#i need to get some other friends next semester bro she is always stirring up drama i cant deal w it
from-beyond · 2 years
Already got the ok from one professor to skip the final since I will still have an A if I took it and got a zero. Decided to email another one of my professors and ask. I will work so hard in order to not have to do more work. Girlboss.
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I wanna write a long multi chapter fic about Jack and Shitty becoming friends but also I don’t have the mental bandwidth right now so instead I’m just gonna blurt out a long bulletpoint fic so bare with me
Okay so Shitty B. Knight arrives to Samwell hungry for life and friends and finally some fucking air to breathe and be himself away from his conservative family
And it is fucking great, okay? From the get go he finds that his loud left wing talk is welcomed here, he gets to joke around and be as weird as he wants and no one cares
He hits it off pretty quickly with nearly everyone in the team. Sure, Johnson is a little weird and keeps talking about this merely being the “prologue of someone else’s story” but what he’s really curious about is the quiet Canadian guy that barely talks to anyone
Now, Shitty knows about Jack Zimmermann. Obviously. You have to grow up under a rock to not know about Bad Bob and his kid.
He also knows what happened. It must be a sore subject.
Is that why he’s so quiet?
It’s not that Shitty makes Jack a project. Not really. It’s that Shitty has been in a place where he felt lonely and out of place before and it sucked ass. He wants to help.
So he tries. Constantly.
Because Shitty sees the spark hiding behind the ice cold facade. He sees the way Jack’s face lights up in the rink, how loud and youthfully he celebrates cellys, how protective of others he is in the ice.
That’s a guy he WANTS to be friends with.
Except he can’t. After every training, Jack shuts back up
“Hey, Jaques, wanna go grab a bite?” “Thanks but I should sleep. We got an early day tomorrow.”
“My man, Zimmermann, lets go to that fucking party across campus!” “I’d rather not.”
“Hey, let’s celebrate this fucking win!” “I was actually gonna watch the game tonight. There was a play there that keeps bothering me.”
Anything that isn’t hockey is an instant No from Jack but Shitty is too stubborn to give up.
“Hey, Jack, I was going to train a bit extra on Sunday. Care to join me? You could teach me some of those sick moves.” “Sure.”
VICTORY. Sort of. Working out extra with Jack is exhausting, physically and mentally because Shitty keeps trying to come up with jokes and keeping up 90% of the conversation.
It takes nearly a month until Jack agrees to grab a bite after their Sunday skate and Shitty is so fucking beat that he nearly falls asleep on his burger.
“Hey, Shits, nice ketchup mustache,” Jack chirps him suddenly. And it’s the smallest, dumbest possible thing but Shitty laughs a little too loud and Jacks shoulders seem to lose a bit of that perpetual tension he’s always carrying.
It gets better after that. Slowly, painstakingly, but Shitty finds himself enjoying Jack’s company more and more.
He’s a genuinely good bro. He listens, even when he’s just grunting along time Shitty’s monologues, and he asks questions that shows that he actually cares, every now and then. It’s odd, being taken seriously.
By the end of their first semester, Jack and Shitty are spending a lot of time together. Which is why he asks him to come to the art kids party where Larissa is going to be.
Who? “Brah, Larissa Duan? Just the coolest fucking chick ever! I told you about her the other day, man. She said we should come over to this thing and I would go, but I know shit about art and I would rather not go along and bring my best fucking bro with me.”
After the word vomit he worries that maybe he pushed too far, judging by the way Jack freezes and stares at him like a deer on headlights. But then Jack sighs and says “fine, I’ll go,” and Shitty whoops with excitement
The party goes better than Shitty could’ve ever dreamed. Larissa’s super chill energy seems to have an effect on Jack, who half an hour in is talking about photography with some other art kids and he even agrees to come grab a beer with him and Larissa afterwards.
Until, of-fucking-course, Jack goes into hockey-mode and asks Larissa if she would like to be their team manager. They need one and she seems good at organizing stuff.
“Brah!” “I think it would be cool” “wait, what” “I’ve been looking to do more stuff and you guys are dope. Would I get my own nickname?”
