary (emphasis on the past tense) but now, he thinks it might be a bit comforting to know that you’re always there and you know what he needs even when he himself doesn’t know. You’re like a buoy in the middle of a raging sea, a lighthouse shining through the dark. he hasn’t had someone he could genuinely rely on in… a long time, and even then…
Dazai lets out a puff of air, eyes finally sliding shut as he all but melts into you with your hand cupping the side of his face and your thumb caressing his cheek and your nails gently scraping his scalp. He thinks he might be in heaven—he doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve it, to deserve you, but he’s a selfish bastard at heart and he’ll be damned if he ever lets you go. 
The last thing he feels is your lips ghosting his temple before he finally dozes off. He sleeps peacefully for the first time he can remember. 
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
jungeun as a girlfriend~
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how you met;
i feel like the two of you say each other at target
and were like 👁👄👁 a t t r a c t i v e
so your friends who came with you were attempting to make you talk to her
i mean they were forcefully shoving you in jungeun’s direction
she was probably a little worried for her safety
but she still engaged conversation with you
you talked about a bunch of things
starting with small talk and ending up arguing over birds
you got her number after being really tense and awkward for a while wondering when to ask 
then the two of you parted ways, promising to make plans to see each other again
then you went back to whatever you were doing
you friends were cheering too loudly for comfort
you shushed them so loud they teased you for being more cacophonous than them
after buying everything you needed, you headed up to the check out line
jungeun, was of course there too, and your accomplices refused to move
you said hi
awkward x10
but then jungeun saved the whole situation by commenting on how awkward the situation is and you laughed way too hard
the tension was less after that, and you fell for her even more
the basics;
you can’t do anything romantic without her collapsing from laughter
s t r u g g l e s
dates consist of creative random outings that aren’t popular, because while jungeun loves you to the moon and back, having her relationship seen in public makes her <><>>>!?!<!>
long talks
can’t stand conversations without some sort of substance
it’s either really dumb but hilarious memes and creating your own vines
or deep rants about the universe
helping each other with problems is simultaneously heart-fluttering but irritating at the same time
because i think that jungeun is attracted to people different than her, the talents of her s/o would be vastly different
which means that the other person would probably struggle with doing activities the other one was good at
but neither of you are too serious about it
just !!! HOW did you do that!!!?!?!
listening to music and car rides at sunset is a must
you both are addicted to it
you make jungeun show off her dancing skills sometimes
especially when she meets your friends/family
you’re like “this is my girlfriend jungeun! who can DANCE! show them jungeun!”
and she dies from embarrassment
she’ll get you back for that don’t worry 
prepare yourself
your relationship isn’t strictly romantic, you do everything together and are like family? and friends? and lovers?
all at the same time
a 3 in 1 deal
if you get her in an emotional mood, expect endless clinginess
like she won’t leave your side
flops on you and there’s no getting up, you must lay there and hug her while doing playing with her hair or cuddling her or doing another wholesome thing
wants to influence your fashion
she couple outfits but never coordinates them so you’re wearing the same thing but on totally different days
does your hair and makes you look dumb
face masks together 
acts like she hates your friends without meaning to
they’re mega intimidated by her once they meet her properly
but she’s just nervous
and they were a bit scary after that encounter for a first impression
somehow she inspiries you just by being there?
the sight of her invigorates you and your energy levels go weeee!
the meme couple end of story
buying a samoyed together!
you went to a dog rescue together the second you finished renovations on your first house together
and saw an adorable white fluffer in the corner, who immediately came bounding over, bouncing up and down
jungeun was like, “we are getting this one or i’m breaking up with you”
you agreed of course, who wouldn’t want a massive drooly cloud to follow them around everywhere
jungeun called the doggo TICONDEROGA ([i’m kidding you named it milky] unless...)
anyways, jungeun also refused to leave the dog’s side (relatable) and milky sat in her lap the whole ride home
she wanted to put a seatbelt on him
but you unanimously decided that wasn’t a big brain idea
milky accompanied you everywhere
he loved movie nights
you covered his eyes every time a “spicy” scene came on
which happened a lot, romantic movies are some of you and jungeun’s favorites
not all of them are spicy though
most are sweet and cheesy
causing jungeun to squeal in happiness and cringe and shove her face into your chest
which makes you shriek too
it’s just a big mess of eeeeee!
milky starts barking too
then you and jungeun are on the floor laughing at him
then he wigs out because dogs hate it when their humans are on the floor, they’re not supposed to be there!
so he jumps down from his spot on the sofa, landing right on one of your chests and making you choke
the movie is forgotten, and your cheeks are sore from smiling for the rest of the day
used by both of you
whenever you are in romantic moods
or in the morning when you’re all cuddly and sleepy
even though you just woke up but you know how it is
again, used by both of you
i think you pick up a lot of habits from each other
and names are one of them
you couldn’t think of a comeback fast enough when jungeun first called you “tree”
so you just said it back
and that was the start of your nicknames
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oboevallis · 4 years
Hey! Wondering if u could write something related to this season with Amelink, the baby, Maggie, the kids, idk or maybe link goes to work and all the kids give Amelia hell and drive her crazy and the baby cries a lot
week 1
thank you so much for the prompt! im considering maybe doing a mini series on this, because im really living for domestic amelin, and i also didn’t do everything in the prompt also part 2 to baby blues will be out soon
"Auntie Amelia when is mommy going to be home?" Bailey asked as his aunt tucked him in.
"We talked about this the other day remember? Your mom has to help people at the hospital, but she can't come home because she may get us sick. So she's going to stay at a hotel. I promise first thing tomorrow you can FaceTime her."
"Okay, but why can't she come home to see us. I won't get sick."
"There's something called a pandemic going on right now, and basically that's a sickness that spreads really really quickly. And since your moms at the hospital all the time working with people who have the sickness it isn't safe for her to see us." Amelia wanted to cry when she saw the tears welling up in her nephews eyes.
