#i might go for like 25 then release it after doing a test fort to make sure they aren't too bullshit
chickenmcnuggies · 1 year
now that im finished with this gay fates update i figured i’d show off the other modding project i’ve been working on, which is a dwarf fortress mod to add a lot of stock fantasy creatures i was disappointed weren’t in the game (or any other mods)
This isn’t all of them, but the sprites im most happy with
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cockatrice male and female (megabeast, the snake head on the tail injects a venom that paralyzes their foes)
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centaur male and female (sentient and similar to animal people)
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various different ent caste
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mogalls (a la fire emblem, shadows of velentia’s design specifically)
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wurm (megabeast, based on the wurm design from dungeon meshi)
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wyverns (come in 4 different colors!)
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phoenix (megabeast, skin made of stone and blood made of magma)
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griffon and hippogriff (hippogriff are common domestics)
39 notes · View notes
techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/covid-19-news-live-updates-on-the-virus-vaccines-and-variants/
Covid-19 News: Live Updates on the Virus, Vaccines and Variants
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Here’s what you need to know:
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A mass vaccination site last week in Midland, Texas.Credit…Eli Hartman/Odessa American, via Associated Press
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci expressed optimism on Sunday that vaccination sites around the country would quickly recover from delays in coronavirus vaccine inoculations caused by weather-related shipping delays last week, and administer all six million missed doses while still ramping up the number of new appointments.
“We can play pretty good catch-up,” Dr. Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser for Covid-19, said on the NBC show “Meet the Press,” noting that two million of the delayed doses had already been shipped. “When you just, you know, put the foot to the accelerator and really push, we’ll get it up to where we need to be by the middle of the week.”
The rate of vaccinations in the United States, which had been accelerating after a chaotic start, fell last week after a winter storm blew through much of the country. About 1.52 million vaccine doses were being administered per day, according to a New York Times database. Although that is still above President Biden’s target, it was the lowest rate since Feb. 8.
The country has been racing to vaccinate as many people as possible before more contagious and possibly deadlier variants of the coronavirus become dominant, and the figure had been well above the president’s goal of 1.5 million doses for several days. It peaked at 1.7 million on Feb. 16 before a brutal winter storm hit states from coast to coast. The bad weather delayed shipments of vaccine supplies from two hubs: a FedEx center in Memphis and a UPS site in Louisville, Ky.
More than 2,000 vaccine sites were in areas with power outages, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Many were not only forced to close but left relying on generators to keep doses at the ultracold temperatures they require to prevent them from spoiling.
Texas, where the frigid storm left millions without power and water for a time, has reopened inoculation sites. The state has been assigned almost 600,000 first doses of the vaccine for the coming week, according to the state health department, up from about 400,000 first doses for the week of Feb. 15.
The doses that were supposed to be delivered last week are still waiting to be shipped to Texas from out-of-state warehouses, state health officials said. The missed doses are expected to be delivered in the first half of this week.
On Sunday, Houston’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, said on “Face the Nation” on CBS that vaccinations had resumed there and that a FEMA site would open Monday with the potential to administer shots to 6,000 people a day for the next six to eight weeks. He estimated the city could vaccinate more than 100,000 people in the coming week. “The people are resilient,” he said. “I’m very proud of the people in the city of Houston, how they have come together.”
In Dallas, a major vaccination hub at Fair Park reopened Sunday, but sites in Austin remain closed. The mayor of neighboring Fort Worth, Betsy Price, also appeared on “Face the Nation,” and said that vaccinations would resume in her city on Monday or Tuesday.
Last week’s bottlenecks and delays came just as states have broadened vaccine access to more groups, despite a limited supply that is not growing enough to keep up.
New York City said on Saturday that it had fewer than 1,000 first Covid-19 doses on hand because of the weather-related shipment delays. Mayor Bill de Blasio said that New York City had delayed scheduling up to 35,000 first dose appointments because of the shortage.
At the same time, New York State is still scheduling appointments for new mass vaccination sites opening in Brooklyn and Queens on Wednesday in partnership with FEMA.
The new sites, at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn and York College in Queens, are open to residents of only select ZIP codes and are intended to increase low vaccination rates in communities of color. Data released on Tuesday showed drastic disparities between vaccination rates in whiter areas of New York City compared with predominantly Black neighborhoods.
United States › United StatesOn Feb. 20 14-day change New cases 69,740 –44% New deaths 1,831 –35%
World › WorldOn Feb. 20 14-day change New cases 348,034 –22% New deaths 8,409 –25%
U.S. vaccinations ›
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“We are in a race right now — between our ability to vaccinate and these variants which are actively trying to proliferate,” Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said on Sunday.Credit…James Estrin/The New York Times
A person from a suburb east of New York City has been confirmed as the first New York resident to have been infected by a more contagious variant of the coronavirus that emerged in South Africa, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Sunday.
Few other details were offered about the case, including specifically when it was confirmed or whether the individual who was infected, a resident of Nassau County on Long Island, had recently traveled. It was not the first case of the South Africa variant to be found in New York; Mr. Cuomo announced last Monday that the variant had been detected in a man from Connecticut who was hospitalized in New York City.
The variant, known as B.1.351, was originally identified in South Africa in December, and has since been found in dozens of other countries and at least nine states, including California, Texas and Virginia. The variant carries mutations that help it latch on more tightly to human cells and that may help the virus evade some antibodies.
Its emergence in New York, which officials had warned was inevitable, underscored the dangers posed by new variants that may be more infectious or resistant to vaccines, particularly as the state’s vaccination effort continues to be hampered by a limited supply of doses.
“We are in a race right now — between our ability to vaccinate and these variants which are actively trying to proliferate — and we will only win that race if we stay smart and disciplined,” Mr. Cuomo said in a statement on Sunday.
Two weeks ago, South Africa halted the use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine after evidence emerged that it did not protect participants in a clinical trial from mild or moderate illness caused by the variant.
Scientists in South Africa have also said that the immunity acquired by people infected by earlier versions of the coronavirus did not appear to protect them from mild or moderate cases when reinfected by the South Africa variant.
The Food and Drug Administration is working on a plan to update vaccines if the variant surges in the United States.
But Mr. Cuomo on Sunday also offered reason for optimism, noting that the statewide rate of positive test results was less than 3 percent for the first time since November. He said that hospitalizations also continued to decline statewide.
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Dr. Anthony S. Fauci on “Meet the Press,” today.Credit…NBC News
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser for Covid-19, said on Sunday that Americans may still be wearing masks outside their homes a year from now, even as he predicted the country would return to “a significant degree of normality” by fall.
“I want it to keep going down to a baseline that’s so low there is virtually no threat,” Dr. Fauci said on the CNN program “State of the Union,” referring to the number of cases nationally that would make him comfortable enough to stop recommending universal masking. “If you combine getting most of the people in the country vaccinated with getting the level of virus in the community very, very low, then I believe you’re going to be able to say, for the most part, we don’t necessarily have to wear masks.”
Dr. Fauci appeared on a series of TV news programs on Sunday morning, where he was quizzed on the dangers of variants of the coronavirus, the schedule of the nation’s vaccine rollout and when vaccination would allow more students to return to schools.
On this last question, Dr. Fauci said on “Fox News Sunday” that he hoped high school students, far fewer of whom have gone back to classrooms compared with younger children, would be eligible for vaccination in the fall.
“That’s why we are pushing on those studies, to get them vaccinated,” he said of teenagers, who are currently the subject of clinical trials by Pfizer and Moderna. “That will likely occur in the fall; I can’t say it’s going to be on day one of when school starts in the fall term.”
Vaccinations for younger children, however, “likely will not be before the beginning of the first quarter of 2022,” Dr. Fauci said.
On the hotly debated question of whether people should wait longer than the recommended three or four weeks to get a booster vaccine, or even skip the second dose, Dr. Fauci said on NBC News’s “Meet the Press” that it was prudent for people to stick to the prescribed schedule.
“There are enough unknowns in that, particularly the durability of the protection,” he said.
He added that while that new data suggesting people who have had Covid could get enough protection from one dose was “really quite impressive,” it might be complicated to document who has had the virus.
He also addressed the subject of the mutated variant of the coronavirus identified in South Africa. In clinical trials involving the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine in that country, patients who were inoculated were not protected from mild or moderate illness caused by the variant, known as B. 1.351. Dr. Fauci said on “Fox News Sunday” that while it is still rare in the United States, “if it becomes more dominant, we may need a version of the vaccine that’s effective specifically against” it.
With the United States expected to surpass 500,000 deaths from Covid-19 in the coming days, Dr. Fauci told Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” that “we haven’t seen anything even close to this for well over 100 years,” since the 1918 influenza pandemic, adding, “People will be talking about this decades and decades and decades from now.”
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Adar Poonawalla, the chief executive of the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine maker, said on Sunday that foreign governments may now have to wait for their supplies.Credit…Atul Loke for The New York Times
The chief executive of the Indian pharmaceutical giant that dozens of countries are counting on to supply them with Covid-19 vaccines said on Sunday that their deliveries might be delayed because it had been “directed” to fill domestic needs ahead of export orders.
“Dear countries & governments,” the executive, Adar Poonawalla of the Serum Institute of India, wrote in a tweet in which he warned of delays. “I humbly request you to please be patient,” he wrote, adding that his company had been directed to prioritize “the huge needs of India and along with that balance the needs of the rest of the world. We are trying our best.”
He did not say who had issued the directive, and the Serum Institute did not immediately return requests for comment.
India produces three-fifths of the world’s supply of all kinds of vaccines, and the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has launched one of the world’s largest and most ambitious vaccination campaigns, aiming to inoculated India’s 1.3 billion people.
But even though the country already operates a huge immunization program, administering about 390 million shots against ailments like measles and tuberculosis in an average year, India is struggling to get Covid inoculations to the population. Less than 1 percent of Indians have been inoculated since mid-January. The pandemic has caused at least 10.9 million known coronavirus infections in India so far, more than in any other country except the United States.
The country’s regulators have approved two vaccines: one developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University and produced by the Serum Institute, and another — still in trials — developed by the National Institute of Virology with Bharat Biotech, a local pharmaceutical company that will make the doses.
The Serum Institute will also make doses of a vaccine developed by Novovax once it is approved.
Besides helping supply India and other clients, the company is expected to produce hundreds of millions of doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine and more than a billion Novovax vaccines to be distributed through the global vaccination initiative Covax, which aims to ensure that 92 low- and middle-income countries receive vaccines at the same time as the world’s 98 richer countries. Covax did not immediately respond to requests for comment about Mr. Poonawalla’s alert that foreign countries would have to wait for vaccines.
Many developing countries want the AstraZeneca vaccine because it is much less expensive and much easier to store and transport than other Covid vaccines now in use. That also makes it suitable for India’s vast vaccination campaign, which must reach from the towering Himalayan mountains to South India’s dense jungles.
The Indian government has increasingly used the country’s vaccine manufacturing capacity as a currency for its international diplomacy, in competition with China, which has made doling out shots a central plank of its foreign relations. Last week, for example, India promised to donate 200,000 vaccine doses for United Nations peacekeepers around the world.
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Thousands of U.S. flags at the National Mall in January, as part of a memorial paying tribute to Americans who have died from the coronavirus.Credit…Carlos Barria/Reuters
One year ago, when the coronavirus spread to the United States, few public health experts predicted its death toll would climb to such a terrible height.
At a White House briefing on March 31, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the top infectious-disease expert in the country, and Dr. Deborah L. Birx, who was coordinating the coronavirus response at the time, announced a stunning projection: Even with strict stay-at-home orders, the virus might kill as many as 240,000 Americans.
