#i need procreate dreams now so i can animate fight scenes
spectra-bear · 1 year
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you were like a son to me
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idreamofinsanity · 4 years
Dreams: Aliens and Monsters
I dreamt of aliens feeding on psyches, then I dreamt of a woman becoming a monster to be with the monster she loved.  TW: Gore in the second dream. 
The first dream had started off in some large metropolis. I can’t remember much from the beginning, but vaguely recall something about being a reported looking into something about aliens. I don’t think the beings from another planet were something everyone knew about, either. 
Mostly everything is fuzzy up until a point were I spot some of the aliens bringing a black, ovular sphere looking thing into a skyscraper. I had a strong idea for one reason or another that it was going to hurt a LOT of people, so I got in contact with some authorities and told them there was a bomb in the building. Now, the part that’s fuzzy is if I really thought it was a bomb or not because it turned out not to be...  Instead, at some point I found out that the thing was actually a device that drained psychic energy from people, and it being higher up would somehow make it more effective. Ultimately, it would force all the humans within a certain radius into a coma, then they’d die. All this was to feed the aliens, being as they were psychics (in an ESP/mental powers kind of way) and needed that kind of energy to survive. If it was before or after it was recovered from the skyscraper, I’m not sure exactly when I figured it out, though...  Whatever the case, my intervention did stop the aliens’ nefarious plans, at least for that time...  Then I kind of woke up and went back to sleep...  My second dream’s beginning is hazy as well. The clearest thing I remember was something about a magic circle and a naked, dark haired woman going into the middle of it willingly. Then, a man stood outside of it, activating its powers, turning the woman into a hideous monster.  The face grew long teeth and generally morphed to look much like an anglerfish’s. Her skin became dark and reddish brown (or perhaps she sprouted fur?), her body bulking taller as her arms and fingers grew eerily long, curling into ripping claws. A long, striking tail grew out of her, and finally, bat-like wings formed, a large wingspan to accommodate her new, larger body.    The next clearest memory is there being two of those monsters, midair and fighting off smaller and more human looking versions of this creature. The pair tore into the creatures, whipping them with their tails and ripping them apart and drinking their insides, long tongues lapping the blood up.  They then landed, killing one more, consuming what they wanted, then tossing it aside. They then looked around the courtyard they had landed in, the scene of dead, human bodies littering the estate.  The first creature’s form shifted until she was once again the woman who’d stepped into the circle, this time wearing a fine, black and red dress of ambiguously “period” fashion (perhaps Victorian?). Next, the second monster shifted into the form of the man who’d been outside the circle when the woman had first changed.  The two discussed at length how disgusted the were by the carnage left behind by the “nosferatu” creatures they had just killed. ((Side note: not only is “nosferatu” the thing they called these things, but they looked like bat-winged, reddish skinned (or furred?) versions of “Nosferatu” himself, too. What’s weird about that is I’ve never watched that movie, and the most recent thing I saw about it was how it was a reference in a new Gorillaz music video, like, months ago...))  “This is what happens when a vampire takes a human mate...” the man said, contempt dripping from his words. “Nosferatues simply act on animal instincts, killing and procreating at the outer edges of civilization until they can swarm larger areas like this...”  “It’s why the only responsible thing to do is turn your lover into a vampire as well,” the woman remarked, a sly smile flashing at him.  He got closer to her, taking her hand and kissing it.  “Of course,” he remarked. “And then at that point, the next responsible step would be to marry said lover.”  “I’m lucky you’re the responsible sort.”  Then there’s something about them talking things over with some humans about this whole mess with the nosferatues (in case it wasn’t clear, these things are vampire-human hybrids). It comes out that the vamp husband (the two vamps are married, in case it wasn’t obvious) has an idea as to whom the irresponsible vamp parent of the hybrids was, perhaps purposely siring them as a way to weaken the human settlements in the area. Apparently the bad vamp is a long time nemesis of the husband vampire.  (I can’t remember anything much more with this specific plot point, though, which is kind of unfortunate...They MIGHT have confronted the guy a bit later, but... I can’t really picture it too well.... Really wanted to see more of this.)  A couple things happened after that, one being something vague about the woman planning to have four vampire children (all at once or one at a time, I’m not sure). (Maybe the vamps have litters? Could be a contributor to why there were so many nosferatues...) Another thing was the vampire couple waking up, sitting in some chairs in the middle of an empty theatre. Weirdly, she was half-transformed, while he was in his human form. For some reason her hand was a paw? Anyway, some other woman was up on stage, but I can’t remember what she was saying or doing... I just remember the vampire guy grabbed his wife’s hand, and he reassured her, but he seemed... angry? I had some idea that the woman on stage had been hunting them, but either in a “stalker ex girlfriend” or “gonna get rid of all monsters” kind of way. If the latter, I’m thinking it would have to be she was trying to “rid them of the vampire curse” or something, seeing as she didn’t kill them right away...  In either case, I woke up before really getting any more out of the dream... 
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