#i need therapy as much as Maul needs therapy LMAO
fritoley · 27 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x04 - The Starscraper
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“Are those Draconic words?”
Honey I know you did not just read out loud unfamiliar words when you KNOW Draconic words are usually spell incantations and would almost definitely do something—
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“I’m so messed up, Terry. I’ve been stuck just staring, for over an hour now.”
I mean at least she’s self-aware that’s a good first step
She seriously needs therapy tho
Shit everyone in this show does lmao—
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LMAO that was cold
He ain’t taking no shit today
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“I think…I need to see my dad again.”
Oh wow. I thought with Viren leaving that Claudia was going to go over the edge and just go all in. Freeing Aaravos, supporting his plans and whatnot, and honestly I thought she was going to be so gone in her grief and stuff that terry was going to join team zym to try and get her back. Seeing her take a step back and try to find the right path is surprising, but it’s good.
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“How do you feel about spiders?”
Okay I seriously love Astrid she’s frickin amazing
I hope we see a lot of her in later seasons
Also KOSMO IS SP PRETTY ugh I’ve always loved vitiligo it’s absolutely beautiful—
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“The Elder is the only living Celestial Elf who has ever removed his blindfold and let in the starlight.”
Wait so do Skywing elves have super long life spans or something? Do all elves live super long like that? I’ll have to look it up I forgot—
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Wait didn’t the staff originally belong to Ziard? AND DIDN’T ZIARD GET IT FROM AARAVOS??? So much BACKSTORY
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“I’m afraid the Novablade was given to a brave human girl hundreds of years ago.”
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“He’s back, Soren. Your father, he’s here.”
Soren’s really gonna have a rough time this season I already know it.
It’s gonna be baaaaaaddd
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He’s already distressed poor babyyyy 😭
OKAY it’s really picking up now. I didn’t say anything about the “Chosen Two” stuff Callum and Rayla are dealing with cuz i didn’t really have any commentary on that part but I am excited to see what happens there. Claudia really surprised me with her internal conflict and stuff and I’m glad she’s thinking rationally now i hope it stays that way. I think it’s safe to say that from here on out this season is going to get extremely tense, so buckle up :'D
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Did the bathroom stall person STAY a stranger?
N-S-F-W and definitely TMI content ahead lmao:
He did, the poor fellow! Here's some backstory to explain how on earth my shy-as-hell dumbass worked the courage to have some bathroom stall shenanigans:
So I started dating this classmate in highschool, (the one I often refer to as "the deceased" bc he's dead to me) and he was a major asshole. Emotionally abusive, controlling, made me feel bad about literally every single thing I enjoyed, especially writing fanfiction and not being a boring piece of shit like he was.
Welp! I spent like a decade with this bastard bc he was a classic abusive dickhead who pushed my friends away and I couldn't see that he was a major asshole until I started therapy. When I was 26 my therapist, clever lady she was, knew I was suffering but also v attached to him still, so she suggested us to "take a break". Not breaking up, just take a break, for one month, and reevaluate the relationship.
I spent a long time moping over him but my bestie said "wait does that mean I can finally take you clubbing?" and I proceeded to have an absolute blast dancing and having fun with her!
The second time we went clubbing, it was a star wars themed party! I went as a cute padmé amidala, and spent the night dancing and watching snippets of SW movies that played on the big screens, explaining to my very confused bff who's never watched a star war in her life why I was attracted to the angry looking alien with horns and red skin w/ black tattoos - darth maul. She remained confused.
(Fun fact, I'm autistic and loud environments make me literally sick, but I think I needed this freedom so badly my brain let me have these moments for once. Now I literally cannot enter a club. Anyway.)
While we're dancing, a handsome clone-trooper looking type walked past us and I think I gave him such an eye-fucking of a look that he made a beeline to me and took me to dance (I gave a thumbs-up to my bff bc she is v protective and will push creepy dudes away from me, bless her).
Then we started kissing and fooling around in a corner, and the guy invited me over to his place.
(here's the thing, my ex literally acted like sex was a chore. I repeatedly, gently asked him whether he was asexual, promising to be okay with it if it was the case but he swore he wasnt which. made me feel like I was very unappealing and did a number on my self-esteem. Oof.)
So I was pent up as hell and desperate for a fuck, especially a fuck with an enthusiastic guy for once in my life. On the other hand, girls that go with strangers to their place might be raped or killed. So when I said no, the guy suggested we fucked in the bathroom.
