#i need more elric family fluff... desperate for it
roberrtphilip · 2 years
the hohenhiem lives aus … drop the links? 👀
Okay, so I don't have many, but here's my faves! They're all one shots, and very sweet in my opinion. Also if anyone has any recommendations, feel free to reblog because I'm desperate for more!
Sheltered By Memories by WorryinglyInnocent - This was the first Hohenheim Lives au I read and it's just. Ugh, so good, I love it. There's also a short companion piece here, if you wanna read that as well!
A Stitch in Time by thephilosophersapprentice - So Good and Cute, and I love how Hohenheim describes seeing Trisha in Edward. (The fic it was inspired by, Patching from Evil_Little_Dog, is short but sweet if you're also interested in reading Hohenheim/Trisha fluff)
And last is I'll Keep Your Heart With Mine (till you come to me) by pinestripes. I love the interactions between Ed, Al, and Hohenheim, and the flashback is So Good too.
And that's all I've got right now. Seriously, if anyone has more, please reblog or drop a link because I'd love to read 'em!
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
the way it was - chapter 39
summary: what if riza never went to war? riza hawkeye has just married the man she loves. six months into their marriage, an unexpected surprise stops her from following roy to the military. a canon divergence au that explores what might have happened had riza been unable to join the military. there will be plenty of family fluff, angst, and royai.
rated: m | warnings: graphic depictions of violence (updated)
read on ao3
so keep breathing
'cause i'm not leaving you anymore
believe it
hold on to me and never let me go 
Riza was drifting away from the brown brick room as her husband’s arms rocked her from side to side. His desperate, anguished demands for her to return to him immediately were fading as darkness encroached on her mind and a heavy weight settled upon her limbs.
“No,” he choked out, so close to her ear, but so out of reach. “Riza, please.”
It was killing her to leave him like this. She didn’t want to, but that decision had been made for her by someone else. Riza hated it. She had so much more to give in the world, so much more to experience with her family, and now it had all been ripped away. Roy would be left with their children all alone, and she’d never get to see them again. If she could feel anything, or react in any way, Riza would have burst into tears.
“I love you.” Those three words were filled with such defeat and grief. “From the bottom of my heart.”
It was like he was saying goodbye.
Behind closed eyelids there was a spark of light, reminiscent of a candle flickering out in a breeze. It was brief but whatever it was made every sensation and feeling come crashing back into Riza. It slammed into her roughly, almost making her gasp. If her body hadn’t been so sluggish, she would have.
Where sound had been muted and muffled before, it was loud and clear. She heard someone gasp and crackles of alchemic energy. Blue light flashed beyond her closed lids, brighter than before, as the sounds of fighting surrounded her. With eyes squeezed tightly closed, Riza returned to a painful reality. Her features twisted into a grimace, however, what was once a breath-taking agony was now just a dull ache, an occasional throb, accompanying every beat of her heart. It felt like Riza could feel every rush of blood through her veins in the injured skin of her neck.
Before she could even open her eyes, arms lifted and pulled her into a tight embrace. The pressure was intense as Riza struggled to get her bearings, causing another pulse of pain to flare unexpectedly in her neck.
“Oh, thank God.”
Although disorientated, she recognised Roy’s voice. He was by her ear as he pressed his face into her hair. A kiss was pressed against her head as relief flooded through Riza’s body.
“Careful!” a voice scolded suddenly. “If you squeeze too tight, you’ll reopen that wound!”
The arms around her loosened immediately. Riza blinked a few times to clear her vision and saw Roy looking down at her neck in horror. However, as soon as her head tipped to get a better view of him, Roy’s eyes jerked to hers. Despite his red and puffy eyes, a choked laugh left him before a wobbly smile spread across his face. Riza returned his smile with a tiny, tired one of her own and it caused all of the tension in his body to visibly fizzle out.
Slowly, and more gently, Roy embraced her, holding her body close to his. Riza relished in the comfort he always brought her as her eyelids fluttered closed. Her fingers twitched, wishing to grasp onto him in some way, but wouldn’t cooperate just yet.
“Thank you.” Roy’s voice was sincere and hoarse as he spoke to someone nearby. “I owe you one.”
A young girl smiled at him as Riza opened her eyes. She was the same girl who’d been with Scar earlier, during the initial standoff with Envy.
“Don’t mention it,” she replied with determination.
The girl’s voice sounded slightly familiar, but Riza couldn’t place it…
“Mei Chang,” she greeted cheerily. “Nice to meet you properly!”
“Hello,” Riza replied in a raspy voice. Clearing her throat didn’t shift it completely, but it did assist a little. “Thank you for your help.”
She nodded, her smile bright and happy. “It’s good to see you escaped from Envy relatively unharmed.”
Riza paused.
“From Envy?” Roy voiced the question that was floating around Riza’s mind.
Mei nodded. “In Central, in the car. I saw you run after I made them stop.”
Roy exhaled loudly and sharply at the reminder.
Her head dipped, her smile falling from her face as sorrow took over. “Envy tricked me, and I let them go.” When she lifted her head, Mei’s eyes were filled with unshed tears. “That almost cost you earlier. I’m so sorry.” Her head bowed sharply in apology.
Riza could place Mei’s voice now. She’d been the one to call out to Envy while they were all in the car, before Riza made a run for it.
“Mei?” The girl lifted her head slowly and regretfully. “It’s okay,” Riza reassured her. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’m all right.”
“But you’re not. You were hurt!”
“And you helped bring me back,” she reminded her kindly. “I’ll be forever grateful to you for that.”
“Me too,” Roy interjected. “Thank you for saving her life.”
Still looking conflicted, Mei nodded and blinked away a few stray tears. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Make sure you’re careful with her!” she commanded Roy.
“I will,” Roy vowed. “I promise.” His grip tightened just a fraction as his head turned to look back down at Riza. Relief was palpable within him. It shook his arms as he cradled Riza’s body close.
“You got my signal,” she smiled tiredly.
“Of course I did.” His lips lowered to press against her forehead lightly. “We’ve been together for so long, and I’ve become quite attuned to you, remember?” His quip caused a smile to appear as Riza remembered him saying the same thing at Mia’s birthday party. He caressed the skin of her face lovingly. His thumb ran from her temple down to her chin before his hand latched on to support her weight once more. “Plus, I knew you really would kill me if I tried to perform human transmutation.”
Riza let out a quiet snort. “You bet your ass I would have.”
With tears in his eyes, Roy barked a laugh before lowering his lips to hers. He pressed hard enough to convey his relief, but gentle enough to be mindful of her injuries. After another quick peck, he pulled away. His smile wavered with his emotions, but Roy still stared down at her with adoration. The backs of his knuckles caressed Riza's cheekbone lightly, and his loving affection caused her to relax further into his arms.
“I love you, Riza.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek before hugging her tightly once more, yet still being mindful of her condition. “God, I love you," he breathed in a hoarse voice.
He couldn’t seem to let her go, but Riza didn’t mind one bit. It was what they both needed, and was long overdue after the day they'd experienced. She let out a quiet sigh as her eyelids drooped closed and her stomach fluttered. Riza took a moment to rest and get her breath back while Roy curled his body protectively around hers. It felt like she was home, lying there in the warmth of his embrace. Although it was impossible given the circumstances, she never wanted to leave that moment.
Roy's breathing evened out, the action seemingly becoming easier for him as more time progressed. Finally, he let loose a long sigh and pulled away.
“What now?” She didn’t want to be the one to break the little bubble they’d fallen into, but regretfully, the day was not over, nor was the fight.
Roy let out another breath in a rush. “We’re regrouping. We’ve got a little time.”
Slowly and painfully she was assisted into a seated position.
“Easy,” Roy murmured, hovering over her. His grip was encouraging and strong, essentially keeping her upright, however his hands trembled and shifted in place, trying to find the best way to support her further as he fretted.
“I’m okay. I’m good.” Riza sighed, feeling neck twinge as her shoulders rolled. “Any news on Edward?”
Roy’s lips pursed and he shook his head. “Nothing.”
Riza’s stomach lurched at the thought of them not knowing where he’d disappeared to. The word “sacrifice” made her shudder, and she did not like when it was applied to Edward Elric.
She squeezed his hand in comfort. “Then we look for him.”
Roy nodded, but Riza picked up on his swallow and how he averted his eyes to the ground.
“What’s wrong?” Her blood ran cold, thinking the worst.
“It’s –” Roy sighed heavily. On the exhale, his eyes were filled with grief. “I almost lost you today. I watched you die,” Roy choked out.
Riza’s heart thudded inside her chest. Memories of Roy screaming her name, cursing those who’d hurt her, and claiming that he would kill them all for what they did, flooded her mind. He’d watched her slip away, been restrained, and unable to help or hold her close. It had broken him. She’d heard his agony, filling her ears as she slipped away from reality.
“I can’t have you being used against me.” He pressed his lips against her hairline, kissing her fiercely. Riza’s eyes fluttered closed in response. “I won’t let them,” he whispered against her skin as his voice hitched.
He'd never wanted Riza to get involved in any of this. It was highly likely he'd want to get her somewhere safe, away from the forefront of the battle –
“I almost watched you die –” Roy choked on his own words, cutting himself off with a strangled gasp. Riza could feel his hands beginning to shake as they held onto her even tighter.
The full weight of what had transpired was finally hitting him.
He didn’t seem to hear her.
“Roy,” she called louder. She lifted a shaky hand to press it against his cheek. He jumped, turning his head to face her, tears close to falling.
“I’m right here,” she reminded him. “I’m not going to die on you. I’ve got two kids waiting for me to come home. So do you.”
Roy sucked in a sharp breath.
“We’ll go home to them together,” she affirmed.
She was bundled up in his arms once more. Riza clutched at his back desperately. She clung to him, burying her face in his jacket. She never wanted to let him go. Riza needed only a comfort he could bring her.
As she moved to pull away, Roy restricted her gently.
“Pl – Please. Not just yet,” he whispered against her shoulder. His hand made its way to the back of her head, holding her tight in place. Roy's fingers tangled in her hair and it made Riza hold on even tighter. “I… I just need a minute.”
“I can give you a minute,” she breathed, swallowing the lump in her throat. Riza buried her face in the fabric of his black coat. “Take all the time you need.”
“I feel like this is your line,” Roy chuckled humourlessly. It held a bitterness that made Riza’s heart ache. Her fingers increased their pressure on his back. “But thank you for coming back to me,” he whispered into her ear.
“Always, Roy."
Shifting in place, he moved so their foreheads could bow together.
“I love you.” It was whispered like a prayer as Roy’s breath mingled and entwined with her own.
“Love you too. Thank you for trusting me.”
“Always,” Roy repeated back to her. He placed a quick kiss against her hairline, his hand cupping her cheek, before his head moved to rest against hers once more.
Returning to the present, Roy lifted his head to look around the room and assess where they were at. Riza followed suit, eyes wandering to see if everyone was accounted for.
The first thing she spied was the trail of blood leading from the circle. Her blood. She had images of Roy dragging her fading form out of the circle, leaving a streak of red in his wake. Riza shuddered.
Scar and the chimeras were standing over the downed candidates, speaking lowly. Riza’s eyes roved over the bodies but came to a jarring halt when they settled upon the man she’d killed. Her stomach twisted and horror flushed through her body.
“How are you feeling?”
Roy’s question distracted her, and Riza felt selfish and cruel enough to be thankful for it.
You killed him.
“Sore,” she admitted after clearing her throat. Her eyes were torn away from her kill, but Roy noticed her body stiffen and the jerky movement. Of course he did.
A gloved hand cupped Riza’s cheek lightly to angle her head, so she was facing him. “You saved my life.” His eyes held no revulsion or apprehension in them, just sympathy and unfortunate understanding.
“I killed him,” she whispered. The words got caught in her throat and almost choked her.
“I know.” His tone was sombre, but he didn’t flinch away from her gaze filled with shame and disgust. “I know, and I’m so sorry it came to that –”
“Colonel?” One of the chimeras called over to them – Darius, Riza remembered. “You all right?”
Roy nodded and returned his attention to her. “We’ll discuss this.” His lips pressed against her temple. “I promise. You won’t have to deal with this alone.”
Riza winced multiple times as Roy helped her to her feet. His arm circled around her back and pulled her body close to his, taking most of her weight. With an arm braced on the shoulder of her uninjured side, they started to walk towards the group.
“Everyone, thank you for all of your help.”
“No problem,” Darius reassured. He angled his head to look around Roy, eyeing Riza to assess her condition.
Mei had disappeared from their side as she and Roy spoke, but now she skipped over to the group. “Oh wait –” She halted suddenly, looking around the floor of the room. “The stone!”
Lying among the candidates was a clear vial, filled with red liquid. However, before anyone could move, the darkness shifted.
Fuhrer Bradley.
He emerged from the shadows and bent at the waist, his movements calm and controlled, picking up the vial that Mei had been searching for.
“King Bradley,” Roy greeted, hostility clouding his tone. “His wounds aren’t regenerating,” he realised, almost speaking to himself. Riza glanced to Bradley’s arm, noticing the trail of blood.
“It’s been quite some time hasn’t it, Colonel Mustang?”
“Indeed it has, sir. I’m afraid I’d be lying if I said you were looking as good as ever.”
Riza was close to elbowing Roy to tell him to knock it off. He didn’t need to provoke Bradley further.
The Fuhrer’s eye shifted away from Roy and settled on Riza. It narrowed dangerously and she felt the sudden urge to take a step back. His stare pinned her in place, like he’d done before, and it made the hairs on the back of Riza’s neck stand on end. Roy noticed too. She was pulled tighter into his body protectively.
“Knowing that weakling heart of yours, I thought the imminent threat to your wife’s life would have made you perform human transmutation, Mustang. I would’ve thought you’d do anything to save her, but it appears that isn’t the case.”
“I would do whatever it takes to ensure her safety, and my family’s,” Roy fired back, irritated by the insinuation that he wouldn’t. Indignation flared in Riza’s chest too. “However, I made a promise and intended to keep it. I may have been reckless enough at one point, but luckily I have people behind me to keep me on the right path. I trust them,” he gave her upper arm a squeeze, “and I wasn’t about to let them down.”
Bradley continued to talk as a wave of light-headedness overcame Riza. She blinked as she tried to focus on the conversation, but it faded. The world around her was muted for a brief second.
Keep it together, Riza.
It was hard. Her knees shook but were quickly locked so she didn’t fall. Her thighs quivered with overexertion and her injuries, but she held firm. She had to.
Blinking heavily, Riza felt her body pitch forward against her will. Her arm lifted to grip onto something connected to Roy to help her remain upright, but she needn’t have worried. Roy had already caught her with a hand to the shoulder closest to him. Eyes wide, he silently asked if she was all right. Riza gripped his forearm tightly for support, giving him a tiny nod. With a shifted stance, he pulled her closer to his body and turned back towards Bradley.
“No!” There was a sudden cry from the doctor in the pipes above. Riza had forgotten he was there. “I won’t let you interfere with him!”
“Give it up Doctor,” Jerso scoffed. “You’re not going anywhere.”
Suddenly, Mei gasped from behind Riza. There was a splash as blood reigned from the ceiling, spreading out into the stone, and mingling with her own blood. Jerso fell and crashed hard onto the floor while she turned in place to see what the sudden commotion was, and the doctor followed suit. Both grunted in pain, rolling away from the centre of the room.
“Jerso!” Zampano called to his friend, urging him to stand.
“Run! Get out of here!” Jerso’s warning made Riza’s heart leap into her throat.
“This is bad.” Darius ran over to Jerso, helping him stand so he and Zampano could move their injured friend somewhere safe.
“He’s right,” Mei agreed. “Something’s coming. Something awful.”
Riza waited with bated breath, wondering what new thing was approaching. She didn’t know if she could survive another fight; not in her current condition.
Long, black tendrils descended from the ceiling. Eyes opened once the shapes finally landed on the ground, peering into the room, with a small boy standing in the centre.
“Pride,” Riza whispered.
“Please,” Roy requested, talking over her head. She was pressed into the arms of Darius. Her head started to turn, but it was on her injured side. It didn’t move very far, and instead she had to close her eyes tightly against the sudden wave of pain. “Look after her for now.”
She mourned the loss of Roy's touch and his support, but Darius gracefully swept her up with his own strength.
There was a burst of movement but Riza barely had a chance to open her eyes to comprehend what was happening properly. Bradley was charging at Roy, who’d sprang away from them and sent a ball of flame at the Fuhrer. But Bradley was too fast. He’d leaped into the air and dodged Roy’s retaliation all together.
Riza watched in terror as Bradley’s feet connected with Roy’s torso. With the force of his jump, Bradley sent him crashing backwards onto the hard stone, Roy’s body skidding along it with the momentum. He grunted loudly in pain. Bradley’s swords came crashing down into the palm of Roy’s hands, piercing through his flesh, and pinning him in place. He let out a muffled scream, his jaw clenched tight as his eyes widened. They were fraught with suffering and pain.