"You don't do anything right though. You don't tuck me in right, and you don't make sandwiches right, and you don't play cars right either. Actually you don't play with me at all like you used to." Bailey ranted before he took his covers and pulled them over his head. Amelia tried to reach out to him only for him to turn away from her. She wasn't sure how she was going to handle this, it had barely been a week since lockdown begun.
"Good night Bailey, I love you." Amelia reassured as she closed the door behind her. She walked down the attic stairs to find Link putting the covers over Ellis while she laid on Merediths bed, for the past couple of nights she's refused to sleep unless it was in her mothers bed. She was pulled out of her moment of serenity from her baby's cries, she sighed and made her way to Maggie's room. They put his crib in there for the time being as it was the closest to their room.
"What's the matter my sweet boy?" Amelia picked up the crying baby from his crib. She sat down on Maggie's bed and cradled her son, resulting in her sons cries to subside. "Someone just wanted their mommy huh?"
"Auntie Amelia?" Zola's voice startled her aunt causing her to gasp. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay ZoZo, everything okay?" The girl just nodded and crawled into the bed next to her aunt.
"Is Scout okay?"
"Yeah, he's just fine. I think he just wanted some attention."
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" The question took Amelia aback, she expected it from her younger niece and nephew but not from Zola. She sometimes forgot she was still a kid and not a teenager. She'd always acted mature for her age.
"Sure ZoZo. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just miss my mom. When I'm scared I always sleep with her."
"Why are you scared ZoZo?" Amelia knew it was a dumb question, she was scared herself. But it broke her heart her niece was as well.
"This sickness must be really bad if we can't go to school, or see friends, or see auntie Maggie and mommy."
"We're taking precautions, we wear out masks if we were to go out, we're quarantining. At the hospital your mom and aunt Maggie wear something called PPE, and they social distance and they constantly are washing their hands."
"So they won't get it?" Zola worriedly asked. Amelia didn't want to lie but she also didn't want her niece to be constantly worried.
"They're taking precautions ZoZo."
"Will you and Link be going to the hospital?"
"Well, not right now we're on something called maternity leave. That's when you have time off of work after you have a baby. So we'll be home for awhile and then we'll see what we should do. Don't be worried about this though, ZoZo. How about you go change into your pjs and brush your teeth, then you can go into my room and get to sleep that sound good?"
"That sounds good." Zola softly smiled as she jumped off the bed. Amelia sighed once her niece left the room, and turned her attrition to her baby.
"You are very adorable, but you need to sleep. You don't seem to like sleep very much though." She whispered as she placed the drowsy baby into his crib.
"Auntie Amelia your phones ringing." Zola yelled from the living room the next morning.
"Who is it?" Amelia asked, she was in the side room trying to help Bailey log onto a zoom meeting.
"Someone named Addison."
"Can you try to help Bailey log on? And bring my phone in here please." Zola skipped into the room and handed her aunt her phone, and took her seat at the computer. Amelia ran up the stairs and shut the bathroom door behind her, before Ellis realized she was up here. She sat in the bathtub and swiped the call on.
"Oh wow you look terrible." Addison commented, as her screen popped up with the face of her exhausted friend.
"Why thank you."
"Sorry, how are you holding up?"
"I'm alright, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay, I just have never lost this many patients before."
"I can't even imagine, I hear it's really bad."
"Yeah it really is. So have you decided if your going back to work after your maternity leave?"
"I have no idea, I mean they desperately need doctors. But what happens to Scout and the kids. We can't leave them with a babysitter, because of quarantine. I don't know, I'm just kind of taking it a day at a time."
"That's okay, that's all we can really do. Take it a day at a time. How's the baby doing?"
"Oh he's really good." Amelia lit up at the mention of her baby. "I'm basically with him all the time, so Link is stuck with the other kids so I can't really complain."
"Link must be having the time of his life." Addison sarcastically laughed.
"Yea, he's never really dealt with kids before. At least not to this extent, the most he'd interact with a child before is if he had to do surgery on one." Knocking on the bathroom door took her out of her moment of serenity talk to her friend.
"Auntie Amelia, we still can't get Bailey into his zoom." Zola's voice came from the outside of the door.
"Crap, I've got to go Addie. Stay safe."
"You too." Amelia set her phone down on the edge of the tub, and hoisted herself up.
"You still can't get in?" Amelia asked once she opened the door.
"Nope, I tried everything."
"Alright I'll try and take a look at it." Amelia sighed, and went down the stairs to the room they've now dedicated to school. "Still can't get it?"
"No, so does that mean I don't have to do it?" Bailey hopefully asked.
"No your still going to have to do it. You know what I'll email your teacher, and tell her what's going on."
"Alright, I'm gonna go play." Bailey said quickly while running my out of the room.
"No, Bailey get back here." She called after her nephew, only for him to ignore her. She sighed and held her head in her hands. "Okay, ZoZo did you finish your school work yet?"
"Okay, go play with Bailey then." She opened up Meredith's email, so she could contact Baileys teacher about the issue with the video call. Once she composed the email and sent it, she scrolled through the other emails. She noticed one from Zola's teacher and opened.  Zola had 8 missing assignments, Amelia felt like crying and screaming. She already knew they were going to be up all night trying to catch her up, she wanted to be mad but she couldn't. This was nothing like her niece, she was obviously struggling with the quarantine.
"Hey the kids are done with school already?" Link asked as he came into the room.
"No, Bailey can't log on. And Zola's been lying to my face about completing her homework. I also have no idea what Ellis is supposed to be doing." Amelia choked out before she started crying.
"Oh, don't cry." Link walked further into the room and spun Amelia around in the spiny chair before wrapping his arms around her. “It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out. How about we sit everyone down, and come up with a game plan. We haven't sat down and organized how this is going to be."
"Okay." Amelia smiled slightly wiping away her tears. She spun around in the chair to face back towards the computer. She was going to write down all the children's assignments and figure the times that the teachers held their video calls.
"Okay do your Aunt Amelia and I wanted to talk to you guys." Link said as he placed down the kids plates in front of them.
"About what?" Zola asked curiously.
"Well we know that right now, everything's all messed up and kind of scary. But we still have to have a routine and make sure our school works getting done." Amelia said as she adjusted her shirt so her son could eat.
