#i missed a viewing today because fatigue was just way too much and im just
loyalhorror · 10 months
i want a break from flat hunting and flat viewings but its not the kind of thing i can just take a break from because. i need to move. aughghgh
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alabastertouch · 7 years
Can I Purr-ease Have Your Number?
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Genre: Fluff as well. I’m made of fluff.
Characters: Im Jaebum x Reader; Nora, Kunta, and Odd (Jaebum’s cats), Kim Yugyeom, and Bambam.
Warning/s: None. 
Summary: When Jaebum began looking for his missing cat, he didn’t expect to find something more. 
A/N: I rarely get requests, so I tried my best in this one! I hope you like this! I’m sorry if it’s not as long as you hoped. :(
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“Guys, I’m taking the cats out!” Jaebum announces suddenly during a sunny Sunday, and the maknaes, while busy trying to beat each other’s as in Call of Duty, wave the leader’s words off. Jaebum pulls the leashes of Nora, Kunta, and Odd, and the three felines follow obediently.
He wears his face mask to conceal himself to the public, just in case some people mob him, and he worries about the comfort of his pets. Even though the pets of the group must have its own established fandom, it is better to make sure.
Jaebum walks around the street of Cheongdam-dong, and he basks in the fresh spring breeze. It has been a while since he had the time to wander around and walk his cats around. He missed Nora, that’s no secret, and with the addition of Kunta and Odd, he finds his free days more appealing than before.
“It’s a nice day, right, kids?” He keeps his habit of talking to his cats as he lets them lead the way to wherever they want to head.
Until he realizes that a certain white-furred kitten is missing from his leash that has turned loose.
“Odd?” He nervously checks, but only the black-furred Kunta and short-trimmed Nora are walking leisurely right in front of him. “Odd!”
He looks around in haste, seeing if Odd has gone far, but to no avail. He runs, practically pulling his two cats along, that he had to bring them in his arms and carry them as he finds for the missing cat.
In the middle of Seoul during what is supposed to be a carefree Sunday, Im Jaebum is baffled to find Odd absolutely nowhere near the vicinity.
“Y/N, you have to bring this to Mr. Chung’s company within fifteen minutes or you will get fired,” Mr. Kang’s monotonous warning gets into your head, and you feel your palms getting sweaty from the anxiety settling in you.
You almost want to hurl.
“I’m on it, sir!” You hurry, carrying the stack of expanded envelopes in your short arms and running with four-inch stilettos on. You know your feet will get awful cramps once the day is over, but you can’t just give your job up for the comfort of your body.
So, you hurry to your car, hoping it will start smoothly today. These days, it had begun to collapse, and even after changing the batteries and taking it to the mechanic, it is to no avail. You just pray for it to roar to life today of all days.
Fortunately, it does.
You quickly release the hand brake and shift the gear to drive, doing your best to hurry to Chung Industries on Mapo-gu. It is not that far, but the traffic might get in the way of your trip.
“Watch out, there’s a cat!” 
Or a feline pushing you to take a stop in the middle of the avenue.
You pick the purring kitten up, wondering how it got in the middle of the road. Judging from the way it has a leash, it obviously escaped, and the owner must probably be sick worried looking for it. But now, you have some documents to pass, and if you try to look for the cat’s master, you would have to say goodbye to your position as an executive assistant.
“Look, kitty, I’ll look for your owner later. Right now, I have to save my ass.” You apologize to the cat as you put him on the back seat, though you know he might not understand you. Luckily, he is behaving well, and you encounter no problem as you park your car in front of the grey building.
Thinking it is too cruel to leave him behind, you scoop the kitten in one of your arms, with the other carrying the important files, and head inside the office building.
“Ah, sir, I have to pass some papers to Mr. Chung,” you tell the lady guard. “But can you take care of the cat for a while?”
“I’m sorry, miss, but we don’t do that here.” The guard stubbornly says, with her eyebrow even raised up. Challenging her, you lean to her table, despite having no time to spare.