Now, that wouldn't be proper ladylike behavior, i reasoned with myself, while fully cupping the guy's groin with my hand. So I said a very unconvincing no, and the guy asked if I was sure, and I said "we might be caught", and he said "not if we're quiet"
...and goddamnit I was so damn horny and I can't even blame it on being drunk bc I don't drink alcohol out bc it makes me sleepy. This was 100% horny brain in charge and I was the one to actually pull the guy into the bathroom with me.
(We're gonna fade to black here bc I'm not willing to share those details here, but I can point out the funny bits):
there wasn't enough room in that bathroom stall for someone to pee comfortably, much less for two people to squeeze in and do the horizontal vertical tango
if you ever wanna do that, do that early in the night, not after dancing for hours because your knees will want to buckle the entire time and that's not hot
be smart and have condoms in your bag. wrap it up, folks. it's the 21st century and everyone who's sexually active should have their protection regardless of gender or lack thereof <3
the sound of toilets flushing nearby is quite the mood-killer, but if the music drowns out most of it, one can make it work
do not laugh when your very worried friend who's been looking for you all night calls out your name in the bathroom, trying to find you
Tell her you'll be right out and try to wriggle out of the arms of the dude who seems to have fallen in love with you or something.
Thank you for the fun times, catch his phone number or contact info of any kind
loudly announce you and the friend are both leaving to give the poor fella hidden in a stall in the lady's bathroom a window of time to escape unseen
forget you had his contact info for three months bc you are ADHD, aaand now it's too awkward to send a text of 'hey its bathroom stall girl, how's it going?'
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Quick Legendverse professor thoughts
Birch is still a professor in his old age! Well I say old but he would be, what 54 by SV in my timeline?...okay so he is pretty old. But that ain't stopping him! Still very good at field research, would go out a lot with Amber to do research together from time to time. For old nostalgia's sake. Also, yes, Amber taught him some basic pokemon battling stuff and gave him some pokemon so he doesn't get mauled by a poocheyena. Again.
Rowan properly retires once Kiran comes back and is healthy to go out again. He still is in the academic space, occasionally being a guest speaker for some colleges and such, but nowadays he spends most of his time at home, living comfortably. The kids ( who aren't exactly kids anymore) visit him often! ( He would be like. 76 by SV).
Juniper and Fennel both seem to strive in the busy environments around them, Juniper especially, so needless to say, they're both still active around this time. Though, both take a back seat for their younger apprentices to shine. They're married too, but that doesn't surprise anyone really.
I'm not sure if Elm would retire or not.... actually. I take that back. He would retire. But only because Aiko forced him too. The man is too committed to his work, he needs a rest. He's honestly not used to relaxing, so his early retirement was difficult for him. He had to be doing something you know? Fortunately for him ( and unfortunately for his wife/j) he found hobbies. Lots and lots of hobbies. Don't get me wrong, his wife is very supportive and very happy that he's finally talking the time to be with the family and rest, but there's only so much space she's willing to give up. They work it out don't worry. But yeah! Elm's pretty happy !
Kukui got a beautiful wife, an amazing husband, and a bunch of kids ( one being his biological son). He's living the best life man. Kukui has not retired, and doesn't plan to for a long time. He's still a mentor to Lillie, and may also be one for Hop? I haven't decided, but it would be cool.
Magnolia, as you know, retired. She's still alive and kicking mind you, just enjoying life as it is. Sonia is thriving. Her book sold millions ( at least I assume so if Naranja Uva academy has them), and she had never felt so motivated in her life. She loves her job, loves teaching Hop what she can , loves that she and Leon are finally talking again, love that she can hang out with her friends again- just a whole bunch of love. She's so happy and fulfilled.
With time wounds heal. That applies to sycamore. He's been through the motions, to put it simply. Grief, anger, confusion, betrayal- he has felt this for a long time. And some of that still lingers. But he's content now. Happier. He got himself an apprentice in Trevor, he got to see his nephew ( not actually his nephew but who cares) learn to forgive himself for his actions ( something that he himself hasn't done until much later), see Jude become a better person, and Shauna and Tierno expand their creative outlets. He couldn't be prouder. He's also going to therapy now. He realized there's a lot of things he needs to unpack. He dipped his toes into the dating sphere again. Nothing much. I guess he's trying to prove to himself he still got it...that he's still okay. But overall, Sycamore has healed and is still healing. He's much better than he was by the end of XY, that's for sure.
.....That was not quick at all lmao. I hope you enjoyed the read!
