#i hate doing research and reference while drawing so i do it all beforehand and do shit from memory
chaoticly-shy-dragon · 5 months
(it's may the 4th?!)
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may the fourth be with you! enjoy: ashla from my fic orderly facade, a few months after the first chapter
also a version without the scarf/shawl/head scarf
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this was actually a redraw from some old colored doodles I did back in 2022 (I will probably make a comparison bc the gap between the two is something that astounds me)
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alixanonymous · 4 years
How A Demon Commissions An Angel ~ A Daminette FanFic ~ Chapter 9: An Opening For Options
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Sent you an email for Jason’s jacket. Had an idea I think you might like.
Mr. Postscript: I see popular culture references strike again.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Is that a problem? 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Cause I’m not even sure “Hit me with your best shot” would be considered a pop culture reference. I mean isn’t that song from like the 80’s?
Mr. Postscript: 1979 but I think it has less to do with when the source material was released and more with how often the reference is used in modern times, which in this case would be much too frequently.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Did google help you come to that conclusion?
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: All online research must begin with the use of a search engine.
Mr. Postscript: At least I don’t use Wikipedia as a resource.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Everyone uses Wikipedia.
Mr. Postscript: Clearly not everyone. 
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: Do you?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Of course! I even donate to them every now and then!
Mr. Postscript: I see. 
Mr. Postscript: I’m beginning to reconsider our friendship. 
Mr. Postscript: I just don’t know if I can forgive this egregious offense.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Really, Mr. Drama Queen? My friends and their interrogations won’t scare you off but my support of the largest archive of free information will?
Mr. Postscript: Your friends were perfectly in their rights to see if I was worthy of your friendship.
Mr. Postscript: I believe I passed the test.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You were great Damian! Honestly, thank you for putting up with them. Maybe you’re not as bad with people as you think.
Mr. Postscript: Yes, well it does help if they are more than three thousand miles away.
Mr. Postscript: There’s also the fact that I’ve admired Ms. Tsurgi’s fencing style for a while now which may have something to do with it. I’ve been following her career for years. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Damian, how do you know who she is? We never told you her last name.
Mr. Postscript: Right… 
Mr. Postscript: It may have come up in my initial search for your identity.
Mr. Postscript: I don’t imagine there are many girls your age named Kagami who know how to fence, live in Paris, and have close ties to your class.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, that explains that.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I mean it’s still pretty creepy mind you but I went into this friendship knowing how it started.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I guess it’s just weird to think that you know so much about me and I still know so little about you, not even your last name.
Mr. Postscript: You know more about me than anyone besides my family, angel. I wouldn’t want you knowing my last name to make you think differently.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Because you’re famous?
Mr. Postscript: In a way, yes. 
Mr. Postscript: You could probably find out who I was if you wanted, you have enough information to work with but I wish you wouldn’t. 
Mr. Postscript: I don’t think you’d like what you’d find.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Trust me, I know better than anyone that people sometimes only see what they want to. A little bad publicity won’t make me think differently of you. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Besides, I already told your brother, Damian. You get to decide what you tell me and when.
Mr. Postscript: I should’ve given you the same choice. If I’d known the kind of person you were beforehand, I would’ve.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: That’s the thing, you can’t know who people are before you get to know them. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You have to give people a chance, Dami.
Mr. Postscript: What if they end up being like Ms. Rossi?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: If we constantly think the worst of people, we’ll end up like Lila, calculating and manipulative.
Mr. Postscript: I suppose I see why you might think that. 
Mr. Postscript: You know… 
Mr. Postscript: If my family ever finds out how we met, I’d hate to have to deal with their disappointment. I think Todd already wants to adopt you. 
Mr. Postscript: Be on alert for another phone theft.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, they may never know. After all, they’ll get these amazing gifts for Christmas that will obviously show a lot of thought and consideration. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: They’ll never suspect we had a rocky start.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But back to the subject of amazing gifts, do you like the wording? Is it not his style?
Mr. Postscript: Oh, Todd will love having that across his back.
Mr. Postscript: I just have a question about the “o” in shot. It’s supposed to be a target right?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yes! Well sorta?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I want to make it look like a poker chip with a target on it.
Mr. Postscript: Oh. I can see that. Why a poker chip? I don’t recall it coming up in our earlier discussion.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I mean it did in a way.
Mr. Postscript: Oh? How so?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: The poker chip would be stitched on the back of his right shoulder meaning he’d have a chip on his shoulder.
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: I approve the design. The double meaning in your designs will be incredibly entertaining for me every time I see my brothers wearing them.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, like I said. Subtle details are my specialty. But I don’t recall any double meaning in Grayson’s design.
Mr. Postscript: Right. 
Mr. Postscript: I stand corrected. I simply meant there are a lot of subtle details. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay! That reminds me! I’ve started Grayson’s sweater.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Just sent a progress update to your email.
Mr. Postscript: It’s looking exactly like your drawing. I approve the choice of yarn; the colors are appropriately vibrant.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Great!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So what were you thinking for Drake’s sweater?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I think I remember you mentioned a drawstring hood.
Mr. Postscript: I did, yes. However, I’ve been rethinking that idea.
Mr. Postscript: I can picture my family accusing me of trying to suffocate Drake.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, we wouldn’t want that!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You know maybe the “hit me with your best shot” thing wasn’t the best idea either.
Mr. Postscript: It’s not that concerning with Todd. I’m sure he’ll just love that across his back. Drake and I have a more complicated history.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Didn’t you say your inside jokes with Jason were your attempts on each other’s lives? 
Mr. Postscript: Yes but it’s Jason. He antagonizes everyone.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Got it. But Drake’s different?
Mr. Postscript: Yes. Everyone loves Drake. Well, except for Todd but we’ve established that Todd hates everyone.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So why are things complicated between you too?
Mr. Postscript: Correction: Two
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You know what? Okay. I stand corrected. Question still applies.
Mr. Postscript: I may have treated him poorly when I first joined the family. He was the most recent addition to my father’s collection of orphan children and I may have tried to claim his place in the family by forcibly removing him from it.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I see. So you felt threatened by his presence and handled it poorly?
Mr. Postscript: I would say that is a drastic yet not wholly inaccurate interpretation. 
Mr. Postscript: However, I’ve since realized that my initial concerns were unnecessary. Drake is a threat to no one but himself.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: But your family still holds it against you? They still think you might actually hurt him?
Mr. Postscript: Well, I was a bit extreme and while I no longer harbor the same intentions, no one could accuse us of being particularly warm.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I see. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Have you tried apologizing?
Mr. Postscript: You mean sincerely and not because father ordered me to?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yes. 
Mr. Postscript: Then no.
Mr. Postscript: However, before you begin what would surely be a fruitless campaign to get me to change that… 
Mr. Postscript: Might I remind you my family isn’t big on addressing our feelings? I believe Todd’s tried to hurt Drake before too and I highly doubt he ever issued an apology yet they seem to be on good terms again.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, as your resident people skills instructor, I think I’m supposed to give you some kind of advice like two wrongs not making a right but frankly I’ve begun to realize that is utter bullshit, pardon my english. So I can understand why an apology would not be on the table.
Mr. Postscript: I’ve never understood that saying and I’m glad that I will not have to hear it from you. 
Mr. Postscript: Do not mistake me, I understand the sentiment in a way however, I’ve always felt it to be too general and way too easy to use in a non-applicable, negative context.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Good to know where on the same page there.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Damian, I don’t mean to pry but can I ask you a question?
Mr. Postscript: You may ask and I may answer.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Do you feel like your family holds you to a higher standard?
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: I don’t know if I’d call it a higher standard. 
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: I simply have more to catch up on. I started with less knowledge of some basic things than the rest of my brothers. However, I wouldn’t say I’m treated differently in any case. You should see Todd and father argue sometime. 
Mr. Postscript: I just hate feeling behind. I’m used to being the best, the favorite like I was when I lived with my mother. So failing like I have recently has been frustrating, especially with what’s now on the line.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You mean the threat of moving?
Mr. Postscript: I wouldn’t call it a threat. I actually feel like I should mention that the place he wants to send me to is actually somewhere all my brothers have attended so it’s not like I’d be the first to go there in any case.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Oh, so it’s like a family tradition?
Mr. Postscript: I suppose you could say that.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So would going really be that bad?
Mr. Postscript: Honestly?
Mr. Postscript: In theory, it wouldn’t be the end of the world or anything. In actuality? I can’t imagine it would be pleasant.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay. If there’s one thing that makes you not want to go, what would it be?
Mr. Postscript: Is it not self-explanatory? Why would I want to start over again and lose all I’ve earned since coming here? I spent ten years of my life without my family, is it a crime to not want to waste any more?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, I would say that does sound rather awful to put it lightly but would it really be like that? I mean it’s not like you’re going off to war or anything, right? You’d still talk regularly and video chat and stuff?
Mr. Postscript: I’m sure we would, angel, but they’d still be here, all together and I’d be miles away, with only people I’d have no clue how to interact with for company.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Are you worried about feeling like an outsider again?
Mr. Postscript: No. 
