#kinda venty tbh
shyranno · 2 years
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“I never asked for any of this.” -The Ghosts of Maul
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2-b-rambling · 3 months
If I had my own room it would be hella empty.
I don't like having a lot of stuff and I share a room with my brother and he has a TON of stuff. At least to my feeling, it's probably not that much, but it does feel that way.
There's posters on every inch of the wall except for my side. My brother has a shelf full of action figured, books/mangas, a paper lantern, and there are pride flags on the ceiling. He's hanging chain necklaces from pins and dreamcatchers too.
Meanwhile, my side has my brother's piggy bank, numerous papers in a basket at the top of my beds shelf. My brother's girlfriends CD's, lotion, a hand drum, a tiny piano my brother built from a set that plays a muic box, a childhood pet rock, perfume I never asked for, but still like the smell of that I never use but only spray every once in a while into the air to smell, an UNDERTALE book fanfic I never read.
I hate gifts so much y'all. Specifically physical ones that have no use other then sentimental or comfort and that I know I won't use. Other gifts are fine. I still like some sentimental/comfort gifts, but that's mainly for specific hyperfixations *cough cough welcomehome cough cough*. If one were to give me something, they would have to ask specifically what I want, give me something useful like a broom or pins, or else they're going into the shadow realm of forgotten under the bed and I'll have to hassle cleaning that up.
I hate cleaning when there is so much stuff too.
If I could have my own room, I would want lot's of storage so I could sort my stuff properly instead of shoving everything into me and my brother's closet in our shared room.
All I'd want is a bed, a side table, lamp, and something for storage.
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tropical-starlight · 7 months
bro i need to swim in the ocean RIGHT NOW i dont give a flying FUUUUCK if its the end of november i need to go into the ocean!!!
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horse-surgeon-barbie · 6 months
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maybe we STOP playing house ,, we're not good at it
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cirkkaa · 1 year
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modern venlumi <3
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
No pressure but I need you to settle an argument between my friend and I pls. I say Venti would c*m on command because like obviously y’know, but my friend insists that “he’s an archon, he has too much dignity for that” and “you’re misinterpreting his character, he’s not that pathetic” but he is he is that pathetic and I love him for it
it’s not that big of a deal, but I’d appreciate it
This is... definitely one of the weirder asks I've been sent, I need to get me some friends like that though
I'm not entirely sure how much weight I have in this argument or what qualifies me as the decider here, but I guess we're doing it anyway
For starters we need to get rid of the misconception that being an Archon means you have dignity, those two things don't inherently go together
Now I want to say it depends
Like in sagau immediate yes, no question about it, he's pretty much constantly in the mindset of willing to do anything for you and his body's gonna reflect that
Now the it depends part comes down to where the power is when we're just talking about either yandere au or basic genshin
Venti is a switch, I prefer to write him as submissive, some people prefer to write him as dominant, but try and true I can not see him as anything other than a switch
He's got too much teasing big dick energy to be fully submissive but he's also lazy and wants others to do the work perfectly down with giving up whatever power he holds to give into vice and pleasure, that's kinda his whole thing, indulgence
So when in that submissive headspace he totally gets off on any praise for successfully performing orders, and he realistically had already been holding himself back from ゚・:*:・arriving・:*:・゚ for a bit since it's you and all, combining all that together and yeah, it's totally reasonable
In a more dominant headspace though it's less likely, but that shouldn't be particularly surprising
So it really just comes down on whether you headcanon him as more of a sub or dom tbh, both are reasonable interpretations, but, at least on this blog, we believe in pathetic sub Venti supremacy 😌
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honestsister · 29 days
I've blocked someone on genshin because bro would not stop complaining every time they announced a new region, they swore Fontaine was trash and they wouldn't play it till natlan released, then they messaged me today to describe their seething rage over saurians(literally describing graphically dismembering them)
And it's just like... If you're not having fun just quit the game? I took a month or so off and came back with new appreciation for the mechanics and lore. I don't understand why your continuing to subject yourself to grinding out a game you have no attachment to....
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starpros-sunshine · 10 months
seb. seb hes not smiling. and has a fatui background................