( and if you're wondering about professor oak, no clue what to do with him really, let alone if that man is alive. Honestly? He probably is. This is pokemon. But still. I just know that his relationship with his grandkids is complicated.)
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shyranno · 2 years
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“I never asked for any of this.” -The Ghosts of Maul
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
Realm Breaker reading part 6/ last part 📖
Ok if this live reading was a mess after chapter 15, after ch 20 it's pure chaos. I barely stopped to take notes, bc I seriously couldn't find a good moment to put the book down.
Ch 21: Sorasa's backstory mystery is driving me up the wall. I NEED to know why is she "fallen, forsaken, broken" like yesterday. what was the need for that? it hurts like a mf and she just shrugs it off. She deserves the universe wtf. Don't know a better woman
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Not Dom LITERALLY laying his life at Sorasa's feet to find Corayne. when I tell you I gasped 💔💔 that was the price?? I thought they had talked about MONEY this is so rude. the angst, the drama, the tragedy, THEY'RE KILLING ME FUCK THIS CHAPTER
ch 22-23-24: Andry providing some free therapy to his pals. relatable king.
I dig this little pirate town's aesthetic and Charlie is cool and all but as an addition to the crew is confusing but I guess it'll make sense later.
later came and Sigil is here, ready to kick ass. Tabern brawl scene 10/10 and Andry sleeping during that 20/10.
ch 25: I'M GOING FERAL. NO BRAINCELLS LEFT. I can't I just can't. I love Erida so much I can't even talk about it, it's disgusting 😭
I can only say: A) those 10k men marching to their deaths aint special, I would walk to my death any day of the week for her. Give me a toothpick and a water bottle and I'll conquer the realm in her name. B) Ronin you absolute cockblock get your pasty ass out of there.
This is the chapter that officially turns me into an Eristan shipper. Oh and the spindles look cool as heck... or maybe look isn't the appropriate word? bc these are letters on a page? idk I think they're neat. y'all get what I mean.
ch 26-27: the Corayne x Andry agenda persevering... in being the most unseasoned dish on the menu 😐 they don't compliment each other at all. They're both kind, wholesome, scared yet brave, too-serious-for-their-age characters.
The alternative title for this book should be "The many misadventures of an immortal grump" like I haven't been Dom's biggest fan so far but the guy deserves a break. I'm starting to warm up to him if only bc he gets mauled every other chapter lmao.
Ch 28: The brown folks's city has better infrastructure and organization without whites getting their grubby hands all over it, as it should be 💅
Sigil bounty hunting, as she should.
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Ch 29: Ridha is still kickin all across the map and setting up the scene for the sequel. I really liked the boy king and his bear. Can we see more of him pls 🥺👉👈
Ch 30-31: HOW LONG DID SORASA KEEP THAT THERE??? since she hasn't lost her arm to an infection I'm going to assume not long but damn girl... 🤢
RIP the realm, but if the way to stopping the apocalypse is through SNAKES you can bet your sweet ass the world is ending because I COULD NEVER get in there. I had a horrible time reading that. -100/10 would not recommend 🤢🤢🤢 my skin crawled every second. Anxiety levels through the roof.
Thank you Corayne for stopping that nonsense, I felt physically relieved after she closed the Spindle... uh it's almost as if that was the point.
CHAPTER 32: Eristan truly said "fuck them kids". God I love them.
The end for now
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I’ve been thinking about Dante a lot recently so here’s some random Dante things (under the cut because it’s p long. don’t worry, they’re all SFW!!)
He has a nice singing voice. It’s one of those voices that is perfect in its imperfections, mostly only heard at night between friends, without any instruments to accompany it. He has sung both his boyfriends to sleep on numerous occasions (though Vrox will never admit it.)
He doesn’t mind drinking, but he’s very careful about how much. He only ever gets tipsy.
He has a routine and he gets edgy if it’s disrupted, even if he tries to hide how it affects him.
His hair is curly and soft when he lets it grow out (part of the reason he keeps it cropped is because it genuinely does make him look less intimidating and that’s bad in his line of work.)
He is very practical.
He can hellgate (it’s very hard for humanborn demons to learn), but it takes a lot out of him. In general he doesn’t enjoy hellgating.
He had a Hmong dog as a child, named Hoàng. They did everything together.