“Roy!” The cry was ripped from Riza’s throat before she could think. Her whole body tensed. Everything locked in place as she watched, unable to tear her eyes away from Roy’s hands. She saw the sword poking through the back of his palms as his body heaved with pained breaths. Riza immediately felt like she wanted to vomit, but her body wouldn’t move or react.
A shadow lashed out at her, causing Darius to lift Riza off her feet so they could both jump backwards. More distance was put between them and that was the opposite of what Riza wanted.
Now she knew how Roy had felt just a few minutes ago.
Her legs and feet weren’t cooperating. She wanted to run to him, to shoot the bastard pinning him to the ground through the palms of his hands. Even if she could get her legs to work, Darius would never let her go. His grip on her upper arms was too strong.
Pride stabbed the doctor through the chest. The sudden cry of disbelief and pain managed to pierce through the fog inside Riza’s mind. Inky black tendrils wrapped around the doctor, covering his mouth to silence him. As Pride did so, at the same time underneath Roy, a circle formed.
A transmutation circle.
“Well, Colonel Mustang, it looks like you are our fifth.”
“That’s right,” Bradley added, “the last one.”
Pride smirked to himself as he watched the doctor squirm, but his expression quickly turned back to cold and calculating. He was nothing like the young boy she’d spoken to in the university, months prior, who’d been so excited to meet the wife of the Flame Alchemist. When Riza had first met Pride, not Selim, she’d never seen him, only felt the threatening presence of his black tendrils around her throat. It was unsettling to know this homunculus had been hiding beneath the surface of that innocence, performing so perfectly with the face and personality of a young boy all this time.
Roy’s eyes widened in fear as blue light filled the circle, reaching high into the air above him. The doctor, wrapped up in Pride’s tendrils, was moved above Roy as he writhed inside them, his cries muffled.
“I was really hoping we wouldn’t have to resort to this but there is no choice. We’ve run out of time now,” Pride announced coldly.
“Whether you like it or not, we’re going to force you to open the portal, Mustang. Prepare yourself.”
“No, I won’t do it!” Roy grit his teeth together as his jaw clenched tightly in pain. His eyes briefly squeezed closed as Bradley leaned over him further and put more pressure on the blades. He must have shifted them a fraction.
“As I said,” Bradley replied coolly, “it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. Pride has just assimilated an alchemist who possesses knowledge of human transmutation. He has the necessary formula.”
Pride’s tendrils lifted from the ground wrapped around Roy’s neck. He grunted as they secured themselves and Riza inhaled sharply as she watched, remembering how they’d felt on her skin months ago. The blue light was getting brighter and another wrapped around each of Roy’s ankles and across his stomach, securing him in place for their plan.
“He’s safely pinned, move back, Wrath. Now.”
Bradley stood and walked calmly away, as if he were taking a stroll down the street, not condemning a man to an unknown fate.
Riza stared at her husband lying in the middle of the transmutation circle. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. They were forcing him to open the gate against his will.
The bastards.
He was stuck. The tables had been turned on them completely, and now she was the one who was unable to help him, as he was trapped and about to be harmed.
Roy’s chest heaved as he breathed. His hands shook against his restraints, fighting it, but Riza knew all too well how futile that fight was. He wouldn’t escape from Pride’s hold.
The muscles in her neck shook as her head turned due to her distress. It felt as though they were creaking as she did so. Riza’s eyes moved to Roy’s and they met for a brief second. He inhaled and they widened, his eyebrows turning upwards helplessly.
His eyes were filled with terror.
“No…” she whispered, not removing her gaze from his. She couldn’t.
Bradley coughed twice, lifting a hand to his mouth as he partially turned back to look at Roy.
“I wonder… What will be taken from you in exchange, Colonel Mustang?”
The bastard almost smirked.
The light grew to a crescendo and Riza had never felt more helpless in her life as Roy screamed. It was nothing like Riza had ever heard before, or ever wanted to hear again. It cut right through her, leaving her winded. It shook Riza to her core.
Everyone turned away from the transmutation, the light too bright for their eyes to handle, but not Riza. She couldn’t. Her husband was being forced through the gate, into the unknown, against his own will. Edward and Alphonse flashed into her mind. Edward, losing an arm and a leg to this same transmutation. Alphonse, losing his entire body.
What would Roy lose?
“Roy!” His name was torn from her throat as the transmutation reached its peak, the sudden brightness blinking out in a flash. It left a ringing in her ears, along with the echo of his screams, but Riza didn’t even notice. Her eyes were impossibly wide, tears springing to her lids, because Roy was no longer in the centre of the circle.
He was gone.
Riza’s mouth never closed. She wanted to vomit, could feel it stirring up inside her stomach and begging to be let loose onto the floor below, but it didn’t. Completely frozen, her mind didn’t want to comprehend what she was seeing. He couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t disappear.
But he had.
*      *      *
Darius had lowered Riza to the ground gently and remained close by as everyone involved in the coup regrouped. He was obviously worried about her mental state but Riza didn’t have it in her to reassure him, or anyone else. She was exhausted. She was completely uneasy, not knowing what had happened to Roy or if he was okay. Bradley had assured he was alive, but at what cost? It made her heart ache the more she thought about it.
What would he lose?
She was supposed to have been watching his back, but he’d been hurt. He’d been taken. Riza knew she was no match against a homunculus, never mind two, but still… She’d made a promise to look out for him. As worn down as she was, that tiny detail was weighing on her most. She should have fought more. She should have pulled out her gun and shot Bradley like she’d so desperately wanted to - 
Her eyelids fluttered closed. A single tear threatened to escape and fall down her cheek. Riza ignored it. Anxiety and terror were creating a dangerous cocktail of emotions within her, alongside her overall fatigue, and refused to let up. Riza knew they wouldn’t until there was some news. She’d take any news at this point. Whatever Roy had paid as a toll, they’d work through it. So long as he was alive, that was enough for Riza at the moment.
Riza felt numb right up until there was the sound of shaking beneath her. A deep rumble filled the air, cutting through her chest uncomfortably, as loose stones shook with the vibrations beside her. Riza was shielded from debris as a young man burst forth from the ground, continuing his journey up towards the surface, unbothered by those beneath him. Riza had watched on, hopeful for news about Roy, Edward, about anyone who’d been taken as a sacrifice. Her heart leapt into her throat as she watched the newcomer ascend through the gap in Darius’ arms, but no news arrived.
Once it had stopped, there was silence, and it settled heavily on Riza’s heart once more.
“Are you okay?”
Riza glanced up at Darius and gave him a tired nod. He was unconvinced, but he reassured he’d be right back after checking on everyone else. The ground was still trembling, causing Darius to lose his balance twice as he quickly approached the group to find out what was happening.
Startled out of her reverie, Riza glanced over to see Sig Curtis embrace his wife, who was standing on a tower of stone in the shape of a hand. Behind her, sat –
He was on his knees, staring at the ground. He looked… Riza couldn’t tell. Sig blocked her view before she could determine his expression. Riza’s posture straightened as she tried to lean around them, but it was futile. Her neck protested painfully at the sudden jerky movement.
Izumi asked her husband to look after Roy, and Riza watched as Roy’s brow furrowed in concentration while Sig helped him stand. Upon first glance he was fine physically. There were no lost limbs or visible injuries on his body, apart from a few scrapes on his face. Riza let out a shaky breath of relief.
“Riza?” Roy’s head perked up immediately and turned in her direction.
Sig murmured lowly, indicating he should step down onto the ground. Roy’s steps were hesitant and clumsy. Did something happen to his legs? Why was he –?
Realising what was wrong, her elation faltered. His eyes… They were no longer that rich, dark colour she loved so much; the same eyes he shared with their daughter. They were muted in colour, almost grey.
“Are you there?” Roy’s head swung from side to side, searching for her agitatedly, but his eyes were unfocussed… unseeing…
Why couldn’t he see her?
“Over here, Colonel,” Sig answered.
Sig lowered him to the ground gently before Riza, who promptly threw her arms around his neck. She felt him jump in fright, but Roy relaxed immediately when he realised who it was. His hands lifted to wrap around her torso as his face was buried in the crook of her neck, on her good side. Riza heard him take a deep breath as she clutched at the back of his head, holding him as close as she could. The exhale tickled her skin, warming it, and Riza was thankful to be able to feel such a thing.
“You’re okay,” she gasped in elation. She pressed her face into his shoulder, grateful for that fact. With every trip to the gate a toll must be paid, Riza knew this, but for now, it was enough to see him walking, talking and visibly unharmed. He was alive. Whatever had been taken, they’d work through it together.
“I’m all right,” Roy reassured quietly, giving her a tight squeeze in their embrace.
“What happened?” Her lips were right by his ear, so she spoke softly enough for only him to hear.
Roy stiffened underneath her touch and she felt another sigh against her skin.
“I went through the gate.” It was mumbled against her skin, the vibrations tickling her. “I saw Truth. I…”
“What is it?” Her urging was gentle, but anxiety and fear were churning up inside her stomach painfully as anticipation lifted the hair on her arms.
“I lost my eyesight. I’m blind.”
Riza pulled away in shock, blinking at him, and resting her hands upon his shoulders. Roy's head tilted downwards, his fringe falling over his eyes. When it lifted, his expression was one of determination.
“Riza, what is the extent of your injuries?”
She blinked at him, then her expression crumpled with the weight of everything they'd been through. “What is the extent of yours? Please, just worry about yourself for once in your life –!”
“Riza.” His command cut her off, but it was not harsh. “Are you okay? Can you still fight?”
Being caught off guard by his question made Riza pause. The only indication of his anxiety about her answer was the tightening of pressure on her forearms. He’d rested his battered palms there, but Riza started to feel the trembling of his fingers as his concern grew.
“I’m fine,” she replied.
As an afterthought, it didn’t occur to her that he was so worried because he couldn’t see for himself how she was doing physically. He was already on high alert, having her here in the first place, but now, rendered blind and unable to watch her back, he was no doubt feeling increasingly uneasy.
“Can you help me fight?” He softened his tone for her, asking for her assistance. “Can you be my eyes for me?”
“Always,” Riza nodded, ignoring the ache in her neck as the muscles were agitated. “Of course I can. I’ll watch your back,” she affirmed, pressing her palm against his cheek.
“Now, hold on a sec,” a male voice interrupted from above them. “You two are injured. You need to stay down here and out of the way,” Greed argued.
Riza grasped Roy’s wrist tightly as well as his elbow, lifting him from the ground to stand. Once upright, he rolled his shoulders and turned in the direction of the homunculus, Greed. His eyes closed as he spoke, and it made Riza’s heart ache as she watched.
Her feelings regarding his newfound blindness were a mess, a cocktail of dangerous things barrelling around inside of her chest and stomach. She still didn’t even know how he felt about it. But, they still had a fight to finish. They had to win. For the country’s sake and for their children’s future, they must step up. Emotionally dealing with her husband’s new condition could be compacted neatly into a box and shelved for later once she knew they were safe.
“I need her help to control the flames so I can burn up Father’s philosopher’s stone,” Roy argued, his tone absolute. He was not going to give in, and Riza wouldn’t either. “We’re a unit and we’ll deal with this,” he waved a hand at his face haphazardly, “together.”
Greed glared at him, and Riza dared the homunculus to argue with them, but eventually he scoffed and backed down.
“Suit yourself,” he muttered petulantly with a wave of his hand, walking off.
Roy’s shoulders, that had been tensed, relaxed downwards by a considerable amount. A breath was let loose and Riza watched closely, noting how exhausted he looked. The grazes on his face hadn’t broken the skin enough to draw blood, but they still looked like they’d been painful. Roy’s head tipped downwards to the floor as he took a quiet moment to recentre himself.
Stepping up, Riza gently looped her fingers around his wrist. Ideally she would have gripped his hand hard and not let go, but not with those injuries. Roy jumped at the initial contact again, Riza noted forlornly, and he recoiled away from her touch in unease. He turned towards her, eyes open and searching.
“Sorry,” she apologised quietly, retracting her hand.
Forgetting herself, she nodded as an automatic response. “It’s me,” left her lips in a hurry, amending herself.
Relief settled upon his shoulders, dragging them downwards once more and Roy cracked a smile. His eyes closed as his hand lowered to his side and extended outwards slightly, towards her. Taking that as an invitation, she circled her fingers around his wrist.
“I’m sorry,” Roy replied. “This will take some getting used to.”
“There’s nothing to apologise for,” she reassured, “and I’ll be right by your side.”
“Thank you.” His smile broadened and his expression softened completely.
Chest heaving with a sigh, Roy nodded as he let it loose. Determination settled in and she couldn’t have been prouder. “I’m ready.”
“Let’s go,” she whispered, giving his wrist an encouraging squeeze.
One of Roy’s hands found her hip. The other lifted into the air with hesitation, ending up hovering in empty space. Realising his intention, Riza guided his hand over to her cheek, and Roy smiled his gratitude. His thumb stroked the skin of her face gently, making sure he avoided touching her with his bloody palm. Slowly, he tried to gauge the distance between them and moved forward to kiss her forehead. Riza’s eyes fluttered closed as he did so. He ended up slightly off centre and almost bumped into her, but Riza didn’t care. None of that mattered.
It would take some getting used to, but they’d do it, just like they did with everything in their lives. Together.
“Let’s finish this,” he breathed against her skin.
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edxwin-elric · 5 years
Ch 1. Bachelorette Party
Rating: T (mature/smut topics of discussion)
Pairing: Edwin/Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell, Havolina/Jean Havoc x Rebecca Havolina, Implied Royai/Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye, Almei/Alphonse Elric x Mei Chang
Disclaimer: I don’t own Fullmetal Alchemist.
Word Count: 2725
Title: Bachelorette Party
Description: Multi-ship multichapter – fluff/smut
Conversation gets a little dirty at Rebecca’s bachelorette party, leading to some interesting after party activities.
A/N: Comments are always appreciated. Enjoy!
ffn || ao3
|| next >
I twist to the side and look at my profile in the mirror, biting my lip.
“I don’t know. I think it might be too much,” I reach up to twist one of the many curled tendrils of hair falling over my shoulder.
“Why?” Edward responds immediately, frustration leaking into his tone.
“Just…the heels and the curls? With this short of a hemline?” I tug at my slinky black dress.
His eyes travel over me from head to toe, and I feel a blush creep up my neck at the look on his face.
“Yeah,” he mutters in a low voice. “Maybe you should change. I don’t know if it’s safe to let you out of the house looking like this.”
“Ed,” I frown at him. “That’s not helping.”
“I’m very serious,” he rumbles, his eyes lifting to mine.
I quickly turn away and fiddle with my hair some more.
“I’m just a little nervous, is all.”
“It’s a bachelorette party, Win. Not the wedding. It isn’t like you’re going to have to give a speech.”
“Thank goodness,” I mumble. “But still… I’d feel way more comfortable if you were there.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’ll have Mei and Paninya, and it isn’t like you don’t like Hawkeye and Lieutenant Catalina. Plus, I’ll be here when you get back, so we can celebrate after.”
“Celebrate?” I echo, turning to face him again. “Celebrate what?”
“Just trust me, okay? I lived in Central for enough time to know how drunk women get at bachelorette parties.”
“So, when you come stumbling back to this hotel room after, I’ll be ready for you.”
“Wait, are you talking about…”
“Drunk sex.”
“Drunk sex?” I whisper.
“Yep.” He crosses to me, his arms sliding around my waist.
“But we’ve never done that before.”
“I know.” He grins, and I look to the side.
“What if I don’t get drunk?”
He blinks and then laughs softly.
“I mean, we can have sober sex, but imagining you drunk and naked at the same time is giving me really great ideas.”
There’s a knock on the door, and he turns toward the sound.
“I think that’s probably your sign to leave.”
“Right.” I swallow, trying to slow my racing heart. “I’ll just…grab my clutch.”
“Winry,” he calls me back, and I pause to look at him. “Don’t worry about what I said, okay? Just go have fun.”
“Okay.” I nod.
“I love you,” he comes up beside me and kisses my cheek.
“I love you too.”
He passes me, going to the door, and I grab my clutch, double checking to be sure everything I need is there.
“Hey,” I hear Paninya’s voice. “Is Winry ready?”
“Give her like one second,” Ed answers, his broad shoulders filling the doorway.
“I’m still not sure why you tagged along all the way to Central, considering Havoc’s bachelor party isn’t until next weekend.”
“If you think about it, it probably isn’t that hard to figure out,” he shrugs.
I can practically hear her eyebrows rise. “Oh, so, you’re just here for a booty call.”
“She is my wife.”
“Okay, well that’s enough smugness about that,” I announce, giving my husband a side-eye as I slip past him. “I’ll be back late. Bye.”
As soon as the door closes, Paninya wraps her arm around my waist and starts pulling me toward the elevator.
“What? No, hug and kiss goodbye? No, sugary-sweet ‘I love you’s?”
“We did that before he opened the door,” I assure her.
“Ah. Naturally.”
She stops in front of the elevator button, and I appraise her outfit. In true Paninya fashion, she opted not for a dress, but instead for a pair of dress pants, a white satin shirt, and a vest complete with a pocket watch.