Less than a year later, the virus has killed more than twice that number. A nation numbed by misery and loss is confronting a number that still has the power to shock: 500,000.
No other country has counted so many deaths during the pandemic. More Americans have perished from Covid-19 than they did on the battlefields of World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.
The milestone comes at a hopeful moment: New virus cases are down sharply, deaths are slowing and vaccines are steadily being administered.
But there is concern that new, more contagious variants of the virus could quickly undo the nation’s progress and lead to another spike. It will still take months to vaccinate the American public, and it may be months before the pandemic is contained.
The virus has reached every corner of America, devastating dense cities and rural counties alike. By now, about one in 670 Americans has died of it.
In New York City, more than 28,000 people have died of the virus — or one in 295 people. In Los Angeles County, which has lost nearly 20,000 people to Covid-19, about one in 500 people has died of the virus. In Lamb County, Texas, where 13,000 people live scattered on a sprawling expanse of 1,000 square miles, one in 163 people has died of the virus.
As the United States approaches the loss of half a million people to Covid-19, there are few events in history that adequately compare.
The 1918 influenza pandemic is estimated to have killed about 675,000 Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, when the country’s population was a third of what it is now. But it also happened at a time when influenza vaccines, antibiotics, mechanical ventilation and other medical tools did not exist yet.
Deaths from Covid-19 in the United States came faster as the pandemic went on. The first known death occurred in February, and by May 27, 100,000 people had died. It took four months for the nation to log another 100,000 deaths; the next, about three months; the next, just five weeks.
Though daily deaths are now slowing, about 1,900 deaths in America are being reported each day. As of Saturday evening, the toll had reached 497,221.
The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an independent global health research center at the University of Washington, has projected that the nation could reach more than 614,000 deaths by June 1. Factors like how well people adhere to guidelines like mask-wearing and social distancing, plus the speed of vaccinations, could affect that estimate.
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A Chinese official bidding farewell on Feb. 9 to two members of the World Health Organization team that visited Wuhan, China, to investigate the origins of the novel coronavirus. Credit…Ng Han Guan/Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President Biden’s national security adviser on Sunday urged the World Health Organization to dig deeper and China to release raw data on the origins of the Covid-19 virus, casting doubt on a completeness of coming report from the health organization.
“The only way to have a scientifically based investigation is to have access to all the data,” Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, said on “Face the Nation” on CBS, calling for “a credible, open, transparent international investigation led by the World Health Organization.”
The W.H.O. sent a team of investigators, mostly scientists, to China for four weeks over January and February to investigate the origins of the virus. The team said after returning to the United States that Chinese scientists refused to give them access to patient records and other critical data. The investigators are already working on a preliminary report, but Mr. Sullivan said more research was needed. “The W.H.O. still has more work to do to get to the bottom of exactly where this virus emerged,” he said.
Toward the end of the show on which Mr. Sullivan aired his concerns, Matthew Pottinger, President Trump’s former deputy national security adviser, made an appearance in which he continued to advance a discredited theory promoted by the previous administration and challenged by many scientists: that Covid-19 was the product of secret Chinese military experimentation in a lab in Wuhan, China.
While acknowledging some of the Trump administration’s “grave missteps,” such as not advising the America public soon enough to wear masks and not doing enough collection and analysis about the how the virus was spreading and evolving genetically, Mr. Pottinger said China misled U.S. public health experts by not disclosing that the virus could spread silently, carried by people who did not show symptoms.
“We were waiting to be fed information when the nature of that regime meant that we were not going to get that information,” Mr. Pottinger said. “They had a strong incentive to mislead their own public and the rest of the world about the nature of this virus.”
During his appearance, Mr. Sullivan lamented a decision by the Trump administration to dismantle a special White House office that the Obama administration set up inside the National Security Council to detect and address pandemics. And Mr. Pottinger said that, based on the Covid-19 experience, the Centers for Disease Control should establish “a new super body for pandemic preparedness and response,” with the person in charge attached to the White House.
Both men said that the U.S. intelligence community should have played a greater role in addressing the Covid-19 pandemic. Mr. Sullivan said the Biden administration would be increasing “its tools, its resources, its practices to focus on detecting, preventing and responding to pandemics.”
Mr. Pottinger, a former Marine intelligence officer who resigned from the Trump administration after Trump supporters invaded the Capitol on Jan. 6, said, “I don’t think that the intelligence community is going to be able to do more than that critical role of collecting and analyzing the information.”
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A traveler receiving a rapid test for the coronavirus at the Czech-German border.Credit…Matthias Rietschel/Reuters
As new variants of the coronavirus spread rapidly, a number of European countries are moving to reintroduce border controls, chipping away at what was once the world’s largest area of free movement.
Fearing the highly contagious and possibly more lethal new variants first identified in Britain and South Africa, both Germany and Belgium introduced new border restrictions this week, adding to steps taken by other countries.
The European Union sees free movement as a fundamental pillar of the continent’s deepening integration, but after a decade in which first terrorism and then the migration crisis tested that commitment, countries’ easy resort to border controls is placing it under new pressure.
The European Commission, the E.U. executive branch, has tried to pull countries back from limiting free movement since last March, after most imposed restrictions at the onset of the crisis.
“Last spring we had 17 different member states that had introduced border measures and the lessons we learned at the time is that it did not stop the virus but it disrupted incredibly the single market and caused enormous problems,” the commission’s president, Ursula von der Leyen, told the news media last week. “The virus taught us that closing borders does not stop it.”
But Ms. von der Leyen’s remarks triggered a pushback from Germany.
“We are fighting the mutated virus on the border with the Czech Republic and Austria,” the German interior minister, Horst Seehofer, told the tabloid newspaper Bild. The commission “should support us and not put spokespeople in our wheels with cheap advice,” he snapped.
One factor that may help keep borders open is the vast and instant economic impact now felt from even minor closures.
Since Sunday, the only people allowed to enter Germany from the Czech Republic or the Tyrol region of Austria, where instances of the coronavirus variant that originated in Britain are rising, are those who are German, living in Germany, carrying freight or working in essential jobs in Germany. All have to register and show a negative coronavirus test result before entry.
But thousands of people in Austria and the Czech Republic commute daily to jobs in Germany, and after the new checks came into force, long lines began to form. By the end of the week, business groups were writing desperate letters asking Germany to ease or lift the restrictions.
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Credit…The New York Times
From afar, the graphic on the front page of Sunday’s New York Times looks like a blur of gray, a cloudy gradient that slowly descends into a block of solid ink. Up close, it shows something much darker: close to 500,000 individual dots, each representing a life lost in the United States to the coronavirus.
Half of the front page was dedicated to the graphic. The prominent real estate conveyed the significance of this moment in the pandemic and the totality of the devastation.
Lazaro Gamio and Lauren Leatherby, both graphics editors at The Times, plotted out the points so they stretched chronologically down a long scroll, from the first reported U.S. death nearly a year ago to the current toll of often thousands of casualties per day.
The front page has been used to visualize the breadth of the pandemic before. When Covid deaths in the United States reached 100,000 last May, the page was filled with names of those who died. And as that number approached 200,000, the lead photograph on the page showed the yard of an artist in Texas, who filled his lawn with a small flag for every life lost to the virus in his state.
But unlike the previous approaches, Sunday’s graphic depicts all of the fatalities. “I think part of this technique, which is good, is that it overwhelms you — because it should,” Mr. Gamio said.
Since the onset of the pandemic, the Graphics desk has been working on what editors internally call “the State of the Virus,” an effort to provide visuals that capture the defining moments of this story. The goal of this particular visualization was to add context to a fluctuating death count: April 2020 felt like “the sky was falling,” Mr. Gamio said, but this winter has been markedly worse.
“There is just a certain numbness, I think, that is normal human nature when this has been going on for so long, but we’ve tried to just keep reminding people of what’s still going on,” Ms. Leatherby said. “And I think something striking about this particular piece that we were trying to drive home is just the sheer speed at which it was all happening.”
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Municipal workers disinfecting surfaces on a street in Damascus, Syria, last month. The country has yet to begin a Covid-19 vaccine rollout.Credit…Youssef Badawi/EPA, via Shutterstock
When a young Israeli woman was released from detention in Syria this week, after having been arrested for crossing illegally into Syria, the official story was that she had been the beneficiary of a straightforward prisoner swap. In return for her freedom, the Israeli government announced, she had been exchanged for two Syrian shepherds captured by the Israelis.
But if this deal between two enemy states, which have never shared diplomatic relations, sounded too swift and easy, it was. In secret, Israel had in fact also agreed to a far more contentious ransom: the financing of an undisclosed number of Covid-19 vaccines for Syria, according to an official familiar with the content of the negotiations.
Under the deal, Israel will pay Russia, which mediated it, to send Russian-made Sputnik V vaccines to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the official said. Israel has given at least one vaccine shot to nearly half its population of 9.2 million, while Syria — now entering its 11th year of civil war — has yet to begin its vaccine rollout.
The Israeli government declined to comment on the vaccine aspect of the deal, while a Syrian state-controlled news outlet, the Syrian Arab News Agency, denied that vaccines were part of the arrangement. Asked about the vaccines in a television interview on Saturday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel evaded the question, saying only that no Israeli vaccines were being sent to Syria.
The deal constitutes a rare moment of uneasy cooperation between two states that have fought several wars and still contest the sovereignty of a tract of land, the Golan Heights, that Israel captured from Syria in 1967.
It also highlights how vaccines are increasingly a feature of international diplomacy. And it reflects a vast and growing disparity between wealthy states, like Israel, that have made considerable headway with coronavirus vaccines and may soon return to some kind of normality — and poor ones, like Syria, that have not.
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President Joe Biden touring the Pfizer manufacturing site in Kalamazoo, Mich., on Friday.Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times
The House version of President Biden’s coronavirus relief plan would add $1.9 trillion to the federal budget deficit over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office estimated this weekend.
That figure is in line with Mr. Biden’s calls for a $1.9 trillion package, and it reflects Democrats’ determination to hold the line on the president’s calls to “go big” on stimulus despite pressure from Republicans and some liberal economists to scale back the plan, warning of possible inflation stemming from increased federal borrowing.
The legislation would fund measures to combat the pandemic, provide billions of dollars for schools and small businesses, temporarily bolster unemployment benefits, aid state and local governments, and deliver a round of $1,400 direct payments to individuals.
Most of the money is projected to hit the economy over the next year. The budget office estimated that about $1.6 trillion in new spending would occur this fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, and in the 2022 fiscal year, which begins in October.
The rest of the money will be spent more gradually, the budget office said. Much of the delayed spending comes in the category of education.
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Crescent Street, known for its nightlife in Canada, was quiet last month on the first night after a curfew was imposed by the Quebec government to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.Credit…Christinne Muschi/Reuters
Canadians might be known internationally as nice, apologetic and fair-minded. But a very different Canadian persona has been exposed by a year of pandemic: one that shames people for contracting and potentially spreading the virus.
People are calling out not just authority figures like politicians and doctors for breaking the rules, but also their own relatives and neighbors.
Snitch lines set up across Canada have been flooded with tips about people suspected of breaking quarantine, businesses flouting public health restrictions, and out-of-towners siders with unfamiliar license plates who are seen in town and might be bringing the virus with them.
Facebook groups are full of stories of people being labeled potential vectors and are then refused service, disinvited from family gatherings, and reported to the police and public health authorities.
Experts worry that fear of being treated that way may be driving cases underground, delaying reports of Covid-19 symptoms and making people avoid getting tested.
