#love cucoos
sweeteastart · 2 months
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
That's.... A complicated answer lmao well more like long. sorry for the ramble !!
What drew me in
First off, unlike a lot of people I know I wasn't raised with the games. My parents were more Square Enix games people. Dragon quest and Final fantasy were the big games from my early years. So I had and still have very limited knowledge of the Legend of Zelda licence.
That's my dear friend @lennsart that got me into it. Unlike me, Loz was a huge part of their childhood and they know the lore better than even the Zelda encyclopedia-- They are 100% the one to thank for even bringing the games to my attention !
The first game I played of all the possible games was Hyrule Warrior with Lenn. I really enjoyed playing it and it got me intrigued. I mean look at Link in this game. Fabulous boy going to war.
Recently, they got really into Link meet AU.
To be more precise, they got into @bonus-links . One look at Warrior and I was smitten. He didn't even appear yet in the comic that i adopted the guy. Love this man. I want to become cosplay him so bad.
Also they read This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja and wanted to get their feelings out. I listened and stumbled HARD into the fandom. Drew Warrior as consolation because I was not okay I really have to sit down and read it before the end ....
I even had the privilege of a full PowerPoint presentation of each boy so I could understand LU/Link meets AU and read their fanfic A cave like a net (and a spilled secret) if that's not dedication I don't know what else is.
You could say I'm here thanks to lenn, @bonus-links and @not-freyja --
What I love about the legend of Zelda
Unsurprisingly, I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan so the complicated timelines and plots drew in the gremlin in me.
Then I started to really look at the lore and characters.... And dang is there lots of fun things to learn. My knowledge of it is still scattered and random but that's really fun !!
I really love the music too. That's the side of the games I first learned about before even playing Hyrule Warriors. Song of storm and song of healing have been my go-to for a good decade now.
Recently I started playing Ocarina of Time and I'm counting this as another reason I love the Legend of Zelda. That's very fun even if I have negative skills in video games ahah
TLDR : My friend got me into Zelda by talking about @bonus-links amazing and delectable paneling and colours, scaring me with @not-freyja masterpiece This is an Adjuration and talking about LU (also their fire fanfic).
I love Zelda for the complex timeline and lore shenanigans, the music and my first time playing OOT very recently.
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice (Time, Malon) -part one
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader (Poly)
rating: G
Summary: You have fallen for time, and you're crushing really heavy on his wife. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?
warnings: None
Other: None
You wake up on the farm- cucoos crowing the sunrise. Usually you'd sleep a little longer- but you also promised Malon that you'd help with breakfast and some laundry.
So- mourning you sleep- you push out of your bedroll, eyeing the others all curled up on the hay and blankets. You smile softly, brushing your hair out with your fingers and getting all the hay out before pulling on your clothes minus any armor you might have.
Once you're dressed you head towards the house, seeing Malon and Time both up already and gathering eggs.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." You say, biting back a yawn.
Malon smiles when she looks up from the cucoo hutch egg collecting area, "You're not late! I wasn't expecting anyone up until later."
"I'm surprised Twi's asleep still." You say with a soft laugh, knowing the boy is definitely use to farm hours.
"We worked him hard." Malon says with a laugh, "He'll be up soon. I had to chase him back to bed anyways."
Time just smiles softly as he watches Malon and you interact. You don't notice this but he does.
"Well, how can I help?" You ask, deciding against bantering for who knows how long.
"Here, if you want to take the eggs in the basket there-" She points to a basket full of eggs. "-And start breakfast that'd be helpful."
"I'll do that. Anything specific?"
"Something filling but otherwise no." She says with a smile, "Thank you for helping."
"Anytime." You say, walking to the basket of eggs and picking it up.
You haven't done much cooking for the group- Wild does most of itm and since he likes to and is good you're happy to let him.
You walk into the house, going into the kitchen, and setting the basket down on the counter.
You wash your hands before gathering bowls and ingredients. You decide that pancakes and eggs should be plenty good.
You move your hair out of your way before you start measuring put the ingredients for pancakes and putting them in a large bowl.
As you work and do the calculations for a group this big you start humming a song gently.
Something you have always enjoyed.
You start mixing together the pancakes, words beginning to flow from you as you sing and mix.
You don't hear the door open or shut- but you startle when you hear Time's voice behind you.
"What are you making?" He asks.
"Oh!- you turn, bowl in your arms as you continue mixing, " I'm making pancakes."
He smiles softly, lips curving up at the corners. His gaze is even as he looks you over.
"That sounds lovely. Thank you."
"As long as I don't burn them it should be." You laugh, hoping to any deity listening that your cheeks aren't blushing.
Time just nods, "I'm sure it'll be good. Do you need any help?"
"No. I'm okay, thank you though."
"Of course. Malon will be in ti help in a bit. Call if you need anything. Okay?"
You turn back towards the counter and set the bowl down before grabbing a pan from the rack beside the stove.
You don't hear Time leave bit you assume he's just quieter without the armor.
You grab a label from the utensil holder, and turn the stove to medium heat.
You start humming again- a song from your modern hyrule you like. It makes you feel warm and content.
You hear the pancake cooking, and once it's time you flip it.
As you continue making pancakes, you hear Malon come in. Her steps even and quick as she makes her way towards you.
"That smells like heaven." She says to you, moving to the sink to wash her hands.
"You're too kind."
"I am not. Seriously it smells great. Cook like that often and you'll have everyone in love."
"Ha! No, the boys are great and all but I doubt any of them see me that way. Hylia knows I don't feel that way for them."
You lie. You lie your ass off. You totally want one of the boys to fall for you. But considering the man you are falling for is married you really hope he doesn’t actually.
You don't want to be a home wrecker.