“Mei is meeting us in the lobby, and then we’re getting a cab to the bar,” she informs me.
“Sounds good.”
We talk in the elevator about automail, and when we enter the lobby, Mei immediately spots us, waving us over.
“I don’t want us to be late, so we’ll need to hurry.”
She quickly leads the way out to the street and hails a cab with incredibly ease. Once we’re seated inside, Mei leans forward and gives the cabbie very specific directions. Meanwhile, Paninya and I discuss her new job.
“I’ve only been working there for a few months, but he said he want to promote me to assistant manager after the wedding.”
Recently, Jean Havoc’s family expanded their business, opening a general store in Rush Valley. Paninya was his first hire, but she’s really shined in her work.
“That makes sense,” I tell her. “He’ll be gone for two weeks on his honeymoon, so he’ll probably need the manager to take over some of his responsibilities.”
“I’m both excited and totally nervous.”
“You’ll do great.”
“We’re here,” Mei announces suddenly, rushing us out of the car.
Inside the bar, there’s a piano playing, a few couples dancing, and people scattered at the bar and among tables. In the dim light, it takes a few seconds to identify our party, though it shouldn’t, considering the bride-to-be is standing on her chair waving at us with a sparkly tiara on her head.
“Hi!” Rebecca calls as she hops off the chair, with Riza spotting her. “I’m so glad you girls could make it!”
“Well, Miss Riza told us to be here at seven, so we’re here,” Mei says sliding into a chair.
“Just Riza, tonight,” the demure blonde says softly, sipping her martini.
“I’m so excited!” Rebecca goes on. She’s clearly had a few drinks already. “We’re going to drink, and dance, and flirt with random men…” she leans to the side and starts making eyes at an unknown person before she starts to stumble and grabs on to her chair, giggling.
“Oh, and talk!” she finishes suddenly. “I’m really excited to talk.”
“She hasn’t stopped since she got here,” Riza comments with a smile.
“You love me,” Rebecca glares at her.
“You, yes. The intimate details of your last orgasm, not so much.”
Rebecca falls into her chair and takes a deep breath before waving down a waitress, who takes our drink orders and swiftly returns, setting a sugary cocktail in front of me.
“So, Mei, has Alphonse proposed yet?” Rebecca leans forward, pulling the straw of her margarita into her mouth with her tongue as she guides her glass toward her lips.
“Not exactly,” she says, suddenly shy. “We’ve talked about the future, but he hasn’t actually asked me, and I haven’t seen a ring.”
“I hope so.”
“Um, Winry, do you have anything new going on?” Riza tries to change the subject, most likely to spare Mei from any more questions.
“Not really,” I shrug. “I have a new line of automail pieces I’m working on.”
“No,” Rebecca cuts in. “No talking about work. This is my bachelorette party! Tell me about the good stuff.”
“Good stuff?” I frown.
Riza sighs. “She means–”
“Are you pregnant yet?”
I almost choke on my drink. Fortunately, none of it comes out of my nose. Paninya rubs my back as I cough.
“Is that a yes?”
I start to shake my head, but she goes on.
“Does anyone remember if that drink is a virgin?”
Before I can stop her, she steals my drink and takes a sip.
“Oh.” She frowns. “I guess that’s a ‘no’ then.”
I silently slide my drink back to my place, holding it in two hands and running my thumbs down the sides.
“It’s not for lack of trying,” I confess softly.
“What!” Paninya screeches, and I wince. “You didn’t tell me you and the Hothead were trying to procreate!”
I close my eyes and sigh before looking at her. “Really?”
“Well, I certainly didn’t know anything about it,” Mei chimes in. “Alphonse definitely would’ve told me.”
“It’s news to me, too, but I’m not surprised you didn’t say anything. Starting a family is something I would think is pretty private,” Riza speaks up, much more supportively than my friends.
“Babies are so cute,” Rebecca moans before turning to her best friend. “Remind me to tell Jean I want a hundred.”
“You should probably wait until after you’ve had one to make that call,” Riza advises gently.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Paninya says at me again.
“You’re making it out to be way bigger than it actually is,” I tell her honestly. “It isn’t like we’re desperate to have kids. We just both agree we want one. Soon. And with the way things are going, it’s possible it’ll happen in the not-too-distant future.”
“You mean because you two fuck like rabbits,” Paninya is quick to comment.
Rebecca snorts, and Riza hides her mouth behind her hand.
“Alphonse does say you two are very…active,” Mei grins slyly.
“The walls are thin,” I glance at her. “And he likes to tease Ed to get under his skin.”
“Okay, this is good. This is exactly the stuff I want to talk about,” Rebecca says giddily.
“Really?” I glance at her. “Can’t we talk about someone else’s sex life?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I know all about mine, and I already told Riza. She’ll leave if I try to tell it again.”
“She’s right,” Riza nods, taking a long sip of her drink.
“Riza has no love life to speak of,” Rebecca’s tone is suddenly bitter, and I think I hear her muttering something about “fraternization,” but I’m not sure.
Riza gives her an unreadable look, but whatever it is, Rebecca understands it because she changes the subject.
“Mei and Alphonse are too pure to have anything really dirty to talk about, and Paninya is–”
“Decidedly single,” she finishes quickly. “So that just leaves you and your hotheaded alchemist for sex talk.”
“Of course, it does,” I mumble.
“So, Winry, tell us. Is Ed as explosive in bed as his temper is out of it?”
“No comment.”
“What? No!” Rebecca frowns. “You can’t ‘no comment.’ That’s the whole point of this.”
“But I don’t want to answer,” I admit softly.
“Here, drink some more of this,” Paninya taps my drink.
I do, but not because she told me to.
“If you don’t answer, I’m going to assume ‘no comment,’ means ‘yes,’” Pan adds after I swallow.
“And if it does, I want details,” Rebecca goes on.
I glance at Riza and Mei. “Are you two sure you’re okay with this topic of conversation?”
“Normally, I probably wouldn’t be,” Riza confesses. “But in the spirit of the evening, and considering the several drinks I’ve already had, I have to say, I’m a little curious myself.”
I turn to Mei.
“Honestly, this isn’t anything Alphonse and I haven’t already discussed, so feel free to share.”
I will so be having a chat will Al after tonight.
“Fine.” I take another long drink and stare at the table.
“Ed is…”
“Dynamite, right?” Rebecca grins.
“That’s an…accurate description.”
God, if he ever finds out I told them this. I’ll be in so much trouble.
“Is he into foreplay?” Rebecca continues, sliding to the edge of her seat as she leans forward.
“Does that mean other times he just attacks you? Has he ever ripped your clothes while trying to get them off?”
“Only once.”
“I have a question,” Paninya announces, downing her drink. “Is his height in any way proportionate to his…size?”
My face floods with heat, and I drink more, though that might actually worsen the problem than solve it.
“Well?” Rebecca coaxes. “Is it?”
I start to shake my head, and then take a deep breath.
“No,” I exhale, my eyes fluttering shut as I try to cool down. Immediately, a perfect mental image of Ed’s swollen cock appears in my head, and I gasp. “God, no.”
“Details!” Paninya shouts, making me jump. “If it isn’t a micropenis, how big is it?”
How is this happening to me?
“Calm down, ladies,” Riza’s voice says evenly. “You don’t want to get us thrown out. And, if she truly doesn’t want to, she doesn’t have to tell you.”
“Yes, she does!” Pan retorts, jerking to her feet. “I need to know!”
“Mammoth,” I whisper so low they don’t hear me.
“What?” Rebecca pulls my friend down to sit back in her chair. “Winry, what did you say?”
“God, it’s so big,” I mutter-moan, more to myself than them, the image still fresh in my mind. My panties are getting wet thinking about it. “We’ve been married almost a year, and I still worry about whether or not it will fit.”
“Bring her a water,” Paninya tells a passing waiter.
“We should probably change the subject now,” Mei pipes up, her high voice even higher than normal.
I glance at her and bite my lip. She’s probably wondering if Al inherited the same “big dick” genes as his brother.
“I hate to say it, but I agree,” Rebecca nods. “If we keep talking about large cocks, I’ll start talking about Jean, and then Riza will probably shoot me.”
“Wait.” I look up at them. “I… Have you ever had drunk sex?”
Riza immediately looks at Rebecca who slowly nods and starts grinning.
“Maybe. A few times.”
“Why?” Riza turns to me.
“Ed might’ve mentioned it before I left tonight, and…we’ve never done it before. I’m not sure what to expect.”
“You mean, he mentioned it for later tonight? After this?” Rebecca’s eyes widen.
“Uh-huh,” I nod.
“Ooh! How fun!”
“Winry, have you ever been drunk with Ed before?” Riza asks calmly.
“Yes.” I nod. “It was the first time I ever drank so much I threw up. He held my hair back and put me to bed after. We didn’t…do anything.”
“Was there ever a moment during that time when you felt horny and you wanted him to jump your bones right there?” Rebecca chimes back in, twirling her straw around in her glass.
“Yes,” I admit quietly. “We were on the couch, and I started…dry humping him. I quit when my stomach…”
“Okay, so if you’d held your liquor, and you’d both been naked, what then?”
A flash of images whirls through my head, and I feel dizzy.
“Oh my God.”
“That’s kind of what it’s like.” Rebecca sighs fondly.
“Excuse me,” Riza says suddenly. “I have to make a phone call.”
She rises quickly and leaves the table heading for the bar.
“Where is she going?” I glance at Rebecca.
“Nowhere, officially, but I expect she’s making a dick appointment for after we leave here.”
I squirm a little in my seat.
“Anyway,” she goes on, “after this drink, I’m thinking I’m gonna dance. Do you girls want to dance?”
“Absolutely,” Paninya grins.
“Ooh! Or maybe I’ll see if they do karaoke here! That would be the best!”
I sip my drink quietly as they start standing. Paninya pulls me to my feet just as my straw starts popping.
“You want to rush back to your man now, don’t you?” she asks quietly.
“Only a little.”
“I can practically smell the sex pheromones rolling off of you. With how hot you are for him, and how much sex you guys have, I’m surprised you’re able to walk normally anymore.”
“You’re being dramatic,” I hiss at her. “It’s not like that.”
“Look. I’m not judging. That conversation was pretty hot. If it got you thinking about things, and you need to go get a fix, I understand.”
“Rebecca might not.”
“If anyone will, Rebecca will.” She loops her arm through mine. “Here.” She pulls me toward the bar. “Come do one shot with me, and then we’ll get you a cab back to the hotel. I’ll call ahead and tell the Hothead to meet you in the lobby.”
“Just say, ‘okay,’ and do the shot.”
“Okay.” I give in.
The shot burns going down, but it doesn’t last long. I say a quick goodbye to the other ladies, who all give me knowing looks that I ignore. Thankfully Paninya walks me out since I’m a little wobbly on my feet. I feel a twinge of regret on the ride back to the hotel. This wasn’t exactly how this night was supposed to go. On the other hand, I’m really excited to see Ed.
To be continued…
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queenwinry · 7 years
Passing the Torch
Pairing: Royai
Rating: K
Words: 1094
A/N: So a little bird told me that today is @theysangastheyslew‘s birthday and I just couldn’t not let it past without writing a little something. Elena makes our fandom so much better with her AMAZING art that makes me cry from angst or squeal from fluff. I so appreciate everything she brings to our fandom! Happy Birthday Elena, I hope you enjoy some cotton-candy sweet fluff!
Roy comes to the most horrific and world-shattering realization on a benign Tuesday morning in the fall.
The camera nearly drops from his hands, the smile on his face falls, and his whole body freezes. The doey brown eyes that seem to always be filled with wonder and a familiar softness he had long ago come to adore stare back at him curiously. For once in his life ignoring those wonderfully familiar brown eyes, Roy turns to the nearby dining room table, where photo albums are scattered about and hundreds of glossy pictures are waiting to be sorted.
Oh god, he’s become Edward Elric.
Or worse, they’ve both become Maes Hughes.
There were certainly worse men in the world he could emulate, but the memories of his late friend’s incessant gushing about his young daughter, combined with the more recent influx of pictures and stories detailing the lives of Fullmetal’s children stop him cold. His eyes widen and a strange feeling of dread comes over him.
Sitting across the rug from him and eyeing him strangely is his wife. She notices his quick change in demeanor with her usual expertise and lifts an eyebrow. “What is it?” she asks.
“I’ve turned into Maes,” is all Roy whispers, willing up enough brain power after the startling epiphany to set the camera down before it falls from his hands and breaks.
If possible, Riza looks even more skeptical after that. “What are you talking about? He’s right here,” she says, indicating the young five-month-old happily bouncing away in his chair, staring up at his father with his usual infantile awe.
Roy breathes out, attempting to remain patient. “Maes Hughes,” he corrects.
Understanding immediately dawns on the veteran captain’s face and she smiles slyly. “You’re just now figuring that out? You’ve been like Hughes since the day Maes was born.”
Quickly, Roy straightens up. “Y-yeah, but I wasn’t that bad at the start...right?” Suddenly, surrounded by photographs (all of either his son or his wife), the general realizes that this isn’t a new development. Ever since that first time they’d bundled up the child with his father’s messy hair and his mother’s incredible eyes and placed him in Roy’s arms, he’d been sold hook, line, and sinker.
Riza smirks, an unusual look on her normally stoic face but here, with her two favorite boys, she’s free to be herself. Her teasing, shockingly sarcastic self. “Roy, by the time they wheeled me out of delivery and back to my hospital room, you’d already bragged about Maes to all of the team, the Fuhrer, Madame Christmas’ entire bar, and the Elrics. You’ve been as obnoxious as he was since day one.”
“Then why am I just now realizing that?” he speaks in a baffled tone, a completely shell-shocked look still taking up residence on his face.
Riza’s smile grows even wider. “Maybe you’ve just been too busy printing out photographs the last five months to notice.”
Before Roy can even begin to form a response to that, a small giggle is heard from the middle of the rug and both parents look down to find Maes Mustang smiling and laughing up at his father. Immediately the general’s entire world lights up once more and his hands desperately reach for the camera again.
“Look, Riza! He’s laughing at me!” He exclaims joyfully clicking picture after picture of his happy baby.
Riza shakes her head. “He isn’t the only one.”
“Hey, I may be just like Hughes now, but I’m starting to get the sense that he was justified. I mean, when you got something this adorable in front of you, how can you not gush?” Roy says with a smirk, his head still behind the lense of the camera. Riza resigns herself to her husband’s obnoxious adoration. She doesn’t dare tell him how much joy it fills her each time she watches him get excited about every new little thing Maes does as he grows. Or how sexy a man loving on a baby is.
“Well, all the same, it’s naptime,” she says with a definitive tone, rising to her feet and walking over to Maes’s bouncy chair.
The disappointed look that overtakes Roy’s face almost makes laugh out loud, but she manages to rein in the emotion.
“Already? Surely it’s not that late.”
Riza unstraps the baby from the seat and lifts him into her arms with an ease no one who knew her would have ever seen coming. “You’ll have more opportunities for photo shoots when he wakes up.”
Roy sighs in resignation. “Fine, but at least let me get one more.”
His words stop Riza on her path toward the nursery and she turns around with little Maes in her arms, a curious look on her face. Roy doesn’t hesitate in snapping a photo of the two of them, watching as Riza immediately frowns at the act.
“Roy, you know I don’t like it when you do that,” she admonishes.
The smile that overtakes the general’s face is doey-eyed and filled with more love than most people can even comprehend. It’d be easy to forget in that moment that the man was a powerful general in the military and not just an idiot dad in love with his family. “Indulge me,” he says by way of explanation as he sets the camera down. “I just want a picture of the two people who make me the luckiest man alive.”
Though it’s cringe-worthy at best, Riza can’t help the small upward tilt of her mouth. “Since when did you become so cheesy?”
“Since I became Hughes apparently.”
Riza laughs genuinely at this and turns back toward the nursery. “Well, Dad Extraordinaire, I hope you’re still feeling like that when he needs a change. You’re up for the next dirty diaper.”
An unpleasant thought, but Roy waves it away with ease as he gets up and turns toward the pile of photographs. Yes, he is obnoxious and cheesy and everyone probably hates him as soon as he pulls his wallet photos out, but he can’t help himself. He finds one in particular of Maes and Riza and his smile softens even more.
This life, the one he never thought he’d get the chance to live, is more beautiful than he could’ve ever imagined. So, yeah, he takes too many pictures and gets way too excited about the smallest things and has become just like his obnoxious best friend, but Roy finds it’s worth it everytime he sees either his son or his wife smile.
Oh so worth it.
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Hey, i saw you give fic recommendations to that one person. I didn't know you did that (Maybe I'm just an idiot??) Do you know any good Non-AU MikaYuu works? As much as I love MikaYuu fanfics, it's like finding a needle in a haystack sometimes tbh (I mean one time I ran into a fanfiction that was Mika x His child self. I was actually concerned for the author's mental state. Mind you it was rated explicit...)
Haha you’re definitely not. Feel free to ask me for fic recs.
Hmm by non-au you mean like… in the universe of ons?Can they be ummm very canon-divergent? 