"So what does that mean." Zola asked before she messily slurped up her spaghetti.
"Well for starters we're gonna go to bed on time, and we'll wake up around 7 so we can get ready for the day before we start school." Link stated once he sat down at the kitchen table with everyone.
"So Bailey and Ellis you have two zoom calls everyday. At 8 and at 10, so Bailey you'll be in the side room and Ellis we'll set you up in the living room. Zola you have four calls so you'll be in the kitchen-"Zola interrupted before Amelia could finish her statement.
"Wait why do I have more calls then them, thats not really fair."
"Since your older you have more classes than they do. Back to what I was saying, we'll all have lunch together and then we can play for a little bit but then back to school. After everyone's done you can play or watch a movie then we'll have dinner and go to sleep. How does that sound?" Amelia asked, the couple realistically knew that this plan would probably never happen but they wanted to try to let the kids have a predictable routine everyday.
"Sounds fair." Bailey said and the two girls nodded in agreement. "Soooooo, can we watch a movie tonight?"
"Not tonight bud." Link said, causing sighs from all three children. After everyone was done with dinner Zola helped Link clear the table while Amelia put the baby to bed. "So you've got some missing assignments."
"Oh." Zola felt embarrassed. "I didn't know you knew about that."
"I do. Tonight me and your Aunt Amelia are going to help you with it, so you don't get further behind. Is that alright?"
"I guess so." Zola sighed. "It's just confusing, I like it better when it's on paper not the computer."
"Okay, so we'll sit down and figure it out. It's going to be okay."
"Thanks Link." Zola smiled kindly. "Sorry I lied, to Auntie Amelia about completing my work."
"Just don't do it again, next time just ask for help. Nothing gets better if you don't ask fo help." Link smiled.
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rejectedanimexp · 4 years
Villian eraserhead Au: First time meeting Present Mic
Yes, I did make a villain eraserhead Au. I couldn't help my self. So here's his design and Present Mic's first time meeting him.
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Hizashi hummed softly as he made his way home down the deserted streets. He had just gotten off his job at the studio and had picked up some groceries. He lived in the bad area of the city, so it was rare to see people out and about at night. Then again, most people were probably sleeping at 11pm. Unbeknownst to him, a ruthless, sleep deprived villain was stalking him from afar on a rooftop. 
Eraserhead was standing on the rooftop blending in with the pitch black night sky. His golden eyes (contacts are great for hiding your identity) followed the movements of the hero who was out of costume. His scarf slightly fluttered behind him as the wind picked up for a second. As the unsuspecting hero got closer to the building he was on, Eraserhead narrowed his eyes. 'How can anyone be so cheerful and upbeat? His loud personality might make this harder. Luckily, there aren't that many people around.'
Hizashi pushed his round, red glasses up his nose as he suddenly stopped walking. He felt as if someone was watching him. Creepy. he looked around, but there was no one around other than the old lady who was entering her apartment building. That didn't stop the chill that crept up his spine. Perhaps it was someone on the rooftops? Eraserhead noticed the blond's uneasiness and thought 'crap, he knows he's being watched. Best to attack while he's on edge.'
Hizashi was really anxious that he couldn't see anyone despite the fact he just knew he was being watched. ''I don't see anyone- are those golden eyes up there-SHIT' Hizashi's eyes went wide as he found himself suddenly bound completely in a scarf and with the inability to talk. His groceries were on the ground, no doubt ruined from their fall.
Eraserhead had swooped down and captured the blond in one swift movement. He had also erased his quirk to keep him from yelling before dragging the captured hero into a nearby alley and securing him to a fire escape.
Hizashi was panicking big time.'Shit shit shit SHIT. FUCKING HELL. ERASERHEAD CAN ACTUALLY FUCKING ERASE QUIRKS?! HE'S NOT A MYTH?! Oh no oh no oh no oh no- OH NO!!!! Doesn't he kill people? Why did he drag me into the alley?!'
Hizashi squirmed in his bonds, but it was futile. He was stuck in a standing position with his hands fasted behind his back and tightly to the fire escape behind him. His legs were bound to the fire escape as well- probably to keep him from kicking at the man in front of him. his torso is also bound to the fire escape to restrict his movement even more.
Eraserhead sighed with annoyance. "Would you stop squirming?"
He put a knife to Hizashi's neck as a warning. "Even think of screaming or yelling and I WILL slit your throat." He then dropped his quirk. "Do you understand?"
Hizashi froze at the threat before trying to nod without getting cut by the knife. Eraserhead's voice was really scary and no doubt the work of a voice modifier.
Eraserhead grinned under his grey mask that had a golden smile on it as well as a voice modifier under it. "Hmm, good. Nice to see at least some heroes have a sense of self-preservation."
The knife was removed from his neck, to Hizashi's relief. Though, he was still freaking out. 'How the hell did he know who I was? I thought no one could recognize me out of costume. What does he want with me?' Hizashi decided to glare at the villain. He may not be able to yell for help, but that didn't mean he was going to play nice.
Eraserhead just laughed at the glare. "You look like a feral kitten." He then frowned as he pointed the knife at Hizashi, a few inches from his face. "I suppose I should cut to the chase, hmm?"
Eraserhead lightly tapped his chin with the knife as if in thought "You know, I can't help but wonder why Present Mic himself would be sticking his nose into the underground world." He then twirled the knife in his hand. "Don't you limelight heroes tend to usually avoid the underground? The underground is no place for a loud blond, you know."
Hizashi grite his teeth and hissed, "Why do you care?"
Eraserhead just pay the hero's head. "The underground world is mine and I don't appreciate unwanted attention to it."
Hizashi glowered and sassed, "I thought it was All For One's playground?"
Eraserhead laughed darkly "cocky, huh?" He roughly pulled his hair upwards causing Hizashi to gasp in pain and then leaned into his face. "What's left of that fossil's influence won't be around much longer if I have any say in it. This is your only warning Hizashi Yamada; Stay out of the Underground world."
Hizashi responded with a defiant look.