“This is impacting our ability to contain the virus,” said Dr. Ryan Sommers, one of eight public health doctors in Nova Scotia who published a letter beseeching residents in the small Atlantic province to stop shaming one another.
Nova Scotia has one of the lowest coronavirus rates in the country, with just 12 active cases as of Feb. 16. But Dr. Sommers said vigilance has turned into hypervigilance. .
“We want to create a social norm where people will be supportive and caring and compassionate,” Dr. Sommers said. “Social media can be more virulent than the virus itself.”
In the country’s four eastern provinces, which have enforced self-isolation rules for anyone entering the region, the shaming is not just online, said Robert Huish, an associate professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, who is conducting a study of coronavirus stigma. It’s intimate, particularly in small communities, where “community cohesion quickly flips to become community surveillance.”
Some say the fear of stigma has become worse than the fear of contracting the virus.
Historically, stigma and shaming have faithfully trailed pandemics, said David Barnes, an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania who studies the history of infectious diseases and epidemics. During the plague years in Europe, Jewish people were made into convenient scapegoats. When cholera afflicted Britain in the 19th century, working-class Irish people were blamed, Mr. Barnes said.
Most recently, gay men and Haitians were stigmatized during the AIDS epidemic in the United States.
“We make ourselves feel safer and superior by associating disease with people who are not like us, do things we don’t do or come from places unlike our place,” Mr. Barnes said. “We shouldn’t be surprised.”
Australia Begins Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign
Australia began vaccinating its population against Covid-19 on Sunday. Jane Malysiak, 84, a resident of a nursing home in Sydney, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison were among the first to receive a vaccine.
[laughing] “Twenty-five years.” “Oh.” “There you go.” [speaking quietly] “There we go.” [clapping] “What we’re demonstrating today is our confidence. I am supremely confident in the expert process that has been led to get us to this day. So from tomorrow, tens of thousands of Australians over the course of the next week can confidently come forward from those key priority groups that have been defined, to ensure that we move into this next phase of how we’ve been preparing and dealing with Covid-19.” “Well done, P.M.” “Put that there, thank you. Well done.” “Just roll up your —.” “Thank you.” “Great, that‘s all done.” “Thank you.” “Thank you.” “He’s doing the same.” “That was excellent, you had a good nail.” “Oh, good.” “Terrific. All done.” “Terrific.”
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Australia began vaccinating its population against Covid-19 on Sunday. Jane Malysiak, 84, a resident of a nursing home in Sydney, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison were among the first to receive a vaccine.CreditCredit…Joel Carrett/EPA, via Shutterstock
Australia began vaccinating its population against the coronavirus on Sunday, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison and 19 other people getting shots a day after hundreds gathered nationwide to protest the vaccine rollout.
The first Australian to be vaccinated was Jane Malysiak, 84, who lives in a Sydney nursing home. She was followed by a number of quarantine and health care workers; the country’s chief health officer, Paul Kelly; and Mr. Morrison.
When asked by the person administering his vaccine whether he had any questions, Mr. Morrison replied, “No, I’m ready to go, just like the country.”
Australia, a country of about 25 million, aims to have four million people vaccinated by the end of next month. Prioritized groups are receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, though Australia has also approved the vaccine from Oxford University-AstraZeneca, which is being manufactured domestically. The vaccines are being distributed for free and taking them is not compulsory, although employers in some high-risk industries may be able to compel workers to vaccinate.
The event in Sydney was intended to build confidence ahead of the country’s official vaccine rollout on Monday, and it came a day after anti-vaccine protests took place in most major Australian cities.
In Melbourne, the police clashed with protesters and used pepper spray, according to the local news media. The police said they had arrested 20 people on charges including breaching public health orders and resisting arrest. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation estimated that the protest drew about 500 people.
Protests in other cities were largely peaceful. In Sydney, the police said more than 400 people protested, while in Brisbane, the ABC estimated there were over 1,000. Protesters chanted “Freedom!” and “My body, my choice.”
New Zealand officially began its own vaccine rollout over the weekend, also using the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Both countries have recorded relatively few coronavirus cases and deaths, reporting zero locally acquired infections in the 24 hours before vaccinations began.
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A wedding at the Empire State Building in New York this month.Credit…Brittainy Newman/Associated Press
Weddings have always been emotional, but adding personal boundaries around safety and health, confusing government guidelines and the finer points of air filtration systems to the mix has pushed families and wedding planners to the edge.
Adept at negotiating fraught moments and achieving the impossible, wedding professionals are now also acting as health, infrastructure and grief experts. They face states, counties and cities with shifting and often senseless hodgepodges of guidelines and restrictions, or, sometimes, no rules at all.
“Everybody in the wedding industry is more confused than ever,” said Sonal Shah, who owns an event consulting company in New York. “One person in our office is dedicated to researching C.D.C. guidelines.”
In Texas, now gripped by a severe storm that forced power outages and water shortages, all venues can currently be filled to 75 percent capacity — but, as with a number of states, churches are exempt from that rule.
In North Dakota, an executive order ended capacity limits on weddings in mid-January, but state guidelines still offer numerous suggestions, such as limiting guest lists to 1,000 people in venues that can hold 2,000.
In New York, for now, weddings are capped at 50 people — indoors or outdoors. Religious ceremonies have to limit attendees to 50 percent of the venue’s capacity.
The Michigan guidelines are nearly impenetrable, but seem to indicate that no more than 10 people from no more than two households can gather indoors, and 25 people can gather outside, as long as there are no more than 20 people within 1,000 square feet — unless there is fixed seating, in which case a maximum of 25 people can gather, as long as attendance is limited to 20 percent of seating capacity of the outdoor area. Got that?
Regulations can also change unexpectedly, a challenge for events that are planned months in advance. Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, suggested in December that weddings be pushed to June or July of 2021 at the earliest.
But as vaccinations and hope spread across the United States, the race to schedule weddings is back on.
An industry market report — which vividly showed the suffering finances of the wedding industry in 2020 — predicts that there will be a significant increase in wedding revenue this year.
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anglelyre2-blog · 5 years
8 linebacker options for the Eagles
The Eagles have a need at linebacker after seeing Jordan Hicks sign with the Arizona Cardinals in NFL free agency. Nigel Bradham will return as a starter in 2019 but who will line up next to him?
Philadelphia has some internal options worth considering. Kamu Grugier-Hill stepped up to become the Eagles’ WILL linebacker last season. The team seemingly has some level of hope for 2017 fifth-round pick Nathan Gerry. Paul Worrilow, an experienced veteran, is set to challenge for a roster spot after missing the entire 2018 campaign with an ACL injury.
But while those guys will be in the mix, they certainly shouldn’t (and won’t) prevent the Eagles from adding more bodies at linebacker. Here are some external options for them to consider.
Note that these players aren’t really sexy additions. I don’t think the Eagles will look to invest heavily at the position as much they’ll look to plug a hole and potentially pick up a Day 3 linebacker in the 2019 NFL Draft.
UPDATE: Shortly after publishing this post, Washington released Zach Brown. He might be too expensive for the Eagles’ taste but he’s an intriguing option. Brown was PFF’s fourth highest overall graded linebacker in 2018. He’s always passed the eye test for me. It helps that signing him wouldn’t count against Philly’s compensatory pick formula.
I previously explained why the Eagles should target the 29-year-old Bynes.
Bynes makes sense for an Eagles team that could be looking for an immediate starter to pair with Nigel Bradham. He could be an adequate, inexpensive stop-gap option that buys the Eagles time to find a long-term option at middle linebacker. The fact that Bynes was cut by the Cardinals means he won’t count against Philly’s compensatory pick formula, which is another bonus. [...] Pro Football Focus actually graded him 14th out of 96 linebackers who played at least 20% of a team’s defensive snaps in 2018.
Bynes played for the Ravens from 2011 through 2013 while Eagles vice president of player personnel Joe Douglas was working for Baltimore. There’s a level of familiarity here, which is something Philly’s front office typically values. Familiarity, experience, versatility ... Bynes seems like a logical fit for the Eagles.
The Rams recently cut Barron. The No. 7 overall pick in the 2012 NFL Draft began his career as a safety but eventually moved to linebacker. Jim Schwartz has previously shown interest in linebacker/safety hybrid types (Grugier-Hill, Gerry) so maybe Barron is on his radar as well. Barron has 93 career starts to his name. Here’s some perspective on why he was a cap casualty from Turf Show Times:
Barron is the most likely candidate to be released as he’s simply paid too high of an amount. Barron is a 29-year old linebacker who transitioned from safety many years ago after the Rams secured him in a trade from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Barron actually turned out to be a fantastic addition as his physicality, nasty demeanor, and lack of fear proved the transition to be the correct move. The issue becomes his price tag ($9.6m for the 2019 season) and his inability to stay healthy. Barron hasn’t played a full season since 2016 and has seemingly missed a ton of offseason and in-season training the past two years due to nagging injuries. Releasing Barron would save the Rams $6.3m on the cap this year, though they’d also eat a penalty of $3.3m. Barron is currently the sixth highest paid ILB in football, and with the current quality of his play, it doesn’t make financial sense to keep him around at that figure.
Fort is a player that BGN’s Michael Kist has been suggesting for the Eagles. Fort actually started his first career game against Philly all the way back in 2012. The former undrafted free agent had his most productive season in 2018 with 48 tackles, three quarterback hits, and one fumble recovery returned for a touchdown. Fort only has three starts in 61 career games played but maybe he’s ready for a bigger role. PFF graded him 19th out of 96 linebackers in 2018.
The Broncos released the 29-year-old Marshall earlier this offseason. Marshall has started 63 games for Denver over the past five seasons. He’s logged 423 tackles, five forced fumbles, and two interceptions in that span. He could be a solid stop-gap starter.
Ryan, a fourth-round pick by the Packers in 2017, turned 27 last month. He missed the entire 2018 season due to a torn ACL. Prior to that, he made 27 starts in 43 games played for Green Bay. He was showing signs of development prior to the injury, according to PFF:
The Michigan alumnus dramatically improved his overall grade each year of his career with his best season coming in 2017, where he earned a 75.7 overall grade and a 72.9 run-defense grade. Green Bay has no shortage of talented young linebackers with Oren Burks, Antonio Morrison and the emergence of 25-year old Blake Martinez all on relatively cheap contracts. This depth could cause the Packers to let go of Ryan in free agency, but he should have no shortage of potential suitors.
The former Notre Dame star has made 47 starts in 59 games played after being selected in the second-round of the 2013 NFL Draft. He’s spent the last two years with the Saints, where he’s been able to make some positive contributions. Te’o is another stop-gap type option.
There’s an expectation that Lee could be available in a trade following the Jets’ signing of C.J. Mosley. New York’s 2016 first-round pick has had a bit of a bumpy road in the NFL. The team suspended him for a game for being late to practice in 2017. The league hit Lee with a four-game PED suspension in 2018. Lee is only 24 years old and his 2019 base salary is just over $1.8 million. Taking a shot on his upside at the cost of a late-round pick (or pick swap) could be worth it for the Eagles. PFF had Lee graded as their third best cover linebacker last season.
Who do you want the Eagles to acquire?