Mr. Postscript: Not quite… 
Mr. Postscript: I’m more worried about feeling like a failure. Nothing is more shameful than being a disappointment. Especially when I have three brothers who aren’t even related to contend with that seem to be doing him proud. 
Mr. Postscript: Except for Todd but he’s turned disappointing father into its own type of game and at which he’s winning.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Aren’t your brothers older than you? And haven’t they been with your dad longer? Surely it doesn’t make sense to compare yourself to them?
Mr. Postscript: Please!
Mr. Postscript: When Drake was my age, father was already training him to take over the family business. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Damian, in any case it’s not a competition, right? You’re not competing with them for your father’s regard.
Mr. Postscript: Maybe that’s so. I still feel like I’m losing and I hate that.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yeah, I imagine you would.
Mr. Postscript: How helpful. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I mean, you’re always allowed to feel how you do.
Mr. Postscript: Thank you for the permission. I do so appreciate it.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, Mr. Sarcasm, do you really want to know what I think?
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: Go on.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay, you might not want to hear this and of course this is just my opinion but it seems to me like you have really high expectations to meet, maybe they’re other people’s or maybe their your own. Whether or not you actually have to contend with your brother’s achievements, you obviously feel like you do and I can see how that would be hard to turn off. So maybe some distance from the situation would be a good thing?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I know that having to meet new people especially when socializing isn’t your strong suit sounds daunting but I kinda feel like you’re selling yourself short. Sure, you’ve had trouble in the past but you’ve made progress right? Moving to a new place doesn’t erase any of that. I get that the first time you had to start over was hard but now you’re older and wiser and have family to support you and a wonderful friend/moral compass to help you (aka me). Plus, I don’t know, it just feels like you’re really focused on doing what you think people expect of you and not what you really want for yourself. I don’t know, maybe some time away from expectations and legacies might give you some perspective. 
Mr. Postscript: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: … 
Mr. Postscript: Withdrawing now, giving up and moving on, wouldn’t that be like quitting? Is quitting not another form of losing?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: If you’re looking at it like that, I’d ask yourself this: Is winning worth it if you hate the game you’re playing?
Mr. Postscript: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: … 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So, totally overstepped there, didn’t I? Sorry!
Mr. Postscript: No need to apologize.
Mr. Postscript: I’m just not sure how I feel right now.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: That’s okay! I’m not trying to force you to make any big decisions right now or anything. If you just want some time to think, that’s cool. Whatever you end up doing, you deserve to have a choice in it so let’s come up with something for Drake’s sweater so your dad doesn’t force your hand okay?
Mr. Postscript: Okay.
Mr. Postscript: Marinette?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yes?
Mr. Postscript: Thank you. 
Mr. Postscript: Everything you’ve done and said so far has shown a level of care for me I’ve done nothing to deserve and I know you’re always just trying to help me and I'm very grateful. I just want you to know I will do my best to be as good a friend to you too.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I know, Damian. You may have your faults (we all do) but loyalty is not one of them. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: For whatever it’s worth, I think your family also wants what’s best for you like I do. It just has to be up to you to decide what that is.
Mr. Postscript: Right.
Mr. Postscript: Well for starters, I think it would be best for me to avoid being accused of attempting to suffocate Drake.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yeah, I agree.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: So would you want just a regular sweater for him then? Or I could make a drawstring hood that doesn’t close completely? I could make it so there’s always a gap left to breathe through.
Mr. Postscript: I like that last idea best. 
Mr. Postscript: My original vision was that Drake could easily shut out the world and fall asleep in it so we don’t have to deal with his insomniac coffee zombie antics all the time.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I want my business card to have “insomniac coffee zombie” on it.
Mr. Postscript: I highly doubt you’d get a lot of business that way. It’s a poor marketing strategy. It comes off as unprofessional.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Please, my clients are normally the reason I pull all nighters. I would give it credit for illustrating my dedication to my craft.
Mr. Postscript: Don’t get me started on Drake’s work ethic. 
Mr. Postscript: The thought that you and Drake might actually have a lot in common is quite unsettling. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Really, anything else we share besides a coffee addiction and ambition?
Mr. Postscript: Well, you both are child prodigies in a way. For all our differences, I can’t deny Drake has done much for father’s company at a young age and you have created a whole brand for yourself at only sixteen.
Mr. Postscript: I’d never thought about the logistics of balancing schoolwork and commissions. Is it difficult?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I mean, yes and no. There have been times when I stretched myself too thin and paid the price in sleepless nights. But that’s the perks on being your own boss I guess. I just learned to pace the commissions and be selective with my clientele. It’s worked pretty good so far.
Mr. Postscript: That’s a relief to hear. However I hope my order didn’t come in a bad time. Did you already have a lot on your plate?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Nah, I usually keep the holiday season light so I have time to make Christmas gifts. Although, I suppose that’s not as much of a concern this year.
Mr. Postscript: Oh?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Quite a few classmates have been crossed from the Christmas list this year.
Mr. Postscript: I see.
Mr. Postscript: I don’t know whether I feel happy or upset for you.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Ha! Me neither.
Mr. Postscript: I suppose it is both then. I am happy that you are standing up for yourself but upset that they have forced you to.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Thanks Damian. I can’t help but feel a bit like I’m being petty.
Mr. Postscript: Petty is a word people use when they hold you to a higher standard than themselves.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Now I want to put that on a t-shirt!
Mr. Postscript: Hm. I would order one.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Really? You’d match shirts with me?
Mr. Postscript: Well, no. I wouldn’t wear it around you per se, I don’t think I’d pull it off as well. However, I’d happily parade it in front of my brothers.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: You know what I’ll take it.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Shelving that design for now, let’s get back to Drake’s sweater. So I got a general sense of his taste from the pictures you sent me although I already see I’ll have to take some liberties when it comes to fabric because these pieces don’t look like they were made particularly for comfort and that’s a priority here right?
Mr. Postscript: Yes. I trust your judgement when it comes to fabric.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Great! All that’s left is the design and for once I actually have an idea right off the back.
Mr. Postscript: Is that so? Consider me impressed.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Well, it all hinges on Drake being as big of a coffee lover as you make him out to be.
Mr. Postscript: Trust me angel, coffee addict is literally Drake’s personality. I don’t know how that’s possible but he managed it. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Okay. It’s time then. 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind for a while now and I’ve never taken the time to fully develop it but if I pull it off it may well be the greatest piece I ever produce.
Mr. Postscript: And of course, it goes to Drake. He’ll never let that go.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’d hope not. He should feel honored to be the recipient. T.G.Y.T.T.B.: However, I’ll need two things from you to make this work.
Mr. Postscript: Well?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I’ll need you to take a picture of your brother’s coffee, after he’s poured and added whatever he adds (although if he’s truly a coffee addict that won’t be much). 
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: It is CRUCIAL that you make sure to show me the exact shade he drinks, understand?
Mr. Postscript: Now you’re even starting to sound like him when he’s in a coffee-crazed state.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Do. You. Understand?
Mr. Postscript: Yes. I can do that. What else?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Right, I’m gonna need you to trust me on this, okay? The design is going to be so much more than meets the eye so I’m not going to show you any drawing or photos before you get it in the mail, okay? T.G.Y.T.T.B.: I know that’s kind of a lot to ask but I think you’ll understand why in the end.
Mr. Postscript: … 
Mr. Postscript: I’m not going to pretend any of this isn’t ridiculously strange but since you obviously know what you’re doing and Drake actually loves a good mystery, I’ll allow it. Use your idea.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yay! You won’t regret it!
Mr. Postscript: So is that all you need?
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Yup, Grayson’s sweater is already started, I’ll go shopping for the materials for Jason’s jacket tomorrow, and Drake’s can be started as soon as I get that picture of the coffee.
Mr. Postscript: That won’t take long. I should have it to you by tomorrow at the latest.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Great!
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: Um, Damian. I really have to go. There’s an akuma.
Mr. Postscript: Yes. I got an alert. I signed up for them when you mentioned the situation. Is it close? T.G.Y.T.T.B.: it will be ill text you tomorrow okay?
Mr. Postscript: Yes. Be safe.
T.G.Y.T.T.B.: thx bye1
Date:November 10, 2021 7:00 P.M.
Subject: (No Subject)
Postscript: I would like you to know that I found your use of the phrase “Pardon my English” after swearing to be the pinnacle of comedy and would like to request permission to use this myself someday? - Damian 
Date:November 11, 2021  7:30 A.M.
Subject: RE: (No Subject)
P.S. Permission granted. :)
   - Marinette
Hello Tumblr! It’s been a while, sorry for that. Life has been a rollercoaster these last few weeks and unfortunately not the kind that only goes up my friends. On to better news however, this chapter being posted means Tumblr is finally caught up to where the story is at on AO3. Even better, chapter ten is mostly finished. Everything is written and now I just have to go over and edit it one last time. I do plan on posting it today which feels so weird to say because writing this chapter was so different than my usual experience. It totally breaks my usual chapter structure and I feel like I wrote it at a snail’s pace. Here’s hoping it will have been worth the wait! I’ll see you again soon but as always AO3 will be updated first! <3
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braincoins · 6 years
4, 10, 24, 30, 45, 51 for both
For BOTH? WELL THEN. :) *rubs hands together* 
4. How many languages do they know?Bram knows some French and Latin, but not enough to be fluent in either. He’s probably forgotten a great deal of both, honestly. He’s tried to learn Ray’s native language, but human vocal structures just truly aren’t made for it.
