#i need my keyboard confiscated its nearly 5 am...
sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (you are here) Part 6 ...
Overall Warnings: grotesque written imagery, body horror, blood, possession(?) sort of (more like integrating), voices, loss of self (since this isn't really MCD), darker WWX (he's not classic wwx), violence, sexual content.
No warnings for this part ❤ i mean unless u are completely allergic to romantic interactions then maybe there's a warning for that. It gets spicier towards the end but cuts.
THIS PART...is not the full thing. i can't post the whole thing (i cut it early and i plan to write a scene that will not be on tumblr) bc of tumblr TOS. but i wanted to post part of it, so here is part of the 5th section that i can share.
Part 5
· ✦ Feverish ✦ ·
If anything, the minute they’d gotten a room in the inn, Lan Wangji was not expecting Wei Wuxian to immediately steal a kiss. And another. And…another.
The minutes blurred together, and despite the taste of tin on the other’s tongue that set off alarm bells in the back of his mind, he was kissing Wei Wuxian. The man he loved all these years, all this time balled up in his inner conflicts, pining, worrying, and hoping coming to fruition in such a sudden fashion.
He managed to push against Wei Wuxian’s shoulders however when another worry suddenly flared in the back of his mind. “W…Wei Ying. Wait.”
Wei Wuxian’s face flickered with impatience, but he sighed, leaning against the others arms and smiling up at him instead. “Hmmm? Yes?”
“Is this…what you want?”
Those crimson eyes turned up again in subtle mirth. “Hm? Was the tongue I shoved down your throat just now not enough of a hint?”
“W-Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji sighed and pulled him to the bed to sit. “You’re not just…toying?”
Wei Wuxian’s eyes widened once more. Ohhh, that's what this was about. “Oh, haha, haha!” He smiled wide, waving a hand quickly as if the other had said something terribly funny. “You think I've played like this with anyone before?”
Lan Wangji’s silence just stunned the other cultivator more.
“What, you really thought I’d be the type?”
“You…flirt a lot.”
“You mean used to.”
“...” Lan Wangji supposed it made sense that the other stopped flirting if he was traumatized by whatever happened. Ah, that's right- “Wei Ying…I would-” He’s silenced however by a finger to his mouth.
“You’re my first kiss.” Wei Wuxian stated matter of factly. “I’ve been waiting for you to say something, but who knew I'd have to chase it out of you.”
Lan Wangji swallowed involuntarily, only speaking again once the other removed his finger. “That’s not what I was…”
“I don’t wanna talk about that nasty stuff right now…” Wei Wuxian pouted, pushing the other back slowly by pressing forward more and more, until Lan Wangji’s back was pressed against the bed. He chuckled softly, the sound eliciting a shiver up the other’s spine. “I wanna talk about my bunny’s feelings and kiss until we can hardly breathe. In that order.”
“Wei Ying…!” Lan Wangji turned his head away, but Wei Wuxian just laughed and mouthed at his exposed neck instead, earning hands firmly squeezing his arms and a shuddering breath next to his ear.
“Okay…maybe it doesn’t have to be in order…” Wei Wuxian brought his head up, licking his lips slowly with a little coy grin. “Maybe we can add a few other things to the list too.” his eyes glow subtly, and the grind of his hips elicits a husky gasp out of his bedmate.
“I’d like to taste a little more than your mouth and neck, I think.”
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