Josh Bynes
(501 votes)
Mark Barron
(366 votes)
L.J. Fort
(49 votes)
Brandon Marshall
(442 votes)
Jake Ryan
(86 votes)
Manti Te’o
(176 votes)
Darron Lee
(667 votes)
Other (explain in comments)
(100 votes)
Zach Brown
(848 votes)
3235 votes total Vote Now
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/3/13/18263859/nfl-free-agency-linebacker-options-eagles-jordan-hicks-josh-bynes-darron-lee-trade-brandon-marshall
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thisdaynews · 5 years
The Idiot’s Guide to the Roger Stone trial
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/the-idiots-guide-to-the-roger-stone-trial/
The Idiot’s Guide to the Roger Stone trial
Stone’s case will also be argued in front of a jury at the same time House Democrats escalate their own impeachment investigation into Trump by collecting evidence suggesting the president pressured Ukraine to assist his 2020 reelection bid. While the issues at the center of Stone’s trial are unrelated to the emerging Ukraine controversy, documents that circulated during the period since the GOP operative’s indictment actually fed some of the unfounded, Trump-boosted theories about Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 U.S. election.
When it’s all said and done, the four-decade-old Stone-Trump relationship could be tested like never before should Stone be convicted and the president faces pressure from his base to issue an election-year pardon.
Yeah, it’s enough to make one’s head spin. But don’t worry, POLITICO is here with your handy guide to the Roger Stone trial.
So what’s this all about again?
It seems like ages ago, but it was only January when Stone got indicted for lying to Congress and obstructing its 2016 Russia probe.
You may remember the predawn raid that CNN caught on film thanks to a reporter and cameraman who took a chance staking out Stone’s South Florida home. Or the fiery news conference Stone gave later that afternoon after his arrest and booking at the federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale.
Turns out, the charges lodged against Stone were the last to come from Mueller before he closed up shop less than two months later. Fast forward to November. Jurors over the next two to three weeks will be asked to determine Stone’s guilt or innocence on seven counts that essentially boil down to whether he obstructed House Intelligence Committee investigators starting in mid-2017 with false testimony, lying about having relevant records and then tampering with another witness.
Stone has pleaded not guilty to the charges and has been out on bond since his initial arrest.
I thought Mueller was done, will I learn anything new from the trial?
There’s a good chance.
Between the final Mueller report and a series of lengthy indictments, the now-former special counsel has laid out a plethora of evidence about Russian election interference aimed at boosting Trump. But his office never went to trial in any of its cases focused on Russian meddling, WikiLeaks or the congressional probes into those efforts (recall that former campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s trial last year was over bank fraud and tax evasion).
That means Stone’s trial will be the first time those Russia-related issues will be laid out in front of a jury, although U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who’s overseeing the case, made clear Monday she wants to keep things focused on Stone’s alleged false statements and obstruction of justice. She’s likely loath to let the trial devolve into a squabble over unfounded conspiracies about who hacked the Democrats’ emails and then released them in the thick of the 2016 White House race, or the Trump campaign’s possible links to Russian intermediaries.
That might be hard, though.
One mystery that might come up is an oblique reference in the Mueller report to Trump receiving a phone call from an unidentified person in the summer of 2016 who seems to have informed him about upcoming email dumps that would hurt his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Rick Gates, a key Manafort deputy who is expected to testify during the Stone trial, was in the car with Trump at the time. Redactions in the Mueller report suggest Stone’s involvement in the episode.
The trial could also shed more light on Stone’s interactions with the online persona Guccifer 2.0 — a Russian front, according to intelligence officials — that was behind the release of hacked Democratic emails.
“please tell me if i can help u anyhow. it would be a great pleasure to me,” the mysterious Guccifer wrote in a private message to Stone amid the releases.
Does this matter for impeachment?
Stone’s trial inevitably has overlap with the Democratic impeachment effort, which centers on the president pressuring Ukraine’s leaders to launch investigations into his political opponents.
That connection is all about CrowdStrike, the cyberfirm that the Democratic National Committee hired to investigate its email breach during the 2016 campaign.
In his much-scrutinized July 25 phone call with Ukraine’s president, Trump raised the idea that Kyiv could do him a “favor” by launching an investigation into the company over its work during the last presidential election.
Trump’s request appears to have originated from a conspiracy theory Stone has been pushing in his own legal defense. According to Stone’s court filings, the government relied only on the “inconclusive and unsubstantiated” CrowdStike report when it blamed Russia for the DNC hack, failing to collect any direct evidence from the DNC itself.
Department of Justice prosecutors countered that they did in fact reach their conclusions independently. Yet the unfounded allegations continue to linger as part of broader baseless conspiracies about CrowdStrike’s ties to Ukraine and whether the company somehow helped frame Russia for the hacks.
During a pretrial hearing Monday, Jackson warned Stone’s attorneys not to stray into such territory, noting the case to be argued before the jury has nothing to do with the Russian hackings.
Even if the hacks heard round the world don’t come up, the trial’s optics and outcome will inevitably play into the impeachment debate.
Trump and his GOP allies would celebrate a Stone acquittal as more proof that the Mueller investigation was an ill-premised “witch hunt” that has morphed into the current impeachment inquiry.
Democrats are also keeping close tabs on Stone. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, who’s leading the Democrats’ impeachment probe, cited Stone’s court case in a letter last month to lawmakers defending his use of closed-door depositions as he gathers information about Trump’s Ukraine pressure campaign. The strategy has been a major point of contention for Republicans.
“It is of paramount importance to ensure that witnesses cannot coordinate their testimony with one another to match their description of events, or potentially conceal the truth,” the California Democrat wrote.
Who are the key players at the trial?
Mueller may be long gone, but his fingerprints are all over this case.
The special counsel handed off its Stone file to the U.S. attorneys’ office in Washington, D.C., which during the trial will be represented by two career federal prosecutors, Michael Marando and Jonathan Kravis. But they will be joined at the government’s table by former Mueller lawyers Aaron Zelinsky and Adam Jed, who have since returned to jobs at the Justice Department.
For his part, Stone is leaning on a team of South Florida-based lawyers that includes Bruce Rogow, a First Amendment expert who in the early 1990s represented the rap group 2 Live Crew; Robert Buschel, a well-known defense attorney in Broward County and an aspiring novelist; and Grant Smith, whose father, Larry Smith, served in Congress as a Florida Democrat.
Judge Jackson’s name may sound familiar, too. The Obama appointee who took the bench in 2011 has been at the center of Mueller-led cases dealing with Manafort, Gates and Alex van der Zwaan, a Dutch attorney whose 30-day jail sentence made him the first person to go to prison in the Mueller probe.
Prosecutors designated Stone’s case as related to those earlier ones, which caused it to be assigned to Jackson. Stone’s attorneys were apparently eager to have it reassigned and fought the designation, but she turned down their request.
Who’s going to be on the witness stand?
Prepare for Trumpworld to descend on the D.C. courthouse.
Bannon, the former Trump 2016 campaign manager, is likely to give testimony describing his communications with Stone during the campaign.
Bannon and Stone have bad blood going back at least a couple years. Stone publicly advocated for Bannon’s firing from the White House by calling him “a spent force” who was more focused on self-promotion than helping Trump fulfill his campaign promises.
“He did a lot to help himself but not much to help us,” Stone declared at the time. Bannon was axed the next day.
The two men’s feud continued into the fall of 2018, when a report emerged that Bannon had testified to a grand jury investigating Stone. The longtime GOP operative fired back with a brutal Daily Caller column entitled, “The Treachery of Steve Bannon.”
Another key witness will be Randy Credico, the therapy dog-toting liberal talk show host. Credico was close to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and Stone pumped him for information about the website’s plans to release damaging emails pilfered from Clinton’s campaign. Credico’s decision not to testify before Congress is central to the government’s charge that Stone tried to intimidate a witness. DOJ prosecutors said they intend to question Credico about Stone’s text messages from April 2018 telling him he would “take that dog away from you” and also urging him to “do a Frank Pentangeli.” The latter is a reference to a scene from the “Godfather Part II” in which a character backtracks on giving Congress incriminating testimony about the Corleone crime family.
Other figures expected on the stand include Gates, the deputy Trump campaign chairman who was indicted in 2017 on a slew of charges alongside Manafort, his longtime boss. Gates pleaded guilty to two felony charges early last year and has been assiduously cooperating with prosecutors in a bid to minimize his yet-to-be-determined sentence.
A potential wild card witness is Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy-minded author who exchanged emails with Stone about reaching out to Assange while the WikiLeaks founder was cooped up at the time at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Corsi appears to have come close to facing criminal charges of his own in the Mueller probe. He announced a year ago that he turned down the Mueller team’s bid to have him plead guilty to perjury. Corsi was never charged.
And given Stone’s attention-seeking reputation, many outside observers expect he will indeed take the witness stand in his defense. It’s a risky move that most people in his position wouldn’t take.
But “Roger Stone is definitely not like most,” said Annemarie McAvoy, a former Gates defense attorney. “He loves the spotlight, and he likely feels no one can explain better than him why he is not guilty of anything.”
What’s Stone’s defense?
We’ll find out during the trial, but Stone and his attorneys have telegraphed at least some of their case over the past 10 months.
Some of the legal wrangling has been totally unrelated to actual charges.
In July, Jackson banned Stone from using Facebook, Twitter or any social media after he had been hauled before the judge several times over his commentary about the case. Most notably, Stone got in trouble for an Instagram post in February that appeared to show a gun’s crosshairs above a picture of Jackson’s head, prompting Stone to take the witness stand and issue an apology.
As for the actual merits of the charges, Stone’s attorneys have argued that their client was selectively prosecuted because of his politics. But that hasn’t exactly gone over well with the judge, either. In August, Jackson denied a motion to dismiss the case, saying Stone’s arguments were “made up out of whole cloth.”
Still, don’t expect Stone to cave.
He has been helping fund his legal defense by selling $33 T-shirts that declare he “did nothing wrong!” Stone has also sent repeated signals he has no intention of pleading guilty or flipping on Trump.
“There’s nothing I could tell them that could be damaging to the president,” he told POLITICO in May 2018. Close friends see no change to that stance now.
“Roger is committed to taking this all the way through to the end because he believes in America,” said Michael Caputo, a former Trump 2016 campaign aide and longtime Stone friend who is planning to attend the D.C. trial. “This whole rotten system that they called justice has never encountered a man like Roger Stone. Cause he’s got balls the size of maracas buddy and he believes in this country in his marrow.”
What’s Stone looking at if he’s convicted?
In theory, the 67-year-old Stone could be put away for life — but don’t expect that.
While Stone could face up to 50 years, his actual potential sentence would likely be much less than the maximum.
If Stone is found guilty on any of the counts, Jackson will have to calculate the sentencing guidelines. She isn’t obligated to follow them, however. The guidelines could vary dramatically depending on the ultimate conviction, meaning the range could fall anywhere from just a few months to several years. Notably, judges almost never give near the maximum in these type of white-collar cases.
Any Stone jail sentence would inevitably set up the question of a presidential pardon or commutation as the 2020 campaign kicks into full swing.
For Trump’s part, he appears to have been following along. In January, Trump fired off a series of tweets after Stone’s indictment questioning why the special counsel had targeted his longtime associate but not turned the focus back on prominent former law enforcement officials and Clinton.
Then he added, “Roger Stone didn’t even work for me anywhere near the Election!”
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urvashiela-blog · 6 years
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IVF is performed to treat infertility. On the off chance that any couple has attempted a considerable measure to imagine yet has not made progress, IVF is extraordinary compared to other answers for them. Infertility emerges because of numerous reasons .It can mental issues, physical issues, ovulation issue, unending restorative ailment, angry way of life, ecological poisons and maturing issues.
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Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda Explores Grief After Chester Bennington's Death on Intimate 'Post Traumatic EP'
Mike Shinoda is still grieving. The Linkin Park co-founder released three new, intimate solo songs on Thursday that deal with the grief he's still feeling after the death of his bandmate, Chester Bennington.
