#i need someone to smack me with the anti-neg newspaper again
halorocks1214 · 1 year
it's so asinine how normalized that people who go "i LOVE characters being tortured i LOVE characters in peril i LOVE watching characters suffer and be in pain and when they are in constant agony mmm yummy delicious" are the ones that scream the loudest about how everyone else needs to examine their fictional tastes
like you don't think people can be made uncomfortable about stuff like that? you don't think the real-world connotations are worth thinking about? you don't think there's anything harmful in "romanticizing" these serious topics as if no one has been hurt by them? are people who have trauma towards these very real and painful experiences just chopped liver to your fictional fantasies?
one common trope i see written about in fic a lot is car accidents, for example. very fast and easy way to get to hurt/comfort. i understand it, but that doesn't change how i am squicked to high heaven and back by car accidents like nothing else
there are nearly 20,000 car accidents a day. nearly 20,000 separate experiences where people are hurt and even killed, and that's just in america alone! lord knows what the stats are for around the world!
and yet i don't look at people who constantly write their fics with them or topics similar to it like i expect them to secretly wish my family ends up in one. i don't yell at them and accuse them of things like them wanting public transportation destroyed or that they're against walkable cities
as someone who has been into this stuff since i was young: do fucking better. your squicks and triggers aren't magically more important than others. if we demanded that every possible trigger get removed from the internet fandom would need to literally stop existing because guess what? some people are traumatized by fandoms! it's almost as if trauma comes from everywhere and it's our job to be compassionate and not psychoanalyze what someone might be going through! holy fuck!!!
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