And Jack looks her with that seriousness that means he’s thinking about hockey and firmly says “Lardo” and she says “sweet” and Shitty corrects “swasome” and things are good.
Thing don’t stay good, because as chill as Shitty tries to be, life rarely stays chill.
After winter break, in the smothering tightness of his folks’ home, Shitty finds himself craving that weird and easy friendship with Jack.
Why he finds is a Hockey Robot. All Jack seems to do and talk about is how to get the team to the play-offs. He trains longer than anyone (more than Shitty can keep up with), and when he isn’t on the ice, he is thinking about hockey or talking about plays or or about eating more protein.
Shitty is angry. Not that he would tell anyone (except Lardo) because it’s really not his place (he knows about shorty family dynamics, no pun intended) but he’s mad because Jack’s folks seem to have done quite a fucking number on him over the break and it kills him to even think about it.
And then family weekend comes and Bad Bob himself shows up to Samwell with his beautiful wife and Shitty has to swallow down his anger because Jack wants them to go have diner together and it’s the first human interaction he’s had with Jack in a month so sure he’ll go.
Shitty is good at being nice and polite around people he dislikes. He hates doing it, but it’s like muscle he had to work on growing up.
Except, Bob and Alicia are nice. Like, fucking nice. Even for Canadian standards. They are sweet and funny and normal and keep reassuring Jack about their love and support every third sentence.
And still, Jack has that grim “thinking about the next game” look on his face the whole time.
Shitty is confused as fuck.
The game goes well and Jack is the happiest Shitty has ever seen him as he celebrates his goal in the ice. He even hugs Shitty and thanks him for his assist.
Three games later they are out of the playoffs and Jack shuts down everything and everyone around him.
Shitty tries. He knocks on his door at least twice a day to see if he wants to go over to the Haus to hang out with the team. He offers going out for burgers or a beer or both. He even enlists Lardo, hoping the team manager will be able to snap him out of it.
Jack leaves early for a Hockey Summer camp and doesn’t say goodbye but Shitty hears from Johnson that he also got dibs on a room at the Haus.
Jack actually texts Shitty during the summer. It shocks him so much that he has to double check his phone before replying.
The texts are just to comment on the NHL playoffs and finals, sporadic and robotic at times, but Shitty does his best to drag the conversations for as long as possible. Once the season is over, so are the texts.
Shitty assumes Jack must be pretty happy though since his old bro won the cup.
When fall comes, Shitty stumbles again into Jack’s hockey-robot mode. His intensity is nearly terrifying. He barely speaks out of practice, only leaves his room to go to lecture or the rink. Looks like he hasn’t been sleeping at all.
Shitty is worried. He’s hurt, too, because he misses the friendly Jack that had slowly started coming out of his shell, and he wonders if it’s going to be like this, back to square-one after every break, but most of all he’s worried about Jack.
Lardo tells him to give him space. She says she sometimes gets “on the zone” for an art project and can forget about the rest of the world. Shitty likes thinking of Jack as an artist, but he hates seeing him this unhappy. None of the old tricks work to cheer him up.
Then comes the first Kegster of the year. Two frogs, Hostler and Ransom, take over planing duties and the party is the biggest the Haus has ever seen.
It’s freaking dope.
And then, fucking Kent Parson fucking shows up asking about Jack.
Lardo and Shitty nearly have to drag him out of his room to greet his old best friend.
Jack is cold towards Pars, in a way Shitty has never seen before. He’s downright rude and mean in every comment, no matter how much Kent tries to joke around, and five minutes later Jack turns around and leaves him talking to himself.
He’s jealous, Shitty realizes, and he’s being petty and awful and he doesn’t know this Jack Zimmermann at all.
Shitty runs after Jack upstairs, maybe a little emboldened by the alcohol.
“Hey, brah, what the fuck was that?”
“Stay out of it, Shits.”
“Nah, man, that was weird as fuck.”
“Seriously, you don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Then tell me, man, I’m your fucking friend! Just talk to me!”
Jack slams his bedroom door on his face and Shitty deflates. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe they are not friends after all.
The rest of the semester is tense. Shitty tries to focus on his classes, on the ice, on how fucking cool and pretty and funny Lardo is, on the parties and the rest of the team.