“Do you want me to bring him upstairs, then?” You mutter lowly. “Your boss will be furious to find out about it.”
Reevaluating her decisions, she sighed over-dramatically.
“You have five minutes or this cat will be out on the street,” and you are not that heartless, so you run all the way to the elevator, wishing for it to rev upwards. You impatiently get out, hiking the emergency stairs in order to get to the highest floor.
Exhaling, you knock on the door of Mr. Chung’s room, and his secretary lets you in with a surprised look on her face.
“Here are the files Mr. Chung needs for the magazine and catalogue project,” you explain as you hold your kneecaps, trying to catch your breath as you just finished a marathon.
“Thank you, Miss Y/N. You can leave now. Mr. Chung will surely get this.”
You finally feel relieved, because your job is completely safe despite many threats from Mr. Kang about your termination. He has always been eyeing to remove you from your job, as his daughter, Yeonah, wants the position as well. So far, though, he can’t find a leverage to fully excavate you from the company.
“He pooped,” the guard flatly complains. “I had to clean it.”
“I’m sorry about that,” you sheepishly say. “Anyway, thank you for keeping him company for a while. I’ll be leaving.”
Once you reach to your car, you take a good look at the small cat on the passenger’s seat. You pet its white fur, untangling its frizzy texture. It then leans to your hand, eyes fluttering and drooping close as he finally falls asleep.
“Aigoo, how do I even begin to look for your owner?”
You’re not sure about it as well, but you sacrifice your hour-long lunch break for the safety of the cute pet beside you.
“Look, sir, we don’t look for lost cats here, okay?” The police officer explains for what seems to be the umpteenth time to Jaebum. Yugyeom and Bambam, now with cats in their hold, have arrived to console him from unleashing his anger to the police officer who refuses to pay attention to his complaint.
“My cat might be dying out there!” Jaebum is not that much emotional, but his voice wavers as he thinks of Odd, probably somewhere alone and shivering. He had been gone for approximately an hour now, and being the hyper kitten he is, he must have gotten quite far.
“Sir, with all due respect, this is not the place to look for your lost pet,” the officer sighs, frustrated after all the round of polite explanations. “You can look for him in the local pound or post some fliers in case people find him. Right now, we can’t be looking for lost pets. There are people dying out there unjustly.”
Jaebum understands the statement, and he is pulled by the two maknaes to leave the police station.
“I’m sorry, sir? Mr. Officer?” A girl voices out suddenly, fatigue dripping from her voice. “I don’t know where else to go find for this person, but I found a white cat almost an hour ago.”
Jaebum turns around and finds you, and he views you all of a sudden as someone with a halo hovering your head and light shining beneath you, with a white cat sleeping in your arms.
“Odd!” He exclaims as he quickly grabs the kitten from you, effectively waking you up. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“Oh, there you go,” the officer motions to the slightly emotional reunion. “And this is not the place to report about lost pets, okay? Now if you may all leave, we have crimes to investigate.”
You didn’t honestly expect Im Jaebum to be the owner of the little feline you have found, but now, you’re incredibly feeling lucky that you decided to not use your one-hour break uselessly.
Now, Jaebum is in front of you, treating you to a nice meal on the barbecue place near your company’s building with the absence of his reunited cats, who have been brought back to the dorm by Yugyeom and Bambam. He hasn’t stopped thanking you yet and is adamant in doing everything to show his gratefulness.
And he cannot stop smiling, either. It’s one of those gummy grins he is famous for.
“Jaebum, really, it’s okay,” you convince him to stop, but he does not.
“Give me your number,” Jaebum suddenly says, and you assume that it is once again because he wants to pay you back for returning Odd to him.
“Jaebum, I already told you that it’s fine. I’d do the same if it were a hamster.” You promise him, but he shakes his head.
“No, I just want your number,” Jaebum presses.
“What? What for?”