And besides, Time wouldn't ever leave Malon.
So you need to get the ever loving hell over it.
Malon just laughs, unaware of your feelings towards her husband. "I'm sure you'll find someone if you want to."
You laugh, and oh- your heart should not be speeding up at Malon being so kind. You are not falling for both people in a married couple.
She may be pretty and wonderful but you are not going to start the crushing to falling process. No.
Someone save you.
Because you know you're losing when the smile she flashes you makes your heart warm.
"Maybe. We'll see. I have very high standards you know."
You don't. Apparently your standards are kind people that are married to each other. Perfect.
"Oh, and what are those?" Malon asks, moving to grab a clean cutting board to help keep the cooked pancakes off the counter.
You really should stop talking.
"Oh you know, not being awful to me. Respecting boundaries. According to past partners that's hard." You say, glad to not be with your exes who sucked at those things.
"Oh, I'm sorry. That really sucks, (Y/n). I don't think they're that hard though, for what it's worth."
"Tell that to others."
You shake your head, flipping another pancake.
"I will. Don't worry."
"Thanks, Malon." You say, trying not to blush or choke over her name.
"Anytime. Do you need anymore batter?"
"I think I'm okay, this batch should make fifty or so, and they I'll make another smaller batch in case others wants some."
"You're prepared then." She laughs.
"Oh, absolutely. "
The door opens again to a few of the chain, talking amongst each other quietly.
You allow yourself to fall back into cooking, moving the pancakes to and from the pan easily.
The worst part is the time it takes.
Once you finally finish the pancakes and eggs you and Malon take the food to the table letting everyone get their own and spread about the room.
You grab your own serving, sitting down near Twilight who looks happy enough. He nods to you since his mouth is full.
"You made this?" Wild asks, sounding impressed.
"Yeah, it's not much- Malon made the eggs."
"The pancakes are phenomenal. "Wild says, and it almost sounds like he's trying out a new word.
You laugh, warm and happy, "Of coffee. "
"This is really good," Time says from his spot beside Malon.
"Thank you." You say with a smile, "But keep that up and you'll give me a big head."
"So?" Time counters.
You blush, unsure how to respond but by the goddess you will. You may be hopeless over the man but he can't know that.
"Do you really need me to be cocky mid battle?" You counter- not even sure why you said it.
"It'd do you good." Time says firmly, something soft in his words.
Twilight elbows you as you choke on your food, "You okay?"
"Fine. "
"Are you sure?" Malon asks, sounding so kind it makes your heart twist.
"I'm sure. Just went down the wrong pipe." You insist.
"Wonder why." Twilight says with a knowing look.
You just shoot him a nasty glare.
"Maybe (Y/n)'s in loooove." Wind says with a fat grin.
Wild also gives a shit eating smile, "Maybe they're trying to woo someone."
"Like you?" You say with a laugh, knowing Wild won't actually be upset.
He gives a snort, "You wound me."
"I think it's someone more like the old man." Wind says smugly, "Or maybe Miss Malon?"
"Maybe you should mind your own business."
"Is that true, (Y/n)? Are you in love?" Time asks, looking curious.
"With sleep."
Why the fuck do you ever say anything. You just keep making things awkward. Obviously you should just stop talking.
"Aren't we all?" Time says with a shake of his head.
"Nice deflection. "Twilight whispers to you.
You just elbow him right in the ribs, that'll show him.
"Lay off them," Malon says, "If they want to talk about it they'll share."
"Mal's right." Time says, leaning against his wife.
Well you're fucked. The man you've fallen for is just so cute with the woman you're starting to crush on really heavy.
How the fuck did you fall for two people married to each other?
"Thank you." You say pointedly, trying not to scream at the bullshit that is your feelings.
"But you don't have to deflect either." He adds. "It's pretty obvious you love someone."
"I take it back. You're the worst of them all."
Time laughs, and that really does not help you at all. Your traitorous feelings make you happy that you made him laugh.
"Are you surprised?" Malon asks, "Pretty sure all Links are gremlins."
"That's why Epona is my favorite. "
"Ouch." Four says.
"Way to make us feel bad." Wild says with a grin.
"Is it too late to leave you all here?"
"Yes." Twilight says, "Because you loooove us."
"I don’t know why."
"Ouchie my feelings." Wind says evenly.
You stand up, plate in hand, "I'm going to eat with Epona. She doesn’t try to make me kick her."
"Stay," Malon says, "Please. We'll stop the topic completely. "
You should leave. While you have your pride.
But you're weak, and she asked so nice. You can't say no.
But you do walk over to Sky instead and sit back down beside him.
"You love us!" Wild and wind both chorus in a sing-song voice.
You just groan.
"Be nice boys." Time says from his spot at the table, eyes scanning the group.
"But Tiiime! I want to win the bet!" Wind says petulantly.
Wild swats his arm, "Sh!"
"Bet?" Time asks.
"Yeah, bet. How long it takes (Y/n) to confess!"
"I'd like to be on never. Twenty rupees." You say with a smile.
Because no way in hell are you confessesing to either of your current "love interests". Let alone both.
"Don't bet on that!" Malon chides.
"I bet the other party will confess for what it's worth." Twilight says.
"I change bet bet to a hundred, and that no one will." You say with a blush burning your cheeks.
"No betting." Time says, "But you should also trust fate, (Y/n). You're quite the catch and anyone one be lucky to have you."
"Oh my god cab we please stop talking about my nonexistent love life?!" You manages in a strangled shriek.
Malon just laughs, "Okay. Okay. But Time is right."
"See?" Twilight asks you pointedly.
"I have never wanted to pitch myself of a cliff so much." You say blankly, not actually meaning it but still embarrassed.
"Please don't. We'd miss you."
Time says gently.
