#i might share my OOT doodles soon
sweeteastart · 5 months
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
That's.... A complicated answer lmao well more like long. sorry for the ramble !!
What drew me in
First off, unlike a lot of people I know I wasn't raised with the games. My parents were more Square Enix games people. Dragon quest and Final fantasy were the big games from my early years. So I had and still have very limited knowledge of the Legend of Zelda licence.
That's my dear friend @lennsart that got me into it. Unlike me, Loz was a huge part of their childhood and they know the lore better than even the Zelda encyclopedia-- They are 100% the one to thank for even bringing the games to my attention !
The first game I played of all the possible games was Hyrule Warrior with Lenn. I really enjoyed playing it and it got me intrigued. I mean look at Link in this game. Fabulous boy going to war.
Recently, they got really into Link meet AU.
To be more precise, they got into @bonus-links . One look at Warrior and I was smitten. He didn't even appear yet in the comic that i adopted the guy. Love this man. I want to become cosplay him so bad.
Also they read This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja and wanted to get their feelings out. I listened and stumbled HARD into the fandom. Drew Warrior as consolation because I was not okay I really have to sit down and read it before the end ....
I even had the privilege of a full PowerPoint presentation of each boy so I could understand LU/Link meets AU and read their fanfic A cave like a net (and a spilled secret) if that's not dedication I don't know what else is.
You could say I'm here thanks to lenn, @bonus-links and @not-freyja --
What I love about the legend of Zelda
Unsurprisingly, I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan so the complicated timelines and plots drew in the gremlin in me.
Then I started to really look at the lore and characters.... And dang is there lots of fun things to learn. My knowledge of it is still scattered and random but that's really fun !!
I really love the music too. That's the side of the games I first learned about before even playing Hyrule Warriors. Song of storm and song of healing have been my go-to for a good decade now.
Recently I started playing Ocarina of Time and I'm counting this as another reason I love the Legend of Zelda. That's very fun even if I have negative skills in video games ahah
TLDR : My friend got me into Zelda by talking about @bonus-links amazing and delectable paneling and colours, scaring me with @not-freyja masterpiece This is an Adjuration and talking about LU (also their fire fanfic).
I love Zelda for the complex timeline and lore shenanigans, the music and my first time playing OOT very recently.
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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