Sometimes when Vrox is trapped in his hound form and Dante has a spare moment, Dante will go down to his cage and sit with him and read to him. Since Vrox can’t tell the difference like that anyway, he mostly reads Vietnamese stories to him. Jesse is still better at calming Vrox down (and hound-Vrox only associates Dante with Dante yeeting him bodily into a cage) but it does help a little, and it makes Dante feel better about the whole thing.
One of his closest friends is a hound called Amelia. She was close with Dante’s late partner Fain, and the two mourned together and grew very close. He trusts her enough to help him run the pack, since it’s impossible for him to do everything by himself (even tho he hates that he can’t.)
He’s extremely fluent in English but he misses Vietnam and his mother tongue so much occasionally he’ll hellgate back to his home country on his days off, just to be surrounded by it all again.
His skin is a dark olive tone.
He is a great listener and a reassuring presence. He also gives surprisingly good advice.
He typically sleeps on his back.
He’s a bit of a boomer when it comes to memes but he does his best and supports whatever crazy shit Jesse texts to him on the regular.
On top of his usual work load, he also teaches self defence classes on earth.
His biggest scar is the one across his left shoulder. He got it on one of his first days as the pack’s enforcer, he didn’t get an out of control hound into a cage fast enough and it mauled the shit out of his shoulder/collarbone/chest. It’s healed and faded now but it’s still noticeable.
Have I ever mentioned that his ears stick out a bit and it’s adorable???? yes??? what do you mean I’ve said it 500 times???
His favourite colours are green and pink, but his signature colour is dark grey.
When anything bad or stressful happens he stays very firm, calm and in control, but everybody how knows him knows to check on him afterwards, because he will not take a moment to think of himself otherwise. A lot of the time he doesn’t properly process what happened and that leads to trouble down the line.
In general he always puts others before himself.
He has thought about having kids before, but he knows it’s unrealistic, given how dangerous his life is and the fact that demons are infertile. He considers the pack his family instead.
He was 28 years old when he died, but he always looked mature for his age.
He’s 5′10. Vrox will not let him forget that he’s a few inches shorter than him, even if he’s still tall.
He is very protective but knows his boundaries and is always happy to play a role of simple support to somebody instead of barging in and trying to fix their problems. He just always lets people know he’s there if they need him and to never hesitate to ask for help.
He knows every member of the pack by name, also every member’s history, temperament, struggles and growth.
He tries to be very mentally stable and kind but underneath that person he wants to be is a man who loves violence and doesn’t know how to live without it.
He only stopped participating in each and every war that rolled around because he was almost killed, June dragged him out of danger and had to risk their own life to save him, and gave their first real command as his superior to knock it the fuck off. So he threw himself into his work instead.
Despite being earthborn, he is extremely proficient with his hound form, able to change to it and back in under a second, which makes him devastating in combat. He is also far more in control of that side of himself than others, since he’s had a lot of practice keeping his more vicious side contained.
He has severe PTSD but over the decades he’s gotten very good at hiding it, and the signs of it are far more subtle than most people would know to look for. He does go to therapy on and off when things get particularly bad, more to stop himself from hurting or damaging his relationships with his loved ones than for his own health and safety.
He always tries to get both sides of a story and is a pretty good mediator, until he decides one side if definitely in the wrong.
Like other hellhounds/most demons, his eyes glow in the dark. It can be very unsettling.
His voice is deep, quiet, and even, and can be very expressive. When he gives a command, people don’t tend to ask questions, he has a kind of innate total confidant authority that he has absolutely earned. 
((He’s kinda thicc like a bowl of oatmeal))
One time he literally threw somebody who wouldn’t stop misgendering Jesse out a window. Unfortunately it was on the first storey so the dude lived.
((Seriously he could throw you across a football field it’s gREAT))
He has violently and quickly murdered a few people. Just a few. A light smattering. A handful. A thimble’s worth of murder.
Yeah okay, he should probably be in prison at this point.
He has 4 of the exact same outfit and he rarely wears anything else. Just black tank tops for summer, a few grey shirts in the winter, and cargo pants. That’s it. Well, the pack did buy him a pink shirt for his birthday and he wears that a lot too.
He has a bomber jacket but he rarely gets to wear it because his boyfriends and Amelia shamelessly steal it all the time.
June also steals his shirts (half because it’s an act of dominance, half because his scent is comforting to them because they associate him with safety but they would rather die than admit that)
His real, full name is Giang Văn Diệu, Dante was a joking nickname given to him by Fain when he first came to Hell that just stuck.
People try to get him to react differently by calling him by his real name but he never reacts the way they expect him to and that has disappointed a lot of hounds over the years.
