#i need LU fans to learn how to like....be normal about female characters
veggiecorner · 10 months
LU fans stop horribly mischaracterizing BOTW Zelda challenge: literally fucking impossible
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Character-Sheet for
Ruby Summer
Ruby is my Fallout New Vegas OC, but the CC is horrible there so i made her in f4. She isn’t a Courier and works at the Camp Mclaren as Mechanic for the NCR.
sheet by @madddraws! Infos under the Read More:
Name:  Ruby Summer
Nickname: Ru for people who believe that ‘Ruby’ is too long. Sunny because of her personality and her last name..
Age:  26 Years
Height: 1.70
Eyes: icey blue.
Hair: black, long. Sometimes she binds them but most of the they are open.
Body type: pretty… normal, duh. Strong arms because of her work
Status Currently: Mechanic for the NCR? She grew up in an NCR family so it was no big wonder that she also ended up there
Relationship Status: Single  
Spouse(s): -/p>
Sexuality: bisecual
Gender:  cis female
Ethnicity:  white.
Family: Her parents passed away but she still has her Cousins Lucky and Mary Lu
Languages: english.
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: for someone who grow up in the Freeside she is pretty fine, duh. :O
Scars: some smaller ones on her body because… dangerous place and also some on her hands from her work.
Physical traits: big eyes, long nose and round face? Wears always her welding glasses at least on the forehead because you can’t never know when you need them.
Voice:  cheerful? not really deep. She speaks also really fast when she is excited. :I
Clothing: mostly dark. She loves fingerless gloves or long shleeves
Fashion Style/Lifestyle: uuuh… wears like i said prefered dark clothes, but pimps them up with colorful pins and other highlights. 
Weapon of Choice: a pistol? It’s never good to get unarmed into the freeside. But she can also use her tools as very useful weapons. And there is also Betzy, her Nightstalker and this good girl is very good in chasing danger away.
Skills: You need something repaired? Ruby is your girl, duh. Already as kid she had much fun in fixing things.
Weaknesses: uuuh she rather talks before she fights which is normally probably nice but in the Freeside not always the best idea. She gets also sick when she sees blood - so most of the time she runs away or Betzy saves her butt and Ruby is puking into the next corner. :///
Poor skills:  big weapons,  iii.. don’t think she could move in a powerarmor. Also she wouldn’t be able to pick a lock and is too nice to pickpock someone. :/
Affiliations: NCR. She doesn’t like the military stuff but like said before she grew up in a NCR family and believes that they most be the good guys. Someone has to be the good guys.
Former Affiliations: uuuh… she.. used to work as barkeeper in some of the casinos?
Enemies: The Legion, duh.
Neutral Affiliations: everyone who doesn’t hurt her? Important to say is that she has nothing against the Kings even when the rest of the NCR aren’t big friends with them.
Religion: none  
Likes:she loves old legends and myths |  sweeties
Dislikes: High places.She says she isn’t afraid of them. She.. is just afraid to fall down. :’D |   afraid from the darkness but shhhhht | big heat. Which is great when you live in a fucking desert | ehm.. uh.. blood? |
Hates: when people try to tell her what to do? This actives the 5 y old Ruby and she will do exactly what  she shouldn’t do.
Pets: Betzy, a Nightstalker. She found Betzy as halfstraved Puppy and wondering about the weird looking puppy, she took her with her. To be fair - Ruby never heard about a Nightstalker before, otherwise she would have been afraid. Now she knows of course what Betzy really is but she still loves her good girl. You can be always sure that Betzy is with her - even when you can’t see the Nightstalker. And you can always be sure that you will learn why Nightstalkers are so dangerous if you should be mean to Ruby…
Personality: Not everyone in the Freeside is a thief or killer. At least Ruby isn’t. She is easy going and usually in a good mood  - A ray of sunshine full of optimism . At least most of the time. Ruby feels most comfortable among other people, and thanks to her open nature it’s easy for her to make  new contacts. She is a faithful soul and offers herself as a shoulder to cry on for others …. Even if she is not always the best one. If she thinks that you are to blame, in most cases she will say it relentlessly – She was always very direct even when you doesn’t want to hear it. Only very close people get her pity  - she was always biased when it comes to her friends and will blame others without hesitate. She isn’t perfect – but she also doesn’t want to be perfect. So like mentioned before She is usually direct and sometimes has a big mouth with no filter, and too often she regrets it shortly after. Ruby isn’t very brave and if she doesn’t need to fight, she rather uses a…uuh… tactical retreat. Fast. Probably screaming. But she will still jump over her shadow to help her friends, without thinking in which danger she puts herself. The regrets can wait for later. And believe when I say that they will definitely show up.