Eraserhead sighed as he put the knife against Hizashi's throat. "I really wouldn't test my patience if I were you."
Hizashi spat out, "Fuck you. I'm not going to just drop the case and let that bastard get away with what he did to his son."
Eraserhead hummed as he let go of his hair and got out of his face. He twirled his knife as he thought. Hizashi continued to keep the defiant look on his face.
Eraserhead asked, "This is about your adopted son, no? Izuku Midoriya, quirkless son of All For One who was left to drown after being diagnosed as quirkless?"
Hizashi narrowed his eyes. "You got a problem with my little brother being quirkless?"
Eraserhead hummed, "no, I suppose not. A quirk or lack of one doesn't define a person after all. Although, I do find it quite amusing you think you could have taken on the very same man who put All Might in critical condition a month ago."
Hizashi's eyes go wide with disbelief.
"Although, you don't need to worry your pretty little head about Little Izuku's dad." Eraserhead laughed. "I've already taken care of him earlier today. His remains should arrive in several boxes to Detective Tsukauchi."
Hizashi stuttered "w-what?"
Eraserhead beamed, "he's dead. All I had to do was erase his original quirk and all the other quirks overwhelmed him. Apparently, his quirk is what allows him to not die from having way too many quirks. Erase it, and he's a goner. So now that you've got no reason to poke your nose into the underground, I'd advise you to keep out of it." He pointed the knife at him. "Or else."
Hizashi gulped, "r-right. Stay out of the underground. G-gotcha. W-will do."
Eraserhead leaned in once more. "Well then, now that that's out of the way, what am I to do with you?"
Hizashi nervously suggested as he squirmed in his bonds, "you could let me go?"
Eraserhead studied his knife with an amused look. "No, you'll try to attack me once you're free if I simply do that."
Hizashi groaned, "come on, man! I've got to get home to my brother as well as replace those groceries you made me drop."
Eraserhead rolled his eyes. "You can buy more groceries in the morning. oh! I know!" He chuckled before knocking him out with a punch to the face.
Hizashi was out cold. Eraserhead untied the sleeping hero and slung him over his shoulder as well as putting his capture scarf back on. He would just drop the hero off at his apartment unconscious. The hero's ten-year-old adopted brother would surely hear a knock on the balcony door, right? Eraserhead made his way to the apartment and to it's balcony on the second floor of the complex. He laid the hero down before knocking hard on the door. He then ran off before he could be seen.
Izuku opened the door with confusion. "Huh- NII-SAN!" He dragged his brother into the apartment and closed the door.
Izuku deposited him on the couch before  running back to the balcony. "I wonder how he got here if he's unconscious? Did someone bring him here? But why knock him out ... unless they were a foe? But why would a villain return a hero safely home?" He saw a figure off in the distance standing on a rooftop.
 "Huh?" He then saw golden eyes. "Eh?! Was that Eraserhead?!?! DID NII-SAN RUN INTO HIM? How is nii-san still alive?!"
~~~~the next day~~~~
Izuku leaped into the Cat Cafe in his burnt school uniform and ducked behind the service counter.
Aizawa blinked at the kid, thinking, 'why is Present Mic's brother hiding in my cafe and covered in burns?'
Bakugo could be heard outside yelling "get back here you damn quirkless nerd! how dare you still try to be a hero!!! you're better off dead!!!"
Izuku flinched and curled into himself.
Aizawa sighed deeply before going outside. "Hey! If you don't stop yelling quirkist things outside my shop, I WILL report you to the police. Now scram!"
Bakugo just growled before storming off.
Aizawa went back inside while grumbling about quirkist brats ruining his quiet afternoon.
Izuku hesitantly glanced at the owner of the cafe he was hiding in. 'Huh, he looks dead inside-HOLY SHIT IS THAT ERASERHEAD?! I MEAN, HIS HAIR IS PULLED UP AND THERE IS NO GOLD HIGHLIGHTS IN IT, BUT HE COULD BE USING HAIR DYE AT NIGHT.  I can't believe I just used a villain's cafe to avoid my bully. And... he noticed that I'm staring. I should probably stop- DAMN IT! Why am I still staring at him? should I say something? I probably should? But what? Thanks for not letting me die at the hands of a bully when you're a villain and could have thrown me to the wolves? Nah. Shit, he's talking to me. What did he say?' 
Izuku managed to say, "huh?"
Aizawa was knelt in front of him with concern. "Hey kid! I asked you if those burns were from that egotastic brat out there."
Izuku stuttered, "u-um, yeah... but I'm fine! it's nothing compared to what I usually face!"
Izuku was confused at his question.  'Why is he so concerned about me? I thought villains didn't care about others?'
Aizawa sighed. 'He seems hesitant to answer me. Not to mention his eyes flashed with alarm and perhaps recognition when he looked at me. That's not good. He might know who I am. Although, his lack of concern for the state he is in is rather concerning.' 
"Those burns don't look like they're nothing, kid." Aizawa pointed out.
Izuku flinched. "It doesn't matter. No matter what school I go to, it's always the same. Teachers don't do anything. Never have, never will. Doesn't matter how hard Nii-san tries to get them to stop. After all, in the end, I'm just a quirkless kid wasting their time. It gets worse when Nii-san interferes, because how dare I the quirkless freak get a hero to help me? How dare I try to get my brother to save me from them."
Aizawa deadpanned, "ever heard of home school, kid? it's probably your best bet."
Izuku responded, "I actually haven't considered that ... man, I feel so stupid for not thinking of that!"
Aizawa stood up. "Well, I've got to get back to work. You okay walking home, kid? Or do you need to call someone to pick you up?"
 'This is so surreal...' Izuku shook his head. "N-no, I'm fine, Mr. Er- um" he looked at the guy's name tag "Aizawa."
Aizawa pretended he didn't hear the slip up. 'So he does know, interesting... it's not everyday you meet a 10 year old who can recognize a villain out of costume on the spot. I might need to keep an eye on this one just in case he decides to try to do anything against me.' "Goodbye then, kid."
Izuku ran out of the cafe after saying goodbye.
Aizawa muttered, "this one's going to be a problem child."