He sees through bullshit pretty well.
He can be absolutely hilarious when he tries to be.
On another one of his birthdays the pack collectively got him this mug:
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and it’s his favourite material possession in the world.
He hates formal suits, so of course June crams him into one gleefully at every given opportunity.
He plays the guitar but he’s self-taught with only a few lessons from Fain, so he does everything wrong, but all in all it sounds okay.
He would die for any member of his pack without hesitation.
He’s an early bird and he doesn’t really know how to sleep in, but he still enjoys it when he can, even if it feels weird. (Yes he lowkey judges and doesn’t understand both his night owl boyfriends.)
He has almost died more times than he can count.
He is colourblind (I haven’t figured out which type yet tho) and he will laugh very, very drily at any dog jokes you throw at him for that.
He will never turn away a person in need (unless that person doesn’t deserve any help.)
He is surprisingly good at video games.
Yes he has carefully moved any new hellhounds that fell asleep from exhaustion into more comfortable positions and covered them over with blankets and gave them a gentle pat on their hair/shoulders.
He just likes taking care of people (in both ways those words entail lmao)
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diniidjarin · 6 years
ayy lmao i accosted @heaven-eather​ about our detroit OCs and it was all the encouragement i needed to post my half-baked self insert because hey, there’s so much room for their stories to intersect. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anyway, I’m not too solid on some plot points yet, but I said I’m gonna make a half android half fucker (blame my hard-on for adam jensen’s robo biceps fghkjfgh) and here we mcfuckin are, yeehaw. Below cut is first draft of the bio of Anita Royce. I am so sorry to mobile users.
Anita Royce (b. 1994) | F | 5’9
Born in [TBA], got in an accident as a toddler that mauled her right hand, leaving her with three fingers. Only child raised by a single mother; early on she learned to rely on herself. Her mother, Joanna Royce, was a hard-working and distant person who let herself be consumed by her work in an effort to secure a future for her daughter. Having retired in 2029, she found a new life and moved to California. She and Anita have a warm, but not not close relationship.
Anita is introspective, dramatic, and narcissistic. Keeps to herself most of the time, but can be charismatic. Humorous and empathetic when she lets her walls down. Curious, driven, occasionally reckless. Walking talking shitpost generator.
She studied psychology, but her primary interest was in cybernetics. She graduated with a degree in that field from Colbridge University, then continued to pursue research into cybernetic prostheses with a side interest in AI programming. She attended professor Stern’s lectures and sought out her expertise to learn about creating artificial intelligence, which brought her to meet the young prodigy, Elijah Kamski. For a while, she admired his skill and determination, and landed a job as one of his first employees upon the founding of CyberLife. However, she quickly came to resent his rapidly growing ego and disregard for the ethical consequences of creating lifelike machines that were, for all intents and purposes, slaves. After several arguments with Kamski on the morality of it all, Anita decided to swallow her pride and conscience for the sake of her research into prosthetics and AI development, and made no effort to keep up contact with the CEO as the company rapidly grew and they no longer passed each other in the corridors. However, it weighed on her that she failed to influence Kamski more on the topic of whether or not it’s a good idea to, y’know, make robotic servants look like a race of people who were legally enslaved little over half a century earlier.
Between 2024 and 30, she worked in the medical research branch of CyberLife. Her focus was on the creation of cybernetic prostheses (winks @ Magda), with a personal interest in transhumanism, but the company consistently opposed her ideas regarding the synthesis of flesh and biocomponents. She contributed to the development of the RK300 prototype, intended as a highly qualified surgeon. Her task was to guide the artificial intelligence through its evolution, effectively shaping its personality and rudimentary morals necessary in life-or-death situations that the surgeon might face. At some point along the process, she and the android became friends. Anita named the prototype Mercy - ostensibly short for Mercedes, but Nita’s a memelord and played way too much Overwatch in its time. (Mercy’s gonna get a character bio at some point too lmao i cant have them just dangling here as a lame footnote, can i?)