Goddesses be damned this man is going to kill you.
"I'd definitely miss you." Malon adds.
And so will his wife.
You have to stress the wife part, you will not be a homewrecker.
"I wouldn't. " Legend adds helpfully.
You finish your food with two bitter before standing to do your dishes, "I'm going to start my chores!"
Laughter follows you as you escape to the kitchen before going to the barn to start attending the cows.
Fuck your life.
Surely it'll get better.
At least with the cows lack of bets and opinions on your crushes you can die in peace.
Time spends the clean up of breakfast with Malon, absolutely enthralled to be back with his wife. But also glad to get the space and energy to actually discuss the topic of half his letters. You.
"You were right- they're precious." Malon says as she washes dishes.
"They are. And they don't even know how obvious they are."
"Mh- neither did you."
"Hey now, be nice." He chides her.
"Okay okay, I'll be nice. But really Link, you didn't have to wait to ask them out. I already gave you my permission."
"They wouldn't accept without at least your approval. They're worried. And besides- I knew they'd like you. I wanted to give you the chance to fall too!"
"How sweet."
"It is."
"Link, the chances of them even being willing to date both of us is much lower."
"It really isn't. They already have a crush on you."
"Sure, fairy boy."
"Oh please, it's been years!"
"You came out of the forest."
"Okay okay. But really, how do you want to go about this?"
"I was-... I was hoping you would know."
"Hey! I said yes didn't I?"
"I still don't know why!"
Malon laughs at that, drying of one of the last dishes.
After a moment, she turns to him, looking up at him with a determined fire in her eyes. "Tell you what, give me a few hours, and I'll come up with something.
"As long as we don't scare them off."
"I don't scare people off!" She defends.
"You are a force of nature, my love. You can be a little intense."
"So? You are too."
"Hm- I suppose you're right."
Time leans over and kisses her forhead gently. Well assured that no matter how things turn out with you he will always have his wife's love and support.
And hopefully- for both of them, really- they can give things with you an honest shot.
Though Time is certainly in deeper than Malon at the moment you live up to his letters, and she's a lot closer to falling than she's admitted.
"Hurry up, Link. We still have chores to do."
"I know. I'll fix up the barn after lunch."
"Good. Thank you."
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catreginae · 4 months
ANGSTY WARS HEADCANON (twice except one of them isn’t as angsty)
Wars is legally homeless and dead in his hyrule, abt 6 months after the war ppl did NOT like this man, so one day he just disappeared they put up wanted posters but eventually just assumed he was dead. In actuality he went to the remains of his childhood village (burned down when he was young) and went to live in the treehouse in the very back that him and linkle used to play in (which somehow wasn’t damaged) and has like a little cucoo farm, and animals and stuff it’s like a mini Lon Lon ranch (cottagcore wars I luv you)
hes trans and I will fistfight anyone who doesn’t agree with me. He came out to his big sis and linkle called him “link” and used masculine pronouns behind there parents back (the village was supportive linky boy was just scared)
I've had an idea of Warriors faking his death before! Like, changes his appearance, teaches himself a completely new weapon, has an extensive new backstory, all that stuff! Heck, we can let him of a natural southern accent too, he has no need to hide it anymore!
My idea was that he rejoined the army like an idiot but I love the the cottage idea. Just a dude and his garden and his cuccos. The cuccos attack anybody who misgenders him.
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jl-11037 · 21 days
Zombies are just cucco snacks for the ask game!
Tagging @unexpectedstormy because they asked about this too.
Zombies are just cucco snacks is a story idea for my lu zombie au. And I have not written anything for it yet, I've only jotted down the idea.
Linkle loves cuccos and has a couple during the apocalypse that she takes care of. She is trying to train her cucoos to kill zombies. Warriors is worried about this for a two main reasons.
One, what if the cuccos turn into zombies(they can't only people can but Warriors doesn't know that).
Two, what if they mistake a person for a zombie(no clue if they would be able to tell the difference but Linkle is training them to attack only on her command).
The fact that Linkle is doing this in the first place is another reason on Warriors list of why he doesn't like cucoos.
Bonus detail that @crazylittlejester came up with when I shared the idea with them: Linkle goes :3 while watching her cuccos kill things
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Hi glad that you liked my tidbit about my zombie au. This is the first time I've shared anything for this au. And I have now made Linkle going :3 while the cucoos tear a zombie to pieces canon to my au.
i love me zombie horror games and stuff so zombie au is soooo cool to me, and id love to hear anything at all that you’re willing to share 🫶 it seems so cool
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luimagines · 1 year
I was debating on putting this here or not, but I want to ramble about kid! chain and the post prob isn't coming out til like May.
I feel like since we have Ocarina of Time you pretty much already know what time was like as a kid, so I'm just gonna restate it. He is a kid with a good heart that really wants to help and fit in with the other kokiri. I don't know if it's canon that he got bullied for his nose (I'm guessing it's just a pop hc bc of the fucking size in game), but he's prob pretty sensitive about it once he gets old enough to understand insecurity, which breaks my heart, I just want to give that poor kid a smooch and tell him that he's perfect the way he issss. He was also raised by the kokiri so he's a little snot at heart, you are not immune to pranks unfortunately. He always starts giggling when he knows he's got you so you always know it's him, but as he gets older his poker face gets better. He's lucky he's cute.
Twilight like his predecessor has a heart full of gold. He loves helping out other people and feeling important! Especially protecting younger kids like Colin. I bet he would help Russel around the rancho, even if he was too small to really do much of anything, he could feed the cucoos at least (he got attacked by one when he accidentally swung the feed bucket a bit too close. I'm a mix in-between Russel having to haul him out of the coop and Twi hauling ass outta there. Twilight's not a quitter though so he's was prob back at it like 2 weeks later, now with ✨adult supervision✨. Adult Twi is still afraid of them tho). Just imagine! Little guy Twi! With an adorable little country accent!!