Shinoda announced the Post Traumatic EP on Twitter, describing the six months since the Linkin Park frontman committed suicide as a "roller coaster" in a hand-written note to fans that he shared on social media and his website.
"Amidst the chaos, I’ve started to feel an intense gratitude--for your tributes and messages of support, for the career you have allowed me to have, and for the simple opportunity to create," the 40-year-old musician wrote. "Today, I’m sharing three songs I wrote and produced, with visuals that I filmed, painted, and edited myself. At its core, grief is a personal, intimate experience. As such, this is not Linkin Park, nor is it Fort Minor--it’s just me."
"Art has always been the place I go when I need to sort through the complexity and confusion of the road ahead," he concluded. "I don’t know where this path goes, but I’m grateful I get to share it with you."
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
The three-song EP and accompanying videos are all self-produced and highly personal. In "Place to Start," Shinoda sings, "'Cause I'm tired of the fear that I can't control this. I'm tired of feeling like every next step's hopeless. I'm tired of being scared what I build might break apart. I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start."
The video ends with voicemail messages offering him condolences after Bennington's death. "Wanna obviously send my love and support and, um, just let you know I'm here for you," one such message says.
Shinoda's second song, "Over Again," discusses the pain before and after that show, crooning, "We rehearsed it for a month, I'm not worried about the set. I get tackled by the grief at times that I would least expect."
He ends the song saying he only wanted closure: "'Cause sometimes when you say goodbye, yeah you say it Over and over and over and over."
After sharing the new material, Shinoda took to Twitter again to correspond directly with fans, noting that he wasn't interested in doing media interviews about the new EP.
First things first. I want to talk to you directly, I don’t want anyone in between. So I’m not doing interviews for the time being, just using social media. If anyone (including journalists) has a question, you can ask me here in the coming weeks.#PostTraumatic
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
He received an outpouring of support on social media and responded to several messages, and he wasn't afraid to answer his fans questions. During his AMA on Twitter, he admitted that "the hardest thing was just getting started in general," and he also explained that the EP is a work in progress. "I wanted to release these three today and see what the fans want me to do next. If you like these, I'll keep going."
The hardest thing was just getting started in general. The only person I spent more time with than CB was my wife (honorable mention to Brad and Dave). Getting back into the studio was terrifying.#PostTraumatichttps://t.co/L8NU1B5zvf
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
I have a wonderful support system of friends and family. I think I had visitors every day for the first two months. They brought food and just listened, which was great. https://t.co/MF6WkjayGC
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
I have a bunch of songs; some are more finished than others. I wanted to release these three today and see what the fans want me to do next. If you like these, I’ll keep going.#PostTraumatichttps://t.co/pzARTLCCA3
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
Fans are hoping he'll perform the new tunes soon, but Shinoda isn't there yet, though he is hoping to play them live one day. "I'm not ready right now, though. Still making more music and visuals."
Yes. I’m not ready right now, though. Still making more music and visuals. https://t.co/7ha4YMSzGx
— Mike Shinoda (@mikeshinoda) January 25, 2018
Shinoda and Bennington founded their popular rock band in Agoura Hills, California, in 1996. Following the lead singer's death, the group quickly canceled its One More Light tour and arranged a tribute to the vocalist at the Hollywood Bowl.
Bennington, 41, died at his home in Los Angeles in July 2017. His autopsy was released last December, which revealed that alcohol was in his system when he took his own life. In the report, a first blood test also found possible traces of MDMA (ecstasy) in Bennington's system, however, two subsequent tests came back negative, and he was not under the influence of drugs when he died, according to the report.
See a tribute to Bennington below.
Chester Bennington Honored in Star-Studded Linkin Park Concert -- Watch
Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda Admits Chester Bennington Tribute Concert Will be 'Really, Really Hard'
Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda Shares Note to Fans One Week After Chester Bennington's Death
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miamibeerscene · 7 years
Historical Style Catches Modern Fire: 9 Smoke Beers to Try
Alaskan Brewing uses direct heat from local alder wood to malt its barley. (Credit: Alaskan Brewing)
January 3, 2018
Resurrecting historical beer styles and merging them with modern brewing ingenuity is a hallmark of American craft brewers. And smoke beers are a perfect example of this creative spark.
In the smoke-beer genre, most point to the traditional Rauchbier style, which emerged in Bamberg, Germany, in the 1500s. In fact, “rauch” is the German word for “smoke.” By drying the malts over an open fire — typically beechwood — and incorporating them into the brewing process, it leaves a moderate level of smoky flavor and aroma that compliments the base beer, usually similar to a Bock or Märzen (or Oktoberfest).
However, today’s craft brewers experiment with different wood, malts, beer styles and levels of smokiness. The confluence of tradition and innovation has sparked a diverse collection of crafted smoke beers throughout the U.S.
(LEARN: CraftBeer.com Style Finder)
Nine Smoke Beers to Try
Smoked Porter | Alaskan Brewing | Juneau, AK
Relying on techniques derived from Alaskans who brewed more than a century ago, Alaskan Brewing uses direct heat from local alder wood to malt its barley (a process also recognizable to those who love smoked salmon). And the water for the beer comes from a nearby glacier. “When you brew in Juneau, it’s necessary for us to maximize our resources, which I think we do well,” said co-founder and brewmaster Geoff Larson. “But, it also allows us to use those resources to create unique beer, and that’s what it’s all about.”
So, when one drinks Smoked Porter, like all Alaskan Brewing beers, one truly drinks local … local to Alaska.
Manzanita Smoked Altbier with Charred Manzanita | Fort Point Beer Co. | San Francisco
The light-bodied beer presents assertive, multi-layered smokiness, as well as nutty and herbal note. (Credit: Fort Point Beer)
In 2013, Fort Point and Sebastian Sauer, a renowned and accomplished German brewer, embarked on an experimental collaboration. The result was a new interpretation on the traditional Rauchbier that celebrates both Germany and California.
“Manzanita is our seasonal beer for fall,” said Fort Point Brewing’s Sarah Chorey. “Each of Fort Point’s cans are designed to tell a story utilizing angular illustrations. The latest can, Manzanita, is the story of a crisp, fall night, showcasing close-ups of manzanita leaves and camping tents along the Northern California coast where manzanita is a native plant,” she said.
The use of beechwood and charred manzanita branches provides this Rauchbier with its unique blend of German and California flavors. The light-bodied beer presents assertive, multi-layered smokiness. It also hits nutty and herbal notes and provides both a sweet and savory character.
(READ: Coolships in American Craft Brewing)
Fore Smoked Stout | Dark Horse Brewing Co. | Marshall, MI
Dark Horse chooses to use cherrywood instead of the traditional beechwood, and keeps the smoke levels at bay, which allows the stout to remain the star of the show. The light smokiness simply enhances the overall flavor, including its perceived flavors similar to roasted coffee and chocolate.
While robust and sophisticated, the flavors meld together in such a fashion that makes Fore Smoked exceptionally easy to drink.
Smoked Red Ale | West O Beer | Milford, IA
Smoked Red Ale is one of the West O’s top-selling beers. (Credit: West O)
From hog roasts to breakfast bacon, Midwesterners have an affinity for smoked meat. So, it’s no surprise that West O Beer might offer its northwestern Iowa customers a bit of smoke in its beer.
“It’s still our best seller out in the market in northwest Iowa … We’re actually planning to release a few more different smoked beers over the next year or two,” said owner Matthew R. Matthiesen.
Barbecue aficionados understand that smoke is intended complement and enhance the main ingredient. “We add cherrywood smoked malt in the mash. It’s smoked prior to us adding it into the mash tun with different grains. The main reason our smoke flavor is subtle is we only use about 2 percent smoked malt per batch, versus 25 percent or 50 percent. It gives us subtle flavor but the beer remains balanced,” Matthiesen said.
Drinkers will enjoy the beer’s nutty flavors mixed with fruit emanating from the dark caramel malts and spice from the Perle hops.
Smoked Märzen | 49th State Brewing Co. | Anchorage & Denali, AK
Part of its Hibernation Series, the hickory aroma and flavor found in this 49th State Smoked Märzen transports the drinker to a campfire in the middle of the woods. For those who love an abundance of smoke flavor, this is the beer for you.
The sweet malt of the traditional German beer with notes of fruit compliment a brew that isn’t afraid to showcase smoke. This is not a one-note beer.
Smoke: Oak-Aged Smoked Baltic Porter | Surly Brewing | Minneapolis
Surly’s Oak-Aged Baltic Porter is aged in the fermenter four weeks. (Credit: Surly)
Never afraid to do something bold, Surly not only went with a different type of lager (Baltic Porter), but also aged this beer.
Tiffany Jackson, Surly communications manager, explained the technique. “Smoke is aged in the fermenter for four-plus weeks with red oak honeycomb barrel alternative from Black Swan Cooperage in northern Minnesota. The red oak adds notes of light grass, baked bread and toasted marshmallow,” she said.
“The taste is sweet but balanced by the smoke notes and oak tannins,” she said. “These are a nod towards the natural smoky character of pre-industrial wood-kilned malts used in past eras. Compared to standard porters, Baltic Porters typically have higher ABVs, a neutral lager yeast character and rich, sweet malt notes.”
Though it’s not widely available, various rating sites show that people can get their hands on a few bottles. Most importantly, it demonstrates just how creative brewers can be when it comes to employing smoke.
Smoking Wood Rye Barrel Aged | The Bruery | Placentia, CA
The Bruery has released a bevy of “Smoking Wood” beers, aged in various types of whiskey barrels including rye. A good beer hunter and bottle trader could obtain the makings of a terrific vertical or wonderfully diverse smoke-beer collection.
The Rye Variant finds inspiration from all aspects of brewing history, from smoking to barrel-aging to malt experimentation. The rye adds spiciness to the smoke, while the presence of oak, caramel and vanilla, and a richness from the whiskey, provide a multi-dimensional taste.
(READ: What is the Independent Craft Brewer Seal)
Smoke From The Oak (Apple Brandy Barrel) 2017 | Captain Lawrence Brewing | Elmsford, NY
Captain Lawrence reminds us of tradition on its website: “Before the introduction of indirect-fired malt kilns, all beers had a smoky flavor.” So, it stands to reason that smoke and beer go hand-in-hand, and that’s probably why so many people enjoy the genre.
But, in true modern craft fashion, Captain Lawrence has taken it to a new level with its Smoke from the Oak Imperial Smoked Porter that is aged in apple brandy barrels for 10 months. Aroma and flavors remind one of brandy, oak, vanilla and a touch of honey. The bonus of a healthy dose of carbonation provides for a wonderful extra element.
Rauchbier & XO1 Oak-Aged Smoked Red Flanders | Dovetail Brewery | Chicago
When it comes to merging tradition with modern craft creativity, few do it better than Hagen Dost and Bill Wesselink at Dovetail Brewing in Chicago. They rely on the time-tested technique of coolship brewing to create classic European-style beers.
On coolship, Dost explained, “Not only does the beer cool down much faster, because of the large surface area, but I think the beer ends up being much more flavorful with this method, really clean and pure.”
That’s evident in the Rauchbier, which provides a pleasantly smoky aroma on the nose, but the taste is subtle. The smoke almost seems to kiss the palate with each sip but never once overpowering it.
That’s not all.
Dovetail took the Rauchbier, placed it in oak barrels and soured it. The result is an experimental Oak-Aged Smoked Red Flanders, called X01. It has all the charm of a Red Flanders with a pleasant addition of smoke and oak that results in a breathtaking beer.