Izuku sighed in relief as he got farther away from the cafe. 'Well, fuck. I hope he doesn't know that I know who he is. I should probably pretend I don't know who he is to be safe.'
There will be more parts to the story in the future.
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split-n-splice · 5 years
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"When you went from hero to villain, that must have been like an epic change. I mean, you're on a new path with no idea what comes next. Wasn't that kind of scary?" That line really got me thinking. Too much. So much that this happened. Villain origin story time, anybody?
Chapters: 6 Words: 26k Warnings: violence, language
[Chapter Guide | Ao3 | FFn ]
Chapter 1 - Proposition
A sustained bioluminescent glow like a green torch radiating from her palm was enough to light her way, allowing the young woman to purposefully walk the fog line of a quiet wooded highway after dark. It was times like this, when it actually benefited her and her alone, that she felt an inkling of gratitude for her gift. Although tonight it was in part because of the so-called gift that she was out here at all, so she couldn’t be all that thankful.
She’d had a bad day, to put it lightly. That was nothing new. She was parched. Her feet were sore from walking. Her stomach filed persistent complaints, and her jaw was still sore from being kicked by a man in a red jumpsuit, the blow having sent her flying out a gaping hole in a wall from three stories up. Her backside hurt a little too from the landing, but she fixated on walking the line to distract herself from the aches of the day. She was used to having the snot kicked out of her. She was expected to walk it off.
The ruffled young lady wasn’t a particularly pretty sight to see hitchhiking down an eerie highway in the dark. The rips in her clothes weren’t for fashion’s sake any more than the smudges of blood and dirt from the earlier skirmish were, and the scowl she reflexively shot to anyone who dared to slow down didn’t scream friendly or safe to pick up.
She was capable of heroic feats, but hitching a ride evidently wasn’t included in her skill set. Not looking like this anyway, and not when she was bitter enough to punch the throat of the next person who looked at her funny.
Though she may have been a wreck tonight, she stood tall and carried on because she had no choice unless she wanted to forfeit yet more dignity to wear the mask of a damsel in distress. Or worse, go home to bear her family’s lectures over a number of things – fighting solo and without her suit, minor theft, and staying out past curfew to name a few. It was too soon for her to tolerate any of that. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never.
She smirked as she fantasized never looking back, but that’s all it was. A fantasy. A wistful hope. She always went back after a day or two. She was duty-bound, so she had to eventually.
But not yet. She’d take her time this time.
She wasn’t sure where she’d go when she reached the next town, but she supposed she’d work out that detail when she got there. It was still only a far-off glow on an indistinct horizon, barely visible through the corridor of leafy trees. She’d been walking for so long already, and it was still so far, that she began to wonder if she’d even make it there by morning.
She guessed she must be at least halfway between the two cities when she decided she’d earned a break. She almost hoped that by sitting down on the fog line, she could give someone a bad day on the off chance she had a close call with a vehicle.
Head hanging between her knees, she sat long enough for the chill of the night to sink in. She might have nodded off there if she’d let herself, but instead she heaved a sigh and sat back, digging in her pocket for something to stave off the drowsiness. A flicker of green fire spouted from her fingertip, her unnatural flame coming altogether too naturally these days, but the crumpled cigarette hadn’t even touched her lips when a quiet hum caught her attention, and she turned to squint into what had now become a pair of blinding headlights approaching fast.
Go on, hit me. Do it, I dare ya, the young woman thought to herself, averting her eyes from the light now. Nonetheless, she tensed, ready to jump out of the road, and it was second-nature for a hand to curl into a fist with volatile energy coiling in her palm, preparing to release a blast that might save her life if it came to that.
Knowing she’d been spotted when the rumble of the engine softened, she relaxed a little. For the first time tonight, a driver didn’t simply slow down to gawp at her. The vehicle came to a full stop and she grit her teeth when she actually felt a twinge of apprehension.
The stealthy quiet of the idling vehicle made her suspect her brothers, and the thought might’ve granted her a moment of comfort – but whatever relief the notion gave her evaporated in the next moment.
A door popped open behind her, and as if that wasn’t enough to draw her attention, the driver called curtly, “Are you getting in or not?”
Yeah, he was definitely no brother of hers.
She stood, discarding the crumpled cigarette into the dark with a careless flick. The black SUV she faced now gleamed faintly, blending suspiciously well into the night, and she paused at the open passenger door to peer into the eerie vehicle. The blue glow from the dash shined off the lenses of the spectacled man inside, and she could make out a raised lip.
He didn’t look so friendly or safe himself.
“You sure about picking me up?” she wondered coldly as she scanned for signs of danger. For all she knew, this was a creep just looking to off her out here. It was certainly deserted enough on the highway this time of night that he could get away with just about anything if she didn’t have a surprise that packed a hell of a punch. Axe murderer or good citizen, she remembered she could handle anything thrown at her, so she decided she didn’t care so much about her safety anymore.
“Just get in, kid,” said the stranger.
He didn’t have to tell her twice. Nonetheless, she narrowed her eyes. “I’m not a kid, mister,” she shot wryly. Depending on who you asked, she wasn’t technically a minor anymore. Offense aside, she climbed in, not taking her sidelong stare off the dark figure as she took up the passenger seat.
The man scoffed when she reached for her seatbelt. She paused. “What?” she demanded in reflex, her nerves urging her that maybe she shouldn’t trap herself in here. She opted out of wearing it now.
“Nothing,” assured the man, waving it off. “So, where to?”
“Really? Wouldn’t you rather go home?”
If her team’s headquarters wasn’t advertised in Go City’s bay, the stranger’s question might have been more concerning. More and more people were recognizing her outside of her hero getup, so the assumption she lived in the other direction wasn’t completely alarming. It was more annoying than anything.
She took her eyes off the driver for a moment to glare at the dashed center line flicking by at a leisurely pace. When she didn’t reply, he must have mistook her silence as a yes because he made a U-turn.
The very idea that he was planning to take her back to Go City rekindled a fury in her.