Warriors is the kid with a hyper fixation. He is the kid that will absolutely ramble to you about his favorite dinosaur and how inaccurate certain movies are. He will play pretend knights, he will get a bunch of scrapes, he will brush them off. I imagine that his dad if he had parents would also be a knight in the kingdom (like Four's and legend's), that's why he became a knight in the first place, he wanted to make his dad proud and you can bet that little warriors would sing his praises to high heaven. I feel like if wars thought you were cool he'd be more of a 'hey watch what I can do' kinda kid, you better clap and praise that baby like he just raised mount lanayru I Don't care how unimpressive his trick was.
Wild!! My beloved! Wild is difficult bc of the whole 'I was a completely different person before I was killed 100 years ago' thing so I'm just gonna ignore it and base it off of current Wild. Wild lives up to his name quite a bit. This is the bitch that ate bugs. He knows all of the coolest spots, and where exactly to get em too. He would be outside sun up to sundown if he could. He was definitely a handful to his parents because you better believe he put anything and everything in his mouth, just to satisfy his curiosity. Wild has a pretty good ability to climb, so I'd say even regarding canon he climbed trees pretty frequently. I'd bet even more that he swung from the branches, fell, and broke his arm too. I'd say bc of Hyrule's healthcare you can still feel a bump/divit where the break was, if not one of Wild's arm being longer than the other. Despite all of this, he loved helping his family in the kitchen (I also hc Wild's dad being a knight, so it would prob be a mom or grandparent). While I don't think he had a particular favorite parent, he loved learning new recipes with his mom and sister and he also loves tasting the food. The scene coming into my mind is the one scene in the princess and the frog of Tiana making gumbo for the neighborhood. Wild is a kid that cries his soul out, y'know, the ones where they cry and then there's that long pause where they have no more air, before they start back up again. Lastly, If we're doing long-haired Wild, I don't think he liked getting his hair touched by anyone other than his family, and even then some days he's just not feeling it and would run away until nightfall tf is he a werewolf?.
Hyrule I imagine was raised by fairies, so that mf is cheeky. Like I said (and forgot to include with Wild's) this kid bites! And it hurts! I feel like he only bites if he feels that a boundary of his is being crossed (mainly unwanted touches). Despite the feral behavior, he's a really cute kid! It's a mix between the chubby cheeks of being a kid, his fairy nature, and the fact that he's a really sweet kid! I feel like he would be the one to have a lisp bc of a gap in his teeth that just couldn't be fixed. To add into the trend, I think Hyrule is a kid that immediately tries to get comfort when he cries, just buries his face in the great mother's shoulder and boohoos until he falls asleep. He really loves sweets, even as an adult he does now, but if he smelled any on you, you now have a second shadow, and this kid will not look away from where they are being kept. They're like a bartering tool at this point, 'ill give you these sweets if you don't bite me while I do your hair'. By the way, I don't think Hyrule would like having his hair washed very much he wouldn't like the water getting in his eyes, only difference is he's much more vocal about it. If he likes someone though (mainly his family, I don't think Hyrule's Hyrule would have a lot of kids, esp not where he's prob hidden), he loves affection, practicality breathes it 24/7. I introduce you to kid #1 of sleeping in your bed and suddenly you wake up to a pair of tiny feet right in your face, and in a modern au I introduce you to kid #1 of calling his teacher mom
Sky, much like his adult counterpart, is a very quiet and sleepy child. I like the feral!sky hc of the people of Skyloft just...finding him in a loftwings nest one day and decided 'yep, close enough'. The loftwings refused to let anyone near Sky long enough to take him out of the nest, so he just stayed there for like 2 weeks before crawling out himself. Sky has heard this story be told to him so many times he's almost positive he can recite it in his sleep. He and Sun were best friends since childhood, so I imagine that the two were joined at the hip constantly. One was not seen without the other, and it became Sun's job to bring Sky to any important event bc he a) wouldn't remember or b) would sleep in. I think while he would be pretty affectionate (bc I think skyloftians in general were), he would also be perfectly content (and sometimes even prefer) hanging out by himself, though mainly he's just sleeping or hanging out with the loftwings. I also think that it would be a rule in skyloft to watch where you step, bc I think Sky has a pretty nasty habit of falling asleep in the most inconvenient spaces. He's essentially that kid asleep on the coat pile while there's an entire party going on downstairs. To end it off, I think Sky is one of those kids that just oozes snot when they cry. I introduce you to kid #2 of sleeping in your bed and suddenly you wake up to a pair of tiny feet in your face, and kid #2 of calling his teacher mom.
Four was already talked about, but bc I have one last crying hc left, I imagine four bawls like it's his last day, before either falling asleep for 6 hours or getting up and going about with a smile as if he didn't just give his dad/grandfather hell. Short but powerful, just like his stature.