It just bothers him. He misses Jack. He’s still there but he’s been absent any time they aren’t in the rink. He’s still great and focused and nearly friendly in the ice, but anything else is like the fucking twilight zone.
It’s before a game that he finds Jack sitting outside Faber, curled into a ball and physically shaking.
Shitty thinks of the headlines about Jack OD’ing, thinks of his tension around his loving parents and his reaction to Kent Parson showing up. Anxiety. The word takes form in his head, clear and obvious and the relief of having an answer hits him so hard he wants to laugh.
Instead, he sits next to Jack, who stirs when he feels him by his side but actually seems to relax when he realizes it’s Shitty who found him like this. Jack lets out a breathy “I’m fine” and Shitty says “sure, brah, but I’m fucking nervous about tonight, mind if I sit here for a while?” And Jack shakes his head. So they sit, in uncharacteristic silence, until Jack’s breathing normalizes.
“Thanks, Shits. Could you not-“ “Don’t worry man, I ain’t saying fucking shit to anyone.” And Jack smiles for the first time in months.
By the end of the semester comes the Epikegster to end all the kegsters. Which means, of course, Shitty gets shitfaced.
Which is why he ends up stumbling drunkenly to his room in the middle of the night to grab another pair of sunglasses because who knows where the fuck his other two pairs went
And it’s why he doesn’t know how to react when he finds two linebackers throwing up on his bedroom floor
“Brah, what the fuck, get outta here!” He yells, trying to grab one of the guys and pull him out to the hallway.
Except, the guy is huge. And he is angry.
Shitty doesn’t know what hit him when someone throws him to the floor.
His brain thinks he’s been checked for a second but then he remembers he’s not in the ice.
The other guys, however, apparently don’t remember they aren’t on the field because the second dude tries to tackle Shitty just as he’s getting up and he barely has time to dodge before one gigant ducking foot goes through the bedroom wall
“Hey, man, what the fucking fuck?!”
Shitty tries to steady himself, increasingly accepting that he’s about to get into a fight he didn’t ask for. He has time to think it’s ironic that his first real fight in Samwell will be off-the-ice.
And then the bedroom door opens and in comes Jack Laurent Zimmermann in all of his gorgeous badass glory.
“Let’s all calm down, eh?”
Here’s the thing: it’s easy to forget how strong Jack is. Shitty is used to hanging out with Hockey Bros and it’s easy to forget that not everyone’s bro’s are big muscley athletes defying toxic masculinity standards one day at a time. But Jack, even when he doesn’t look that big, is one of the strongest people he’s met.
He remembers all this when Zimmermann grabs the two by their shirts and drags them out of the room and all the way downstairs.
Shitty stumbles after them, as Jack pulls them like they aren’t both huge masses of muscle and throws them out to the street.
By the time Shitty reaches the porch, a bunch of big as fuck guys are standing there, looking drunk and angry and ready for a fight.
So Shitty does the one thing that makes sense to him: he squares up next to Jack, ready to fight back to back with him.
Before they can get run over by fists, however, Jack reaches for the only emergency measure in the house: an old as balls fire extinguisher.
Two minutes later, the football bro’s are running away and Shitty is laughing so hard he collapses on the floor next to Jack.
Jack kneels next to him, with his serious hockey face on, puts a hand on Shitty’s shoulder and asks “you alright, Shits?”
Shitty nods, still laughing, and to his surprise Jack laughs too, sitting by his side on the floor. They sit there, chuckling, until the sound dies down and they both sigh at nearly the same time.
Whatever tension there was between them seems to have desipated with that clouth of dust of the fire extinguisher.
“Thanks for having my back, bro”
“Hey, you always have mine,” Jack shrugs. “What are best friends for?”
Shitty cries. Jack freaks out that he might have said the wrong thing. Shitty just hugs him and shouts about being the best bros.
That winter break Jack invites Shitty over to his house and Shitty accepts eagerly.
Bob and Alicia are sweet and happy to have him and keep saying how much Jack talks about Shitty and how thankful they are that Jack’s found so many good friends in Samwell and they’ve heard about Lardo and Hostler and Ransom and Johnson and Shitty most of all.