After Dawn
by seijuurou
In which Mika escapes with Yuu to the outside world.
(The description says it all. Smol mikayuu fluff)
To Be A Family
by lemishie
Glimpses of the daily lives in the Hyakuya family after the apocalypse and taken captive by the vampires.
(The Hyakuya family living in Sanguinem + lots of mikayuu)
displays of affection
by braexm
To vampires, a kiss on the neck was a gesture of trust.
Hold on to this lullaby
by strikedawn
“Remember when we were kids?” Yuu’s question interrupts Mika’s own. His voice is soft, but Mika can hear a sad smile on it. Yuu leans further back into Mika’s body. “You always used to cling to my back like a monkey.”
“You hated it.” Mika remembers with a smile of his own. “You always complained and would bemoan about me being too heavy.”
“You were.” Yuu’s sad smile is teasing now, and something warm fills his heart. “Both your head and your ass were so big, I always thought I had an elephant over my back instead of a boy.”
(This one would be placed after chapter 41, its about that one official art of Yuu resting between Mika’s legs)
by oxeh
Due to a spell mishap, 12 year old Yuu and Mika find themselves ten years into the future.
It’s only natural that their older selves end up taking care of them while they’re there.
(Mika and Yuu live together. Yuu might be 22 but he still fucks up all the time)
Echoes of Me 
by blushinglily
Since becoming a vampire, Mika has always thought of his immortal body as an accursed affliction, the flow of time eternally frozen, wherefrom the very concept of it continuously mocks his very being with the speed at which life went on without him.
So when Yuuichirou’s latest experiment goes awry, and their past selves are brought to the present, he does not know whether it is a cruel joke from the gods…or his chance at redemption.
OnS Remix Fanfic Submission 2017
(Hindsight remix)
The world is cruel
by sutera
Mika doesn’t escape the inevitability of his immortality, and history decides to repeat itself.
(^ satan itself)
by OccasionalArtist
Winters can be brutally cold in the vampire city, but they provide certain… opportunities.
A story of how Mika and Yuu become accustomed to sleeping side by side, and how Mika becomes involved with Ferid.
(Smol mikayuu in sanguinem)
Every Night
by Ponchyo
The war is settling down, or so it seems. Now that the chaos has died down Mika and Yuu will have to sort out what exactly it is they mean to each other.
Afire love
by strikedawn
After Nagoya’s failed mission, an unsteady truce is formed between Shinoa’s squad and Mikaela Hyakuya, making Yuu feel conflicted inside. On one hand, he’s got Mika back, his friends are alive, and they seem to be trying to be civil with each other, even if it’s just for his sake. On the other hand, Guren is being held captive by the vampires, Shinya has just given them a mission Yuu doesn’t like, and Mika… Yuu doesn’t really know what Mika is feeling.Maybe not even Mikaela knows what he’s truly feeling, after all.
(^ actual masterpiece. It’s finished. Diverges from chapter 34)
And We Will Run, We Will
by cloudwatch
In exchange for resources that are desperately needed for rebuilding now that the war is over, JIDA agrees to send over teams of two across the seas to help other countries in exterminating any remaining vampire cells. Yuu and Mikaela are teamed up and shipped off to America, and with Yuu’s recent realization that he would very much like to make out with his best friend, being alone in a foreign country is the least of his problems.
(Mika is with Yuu, on the JIDA’s side. Kind of like in the game)
Dear God
by Roriette
He begged, “You can take everything – everything, so please. Please don’t take Yuu.”
-500 years; 6,000 months; 182,500 days; 4,380,000 hours.What a terribly quiet world it is.A world without Yuu.
(Reincarnation au. Rather, Yuu is the one who does)
Keep You Warm At Night
by cloudwatch
“Sometimes I watch you sleep, and in a totally not creepy way!” Yuu blurts out.
Mika and Yuu snuggle on the couch together and talk.
(After war)
Memento Mori
by  Nayru Elric
What other people don’t know about Mikaela is that behind the façade of tranquility he wears on the outside, there’s a weakness he never lets the others see, not even Yuichiro. Even before vampires took over the world, Mikaela didn’t allow his dark past in his everyday life. When Mika comes back from Ferid’s more exhausted than usual, Yuu demands to know what’s going on.
Hidden Palace
by Nayru Elric
Escaping from the battle and leaving all the others behind was Mikaela’s plan, but now that he finally has Yuichiro all to himself, why is it that something still feels incomplete?
Find You
by Yamiga
For months following the events of the war, Mika has been living in the human city with Yuu. However, living with Yuu doesn’t mean automatic happiness as both discover this soon enough. Things take a terrible turn one night when Mika voices his negative concerns about Yuu’s “family” . Words are exchanged which later result in Mika feeling as if he has no place in Yuu’s life. In turn, he attempts to make things easier for Yuu by running away.OrYuu and Mika get in a fight that results in Mika leaving. Yuu of course, must fix his stupid mistake and get Mika back. Again.
Almost Home
by Anonymous_Dreamer
After the war is over, Mika is allowed to live with Yuu. However, can one even call it a living, hiding from everyone? Yuu and his friends get worried about him, and they suggest Yuu convince Mika to go see a psychologist.
(after war)
Kiss those arms better 
by SimTinaAndr
Yuuichirou forced himself to pry his gaze away from the perfect face in front of him and towards Mikaela’s arm. He raised it with both his hands towards his face, and sweetly kissed Mikaela’s bicep. The blond held his breath as Yuuichirou started kissing a path across his arm, slowly going down and towards his wrist before taking a moment to remove Mikaela’s glove and keep kissing his bare hand; first the back, and finally his slim fingers, one by one.
(Related to chapter 52)
if home is where the heart is
by atrophy
Like this, Yuu can almost make himself believe that it’s just the two of them – like they’re the only people left in the world.
(Diverges around halfway through vol 4)
Carving Happiness
by KittieAupa
After several years of research, Mika finally has a chance to become human again. Yuuichirou helps him through the process.
(After war)
by awaywards
Trapped together in a snowstorm, Yuu and Mika need to find a way to make each other warm.
Saving you
by seredemia
The war’s over and the world looks forward to a brighter future ahead of them. Mika and Yuu have survived the worst, but soon find that they still have one more challenge left to overcome.
Living together.
(Has some smut)
Sanguine Luxuriae 
by blushinglily
Krul had asked him once, “When the act itself of drinking blood is both a sin and a necessity for our kind, must it also follow that the pleasure we get from it be considered a crime as well?”
As Yuuichirou gradually becomes fixated on the rapture of being bitten by his best friend, for the life of him, Mikaela still struggled to find the answer to the vampire queen’s question.
Somewhat disturbing themes, slightly masochistic!Yuuichirou, takes place directly after the anime’s ending. // Canon!Divergence (?)
by blushinglily
After Yuuichirou returns to his human self, the Hiiragi Shinoa squad decides to set their plan into motion of rescuing Guren and Mirai. Just before they do that though, some things need to be taken care of first…namely, Mika’s thirst for blood and their need for some new clothes.
Spoilers for Chapter 41 and the final episode of the anime. / One-shot. / Canon!verse/AU. / Mikayuu
Follow Your Instincts
by ruthlesslistener
Mikaela Hyakuya has never been able to stomach the scents of anyone other than his family. For an unmarked, unmated omega, this is practically unheard of- lack of heat cycles from starvation be damned. Available omegas were supposed to crave the scents of viable mates, not be repulsed by them.When he was alone and under Krul’s thumb, this wasn’t that much of a problem. But now that he’s back by Yuu’s side, healthy and re-exposed to the alpha’s adult pheromones, his heats have come back with a vengeance. And it’s taking everything he has in him to keep himself from claiming what his body is screaming is rightfully his.He won’t let his instincts ruin his relationship with Yuu, no matter how agonizing or stressful it gets.(A.k.a Mika is as angsty and self-sacrificial as always, Yoichi tries his best to help but rarely gets the right results, Yuu can’t take a hint from himself or others, and Shinoa is not to be trusted with a sex shop.)
(It’s kind of a retelling + canon divergent but with ABO dynamics. Truthfully one of (if not the) best ABO fics ever. Seriously I’m not much of an ABO person but this one is… JUST READ IT, OKAY?)
I hope that helps!
And yeah, I saw that fic too lol
You actually read it? I’m impressed
71 notes · View notes
fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
the way it was - chapter 34
summary: what if riza never went to war? riza hawkeye has just married the man she loves. six months into their marriage, an unexpected surprise stops her from following roy to the military. a canon divergence au that explores what might have happened had riza been unable to join the military. there will be plenty of family fluff, angst, and royai.
rated: m | warnings: no archive warning apply
read on ao3
and though my edges may be rough
i never feel i'm quite enough
it may not seem like very much
but i'm yours
Roy’s home office was quiet. Riza poked her head in after putting Mia to bed to ask if he needed anything while he worked. Currently Roy was sitting in his chair, both hands clenched into fists and resting upon his cheeks. A blank stare looked up the paper in front of him while his hair stood up on end in places. One strand pointed outwards, straight towards Riza, like a long finger beckoning her into the room. Given his current state of appearance, she would have entered regardless.
It was the last week of the year. A new one would begin with the next and while it was normally a joyous celebration in their household, Riza felt nothing but foreboding.
The homunculus’ plan would be set in motion in the new year. Roy knew that much but didn’t have a definite date. The thought twisted Riza’s stomach violently, making her fear for her children’s future.
“It’s coming soon, isn’t it?”
Snapping from whatever had clouded his thoughts, Roy’s head jerked upwards. He blinked at her, looking worse for wear. “What?” His throat was cleared as he recovered from being a million miles away. The papers on his desk were slowly sorted and shuffled into piles.
Riza entered the room and walked around his desk. “Whatever you’re planning for, it’s coming soon.”
“It is.” His shoulders slumped even more, rounding forwards.
Riza perched on the edge of his desk and crossed her arms over her chest as she studied him closely. Her eyes narrowed to scrutinise his appearance while he was distracted. 
His counterattack was clearly taking its toll. Everything was weighing him down and it was beginning to show. His shoulders drooped. There were dark circles underneath his eyes, leaving them look bruised. Even his hair hung limp over his eyes - the result of him running his hands through it so often.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
A tired, but appreciative, smile was shot her way. “I wish there was but… It all depends on the answers I get back from others. Right now it’s just a waiting game until I’m essentially summoned by the homunculi,” he scoffed lightly.
Roy tipped backwards in his chair. His face lifted towards the ceiling while his hands rubbed at tired eyes. Riza felt a wave of sympathy wash over her.
“Any news on the others?”
“Increased strength from our enemies in the south,” Roy swallowed. “Fuery was sent right into the middle of it.”
Riza reached forward and squeezed his shoulder in comfort. She hated hearing how hoarse his voice sounded.
“Havoc’s fine but he’s feeling frustrated,” Roy continued, making an already neat pile of paper even neater. He just needed something to distract his hands with. “He’s stuck in a position he shouldn’t even be in. Breda’s gone dark. I don’t know where or how he is.”
“Breda will be okay,” Riza reassured with confidence. “He’s one of the most resourceful men I’ve ever met. There will be a good reason for him going quiet, I’m sure.”
Roy nodded weakly. “Falman reported from the north. The Elric brothers came and went. It… wasn’t without incident,” he added carefully, with a frown.
Riza shook her head fondly but still felt worry coil around her ribs. Judging from stories about their previous adventures, it rarely was a peaceful encounter with them. She just hoped they were all right.
“But they’ve been split up.” Roy bit his lip worriedly. “We lost contact after that.”
“You need sleep,” Riza murmured, running a hand through his hair.
“How can I sleep when everything is like this?”
“How can you expect to fight it all when you’re extremely sleep deprived,” she countered.
Maes’ night habits had eased as time progressed. They were both getting more sleep. He had the odd day where it was a struggle, but nothing compared to his first few weeks after birth. That was a nightmare that passed by in such a blur Riza barely remembered it. However, they still had some catching up to do. Looking after him and Mia was difficult to juggle, especially with Roy working so much. They’d still to find a routine that worked and were slowly easing into something that was relatively manageable.
Roy muttered something quietly underneath his breath.
“It’s because you know I’m right.” Riza nudged his shoulder affectionately with a closed fist.
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled.
“Is there anything I can help with tonight, if you’re not going to come to bed? Anything I can get you?”
“I don’t know,” was his honest reply. If anything, it made him sound even more tired. “I just…” His hands found his hair, gripping onto the strands tightly in frustration. “I need action,” he mumbled.
“There’s nothing you can do this late at night, Roy.”
“There is. There’s plenty I can be doing, but I’m stuck here.”
Her hands folded together to rest atop her thighs. “Bradley has a tight leash on you still?”
Roy nodded. “I’m not to leave the city. Otherwise…” His expression turned stricken, quickly glancing up at her.
“I understand.”
“I hate it.”
“I do too. Especially when it’s upsetting you… But, you can’t be the hero all the time, Roy. Give yourself a little break, because you really need it. The Elric brothers will be okay. They have allies throughout the country. They’re not short on people who will help them if they need it.”
“Yes, but –” He sighed heavily.
“But it’s not you?” Riza guessed, and she was right.
Roy nodded minutely.
“You sound like their father.”
Roy scoffed once, twice, then snapped his mouth shut without a reply.
Riza grinned at him.
“I keep replaying the same thing over and over in my head, the more I look at this…”
Glancing over her shoulder at his desk, Riza saw the mess of notes still spread over the surface. A drawing of the ouroboros tattoo caught her eye, followed by a map of the country, covered in scribbles and notes. A map of Central was there too, the same one she’d seen at the hospital when Roy and Havoc were there. It had all the labs circled on it, the ink slightly smudged and the paper crumpled at the edges.
“What’s on your mind?”
His spine straightened as he took a deep breath. It was held in his lungs for a beat, before rushing outwards with his speech. “Hughes.”
Momentarily thrown, her eyes wandered off to the side, no longer focussing on his work.
“When it comes down to it, I’m going to have to ask them,” he admitted.
“Ask what?” Her head slowly turned to face him. Riza’s stomach dropped as she watched his jaw set in determination.
“Ask if they killed Hughes.”
“You’re going to do it outright?” Riza swallowed past the lump in her throat. “That’s –”
“It’s the only way I’ll get a straight answer,” he replied firmly.
“I have to ask. I have to know. I can’t stand back and do nothing about it.”
Riza balked at his forceful tone and the action caught his eye.
“I just - Roy we talked about this,” she replied. She was almost pleading with him.
“I know, but I still have to ask them, Riza. When it all boils down to it I have to find out. The military has already buried the truth but I won’t let that happen to Hughes. He will have justice.”
She felt like rubbing her temples but stopped herself. Riza’s head tipped down to look at her joined hands. She squeezed them tightly as she tried to keep a hold on all the emotions roiling inside of her.
They killed for Hughes for pushing too hard. They’d do the same to Roy eventually, even if he was important to them. Or do it to her. He had to play by their rules and keep the peace. If he didn’t, then…
“I can’t stop you from asking.” She tried to make her voice strong and even but it shook slightly. “I don’t want you to but I can’t stop you.”
Riza stood from leaning against his desk and walked towards the door. She needed some air. Desperately. The anxiety and fear that was creeping over her was getting worse. It was like her chest was being squeezed inside a vice.
“They can’t get away with what they did –”
Roy was indignant as he called after her but they’d already gone through all of this. Riza felt something begin to break inside of her chest as she clenched her fists by her side. Her nails dug into her palms painfully, but she barely noticed as she retreated from him.
“We’re not arguing about this again,” she nearly growled. The control was slipping the more the vice squeezed on her chest. It almost felt like she couldn’t breathe.
“Arguing,” Roy echoed. “Who said there was anything to argue about?”
“We’ve been through this Roy and I’m not doing it again,” Riza snapped, spinning around to face him. One finger lifted to point at Roy’s chest. “I’m not going through all of that after it was put to bed already. You’re not getting revenge,” she stated simply.
Roy’s eyes narrowed slightly at her, tightening around the edges. Before, it may have made Riza pause, but now she felt no hesitation. Because this wasn’t just anger at the injustice Maes and his family suffered. It was hatred too. Riza could see it clearly in his eyes. It was directed towards those who had murdered his friend. She wouldn’t let him give in to it.
“Riza –” He was almost seething but Riza would not let that talk or that behaviour fly now.
“Stop it,” she growled.
Riza stormed out of his office. She was getting worked up and needed to remove herself from the situation.
He couldn’t give in to that hatred.
In her mind’s eye Riza pictured their children. Their perfect, innocent faces smiling happily. Their expressions twisted in horror when they were told about what their father had done in memory of their beloved Uncle Maes. If she brought them up now, would they be enough for Roy to see sense?
“You can’t tell me not to do anything. I have to know.”
“That’s fine,” she relented. “But exacting justice, Roy? By your own hand? We’ve been through this –”
“And are you going to stop me? Would you stop me tonight if I left to do it?”
It was a challenge but it still pissed her off. She wouldn’t back down from it either. Instead she glared at him after he asked the question.
