#i might redraw this too see if I ve improved
chaoticly-shy-dragon · 5 months
(it's may the 4th?!)
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may the fourth be with you! enjoy: ashla from my fic orderly facade, a few months after the first chapter
also a version without the scarf/shawl/head scarf
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this was actually a redraw from some old colored doodles I did back in 2022 (I will probably make a comparison bc the gap between the two is something that astounds me)
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howuart · 2 years
Sorry if it's a lot, but –
💥, 🌈, 🖌, ☀️, 🌙, 🦋, 🍒, 🌺, ❌
I have a lot of questions but can't ask an artist in my family so I'll ask you <3
~ Cloud.
no need to apologize! I love getting these darling<3
💥Do you prefer digital or traditional?
depends on my mood and what I"m doing, for more serious art I want to look good, I'll go for digital, but if I'm just sketching I go for traditional, and if I'm trying to figure out a new pose i've never drawing before and don't have the slightest idea how to.
🌈Do you find yourself gravitating towards certain colors?
hmmm hard to say since I draw very color coded people, maybe be blue? but that might just be because there's so much of it. other than that not really I look at what kind of mood I want the picture to give and go for colors that match that.
🖌Do you create in one sitting or spread it out over a longer period of time?
Again depends on how I"m feeling but most of the time I"ll do it over a period of time, it helps not get burn out and so i can just have fun with the pic.
☀️What is something you have wanted to try drawing but has felt too intimidating to give it a shot?
hmmm well It use to be different poses but I've gotten more comfortable doing that, only thing I"d say now is...
I suck at drawing them, been trying here and there to get better at it, but I still don't understand the anatomy of them..
🌙Do you ever look at your older works?
All the time, I like to scroll through my stuff and see how much I"ve improved, helps keep me motivated.
🦋Which of your pieces would you want to go back and redraw or change? What would you change about it?
hmmm proably this one? or one of my resent Diys, just kinda been speedruning them, and well think I have artist block right now too...
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I'd want to change morro's position (the one with his back towards us ) and fix their outfits, they don't have all the stuff they're suppose to, and maybe work on the back ground more, and find a different way to draw his wind manipulation.
🍒Your weaknesses as an artist?
pshh animals and backgrounds, tend to not like to get to backgrounds trying to fix that, and well you can see above.
Other than that it'd be that I have a short attention spam and WILL ditch a piece if it's taking too long or lose effort on it...
🌺Is there a piece you wish you had never made?
No, all my art is just me in different stages of my life and what I like at the time.
❌Is there any subjects you would never, ever draw?
Nsfw sexual stuff and the like, and like too creepy stuff, cause it makes me uncomfortable.
hope this helped sweetcakes<3 you can ask me any time if you have a question I'll try and answer it<3
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