Ray knows only his own language and English, but he has a chip implanted behind his ear that can translate a wide variety of known languages for him. Of course, at Illuminati University, there are a wide variety of UNknown languages that one comes across. The chip does its best with these, but sometimes the translation is... unreliable.
10. Do they have any nick names?They go by them. 
Bram is properly “Bramwell Artemis Darknoll,” but he hates being called “Bramwell,” which both his mother and his twin brother insist upon. 
Ray’s actual name is unpronounceable by humans; he looked down a list of English words and chose an English name for himself. He liked the sound of “Blu-Ray,” even though, when he chose it, he was unaware that it would cause him so much trouble. Bram has introduced him as “Ray” to so many people by now that he has stopped using the “Blu-” part for anything but legal documents.
Aside from these, Percy likely can and does come up with all manner of nicknames for them both.
24. How do they react to being around wild animals? That depends on the demeanor of the animal. If it seems curious or friendly, Ray will try to approach and befriend it. Bram will move very slowly in drawing his handcannon and beginning to wind it.
If it seems hostile, Ray will shield himself and Bram while Bram very quickly draws his handcannon and starts winding it.
But if we’re talking something like a zoo? Both will enjoy looking at and learning about the various critters. Ray might enjoy learning about them too much, and probably has to be pulled away from each exhibit.
30. What music do they enjoy?Bram has actually been exposed to quite a few different musical styles, thanks to Percy. He’s learned to have a hatred for Irish music though because it makes him want to get up and dance and... well, he wasn’t good at dancing even when he had both legs. So he gets a bit surly and frustrated at that. xD 
Ultimately, Bram has a weakness for ballads and love songs. He mines the love songs for sweet nothings to say to Ray, feeling as if his own words are inadequate. (Ray would disagree.) 
Ray is fondest of Vorlupian opera, and appreciates the fact that the Pyramid Mall has a store with recordings of the latest season’s offerings. As far as Earth music goes, Ray finds scientific interest in almost anything that’s enjoyable to humans, but finds himself drawn to folk music the most. Naturally he loves the Irish folk songs that Percy’s so fond of, much to Bram’s consternation.
45. Are they opposed to violence?Bram sure as hell isn’t. But Ray very much is. 
Ray’s come to realize that violence for the defense of one’s self and others is an unfortunate reality on the IOU campus, but he still takes as little part in it as possible. His main contributions are the shield he can generate around himself and 1-2 other standing adults and post-battle healing through the technologies on his ship. He does what he can to protect, and lets Bram attack.
But having said that Bram is not opposed to violence, I should clarify that it’s not his immediate go-to except in situations he views as dangerous or when dealing with things/people that cannot be “reasoned with,” which is to say, duped.
Bram is a fast-talker by nature, a conman. When faced with a humanoid opponent of reasonable intelligence, Bram will try to charm and distract them, to talk his way out of trouble. It’s only if that fails - which it often DOESN’T (Bram is pretty damn good at what he does) - that it’s time for ye olde shield & shoot (assuming Ray’s with him to provide that shield). 
Until Giddy and Blaine work together and create the new lighter prosthetic for their uncle, Bram’s prosthetic is this huge brass thing. It’s heavy - and it needs to be, because it helps stabilize him when he fires off that clockwork handcannon. So, basically, Bram effectively cannot run. (Nor jump nor climb.) When faced with a problem, Bram either talks his way out of it, or stands there and opens fire. Typically, those are his only options, which is why he’s the “tank” in this little group.
(Also, while he’s fast-talking, Percy’s often sneaking around doing something, whether that’s making off with their objective or else getting themselves into position to make trouble for these people.)
51. Do they like science?YES.
Bram’s love for science was initially more about stealing it than anything else. He winds up a graduate of IOU’s time travel school (College of Temporal Happenstance, Ultimate Lies, and Historical Undertakings, or C.T.H.U.L.H.U.), and is able to effectively create a means of personal time travel for himself. So, for Bram, science is a useful tool more than anything else; a means to an end.
Ray comes from an alien race that is more technically-advanced than ours. For him, the technology aspect of science informs his entire daily life. His people have sex purely for recreational purposes now; offspring are created through genetic engineering. 
Ray himself prefers the so-called “softer” sciences: he is a sociologist and ethnographer. His concentration is on the mating habits of Earth/Earth-esque humans, and that’s why he eventually opens up what he refers to as a “research center” and everyone else on campus refers to as a “brothel.” Everyone who works in the brothel is a “research assistant,” and customers are told beforehand that their data may be collected for relevant scientific study. This does not deter most of them (also, there are usually fresh-baked cookies available when you walk in, and that level of customer service is hard to turn down).
Thank you for all the questions about both of my IOU boys, little otter(s)! :3
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Animorphs: A Panel By Panel Comic Breakdown of Adapting a Scene From The Visitor
Reading the first Animorphs graphic novel was a delightful shock. Not only had one of the greatest sci-fi novels for kids finally returned in a new form but it was also extremely faithful to the original book. Every scene was lifted from the novel and almost all of the dialogue was kept intact. A few small changes were made to remove dated pop culture references or to better fit the visual medium but overall it’s easily one of the closest adaptations of any piece of media out there.
So how is it done? Taking a whole novel and turning it into a graphic novel isn’t a smooth process, especially for a sci-fi series like Animorphs that features a ton of internal first-person narration.
Covering the adaptation of a whole book would need a book of its own to cover so instead artist Chris Grine gave us detailed insight on adapting a specific scene from the second Animorphs novel, The Visitor. Armed with an original copy of the novel, we really got into the nitty gritty of changes, Rachel’s stink face, the horrors of morphing, and even got a few never before heard pieces of info about the upcoming graphic novel.
(For anyone who wants to compare the comic pages to the original novel, the scene these pages are adapting are pages 33-36 of The Visitor.)
DEN OF GEEK: Before we get to these specific pages, I want to talk about the process at the very beginning, which may impact how these pages are handled. So you sit down, you’ve got a copy of The Visitor. Do you first read through the whole thing and figure out how you want to tackle it and what you may want to throw out?
CHRIS GRINE: So here I finished the first Animorphs graphic novel. Then I moved to the first book in this other series I’m working on. While I’m doing that, I’m listening to the audio book for the second Animorphs book. I’m listening to podcasts and I’m doing my research thing. It gives me time to be in my head while I’m trying to think of the different scenes. It’s nice that I didn’t have to just rush right into the next book because I just had time to give it more thought.
That’s basically how I do it. Just as much time as I can to be thinking about it beforehand.
Once I saw the finished comic pages I sat down and really compared them to the book and that really helped illuminate what you have to do for every page of this graphic novel. You’re not just reading a page, drawing a page, you’re taking in the context of the whole scene. Like here, it’s raining but as I’m reading the book it only mentions it’s raining after the scene is done.
That’s how a lot of these things go. I’ve got to really read the whole thing several times before I can even start penciling, because sometimes they drop the warnings after the chapter.
So once you’ve read the original novel several times, do you print out the pages and make notes? You mentioned you also have a spare book to make notes in. 
Well, basically I go chapter by chapter, and since the chapters are anywhere from five to 10 pages or so, I’ll make sure I have a full idea what the environment is. Like in that particular scene she’s going to be walking down the street that’s kind of a boulevard. There are guys that are bothering her in the car, it’s probably a storefront type thing. That’s what I had in my head, that there’s alleys, this is definitely a small downtown. I get that in my head. Then within the book I take a highlighter and I’ll highlight all the dialogue, just the dialogue.
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I’ve got the book next to me while I’m penciling the pages and I’ll jot down little bits and pieces of the dialogue. So at least I know where I’m at on the page. I start doing panels, putting in dialogue, and try to see how the page goes. I know a lot of people probably give it a lot more thought than that, but I just go and then if I hit a wall, then it’s pretty easy to just back up and come at it from a different angle. But that’s the general idea of how I do a lot of it.
In the book, this is a very internal scene for Rachel as this guy is chasing her. She’s having a lot of thoughts about it but in a graphic novel you’ve got to sell most of that in a look. When you read, say, a paragraph of internal thought do you think about how you can sum that all up in a look? How do you make sure it conveys all the thoughts that can’t be put on the page?
Well, with Rachel, it’s pretty easy because I love giving her a stink face. She gets pissed. I really enjoy giving her that little snarl on her face. But if Marco says something that’s obviously out of line, all she’s got to do is look at him and he shuts up. We don’t need half a page about why Marco is so immature and why he needs to keep his mouth shut. Like you said, it’s all in that look. I try to do that as much as I can because it cuts down on word count. 