“To know you better,” Jaebum’s confession makes your voice hitch. “Without the conversation about my pets being brought in all the time. I seriously want to know you better, Y/N-ssi.”
And who are you to deny him that?
“Can I purr-ease have your number?” He tries to activate his hidden affectionate voice, but you only cringe at it in disgust.
“I won’t give it to you if you say another awful pun.”
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Do Republicans Really Feel About Trump
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-do-republicans-really-feel-about-trump/
How Do Republicans Really Feel About Trump
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With Trump Off The Ballot Republicans Look To Regain Votes In The Suburbs
Trump’s influence in Ohio even after defeat so far has showed no signs of decline.
In the Ohio legislature, where the GOP controls the agenda with a super-majority, Republicans are looking to enact new restrictions on voting, following Trump’s baseless claims of fraud in the 2020 elections. There have even been proposals to rename a state park after Trump and to honor him with a state holiday. U.S. Senate hopefuls are jockeying to be the most pro-Trump Republican candidate. And the fact that a Cleveland area GOP congressman, Anthony Gonzalez, voted to impeach Trump in January has made him a handy target for Republicans looking to catch Trump’s eye, and maybe an endorsement.
But even at the Licking County GOP gathering, there were a number of opinions about the former president and the role he should play going forward in Republican politics.
The guest speaker at the event was GOP consultant Matt Dole, whose remarks offered a bit of consolation to audience members who may have loved Trump but were far less fond of his Twitter habit.
“We had to defend whatever Donald Trump did on a day in and day out basis,” Dole told his audience of about 50 Republican Party members. He added that they were all for Trump’s policies, “but sometimes his tweets got in the way.”
Republicans wish Trump were still in office, but according to Dole, they are now free to go on offense and focus on attacking the policies of Biden and the Democrats.
How Early Trump Supporters Feel Now
The former presidents 2015 backers, in their own words
About the author: Conor Friedersdorf is a California-based staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs. He is the founding editor of The Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction.
Now that Donald Trumps presidency is over, how do the Americans who supported him at the beginning of his political run feel about his performance in the Oval Office? I put that question to 30 men and women who wrote to me in August 2015 to explain their reasons for backing his insurgent candidacy.
Among the eight who replied, all in the second week of January, after the storming of the Capitol, some persist in supporting Trump; others have turned against him; still others have lost faith in the whole political system. They do not constitute a representative sample of Trump voters. But their views, rendered in their own words, offer more texture than polls that tell us an approval rating.
As I did in 2015, Ill let the Trump voters have their say. But this time Ill conclude with some thoughts of my own, in my capacity as a Trump critic who knows that Americans have no choice but to coexist, as best we can, because our political and ideological differences are never going away.
And now?
The third correspondent told me in 2015 that hed vote for Trump, despite knowing that he would do a terrible job:
How does he feel about Trump today? Not good:
His assessment today:
A Large Share Of Republicans Want Trump To Remain Head Of The Party Cnbc Survey Shows
A CNBC survey conducted in the days before former President Donald Trump‘s impeachment trial finds a large share of Republicans want him to remain head of their party, but a majority of Americans want him out of politics.
The CNBC All-America Economic Survey shows 54% of Americans want Trump “to remove himself from politics entirely.” That was the sentiment of 81% of Democrats and 47% of Independents, but only 26% of Republicans.
When it comes to Republicans, 74% want him to stay active in some way, including 48% who want him to remain head of the Republican Party, 11% who want him to start a third party, and 12% who say he should remain active in politics but not as head of any party.
“If we’re talking about Donald Trump’s future, at the moment, the survey shows he still has this strong core support within his own party who really want him to continue to be their leader,” said Jay Campbell, a partner with Hart Research and the Democratic pollster for the survey.
But Micah Roberts, the survey’s Republican pollster, and a partner with Public Opinion Strategies, emphasized the change from when Trump was president. Polls before the election regularly showed Trump with GOP approval ratings around 90%, meaning at least some Republicans have defected from Trump.