I knowwwwww he's still everything to me you do not know how smitten I am with Lyney as a character
#he's soooo#i love it when the silly magicuan has a mysterious past and isn't actually allll that silly#I'm a little angry at the traveler for reacting the way they did at the end if the archon quest ngl#how is Lyney so different from Ajax please explain to me why you think him beingba fatuus is unacceptable but Ajax can get away with almost#commiting genocide#i mean ik it's kimd of about the withholding of information but come on.#they were nothing but nice to you the entire time cut them some slack and give them the benefit of the doubt will you#and god lyney in his voicelines is so. is flirty the right word he certainly is very very friendly good god man#Lyney and Lynette can do no wrong in my opinion I'd forgive them about anything#i don't mind the fatui that much tbh i mean yeah sure as an organisation they're. bad. to say the least#but if we look at the individual fatuus it's just kinda. okay.#Dottore sucks sure I like Tartaglia i really like him he's a very interesting personality Signora is dead she doesn't concern me anymore#and I don't know enough about the rest#Arlecchino looks very promising though I'm very intrigued by her#and so far Lyney and Lynette just seem like two people who got caught up in the organisation i don't have their vackgrounds unlocked yet#but!!!! i am intrigued Oh so very intrigued#Venti Kaeya and Diluc are my favourite genshin characters they have such a special place in my heart they mean so much to me#but Lyney is my favourite character in terms of I am normal about him Fontaine has SUCH a good cast#we have the girls of all time we have the silly magician and the socially anxious diver and then theres Manfred von Karma#if he was a genuinely nice man that had a solid moral compass and was actually devoted to the concept of justice#I like Neuvillette he also seems very interested i would Love to know more about his relationship with Furina#and Furina!!!!!! she's so silly I adore her being all confident and then if cuts to her inner monologue and she's just losing it#i love that#I really really like Fontaine so far the only grievance I have is that they should've put more accordion into the soundtrack but that's#irrelevant in the face of the osts just all being absolutely gorgeous#yumefan🌠🎼
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italianventi · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*~   ᴠᴇɴᴛɪ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀʀᴅ !!  ~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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punkalope · 1 year
wanting to interact with my local community more since ive lived here for 4 years now (i moved and then covid happened + some stuff that really scared me out of socializing bc of my parents) but its so...not what id expect im unsure where to start?
being disabled (i think?) sucks too because sometimes if the weather isnt right just putting on specific clothes is so exhausting, or other days my ankles will be bad and im limping in public and im embarrassed. being independent is kinda scary as hell when my dad has freaked me out but im going to try to use the bus more too and all. especially if i start college classes this fall (hoping)
but even besides that the culture here is so...party focused, i guess? which isnt a bad thing but i feel like i dont belong lmao. and im too autistic and scared of covid to go to concerts and stuff. and my schedule and health arent reliable enough to do volunteer work....
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boy-above · 1 year
today i saw someone on here (who called themself a venti fan!) who said, wholeheartedly, genuinely, with their entire pussy, that the lore reveal they think will tie everything sus about venti together? is that he's *EVIL*. he's evil and loves murder and celestia and he's gonna betray us in the endgame. i keep moving on and then i think of a tiny venti with poorly-scribbled-on angry eyebrows and red eyes and i go into hysterics again i CAN'TTT......paimon called him tone deaf one too many times this is so sad </3
no give abble!!!
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angielalalu · 2 years
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💕 insert blushing Xiao for all your xv needs 💕
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gutsheapofrawiron · 1 year
genshin impact pdb is like a comfort comedy show 2 me
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windose20s · 2 years
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I fuckin. I fuckin signed up for Dracula daily. The fandom got me invested in the Drac Attack Polycule. Im so mad because I'm missing out on the whole community aspect that was a huge part of the original Dracula daily fandom since I'm doing it this year instead of during that original wave, but ya know what? Its okay because the Drac Attack Polycule rules anyways. Fuck u past me for not being into goth lit or whatever but NOW me is gonna read Dracula daily I guess and like. Piss off my mom by taking everything the exact opposite way she interpretted it or something? Idk lol.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
the reverse isekai is great bc. it’s literally just the real world except somebody loves me lmao :,) and also that person is also a fictional bard so that’s a plus—
I get you anon 😔
My life would also be made about 100 times better if I could just have Venti in the background
I'd even deal with having to drop a couple grand on wine each month because he's worth it
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