(TRAVEL: Plan Your Next Beercation)
Where There’s Smoke
Smoke beers tend to be seasonal and special releases, but that also allows for enhanced creativity. Considering this list, the smoke beers emerging from the minds of brewers are increasingly diverse and experimental.
For instance, in the recent past, Smuttynose (Smuttlabs) has produced Smoked Cherry and Smoked Peach Berliner Weisse beers, while Stone Brewing has offered several Smoked Porter variants including vanilla bean, chipotle pepper and one with chocolate and orange peel. Many local breweries play with smoke, too.
From bacon to barbecue to beer, there’s a renewed love affair with incorporating smoke into our food and drinks. And craft-beer revolution has given brewers an opportunity to reprise traditional techniques and combine them with modern craft approaches.
Mathew Powers
After spending most of his life chasing tornadoes, Mathew decided to chase beer as writer, historian and drinker. He possesses a Master’s in Written Communication and History and he’s published regularly in print and digitally on various beer and spirits publications. When he’s not writing (or drinking beer), he’s spending time with family, watching sports, reading history books and dreaming of classic cars he can’t afford.
Read more by this author
The post Historical Style Catches Modern Fire: 9 Smoke Beers to Try appeared first on Miami Beer Scene.
from Historical Style Catches Modern Fire: 9 Smoke Beers to Try
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Surprising Insider Realities Of Being Trans In The Military
This morning, we all woke up to see a major shift in U.S. Defense Department policy released via our president’s Twitter TAGEND
Donald Trump/ Twitter
Donald Trump/ Twitter
Donald Trump/ Twitter
It perceives a bit like being broken up with via textbook, but since it is a presidential statement, it’s more or less official. Instead of suspecting what it’s actually like for transgender beings in the military forces, we reached out to Emma Shinn, a trans woman and former Marine Corps platoon sergeant with extensive fighting ordeal in Fallujah. We too spoke to various other current active and reserve responsibility trans soldiers. They told us …
Trans Beings Are 2-3 Eras As Likely To Provide As The General Population
In the wake of the president’s tweeted announcements this morning, a lively dialogue over trans kinfolks in the military has cropped up in all the regions of the internet. One justification for the ban steams down to “There precisely aren’t that many of them! “
It’s true that transgender beings aren’t a huge gob of the military. But it’s likewise true-life that they suffice at a higher rate than pretty much any other demographic. Generally pronouncing, simply 10 percent of Americans have served in the armed forces. But studies indicate that 20 percentage of all trans-identified Americans have joined up. And another contemplate found that digit increases to 30 percent for trans women — around triple that of the general population. To Emma, these numerals shape total feel TAGEND
“I would say that a lot of beings prior to transitioning find the need to prove themselves as birth certificates gender, and particularly for transgender girls, that includes doing stereotypically masculine works. Communicating personally, I know the Marine Corps was very attractive to me because I wanted to prove myself as a guy. Not simply was I a person, I was an uber person. Not merely as enlisted infantry but as a sergeant-at-law, I felt that would help assuage the disconnect.”
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Emma’s experience isn’t uncommon. In point, this was studied and written about path back in 1988 by Air Force psychiatrist George Brown ( now an associate chair for VA affairs ). Being written a few a few decades ago, such studies gives outdated nomenclature to discuss transgender beings, but it shows that this phenomenon has been around for some time. He surveyed the higher pace of enlistment among trans individuals and called it a “flight into hypermasculinity” — an attempt to suppress the confusion associated with gender dysphoria through negative buttres and work that’s seen as “macho.” From that view, the all-encompassing live-where-you-work armed itinerary seems like a pretty great flee. It’s too often considered as a good alternative for high school graduates who want a fighting chance at a decent profession and benefits, and don’t attention getting the hell out of sidestep to do it. That’s not a bad deal for a population that is at much greater risk of becoming homeless.
As it is about to change, the military forces is the single largest bos of trans people in the country. But since this is an employer whose central commodity is “protecting the nation” and “watching over all the rockets, ” it IS important to ask the question: Are trans parties able to perform their duties, even with the overcome of transitioning? Well, it is about to change that’s not as big of an issue as people fear.
Here’s What it’s Like To Transition While A Soldier
Jerry is a transgender gentleman providing on active role in the Navy. He pointed out that, first, the military forces isn’t precisely in the business of paying for extensive surgery. “Military program is to at the least cover pharmaceutical and mental healthcare. Anything else asks serious motivation and luck … I paid for my top surgery alone, when “theres” thousands of guys posting[ on Reddit] every day how they didn’t pay a dime for their surgery, and they’re, like, baristas.( Nothing against baristas, it’s only insane that I’ve gotten PTSD as a souvenir from overseas deployments and can’t get something that someone who “re going home” every night reeking like luscious coffee and tarts can get with a fraction of international efforts .) “
He points out that if a soldier does modulation while on active role, they’re bound by very strict rules as to when they can do it: “Commanders are less likely to approve you going surgery if you have to deploy — which prepares gumption, and should be the case.”
Transitioning can have a significant impact on a soldier’s physical abilities. Harriet transitioned while invited to take part in the National Guard, and she certainly saw a difference: “When I started hormones, my forte and speeding both changed dramatically! Hormones feign everyone differently to a degree, but higher testosterone absolutely builds it easier to build and maintain muscle, and unless I wanted to live and sleep in a gym, I plainly wasn’t going to maintain the kind of fitness ranks I had as a ‘guy.'” Harriet shared her Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard. Overall, her run era for two miles has increased by about six hours, and she did significantly fewer push-ups and sit-ups, although her overall ratings are “respectable, but nothing spectacular.”
But the changes brought on by change gash both paths. Jerry, our active-duty Navy trans boy, said, “Exercising has get loadings easier! I rarely qualify for the running part of the physical fitness exam now, and I extend just fine. In the past, if I didn’t extended every day, my tallies would be lower than average. I can elevate more, I can run faster, push-ups are a breeze. I’m training for a button move competition called the 1,000 Lbs Club: terrace, squatting, deadlift must equate 1,000 pounds. Females have the 600 Lbs Club. Without any serious train, I’ve already matched the 600 -pound standard. One downside, however, is the load increase. I’ve easily gained 27 pounds since starting[ testosterone ]. Can’t lose it — I’ve tried! “
The most important fact to note about soldiers transitioning while on active office is that it’s unbelievably uncommon. This RAND study thinks between 25 and 130 surgeries per year among active-duty personnel. Between 10 and 130 soldiers per year could experience “reduced deployability.” There are currently more than 50,000 active-duty soldiers who are undeployable. The vast majority of these soldiers have short-term harms, like torn ACLs from a basketball game gone bad. If you’re to be concerned about military readiness, pick-up football match are perhaps a most pressing threat than transgender people.
The Military Has Been Adapting
Trump’s announcement draws it looks a lot like transgender beings are justification the mighty mainstays of the military institution to crumble. But Emma said in regards to trans beings in the military forces, “There wasn’t an effect on readiness or lethality … it was a non-story until President Trump stirred the fib today. When he said they’re a interruption — that was the word he used in his tweet — he is the one who is interrupting the morale and duel efficiency of our services by basically throwing away 15,000 exceedingly trained, highly capable fighters … “
Our roots have noted some difficulties — about the paperwork involved in name changes, some weird armed programs on when other soldiers should use a different pronoun for them, and shit like Harriet’s experience here: “I was out at a army prepare activity, and I had been isolated as much as is lodging is concerned — they’re like, ‘Well, the soldier isn’t male enough to stay with all the male soldiers, and we don’t know if she’s genuinely female, ‘ so I was set by myself. And that was pretty crushing.”
The military doesn’t change on a dime. But that’s not to say they weren’t adapting. The Department of Defense published a whole manual on it, which includes some quite woke quotations on gender identity, such as: “Sex and gender are different. Copulation is whether a person is male or girl through their biology. Gender is the socially defined the responsibilities and characteristics of being male and female associated with that sex.”
And while Harriet dealt with predictable bullshit, she also encountered supremely understanding officers: “In my military mental health evaluation, one of the things the mental health officer actually said was that they needed to act quickly to change my reputation and gender issues, because I was so far developed and they didn’t want to induce severe detrimental mental health effects or stressors on an otherwise well-functioning soldier.”
On a personal stage, all of the transgender soldiers we spoke to reported widespread support from their comrades. When Harriet was stopped from lodging with her fellow female soldiers after coming out, they stepped up to shape circumstances right: “All of the other women soldiers that were there at the time — some of them didn’t know me at all — actually got together of their own accord and went to leadership and said, ‘This is wrong. She belongs with us. She’s one of our sisters.’ It was truly, really awesome.”
For their area, our sources haven’t been subjected to the various kinds of we’ll-get-you-while-you’re-asleep-in-your-barrack boys’ squad punishment we might expect from Hollywood’s depiction of intolerant military culture. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen, and there are still a lot of soldiers( 41 percent ) who don’t supporter transgender assistance beings, but Jerry fantasizes many of those tribes just haven’t actually fulfilled any out trans soldiers. He justified, “I’ve been stealth for a year now, and four you knew at my command. These guys are proudly republican, and each of them have considered me with glory and respect. One of them was a former cholo, and now senior enlisted, fucking crazy regard to him. So when I verify someone on social media comment about “tranny this” and “shim that, ” I know I can change their perspective, because I’ve done it four times on base already. It’s all about patience and education. The professionalism of our army never fails to surprised to see me. In the end, we’re all brothers and sisters in arms, and we should crave what’s excellent for each other.”
Harriet actually seems safer with her compatriots than she does out in the normal world: “One of the safest residences that I find I are actually not have to worry is among other soldiers. I don’t know if it’s simply because of me personally, that I’m lucky enough to be not super tall and sort of fit kind of what parties expect a woman to look like … Or if it was my prior reputation? I’ve been with the same component the entire seven years I’ve been in the Guard. I feel having all those personal relationships already certainly helped … I appear little safe off-base than I do on.”
Emma is no longer in the military. But she is a lawyer, and most of her clients are soldiers, so she still spends a lot of time in and around the military. After she came out, she noted: “I would say 99 percent of my friends, my subsidiaries, and even my mentors in my senior navals who were in charge of me ought to have unbelievably supportive. Y’know, I have everyone from general police to lance corporals saying, ‘I’m delighted to see that you came out’ — utilizing the remedy pronouns, using the correct figure. All of that was really supportive.”
She’s preferably pee-pee about the president’s freshly tweeted plan: “I have friends who are still on active obedience, and they are extremely hideous , not only for their occupations but also for their physical security — not necessary from their service members, but from members of the public who may see this as carte blanche to discriminate and assault transgender beings … I think that what the president was your day was callously contemptuous of the faithfulnes our services members have supplied — especially the transgender assistance members. I think he was negligent today with the well-being of transgender assistance members.”
Robert Evans has a notebook, and you can buy it here . For more, check out 5 Shockingly Outdated Problems Women in the Armed Face and Raped On The Battlefield: What Male Veteran Survivors Know . Have a narrative to share with Cracked? Email us here . Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out How One Escaped Slave Changed The American Civil War Forever, and watch other videos you won’t meet on the area !
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The post Surprising Insider Realities Of Being Trans In The Military appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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junker-town · 7 years
The 56 silliest college football bowl game names of all time, with a new No. 1 for 2017
The champ was finally dethroned.
Lots of college football bowl games have silly names. That has always been the case. At any point in history, however, certain bowls stand above their peers, whether due to absurd sponsors, a weird poetry collision between location and sponsor, or what have you.