What Do Republican Voters Think About The Impeachment Inquiry
Steve Inskeep talks to David French of the conservative website The Dispatch about how Republican voters view the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and revelations from witness transcripts.
Two realities are shaping the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. One reality is the facts – the largely undisputed record of the president’s efforts in Ukraine to get investigations that he wanted. Another reality is the politics – what voters think of a process run by their representatives. David French is following the story from his home in a red state. He is a conservative writer, a critic of the president and a resident of a state where the president captured 60% of the vote in 2016. He joins us from Franklin, Tenn.
Mr. French, good morning.
DAVID FRENCH: Good morning.
INSKEEP: And I guess we should note that nationwide polls show more people favoring this inquiry than opposing it. But when I look at the polling, from a lot of red states, really, the numbers flip. More people oppose it.
FRENCH: Absolutely. Let me put it this way. I think the best way to describe it is if you’re a politician in a red state, particularly a state like Tennessee – which would be one of the last to abandon Trump, honestly – if you’re going to support the impeachment inquiry, you should consider whether or not you want to continue your political career. ‘Cause it would be, I think, fair to say, a career ender for a lot of people.
FRENCH: Thank you.
How Hispanics Really Feel About Trump
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Hispanic voters are not a monolith.
For the first time in history, Hispanic voters are expected to be the largest minority group in the 2020 electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.
With his re-election on the line, its no surprise that President Donald Trump is publicly courting Hispanics. In fact, in late January, he touted a poll he claimed showed his support among Hispanics had risen from 19% to 50%, due to his immigration policies.
Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone, and they want Security, which can only be gotten with a Wall.
Donald J. Trump January 20, 2019
However, these rosy statistics are misleading, since the poll was not designed to gauge Hispanic voters opinions. It did not poll many Hispanics and did not ask questions in both English and Spanish.
As regularly examine public opinion, we know its a stretch to conclude that half of Hispanics approve of Trump, let alone suggest that a majority back his proposed immigration policies.
However, given their potential electoral impact, it is important to understand how Hispanics really feel about President Trump and how their opinions vary across party lines. We have done the work to try to answer these questions.
Inside The Republicans Bunker
Its hard to be worried when you dont really like the guy. Thats what one senior Republican Senate aide had to say when I asked how concerned conservatives are about Donald Trumps fate.
The truth is, Trump fatigue is a condition that knows no party, and many Republicans are as tired of this shit as anybody else. Thats not to say theyre outraged, or motivated to Make a Difference. Theyre just tired. You can live inside the right-wing bubble in a state of depression, resigned to the fact that, yeah, every five minutes or so, the president is probably going to do something norm-shattering or potentially impeachable, and no, you probably wont or cant do anything to change that. Sad!
Im totally bored by the story, one person who speaks regularly with the president told me. Theres nothing to it. I already know all the details. This person is bored more generally, too with the topic of Donald Trump. When we talk about what it would take for the presidents defenders to turn on him, this crucial piece is missing: You cant feel outraged if you can no longer feel anything at all.
The White House is just like, Oh, Trump will handle everything. Which is crazy but it seems like thats their strategy, the senior Repubican Senate aide told me. Its a depressing time.
*This article appears in the October 14, 2019, issue of New York Magazine.
What Republicans Really Think About Trump
July 21, 2016
CLEVELAND The arena here at the Republican National Convention echoes with applause for Donald Trump, but the cacophony and extravagant stage effects cant conceal the chaos in the G.O.P. and in the Trump campaign.
Republican senators suddenly are busy fishing, mowing the lawn or hiking the Grand Canyon; conservative celebrities mostly sent regrets. This vacuum reflects the horror that many leading conservatives feel for their new nominee.
Pundits like me are gnashing our teeth as Trump receives the presidential nomination of the party of Lincoln, but, frankly speaking, we dont have much credibility in Cleveland since many of us arent all that likely to support a Republican nominee in any case.
So instead of again inflicting on you my views of the danger of Trump, let me share what some influential conservatives said about him during the course of the campaign.