Woah! What's this?! A secret, 3rd member of 'sleeping in your bed and suddenly you wake up to a pair of tiny feet in your face', it's Wind!! Yeah, those first couple of years were not kind to grandma at all, that's why he either sleeps by himself, or later on with Aryll (who I'm tempted to say does the exact same thing). I'm also tempted to say he's a sleep talker; it's mainly nonsensical words, but occasionally you can hear a particularly funny phrase. Wind's grandma writes them down and draws pictures to go with them inspirational quote style. He's a grandma's boy and loves to help her out, even with Aryll. I will hear people out on if they think differently, but for now I'm saying that Wind didn't really like Aryll until Aryll.. y'know..started doing something other than pooping and crying. He didn't hate her by any means, but she was boring, and she made his ears hurt esp when she started teething (he swears on that day that he's never having a baby). Once she started walking and trying to talk, he was there next to her 24/7 trying to get her to say his name. I think that he, like twilight, prides himself on being useful and protecting his family (from what? he couldn't say). He absolutely goes to get that mail, and to clean the dishes, and to get the groceries (though he does need a list, otherwise he will forget something, do worry he'll go back and get it!). I think, also like Twilight (bc I'm not going back and adding it), he's the crier who tries desperately to hide the fact that they're crying, just face completely red from the furious wiping at his tears that refuse to stop and loud sniffling. Finally, he's the type of kid to yell out no matter where they are 'Grandma!!' when he sees her, complete with the waving. He's grown out of it for the most part, but sometimes she looks at him and can still see the little boy with stars in his eyes happy that she's there.
Legend (aka the main reason why I did this entire post) despite the prickly personality now, was a really shy kid. He was the kid that hid behind his parent's/uncle's leg whenever other people were around (I heard that leg had a dad that was a knight, but also the uncle that died, and I simply refuse to do the Google search so y'know what he had both). I also think that he was the kid that hung out by himself picking up cool rocks and reading about magic instead of playing tag and pretend with the others kids (Alexa: play 'kids with autism' by Cupcakke) which worried his Uncle greatly. Y'know what, I'm gonna say this: if your name was Link, you probably really liked helping people from a young age, and legend was no exception. Bitch was an apple farmer before drawing the sword I think, so I imagine he would spent hours every day with his Uncle either picking apples, clipping the trees, or sorting them for sale vs making cider. Like Wild, I think that Legend would sometimes disappear the entire day finding cool areas to explore, only this time his entire meal that day would be the apples he picked from the orchard. Speaking of cool areas, Leg has a massive pile of cool things he found while exploring the forest, sometimes he even gives these 'treasures' to his family to show them that he loves them. I imagine Leg to be the kid that gets the hiccups after crying, as well as a sympathy crier. Finally, I hc leg as a child to be a bit of a sleepwalker, so the house doors needed to be latched at night. One time, he was so convincing his uncle didn't even know he was asleep until leg walked into a wall. Finally, Just like time (once again I refuse to go back), I hc young leg to hear a joke told and then find it so funny he just has to tell it to his family. Only, because he's so young, he either ruins the delivery by laughing at it too much, or completely forgets an important part and stumbled back to include it, killing the joke. You better laugh at his joke 🔫🔫.
eheheh... Kid! Chain is going to come out September at best, my guy ^.^* Sorry for the wait.
I've heard of Time being bullied for his nose but I figured he was bullied by other Kokiri because he was the only kid without a fairy. But yes, I do think that he was a major prankster. There is no escape or mercy for any one. XD
Twilight would also be a bit strong for his age. And I bet being the only one in Ordon with his ears, he would be a bit insecure once he realizes it. Poor thing. Adult supervision with the cuccos though. XD A needed intervention. He's a brave boy he can do it.
Oh my goodness baby Warrior XD If he thinks you're cool, he's going to want all of your attention and approval. It's going to just be an endless cycle of "hey, look!" and then he just gives you the cheesiest smile because he didn't have anything to show you, he just wanted to smile.
Wild would virtually live in the trees by what you're saying. I read a fic where it was him and his dad and the kid was free to do virtually whatever he wanted. I wish I could remember the name of it. It was before the Calamity, told by the dad's point of view. If I find it again, I'll get to you on that because it's very bittersweet.
Oh no, Hyrule XD. Sweet are his ultimate motivation, but I agree with the clinginess of him. I headcanon him as someone who's always touching somebody since it's his #1 love language. Love it.
Sky just appeared one day is a headcanon that never fails to amuse me. XD Sky didn't have his first human interaction until he was like 3. someone had to teach this boy how to be a human at some point.
Four is the kid that makes it seem like the end of the earth if he didn't get what he wanted only be instantly distracted by the next thing and it's all right as rain.
Wind probably didn't like that Aryll was getting all the attention he was used to either. XD But then she said his name or did something cute when she saw him and big brother mode was activated.
I promise to laugh at Legend's joke ^.^* Or maybe his insistent giggles would get me to laugh instead and the joke never gets told. XD
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Spoilers ahead for the dragon head island quest:
Her name is miss mineru! Because that's her name lol she's so pretty in her mortal body. Lovely voice actor fr. I'm still weirded out by Zelda voice acting and we've had it six years at least.
Kinda wish the spirit temple had had the entrance in a well rather than a cool rising temple thing. Even better if it had been in kakariko! That would have been so so cool.
Link has been emoting so much! I'm so proud of him XD, he feels so much more part of the world. The time skip has been so good to him. A man pretended to charge him 5000 for a inn bed and he was like :O!! When riju and her avatar stepped up to him he glanced between them! I absolutely love it.
New theory! The zonai are descendants of hylians that decided to remain above the clouds! Like the zora and rito are divergent evolutions!
Still rattling my head on when they possibly could have founded hyrule. All I can think of is after hyrule warriors re-fused the timelines the kingdom grew unstable from all the added landmass and population and wildly different histories of the same things and eventually broke apart until the zonai came back down and restored the kingdom with the hylia bloodline of Sonia.
And where is the equivalent hero of courage?? Where's the triforce in all this?! This is ancient history but hylians are on the surface so it's clearly after ss and the triforce was literally created at the same time as the world so it's got to be here somewhere but ganons going around causing trouble and it can't be the 10k war because a) different name (the imprisoning war) b) no shiekah at all from what I can see.