She acted on impulse, lashing out with an unformed plan in mind involving hijacking the car. She’d been wholly prepared to slam him in the throat with a searing-hot fist to shove him out the door while he choked – but a pressure against her forehead, the silhouette in her glow, a click—
The dubious superhero froze up in an instant, her lethal hand still a few sparing inches from the man’s throat, and she glared into the cold sidelong stare the man held her in. As a superhuman mutant freak used to coming out on top, it was infuriatingly humbling to be at some creep’s mercy – and he wasn’t even in some gaudy getup. The tasteless unoriginality of an elementary handgun was all the more infuriating.
Still, the threat was clear-cut when there was no guesswork and little doubt of a revolver’s capabilities at point-blank.
Until now, miraculously, she had never been this intimate with the receiving end of any such crude firearm. She was accustomed to the ludicrous weapons of self-proclaimed masterminds and their more creative hands-off homicide approach. Given she couldn’t pick up on even the slightest tremble clued her in that this man had either a proficient poker face or really had no qualms with blowing her brains out in his nice new SUV, if it was even his at all.
By how fast he’d drawn, he must have been expecting to be threatened. He didn’t look especially surprised by her glow either, although she saw sweat dampening his brow in the momentary standoff.
“Don’t make me resort to this, kid,” the man asked, more tired than pleading. “I’d never get the stain out.”
The driver did not retract his weapon until she extinguished her glow and put away her own. As if to warn her not to try attacking again, he set the revolver on the dash above the wheel, close enough for him to snatch it if she made a second attempt.
Crossing her legs and slumping back, she tentatively settled in and tucked her hands under her pits. Leery and leaning as far from the driver as possible, she surveyed him.
As far as suspicious men went, he didn’t look particularly intimidating, at least not by her standards. Not bulky and muscular like the goons she’d beaten up earlier. He was just a sort of average guy in a suit, greasy mop resting unprofessionally around his shoulders, and he wore glasses pushed up on his little nose like a nerd. If she had to guess, he kept the gun close at hand to compensate for being so otherwise nonthreatening.
He may have been watching the road, but she had a queasy feeling he still held his attention on her. Knowing now the man had a gun handy for self-defense or other, and potentially the guts to pull a trigger, she decided it was in her best interest to bail the first chance she had.
She would have been content in waiting out the ride in silence, but the stranger apparently didn’t feel the same. Dark eyes wandered back to her and the man cleared his throat, piping up, “Shego, isn’t it?”
“Who’s asking?” she retorted. She wanted to evade that question, but she’d snipped before she could tell herself to keep her mouth shut.
“That’s not your real name, is it?” he jabbed, amused.
She shot him a quick scowl but was quiet. Her name wasn’t information she went around sharing with just anyone. Certainly not to strange men who recognized her as one of the local heroes.
“Fair enough,” accepted the driver, albeit displeased. He chewed on his next words for a moment before extending a hand. “Dr. Drakken,” he introduced.
She didn’t shake his hand. She harrumphed instead and slumped a little further, grumbling, “That’s a stupid name.”
“Really? I thought it sounded quite menac— nevermind. We’re getting off track here.”
She didn’t know what track that was, but she did know she didn’t want to be on it.
The man wiped his face as if to start over with a clean slate, and then looked his passenger over, catching her arching an eyebrow at him. “I heard about your showdown earlier at that college campus. I heard you lost.”
Jabbing at sore spots was a guaranteed way to get on her bad side. Trying not to let it show the remark bugged her, Shego merely scoffed. “Just because I didn’t deal the last blow doesn’t mean I lost,” she said confidently, recalling being literally kicked out of the building. “They were busted, so I win. Besides, I had somewhere better to be.”
“Like stumbling along the highway in the dark?” Dr. Dragon-or-whatever mocked.
“What’s it to you?” she snapped back at him.
The driver shrugged. “It’s funny. You pickpocketed earlier, too,” he went on wryly, ignoring her tense and her frown harden. “Yet by the way you ran in to stop those thieves earlier, I’d think you were some sort of hero.”
Shego wasn’t sure what to make of him playing dumb. He’d called her out on her alias already, and frankly she was too fed up with her superior’s stupid rules about secret identities to give a damn that the stranger recognized her without her foolish mask and uniform.
Instead of lashing out a second time, she only groaned and glared out the passenger window, watching the man’s faint reflection watching her. “This is why I don’t like the hero scene,” she carped. “Everyone knows everything.”
“I suppose the deputy I interviewed was right then. You are a hero,” said the driver, clearly amused.
“Doy,” she huffed. “Like you didn’t know.”
“You know, actually, I didn’t,” the man piped scathingly. She couldn’t tell if he was lying. “I’m from out of town, you see. Only here on business.”
“What? Journalism?” she retorted. After all, the man looked geeky enough for the job, and if he was chatting it up with officers at the scene of the crime – well, she’d been dogged by the media enough to take a guess.
For a second, Shego wondered how bad it would hurt if she jumped out of a vehicle going sixty down the highway. And then, as if he’d read her mind, the man hit a button and the doors locked with a muffled click. No big deal. She could still break a window and maybe – maybe still get shot. Reconsidering her journalist theory, her eyes narrowed at the revolver and then back to Dr. Kraken-whatever’s face.
“Then how did you know I live in Go City?” she challenged.
He shrugged. “Lucky guess.”
Even if she sensed he was telling the truth, there was something inherently untrustworthy about the man.
Shego turned her frown back to the road. If she could hold tight for a few more minutes, they’d be back in Go City, and then maybe she could make a break for it without having to resort to violence.
She was ready to give the stranger the silent treatment until then, but then he hunched forward to peer past her curtain of raven hair, squinting his eyes at her in the dark. She refused to meet his probing stare.
He hummed amicably, sitting back and stroking his chin. “You seem like troubled youth, yes?” he guessed, but she didn’t confirm. “When the man in blue stopped you from shoplifting earlier, I overheard you threaten to run away.” The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. When had he overheard that? She was giving a determined cold shoulder, but felt his eyes cast over her again. The knucklehead wasn’t going to let the conversation drop. “That’s why you’re out here, isn’t it?” he pressed. “I think I can help you. It could work out well for the both of us. I could use some assistance—”
At that, Shego tensed and wished she could scoot even closer to the door, but she was practically plastered against it already. She didn’t give him the satisfaction of an alarmed glance. “Forget it,” she said venomously, cutting him off. “Try Plymouth Avenue for cheap chicks.”