Hes a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesnt represent my party. He doesnt represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina
I dont think this guy has any more core principles than a Kardashian marriage. Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska
We saw and looked at true hate in the eyes last year in Charleston. I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the K.K.K. That is not a part of our party. Nikki Haley, Republican governor of South Carolina
Religion And The Belief In God Is Vital To A Strong Nation
Republicans are generally accepting only of the Judeo-Christian belief system. For most Republicans, religion is absolutely vital in their political beliefs and the two cannot be separated. Therefore, separation of church and state is not that important to them. In fact, they believe that much of what is wrong has been caused by too much secularism.
Those are the four basic Republican tenets: small government, local control, the power of free markets, and Christian authority. Below are other things they believe that derive from those four ideas.
President Trump Faces Criticism After Church Visit
McConnell’s comments came after a weekly closed-door lunch for Senate Republicans at which Pat Roberts of Kansas said George Floyd, the black man who died in Minneapolis police custody last week, and the protests weren’t discussed. Instead, they spoke about pending nominations, the coronavirus pandemic and the Paycheck Protection Program.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, criticized the president, refusing to say whether she’d vote for him November “out of respect” for the deep political divisions roiling the country. She said she’s not sure whether her Republican colleagues are focusing on the pain the country is feeling right now.
“I’m not quite sure if we are focused on the right things right now,” Murkowski said, adding that the president isn’t delivering the leadership the country needs. “I think tone is really, really important right now. And I do not believe that the tone coming from the president right now is helping. It’s not helping me as a leader.”
The No. 2 Senate Republican, John Thune of South Dakota, said on “PBS NewsHour” that he hopes the president shows an “appreciation for the frustration, the anger, the anxiety that people are feeling” and “just being willing to listen.”
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who has an uphill battle for re-election in her swing state, said the president looked “unsympathetic” and “insensitive” in front of St. John’s, saying it’s a church she believes he has attended just one time.
The 2022 Midterms Look Sunny
The over-performance by Republicans in 2020 House races gives them what is historically a very good chance to retake that chamber in 2022, as Kyle Kondik recently noted:
Since the Civil War, there have been 40 midterm elections. The party that held the White House lost ground in the House in 37 of those elections, with an average seat loss of 33. Since the end of World War II, the average seat loss is a little smaller 27 but still significant.
Based on the House as it was shaped after November 2020, Republicans would only need to flip five net seats to regain the majority. The Senate is iffier thanks to a landscape dotted with GOP retirements. But busting up the Democratic trifecta would have a massive effect on the Biden administrations ability to enact legislation.
Republicans And Their Declared Positions On Donald Trump
Elected officials’ positions on Donald Trump Federal:Republicans and their declared positions on Donald Trump Republicans supporting Donald Trump Republicans opposing Donald Trump State and local: Republican reactions to 2005 Trump tape
In a typical general election year, elected officials readily line up behind their party’s presidential nominee. In 2012, for example, The Hill reported that only four Republican members of Congress had declined to endorse Mitt Romney by mid-September of that year. “All other House and Senate Republicans” had already endorsed the Republican nominee.
But 2016 was not a typical general election year.
Controversial comments from the GOP’s 2016 nominee, Donald Trump, about women, Muslims, , and caused some Republican lawmakers to distance themselves from the businessman, while others outright denounced him.
This page tracked the stances of Republican lawmakers on Trump throughout the 2016 presidential election: Did they support him? Did they oppose him? Or were they somewhere in between? The focus of this page is on Republican members of Congress and Republican governors, but we also have included some information on influential Republicans who have served in Republican presidential administrations.
How Do Americans View Bidens Handling Of The Pandemic And The Economy
Most Americans think Biden is handling the coronavirus pandemic far better than Trump. Sixty-two percent approve of how Biden has managed the U.S. response so far. Another 30 percent say they disapprove.
Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour
The publics approval of Bidens actions far exceeds that earned by Trumps leadership during the pandemic. His highest approval rating was 18 points lower, at 44 percent in March 2020, the same month the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic and Trump labeled it a public health emergency. From there, his approval on handling the pandemic dropped as low as 37 percent, recovering slightly to 39 percent by the time he left office in January.
But Americans have less faith in Bidens ability to heal the nations wounded economy compared to Trump. While 46 percent of U.S. adults approve of how Biden has managed the economy, another 41 percent do not approve. During Trumps last days in office, half of Americans said they approved of the former presidents handling of the economy, a sentiment thatTrump leveraged throughout his presidency and in his 2020 campaign for a second term.
Keanu Adams, 25, of Vacaville, California, said he voted for Biden and hopes the president recognizes the country needs more than public health and economic fixes right now.
The nation needs to uproot systemic problems to address what is really wrong, Adams said.
This Is How Hispanics Really Feel About Trump
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For the first time in history, Hispanic voters are expected to be the largest minority group in the 2020 electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.
With his reelection on the line, its no surprise that President Donald Trump is publicly courting Hispanics. In fact, in late January, he touted a poll he claimed showed his support among Hispanics had risen from 19% to 50%, due to his immigration policies.
However, these rosy statistics are misleading, since the poll was not designed to gauge Hispanic voters opinions. It did not poll many Hispanics and did not ask questions in both English and Spanish.
Wow, just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19%, to 50%. That is because they know the Border i https://t.co/ghQ4IogS02 Donald J. Trump 1547993006.0
As regularly examine public opinion, we know its a stretch to conclude that half of Hispanics approve of Trump, let alone suggest that a majority back his proposed immigration policies.
However, given their potential electoral impact, it is important to understand how Hispanics really feel about President Trump and how their opinions vary across party lines. We have done the work to try to answer these questions.
Hispanics on Trump
We analyzed the results of a University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll fielded by Nielsen Scarborough from Oct. 24 to Nov. 16, 2018. The survey was conducted among a nationally representative sample of 600 Hispanics, and it asked questions in both English and Spanish.
Poll: Majority Of Iowans One
Fifty-five percent of Iowans, including a significant portion of Iowa Republicans, say they hope Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, decides not to run for what would be his eighth term in the Senate in 2022, a new poll out of the state shows. 
The new survey from the Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, conducted by the prominent Iowa pollster Ann Selzer’s Selzer & Co., found that just 28 percent of Iowans hope Grassley will run for another term. Another 17 percent say they are not sure. 
A majority of Democrats and independents say they hope Grassley does not run, a sentiment shared by 35 percent of Republicans. Fifty percent of Republicans, however, say they hope he does decide to run, compared to 11 percent of Democrats and 27 percent of independents. 
Grassley is currently 87 years old and is the oldest Republican senator serving in the body . Grassley’s age has prompted questions as to whether he’ll run again he’s told reporters he’ll decide later this year and has, in the meantime, filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to begin fundraising for a possible reelection.
The poll is a mixed bag for Grassley while he retains a 48 percent approval rating among Iowan adults , it’s his lowest Iowa Poll approval rating since 1982, according to the Des Moines Register. 
The Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll surveyed 775 Iowa adults between March 7-10 by telephone in English. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points. 
With Weeks To Go Before Louisiana Special House Elections New Filings Show Best
WASHINGTON Just weeks before two special elections in Lousiana, new campaign finance reports show there’s a clear gap between the haves and the have nots looking to win each seat. 
Each party is favored to hold onto the seats each won in November. Republicans have the edge in the Fifth Congressional District, where Republican Luke Letlow won a runoff last December but passed away from Covid-19 before he could take office. And Democrats are the favorite in the Second District, which was vacated by Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond, who decided to join the White House.  
Julia Letlow, the widow of the former congressman-elect who is running as a Republican, leads the cash race in the Fifth District. She raised $682,000 through February and started March with $521,000 banked away. Letlow has won a smattering of Republican endorsements in her quest for Congress, including House Minority Whip and Lousiana Rep. Steve Scalise, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the Lousiana State GOP. 