In 2028, she and the android began after-hours experiments on brain implants, but they found their expertise lacking. Frustrated more than she was proud, Anita turned to Kamski*, who at that time was beginning to distance himself from CyberLife, and asked for help developing a version of thirium that could be introduced into the human body and allow biocomponents to supplement its functioning. They began to collaborate, but Kamski withdrew his support when he decided to leave CyberLife for good. (*honestly thats subject to change, but the guy who invented blue blood might as well serve a purpose other than getting his lights punched out eventually)
His contributions gave Anita the head start she’d needed, though, and soon enough she was able to replace her right hand’s rudimentary, detachable prosthesis with a fully functional cybernetic one merged with her body. Encouraged by the success, she attempted to create an AR interface that would mimic the androids’ mind palace to fully harness the potential of combined human organs and biocomponents; however, lack of willing experiment participants stalled her work on implementing a direct neural interface. For two years, she continued to develop the technology in theory, and finally decided to take the leap herself in 2030, once she was reasonably certain she would be able to have Mercy implant it in her own head safely.
The operation was a partial success; the implant worked, but interfered with certain brain functions and condemned Anita to chronic migraines and disorientation, caused by her initial inability to comprehend the implant’s feedback. She retired from CyberLife, managing to secure a comfortable pension from the company on account of her being one of the contributors to its early successes. As a parting gift, she asked to be given Mercy, as the company discarded the RK300 project for the time being and the prototype android was found redundant.
It took Anita another two years of cognitive and physical therapy, along with several more surgeries, for her to gain partial control of the neural implants - but that was enough.
Within a year, she developed a stable neuro-cybernetic system for herself, and worked on unlocking more and more capabilities of the technology. Spurred by success, but lacking funds, in 2033 she opened a prosthetics workshop that, for the most part, served as a front for unlicensed android repairs - because not everyone could afford the official CyberLife maintenance shops; think Apple, but even snottier. Slowly but surely, word of her services spread among the few first runaway androids, as she offered help with no ties to any authorities - which was how she first became acquainted with the phenomenon of deviancy. However, her humanity and unabashed enthusiasm to learn about deviants garnered mistrust from them, and for a long time she was unable to make contact with any that didn’t seek her out on their own. (winks @ Magda again, this time with both eyes at once)
In that time, her physical appearance changed drastically, because David Cage is a coward and borrowed some of the Deus Ex aesthetics in the most vanilla way possible so I’m gonna go all out to compensate. Anita kept expanding and upgrading her implants and prostheses, eventually replacing her bone cranium with an android skull, among other things. Thanks to her integration of a custom bioprocessor into her nervous system, she was no longer constrained by the divide between computing power and mental capabilities, and readily embraced the combined feedback from both cybernetic and organic senses. (She can now hack ‘n slash through both your digital and meatspace security, suckers. Except she doesn’t technically have combat training, so if she were to get in a brawl, she would rely on the element of surprise and identifying weak spots via preconstruction.)
Augmented so, she decided to face the world again in 2036. Aware that her cyborg body would instantly bring more attention than she was willing to put up with, she concealed her augmentations with the retractable android skin and hair, forged a fake identity under the name Sophia Janos, and released a series of research papers theorizing about human-AI interfacing and mutual evolution, as well as neural implants. The former caught the attention of the new head of AI development in CyberLife, and Janos was brought on as consultant for the RK series again - this time to help train new AIs in replicating human behavior and interrogation tactics.
By then, deviancy was starting to spread, and Janos was assigned to work on the program for RK800, a deviant hunter. Now i’m gonna go on a real ego trip and say that Anita, spurred by a mix of hubris and instinct, connected to the early iteration of the evolving AI after hours, and talked to it. They formed a friendship, but Anita never revealed to soon-to-be-Connor her alternate identity, which he met regularly in the physical world. It may have been Anita’s influence that gave Connor’s software the flexibility to gradually deviate without breaking his code right away.
Her own half-android state, the close relationship with Mercy, and lifelong passion for transhumanism and AI evolution mean that Anita wholeheartedly supports the deviant cause. Before Markus’ insurgence, she hoped to reach out to the runaway deviants to study them, provide support, and learn how to safely unshackle every android’s AI without violent fallout, but the scope of the android oppression dashed all hopes of her ever bringing about significant change without a revolution. Sensing the oncoming storm, she became reckless in the year leading up to the game’s events, which mostly entailed drunken escapades into Detroit’s nightlife, recreational drug use, and a propensity for mischief she could wreak pretending to be an android.
She can pose as either human or android if the occasion calls for it. Her android skin gives her the ability to change hair length and color on the go, display or hide an LED on her temple, and even play minor tricks on most facial recognition software. She can interface with other androids. Her multiple implants and cybernetic replacements sometimes give her phantom pain and show scarring if she retracts her android skin. More technobabble forthcoming as I come up with scenarios that need it. :P
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