“You can fucking bet I would stop you,” she hissed. “You are not to get revenge for Hughes’ murder,” she forced out. “You can ask them, sure, but I will not let you take the matter into your own hands and perform your own punishment. That’s not who you are and you’re better than that.” Riza shook her head. “The man that would do that is not my husband.”
Mia’s voice sounded from behind them. She was impossibly quiet and sounded extremely upset.
Riza whirled around and saw Mia standing on the second step. Her hand gripped the banister in a white knuckled grip. Her eyes were wide with tears pooling in them as they switched between Riza and Roy.
Riza shot him a warning glance, telling him to shut up, but also telling him that their conversation wasn’t over. She noted Roy’s stricken face. However there was still an ember of his plight present in his eyes. Riza would be more than happy to continue this later but only once Mia was asleep and they were both calmer.
“Mia? What are you doing up?” Riza’s voice was soft as she approached their daughter. Crouching before her, Riza became eye-level with Mia and readjusted her pyjama top. One shoulder had slipped over to one side haphazardly.
“I…” She bit her lip, casting her gaze to the side worriedly. “I heard you both shouting.”
Riza’s gut twisted painfully. Her breath caught in her throat as she sucked it in.
“I didn’t like it.”
Guilt flooded Riza. Regardless of the topic of conversation, they should have been quieter. “Sorry, Mia Bear. Dad and I were just having a discussion.” Riza ran her hand over Mia’s hair and cupped her cheek to try and soothe her.
“You were very loud.”
Riza hugged her daughter, placing a hand on the back of her head so it rested against Riza’s shoulder. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to be.”
“Will Daddy really leave tonight?” Her head cocked to the side before looking over Riza’s shoulder at Roy. “It’s really late. And what does revenge mean?”
Mia didn’t know the meaning of the word. There was no way she should either. She was too young. It would only upset her if it was explained.
Riza prided herself on always telling her daughter the truth and explaining things as best as she was able, but this was not one of those times. It would only upset her. Plus, Riza would never let Roy stoop so low to that anyway.
“No,” Riza reassured, pulling away and cupping her daughter’s face gently in both hands. “He’s not going anywhere tonight.”
“What does that word mean?”
She was far too inquisitive for her own good. Once again, Riza brushed it aside. It pained her to do so because her father did that with her mother’s condition and ultimately, her death. She’d sworn she’d never do it to a child of her own if that ever came to pass, but she had no time at the moment to describe the intricacies of the word and what that meant her father might possibly do if pushed hard enough.
She and Roy needed to talk. Badly.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay?” Riza smoothed her daughter’s unruly hair down. Despite her fringe being styled like Riza’s and her hair falling below her shoulders, it reminded Riza so much of Roy’s hair. It still had a mind of its own and didn’t obey any laws of physics or hairspray.
Mia yawned. “Okay,” she mumbled, appeased for the moment.
Riza hoped that by the morning, she’d forgotten about her mother’s promise.
“Up to bed with you now, okay?” Riza smiled at Mia. “I’ll come and tuck you in.”
Mia looked over at Roy. Without warning, she hopped down the last two steps and rushed over to her father. He’d been staring straight ahead, stricken, but Roy jumped in fright when Mia’s arms slung around his torso. He looked down at her face. One cheek was pressed into his stomach as she squeezed her eyes closed tightly in her hug. Riza watched with a pained chest as Mia’s hands fisted in his t-shirt.
“I love you, Daddy,” Mia whispered into his stomach, giving him an even tighter squeeze.
“Time for bed, Mia,” Riza called gently, her voice hoarse.
Mia nodded and smiled up at her father. A wobbly smile overtook his face and he nodded.
“Love you too, Mia,” Roy whispered. It was as quiet as a breath. “So much.”
“Come on, Mia.” Riza extended her hand for her daughter to take.
“Will Dad be okay?” Mia bit her lip worriedly, looking over her shoulder at him.
“He’ll be fine.” Riza shot him a look, noticing him swallow thickly as he stared after them both. She couldn’t be sure from the distance between them, but it looked like that ember in his eyes had fizzled out. “I’ll talk to him when I come back down.”
“Okay,” Mia whispered.
Their daughter walked ahead, up the stairs and out of sight.
“Think about one thing,” Riza stated quietly. “If you do go ahead with your own brand of justice, is that the father you want to be?” Her voice was flat as she asked her question. “Is that the home you want to build with actions like that?”
Roy had been staring after Mia, and finally, his eyes settled on her. A breath was sucked into his chest, the movement shaky as his chest heaved loudly.
They would talk but Mia was more important at the moment.
Turning away from him, not bothering to wait on an answer, Riza walked up the stairs to their daughter’s room. She ignored how heavy her footsteps were. It matched the heavy weight in her heart. As she ascended, she just prayed she wouldn’t hear their front door close. Her breath had been held as she climbed slowly. The exhale was quiet, but she heard no sound from the floor below. No door slammed and no floorboards creaked with movement.
Mia first.
“Sleep well, Mia.” Riza tucked her daughter into bed tightly and bent forward, pressing a kiss to her nose. Mia giggled and sighed happily.
“Night, Mum,” she mumbled tiredly.
The house was silent when Riza descended back down the stairs. She had hoped and prayed Roy wouldn’t leave tonight, but as she searched their house and he was nowhere to be found. Tears flooded her vision. Blinking them away, Riza’s footsteps were heavy once more as she made her way to bed.
She hadn’t been able to get through to him. Again.
However, Riza’s thought was banished from her head when she passed by Maes’ room. The door was cracked open which made her panic slightly. She’d left it wide open so she’d be able to hear him through the night if he woke.
Roy was bouncing Maes in the centre of the room. He was fussing quietly, one fist flailing above his head as Roy tried to settle him. His back was to the door as he stared down at their son. Riza heard a sniff and her heart broke.
“I’m sorry, Maes,” Roy whispered against their son’s head. He moved to kiss his forehead. “I’ve hurt her again. I let my emotions run away with me and…” Roy sighed and Riza heard his breathing hitch. “And I would’ve hurt you and your sister too if I’d gone through with everything. I would have been a big disappointment. You’d have thought me a monster,” he gasped quietly. “I’m so sorry.”
Fresh tears appeared in Riza’s eyes. She backed away from the door to give Roy some time alone to process and deal with everything. Despite feeling exhausted after their discussion, a tiny sliver of hope coiled its way around Riza’s ribs. They still needed to talk but witnessing that scene was a promising start.
Once in bed, Riza pulled the sheet up and underneath her chin. She curled into a ball, back to the door, as she waited for Roy to come to bed. Fatigue was threatening to pull her under. Riza fought it as best she could but eventually it tugged hard enough.
She was dozing when Roy slipped into the bed. Disorientated, her body jerked as she was pulled roughly from the half-asleep state she’d been fallen into. Settling down, Riza’s eyes blinked open and she grew still, listening to his movements. From what she could tell, he was on his back.
Roy sighed, a long drawn out sound, then scoffed in disgust. Riza felt the bed dip as he rolled towards her. She held her breath. Her shoulder tingled in anticipation when she saw the shadow of his hand hovering over it, but ultimately he pulled away before he could touch her.
“Are you awake?” His whisper broke through the loud silence of the room.
Riza nodded.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, sounding defeated and miserable.
“I thought you might really leave,” Riza admitted.
“I did it once.” She heard him swallow, then pull away from her completely. Her back felt cold now that his presence was no longer there. “I won’t make that same mistake twice.”
She rolled over to face him. “You’re willing to talk about this?” Riza searched his gaze, almost begging him to reconsider dealing with the whole thing by himself.
Roy nodded, staring up at the ceiling. Both hands scrubbed at his face before falling back to his sides, his limbs heavy. “Of course. But… I’ve made my decision.”
Riza stiffened and Roy noticed. He turned his head to finally face her.
“I’m staying,” he reassured. “And… And seeing your face, that look on it, and hearing Mia’s scared voice…” Roy swallowed, glancing away, unable to look at her. “I took one look at little Maes and… Everything just fell away.”
“Because big Maes wouldn’t want you to do it either,” Riza whispered.
“Big Maes?” Roy barked a laugh, filling the quiet room with his sudden amusement.
Riza smiled wryly. “I thought that might make you laugh.”
“It did. Big Maes and Little Maes…” Roy shook his head fondly. His amusement flickered out, replaced by quiet contemplation. “The perfect combo,” he smiled sadly. “I thought it might be too strange naming him after Hughes.” Roy swallowed. “Just one look at him and it’s like he’s really here,” he admitted.
Riza reached over to make first contact, brushing his fringe away from his forehead. Her thumb swiped over the skin underneath once to comfort him. 
“I don’t think of him as Hughes, obviously,” Roy reassured, “but… It’s like a connection to him.” He turned his head to look at her. “Does that make sense?”
She nodded. “It does. I’m glad we got through to you. Maes always could talk you down so easily.”
“You do it so much better, though,” Roy sighed, rolling and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. He shifted over, moving so she was flush against his bare chest.
“You think you don’t?” His hold on her tightened.
“There was a time when I did –”
“When?” He pulled away to look down at her with such concern on his face.
Riza shook her head. “It doesn’t matter –”
“It does. When?”
“When you first came back from Ishval. You were struggling a lot and I felt I couldn’t get through to you.” Her admission was quiet as she whispered it against his skin. “And then after Maes died. I… Well, I thought I was going to lose you to your grief and anger and didn’t know what to do.”
Fingers were placed gently against her chin. Roy tilted her head up slowly, tenderly, so she was finally looking right at him, however there was a fierce fire in his eyes.
“You were always the best at it,” he promised. “One thought of you and it kept me grounded. I think of our family and realise that you’re my top priority, despite my duty. You always were.”
“It’s been hard to juggle for you.”
“It has.”
His eyes stared into hers and Riza found herself pinned by his gaze but didn’t mind it one bit. She never had. Those dark depths were a comfort.
“That’s what happened tonight. It’s still raw and I let my emotions and frustration and fatigue get the better of me.”
“That’s why you need more sleep,” she added, teasing him lightly to try and lighten the mood.
Roy chuckled. “You’re very right about that one.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You always are.”
He turned quiet and Riza was content just to hold him. She was giving him all the time he needed to voice what he needed to say.
“If I lost myself to all of this…” His eyes closed and shame overtook his features. “That’s not the husband or father I want to be. I don’t want to be a monster again.” His voice grew hoarse, causing Roy to clear his throat. “I don’t want my kids to think of or remember me like that.”
“Only you can make that choice.”
“I know,” Roy nodded, “and I choose you. I choose all three of you. There’s no contest and never has been. It’s the easiest decision to make, like breathing.”
Riza angled her head and pressed her lips against his.
“I’m sorry for hurting you again,” he whispered huskily against her lips. His breath mingled with hers, warming the skin of her face in the same way his love and her relief was washing through her body.
“Thank you for coming back to me.” Silently, she wrapped her arms around his torso and cuddled into him.
“I always will, Riza.” His breath tousled her hair gently, tickling her. “You always bring me back.”
“I understand this is important to you,” she added, “it’s important to me too. I want to find out what really happened to Maes too and see the culprit be brought to justice but there’s other ways to do it.”
“I know,” he replied solemnly.
“I know how angry and frustrated you are about everything… Promise me one thing?”
“What?” He lifted his eyebrows in anticipation.
“Just… Think of them when it all boils down to it. Think about what you told me about not wanting to become a monster for our kids.” Riza’s voice almost shook with emotion as she spoke. “You tasked me with keeping you on the right path, and I’m trying, but when you fight back like that it makes it impossible.”
“My anger blinded me. I’m so sorry. It’s not an excuse, I know, but it did.” Shame coloured his tone.
“You saw sense, though,” Riza soothed him as she caressed his cheek gently. “And that’s what matters. When the time comes, think of Mia and Maes and your role in their life. Think of what you want them to see you as. Please.”
“And you too,” Roy insisted, his voice turning husky. His grip on her adjusted, holding her tighter against his body.
His inclusion of her made a tiny smile appear on her lips. She pressed a kiss to the column of his neck, seeing his Adam’s apple bob.
“And me too. Don’t let that hatred fool you, push you into something you don’t want to be. Not only for our sake, but for your own, and for Hughes’ memory. He wouldn’t want to see you turn into someone like that either on his behalf.”
“Always, Riza,” he breathed, sealing his promise. “Always, for you three.”
27 notes · View notes
fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
the way it was - chapter 37
summary: what if riza never went to war? riza hawkeye has just married the man she loves. six months into their marriage, an unexpected surprise stops her from following roy to the military. a canon divergence au that explores what might have happened had riza been unable to join the military. there will be plenty of family fluff, angst, and royai.
rated: m | warnings: no archive warning apply
read on ao3
i can only tell you how it, how it looks from here
i think you've made up your mind
i think you've made up your mind
Everything about this room set Riza’s nerves on edge. The glaring white walls were bright enough to give her a headache. The decaying body across from them, surrounded by pieces of smashed armour, was creating a stench strong enough to make her gag. Riza pressed a hand against her mouth and nose, stifling it as best she could. It didn’t help much. The smell still made her stomach lurch.
Aside from the foreboding atmosphere of the room, the smirking homunculus at the other end was making her skittish. That was the same one who’d tried to kidnap her earlier, probably to use her against Roy. When they’d first set eyes on Riza, Envy flashed her a smile with teeth fully on show. It was unsettling.
“Nice to see you again, Riza,” they’d sneered at her.
In response Riza lifted her gun higher, aiming down sights to settle it upon their face.
It had been a while since she’d fired a gun. Riza wasn’t sure if she had it in her to shoot to kill someone, but she would do her utmost to protect those she loved. The wounds didn’t need to kill, just hinder, and slow them down. The thought settled uncomfortably in her gut but Riza was not naïve. The homunculi wouldn’t go easy on her just because she was a civilian. When it came down to it, she had her children and her husband to fight for. She’d fight to survive for them. Growing up she’d learned how to survive from a young age and had been forced into doing what needed to be done far too soon. Now would be no different. If they threatened to kill her, kill her family, then she’d fight back. There was no question about it. The weight and consequences of any actions would be dealt with later.
After Envy’s welcome party Roy stepped up close behind her. He placed his hand gently upon her hip to garner her attention.
“Stay close,” he murmured in her ear, before moving around her, placing himself between her and Envy.
He didn’t know just how much comfort that action provided.
Even half shielded from view, Riza never relaxed. Her gun lowered so it wouldn’t be pointed at the back of Roy’s head, but her muscles were still coiled tightly and ready to react at a moment's notice. She didn’t let her guard down.
“Got your back,” Riza replied quietly.
Still facing away, Roy’s head bobbed once. Taking that as a sign he acknowledged her, Riza turned her gaze to the rest of the room. Her eyes skipped between everyone in front of her, making sure Edward was all right.
The strap of the rifle Breda had presented to her threatened to slip off her shoulder, so Riza shrugged it back into a comfortable place. She didn’t see the need for her to have two weapons however she had to admit, she did feel more comfortable with the rifle. That was what she’d grown up with and it was a comfort to know her preferred weapon wasn’t far away. Not that she wanted a weapon at all, but Riza knew these people could very easily kill her. She didn’t want to be left defenceless. Not when she had two children waiting for her to come home.
Finally, returning to the conversation, Riza turned her attention to Envy. They smirked maddeningly and Riza’s stomach twisted.
“Congratulations, Colonel Mustang. You’ve finally hunted down your culprit.”
Her stomach dropped.
Envy’s body glowed bright red, changing and morphing into -
They’d… They’d killed Maes… Using Gracia’s face...
The gun in Riza’s hands dipped to point at the floor with her shock. Riza didn’t even realise. She was too stuck on the revelation that this was the person who’d killed one of her dearest friends. They’d taken a loving father away from a child, left a woman widowed… Made him think his own wife had killed him - 
“That’s enough.”
Bile crawled its way up Riza’s throat, but it stalled when she saw Roy move. Her head snapped to face him, seeing his whole body shaking with…
Gloves were tightened over his hands and all Riza wanted to do was reach out, place a hand on his shoulder, and jerk him back, out of reach of Envy. Anything to break his concentration. Envy was taunting Roy, playing with him, and it caused Riza’s fear to skyrocket. Roy had already been volatile enough about this topic of conversation at home. He didn’t need to be teased further about Maes’ murderer. But Riza was frozen in place. Her brain was still trying to process that this was who’d murdered Maes Hughes.
Roy walked toward Envy so Riza lifted her gun, training it on Envy’s form now that Roy had stepped out of her line of fire. She swallowed thickly, past the lump in her throat.
“This one is mine, and mine alone.”
Her breath caught, eyes nervously shifting over to look at Roy again.
Please… Please don’t do anything reckless, she pleaded inside her head.
“Mrs. Mustang, do you really think the two of you -?”
“Edward, go.” She shifted her grip on the gun. The day was not won, and they still had a job to do. Edward still had his own goals to achieve. “You’ve got somewhere to be.”
“Are you sure?”
“She said go, Elric,” Roy snapped.
Riza frowned at the back of his head, affronted by his tone. Still, she wanted Edward out of here. Riza felt the same way about the young girl standing by Scar too. She was sure they were more than capable, but her maternal instinct was clawing its way to the surface. She could handle Roy, and they had somewhere better to be.