The only other Republican who appears to have filed by the FEC’s Monday deadline is Sancha Smith, who raised less than $10,000. Sandra Christophe, a Democrat and social worker who ran last cycle, just short of $70,000 for her bid and closed February with $50,000 in cash on hand. 
In the Second District, three candidates raised at least $100,000, two Democrats and one Republican. 
Most Republicans Still Believe 2020 Election Was Stolen From Trump Poll
May opinion poll finds that 53% of Republicans believe Trump is the true president compared with 3% of Democrats
A majority of Republicans still believe Donald Trump won the 2020 US presidential election and blame his loss to Joe Biden on baseless claims of illegal voting, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.
The 17-19 May national poll found that 53% of Republicans believe Trump, their partys nominee, is the true president now, compared with 3% of Democrats and 25% of all Americans.
About one-quarter of adults falsely believe the 3 November election was tainted by illegal voting, including 56% of Republicans, according to the poll. The figures were roughly the same in a poll that ran from 13-17 November which found that 28% of all Americans and 59% of Republicans felt that way.
Biden, a Democrat, won by more than 7m votes. Dozens of courts rejected Trumps challenges to the results, but Trump and his supporters have persisted in pushing baseless conspiracy theories on conservative news outlets.
US federal and state officials have said repeatedly they have no evidence that votes were compromised or altered during the presidential election, rejecting the unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud advanced by Trump and many of his supporters. Voter fraud is extremely rare in the US.
Still, 67% of overall respondents say they trust election officials in their town to do their job honestly, including 58% of Republicans, according to the poll.
Democratic Groups Are Spending Big To Support The Covid
“It’s more money in your pocket, billions to speed up vaccinations, safely reopen schools, and help small businesses come back,” a narrator says in the new ad. 
“Joe Biden kept his word, and that’s exactly what your president should do,” the ad concludes.  
According to a spokesperson from Unite the country, the ad is a seven-figure buy targeted in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin  all which Biden narrowly won last November, and all of which hold key Senate and gubernatorial contests in 2022. The ad campaign will be mostly featured on digital platforms.
The buy is the latest in a group of Democratic organizations with campaigns airing across the country. 
On Friday, the Democratic National Committee released a new ad that will air nationally and in battleground markets. Entitled, “Help is here”, the ad features parts of Biden’s speech explaining the Covid-19 relief bill. 
Also this week, the Democratic group Priorities USA said it was placing digital ads  like this one  in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin  in support of the new legislation.  
And House Majority Forward, the Democratic outside group that focuses on House races, said its launching a $1.4 million ad campaign across nine competitive House districts  like one focused on Texas’ 7th district  thanking Democratic members for voting for the relief package.  
Ben Kamisar and Melissa Holzberg
On Trump Approval Asking Why Reveals Differences By Education Within Gop
Many pollsters, including our team here at SurveyMonkey, track President Trumps approval rating, which has fallen to an all-time low. We wanted to delve deeperto ask respondents not just whether they approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president, but why.
We did this in the simplest way possible: by immediately following our question on presidential approval with the open-ended question Why? This way, we can get explanations in respondents own words as to how they feel about our current Commander in Chief.
Republican Approvers: “Kept Promises”  Republican Disapprovers: “Childish”
In SurveyMonkeys most recent Trump approval update, 59% of people said they disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president.
Whats making these Republicans frustrated enough to split with their own party? To find out, we used structural topic modeling to explore how different groups of people explained their various reasons for approving or disapproving of President Trump. Structural topic modeling is a machine learning technique that discovers themes or topics within a large collection of responses, then predicts the prevalence of these topics according to certain respondent characteristics .
The graph below presents the differences in prevalence of various topics mentioned in response to our Why? follow-up, comparing responses among Republicans by whether they approve or disapprove of Trumps performance as president .
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