But seriously where IS link? Ganons acting as the force of total evil as he does, we've got zelda through some act of probably definitely divine intervention, it's literally the curse that a link should be there. Every time he gets brought up no one acts like they've ever heard of him! It's never 'the divine hero' or 'the wielder of courage' or even 'the one with the sword that seals the darkness' it's just 'the swordsman'. WHERE IS LINK IS HE IN RAURU OR SMTH.
And to think I was worried Nintendo would be keeping too close to their new Grand Timeline and not add anything new!
I do wonder if the oocoo from tp were their version of cucoos... That must have been exceptionally weird to live alongside.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
To Do:
1) Protect Wind the babey
2) Steal the Master Sword
3) Push boys into a lake they stink
4) Steal the precious green hat
5) Kill Goddess
Wind following Wild’s great idea to go hunt cucoos is hit by the true reason Wild insisted he attack a cucoo specificly.
Once Wind swung his sword in a perfect slash at the cucoo that should have been the end of it but not only did the cucoo not take any damage it let out the most shrieking ear bleeding sound almost as if it were callin-
The sailor hero stopped his internal monologue as he started to hear the noise of wings flapping coming closer and louder at an alarming pace coming from above. Wind turned his head skyward to see something that would haunt him forever on.
The sun was darkening, no, it was more accurate to say the sheer hoard of cucoos clumped together in the sky were blocking the sunlight. A massive collection of cucoos far mor terrifying than any wave during the most fercium of storms Wind has ever faced.
A huge flocking hoard of the same-white fluffy birds came swarming toward him, and in no time flat, Wind was going to experience the full force wrath of the birds who responded to the call of their brethren. But just as the hoard was close to getting its first pecks in an even larger white bird came to his rescue hissing and honking at the flocking gang of cucoos.
Overall, it was a successful rescue and Wind would be sure to rember this day and his savior Mr./Mrs. Honk.
It was a familiar white goose standing atop a tree across from camp. With a very familiar green hat on its head, and in its beak was the master sword, more specifically Sky’s Master Sword.
Time stared.
The goose stared back.
Time averted his eyes.
Honk. The goose honked again before it flew off the tree avoiding Sky who tried to gently coax the bird for his sword back and Legend who tried grabbing them to get his hat back, only to miss and trip over Sky and made both of them eat dirt (well mud considering it rained the day before). The goose turned and looked to see the mud-covered Legend and Sky only giving him a disdainful look as if to say ‘pathetic’.
Wind and Wild gave in to cackling, at the others misfortune.
They didn’t get the last laugh because at the end of the day when they made camp again they were set up by a river.
Over the course of an afternoon any one who tried to fill up their water canteen ended up getting pushed into the river from behind by the goose and had a bar of soap chucked at their head. It wouldn’t have been that bad if that was just it, no, what made it worse is that once you resurfaced from the water you would come to see the goose paddling in the water with a disgusted look in their face as if to say how disgustingly filthy they are. Legend and Sky were of course the first to get this treatment considering how they were still covered in mud from earlier.
After these events the chain (except for Wind) considers that there is a bird worse than cucoos. As for Wind, he thinks this bird is the best mischief buddy ever.
If only Hylia could hear their prayers…THE GODDESS HAS FALLEN RISE AND HONK
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linklewinklewoman · 10 months
Rayven is currently surrounded by cucoos. She's befriended them! Very soft and love pets
"If you think that is fluffy, try the poros!"
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lafleurdedaisy · 5 years
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ace-and-ranty · 3 years
Listen, I can understand no one in MIDNIGHT MASS going, “Ma’am, this is a fucking vampire”, because that would ruin the immersion, and it’s just not the tone of the show.
But in a show about CATHOLIC EXTREMISM, how come NO ONE, at NO POINT, stood up and yelled “THAT IS A FUCKING DEMON”?
Guys?? C’mons?? If there’s ONE THIGN catholic extremists love to do is accuse everyone and everything of being a servant of the devil?? We’ve got evangelical cucoos here in Brazil calling FROZEN a spawn of Satan because Elsa’s clearly a lesbian, and NO ONE in this show ever thought to argue the blood-sucking humanoid thing with bat wings IS A DEMON, ACTUALLY??
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ordonianhero · 2 years
Malon: so more thoughts that keep me up at night.
Time: …
Malon: if you’re a person who takes care of cucoos, you’re essentially a cucoo tender.
Time: 😐 where is this going
Malon: and if you’re kindly, you’re a tender cucoo tender.
Time: I love you, but wtf?!
Malon: you’re welcome. 🎶
Legend: fuck now that’s going to have me up thinking about that all night.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Could i request a oneshot with spooky? The short head cannon/list post made me fall in love with them!!!
Like it could be just the post but in oneshot or spooky somehow manadging to hurt yiga a monster or dark link badly, aka protecting the chain + reader ^-^
-a shy annon
You sure can! I am always happy to write anything to do with the boys or cats, so getting to do both is a huge plus!
Spooky: the loveable panther (Spooky, Chain)
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Paring: Spooky & Chain & Reader
Rating: G
Summary: When you fall asleep on first watch, Spooky picks up some slack and takes out a Yiga Blademaster
Warnings: cannon typical violence
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know.
You had a bad feeling all week, something thing has been watching you. Everyone's knows it. Even Spooky knows. They aren't going more than a mile away from you in any direction.
Wild has set up the cooking pot to make dinner while the others all go over suppliers or handle mild injuries.
You and Wind are told to go to town and get more bombs, arrows, and some extra fabric. Which is fine.
Spooky follows you, because why wouldn't they? You're their person, the really like wind, and also the group is more protected than just you and Wind.
Their tail lashes side to side as they walk between you and the tree line. Eyes scanning as they move.
Besides, having Spooky with you makes merchants give you a better price. You and Legend think it's because they're scared that you'll have them attacked otherwise.