This time he manages not to cry.
At the end of the break, Jack and him are hanging out and Jack says “Hey, Shits, I’m not good at this but I wanted to say thanks, for not giving up on me when I was acting kinda weird.”
And Shitty just laughs and says “it’s alright man, I figured you have like hockey robot mode and then human mode.”
Jack makes a face. Shitty shrugs.
“I’ll take them both, brah.”
Jack doesn’t cry, because he’s Jack and even his human mode struggles with emotions, but he smiles and throws a snowball at Shitty’s face and that’s all he wanted really.
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Thirteen
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(GIF isn’t mine)
Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, some moderate angst (later), smut (later later), slow-ish? burn.
Word Count: 6.2k (lmao this was supposed to be a baby chapter)
A/N: I really hope you like this one friends, this particular yoongi means a lot to me and, I missed him way tooo much. Please let me know what you think! love you <333
Warnings for this Chapter: language, smut, there’s so many feelings guys, I want to scream
Warnings for the Fic: mentions characters confronting their fears, characters in uncomfortable situations, emotional moments between characters, mentions of bad parenting, explicit language throughout the fic, moderate angst, and very explicit smut later in the story.
Chapter 13: Showers and Suga(r)
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): This just in… having sex with the person you love is the shit. 10/10 would recommend.
You giggle to yourself, trying to keep quiet as your thumb hovers over your keyboard. The time on your phone read 9:53am and, given that you and Yoongi finally knocked out around one, you’re feeling particularly well rested. And cozy.
Very fucking cozy.
It takes everything in you to hold in the laughter that’s threatening to burst out of your mouth and, you literally have to clamp your hand over your lips to prevent the noise from disturbing Yoongi’s sleep. He was completely knocked out beside you, head smooshed into the pillow, bleached hair completely wrecked, rosy cheeks and pouted lips on full display: he is the cutest boy in the entire world.
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN):  Ring bearer Tae, not a ring bear  
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Also, yes it’s very cute, we’re the fucking cutest.
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): ok, fine, can I be the ring bearer then?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): You’re obviously going to be one of our best men, with Y/N being the other and, we’re not getting married until I get into the major league but, I agree with Jimin, we are officially the most superior couple on planet Earth. Call us Jimyonce’ and Jeon-Z.  
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN):  Damn right. Except minus the cheating…if Jungkook ever cheated on me, I would murder him in cold blood :o)
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): he’s so romantic :’’(
BROS FOR LYFE: no murdering allowed
BROS FOR LYFE: also, I love you guys a lot and, I would love to be ur best man are you kidding me?
BROS FOR LYFE: Tae, how did you end up getting home last night?
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): I’m still not home lmao
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): my friend is making us breakfast
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): and then, I’m going to pick up Jeon-Z so, we can head back
BROS FOR LYFE: is your friend the same girl you were talking to on the patio?
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): I imagine the girl he is referring to is the one who he was playing tonsil hockey with in the hallway
BROS FOR LYFE (JUNGKOOK): you scarred me for life by the way
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): haha yeah same girl
BROS FOR LYFE (TAEHYUNG): She’s pretty cool, I think we’re gonna keep talking
Before the next message comes through, your attention is pulled to the roughness of Yoongi’s voice, the sound alone, stirring something sweet inside of you.
“What’re you smilin’ at?” His words are slurred, sleepiness deeply rooted in his raspy voice. Your smile grows as you make eye contact with him, his cat eyes are narrowed in suspicion but, the tiny smirk on his mouth gives him away.
“Good morning…” You giggle, ignoring his question because, your focus is now far away from your previous task.
His grin grows as you open your arms, encouraging him to come closer. He obliges and scoots lazily in your direction, his arm securing itself around your middle as he buries his face in your naked chest.
“Mm goodmorning…” The glee in his tone is hard to miss and, when your arms cuddle him closer to you, he rapidly places kisses all over the tops of your breasts, lingering longer in some places than he needed to. You laugh, feeling the warm glow of bliss radiating throughout your body.  
“Your laugh is cute…” He mumbles, kissing all the way up your chest, nibbling playfully into your neck before his eyes meet yours.