Favorite color:  blue
Favorite foods: Big horner steak.
Favorite drinks: Nuka Cola. No special one. just the good old Nuka Cola
Favorite Sweets: cakes. All cakes. Just give her every cake you find.
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westfallingforchaol · 8 years
Salaam! I’ve started to think that I should just stop apologizing for disappearing for weeks on end because I feel guilty, and then I end up making promises I can never keep, and it becomes a vicious cycle. So, no more apologies. Just that school started, and it’s already kicking my ass. Also, my laptop broke down- I have no clue what happened. One day, it just up and decided to become stupid, and I couldn’t use it for about a week and a half. That happened. But I got it back this afternoon, so I thought I’d start off by doing a much-needed January wrap-up.
Even though I wasn’t blogging much, January was a pretty decent reading month for me. I read a total of 8 books, which is good since I wasn’t reading anything at all the past couple of months. Quality-wise, you probably know how I am by now… it goes up and down. For the most part, the books I read ranged from good to pretty good, and that’s honestly all I can ask, ha. I did read something awful though, but more on that later.
So… guess who I met? If you don’t follow me on Twitter, you might be unaware of this but I met Zayn a week or so ago. I love him to death- I think he’s both an incredible artist and an incredible human being. I was never a One Direction fan, but I distinctly remember thinking that Zayn was super attractive and had a unique voice; when he went solo, I really began to pay attention to him. Almost a year after his album release, I still listen to his songs almost every single day. I’ve binge-watched interviews and videos and stalked his social media, and he’s such a humble, grounded, adorable person.
Meeting him was incredible. He was so gracious and lovely; when I was taking a photo with him, my hand was shaking out of nerves so he reached out and steadied my phone. He was so kind to all his fans… and just in case you’re wondering, yes, he’s just as attractive in real life. :)
I also saw one of my favorite bands live! I’ve seen Kings of Leon live once before back in 2014, and they’re so incredible that I couldn’t possibly miss their 2017 tour. Protip: there are two things you need to do in your life:
See a rock concert in Madison Square Garden
See Kings of Leon on tour
I won’t pretend like I’ve seen a ton of concerts, but I’ve been to a few big rock ones, and there’s something that sets Kings of Leon apart from the rest. They make sure their fans get their money’s worth of performances. They performed 28 songs. One after the other with minimal pauses in between- so energizing, so rapid-fire but so, so good. If you like even just a couple of their songs, I’d highly recommend seeing them live. Despite not being my favorite band of all-time (that crown goes to Linkin Park) I still prefer their concerts over anybody else’s.
On Choosing a Different Path for Myself
Some of you might know this already, but I’m studying Applied Psychology at NYU. I just started the second semester of my junior year, which means I’ll be graduating in just over a year- which is insane just to think about. But I’ve decided that I want to switch…
Well, not really “switch” per se, but do something more advanced. Which is medicine! Surprise, surprise. When I went to Los Angeles over the winter break, I had a talk with a couple of my relatives, both of whom are psychiatrists. By talking to them and their constant affirmations that I was born to go into medicine, I started thinking. What do I want from my life? What do I want out of my career? And you might judge me for this, and I know this is probably why I’ve been sorted into Slytherin my entire life- I want to be successful. I want to be rich, lol, and I want to work for the money I earn. I want to travel. I want a good house, and a nice car. I want to be able to give my parents the chance to retire and sit back and relax while I am able to fulfill their needs. I want to buy stuff without looking at the price-tag, and I want to be able to give to causes that I support without compromising my day-to-day actions for lack of finances.