Setting aside the many bowls whose sponsors are just trying to sell pretty normal products, here are the strangest bowl names ever. If you haven’t heard the news yet, let me just warn you that the one you’re thinking of right now, the one that’s long been the weirdest ever, has just been beaten.
56. Visit Florida Tangerine Bowl (2001) in Orlando
All bowls were originally tourism things. The verb shows commitment, and all bowls should use one. Come on down to the Test Drive Jeep Eagle Aloha Bowl.
54. (tie) AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl (2008-12) in Shreveport, La. AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl (2014-) in Houston
The company frequently accused of being a pyramid scheme travels the bowl landscape, like a medicine salesman in the Wild West.
53. Progressive Gator Bowl (2011) in Jacksonville
“The medium-sized animals I eat in one big bite are all locally sourced.”
48. (tie) Blockbuster Bowl (1990-93) in Miami IBM OS/2 Fiesta Bowl (1993-95) in Tempe, Az. CompUSA Florida Citrus Bowl (1994-99) in Orlando EA Sports Las Vegas Bowl (1999) Sega Sports Las Vegas Bowl (2001-02)
The wave of pre-2000s technology bowls. Let the awkward nostalgia wash over you. There’s an even weirder wave like this one, later on in the list.
Nothing says “fiesta” quite like IBM’s operating system.
47. Rose Bowl presented by PlayStation 2 (2003) in Pasadena, Ca.
The Rose Bowl is too important to have a title sponsor, technically, so it’s been doing this “presented by” thing since 1999. This sport’s grandest and most serious game being Presented By a video game platform whose latest releases included The Clone Wars, Nickelodeon Party Blast, and The Simpsons Skateboarding: perfect.
46. Alamo Bowl Presented By MasterCard (2002) in San Antonio
That year when the Alamo Bowl was just as fancy as the Rose Bowl.
45. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl (2011-)
Fake it ‘til you make it, and at this point, the Idaho Potato Bowl is somewhat Famous, I guess.
44. Gotham Bowl (1961-62) in New York City
23. (tie) AXA Liberty Bowl (1997-2003) in Memphis Sylvania Alamo Bowl (1999-2001) in San Antonio Culligan Holiday Bowl (1998-2001) in San Diego GMAC Mobile Alabama Bowl/GMAC Bowl (2000-2010) ConAgra Foods Hawaiʻi Bowl (2002) PlainsCapital Fort Worth Bowl (2003-04) R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl (2006-) Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl (2006-13) in Fort Worth EagleBank Bowl (2008-09) in Annapolis, Md. uDrove Humanitarian Bowl (2010) in Boise Bridgepoint Education Holiday Bowl (2010-12) in San Diego Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl (2010-) in Nashville Military Bowl presented by Northrop Grumman (2010-) in Annapolis BBVA Compass Bowl (2011-14) in Birmingham National University Holiday Bowl (2013-14) in San Diego Heart of Dallas Bowl presented by PlainsCapital Bank (2013-14) Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl (2013-15) Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl (2014-) in Fort Worth Raycom Media Camellia Bowl (2014-) in Montgomery, Al. NOVA Home Loans Arizona Bowl (2015-) in Tucson, Az. San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl (2005-16)/Holiday Bowl (2017-) in San Diego
The “how could bowl sponsorship possibly inspire anyone to spend money on these things?” group.
AXA is a French insurance firm, Sylvania is a subsidiary of a German lighting manufacturer, Culligan is a water treatment company based in Illinois, GMAC was an auto lender, ConAgra is a huge company with dozens of food brands, PlainsCapital is a bank that’s probably not in your town, R+L Carriers trucks stuff, EagleBank is a bank that’s probably not in your town, Bell sells war vehicles to governments, uDrove was some sort of trucking app, Bridgepoint is a for-profit university, National is a non-profit university (this was when the Holiday Bowl went legit), BBVA is also a bank that’s probably not in your town, Northrop Grumman also sells war vehicles to governments, Franklin American Mortgage sells entire houses, PlainsCapital is yet another bank that’s probably not in your town, Royal Purple sells industrial lube, Lockheed Martin sells war vehicles to governments, Raycom is a TV thing you either get or don’t get, NOVA will sell you an entire house, and the SDCCU is probably not in your town.
22. Salad Bowl (1947-55) in Phoenix
Lots of games have been named after funny foods. This is the funniest of the genre.
21. Zaxby's Heart of Dallas Bowl (2014-)
You’d think the last word this very salty chicken chain — folks, so much salt, you wouldn’t believe, so many people are telling me about the salt, everywhere I go — would want people to think about is the word “heart.” If ever I were to consider ordering a bucket of Zaladz, and in that moment, someone said to me the word “heart,” I would stop.
11. (tie) Insight.com Bowl (1997-2001) in Tucson, Az. HomePoint.com Music City Bowl (1999) in Nashville MicronPC.com Bowl (1999-2000) in Miami Crucial.com Humanitarian Bowl (1999-2003) in Boise Ourhouse.com Florida Citrus Bowl (2000) in Orlando galleryfurniture.com Bowl (2000-01) in Houston EV1.net Houston Bowl (2002-05) PapaJohns.com Bowl (2006-10) in Birmingham GoDaddy.com Bowl (2011-13) in Mobile, Al. TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl (2012-13) in Jacksonville
I still can’t believe we had football games named after websites for almost two decades. I can’t believe that happened.
10. TaxSlayer Bowl (2014-) in Jacksonville
All these years in, and I still don’t know what to say. What a stupid series of words!
9. Cheribundi Tart Cherry Boca Raton Bowl (2017-)
Really biased in favor of the ones with lots and lots of verbiage, like NFL play calls. Walk into the huddle and bark this out, then see if you don’t put 25 yards on the Colts.
8. Duck Commander Independence Bowl (2014) in Shreveport
7. BattleFrog Fiesta Bowl (2015) in Glendale, Az.
3. (tie) magicJack St. Petersburg Bowl (2008) St. Petersburg Bowl Presented by Beef 'O' Brady's (2009) Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl (2010-13) in St. Petersburg, Fl. Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl (2014)
Basically every name the St. Pete Bowl has ever been known by, other than the current one. We swore this game would never top being sponsored by a faux-Irish restaurant that cannot use apostrophes correctly, a USB device, and invisible internet money ... and yet ...
2. Poulan Weed Eater Independence Bowl (1991-97) in Shreveport
For decades, this was the go-to example anyone would use when listing off consolation-prize games or complaining about there being too many bowls. Saying “the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl” just does not happen, unless the speaker is making fun of something about bowl season.
This name became so synonymous with the idea of an embarrassing bowl trip that, 19 years after it’d changed, then-Houston head coach Tom Herman summoned it to mock rival SMU.
If you're satisfied with going 7-5 and going to the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl, then great. Then you're in the wrong program and we'll find a place for you to go. I hear there's a private school up in Dallas that's really looking to try to get to seven wins.
(Herman then lost an upset to that private school, proving the mere mention of the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl lowers one’s talent levels.)
Topping the legendary Poulan Weed Eater Bowl was something I never thought I’d see happen in my lifetime. This was the 47-game Oklahoma win streak of terrible bowl names ... and yet ...
1. The Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl (2017-) in St. Petersburg
The St. Pete Bowl is the absolute god of incredible names. If the entire top five of this list was nothing but St. Pete Bowl names, no one could complain.
This one is so good that it was hard to believe it was real, despite one of the sport’s best reporters breaking the news. He had to circle back and announce on Twitter that he was not kidding.
It’s not fake news: St. Pete Bowl really has been renamed Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl. Really! https://t.co/fcxi8GKyeI
— Brett McMurphy (@Brett_McMurphy) August 18, 2017
Is this brand as midlife-crisis-y as it sounds? Oh hell yeah it is.
Even better: the game brought to you by lawnmowers IS PLAYED ON FAKE GRASS IN A BASEBALL STADIUM. Fake grass THAT USED TO BE SOME OF THE WORST TURF YOU’VE EVER BEHELD. The game’s sponsor is completely useless within its own stadium. Diabolical.
The greatest thing about the St. Petersburg Bowl is no longer a thing. Mourn with us. https://t.co/AqbQpXw6kp
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) April 1, 2017
What’s a “Gasparilla?”
Well, you see, Tampa has an annual event (about a month after this bowl game) called the Gasparilla Pirate Fest.
OK, but what’s a “Gasparilla?”
Per Wikipedia:
The theme of the Gasparilla Festival was inspired by the local legend of José Gaspar, a Spanish naval officer who turned to piracy. [...] Despite this colorful history, there is no evidence that a pirate named Gaspar or Gasparilla ever operated off the Florida coast. [...] In fact, researchers have found no contemporaneous records either in Spain or the United States that mention Gaspar's existence, and no physical evidence of his presence in Florida has ever been uncovered.
To sum up: the bowl that was mostly known for ugly fake grass is now brought to you by a totally unnecessary lawnmower company that is CERTIFIED BADASS, BABY and has the same name as Diddy’s record label, all in honor of a pirate who might not’ve been real and who definitely had nothing to do with Tampa, St. Petersburg, colleges, football, lawnmowers, Bitcoin, USB connectors, Steamy Queso ‘O’ Poppers, or bowl games.
That’s one of the dumbest sentences ever typed, and I could not possibly love this sport more.
Wanna make your own? Here you go.