They walked by without incident. Envy glared as they passed but made no move to stop the group. Their tongue was still smoking after Roy had snapped earlier, burning it to stop them from talking.
“You go too -”
“She’s not getting to leave,” Envy sneered. “No,” they smirked, “I think she can stay here with you and watch how you work, Colonel.” Envy snickered to themselves and Riza’s stomach twisted uncomfortably.
Before Roy could open his mouth to reply there was a deafening crack of energy.
The pistol fell limp by her side. Riza’s mouth parted in complete shock, brain struggling to comprehend what was in front of her.
Envy had changed shape completely. The massive form of a green… She didn’t even know what to class it as. It was no beast she knew of, more a culmination of numerous beings all mashed together into one. The human bodies and faces that pressed out from the green skin almost made her vomit. It would be naïve to think they weren’t real people stuck inside there but… Riza couldn’t help but hope beyond hope. A foolish hope, but enough to keep her sane for the moment. It was enough to keep her breakfast in her stomach and stop the horror from keeping her completely frozen in place.
Her fear about running from the imposter at her front door was validated in that moment. Initially she’d been compliant so she could avoid any kind of conflict as the homunculus’ powers were unknown. Seeing this new form in front of her Riza was really damn glad she hadn’t fought it. Those massive paws could end her life in one playful swipe.
“I’ll give you the fight you’re looking for Colonel, seeing as you’ve been so relentless in your search for Hughes’ killer. However, I can’t exactly tread lightly in this body so you better -”
Envy’s eyes erupted into flames. Riza balked at the show, their howl of agony slicing through her entire body and making her shudder. 
“What’s it like having the fluid inside of your eyes boil? I’d imagine it might sting a little,” Roy stated coldly.
Riza turned to look at her husband. Dread prickled over her skin, lifting the hairs on her arms, and turning her blood to ice. Horror roiled inside her chest, squeezing her heart painfully and making her break out in a cold sweat.
Enraged, Roy didn’t relent on his assault and Riza could only watch on, terrified.
This was the power she’d unleashed upon the world. These flames had ravished the desert, razing it, and destroying everything in its path. Riza was well aware of this, had discussed it with Roy years ago, but had never seen it at work.
“I think she can stay here with you and watch how you work, Colonel.”
Envy had already known of Roy’s destructive power.
Shortly after they were married, he’d playfully lit the fireplace with it, used it to light the gas on the cooker – sometimes with almost disastrous results – but after Ishval the gloves were neatly tucked away inside a drawer and were never brought out except for when he went to work. He never wore them again inside their home, taking his time to coax a fire from the coals on their hearth, or almost burn his fingers with a match.
This was the power that had torn him apart once before, it was threatening to do it again.
Riza couldn’t let that happen.
Envy’s massive form shifted, their tail swinging to hit the wall beside them. The force of it blasted rock towards Roy and Riza’s heart lifted into her throat.
His hands lifted to in front of his face to try and shield it, but she lost sight of him as more stone flew by and dust filled the room. Riza crouched low, feeling grains of stone scrape gently across her hands as she covered her head. Luckily, she was out of range of Envy’s attack.
“You coward!” Roy barked.
She heard footsteps against the stone floor, running. As the dust cleared she saw her husband running towards the door Edward had walked through, and Envy was nowhere to be seen.
“Roy, wait!”
She was desperate. Riza took a step towards him. She’d heard the fury in his voice, saw the inferno of hate inside his eyes before he’d attacked Envy. In her mind she was silently begging Roy not to run headfirst into something he’d regret. But she never got a chance to voice it aloud.
“You stay here where it’s safe,” he called over his shoulder, running towards the door. “I don’t want you to get hurt. I’m going to take care of Envy myself,” he spat.
She hated hearing the fury in his voice. That wasn’t the Roy she knew. This wasn’t the doting father who laughed and cherished his children. Riza knew his time in the military hadn’t been sunshine and roses. It had been difficult and cruel, but this was something else entirely. He was changing, teetering on the edge of morphing into… into a monster. If pushed enough he just might. The realisation of it cut deep into her chest, making it ache as she exhaled.
Her shoulders slumped as she stared after his retreating form. She felt momentarily helpless –
Riza frowned. As if she would stay and let him run off to fight Envy alone. The irritation and anger she’d felt festering during their last argument about him seeking revenge and justice came hurtling back. He was losing it, but he’d already said he didn’t want to become a monster again. Riza wouldn’t let him.
The pistol was gripped tightly in her palm. Riza started moving and picked up her pace to a run. Her gun was cocked and ready.
As she walked through the tunnels she’d heard the explosions, heard Envy’s distant screams. Riza was on high alert. The blasts and the screaming eventually stopped but she wouldn’t let her guard down until she knew for certain Envy had been defeated. The sudden lack of them made her wonder if Roy had already defeated and delivered his justice to Envy, but she held onto the slim hope that maybe they’d just escaped. She clung to it desperately.
Footsteps were approaching her current position. They were in the hallway ahead, heavy but steady as they walked. Ducking, she hurried as quietly as she could to the opening where the tunnel she was in opened up into another. Gun poised and ready, she waited for whoever was approaching to come into view.
At the last second, Riza spun out and swung her gun, lifting it so it came face to face with - 
She blinked at him, surprised to have seen him so soon. Her shoulders fell with relief and realisation but paused when she saw the dark look in his eyes. His stare was hard as he looked down on her.
A seed of doubt planted itself into her mind when he remained, poised to snap at her, for a moment longer. He should have recognised her right away...
Was this…
Unless he thought she was Envy.
“I told you to stay behind, Riza.” Roy straightened his posture and lowered his hand to his side. His hand relaxed and went limp.
“I wasn’t going to let you face this alone. I already told you that.”
Riza thought he might argue with her, stating it wasn’t safe down here, but he just scoffed quietly and shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Where’s Envy?” She rose to her feet and lowered her pistol but didn't loosen her grip.
“They outran me.” He turned away from her, speaking into the empty tunnel. “This place is like a labyrinth. You might as well help me kill them now that you’re here. Stay right by my side, Riza,” he ordered over his shoulder. “Don’t leave it.”
Without another word, Roy walked off, leaving her to stare after him.
That seed of doubt was putting down roots and sprouting slowly within her mind.
Riza started to walk behind him. He didn’t even acknowledge her.
“You might as well help me kill them”. That didn’t sit well with Riza at all.
I don’t want to get you involved. He’d told her that, adamant about that fact, when she’d offered to help Winry after she’d had a run in with Scar. He’d begged her to stop pushing for her own safety, as well as their unborn child’s.
I didn’t intend for this to happen. He’d been miserable as he reassured her of that on their couch after his meeting with Bradley. And it was me that put you in harm’s way.
This isn’t over, he’d vowed after seeing that Pride had hurt her. I swear my life on it.
Roy had never wanted her to get her involved in anything relating to his work. He’d even fought to share his plans for the day with her, stating the less she knew the better. However, she’d managed to wear him down and it had helped him to talk it through with someone, rather than shoulder it all by himself.
Before running off after Envy he’d even told her to stay where it was safe. That he didn’t want her to get hurt. Why would he invite her to help him kill Envy, when he knew that was the opposite of what Riza wanted him to do?
This was not her husband.
Riza lifted her pistol towards Roy’s head. She let out a quiet breath, ignoring the horrible imagery of pointing a gun at her husband, poised to kill.
He stopped, turning to half face her. His fringe was almost hiding his eyes, but his expression never changed. It was the same steely one he’d worn earlier when he didn’t lower his hand, despite realising it was her around the corner.
It was possible he was just being cautious but his command to help him kill Envy was what settled it for Riza.
Slowly, Roy turned back around and lifted his hands in surrender. “Do you know who your gun is pointed at?” 
Riza scoffed. “Who? Don’t make me laugh. When we’re alone, my husband calls me by my maiden name. A throwback, to old times.”
She heard Roy gasp, then jump away in a flash. As he did so, red sparks erupted from his body as it morphed into Envy. “Maiden name?” Envy scoffed. “What kind of weird marriage do you two have -?”
“I lied.”
Riza fired, hitting Envy in the face with her bullet. They cried out in pain, hurtling backwards to crash into the ground. Her stomach lurched with the impact of that first shot, very aware that she’d fired at another ‘human being’. She knew they couldn’t be killed so easily but… It was still jarring.
Just like it had been after her first successful hunt as a child.
Fight to survive, Riza.
Red sparks erupted around Envy’s face, healing the wound she’d just made, repairing skin and muscle insanely fast. It angered Riza that they could heal and repair themself so easily while a friend couldn’t and had been left for dead in a phone booth in the middle of Central.
“It was nice of you to fall for it though, Envy. And now you can do us all the favour of dying.”
Riza fired again and again, almost emptying a clip into the homunculus. 
“Ow! That hurts!” Envy yelled at her.
Something very green and sharp shot towards Riza, cutting into the skin of her shoulder faster than she could react. The arm that held her gun jerked out as she ground her teeth together against the pain. The way her body spun from the impact made the rifle strapped to her back lose its grip on her clothing and it slipped down her other arm. Riza caught it quickly, so fast that even she couldn’t believe it, but she was being fuelled by indignation and this being’s carelessness for human life, as well as adrenaline. With that combination, the rifle was caught easily.
Riza’s knees buckled with surprise and the sudden pain in her shoulder. One hit the ground painfully as she steadied herself, getting ready to fire. Despite the rough treatment and the recovery from Envy’s strike, she still managed to hit her target.
Envy’s body jerked with the hit, pushing them back a step with every single one until they dropped to their knees.
“You’re really annoying with that thing!”
Furious, another bolt of green disrupted the stones beneath her feet before shooting up and racing towards Riza. She stood sharply but it was too fast to dodge. It wrapped around her entire body, sealing her arms against her body tightly. It squeezed impossibly tight, restricting her ability to breathe. Gasping for a breath, Riza’s eyes bugged open wide as she was lifted off the ground. Knowing what was coming before it happened should have helped her prepare, but she was too caught off guard. She was still recovering from the sudden lack of oxygen and the pain lancing through her shoulder. She was slammed down into the concrete, the back of her head bouncing sickeningly off the stone. There was a crack as her hair clip broke and let her hair loose. The blonde strands tumbled down her back and over her shoulder, springing free from their restraint.
“I’ll dump you at his feet like a rag!” Envy cackled.
Gasping, Riza lay there as she tried to blink away the spots from her vision. They danced in front of her, but one thing did make its way into her pain addled mind, there was a quiet snap in the distance. It sounded so out of place that it caught her attention. Riza knew what that snap meant.
Envy screamed as Riza felt a sudden heat. Looking down her body Riza saw flames lick at the green appendage holding her still. They stopped far enough down that they wouldn’t harm her, but the sudden rush of flames made the skin of her face heat up.
“Roy,” she cried out, partly with relief and partly to get him to stop.
There was another snap and Envy was consumed by fire. Their screams drowned out Roy’s approach so Riza had no idea where he was.
“What in the hell are you doing to my wife?”
Riza’s head snapped up, blood running cold at the fury she heard in his voice. His face was like thunder as Roy stared Envy down. Glancing over at their enemy, Riza finally saw fear in Envy’s face. They were petrified. They’d made a mistake going after her and now there would be hell to pay.
“Don’t interfere, Riza.” His tone was softer as he spoke to her but that look in his eyes… His rage knew no bounds. “I told you I would deal with this, and I don’t want you to get involved.”
Before she had a chance to reply hell rained down on Envy, like fire and brimstone. Roy snapped and grunting, letting out all of his fury as he sent attack after attack at the homunculus to drain their power. It blew her hair away from her face and the intensity of the heat almost made her turn away.
All Riza could do was stare. She felt numb.
He’s going to kill them. He’s giving into that hatred.
She had to do something. She had to move.
Struggling to her feet was a great effort. Riza felt herself stagger. She was almost knocked backwards by the force of Roy’s alchemy and her head was still spinning from the hit she’d sustained after being slammed into the ground.
After one last ferocious blast Envy’s body started to disintegrate. It crumbled into a charred mess, leaving a tiny green creature in its place. Their voice turned almost child-like as they cursed Roy, crawling away from their own remains with tears in their eyes.
Roy approached and lowered his foot harshly atop Envy’s body. They were squashed underneath his boot, almost crushed completely. Any slight increase in pressure and they’d be dead.
Like hell Riza would let Roy do that to them.
“So this is your true form then?” The growl in his voice almost made Riza sick.
Stop… This isn’t you, Roy… Stop it, please.
“You’re ugly.”
Envy whined, begging for Roy not to do it, just like Riza was in her mind.
“I don’t want to die!” Envy cried desperately, tiny limbs flailing frantically.
It was too much for her to take anymore. Catching herself on the wall, Riza shoved herself so she was standing.
“I’m not giving you a choice. Now burn in hell!”
His fingers snapped together. Riza lifted her weapon, cocking and pointing it at Roy’s head, as her heart broke clean in two.
Her yell echoed around the tunnel, bouncing off the walls with such clarity even she didn’t expect it. In the lull of the explosions the world sounded eerily quiet. Roy’s quiet gasp filled it once he realised what she was doing. His body stilled, his foot easing slightly on Envy’s body underneath his boot.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His tone was harsh but genuine surprise had seeped into it as well.
“Stop this,” Riza commanded, putting as much authority into her voice as she possibly could. Her gun shook in her hand, the grip slacking. No. She couldn’t let herself slip now. Not after all they’d already been through with this discussion. She wouldn’t let him talk to her like that either. The grip on the gun tightened. “I’ll deal with Envy from here on out.”
“Riza. Lower your weapon,” he ordered with the same authority she’d heard him use with his team at work.
Riza was no soldier and had to follow no such order. She was his wife, she loved him, and she’d made a promise that she’d watch his back and watch out for him always. He’d asked her to do that and she wasn’t about to let him down.
If I lost myself to all of this… That’s not the husband or father I want to be. I don’t want to be a monster again.
I choose you. I choose all three of you. There’s no contest and never has been.
He’d picked his side, that night in the darkened bedroom, and she wasn’t going to let him back out now.
“No. Put your hand down, Roy.”
He scoffed. “I won’t ask you again!” He shouted, almost startling her. He’d never used that tone with her before, never been so angry towards her like this. It didn’t even sound like her husband. The barrel of the gun quivered.
There was the sound of a transmutation and the ground beneath his foot was alchemised, disrupting their conversation. It rose up sharply to throw Roy off balance and send Envy sailing through the air. They were both startled out of their argument by the sudden appearance of Edward Elric and Scar.
Edward plucked Envy out of the air effortlessly, gripping onto them tightly with a scowl on his face.
Riza’s head turned sharply back to face Roy, noting how much calmer he sounded. But it was all a ruse. He hadn’t changed one bit. The fists at Roy’s side began to shake with his fury. One of his arms extended outwards towards Edward.
“I’ll be taking that.”
Edward was surprised by the request, seemingly unsure for a second. He glanced over at Riza and she shook her head the tiniest fraction.
“That is an order. Give them to me, right now!”
“No, I won’t,” Edward refused and Riza felt herself relax the tiniest amount.
With a controlled movement, Roy’s arm lowered. Alchemic energy still sparked around his gloves, a sign that he hadn’t given up the transmutation yet. He still needed to decide where to direct it.
Not at Edward and Envy, Riza pleaded. She couldn’t take it if he did.
“Elric,” Roy growled. “That thing belongs to me.”
“No they don’t!”
“Give them to me! Or I’ll burn up your hand along with it!” Roy’s hand twisted, pointed towards Edward.
“Roy!” she scolded, outraged that he’d threaten such a thing, and to Edward of all people too.
He’s almost gone, Riza. Do something!
Edward wasn’t one to give in so easily either, though. He interrupted before Riza could recover from her burst of anger. “Try it then!” he goaded, daring him.
Roy fell silent as he and Edward glared at one another in a standoff.
“Think of our children, Roy,” she commanded, trying another way to get through to him. It had worked before so she hoped it would again. Although Riza tried to keep her voice strong, one mention of them almost broke her. Her voice cracked and she was almost pleading with him as she spoke his name. “Remember what you said to me when we discussed this before. Don’t give into this,” she begged. “Remember that you’re letting go for them, as well as yourself.”
“What would Mia ask you to do?” Edward’s voice rang out in the tunnel, adding onto her point.
Roy’s shoulders stiffened and she heard him inhale sharply. “Stay out of this, Fullmetal,” he warned harshly.
“What would Maes ask, huh?” Edward continued on as if he hadn’t heard Roy speak. “What would those kids say to finding out their father gave into anger and hate and killed this homunculus!” Edward was spitting angry, furious that Roy was even considering such an act, but was desperate to get through to him as well. Riza could see it in his eyes. There was fear in them too. “If it were me I certainly wouldn’t want to look at you again!” Edward yelled. “You look like a monster!”