But that’s not just it. I wanted to become a psychologist so I could help South Asian youth who suffer from mental illnesses and are stigmatized and dehumanized. And I can do that. I can do that if I become a psychiatrist. I can do something good all while making a decent life for myself and my family. It’s going to take many extra years, particularly because I’ll have to take an extra year after my undergraduate to fulfill my pre-med requirements. But that’s a cost I’m willing to pay, you know? It was a scary decision to make. I wasn’t sure I could do it. I’m still not sure I have the brains to get into med school, but you know. I’ll go down with everything I’ve got. It’s honestly a little terrifying, but I’ve enrolled for the first class that’ll help me get there, and I’m ready.
But that’s all I’m going to ramble about. You came here for a reading wrap-up, so here it is!
Reading Wrap-Up
Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon | 1.5 stars | Review
This rating may come as a surprise to many, but I really disliked this book – not because the technical aspects were bad, but because the themes were so offensive that it didn’t sit well with me. I was enjoying it at first; the fun additions of notes and charts and illustrations added character, and I was interested in the character’s experience with her disability. But then the love interest was introduced, which made the book extremely insta-lovey, and that was also when the ableist themes came into play. This book was one big message of: you can’t be happy and you can’t have a normal love-life if you have a disability. Which is wrong on so many levels and completely downplays the experiences of so many. I explain it better in my review, so if you’re interested in learning more, check that out!
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If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo | 3.5 stars | Review
I had high hopes for this book, and for the most part, it did not disappoint. The main character was immediately likable, and you fully empathized with her desire to move on from a traumatic event and to fit in with a new group of people. My favorite aspect of the book was definitely her topsy-turvy relationship with her father; the nuance and complexity of their dynamic definitely added an extra layer to the otherwise happy book. I also thought that the romance was incredibly cute, even though I thought it was a little insta-lovey. Also, let’s talk about how little attention is given to great female friendships in YA- if you’re looking for a good female-friendship dynamic, check this book out. Trigger warning for transphobia, depression, suicide attempt and outing.
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Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire | 2.5 stars
I had very mixed feelings about this book; on one hand, I thought the world-building was incredible. Or rather, the potential for the world-building was incredible. Conceptually, the book was so strong, but I felt that a lot of the potential was wasted in execution. A ton of the world-building happens through dialogue rather than actual action. Which really bummed me out and kept me from enjoying the book. The characters fell flat for me too. I did, however, really enjoy the balance between whimsy and dark; I thought the plot was brilliant, and had it been carried out better, it would’ve definitely gotten a higher rating from me. Look out for my full review!
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Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom | 4 stars
This was perhaps my favorite book of the month, which was a surprise because I didn’t know what to expect when I went into it. I’ve only ever read one other book with a blind protagonist, and this one was completely different in tone from that one. I was wary at first because the protagonist is so bitter and mean and sarcastic, and I approached it with caution because it seemed to give off the vibe that she was that way because she lost her sight. But as the story progressed, as the main character developed and grew through relationships and interactions with the people around her, as she learned more about her past and her life and came to terms with her vulnerabilities, the beauty of the book came to light. It was truly a beautiful book, and another one with really amazing female friendships. Definitely a must-read! And look out for my review!
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The Young Elites & The Rose Society by Marie Lu | 3.5 stars each
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So, I know I’m late to the game, and I know everyone and their mother loves this series- and I understand why. Even though I didn’t give either book a great rating, I really enjoyed them both and am definitely looking forward to the finale. I think what makes this series stand out so starkly amongst its peers is the fact that it’s basically a villain’s coming-to-power story and then I’m guessing her subsequent downfall. I love the complexity of Adelina’s character; I enjoy how you empathize with her but also constantly criticize her choices because she’s going too far. I love the world-building, and the writing’s solid. I sometimes feel that the secondary characters feel flat, and also that Adelina’s still too likable to be called a villain. I want to see her pushed further so I can fully give her the label of villain, because I don’t think she’s there yet. Which was my main gripe with the second book. I won’t be doing an individual review for each book, but I’ll do a joint review for the trilogy!
