#i might do blogrates in a little bit <3
stan-dback · 7 years
i literally just followed u guys but as i was stalking you i saw sm about a mcfuckin uhhhh blograte?? can i get one of those boys?? ヽ(♥ᴥ♥)ノ heres a face
The boy is yours, my friend. Glad to see that you consider us worth stalking, I’d stalk myself too if I could. 
Title/URL:      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
It’s short and simple, which I appreciate. Also I’m surprised it wasn’t taken, you’d think it’d be common. I’ll have to see if anyone’s just called ‘reddie1′ and ‘reddie2′, because I’m sure they exist. The double ‘r’s make it feel more dramatic like you’re either rolling your tongue or loudly exclaiming ‘Let’s get rrrreddie to rrrrrumble!!!!’Icon:              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ooh, that’s a pretty one. I really like the art there. Also, is that a menorah? Bonus points for that if it is, and bonus points for myself if I got it right (if I got it wrong tell me because I crave knowledge)Theme:          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
It’s sharp and snappy but in all honesty, the grey text is just that tiny bit hard to read against the white. I can’t stay mad at you though, look at that little bear with heart eyes in your ask. It’s adorable I love it.Content:        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lots of useful stuff on there, it’s good to see that you’re helping raise awareness for the whole Net Neutrality debacle. You make your own stuff too! That’s awesome! Might not be especially popular yet, but you’re putting yourself one step ahead of all the boring people out there who don’t randomly spout original content onto this website.Overall: It's not me, it's youIt's not you, it's meEh. You're doing your bestNeato-burrito dudeOh my goodness graciousI'm naming my firstborn after youI want you to parent my firstborn
Hey bro, welcome to the squad! You followed us, and now you can never go back. Well, you can, but that’s in the fine print. Don’t read the fine print. Please. It details how to escape and I can’t handle that sort of responsibility being placed on my shoulders to know that I told someone how to get away.
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njmphadora · 7 years
I know this is a dumb question but like how do you get so many followers? I've been here for a few years and I don't have that many (and a lot of them are inactive now) and it makes me sad because I have like 400 and no one even talks to me :( And I know someone else asked and you said we should put up an about page but honestly no one really talks to me after these years and yeah like I'm just wondering if maybe my blog is worse than I thought? What do u think?
hello lovely little thing !! honestly i completely understand where you’re at with this. it look me a very very long time to gain any real followers on here. i remember that for months before i started really gaining any followers, i was trying to do ask games and trying to interact with people and just no one cared. it almost completely broke my spirit and i just had no idea what i was doing wrong. now, i can’t promise that i can give you any advice that will 100% work, i’ll just tell you what i did to get from there to here.
first of all, i started to follow people. i used to spend hours on my recommended blogs list just following people. a lot of bloggers do check their new followers and will sometimes follow you back. but anyway, it’s just good to fill up your dash with as much content and as many people as possible.
then i spent some time working on my blog. i spent a good week on my desktop and mobile themes, on my pages, setting up a queue. i mimicked some of the blogs i looked up to in all the things i saw them doing that i liked. i didn’t copy them. but for instance, i saw that people tagged their posts and their queues and everything and were then able to set up really cool navigation pages, and i loved that, so i started tagging my posts and i made a very basic starting out nav page for myself. it’s things like that. work on your blog, make it flawless, and don’t be afraid to be inspired by other blogs you see around. if you see someone using a nice theme that you wanna use, it’s completely cool to go and find that theme to use it yourself. people will just be flattered that you looked up to them if they found out. and anyway, these are public use themes, tons of blogs have them up.
then i started getting a bit involved with the tumblr community. i’m not a very outgoing person, but i was able to involve myself at first just with blog rate type things. i would enter every single blog rate thing i saw on my dash, and blog of the months and tumblr awards etc. at first, the blog rates i was getting were awful. people did not think my blog was overly great. but all those things i was marked low on, i worked on. and over time, my blog started getting better, and then suddenly one day out of the blue i won my first tumblr award and it felt incredible.
then i tried to make my blog more personal. i started to post more personal posts so people could get to know me, and even though basically no one saw them, and they got no likes or replies, it meant that anyone who followed me would know who i was, and that was important to me. i posted quite a bit about my social anxiety, and started to get the occasional response from kind people who were sympathetic or wanted to try and help. not many, but the occasional one.
then i started making things. i wasn’t very experienced in any editing software, and i wasn’t a fic writer, but i started with some simple headcanons and a few basic moodboards, and i kept practising and trying. my creations didn’t get many reblogs at the time at all, but that didn’t stop me from trying. i hoped that the practice would make me better so that soon i would make something that might actually get reblogged yaknow ?
the next thing i did was to reach out to my followers. my first few attempts were pitiful ngl. i just found my first ever attempt at blog rates and it got 4 notes :) i still tried doing ask games, and sometimes i got like 1 ask but most of the time i got nothing. then i did something a bit different. aesthetics were really popular and it was winter time, so i got people to help me pick a new url and i wrote them winter aesthetics. this got like 36 notes and i was so proud, it was the most popular i’d ever been :)) and by telling people to reblog the post, i’d started gaining followers. the thing is, i started to realise then, that what you offer matters. doing plain old blogrates is fine if you already have interested followers. but if you don’t, then offer something unique to catch their attention. it was when i did my christmas thing that i really got attention. i offered archive moodboards and christmas themed aesthetics and suddenly bam.
after that, it all just kinda happened. starting up is the difficult part, but once you’ve got active followers and friends on here, then it all just gets kinda easy to keep up. the thing is, trying to get there can really hurt and upset you, i know it did me. it’s so heart breaking to not get any attention on here, i get that. but hopefully you will soon, because honestly everyone deserves to be loved on here. dfndsjfdn idk i’m rambling now but i hope this helped
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aqualman · 8 years
Hey I just wanted everyone to know that I’m not as active here as I used to be I still come here to enjoy marvel, dc, all my followers, and the people I follow! I love you guys and my blog will always be a safe place <3
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