So let’s get to the morphs on the second page where the guy chasing Rachel says he’s not gonna hurt her. We see the elephant in the shadows and then she jumps out. In the original book, there’s a whole description about Rachel thinking about morphing and the whole process of morphing is described. Here though you cut it down to that one shot of the tusks in the darkness. When she jumps out and is that big half morphed version of herself, it’s very accurate to the description in the books. Was the half morphed image the most important thing you wanted to convey here?
Yeah, I knew that that was going to be important, but I was trying to think of it more like a movie scene. If you’re watching a movie, some dude runs and follows this girl who you know is going to kick his ass. If you’ve read the earlier book you know that she’s not messing around, but he follows her into a dark alley.
Then she goes way back into shadow where you can’t see her. He thinks he’s got the upper hand. I was trying to think timing wise that he can’t see her. He thinks she’s scared and she’s hiding from him. There’s that moment where he thinks he’s definitely in charge. Then she just explodes out of there and he drops his wallet and basically turns into a baby and runs away. I played up the comedy after that. That part wasn’t in the book but I definitely wanted to make him look like an idiot right after that.
I was going to ask about that. In the book, he’s just scared. He runs away. Here he talks with his buddy a bit and they both drive off. Adding that comedic element and making him look like a complete fool, that’s such an interesting change to me. And you give him someone to talk to, because again, you don’t have that internal monologue.
I knew even before I started the book, that this was one of the scenes I was going to have to change. What you don’t know, because you’ve only seen these pages, is the opening of the book where it’s those two hunters that are shooting at them? The same guys.
They’ve had a really bad day. They’re shooting stuff and the bird show up and take the dude’s gun and throws it in the ocean and take the other guy’s drink. Obviously they’re not drinking beer like they were in the book, they’re drinking soda. His buddy spills his soda all over his good shirt. His buddy is constantly going, “It’s not right for the birds to be stealing your guns,” so they’re really mad.
Then I picture the next day, they’re trying to pick up chicks out here [in this scene]. They’re getting ready to have another bad animal day. I just love that. It might be an ongoing joke. Just these two idiots are always in the wrong place at the wrong time, and animals are constantly attacking them. They just don’t know why. So that’s what I was tying it together with.
Having them be 16 probably since they’ve got a truck but not very smart either, it kept the situation in this scene the same but it wasn’t quite as scary.
Obviously, the original books took kid readers seriously and these graphic novels are doing the same thing. But with a visual medium where you’re depicting a real world horror instead of sci-fi horror, you don’t want to completely terrify the kid readers.
And book two, there’s a lot of emotional stuff going on with the cat and with Melissa being just destroyed basically. She thinks her parents hate her. Then at the end with Chapman in the construction site where he’s reduced to a sniveling, crying person laying in the mud, begging. It’s awful. There’s just so many heart wrenching moments in the story that I thought playing up some comedy when I could, or add just a little bit more, especially at the beginning, would maybe lighten it up just a little bit.
Hopefully that’s the consensus after the book comes out. 
On the final page of this preview, we see Rachel morphing back. That image of her morphing back from elephant feels like it’s right out of the original covers of the books. When you draw morphs, are you taking inspiration from those covers, especially the mid morph faces?  
Yeah, absolutely. In the first book with the first two or three morphs, I tried to make sure I showed as much as I could. Then it was easy to do a shorthand later when they needed to morph because it could almost be like it was off camera. You don’t have to see it. Sometimes it’s more exciting if a tiger just bursts out of somewhere and you didn’t see it happening but you were expecting it anyway. It also saves me time and saves page count.
But there are a few scenes at the beginning of the second book when they’re birds and they’re morphing back. There are like two or three pages of just them morphing back and it’s awful (laughs). So I think people are going to get their fill of body horror pretty quick.
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Fans have always known about the body horror but in recent years there have been all these memes about the mid morph face from the covers. Now it seems like the graphic novels are leaning right into that.  
It’s still my style, but I still try to make them as terrible as I can. There’s a description in the second book when they’re turning back from birds and one of the description is like, “There’s teeth. The beak is becoming teeth.” It’s awful. So I was like, I’m drawing that for sure. That sounds terrible and that’s definitely going in the book. So I try to have as much fun with them as I can.
Is there anything else you can tell us about the second book? I know it’s not going to come out for a while, but anything that you’re excited for the fans to see?
The first book felt like, if it was a movie, it was a popcorn blockbuster summer movie, right? Lots of big set pieces and stuff. The second one feels smaller and more intimate, and there are a lot more opportunities for character development, or just some conversations. I’m so proud of some of the scenes where I felt like I really got to nail those scenes. Like I did justice to those scenes. 
The scene with Chapman towards the end? It’s terrible. He’s crying and he’s a mess. Since it’s been raining all day, it’s not really mentioned in the book, but that construction site is just mud. He’s falling down in the mud. So he’s also half covered in mud and he’s crying and he’s just a mess, and Visser Three’s just being a total ass to him. 
Those are scenes I was really looking forward to doing, but when I got to them, I slowed way down. I was like, okay, this is an important scene and I got to do it. I know it’s not really telling you anything new about the second book, but I just felt like the stakes were raised on more of an emotional level. That’s something that I was really excited about.
In case you missed it, make sure to read the first part of this interview with Grine where he more broadly talks about adapting the challenges of adapting the books and what’s to come in the future. The Visitor (Animorphs Graphic Novel #2) is now up for pre-order on Amazon.
The post Animorphs: A Panel By Panel Comic Breakdown of Adapting a Scene From The Visitor appeared first on Den of Geek.
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zzpopzz · 7 years
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Really long rant about how I made Vanilla Twilight, I typed it at 2am so it’s kinda crappy and boring, just skip through this post.
So I'd been thinking about it for a long time now, even before finishing Vanilla Twilight that I'd talk about it if someone asked, well that never happened so I was just thinking that I'd let it go but that post is so important to me so well fuck it I'll just talk about it anyway. I did it completely on a wimp like how cool would it be if I make a lyricstuck for Toumaki like I'd be the first (if anyone did this before me im sorry). The first song I intended to do wasn't VT, it was a much shorter and easier song. I saw the music video first time after a while and the lyrics gave me some scenes to draw right away, like the tones, the atmosphere, the lyrics all fit them very well, made me wanted to draw something happy but sad. The ending for it was a happy one instead of a sad one like other songs I did (I didn't post the ending for any of them, just let the viewers decide what it's gonna be) I was very scared like what if it won't turn out ok and people gonna hate me for it or no one even gonna look at it. Also what I visualized are mostly illustrations with backgrounds, what I never done before so high chance it won't go anywhere. I thought well let's just see how far will I get and won't talk about it at all until I post it so at least I won't be all barks no bite. I was very traumatized that someone might know about what I did so I locked all the files when I shut down my PC in case someone hack into it lmao. I started with making a storyboard(kinda) for it, this is where I first got trouble because there was some part I didn't think of when I visualized what I'd draw at first ( 'I don't feel so alone' part mostly and some in between) and it's only at this point that I realized how many I'd have to draw (over 40 images total) and it's mind blowing for someone who rarely finish a painting like me at that time, that number is more than what I'd draw in a year. VT doesn't have choruses that meant I can't do tricks like repeat some panels (I don't like this anyway). I usually painted on small canvas before that but I wanna make sure I can fix things later and some idea I had was pretty big so I used 3000x5000px canvas then trimmed them down ( I didn't know how big it was and it's huge). The idea was to make a tumblr scroll-post like a lyricstuck (my favorites are by paperseverywhere and toastyhat/emptyfeet , they made really cool tutorials about these) so I tried to drew out compositions that would look good scrolling down panel by panel and have some connections between them (this didn't turn out so good in the end because I wasn't good lol) Since I was scared that people might point out that I draw something wrong, it took me almost a week or something searching for references (check my pinterest board) like the streets, sky, houses, roads, outfits, poses,... I was going to draw. I got some knowledge about bikes by this too, like I can tell the differences between road bike, mtb, touring bikes,... I also see and captured bunches of screenshots and reread ywpd trivia countless time to make sure I won't get anything wrong. If you take notice, every outfit Toumaki wear in there are all canon, from anime or promos. The first few panels was really exciting because I had never painted so many with backgrounds before, I was really happy when I almost finished the first verse even compared to the full 3:50 of the song it was only 20 seconds and I thought maybe I can pull this after all. The last panel was intended to be Makichan standing infront of his house looking at the sky but I wanted to show the sky at the end of the panel and that wouldn't work on scroll-down post so I had to leave it for later, I repainted this panel for about 3 times and finished it just 30' before posting. The first panel of the second verse wasn't turning out alright too because that was my first time doing a 3 points perspective drawing and the colors didn't turn out as I wanted either (my intention was a green/gold dawn scene). Things kinda worked well despite that until the scene when Toudou sits in his ink, gdi I didn't know why I was so caught up in that and painted every piece of that wooden floor, it took me almost a week but turned out better than I expected so I was ok with it. I was going to make sketchy