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The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace (ARC) | 3.5 stars
I don’t read a ton of poetry, but I picked this one up because I’m mutuals with the author on Twitter, and it won an award, and it’s been getting a ton of hype. It’s basically word porn. I think a lot of the poems in this are incredibly relatable; it covers topics like mental health, body image, family dynamics, loss and death, abusive relationships, moving on, self-love, feminism and strength. A lot of the values I hold myself were reflected in this, and Lovelace definitely has a way with weaving words together so that they say a lot in very few characters. I enjoyed the first two parts of the book much, much more than the last one- which I felt was a little dragged and didn’t fit in with the tone of the other parts. But if you’re looking to get into poetry and aren’t sure where to start, check this out.
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Life in a Fishbowl (ARC) by Len Vlahos | 3 stars
Okay, so let me preface this by saying that the premise of this book is very misleading. The reality television aspect of it doesn’t come into play until well past the 30 or 40% mark- and believe it or not, I was really, really enjoying the book before the TV part was introduced. Definitely the strongest feature of the book is the writing. Vlahos is incredibly gifted; he’s clearly honed and polished his voice to perfection. It’s snarky, it’s intelligent, it’s satirical and hilarious and also surprisingly simple. Just reading his words made the experience delightful. His decision to tell the story from approximately eight perspectives was a gutsy move, but he pulled it off. The relationships, the themes were all spot on. It’s just that the storyline began to drag after the 60% mark, and the characters didn’t undergo any development, which I would have really liked to see. Even so, this was such a fun, fast-paced book, and I’d recommend it to anyone. Full review to come!
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So, I’ve talked a little already about how I basically failed at blogging this month- I’ve never been so far behind my reviews. Because blogging sucked so much, I’m not going to do a post-to-post wrap-up like I usually do. But I’ll just leave a link to the Diversity Bingo 2017 event that I, and a few other friends are hosting. It’s basically a year-long reading event where you need to read 36 books that fit into a bingo sheet, each fulfilling a facet of diversity. You can find more information (and my TBR) here.
I also compiled a list of the diverse books releasing between January and June of this year. I know that I could have really used a masterlist, and in compiling it, I introduced myself to so many awesome-sounding books. If you’d like to check it out (and share, if you can please!), you can do so right over here.
The last post I’ll feature is my top 10 books of 2016. If you’re interested in seeing what the standouts of last year were, you can check them out here.
Also, I’m making a massive change to the blog- something that I think is important for my sanity, ha. I’m getting a co-blogger! I’ve already spoken to someone about it; she’s a friend that I got to know over Twitter. She’s incredible- kind, open-minded, thoughtful and just super wonderful in general. I’m not going to announce who exactly it is just yet- we’ll do that together when she writes her introduction post and she can officially be integrated into the website. Which also means that a URL change is in order. I can’t have a co-blogger and keep it my name. I’ll purchase the bookshelvesandpaperbacks.com domain soon, so just a heads up!
What I’ve Been Watching and Listening To
So, y’all probably know by now that A Series of Unfortunate Events was released on Netflix, which I binge-watched and freaked out over. The books were such an integral part of my childhood, and it felt so wonderful to revisit the characters and the story. The show stays so true to the books- from the narration to the sets to the whimsical, weird, magical-realism-type tone, everything feels like home. The casting is spot-on. I love Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf, and it took me some time to warm up to the children, but I love them all dearly now. Go check the trailer out:
As for music, I’m going to be fully basic and just talk about Zayn a lot more, ha. I barely listened to anything except for his new track with Taylor Swift. I really don’t like her, guys. The fact that the song is the soundtrack for Fifty Shades Darker really doesn’t help, but come on, it’s Zayn. I had to give it a try- and I haven’t stopped listening to it since. I’ve often wanted a version where it was just him singing, and guess what- yesterday, he dropped an acoustic version where it’s just him and a guitar. It’s honestly heaven-sent, and even though it was released in February, I couldn’t go without including it here. Check it out- it almost seems like a completely different song, and I haven’t listened to the original since!
So that’s it for last month’s wrap-up. I know, I had a lot to talk about- it was a busy month and a lot was happening in life. Kudos to you if you made it this far into the post. Let me know in the comments below what your month was like? As always, thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
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Wrap Up | January ’17 Salaam! I've started to think that I should just stop apologizing for disappearing for weeks on end because I feel guilty, and then I end up making promises I can never keep, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
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