#i might just be biased because i was forced to watch that arin guy from GG talk about how great this game was
gerudospiriit · 5 months
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[Wow, someone actually pointing out how crazy and irresponsible it is for the goddesses to create something like the Triforce and just leave it lying around? So far that's been the best thing about A Link to the Past.]
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grump-music · 7 years
I did- not really as funny as his previous stuff, and yeah some of the magic sure is gone. I still have this gut feeling wishing he succeeds but mannnn
It seems like a lot of you are saying something similar. I, for one, do hope that things do turn around from a personal, and creative standpoint, because I don't really remember the last time I truly enjoyed his new content, save for the Arin cameo. Jon was a content creator I respected and looked up to from a comedy standpoint, and to watch him fall like this brings me no joy. I don't want to speculate on his behaviour now vs then though, because that often leads to the wrong conclusions. For me, ignorance is not a bad thing, if you accept that you might be wrong, and are willing to understand the other viewpoint, and maybe open to develop your own beliefs from that new information. I can't make the guy see things from other perspectives or be willing to understand why what he said is inappropriate. Only he can. What makes it hard for me is how knowing that some of his fans are hurt, saddened, and even affected by viewpoints he's made, (either directly or as a consequence from similar ideals from more malicious groups of people), and this has forced him into months of silence and as a result he's either not acknowledging that he could learn from this and grow as a person, or just acting like that never happened and trying to carry on as normal. I'm not counting his half arsed apology video either. It's still hard to believe that in 2017, we still have to deal with harmful racial opinions, laced with biased statistics which give weight to an already unbalanced argument, and literal Nazis walking freely hurting people. What the hell has happened, and how have the previous generations just let it grow like this again? Do we not learn? These are not good times and I'm especially worried for the safety of any person of colour, or not strictly heterosexual, in the USA at the moment. This went off topic a little. I just want y'all to be safe and to enjoy what you can out of life, no matter how rubbish things seem. Make the loud minority be the minority, by not being silent about this stuff. Without the voice contradicting bad opinions, they are the only ones with a voice.Hopefully somebody will put out a remix today so we can get back to business.
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