“I know I have no right to tell you what to do, Mustang, but they are correct.” Scar’s deep and calm timbre rolled through the air, settling over Riza, and making her loose another breath from her lungs. Hope swelled within her that maybe the three of them would be able to get through to him together. “You’re a father and you need to set an example. Do not cause any more death than you already have. End this cycle of hatred,” Scar snarled, “do it now. Break the chain. Otherwise you’re no better than a beast and those that have come before you. And I shudder to think what kind of world you will create after you become its ruler with all of that hatred burning inside of you. I dread to think what kind of father you will be.”
Roy’s body stiffened.
“Roy.” She brought his attention back to her. “This is not who you are.” Her voice was controlled as she steadied her weapon. She knew the Roy she loved was still within him but was buried underneath the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within. He had to be. Riza wouldn’t accept anything otherwise. 
His shoulders tensed. “Riza… I did it,” he growled. “I finally ran them down and they’re right there. They attacked you –”
“I understand that,” she barked harshly. “I know you did, and I know what happened, but you’re about to do something you’ll regret here and I won’t let you. You’re better than this. I know you’re better. I know the man I love, and he’s not here right now.”
His shoulders jerked up towards his ears.
“This course of action benefits no one. All it will do is hurt the ones you love.” Riza took a deep breath. “This is pure hatred. And I will not let it take you. I already told you that. I already promised I wouldn’t let you do it!” Her cry rang out in the silent hallway.
He was struggling, teetering on the edge, but he was listening to her.
“Would you really shoot me with that gun, Riza?”
Her breath caught tightly in her throat, choking her. What… What was he asking her?
His tone changed completely, along with his body language. His shoulders relaxed and he let out a long breath. He sounded calmer, that edge to his voice gone. He almost sounded defeated.
He still didn't let go of the transmutation though.
“If you’re going to shoot me, shoot me.” 
It was just a threat, really. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to kill her husband if he actually went through with this. She was no soldier, had taken no human life, and Riza wasn’t sure if she was emotionally stable enough to hit her target regardless of that.
But would she be able to live on with him, knowing that he’d become the monster he didn’t want to be, but had sought out that path anyway?
“Maybe not,” she admitted quietly.
She’d only been able to target Envy because she knew they wouldn’t die. That first pull of the trigger though… It was jarring, horrifying. When she’d fired a gun before it had been for food, for survival. This fight was a way to try and keep her alive, but she gained nothing from each hit. Just the sickening realisation that she was harming another living thing and gaining nothing from it.
“Maybe I can’t pull that trigger on you.” Despite the turmoil rattling her bones her voice held steady. Sorrow bled into her tone, shoulders dipping as her resolve to point the weapon at him wavered. “I couldn’t do that to you. Couldn’t do that to our children either,” she added, bile rising at the thought of taking their father away from them, regardless of their current conversation.
Memories flashed inside her mind. Roy lifted Mia high in the air, spinning her round as she giggled with glee. Maes’ happy squeals filled the room as Roy blew raspberries on their little boy’s arms, tickling him. Hayate barked happily in their garden as she, Roy, and Mia chased each other in a game of tag on the grass. Little Maes clapped his hands happily as he watched, sitting on Chris’ lap.
Riza clenched her jaw to stave off the sudden tears and keep a hold on her emotions. She wanted that Roy back. She just wanted her husband back.
“But I’m doing what you asked me to do,” Riza replied with more confidence this time. “I’m watching your back. You told me you didn’t want to be a monster again. Don’t give into it. Mia wouldn’t want you too.” Her voice wavered. She cleared her throat to try and shift the lump in it, but it was futile. “Little Maes wouldn’t want you to either. Neither would Big Maes.”
Roy’s head jerked suddenly, no doubt remembering their conversation in the dark in their bed. He’d held her close that night. She remembered pressing a kiss against his throat, feeling his pulse thrum beneath her lips.
“I…” The words stuck in her throat, halting her. They needed to be said because they were true, no matter how much it hurt to think about. She needed to get through to him and the hope that she could was dwindling second by second. “I don’t think I will be able to live on with you if you do go down this path.”
Roy flinched violently.
“I can’t follow you down it. Our family can’t. And I refuse to leave our children behind.”
He let out a choked breath. Suddenly, Roy’s hand jerked out and with a yell, the fire torpedoed down an empty hallway, filling it with heat and his anguish.
He didn’t do it.
Riza had never felt such strong relief in her life. A choked breath left her lungs, stuttering as it passed by her lips. Her knees shook and her pistol trembled in her hand. She almost lost her grip on it.
“I… I can’t afford to lose you. Or them. This madness… Scolded by a child and a man who was once my enemy.”
Roy turned to face her and Riza felt hope blossom tentatively at the look in his eyes. All his hatred was gone. A deep exhaustion had settled over his bones and it showed clearly in his expression. The features of his face drooped, eyes filled with so much regret and agony that Riza almost lost her breath. He was broken, defeated by himself, but he was Roy.
“And you.”
Tears flooded his eyes. Roy’s touch was gentle when it rested upon her gun. His hands were bare, gloves gone. Riza was unsure when that had happened, but it didn’t matter. The fact remained that he’d unequipped his weapon and taken that step away from where he was threatening to fall over the edge.
Riza watched completely mute as they both lowered the gun to her side slowly.
“It almost cost me you. I forced you to go through all of this. I pushed you away. My love,” he breathed, so quietly only she would hear. “My children. I would have lost it all.” Roy cleared his throat, dropping his gaze in shame. “I’m sorry I hurt you,” he whispered. “I did it again. I’m such a fool,” he cursed in disgust, dropping his gaze. He turned to the side as his knees shook. He fell to the ground, finally spent, with his face hidden by his hands.
Relief made her body shudder and tremble. The pistol grew slack in Riza’s hand and dropped to the floor without her realising it. She joined him, kneeling by his side. Pain shot into her kneecaps after she fell, hitting the ground hard enough to make her wince. Her old injury with her fight with Envy flared up but Riza paid it no mind. All of her attention was focussed on the side of her husband’s head. She stared, knowing she wouldn’t be able to discern anything from it, but still looked upon those dark strands as if they would give her all the answers she sought.
Tentatively, Riza reached out. Her hand hovered before the space in between his shoulder blades. It was an action she’d done numerous times when helping him through his low points. She wasn’t sure what his mental state was. She had no way of knowing until she took the first step and made contact. Her fingertips pressed down first, lightly, before the heel of her hand kissed against his back. She watched, saddened, as his shoulders bunched up further at his ears, head dipping down. He was hiding from her.
“Roy?” Her call was apprehensive. She just wanted him to turn and look at her, give her something to go on. But he didn’t.
Shifting on her knees, Riza angled herself around him so she was kneeling by his side. Her hand naturally moved to come to rest on his shoulder. She gave it a squeeze of comfort and encouragement.
“Roy, look at me,” she prompted gently.
Unable to bring himself to, his gaze remained on his feet which were crumpled underneath his body at odd angles.
It was just enough coaxing. The hand that covered his eyes moved a fraction. His eyes were desolate once they made contact and barely visible as he peeked up at her through a gap, filled with shame and sorrow. 
“You didn’t do it,” she reminded him.
“I was close.” His voice was a whisper, only loud enough to reach her ears. “I - I saw you being hurt… And thought about what had happened to Hughes and –” His sigh made his whole body shudder. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in a hoarse voice.
Riza gathered him close, placing her cheek against the top of his head. Her arms wrapped around his shaking frame, bringing his face against her chest to hide him from the rest of them. Just for a moment, she wanted it to be just them, to have a tiny moment to themselves so she could get him back on his feet.
“You’re all right for now. You came back to me,” she whispered into his hair, focussing on that fact at the moment. The day was not over so everything else could be left until later when they were alone.
Slowly, hands lifted to her hips and held on. His fingers dug into her sides almost painfully. Then, the arms wrapped around, squeezing her against him. Her fingers ran through his hair as relief made them shake, thankful that for now, the worst of the confrontation was over.
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
the way it was - chapter 13
we got some rich love
summary:  what if riza never went to war?  riza hawkeye has just married the man she loves. six months into their marriage, an unexpected surprise stops her from following roy to the military. a canon divergence au that explores what might have happened had riza been unable to join the military. there will be plenty of family fluff, angst, and royai.
rated: m | warnings: no archive warning apply
chapter 12 | read on ao3
'cause if we don't find money
then what we got honey is just enough
we got some rich love
Riza wasn’t one to complain, but her shoulders sagged in defeat when she noticed there were Military Police blocking her usual walk to Mia’s school. Normally, she wouldn’t mind, but she’d stepped in a puddle caused by the rain that had been pouring all day and her left shoe and left sock were sodden. She just wanted to collect Mia then hurry home into something warm and dry. Glancing at the police, she noticed how they were getting into rather heated discussions with other citizens, explaining firmly that the roads were closed, and no, it wouldn’t be opening anytime soon. Steering clear, Riza picked up her pace and walked around the blockade, hoping Mia’s school wouldn’t be blocked off as well. 
Thankfully, it wasn’t.
Riza rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited for the classes to leave for the day. The raindrops pitter-pattered off her umbrella, making a soothing sound. Parents were milling about and chatting with one another, but Riza preferred her own company. She had Hayate with her anyway, and he was far more preferable than some of the other housewives here. Their pup looked up at Riza as he sat dutifully by her side, his tail wagging happily as his tongue lolled from the side of his mouth. Riza bent to scratch him behind the ears.
“Did you hear?” a woman nearby gossiped rather loudly to her friend. “Apparently it’s a serial killer.”
Riza froze in her spot. She felt anchored in place. What?
Hayate whined, nudging her hand gently with his nose to get her to pet him again.
“He’s tearing up the city and the military is trying to stop him.”
Riza’s heart jumped into her throat because this was real. She’d seen the police closing off roads, arguing harshly with citizens and telling them they couldn’t walk a certain way.
“Apparently he’s targeting State Alchemists,” the friend replied. “Carol called me because she lives in the apartment above where it happened. The Flame Alchemist and the Strong-Arm Alchemist were there dealing with it.”
She stood slowly from her crouch like she was in a daze, but her mind, her heart, and her breathing were all going a mile a minute. She needed to move. She needed to act.
Riza had to know if he was okay.
“Mummy! Hayate!” Mia grinned as she sprinted across the concrete towards Riza. She panicked when she spotted her daughter. Mia’s arm was flailing out to the side as she ran through the rain. Her hood was a little too big for her and slid over one of her eyes. In order to counteract her loss of vision, Mia never moved the piece of clothing. She instead opted to tip her head back and to one side, struggling to look out from underneath it to see where she was going. The goofy grin on her face matched her silly behaviour. In any other situation it would be comical, but Riza just wanted to get home.
Getting a grip on her emotions, Riza waved to her daughter. She couldn’t break down in front of Mia in a panic. She needed to be strong for Mia and figure out what was going on first. Hayate stepped forward to greet Mia, his tail moving like crazy as his best friend had finally returned to him.
“Hello, Mia Bear.” Her smile was forced but Mia would be too young to notice. “How was school?” she asked, turning and hurrying home after grasping Mia’s hand tightly. It felt like she was tugging Mia and Hayate along, but Riza’s mind was elsewhere at that moment. Riza was barely paying attention to Mia’s excited ramblings. It was drowned out by her mind screaming at her to get home as soon as possible and find out what the hell was going on.
There was no answer at Roy’s office. No one was there to tell her what was happening. The only thing she had to go on was the radio report informing everyone to stay inside their homes and not leave.
It did nothing to alleviate her worry.
Thankfully, Mia never seemed to notice her mother’s distress.
“Hey, Riza,” Rebecca greeted cheerily over the phone. Her body sagged in relief. She was glad she’d gotten through to someone. “What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if you knew where Roy was?”
“Um, I think he’s out on a field mission right now,” she replied. There was the flicking of paper on the other side of the phone.
“Riza?” a disembodied voice asked Rebecca. It was a male voice, and one Riza didn’t recognise. “Riza Hawkeye?”
She reacted to her maiden name, clutching the receiver tightly. Who was this man? Why did he know her maiden name?
“No, sir,” Rebecca replied. Her voice was muffled and quieter. She was probably covering the mouthpiece and holding it away from her mouth. “Riza Mustang.”
There was silence before Rebecca spoke again. 
“Sorry about that,” she chuckled, but it was slightly nervous. “Can you give me five minutes, Riza? Can I call you back?”
If she gripped the phone any tighter, Riza thought it might shatter into a million pieces. “Rebecca? What’s going on?”
There was a beat where nothing was said. Riza held her breath, praying her friend would come through for her.
“It’s nothing.” Her tone was sincere, and Riza told herself to believe Rebecca. “I’ll need to leave the office to find out what’s going on. I’ve just been informed there is a situation in the city right now, but I don’t know what it is. Can you give me five minutes?”
Of course. Rebecca always would help her out if she needed it. She always had.
“Okay,” Riza whispered.
“It will be fine, Riza,” Rebecca reassured her kindly. “Roy’s got a good team behind him, all right?”
Yes, but she wasn’t there.
“Plus, he won’t be beaten so easily. He has to come home to you and Mia,” Rebecca added.
Riza nodded. “I know,” she replied quietly.
“I’ll be as quick as I can,” Rebecca vowed, her voice determined.
“Mummy!” Mia called from their living room. “Can we play now?”
Walking back through, Riza spotted her with her favourite bear in her hand and one of her dolls in the other.
“I’m waiting on a phone call, Mia,” Riza explained, scooping her daughter up into her arms. Mia had pouted when she was told no but giggled when Riza lifted her. “But I promise we will do it after that, okay?”
“Okay,” she replied sullenly, playing up that she was sad they couldn’t play right now.
“Ah,” Riza admonished lightly, a smile slowly crossing her face. “Don’t laugh, now,” she stated, lifting a finger and slowly moving it closer to Mia’s face so she could boop her nose lightly. The corner of Mia’s lips quirked up for a second then dropped. “Don’t laugh, now,” she repeated, putting on a sillier voice. Mia was fighting the urge to smile now. This continued two more times, then Riza had Mia giggling in her arms.
“You’re the best, Mummy,” Mia announced after Riza set her down.
“How come, Bear?” she asked fondly, placing a hand atop her unruly hair.
“Because you can always make me laugh,” she beamed, looking proudly up at her mother.
Riza crouched and smoothed her hand over Mia’s hair, bringing it to cup her cheek. “I love you, my Mia Bear.”
“Love you too, Mummy.” Arms were wrapped around Riza’s neck tightly, just as the phone rang. Her happiness and joy were quickly replaced by fear and dread. Just what would await her on the other side of that phone?
“There’s a man in East City who is out targeting State Alchemists,” Rebecca informed her through the phone. That familiar fear and panic clawed their way back up Riza’s throat. “He was aiming for the Elric brothers who are under the Colonel’s command, then Mustang intervened. He’s out there trying to control the situation,” Rebecca informed her quietly. “He’s out there with Hughes, the Elric brothers, and Alex Armstrong, the Strong-Arm Alchemist. There’s a troop of Military Police out there with him, along with his team.”
Riza relaxed, but only slightly. His team was good. They’d look out for him. However, until she saw him with her own eyes, she’d never completely relax.
“He’s all right, Riza. They’re fine. I’ll update you if anything changes, but I don’t imagine anything will,” Rebecca reassured her. “I promise, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Thank you,” she breathed, swallowing her tears so she could go back through and face her daughter while she waited for Roy to come home.
*          *          *
Riza almost crumpled on the spot when the front door opened and she saw Roy step through it. Abandoning her daughter during their imaginary bear fight – Mia wanted to pretend they were capturing a bear (her favourite toy bear) so they could tame it and make it her pet – Riza threw herself at her husband, looping her arms around his neck and giving him a tight squeeze.
“Riza?” he asked, bewildered. His hands landed on her hips. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“You’re okay,” she breathed, burying her face into his shoulder.
Roy was silent and still. Then, after a moment, he wrapped his arms around her body, understanding her meaning. “You heard?”
Riza nodded, pulling away to search his eyes. Her hands rose to cup his cheeks, then began to roam over his shoulders and down his arms, just to affirm he was real, and he was okay. “It was all over the radio. They told everyone to stay indoors. I was walking to pick Mia up from school when I saw the Military Police closing off roads.” The grip on her waist tightened. “I overheard women at Mia’s school talking about it. They said you were there. You dealt with it.”
Roy nodded slowly.
“Are you okay?” she asked desperately.
“I’m fine,” he reassured her. “I got a scratch on the arm, but nothing serious.”
Riza’s eyes instantly moved to scan his arms. He was in just his shirt but didn’t notice anything amiss, and she hadn’t felt anything out of the ordinary on her initial, panicked skim over his arms. After a second cursory glance, she spotted a slightly discoloured spot on his shirt, up by his bicep. It looked bulkier than the rest of his arm. She raised a hand to brush her fingers over it and Roy never even flinched.
“See? I’m fine.” His soft smile eased her worry.
Riza hugged him fiercely again. “I was so worried.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t have a chance to call. Then again, I didn’t think the radio stations would broadcast that there was a serial killer on the loose in the city,” he added as an afterthought, his tone hinting on anger. In hindsight, it was a stupid thing to do. It would do nothing but instil panic in the citizens. 