It took a moment before the spectacled geek grunted in displeasure. “Pass,” he dismissed, flapping a hand.
Shego sat up straight now, turning to fix him in an inquiring glare. “Care to elaborate on what kind of assistance you’re in need of then?” she asked crossly, then she wished she hadn’t. She wished she’d kept her mouth shut – and maybe threatened him to keep his shut too.
“Well if you had let me finish,” grumbled the man.
“Go on, I won’t interrupt,” she interjected with a small smirk at the flicker of annoyance shot her way.
“It’s simple. I need better lackeys,” the sketchy nerd clarified with a note of lingering distaste. He rubbed his temple and sighed. “That means thief, guard, gofer – a hand wherever one is needed. Henchmen for hire these days are all a bunch of klutzes. But you…” His face split with a grin. “You’re different. I have a good feeling about you.” He sounded optimistic as he shook a finger at her. She wanted to swat it away. Maybe break it.
Resisting the impulse, she scoffed. “Yo, did you miss the part about me being a hero?” And why the hell would she ever resign herself to being a grunt anyway?
“But are you really?” he shot at her wryly, and it made her falter.
Shego sized him up. The revolver on the dash served as a clue that this wasn’t some lame reporter baiting her bad habits into light for the sake of bogus gossip that passed as media coverage. And if he was – well, he’d soon learn he was going about it the wrong way. Gun or not, she wasn’t about to divulge anything to some strange man she met on a lonely highway.
And yet, better judgment aside, her interest was undeniably piqued. She kept a stony stare. “What makes you think I’m cut out for that line of work?” Furthermore, had this turned into a job interview?
“I saw with my own eyes you pickpocket a wallet and pack of smokes earlier,” stated the spectacled man. “Right before that fellow in tights came to hassle you in the convenience store over a candy bar.”
Big deal. Pickpocketing and shoplifting was nothing. She’d done worse under the guise of Shego. Headlines worse. Her reputation going sour was no secret. She almost told him so.
Instead she narrowed her eyes, displeased that he’d been stalking her. He must have been fairly decent at it, considering she hadn’t noticed she’d been followed for half the day or more.
She scoffed. “You think a couple misdemeanors mark me criminal material?”
“Something tells me you’re dissatisfied with your hand in life, that’s all,” he said simply, as if it were obvious.
And, hell, maybe it was, but so what? Unhappiness wasn’t enough to flag her as a bad person. She shrank a little though, refusing to confirm. The trivial thought crossed her mind that he might not have drawn that conclusion if she had only smiled more for the press.
“The policeman I spoke with earlier informed me you’ve given up your hero antics,” he added, flicking a glance over to her. A wry smirk stretched his lips. “With someone as skilled as you on my side,” he went on with enthusiasm and grossly heavy helping of flattery, “I bet I could make some real progress. You took out three of my best henchmen today all by yourself. There’s something about you, Shego, I can tell. I really think you’re my kind. And if you’ll humor me, I think I can convince you to see it too.”
Shego mulled it over for a moment. The chipper man was promising something that seemed so unreal, but the implication of something rebellious – it was alluring, to say the least, reeling her in. Though it was a charming notion, she didn’t buy it. She wasn’t so naïve as to take candy from a stranger, even if she had accepted the ride. “So, let me get this straight. You want to hire me? For hench-work,” she said slowly, skeptically. “Standard gig? Ass-kicking, kleptomania, manual labor?”
The shady figure chuckled quietly in stifled glee. “Sums it up,” he confirmed, sounding hopeful. “Standard benefits. Room and board, pay, freedom to exercise your talents—”
Freedom piqued her interest, so much so she almost impulsively blurted yes on the spot. She barely heard him add on the one bit that that brought her back to her senses.
“—and, ah, if you prove yourself loyal enough, maybe a cut of the spoils when I achieve world domination.”
And there it was. It wasn’t exactly a deal breaker, but it was reason enough to think twice. Raising a brow at him, Shego judged him and his delusions silently. If it wasn’t a personal vendetta, it was either seizing control of a city or taking over the world with these villain lunatics. The only thing that set this bozo apart from the rest of the losers was he was brazen enough to seek for her alliance outright, despite knowing for a fact she was a hero.
Which had to be the biggest clue he was destined to be a failure, because that was the most asinine thing any villain could suggest.
It was so crazy it just might work.
Shego pursed her lips in mock contemplation. “Hmm, yeah, that sounds fun – but you do realize I send guys like you to prison on a regular basis, right? I’m a hero – look it up. Why do you think I’d ever help you?”
A ballsy grin spread across the headcase’s face. “Good girls don’t go around trying to mug people for their cars,” he laughed. “That, and you’re still humoring me.”
I wanted an opposite of Go City but Come City sounds nasty so Arriville (Arrival + ville suffix) it is. Also x2! Plymouth Rock is a breed of chicken and that was a prostitute joke and I think I'm witty, harr harr
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thecrazypositive · 6 years
Anonymous said:
So I was listening to despicable by grandson and honestly it made think of like angst with Felix and mc him pushing her away because he was going to be a death eater because of his family and then it ending at battle of Hogwarts with Felix dying saving mc I know I'm terrible sorry lol.
I know you are not sorry in the slightest , I hope u like it
I cried through writing the whole thing
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 Felix was never free to do anything, he was going to become a death eater , he felt like he was chained for most of his life with a destiny he has never chosen, but after the dark lord's defeat, the talk about becoming a death eater at home subsided until one day it faded completely, he was foolish enough to have dreams, to even fall in love, he was crazy enough to confess on the platform before his last train trip home from Hogwarts, you were a fool to love him back. He was barking mad for proposing at that same platform four years later, and you were even madder for saying yes .