Wind flits from stall to stall, occasionally swiping paperclips when he can, something about causing as much chaos without damage as he can.
You're just glad it's paper clips this time instead of the fiasco that he caused last time. You can't handle him swiping that many cucoos ever again. Fifty is too many to hide inside an inn room.
When he isn't swiping paperclips, Wind is petting Spooky and cooing sweet things at the overly large cat.
You stop at the general store, knowing they'll probably have most of what you want.
You gather what you came for, paying a very reasonable price before you pat Spooky's head as thanks for helping.
Wind leads you all back to camp, flitting from side to side of the road as he tries to get a better look at the birds in the trees.
The walk is long but not the worst.
Dinner is ready when you get home, and Wild immediately slips Spooky a good chunk of raw deer.
"Hey, Spooks. Did you have fun?" Wild asks as he pets behind their ears.
Spooky just leans their entire weight into the attention, acting like an oversized housecat more than anything.
"Yeah? Did you keep Wind and (Y/n) outta trouble?"
Spooky gives a yawn at the question.
You move away from the champion and settle onto a log, bowl of stew in hand as the others talk around you.
Spooky comes to lay by your feet, falling asleep quickly. The panther snores like a housecat- just at a deeper pitch.
"Hey, (Y/n)," Time says as he sits opposite of you, "Did you get everything?"
"We did. Wind caused the typical trouble."
Time shakes his head with a soft upturn to his lips. He never really dissuades Wind, usually helping him silently from the sidelines.
"Of course. "
"We got really good deals today, Spooky was super helpful." You say, a little petty and loving to take every opportunity to point out how awesome Spooky is.
Becuase certain people were against bringing Spooky along. Those people have shut up. Becuase Spooky is a good kitty who hunts for you all.
Your eyes land back on the sleeping panther pinning you in place with their arms and head.
"That's good." Time says with a smile, entirely too fond of you and Wind and Spooky going to be a chaotic trio.
"We should probably get to bed early, the last week has been draining for all of us." You say, "I'll take first watch."
"You for have to -" Time tries to argue, ever the adult.
"Spooky is on my feet. I can't get up. Please just let me take the first watch."
"Okay." Time says while trying not to laugh at you.
It's comical really, letting the creature use your feet as a pillow. The way their head almost completely rests on both your feet.
Wind comes and sits down next to you, slipping Spooky a hunk of meat in greeting. You tried telling him and Wild both that they don't have to slip treats to Spooky all the time.
The two had only given offended looks and held eye contact while doing it again.
The others talk for a while as you zone out, letting your brain rest before you take watch. You probability need to grab a scratching post or something for Spooky...
Do giant cats like scratching posts?
You watch the fire as sleep creeps up on you.
The fireflies light up around you as you try to stay awake.
The panther purring on your feet does not help. Becuase everyone knows that a purring cat is a tranquilizer for most people.
Spooky wakes you with a yowl as they launch at a large figure. Their teeth truly terrifying as they bite the enemy's arm.
"Oh son of a -" your curse is cut off by Spooky's snarl as they dig in harder with their teeth.
You rush to grab your sword and watch as the enemy throws Spooky into a tree.
A truly unforgivable choice.
"Hey! That's my cat, you asshole!" You call loudly, as you charge with a sword.
You get knocked aside without effort as they block you.
You land next to Warriors with a thump and a groan, smacking his nose with your sprawling arm.
"What's going on?" Warriors demands as he starts to reach for his sword.
"Blademaster!" You shriek as you push up onto a damaged ankle.
Spooky launches at the enemy again just to get knocked aside.
You watch enraged as the others start waking up and grabbing weapons. This bastard hurt your cat and woke up the boys!
Wind charges forward as he is blinded bh rages, "That's my friend, you ass hat!"
The blade master throws Wind aside, too. And the groan the young teen lets out is more than concerning. Causing Warriors to rush to the boy.
Hyruld follows the captain's lead, hands already giving off blue light.
You charge at the figure only to be knocked to the ground by Spooky using your back as a place to vault off of.
Spooky jumps off your back and towards the blademasger, mauling him so viciously and quickly he can’t even fight.
He dies with a gurgle as Spooky rips his throat out before dropping it with nothing but disdain at your feet.
You smile softly, kneeling on an upset leg to praise and pet your cat.
"Good job baby." You coo, scratching their ear, "You're so good!"
You feel so loved, Spooky saved you!
Becuase everyone knows murdering enemies is the best love language.
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LOZ AU- The Courage of Running Away PART ONE
warnings: Parental abuse, fantasy religion, fantasy religious abuse
So the original grain of this concept was actually a dream I had once but we'll get to that.
A major aspect of this idea that makes it an "AU" as opposed to "just" a "game pitch as fanfic" concept is that it has a worldmap that looks something like this: 
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[Image Description: A map of a continent.  In the center is Gerudo Desert, ringed by mountains that extend from the bottom to top of the continent.  On the west side of Gerudo Desert, from north to south, are countries labeled "Termina," "Holodrum," and "Labrynna," while on the east side are countries labeled "Hytopia," "Hyrule" and "Lorule."  Hytopia is indicated to be a sky island above a territory labeled "Drablands."  Hyrule and Termina are more directly east and west of one another, as the Drablands are the northernmost country of the continent and Labrynna is the southernmost country.  There is an indication of another continent to the east, and off the eastern shore is a sky island labeled "Sky Temple."  To the south of Labrynna is a proper island labeled "Windfish Isle."  There is a legend in the upper left corner that reads "Really generalized AU map.  Proportions not to be taken too seriously and most of the sky islands besides Hytopia just aren't there because it would get too busy."  End Description.]