paintings for all of the panel but I did too much details on that one so it gave me the impression that I'll have to do just as much for every others. Now I still had school to go and that semester my uni got me pretty crappy schedule that made me have to wait for classes at school frequently, I was frustrated because I didn't get to paint during that time and I might finish it too late (even though I didn't set a deadline) and when I got home I just spent so much time checking twitter and just can't pick myself up to draw and ended up feeling shitty about it. *Side story*  I was so mad because I didn't get anything done and there's still more than half of the whole thing to do and the worst part is that I had no one that I can talk to because I didn't have any friend who ship Toumaki and I also don't want to publicly talk about what I was doing, I wanted to surprise people when I'm done, I didn't wanna give people the expectation then screw it up (I literally thought I'd drop a bomb not a grenade lmao) I can't remember how long was that shitty phase but I felt like it was so long, I barely finished verse 2 at that point. I was so mad at myself and my progress so I spent a few days to look at time management threads and this helped a lot, I changed my habits completely  by this and I still apply those methods now, like I used to stay up til 3am to read fics (bless you writers you fueled me with your writings bless you all) then I switch to bed before 12 and get up early for a good start or reduce working time while increasing quality* After that I kinda got things together,I just went ahead with painting tho it's still kinda tiring, I had to work on 5 essays during this time too. At this point I was like screw all, I give no shit about what everyone thinks I'm just gonna finish this and get some good nap (I practiced power nap to get more focus time for painting but dude everyone wants a good long nap) 10 days before uploading I found out that there's a Toumaki day (I'm so sorry), I was going to posted on the first sunday of June (I did researched on which was the best time to post on social medias so I randomly picked a sunday) and Toumaki day is the last sunday of May, that meant I had 10 days left and 15 panels to paint! I was going to ignore that but I already made it big I should make it right too so I shit my pants going through those last panels. I purposely hiding Toudou's face till the last verse to emphasize the feelz and got so relieved that I finally got to paint him (I read some tags that some viewers got emotional at this part so I'm so glad it worked). The whole things was put under Makichan's perspective so I was so sick of painting him at that point, he showed up in every panel and I can't paint him ugly because he's beautiful (especially his hair, I spent shitload of time painting them). I can talk lots about why I picked to do so but that's headcanon shit and it's embarrassing so let's just skip that. The last day I had only 3 panels left and I was hell confident that I've got this and somehow spent the whole evening rewatch Toumaki pingpong ep (end me). Of course that didn't end well, I managed to finish those by midnight but I still had like 3 panels that needed  repaint completely and all 43 needed retouch and edits. My plan was to post at 9am sunday (thats 9pm saturday est) so I had to get up at 5am and finish all that, I ended up cutting down 2 panels and simplified the instrumental panel (some tags said that was nice so I was at least relieved). Unlike other songs I did, the length of every line's quite different and the original sizes I did would make viewers have to scroll slower or faster at different parts. I didn't plan this beforehand and had to trim down some panels even the parts that I really liked and spent lots of time on. I also found out that people outside the homestuck fandom might not familiar with this type of post so I made a video too (I’m sorry I have zero skill in editing). After posting I was terrified of people's reactions or worse, there won't be any reaction so I turned everything off and went to sleep and woke up with an unimaginable number of notes I'd got, I set the target of 500 notes and I really didn't think that I'd get past that number like maybe 2-300 (well my other songs didnt even get 200), at the end I got 5000. I spent the next week reading and screencap tags given in reblogs, I put them on desktop and they're still my motivation til now. Vanilla Twilight is the thing I'm proud of the most even until now, when I've done other songs and projects that look somewhat better. If I have to recommend one thing on my blog I'd recommend it despite its' unskilled paneling, poor composition and muddy colors. It was the first time in my life that I'd put so much effort into something and went through such emotional roller coaster, the feelings I put into it was raw and the idea was very original compared to other songs, I improved and changed a lot during the 2 months I spent on it and never once regret doing it. ***Anyway, you sure have much free time to read it this far, here's a little game for you: I put random things in VT and HF like some characters/stuff from other series, my ocs,... (there wasn't anything purposeless in there even the logo on their cups or the bags they wear) just send me anything you find and I'll draw you something in return**
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cluelessnamelessao3 · 3 years
But It’s Not Funny
15. I’m Not Laughing Anymore
You would be lying if you said that you were doing well.
Despite the zoo adventure and other various simple hangouts, you were still preoccupied over the conversation with Frisk and Flowey. There was worry embedded in your heart over the condition of those kids and their fate. There was a sense of fear that hadn’t left you since that day.
Though, you had stopped trying to research. There was just nothing to research—at least nothing with even an ounce of validity. You had toyed with the idea of talking to one of the monsters, like, perhaps, Toriel, but you were hesitant. Frisk seemed very keen on secrecy, did Toriel even know about their purported powers?
You could talk to Alphys, maybe. She seemed the most qualified of any, what with her background, to explain monster and human magic. Yet, still, how could you frame your line of questioning in a way that didn’t expose Frisk? How would you explain your sudden interest in magic, souls, and the history of the monsters? Prior, you had been relatively accepting—preferring not to question your friends about their past but allowing them to share what they wished to when they wished to do so.
Then, there was Sans. He was the first person you had considered talking to, however, you had a sickly gut-feeling upon the notion. Additionally, you remembered Frisks words—after all, how could you not? They had played in your mind on repeat, occupied your night-time musings, and haunted your daydreams.
“No one knows…?” you had asked.
“Well, I think someone does… but I can’t exactly talk to him about it. He hates it. He made me promise that I wouldn’t reset.”
He. He hates it. He. He made them promise. He.
There were few “he’s” that Frisk could be referring to. Though, what were the odds? Surely, Frisk knew far more of the monsters than you did. What were the chances that they were referring to Sans? Perhaps, Papyrus?
You tried to picture Papyrus in the situation, but it just didn’t fit. Someone that sweet and that hopeful could not be privy to such devastating information.
Which, inevitably, led you back to Sans. You could certainly see the effects of trauma in his tired bones—hah, making puns even without your skeleton friend. Considering these things brought you also to a memory of Sans’ late nights. He often seemed like an insomniac, unable to sleep for the thoughts in his head. He’d confided in you about his nightmares; you had thought at the time that they were just fears and worries manifesting in his dreams. You remembered him talking about violence, about things that had happened, yet had never truly happened. Most poignantly, you remembered him admitting that sometimes it was hard to know what was real and what was not.
All evidence pointed towards the mysterious “he” that Frisk mentioned being none other than Sans.
Still, though, you were reluctant to ask him. The feeling resided deep within you; from a place you couldn’t identify. You just knew, it was not a conversation you wanted to have—or perhaps, you just weren’t ready for it yet.
So, it brought you back to Alphys. Perhaps, it would not be so hard to talk to her about magic without revealing anything—you questions could be disguised as curiosity that you had not entertained out of respect for them.
You needed to talk to Alphys, though it struck you that it would be difficult to question her with Undyne around. You needed to talk to Alphys alone.
Would she even want to talk about magic? Or, for that matter, what happened in the Underground?
Your phone buzzed, bringing you back into the present moment.
You looked around you, taking in the colourful shop around you and the quiet of a slow afternoon. Although Frisk had been allowed to resume working again—a fact you had been excited (and apprehensive) about, Frisk hadn’t come in today, apparently having too much work to catch up on in school. You hadn’t minded, knowing that the middle of the week was always slow for you in any case. Though, you did miss their company.
Gingerly, you grabbed your phone off of the counter and checked it. Just one message flashed on the screen, from Sans.
Sansational [12:50 pm]
knock knock.
You rolled your eyes, though a soft smile did grace your lips.
XXX–XXX–XXXX [12:51 pm]
who’s there?
Instantly, a response appeared.
Sansational [12:51 pm]
You played along, texting back “wendy who?”
Sansational [12:52 pm]
wendy you think we can go on a date?
For a moment it felt like your heart had stopped; for all too long you simply stared at the text message. Date? You thought, feeling not entirely unhappy with the notion.
However, before you could formulate a response, your phone dinged again and then again. As you opened the thread again, two more responses popped up.
Sansational [12:52 pm]
uh * coffee date
like we did before
You could feel a wave of disappointment wash over you, though you couldn’t identify why. You shook yourself and typed out a response.
XXX-XXX-XXXX [12:53 pm]
cant leave now, at the shop alone
after work?
Sansational [12:53 pm]
how about dinner?
 The rest of the day went without much incident, although Greater Dog did come in for a quick groom—apparently their family was taking photos today and he wanted to look his best. You smiled at the image of their huge family getting together for pictures—how cute.
As you were cleaning up the backroom and locking up, there was the sound of the door chiming.
Without looking, you called out, “Hey, we’re closed!”
“That’s the hope,” came a familiar gravelly voice.
You smiled, emerging from the backroom with a dirty, hair-covered rag in hand, “Oh, hey Sans! I didn’t know you were coming here.”
He looked you over, you with your apron and washcloth, with dog fur littering your clothes, and your hair tied back—though now strands of it were sticking out at odd angles.
Sans appeared as cool as ever, hands in the pockets of his deep blue jacket, wearing his typical gym shorts and converse. It fit him, despite the fact that you had never seen him partake in anything remotely sports-related, or for that matter, active.