Whether you two we making tea, or reading a book together, it was always something he cherished, he appreciated those small details about you, how you would always put your hair up in a loose bun on Sundays, how you tried and miserably failed to pronounce some words in French, how you always looked at him afterwards to make sure you didn't butcher the language.
You always insisted on going out on rainy days, You would hardly contain your excitement when you walk along side him in Diagon Alley holding his hand, dragging him to god knows where when something caught your attention , he would mumble his objection in French, but he knew deep down that he didn't mind being dragged .
 It was one of those trips to Diagon Alley, he seemed to stop in his tracks when he read something in the daily prophet, you walked to him not understanding why he was frozen in place, so tense , it wasn't until you read the headline , that dreadful, bold headline, Voldemort was back , you held Felix's hand for reassurance , looked at him like you always did in your moments of uncertainty.
He held your hand giving it a little squeeze " Don't worry mon amour, do you doubt that I'll do anything for your safety " you shook your head  hugging him tightly "I'm just a little scared, what if he won?" you asked your voice so tiny at that moment and you hated it "He has no reason to hurt us, even if he were to win " he told you planting a kiss on your forehead . " We should go home" he continued .
Once you arrived to the safety of your home, it almost became a normal evening, you were making tea in the kitchen, he was reading in the library, when an owl arrived tapping the window demanding entrance, he could recognize the owl and the crest on the envelope, his family's.
 you walked back to the library, holding a tray only to find him burning a letter, he was pale as if he just saw a ghost , you placed the tray on the nearest table, and walked to him .
"Did something happen ? " He didn't hear you, he was too deep in his thoughts, and the lost look on his face scared you.
You gently held his hand pulling him back from his thought "Felix ,is everything okay? What was in that letter?"  
He was still trying to process everything , he nodded , cupping your face gently "Nothing to worry about ,mon cheri " he gave you a forced weak smile, you knew he wasn't telling the truth.
" maybe we should get some sleep " you suggested and he nodded, you could see that he was relieved that you didn't pry further into the matter.
The bright lights of the living room were now dim and the  usual presence of cheerful friends and laughter , were now replaced with silence and people in dark long robes and metallic masks .
You were being held by two death eaters, he was kneeling down tied up , trying to get to you but he couldn't, something was keeping him in place .
"Now Mr.Rosier you will see what happens to those who refuse the dark lord's invitation."
His eyes widened as he opened his mouth but nothing came out just a strangled gasp, he watched mortified as the dark wizard raised his wand inches from your face .
"Avada Kadavra "
He sat up quickly covered in cold sweat , you were sleeping peacefully next to him , it was just a nightmare, one that was very vivid , it felt so real the pain of losing you was so real, so scary .
You woke up to an empty bedside, you searched for signs of the man you were married to, but there were none, at least not in the bed room .
you walked in the cold corridor trying to locate him, finally seeing him on the balcony, looking into the distance, smoking, something he didn't do unless he was stressed .
you walked to him and hugged him,  but what happened next shook the foundations of your soul , he got out of the hug coldly " Don't touch me " he said using a tone you didn't know he possessed .
"I'm sick of you, everything about you is repulsing " his heart was breaking, seeing your face twist with pain, as he spat every word at you like venom, "Do you have any idea , how embarrassing it is to be with you, someone who thinks Mud bloods should be treated equally,  we are two different people." He walked past you, and you grabbed  his wrist stopping him " we can fix it " you whispered , he yanked it out of your grip "Why is it so hard to understand, I was only pretending, you never meant anything to me, you never mattered, and now that the dark lord is back I don't have to pretend that I'm someone I'm clearly not "  just like that he left .
 It took everything to go to Penny's, she even had to help you walk up the stairs .
She made you a cup of tea, and waited for you to calm down before she could ask you what happened, but you never did you cried yourself to sleep .
 You knew your friends loved you, but you also noted how all discussions stopped whenever you were in the room, they never said so but you knew you weren't trusted because you belonged to a family of notorious death eaters .
 That didn't stop you from joining the battle to defend your old school , knowing full well that he was going to be there, the man you were in love with .
 Felix was at the hill overlooking Hogwarts, the place where you two met, he chuckled , even at a time like this he was still thinking about you, the smiles you gave him, your poor French, the sound of your melodic laughter.  
 It wasn't long before the battle started, people from both sides were dying , you were looking for your friends, and though you didn't want to admit it , you were looking for him.
 The smell of ash lingered in the air, you were covered in mud and blood, the screams, whimpers and cries of the broken hearted filled the usually quiet night at Hogwarts .
 Felix's heart clinched when he could see some of your friends here, he didn't see you , this meant you were away from all of this like he originally wanted , his eyes widened when he saw you, the world seemed to stop at that moment , you weren't  supposed to be here , not amongst all of this.
you froze looking at him, he looked awful his hair was disheveled  his face was beyond tired, you practiced this scenario a thousand times, you were going to slap him and tell him how much you hated him , or kill him, but none of that happened, you fell to your knees crying. He walked to you and hugged you tightly " I didn't want you to get hurt " he admitted " They said they will kill everyone I cared about if I didn't join them, you're the only one who matters to me mon petit , I thought maybe if you hated me I was keeping you safe I was doing you a favor, then you'd be able to move on maybe-" he said the next part as if it pained him  "find someone more deserving of you " you shook you head  "I could never hate you, no one is more deserving than you, if anything I don't deserve you ." you whispered crying.
He kissed you gently resting his forehead on your own " I missed you " he said .
" I missed you too, more than I could tell ."
He smiled at you, for a moment everything seemed fine despite what was happening around  you , he was your safe haven , his eyes had a special calming effect , but that small moment of happiness were followed with nothing but sorrow , he pulled you behind him shielding you from a curse , the same curse that haunted his nightmares , he fell limply by your feet , you sat by his body brushing his hair out of his face as tears fell down your cheeks freely, you hugged him  like you always did , but the steady rhythm of his heart was gone, " I won't let them chain you any more, I won't let them take you, I'll set you free."
the victims of the dark lord's army laid in rows in the main hall , along with the body of your fallen lover.  
You felt nothing but death surrounding you , oblivious to the secret life growing within.
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