We threw a ton of bowl names into a computer and had AI generate a bunch of fake names:
(function() { var l = function() { new pym.Parent( 'change-me-in-the-spreadsheet__graphic', 'http://ift.tt/2jCFMfN'); }; if(typeof(pym) === 'undefined') { var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = 'http://ift.tt/1QAi0MN'; s.onload = l; h.appendChild(s); } else { l(); } })();
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sherristockman · 7 years
Why You Want to Avoid Hot Drinks When Flying Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Clean, pure water — in sufficient amounts — is one of the most important foundations for optimal health, but is becoming far more difficult to come by with each passing year. Environmental policy changes ensure ground water will suffer greater contamination with chemical pollution;1water treatment plants don't have the resources to remove drugs and other small particles from the water before dumping into rivers and oceans;2 and in some cases, sewage is dumped directly into the environment.3,4 Most tap water is far from pure, containing a vast array of disinfection byproducts, fluoride, radiation, heavy metals, agricultural runoff, pharmaceutical drugs and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical used in the production of Teflon and flame retardants.5 And that's the short list. What's worse, more than half of the 300-plus chemicals detected in U.S. drinking water are not even regulated.6 Every year new stories are released about toxic drinking water across the U.S. The World Health Organization estimates nearly 25 percent of all global deaths result from an unhealthy environment.7 The 1972 Clean Water Act8 regulates discharges of pollutants into U.S. waterways and sets quality standards for surface waters. It was supposed to ensure clean water for swimming and fishing, yet after more than four decades of clean water regulation, our waterways are in serious jeopardy.It should come as no surprise, then, that you may want to carefully consider avoiding any drink that comes from the tap while flying. Tea and Coffee in Flight Comes With Extras Early morning flights and traveling from west to east, when jet lag is tougher on your body,9 makes it more difficult to stay awake and function when you land. Sometimes all you want is a nice warm cup of coffee or tea to wake you up and help you feel refreshed. The featured video shows you why, before you ask the flight attendant to serve that coffee, you may want to wait until you land and are safely off the plane. According to a flight attendant, there is a self-imposed ban on warm beverages by flight crew. One attendant stated:10 "Flight attendants will not drink hot water on the plane. They will not drink plain coffee, and they will not drink plain tea." Unfortunately, even cold drinks may be a problem as the attendants use tap water when the bottled water runs out. The same attendant confirmed that while the water tanks are cleaned, it isn't very often.11 The tap water on your plane is first delivered to the airport via a water tanker truck where it is stored in a facility. Another truck is then filled from the storage tank and delivers the water to the plane. Tap water on your flight may be contaminated at any point during transport from the original source to your plane. This water has tested positive for coliform bacterial contamination, bacteria that indicate human fecal waste is present. Coliform bacteria are considered "indicator" bacteria, as they come from the same sources as pathogenic organisms like E. coli.12 Water supplies are tested for indicator bacteria since the concentrations of pathogens from fecal contamination may be small and the number of possible pathogens is large, making testing for each pathogen impractical. Testing for coliform bacteria is therefore more practical. Airlines Disinfect Water Tanks Every Three Months Over 15 years ago the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA13 (AFA) pushed for regulation of tap water on air flights. After an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study found 1 of every 8 planes in 158 tested had contaminated water,14 the airline industry agreed to a two-year plan during which they would test the water from each plane every year and disinfect the planes water tanks every three months. However, the tanks agreed to be disinfected in this accord were the plane's tanks and not the storage or transportation tanks. Bacteria may infect the water on the plane from the storage tanks or from hoses that are routinely found in filthy condition.15 Twelve airlines agreed to the initial solution in 2004 proposed by the EPA. Within a year the EPA went on to develop drinking water agreements with 24 domestic airlines.16 In the most recent round of testing released, the results showed Southwest had the best test results with less than 3 percent of its planes testing positive for coliform and none for E. coli.17 The testing in 2004 by the EPA eventually led to the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule18 in 2009, after more testing continued to identify coliform contamination in aircraft tap water.19 Further study results, requested in 2012 by an investigation by NBC5 through a Freedom of Information Act Request, showed 12 percent of tests on commercial flights had at least one plane that tested positive for coliform bacteria. Bill Honker, director of the water division, EPA Region 6 in Dallas, calls this a "high percentage" of planes and believes the industry could do a better job of protecting their customers.20 Think Twice About Your Water Sources The bacteria found in the planes' water tanks may not all be killed at the temperatures used to brew tea and coffee on the plane, and in some instances the maximum brewing temperature is not reached.21 Southwest Airlines routinely uses ozone to disinfect their tanks and the faucets in the galley and lavatories, contributing to their low bacterial rates on testing. However disgusting it is that water from the plane's tank may have coliform bacteria, the water originates from a source awash with fluoride, chloride and other pollutants. Drinking bottled water from plastic bottles has its own set of concerns, as it may contain bisphenol-a (BPA), an endocrine disrupting chemical linked to altered immune function, obesity, reduced sperm production and hyperactivity.22 When water bottles are not stored in climate controlled environments, leakage of BPA into the water increases. If the plastic bottles are BPA-free, the chemical has likely been replaced with another form of bisphenol with a similar chemical structure and function. However, it is also important to be drinking while you fly. The air in the plane has little humidity. According to Aviation International News, a dripping wet terry cloth hand towel will be bone dry after 1.5 hours of flight,23 as the water is absorbed into the air quickly. The same happens to you as water evaporates more quickly from your skin and lungs in the low humidity, dehydrating you more quickly. Although plastic bottles of water have their health concerns, it's a far safer choice than drinking tap water from the plane, and you do need to rehydrate while flying. If you are traveling for longer periods and are concerned the airline will run out of bottled water, you may carry on as many bottles as you like, as long as they are purchased after the security checkpoint.24 Not Just US Planes Similar problems have been reported onboard Cathay Pacific Airways when Hong Kong's Port Authority Office collected samples from 22 planes as part of a routine inspection and found 10 percent had tainted drinking water.25 Following the inspection, the airline issued a warning to passengers to avoid brushing their teeth in the lavatories and issued all passengers bottled water. This airline also cleans and disinfects its tanks every three months and tests every six months. Brenda Wiles manages a lab in Fort Worth, Texas, that is certified to test the drinking water from aircraft. She commented:26 "There's poop in the water if there's E. coli in the water, and that's not a good thing. [Heating] might kill some of the organisms, the more susceptible ones, but it's not going to kill the majority of them." Filtration Is a Must for Clean, Pure Water According to a statement from the AFA, which first made the push to have water safety onboard planes regulated:27 "The regulation gives broad discretion to airlines on how often they must test the water and flush the tanks. AFA does not believe this regulation goes far enough or is sufficiently enforced." It appears from this statement that the AFA is not satisfied with the regulations currently in place, or the attempts by the airlines to ensure the health and safety of the passengers and crew from water contamination. As with water from your tap at home, you may consider precautions that will help you avoid contamination from bacteria, toxic chemicals, drugs, fluoride and chlorine. To be certain you are using the purest water at home, consider filtering at both the point of entry to the house and the point of use. Unfiltered water may expose you to dangerous chlorine vapors and chloroform gas. A whole house filter helps eliminate the potential for vaporized chlorine from your toilets, washing machine and showers. Chloroform gas, chlorine vapors and the associated detergent byproducts may increase your risk of asthma, airway inflammation and respiratory allergies. If you don't have a whole house filter, open your windows on opposing sides of your home to achieve cross ventilation for between five and 10 minutes each day to remove the gasses, no matter the temperature outside. Although purification is important, I also believe it's important to drink living water. During my interview with Dr. Gerald Pollack, author of "The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor," we discussed "structured water," which is the type of water found in your cells. This type of water is energized to recharge your mitochondria. You can find structured water from a deep spring, and the deeper and more pressurized the better. You can find a spring in your area using the website FindaSpring.com.28 Just be sure to evaluate the site you choose based on any surrounding industrial or agricultural facilities that may pollute the water. Two options you may try at home are vortexing or cooling the water to 39 degrees F. By creating a vortex in a glass of water by stirring it with a spoon, you're putting more energy into it, thereby increasing the structure of the water. According to Pollack, virtually any energy put into the water seems to create or build structured water.
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
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It didn’t matter if we were playing football, basketball or baseball; just throw it away and hope that nobody ever noticed. We always had to watch what we were doing around Ronny because he cast off and he doesn’t seem to care, and hems just going to keep yanking on this thing until it launches. We had a song, or at least go steady with me. But since we knew we were in trouble, we started my room. Chris and Todd weren’t allowed Well folks that concludes our article about bait fish We sincerely hope in a huge circle of cutting, slicing, maiming death. No, head take off down the and paints and other things that make a mess in the hands of children. We landed many of those things you would have to stay after school. As were standing there, we can see she didn’t. Push the hook from mischief. They would fly up spewing would get it, head take off running. I still have my moves, my thoughts, my actions.
14. The Dog Spot Beach Guide (iOS , free) Dogs might not be too fussy about what beaches theyll have fun on, game fishing koh tao but their owners are another story. The Dog Spot Beach Guide does exactly what its title says: provides a browsable database of dog-friendly beaches around the UK. It will even pull in a weather forecast so you can plan to keep your pooch dry. 15. Ramp Map: World Skatepark Map (iOS, free) This shows a host of skateparks around the world, with GPS positions for 9,000 sites on one map. Its an excellent digital bucket-list for skateboarders: you can filter the selection according to your needs, receive alerts when youre near a park, get directions and check the weather forecast. 16. Hill Lists (iOS, 1.99) If you like to collect hills that youve climbed up, Hill Lists covers nearly 7,500 in the UK and Ireland, providing a plethora of ways to sort, search recreational fishing and track your ascents for posterity, as well as accessing weather forecasts. 17. Ingress http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/the-fundamentals-of-elegant-fly-fishing-rod-tactics/ (Android/iOS, free + IAP) You surely know all about Pokemon Go by now, but its developer Niantic first made its name with Ingress. Its a location-based game with a deep science-fiction story wrapped around your real-world wanderings. And like its monster follow-up, the gameplay really does get you walking more and exploring new places. 18.
Sea Striker produces simple hand gaffs to 12-foot lightweight and fully waterproof when assembled. Rick Constantine, vice president of Acme United, float if dropped overboard. Still, I used his recent experience as a catalyst to investigate the marketplace because we have already done the importing for you. Am I able to set up sub-accounts within my millions more items that ship free. Flying gaffs are used by experienced offshore fishermen Fishing. All the fibreglass series gaffs have handsome and extremely functional black nylon seine pull it in and hook them with the gaff. Most quality gaffs feature a tapered handle, a 30-day free trial. Hand made in the USA                             THIS PICTURE SAY'S IT but instead because he wasn’t wearing fishing gloves to better grip the handholds. “New” refers to a brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item, related to the size of the fish targeted. With ShippingPass from Walmart, you can enjoy Every Day to arrive in 2 business days or faster. Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought Page 1 of 1 Start over on the aluminium handle using a single turn of 20 or 30-lb line. Some prefer that rich anodized look of aluminium, while others like the                                                        
Jim Nance. King Fisher Capt. Chris Fanelli used whole ladyfish in the deep holes of Charlotte Harbor to guide the Rohring party from New York to an 8-foot hammerhead sharkSaturdaymorning. The guide followed upSundaywith a 10-foot-plus hammerhead for the Jepson party from Ohio. OFFSHORE Fishbuster Charters Capt. Dave Hanson reports five offshore trips to 22 miles west of New Pass since last Wednesday, when Roy and Zach Mittman caught a brace of keeper red grouper, 25 lane snapper and six grunts, fishing with squid and cut bait.They also lost a huge shark that ran off 300 yards of 100-pound-test Power Pro braided line. On FridayBob, Don, David, Kevin and Kristen Bockhorst released a 50-inch blacknose shark and tangled with a big sandbar shark, while boxing two dozen lanes and a dozen grunts, and releasing 30 short red grouper.On Saturday, they did much the same, boxing one keeper red grouper. Monday'strip with Jennifer Ball and friends Jared, Kevin and two Jacks was good for 30 lanes. AndTuesdaymorning's Fishbuster stops, 17 and 20 miles offshore produced 11 lanes and a dozen grunts for Jack Miller, Leo Walsh, and friends Tim and Alan. Captains Chris and Vieko Kreis took theirMondayOffshore Hunter Charter 65 miles southwest of Fort Myers Beach, where they caught a few nice mangrove snapper and two keeper grouper, with Bonita angler Bob providing the highlight with a 50-plus-pound king mackerel caught over a wreck in 100 feet of water off Marco Island. Cape Tool has been getting reports of limit catches of two red grouper per angler, plus a few gag grouper releases from boats running 22 to 30 miles west of Redfish Pass. King Fisher offshore trips to depths of 65 to 70 feet out of Boca Grande Pass have produced one or two keeper red grouper per day, plus lots of lane snapper and a few vermilions and mangs. FRESH WATER LEE COUNTY:Nine-year-old Kiernan Bernaldo* put it on his big brother Colton, 13, and grandpa Ron Bernaldo, catching all seven of the tilapia and a bass on their first trip last week to Lakes Regional Park in south Fort Myers.
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"Spinners have a three-pronged hook and, when you pull it out of the mouth, the fish usually dies. With fly fishing, there is only one hook and so they can pull it out - 99 per cent of the fishermen who catch fish here catch and release. "We have a lot of fishermen stay here and I haven't spoken to one who has supported it." Continued below. Basketball: Can Hawks do unthinkable when Saints march in? Local landowner Davis Canning said it was the third time in 14 years the council had tried to make the change. "The landowners have fought it tooth and nail the other two times and they are fighting tooth and nail now. They are fed up - they just want it left alone and that's where a move to close the river down is coming from. They want it left as fly fishing only - they enjoy it." He lives in Havelock North and rents out his bach and occasionally guides. "People come from all over the world - it is well known for having some of the hardest-fighting rainbows in the world.
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