“Thought you might be bonely without the lil’ squirt.”
You nodded, “Yeah, actually, I used to love working alone, but now? I’m so used to having someone with me.”
Luna, at that point, trotted up to Sans with her tail lowly wagging. She sniffed at him curiously, ears at attention, though they relaxed once he placed a skeletal hand on her head.
As he pat Luna, you finished cleaning and closing up the store.
The two of you chatted idly as you worked, and he continued to give Luna the attention she deserved.
With him here, you couldn’t stop thinking about Frisk and their words. It would be so simple just to ask—“hey, do humans have magic?” Or anything about the conversation without giving too much away, yet, when you looked at him, something stopped you.
Perhaps, it was the clear exhaustion rimming his eye sockets, or the subtle way his shoulders were hunched. Perhaps, it was something in you that was making you hesitate.
“Almost done?” His voice broke into your thoughts, drawing you back from your musings.
“Just finished!” You said with glee, before adding, “Can we stop at my place first? I definitely need to wash-up.”
You gestured at your fur-covered self.
“Fur real,” Sans laughed, “S’no paw-blem.”
You snickered at his joke, then got ready to leave.
 It was a short walk to your apartment building; however, you had the uncomfortable sense of being watched. Every time you looked around, though, the streets were empty. Sans had noticed your nervousness, even trying to question you about what was wrong, but you couldn’t quite articulate what was bothering you.
Still, you arrived uneventfully.
“Okay, just give me like fifteen minutes to shower and dress, then we can go.”
He just nodded from his place on the couch, Luna already having clambered into his lap.
Fifteen minutes later, you were fresh and ready to go.
“So, where to?”
 You arrived at Grillby’s as afternoon rolled into the evening, it was still brisk outside—winter still in full-swing, though it hadn’t snowed yet. The sky was clouded and dark, the air cool and still, but you felt warm as you spent time with Sans.
After securing a booth, Sans ordered a bottle of ketchup, a burger for himself, and one for you. He also ordered two drinks, though you weren’t sure what they were.
Grillby was serving, today—you were always in awe of how much he could do. He cooked, he cleaned, he worked the front, all while keeping rowdy customers from causing a scene.
Soon enough, there was food in front of your face and drinks were served.
Sans, as per his usual, absolutely drowned his burger and fries in ketchup—also taking a sip from the bottle for good measure.
You shivered, watching, before digging into your own plate.
The drink was as colourful as the previous you’d had on other occasions and though you had the temptation to drink it quickly, since it tasted so good, you had also learned your lesson from the last time.
It settled your nerves, making you more at ease. You hadn’t even realised how tense you had been beforehand.
“How’re you feeling?”
He always seemed to sense your mood.
“Better,” you answered truthfully.
“What was wrong?”
You paused, trying to figure out what to say, “I had a lot on my mind—what with the attack on Frisk and everything.”
“Did Frisk talk about it to you?”
You shrugged, lying, “Not really…”
Sans quirked a brow, then sipped his own drink, “I see.”
Suddenly, you saw an opening.
“Why?” You asked, “Did they talk to you about it?”
The expression on his face was unreadable before an easy grin took over once more.
“The kid and I get along, but we’re not exactly—I’m not exactly the person they go to with their problems.”
That surprised you, after all, you had seen the easy way that they joked with each other. They seemed like good friends, though with the context of your conversation with Frisk, it almost made sense that there would be some underlying problems between them.
He finished his drink, prompting you to drink yours a little faster. As you took the last dregs of it, he ordered another round.
“You trying to get me drunk?” You asked cheekily.
“Just trying to,” he paused, holding his drink up, “raise your spirits.”
The pun took a second to hit you, but you laughed wholeheartedly.
“Do you know why they call alcohol spirits?”
“No?” He responded quizzically.
“It’s because when they make alcohol, they distil it, and when they do that it is like they’re taking the essence, or the spirit, of whatever they use to make the alcohol.”
“Why do you know this?”
“I know a lot of things.”
He raised a browbone, “Oh?”
“You’ll just have to find out!”
“Oh, I will,” he said with a smirk.
The tone of his voice gave you thrills, though you weren’t sure why. You were feeling pleasant—pleasantly full of good food, pleasantly warm with the drinks, and pleasantly at peace with your company.
“I don’t know a lot about monsters, though,” you admitted.
“Well, I don’t think the humans knew about us.”
You nodded, sipping on your drink thoughtfully. Maybe, it would be alright to press a little bit.
“How did you guys get underground?”
Wrong question. The lights of his eyes disappeared for a moment and reappeared just slightly dimmer than before.
“It… is complex. I guess, the short of it, is that humans forced us into the Underground.”
You hummed in agreement, having already knew that much.
“Do you know much about magic?”
“Not a lot,” you said, thinking about the conversation with Frisk. Despite all that you had learned, you, in truth, still did not know a lot.
“Well, monsters are made of magic and can use it, but humans used to have magic too.” He stopped to take a drink, almost as though gathering his courage, “Several mages—human magic users—got together and used their powers to trap the monsters below Mount Ebott.”
“That’s awful, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugged.
“Humans don’t have magic anymore, do they?”
Something in his grin twitched, but he kept his easy smiling façade.
“As far as we know, most don’t.”
You noticed his word choice—not “they don’t,” but “most don’t.” It confirmed Frisk’s proclaimed powers. He knew something, but you weren’t sure what or how much.
“What’s with the sudden curiosity?”
You felt sheepish, not wanting to reveal anything that Frisk and you had talked about.
“I just wanted to know more about you guys, you know? That’s what friends do, they’re interested in each other’s history.”
The words felt like a lie, although they weren’t technically untrue. You were curious, you had been curious, but you certainly had other motives for asking these questions now.
He seemed to accept your answer, though.
“To patella you the truth, I don’t like thinking about it that much.”
Guilt washed over you like a sickly pestilence, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”
“S’okay, natural to be curious. I’d tell you anything you want to know.”
“You’re not ribbing me?”
He chuckled, “No bones about it. I appreciate that you wanted to be sensitive. I’d rather you know the truth from an actual monster than those crazy theories you humans post online.”
At that you laughed, your face flushing with some embarrassment, “Yeah, it didn’t take me long to figure out those were a skeleton of crap.”
He laughed, too, the sound rich and deep. It made you feel warm; it made your stomach squirm. You liked his laugh. Well, you liked his voice, too, with its almost sultry cadence.
“Would you show me your magic sometime?”
His skeletal face became tinged with blue, though you weren’t sure why.
“Sure, I can show you a trick or two.”
 A couple of hours later, the two of you were certainly feeling the effects of those drinks, but it was entirely pleasant. Conversation came easily and naturally between you; the dinner—you hesitated to call it a date—had been a much-needed reprieve from everything that had happened in the last few weeks.
“You ready? It’s getting late…”
You nodded, checking your phone, and feeling a sense of surprise at how quickly the hours had passed.
“Geez, didn’t realise the time!”
Sans made to get up, reaching out a hand for you to take, “Need a hand?”
“Is that a clock pun?”
He snickered, you grabbed his hand gently, and he pulled you out of the booth and the restaurant. You liked the feeling of his bony hand as it engulfed your own. He was soft, but still firm.
You didn’t let go, even outside, and he didn’t protest.
The two of you walked down the street, hand in hand, in easy silence. All too soon, you reached the doors of your apartment building, but you didn’t want this night to end just yet.
“Want to come upstairs?”
He wiggled his browbone at you, to which you sputtered and blushed.
“Not like that!”
“I didn’t say a word.”
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marilynjackmm · 6 years
TIP! Choose a less popular month to get married if you want to save money. This would be sometime that is not between May and September.
Marriage involves two people joining together for the rest of their lives. But, the wedding can turn into a disaster. This advice will reduce the severity of the planning process.
TIP! You will need to make a choice about how much alcohol you want to pay for, and which type of serving will be most cost efficient. If you have an open bar that is available for long intervals of time, the bill can run up really hard really fast.
If you plan to serve your own food at the wedding, try shopping wholesale at places like Costco. If you’re shopping wholesale, you are able to get a lot of food for less money than shopping retail. Also, ask family or friends to help offset the cost of the food.
TIP! Wedding dresses are notoriously expensive. When you go shopping for your wedding dress, think outside the box and look at dresses that are not typically considered wedding dresses.
Wedding dresses are not cheap. Don’t limit yourself to considering dresses that are marketed specifically as wedding gowns. A Bridesmaid dress can be a good fit, and it doesn’t cost half as much as a wedding dress does. Besides, you can have a dress altered and still likely spend less than you would have on a wedding dress.
TIP! Choosing your favorite gown online can be faster and cheaper, but do so well in advance to allot extra time for alterations. It is perfectly possible to purchase a gown for a few hundred dollars and have it altered for as little as $200.
If the bride has sensitive skin she can find ways to take the stress out of their lives so they don’t end up with facial irritation. Look for a bridal facial treatment that includes skin-soothing and brightening ingredients like rose, sea salts, oatmeal proteins, and creamy scrubs.
