#i named this cute technoblade doodle-
glitchyartz · 3 years
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guys i was going thru my art folder and look at one of the first drawings i did of techno-
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griffintail · 3 years
I literally just had a thought-and I'm not sure which I like more. Techno brining either Phil's kid or his kid to the nether with him (probably when they're a little older) and a piglin gives them a courting gift. And they don't understand but techno goes protective. I just-the lost ones series has been so much angst lately man. You don't have to write this but at least it's a cute thought 🥰
Courting Gifts
Pairings: Parental! Technoblade x F! Reader
Warnings: None :)
Techno had taken (Y/N) into the Nether a few times before but it was simply to cross from one portal to another. He never had a reason to interact with the life there, other than striders when he taught her how to ride one and ghasts when they were attacked by the vicious things. They never had a reason to interact with the piglins.
So, when Techno was running out of a few things and he had a few bits of gold hoarded away, he decided to trade with the piglins.
“Hey, I need to go trading but the village is too far out. So, I’m going to the Nether to trade with piglins, want to come along?” Techno asked (Y/N) as he came outside to see the young adult laying in the snow but her head on Steve.
“Sure! I’ve never seen you trade with piglins.” She got up and pet Steve before she left the bear’s side.
“I never have much of a reason to, I usually plan a village trip ahead.” He said as he went in with her behind him. “But, with the you know what Athena, I used a few more supplies than I should have.”
“Ah, right.” She nodded.
She was truly a girl of wisdom and Techno had thought the name proper for her when he formed the Syndicate with her and Phil. They both went to grab their gear for a Nether trip and Techno quizzed her before they left.
“What do we need for a Nether trip?”
“Crossbow for ghasts,” she patted the crossbow on her back, “gold as a sign of peace,” she held up her arms to show her gold bracers, “and a couple of fire resistance potions just in case. And of course, the normal armor and sword.”
“Correct.” He nodded. “I’ll deal with all the trading today, come on.”
Both father and daughter walked to and into the portal, capes flowing behind them and crowns glinting. (Y/N) walked beside Techno as he led the way to a bastion hold.
“Piglins like the good things in life,” Techno told her as he showed her the gold he had taken. “They’ll give you almost anything for a bit of gold.”
“So would you.” She joked with him and he snorted.
“You’ve been hanging out with Tommy too much.”
She grinned as she looked around as Techno went up to one of the piglin traders. Around, she took in the black stoned building with a couple of gold inlays in its stone foundations. They must like their gold even more than her father did. She supposed that’s why gold armor was a sign of peace.
Following her father around to a few traders, she quickly found out that Techno could communicate through their snorts and such while she didn’t understand it at all. She didn’t understand the bartering either though. Techno seemed to get some decent items with just one bit of gold but what seemed like nothing at all for more gold.
“How does their trading work?” She asked him as he moved onto a new trader.
“It’s mostly how greedy they are. Sometimes I can talk down their prices, sometimes I can’t.” He shrugged. “I don’t trade with the greedier ones unless I really need something.”
“How greedy were they?”
“They weren’t bad, you should see the ones that want to trade with ender pearls.”
“Would they trade with me?”
“Eh, some of them might try to trade with you to get a steal. Some of them might be kind and actually, barter with you.”
“Huh, do you mind if I sit and write some of this down?”
Techno chuckled lightly. (Y/N) loved to take notes of things she learned and documented findings she had never seen in the many books they both read.
“Ok, just stay in my sight.” He nodded.
She nodded before leaving his side to go sit on a black stone bench. Carefully putting her crown next to her, she pulled out her journal and ink before writing down what Techno had told her. As she was documenting, she saw a small hand going for her crown in the corner of her eye.
“Hey!” She grabbed the crown and pulled it to her to see a small piglin. “That’s not yours.”
The child shrunk, giving small snorts. Shit, they were adorable.
“You shouldn’t take something that isn’t yours.” She told them, putting the crown on her head before digging through her bag and finding one bit of gold. “But here.”
They perked up at the offering of gold before happily taking it. She smiled as they climbed onto the bench next to her, playing with the gold in their hands before trying to look at her journal, making snorts.
“This is my journal; I was writing down what my dad told me.” She explained even though she doubted the child could understand her. “I’m documenting things no one has ever written down.”
The piglin gave little snorts as he pressed close to her to just stare at her journal and she chuckled, tickling the feather of her quill on the child’s nose making them give a little snort of what she assumed was laughter.
“You should go find your mom or dad kiddo. I don’t want to be responsible for you.”
She supposed he understood some of her words at least because the little piglin got up and wandered over to an older piglin, tugging on their pant leg. Chuckling softly, she turned back to her journal, writing down a few notes that the piglins probably understood a bit of common language as she now kept her crown on her head, despite it being annoying that it would fall forward. As she was scribbling away, even doodling a piglin, she looked up as a shadow came into a view.
It was the older piglin that the small one had gone to and she smiled up at them.
“Hello. Can I help you?” She asked.
The piglin gave a few snorts before holding a golden bracelet to her. She tilted her head, confused.
“Uh, I’m sorry. I don’t have any more gold for that.” She said carefully, hoping the piglin would understand.
They gave a few more snorts, still holding out the bracelet.
“Um…ok?” She said confused as she stood, putting her journal away then reaching for the bracelet only for an ender pearl to shatter in between the pair.
Technoblade then stood there, towering over the piglin and giving a mix of a growl and a snort as he had a hand on his sword. The piglin shrunk before scurrying off.
“What was that?!” (Y/N) exclaimed in shock.
“We’re leaving,” Techno said as he kept his tall posture while walking back towards the entrance.
“What? What just happened?” (Y/N) asked hurriedly as she followed after her father.
“Not now, back at home.” He said stiffly.
(Y/N) was very confused but she followed after him regardless. He’d tell her once they got where they needed to be. It took till they got to their portal before he stopped, relaxing his tall stance. (Y/N) realized now was he had been making himself appear tall and intimidating as he gave an angry huff.
“The nerve…”
“What was that?” She questioned.
“A piglin custom.”
“What custom? Dad, I don’t understand. All I know is you terrified that piglin.”
Techno groaned as he took off his mask so he could run a hand down his face. He stood there for a few moments before looking at her.
“It was a courting gift.”
“A what?” She said shocked.
“Piglins give gold jewelry to women they want to court. He wanted to court you.”
All (Y/N) could think was that piglin was lucky he wasn’t dead.
“Oh. Uh. What would have happened if…you didn’t come in?”
“They would have tried to court you! I was not letting that happen.” Techno shook his head as he went towards home now, (Y/N) following behind. “I was watching you as I traded though and was trading for ender pearls when I saw him trying to give you the courting gift.”
Techno had practically shoved all of his gold at the ender pearl trader before taking the ender pearls, immediately using one to separate his daughter from the piglin. He remembered the voices screaming simultaneously, but he was acting on his own instinct as a father.
“Oh, well, thank you?” She questioned.
“Yes, you are welcome. No boys, no nothing.” Techno told her as they stepped into the house. “You’re still too young.”
“Dad, I’m almost twenty.” She joked.
“No. Boys. No, nothing.” Techno pointed at her, looking deadly serious.
“What boys?” Phil asked as he came in having seen the pair come home.
She had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
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