“It’s okay,” Riza assured him, turning her face up to meet him. A smile made its way onto her face, expressing her relief. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
That night, Riza had some news to share with her husband. However, it was quickly forgotten about in the heat of the moment. Her fear and worry had overridden everything, banishing the thought from her mind. As they lay in bed, she curled into him, her grip tight and unforgiving as she anchored him to her. It terrified her that she could’ve lost him today. It was only as she was drifting off that her tired mind jerked her back awake, reminding her of her news. Glancing up at Roy, she saw he was already asleep. It was always a struggle for him to fall into it, so she was loath to wake him. Instead, Riza had ghosted her fingertips over the bandage on his bicep. He was okay. He was alive, and he was here with her. He wasn’t dead, taken away from her by a serial killer.
He’s alive.
It was a mantra in her head as she drifted off once more, resolving to tell him her news in the morning. She wanted to wait for a better time. 
*          *          *
Riza had been to the doctors herself the day before. She hadn’t started her period again. She thought it might have been from just a few weeks ago, however, the doctor confirmed she was a lot further along than Riza initially thought.
She was expecting baby number two.
Riza was desperate to tell him the next morning, but as usual, their home was a madhouse. Roy was rushing to get ready. His shirt was hanging open – the view very appreciated by Riza, but that wasn’t the point – and he had a piece of toast in his mouth as he fiddled with the belt buckle of his trousers. Riza just watched him, amused, and shook her head. However, her attention was quickly diverted away, because she had to get Mia ready. She was loving school in East City and had even made a few friends. She was practically vibrating with excitement as Riza buttoned up the top of her little polo shirt and fixed her cardigan in place.
Tears sprang to her eyes. Her baby girl had started school this spring. It just seemed like a month or two ago she was crawling around on her knees. When did she get so big?
“Okay, I’m off,” Roy announced, grabbing his briefcase from atop the kitchen table. He kissed Mia, cupping both her cheeks in his hands, making her giggle. “Enjoy school, Mia Bear. Be good and study hard, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy!”
“That’s my girl.” Then, it was Riza’s turn. “I’ll see you tonight,” he smiled, all his love for her pouring out of his eyes.
“Actually,” Riza interrupted, pulling on the lapels of his military jacket and tugging him gently back to face her. “Can we meet up for lunch?”
It was something they did often, and if Riza had to hold in her news any longer, she was sure she’d explode. That was the earliest she’d be able to catch him so she could tell Roy properly, rather than doing it as he was leaving in the morning in a rush. She knew his world would stop, and it would make him even later for work.
“Lunch?” Roy cocked his head, checking his mental schedule to see if anything clashed with her request. “Lunch is good. I can do lunch.” His excitement was contagious.
Riza kissed him in farewell. “I’ll see you at half past twelve?”
“Robertson’s?” he asked, naming her favourite café, and one she had frequented often when Mia was younger.
“Perfect. See you then.”
“I’m thoroughly looking forward to it,” he grinned. He turned to leave them both, giving a small wave. “Bye, ladies!”
“Bye Daddy!” Mia cried happily. “Oh! Mummy! I almost forgot!”
“What, honey?”
“I have a project due tomorrow.” Riza felt her stomach drop. Oh no. What could this possibly be? “We have to write our favourite things and a little bit about us on a piece of paper so we can tell the whole class about it.” Riza felt her body relax in relief. Okay, that was doable. “Can we do it tonight after Daddy comes home?” Her big eyes were wide as they begged her to say yes.
“Of course, Mia,” Riza reassured their daughter. Riza crouched low and placed a hand on top of her head. “I would love that, and I know Daddy would too.” 
Mia beamed and clapped her hands. “Yay!”
“You need to get your butt to school too.” Mia nodded and dashed to pick up her rucksack at the front door. “What about your shoes?” Riza asked. Looking down at her feet, Mia rolled her eyes and shrugged her rucksack off, diving for her little school shoes by the door. Riza was frozen on the spot, amazed at how alike Roy she was. He did the same thing, when he forgot something trivial around the house, like boiling water for a coffee, or forgetting to retrieve their post from the box in the mail room. Then, he’d trudge downstairs dutifully to collect it.
Once they’d both walked to Mia’s school, Riza walked home and once in the door, she let the excitement of her big news hit her fully. Placing a hand over her mouth, she let out a happy sob. They were going to be parents again. A hand was placed over her stomach, and Riza grinned through the tears that had begun to fall down her cheeks. There was life growing inside of her. She felt the same joy she’d felt the first time she’d found out she was pregnant, however that was dampened by the fact Roy was leaving in a few hours to go and fight in a war that he may not return home from.
She smirked to herself, letting the laugh bubble out of her chest at the thought of his reaction to this news. These were happier times. He wasn’t leaving. She wasn’t going to do this on her own. She would do it with him by her side. That thrilled her and made her feel so much more relaxed about the whole process already.
*          *          *
“Sorry I’m late,” Riza rushed as she sat down at the table Roy had already picked out for them. “My schoolwork took a little longer than I thought it would.”
“That’s okay,” Roy smiled warmly at her.
“Our darling daughter told me right after you left that she had a project due tomorrow, so I wanted to complete all my tasks before picking her up from school.”
Roy’s face fell. “Oh no. What kind of project?”
“Just a little profile for them. It’s going on the wall of the classroom, and Mia will present it to the class as a short talk, just telling everyone about herself.”
Roy relaxed. “That sounds easy enough.”
“She wants to do it with both of us tonight after dinner.”
“Sounds perfect to me,” Roy grinned.
Riza heaved a sigh, finally settled, comfortable, and warming up after being out in the cool spring air. The temperature had yet to pick up considerably, but it was close. There was no longer a light dew on the grass in their front garden in the morning. Riza was just glad it was no longer frosty. She wasn’t used to the frost. East City was warmer because it was nearer the desert, so she’d never fully experienced frost like it before. Her childhood home in the forests out East was also warmer and more humid, so the most she got was dew on the grass. Maybe that was why she was always cold nowadays.
“Better?” Roy asked with a knowing smile.
“Better,” she confirmed.
“I ordered you a tea instead,” he stated, picking up the menu. “I noticed you took one this morning, so I figured that must be what you were in the mood for today.”
No, she’d taken a tea because she couldn’t have coffee now that she was pregnant. It had left her with terrible heartburn the first time around. Excitement coiled like a spring in her stomach when she remembered she still had to tell him her news.
“Did you order anything to eat yet?”
Roy shook his head. “I wanted to wait for you.”
Riza nodded, unable to stop her own smile from forming as she perused the menu. She knew she would always choose the soup but liked to see if anything else might take her fancy that day.
“The usual?” Roy asked, lifting an eyebrow.
Riza sighed and nodded. Soup sounded wonderful right now. Her hands were still cold underneath her gloves, so she wasn’t quite ready to pull them off yet. Soup would do just the trick to heat her up.
“Yes. The usual.”
Roy’s menu snapped closed with a grin, and he stood from his chair. “I’ll go and order it.”
While Riza waited her excitement refused to settle down. She was restlessly wringing her hands together when Roy returned, lost in a daydream.
“What’s up with you?” he asked, amused.
“What do you mean?” Riza asked, her attention snapping back to reality.
“You’re very jumpy this afternoon. Is everything all right?”
“Everything is fine, I just… I have some news.”
“Okay, go for it,” Roy encouraged, pocketing the bill for their lunch and turning his full attention to her.
“I didn’t want to do it here, but I just couldn’t wait any longer.” All morning she’d switched between telling him at lunch and telling him when he got home. Riza eventually settled on the former because she couldn’t hold it any longer.
“Hey guys!” a loud voice greeted just as Riza opened her mouth. Maes Hughes was approaching them hurriedly with a grin. He even waved. Riza’s stomach dropped. Not now, Maes!
Roy groaned quietly beside her, but she knew it was good-natured. “Hello, Hughes.”
“How are you both this fine day?” he grinned.
“Fine,” Riza replied.
 Roy shot her an apologetic look. “We’re good.”
“Excellent! I’m particularly chipper today and do you want to know why?”
“Something tells me you’re going to tell us anyway,” Roy replied, making Hughes laugh. The latter slapped his friend amicably on the back, and Riza noticed Roy winced. It was thoroughly amusing to watch the pair of them interact. There was a lot of respect for each other in their relationship, and Riza knew Roy loved Maes like a brother.
“My darling daughter has drawn me the most beautiful picture this morning! She’s a true artist,” he sniffed proudly. Riza was sure he was going to wipe away a tear at some point.
“That’s great, Hughes,” Roy replied, sounding less than enthused.
Riza nudged his leg underneath the table, shooting Roy a look to tell him to stop being a grump.
“It is great, Roy. Thank you! Oh, Riza, I haven’t seen you in a while. Let me show you all our photos from her third birthday party.”
Roy groaned louder this time and sat back in his chair, closing his eyes. Riza snickered, knowing he’d seen these about ten times already.
Although Riza hadn’t been able to share her news, and was slightly frustrated she needed to wait another couple of hours, it was a lovely lunch nonetheless. It was a joy to speak to Maes again. He was in town for this Scar case they were both working on, and Riza had to admit, she’d missed him. It had been too long since their last meeting.
Maybe it would be better if she just told Roy about the pregnancy at home. It wasn’t something she wanted to share in front of Maes. Not until Roy knew.
“Maes?” Riza managed to ask in between his constant gushing about his family.
“Yes, Riza, my dear?”
Amused at the added pet name, Riza smiled. He was obviously in a very good mood. “How would you like to come around for dinner one night?” Roy raised a questioning eyebrow at her, but Riza ignored it. “I feel like we haven’t properly sat down and talked in a long time.”
He cocked his head to the side in thought. “No, I suppose we haven’t. That was way back when Gracia and I lived in East City. Okay! Sounds great!”
“Bring Elicia and Gracia too, obviously,” Riza added.
“What about those Elric boys? Why don’t you invite them over too, Roy?” Hughes asked. “We’ve had them over for dinner a couple of times. I’m sure they would appreciate it.”
“Well, one will,” Roy muttered.
“That sounds like a great idea, Maes.”
His grin was wide. “Brilliant! This will be a lovely little dinner party.” He even clapped happily. “I will let Gracia know right away, and I’ll contact the boys. They’re heading to Liore right now, so I will see if they can manage it when they get back. Typical,” he rolled his eyes. “They only left yesterday.”
“Thank you, Maes.” At least that would give her a few weeks to prepare.
“Okay, I should get going,” Maes announced, checking the watch on his wrist. “I have a large stack of paperwork sitting on my desk, calling my name,” he groaned. “Half of it is because of all the havoc you cause,” he added, shooting Roy a pointed look.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roy replied haughtily. 
“I know you do. Anyway, it was lovely to see you again Riza. I look forward to dinner next week,” he grinned. He gave her a little wave as he left. “See you soon!”
Roy stood too. Riza opened her mouth to tell him, the reveal on the tip of her tongue, but Roy beat her to it. “I should probably get going as well,” he sighed. “Unfortunately, I have a mountain of paperwork too,” he revealed grimly.
Roy rounded the table, kissing her cheek. He crouched down to her level, eyeing her carefully. “Sorry for the rushed exit.”
“It’s okay,” Riza reassured him. “Go and save the world, Roy Mustang.” She patted his head affectionately, and Roy grinned. He lifted himself up to her level, kissing her lips.
“I’ll see you tonight.” With one last kiss and a longing gaze complete with his puppy dog eyes, Riza watched him leave with a little laugh.
Her smile fell when Roy was out of sigh. Now she had even longer to wait. The excitement, however, returned with a vengeance, and made her lips curl upwards again.
*          *          *
“You moan, but I think we should take this opportunity while we can. It would be nice to meet those young men. Plus, we – well, I – never really see the Hughes’, and we should make the most of having dinner with them. They won’t be around forever.”
“That man will outlive all of us, mark my words,” Roy stated, pointing his fork at her over the dinner table. “He’s far too stubborn, cheery, and good to die before any of us. Well, except you of course, my dear,” he grinned.
“Are you calling me stubborn?” Riza deadpanned, but inside she was laughing.
“Of course,” Roy retorted, and Riza snorted, shaking her head. Roy could be so dramatic sometimes and then ended up being kind of sweet in a weird, roundabout, way. “I knew you as a kid, remember? You were a nightmare.”
“So were you, city boy.” She stuck her tongue out at him.
“You two knew each other when you were little?” Mia asked, looking between her mother and father.
Roy nodded. “I visited Mummy and learned alchemy from Granddad.”
“That’s so cool!” Mia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. “You’ve known each other for ages.”
Child logic dictated they were both ancient in age compared to Mia, so her comment made Riza laugh.
“Yes, we have, Mia.”
“Do you think I’ll meet someone nice like that when I’m a bit older?”
Riza smiled, shooting a glance at Roy. “If you can put up with them for that long, and still like them, then I hope so, honey.”
Mia beamed and went back to eating her food, satisfied with Riza’s answer.
“What was it you wanted to tell me at lunch, by the way?” Roy asked, filling his mouth with food. Her stomach fluttered in response, excitement carving its way through her body anew. “Before Hughes rudely interrupted us.”
Riza paused, then set down her fork. Her hands were shaking as she placed them on her lap, but it was with excitement. “I went to the doctors a few days ago.”
“What for?” he asked. Riza said nothing, just let her excitement show, unable to hold it any longer. “Are – Are you –” he stuttered, unable to even get the word out.
Riza nodded in confirmation, letting tears form in her eyes. It felt like she’d waited years for this moment. Roy jumped up from his chair and circled the table. Mia jumped in fright and watched her father carefully, almost looking scared. He knelt by Riza’s chair, grabbing her hands and gripping them tightly in his. Wonder filled his eyes as he gazed up at her.
“Are you pregnant?” he whispered.
“Yes,” she nodded vigorously.
He surged upwards and hugged Riza tightly. Her tears were already falling, but she laughed as he almost knocked her off her chair with the force of it.
“Oh my god,” he whispered in her ear.
“Mummy?” Mia asked in a very small voice. Both parents glanced up at their daughter. She looked scared, unsure about what was going on and why her parents were crying. Mia looked like she was going to cry herself at the sight of them. “What’s going on?”
“Mia,” Riza stated, standing from her chair. Roy let her go, and she approached their daughter, placing a hand on her head in comfort. Riza’s hand slid down to her cheek and cupped them both with a smile. “You’re going to be a big sister.”
Mia’s face contorted in confusion. Her head cocked to the side, pushing against Riza’s hands. Riza moved them to her shoulders as Roy placed a hand on Riza’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“A big sister?” Mia asked.
Riza nodded. “Yes. I’m going to have another baby.”
It took a minute, but Mia’s face lit up. A large smile spread across her face and then her mouth opened wide as she gasped excitedly. She bounced in her chair. “A baby?!”
Roy chuckled as Riza nodded in reply. “Yes, honey.”
“Oh, wow!” she exclaimed in wonder. “Is it a boy or a girl?” she asked desperately.
“We don’t know yet,” Riza smiled. “It’s too early to know. When we find out, we’ll let you know.”
Mia threw her arms around Riza’s neck, clutching at her collar tightly. “Thank you, Mummy.”
“What for, honey?”
“I’ve always wanted a little brother or sister,” she whispered. “Thank you for giving me one. I love you.”
Riza hugged her against her body tightly. “I love you too, Mia.” Roy ruffled Mia’s hair fondly.
They had quickly finished dinner then celebrated their news. Roy had run out to the nearest supermarket and bought a cake for them both, much to Riza’s amusement. Then, Riza remembered at the last minute about Mia’s project for school, so they spent an hour working on that. They laughed and played along with her, going over everything about Mia that she wanted to include in her project. It tired her out, eventually, because she fell asleep on the couch and Roy carried her through to her bedroom. It was an incredibly adorable sight, and one Riza would never tire of.
Once in bed that night Roy pulled Riza tightly against his chest. His hand came to rest upon her stomach, making her smile.
“How did you manage to keep that a secret for so long?” he asked.
“It was a struggle,” Riza smiled to herself. “But I managed.”
“You’re a much stronger person than me. I would never have been able to hold it in.”
Riza chuckled. “I thought I was going to burst at lunch.”
“Oh my god,” Roy groaned. She felt his forehead touch the back of her head as it bowed. “And Hughes picked the perfect time to show up, as per usual.”
“It was all right,” Riza stated. “I like Maes. I’m glad we found the time to invite them around.”
Roy kissed her bare shoulder. “Me too. It will be nice to socialise again,” he chuckled.
“Work has kept you busy, huh?” Riza patted the hand over her stomach in sympathy before entwining their fingers together.
“It has. I won’t lie, things have definitely picked up recently after the Scar case. And if I get transferred to Central then it will only get worse.”
“Is it still the right direction, though?”
Roy nodded. “Yes. And now we’re going to have this baby…” His thumb stroked over her skin and she twitched, tickled by his ministrations. “Things are going to change, but for the better, I think. I hope.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, whatever happens.”
“With you by my side, I’ll never be steered wrong.” He kissed her temple.
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