TIP! If you’re short on money, consider renting diamonds for your wedding day. This will give you the stunning look that you desire but will not cost you a lot of money, allowing you to stick to your budget.
Even if your gut tells you otherwise, you should never commit to a wedding photographer without considering several other options. You do not want to have someone taking wedding pictures that you are not pleased with. Some excellent ways to narrow your search include talking to friends or checking out websites.
TIP! Brides should a skin care routine that offers a glowing complexion without causing irritation or breakouts. Seek out soothing facial treatments that utilize sea salts, rose hips and oatmeal scrubs.
Don’t rent a reception venue that has little room for dancing. You don’t want to have dancers crashing into seated guests or knocking over the dessert table, so ensure you have adequate space available. If necessary, move some chairs and tables out of the way to make more room.
TIP! You need to provide the DJ at your wedding with some songs you want to hear, but you also need to give him a list of all the songs you do not want to hear on that day. If you hate a specific song or a genre, such as heavy metal or country, you don’t want that played at your wedding reception.
Don’t leave your guests waiting while you, your new spouse and the wedding party have an hour long photo shoot. Pictures of the bride, groom, bridesmaids and groomsmen can be snapped in advance. Also, pictures of the couple with their parents can be taken in advance; this reduces the waiting time for guests coming to the reception.
TIP! When you invite your family to your destination wedding, see if they’d like to stick around for the honeymoon, too! Everyone can save if you stay longer, as you will likely get a great discount from the hotel. This can help them have a memorable day and a great vacation.
“Destination” wedding guests will appreciate a thoughtful gift of vacation items awaiting them in their rooms. Include useful items like sunglasses, a hat, tourist map, pamphlets and a disposable camera. Providing a restaurant guide will fill your guests in on all of the best places to eat in the area.
Wedding Cake
TIP! If you plan to give a speech at a wedding, write out and practice what you will say beforehand. A poorly planned wedding speech can make the audience uncomfortable or bored, and leave you feeling disgruntled and disappointed in yourself.
If you wish to have a wedding cake that stands out and is a focal point in your reception, you may want to consider a matching piece of fabric. Whether you choose patterns or solids, the fabric should add another dimension of visual interest and help to tie your wedding cake in with your wedding theme.
TIP! Flowers that are plentiful in your state may be difficult to find at your wedding location. Consult with experts near your wedding location to see which flowers are seasonal at the time of your wedding over there.
See if you can borrow a special item of apparel from a friend for your wedding ceremony. This jewelery can help you get a great look for your special day!
TIP! If your wedding is held outside, make sure you have another plan for bad weather. You could for instance rent some tents, or choose a venue with a park and a hall.
Plan every wedding detail, from all the events you are having down to the food. By ensuring that your guests are comfortable and enjoying themselves, you are expressing your gratitude for their presence.
TIP! If you are going to travel for your wedding, make sure you understand the local laws. Whether you have to worry about residency, fees, forms, or any other bureaucratic red tape, make sure everything is in place before you start booking your hotel, venue, or services for your big day.
Prior to meeting with a wedding planner, do your research. Take all of your ideas and incorporate them into one place, such as a design book. Anything that is special to you, such as items from magazines, can be used to convey your ideas to the planner.
TIP! Have your wedding’s theme match with all of the decorations. Retro and vintage themes containing bright colors require robust, wistful flowers that give the feeling of nostalgia.
If you are planning an outdoor reception, make sure that your caterer is aware of this. Various foods will need to be judged for their ability to withstand outdoor conditions, such as wind, heat or cold. It might be possible to cover the dishes. Keep a small refrigerator around to cool drinks down.
TIP! Make sure your bridesmaids know what they are wearing. Disagreements in bridesmaid’s gowns can ruin a friendship.
Carry all your wedding’s aesthetics to every element of the decor, including the flowers. A retro feel requires bright, stunning flowers that speak to days gone by. These may include peonies in yellow or pink, bright daisies, and red poppies.
Potted Plants
TIP! You might want to think about serving a smaller dinner for your reception. Having a large amount of guests can really drive up the cost of the food.
If you want to avoid allergies or the expense of floral arrangements, consider using potted plants to decorate your wedding space. You can embellish terracotta pots with colorful ribbons, paint or decoupage, or you may choose glazed stoneware. Once the wedding is over, it is possible for guests to take home the potted plants as a memento of the wedding, or the newlyweds may want to plant them around their new home.
TIP! Always be aware of Mother nature and how she can cause the most unexpected weather related problems. If you’re planning an outdoor wedding, you need to have a Plan B in case the weather turns bad.
Hire a photographer that will help make your wedding a memorable one and not just a pile of pictures. When you are interviewing your photographer, ask questions about how they see the day going. Ask them about their ideal process and flow throughout your wedding day. You need to be sure that their work style is compatible with your needs.
TIP! Ask vendors you’re already using to recommend other services you need. Photographers have another ability that you can take advantage of.
When planning out your wedding music, you definitely want to look into the different DJ’s or bands in the area. Ask for a list of references and call those references before booking the band or DJ. When drawing up a contract, make sure that the date, the hours you expect to have them working, the pay and any other variables are all accounted for. This is important, as you want the music for your wedding to be perfect.
TIP! A very nice gift for your bridal party is a customized piece of jewelry that connects you to your girls. This way, after a wedding is over, every girl is going to have a memento to remember this special day.
Now that you are ready for marriage, this article is a blessing. Your wedding should be magical and memorable, and that is possible if you follow this advice. The information from this article will help you plan for your special day.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDNaObA8kIc, however, they are not always aware of how to do so on their own. Fortunately for you, this article has given you the information that you need to get started doing just that. Now put what you have read in this article to use.
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char-writes · 6 years
Influence Tag Game
Thank you so much to @homesteadhorner  for tagging me!!
Rules: Give a short summary of your WIP, and then provide seven sources of inspiration for your work. Tag seven people to share their own influences!
Tagging: I’ve not yet interacted with many people so I’ll tag a few of my followers at random! Sorry if you’ve already been tagged and feel free to ignore! @iwritethemworlds @sauwrites @dantedevereaux @editedandwrittenbyhannah @reinkings @calexawrites @byjillianmaria
Summary: I’ll use Traitor for this, a story which takes place in a time where the world has been divided into three separate empires— our protagonist, Elizabeth Hall, has learned them as Hostile, Alliance, and her own nation of Malum. When war breaks out between the Alliance and Hostile nations, Elizabeth— Princess of Malum and heir to the throne— is used as a pawn in a treaty set between her nation and the Alliance: in order to assure Malum will not interfere, she is sent to live in the Alliance capital until the war is done. Here, she meets Anya, a prisoner of the Alliance and a princess of the Hostile Empire. Secret meetings with this prisoner lead Elizabeth into thoughts she shouldn’t have; interactions with Alliance leaders cause her to question her loyalties. After a tragedy strikes Elizabeth’s life, she’s left to choose between the virtues she was raised with and the emotions she feels for the girl she’s meant to hate. The novel deals with ways in which betrayals are defined differently by different people and how some seem to be the only choice to be made.
Friends. This isn’t in the light-hearted way one may expect friends to influence a story; rather, my friends influenced it by giving me the first spark of passion to write the story of a girl betraying her own friends. I’ve had many toxic friendships in my life, something that took me a long time to realize and even longer to escape. Though I was hesitant to ever call my friendships toxic at the time, I did find myself projecting a lot of the traits of the friendships into what I was writing, which resulted in toxicity becoming an important theme for Traitor. While it is on a more intense level than what I went through, I still feel it became something I used to cope with what I was faced with.
Historical Events. Namely, wars and monarchies, as well as imperialism. Traitor takes place in a world where kingdoms rule and wars are common so I’ve spent quite a bit of time researching each facet of this in order to most accurately portray what I’m attempting to write. It’s been fascinating to find older battleplans or wartime strategies to be used again in a different way for this and I’m excited to see if any of my characters can pull these plans off!
This may fall under historical events but The Cold War is a great influence on how many of these empires exist. Alliance and Hostile are the most powerful of the empires so I’ve found myself drawing from the similar tensions in the Cold War in order to emphasize the power of each kingdom.
Code Geass. It may be silly to reference an anime as an influence but Code Geass is the one anime I’ve watched that still sticks with me in terms of character and plot. The protagonist in the show is fascinating to me and is one of my favorite grey-moral characters. By all means, he’s a villain and an awful person but, because of his intentions and recognition of his own faults, he’s still sympathetic— at least to me. By watching the show, I’ve learned quite a bit about how to develop a character whose morals may not always align with what is right and also feels real.
Music. Another silly answer but a lot of my ideas for this story came from a good brainstorming/music-listening session. Songs like “Let It Burn” by Red and “World on Fire” by Les Friction are some of my favorite songs to listen to while planning out the story or daydreaming about it. Though these songs, and others, have lyrics that match the story a bit, I’m more interested in the emotions these songs evoke. I emotionally attach to songs quite easily and each song, for me, has the potential to convey an exact emotion. I’ve made a playlist of songs that remind me of characters or plot points based solely on the way the song makes me feel. When I’m writing, I’ll listen to a few songs beforehand in order to get into the right mindset of whichever scene I’m plotting or writing.