Lorule as a physical country to the south of Hyrule rather than a mirror version of Hyrule is because I am weak for dumb puns.  Also in general you can describe this as "this is my AU and I do what I want."  
Also the map of Hyrule itself in this AU should be considered to be heavily similar to the Breath of the Wild map because that's what I want shh.  Does this mean the other countries are similar in scope despite being based on countries from earlier and smaller games?  Well, yeah.  
I actually tried out making this worldmap in RPGMaker btw but to get something I was happy with I'd at LEAST need a nicer worldmap tileset for MZ.  Do I have the skills to make that?  Yep.  Have I got the time to make that?  Nope.
Anyway so as noted there's actually a NUMBER of floating sky islands in this version of the setting, and its version of Link was raised here, in the sky temple monastery/commune/abbey don't look at me:
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[Image description: A floating island with a round temple, some sort of pillars arranged in a circle, and a few other buildings, one of which might be a dormitory.  The temple has a statue of the Triforce nested in Hylia's wings on the roof.  End description.]
A couple notes here since it's the only good place: In this Hyrule there are Loftwings because I said so.  There is also a Rito run mail service and there are also balloon-based airships.  Again, because I said so.  The Rito are the main people who run supplies to the Sky Temple, but there's also a number of hylians with bonded Loftwings living there.  The Loftwings are a little less mysterious in that they clearly roost nearby riders they've bonded with; note the large archways kind of indicated on the side of the dorm building.  Link, at this point in the story, does not have a Loftwing, which is important for reasons that will become clear by the end of this post.  Also, I'm not sure how obvious it is but I do intend that there's a cucoo/chicken coop set up near the dorm; this is for the eggs but the monk or whatever in charge of them is definitely a crazy bird person and probably also keeps messenger pigeons.  There would also be a garden somewhere and as one can possibly tell there's a graveyard.  Basically this Sky Temple is what I thought Skyloft was going to be a little more like until I found out it was literally a Boarding School Town.  Anyway.
The thing is that this Link was discovered to be the Hero of the age sometime in his infancy.
And this is the person who discovered him:
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[Image description: On one half of the page is an establishing shot of a hylian man in blue and white (light gray) robes and a hat, with long hair in a braid and graying at the temples.  He's approximately middle aged by the lines in his face, tall and slender and moderately attractive.  He is wearing heavy gold diamond shaped earrings to match the symbols of Hylia and the Triforce on his clothing.  He is frowning, and he is labeled "Astramorus."  On the other half of the page are a series of comic panels: In the first, a young Link is hiding from a Rito behind Astramorus's cloak.  Astramorus asks, apparently fondly, "Come now boy, where's your courage?" while the Rito sheepishly assures him "Th-that's quite all right, Lordship."  In the second panel, a very small Link dressed in the Hero of Hylia's traditional green outfit is wiping his eyes while holding a sword too large for him.  There is blood on Link's clothes.  Astramorus, standing so that only the hem of his robes are in shot, asks "Come now boy, where's your courage?"  And in the last panel, lit as though by fire, Astramorus now has a much older Link by the back of the neck in a controlling manner, once again asking, "Come now boy, where's your COURAGE?"  End description.]
By the way the manner in which Astramorus is holding the back of Link's neck in the final panel is a sneaky thing my dad used to pull sometimes; basically if you squeeze just hard enough to hurt nobody but the person you're doing it to can actually tell so you can even do it in public without people necessarily noticing.  It took me ages to go "wait that was actually really fucked up that he used to do that."  Shoulder touch is good, neck touch bad.
A note on Astramorus's costume: It's basically an evil version of the costume worn by the priestly guy from the Sanctuary in alttp.  Astramorus himself, well, I had the idea for him well before Age of Calamity came out but yes he is basically named after Aster, so you can guess that he's more than just a terrible father.
Astramorus has been training Link since he could lift his sword, including trials he should have been too small for and acquiring things for him to fight-- and kill.    Link isn't allowed to speak to anyone unless asked questions or told to by Astramorus, not even the other members of the monastery (although perhaps many of the people there have taken their own vows of silence.)  
And he's not allowed to have opinions, and he's not allowed to back down in a fight or say that he's too tired to keep training, and this has been going on since Link was six.  Astramorus tells him this is the ideal.  That never backing down and never stopping is what courage means and what being the hero means.  That starting from a young age is only proof of the hero's purity of heart.
And when Link is nearing seventeen, Astramorus tells him that he's going to present him to the royal family of Hyrule, and that at last the HARD part will truly begin.  (Keeping in mind that he was putting a six year old through trials MEANT for a seventeen year old.)  And Link breaks: 
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[Image Description: A comic.  Link is putting together a paraglider not dissimilar to the one from BotW.
He narrates: Tomorrow we're supposed to set out so that I can meet the king of Hyrule.  Which means that this is my last chance to run away.
Link grinds his classic hat into the ground with one boot, and leaves his sword stabbed into the earth behind him.  He leaps off the sky island and toward the sun on the horizon.
Link narrates: I don't care if this is cowardly anymore.
End description.]
And THAT one page is what the dream that started the concept was about; some people might remember me talking about it as long as three years ago and it's just been stuck in my head ever since!  (Also: I love the idea of there being a Link who starts out wearing the classic outfit and THEN switches to other costumes.)
This is obviously not the end of this AU, lol, stay tuned for where Link finally crash lands (spoiler: He makes it pretty far and you might be able to guess from the map >:3c)
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
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[Image description: A headshot flat color sketch of this Link, who has short fluffy light blonde hair and green eyes.  He is yelling, with tears in his eyes: "I am NEVER wearing that STUPID hat again!"  End description!]
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Sky vs cucoo.
the cucoos love sky lmao
if they did fight,,,cucoos. Sky would never hurt a bird, no matter how demonic
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