Classes. As a college student, I’ve had the chance to take a few creative writing courses and I’ve gone into each one with the mindset that there’s something to be learned within them— a mindset that’s important for me to have since I do have a habit of getting cocky in class. While nothing specifically related to Traitor, a lot of the exercises we were given and lessons we were taught translate beautifully into my own personal writing. One of my favorite memories is of the critique groups we would have. It opened me up to quite a few genres I never would have glanced at otherwise and allowed me the chance to learn how to overcome the sting of criticism— while also taking the criticism into account. It taught me that my writing doesn’t need to be perfect and that sharing a piece is a wonderful feeling.
Friends. I’m saying this again because, now, I have friends who do support my writing and are great at motivating me to get things done. One of my current best friends is my biggest cheerleader and also a writer so, I suppose, we influence each other by tossing ideas out back and forth and asking questions about each other’s plots. Having someone to bounce ideas off of is one of the best things I’ve had for my work yet.
Thank you, again, for tagging me!!
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pressography-blog1 · 8 years
Apple CEO praises China's lead in apps
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/apple-ceo-praises-chinas-lead-in-apps/
Apple CEO praises China's lead in apps
Professionals stated on Sunday that China’s lead in mobile bills is a key driving force for patron spending and pushes traits in various sectors which includes the credit score gadget, following Apple CEO Tim Cook dinner’s remarks at u. S .’s lead inside the quarter.
                                                 Apple CEO 
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Pronouncing that these days, “a Chinese language granny selling watermelons” would use mobile charge tools to behavior her enterprise, Cook on Saturday said the prevalence of cell payments in China is impressive.
“China is way beforehand right here,” he stated throughout the once a year China Improvement Discussion board hosted by the Improvement Research Center of the Nation Council, a top government think tank.
The CEO of the arena’s most treasured agency stated seemingly small topics such as this have large importance and China is visionary inside the area [of mobile payment] and is making quick progress, consistent with a transcript of Cook dinner’s speech published on information portal 163.Com.
Transactions through 1/3-birthday celebration mobile price gear in China reached 38 trillion yuan ($5.five trillion) in 2016, in step with iResearch.
The size of the Chinese mobile price marketplace is 50 instances larger than that of America, media reviews stated.
in step with a record Beijing-based totally consultancy Analysys released in December, Alipay, subsidized with the aid of Alibaba Institution Preserving, held the most important market proportion for payments inside the third zone in 2016, accounting for fifty.4 percentage. Alipay changed into followed with the aid of Tencent Holdings-subsidized Tenpay with 38.1 percent and domestic economic platform lakala.Com with three.three percent.
UnionPay, which fits with Apple Pay, most effective had 1.08 percentage for the duration of the equal duration.
The willingness of Chinese purchasers to undertake economic era is simply as striking, in line with a December 2016 document collectively launched by using consultancy firm EY and Singapore-based totally financial institution DBS.
The document said that forty percentage of clients in China use new price strategies as compared with 4 percentage in Singapore, and 35 percent are using financial technologies to get entry to insurance products compared with 1 percentage to 2 percentage in many Southeast Asian markets. There also are substantially higher prices of financial generation participation in wealth control and lending.
Zhang Yi, CEO of Guangzhou-based totally market consultancy iiMedia Studies, stated that China’s lead in cellular payment equipment, or for that remember, the lead in mobile applications, has massive significance.
“It is approximately the performance introduced with the aid of cell bills to retailing as a whole. The velocity of purchase items is also improved with the aid of the extensive adoption of cell price tools,” Zhang advised the worldwide instances Sunday.
“efficiency progressed while people moved from cash to credit playing cards. The efficiency is further stepped forward whilst human beings flow from credit cards to cell payment gear,” Zhang said, comparing the arrival of the cell payment age with the sunrise of the PC age.
Specialists said China’s lead in cell bills is helping the Development of the credit system inside u. S . A ., similarly to bringing possibilities to endless small and medium-sized organizations.
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In places along with a building materials wholesale mall, all small vendors are given fee via Alipay or Tenpay, however many don’t accept credit playing cards, because of the latter charge a price, which small groups on thin margin do not like, Professionals said.
Fu Liang, a Beijing-based IT professional, stated because of its huge population base, China is the biggest mobile payment marketplace in Asia by using the variety of customers.
Given Chinese humans’ love of visiting and buying abroad, Chinese language organizations have additionally made forays into surrounding markets, Fu stated. “As an example, in South Korea, the triumphing cellular price (structures primarily based in China) may be used seamlessly at many stores.
“via improvements, Chinese corporations have solved the trouble of an inadequate consumer credit score gadget and the want to technique many small bills,” Fu advised the worldwide instances Sunday. “In a sense, payment equipment clearly did the job for banks or associated institutions in constructing up a credit score system.”
Zhang said that increasing distant places stays a task, because the behavior patterns of home and overseas clients are quite distinctive, noting that the two charge equipment were born out of their respective structures and it can be hard for them to make a dent in new markets without social or online shopping functions.
End of an Era – Steve Jobs Resigns As Apple CEO I’ve never met Steve Jobs. I hope I will sometime in the future. However, I have monitored his profession since the early days of the Apple II with Steve Wozniak (known affectionately as “the Woz”). We both have grown up in this traditionally delightful Era of the microcomputer and the Pc. Side word – “Pc” stands for Non-public PC and without a doubt had not anything to do with Home windows since its inception. A Pc can be a Home windows device, a Mac, a Linux machine or another this is each “Non-public” and a “computer” – however, I digress!
I should admit a twinge of unhappiness as I see Steve Jobs following his arch rival – and probably actual life aspiration and buddy – Invoice Gates, into retirement. Yes, it’s miles the End of an Era. each of those geniuses changed our world. Love ’em or hate ’em, you need to admit they made profound adjustments on the arena now and into the destiny.
However, as a communicator who speaks and writes professionally, I have to draw a few observations approximately what you and I are able to study from this dynamic, incredible, and Yes, on occasion rascal referred to as Steve Jobs.
Success Concepts Learned from Steve Jobs (in my humble opinion)
1. do not be afraid to observe your goals. It turned into the dream of Jobs and Woz in their Silicon Valley storage to create a real Personal laptop. They did it at a time after they were regarded down upon through the “grown-ups” inside the PC enterprise. Nonetheless, they pressed via, even inside the face of hardship and trouble, to become an agency which is trendy world-huge.
2. Have a big vision. They didn’t just try to “construct a better mousetrap.” Jobs and Woz got down to exchange the arena – literally – and that they did. whilst Steve Jobs invited John Sculley, the then CEO of Pepsi, to return on board with Apple laptop (because the corporation changed into called then), his now-famous challenge to Sculley was “Do you need to just keep to sell sugar water, or do you need to alternate the world?” For you and me we have to have that “fire in the belly” so as to hold going thru the inevitable demanding situations. maintain that “eye of the tiger” – and never let it go.
3. Create “Insanely first-rate” products. Too many people have tried to supply junk (Steve would use every other word right here) however Steve Jobs stored pushing Apple to supply 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac merchandise that humans could go nuts over the usage of them. I will admit that I’ve moved from the Windows Facet to now having 2 MacBook Pros, an iPod, 2 iPhones and my loved iPad. Think about it, there may be a motive that so many users of Apple merchandise are heard to say, “I love my ___(fill in along with your Apple iPod, MacBook, iPad or other Apple product right here).” They take some time and effort to provide products that humans want. They do their homework and Apple is not afraid to try – and once in a while fail (keep in mind in the Lisa computer?).
four. Create Magnetic Customer support. Ever been to an Apple store? You know what I suggest. The one’s bastions of technology and amusing are usually full of devoted fans clambering to shop for the products which might be from Apple. Why? Nicely, The one’s shops are more than just another retail shop. Being there is an revel in where you get to find out about the new generation that without a doubt makes your life better. For me, I really like the realistic, backside-line commercial enterprise advantages I get from visiting the Apple shop. Consider how you may create a powerful revel in on your very own “keep” However you define that during your paintings.
5. preserve to Amaze. They have never, and I desire they never rest on their laurels at Apple. Sure, Apple has been brilliant – insanely Remarkable is the time period frequently used for them. Each new product assertion brings a crowd of committed enthusiasts round the sector to see the next Apple product they “just gotta’ have.” preserve that flame burning on your business with a persistent circulation of dazzling new services and products.
Sure, we can pass over Steve Jobs as CEO. I want him the very exceptional. I additionally thank him for placing a great instance in many methods. Oh, Sure, Steve can be and has been a rascal now and again. He is human! However, the training we are able to study from this genius of business can help us.
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Even greater than the enterprise classes, Steve Jobs allows us to look how we will stay existence completely, with gusto, going for it and in no way quitting. No, He is now not quitting now. I assume He’s just moving gears for a brand new adventure. Time will inform. For now, we pause, improve a deferential salute to the boy-surprise genius of Apple and desire him the pleasant. Thank you, Steve Jobs, for coaching us some terrific Principles!
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