“Your face is cute…” You counter, still giggling as you tap your finger on the end of his nose causing the appendage to scrunch up.
“Shut up…I’m not cute…I’m…scary…” He grumbles, not fully awake yet, pointy teeth catching the side of your hand, smirking as he secures it in his mouth.
“Oh god, yes, how could I forget? Min Yoongi, the most terrifying man on Earth…” You can’t keep the laughter from bubbling over as you move your hand in his grip.
He chuckles then, dropping your hand before craning his neck towards your lips, “Please keep that rumor going, I have a reputation to up hold and, you’re the only one who knows my secret…”
His words hit you somewhere deep in your heart but, you do your best to combat the slight elevation in your pulse. Instead, you lean down slightly towards his pouty mouth, nudging his nose as you do.
“What secret is that?” You murmur against his lips, placing a chaste kiss against the bottom one.
Yoongi’s eyes flutter shut, a smile playing on his mouth, “Do you not remember last night?”
He kisses you then, not allowing you to continue, his hands coming up to pull you closer to him, his smile still prevalent as the two of you indulge in one another.
“I remember…” You giggle into his mouth, nipping on his bottom lip as he pulls the top half of you over his chest
“Mm…” He hums thoughtfully into your mouth, his hands still trying to maneuver you on top of him, “ so you remember me busting a nut in my pants because you bit me then? Don’t think many people would find that scary…”
“I don’t know, I think that makes you pretty edgy in my book…” You counter, smirking, assisting him in his endeavor to sit you on his lap.
Yoongi has a new pair of boxers on but, he’s completely bare everywhere else, his body littered with scratches and, other various marks that would reveal what the two of you had been up to. He looks pretty roughed up but, the expression on his face, blissful and relaxed, something you haven’t seen on him before, it assures you that he enjoyed last night just as much as you did.
“You look really pretty right now…” He murmurs, his cheeks darkening as they usually do when he says something sincere, he amends his statement before you have time to respond, his tone growing slightly nervous, “Well, you’re always pretty but, right now especially, you uh, you do…”
“So do you…” You giggle lightly, your hand reaching out to smooth his hair out of his face.  
He frowns playfully but, his lids flutter with the sensation of your hand, his head pushing up against you.  
“How can I be pretty and terrifying at the same time?”  
You shrug, “You’re an enigma Min Yoongi, researchers in the future will spend years trying to understand your complexity.”  
He snorts then, eyes rolling slightly but, his expression falters as you start to gently scratch his scalp.  
“You’re so dumb...” He chuckles and, you place a hand on your chest, faking a sweet smile.  
“When he compliments you on something other than your appearance...” You wink at him and, his head falls back as rickety laughter escapes his chest.  
“Shut up oh my god!” He forces out through his laughter, hands coming up to pinch at your hips, causing you to laugh along with him.  
Placing your hands over his, you secure them to you, enjoying the warmth of his grip.  
“Thank you for letting me stay over, your bed is really comfortable.” You relay as the laughter between the two of you settles.  
A playful smirk is on his mouth, “No problem...”  
Your brows cinch together, head tilting to the side, “What?”  
You eye him suspiciously but, decide to let it go, your eyes wandering towards his bedroom door, “Do you mind if I shower? I hooked up with this guy last night and, he kind of made a mess of me...twice.”  
Yoongi’s smirk grows, his eyes flitting between your legs momentarily, “He sounds like a dick...”  
You giggle, leaning down towards his lips, nudging his nose, “He’s actually pretty sweet but, don’t tell him I said that...”  
Yoongi’s gummy smile makes an appearance then and, you immediately have to kiss it off, lest you melt into a pile of mush. He eagerly accepts your lips, kissing at you slowly, gently nibbling on your lip, his hands sliding over your hips and onto your ass.  
You smile into his mouth, letting your tongue brush lightly against his, your hands braced on either side of his head. Its never enough though, you always need just that little bit more. You roll your hips into his slowly and, deliberately, feeling his dick twitch inside of his boxers.  
He sighs out shakily through his nose, tongue stalling its movements, “You’re going to fuck up my plans...”  
His statement is rather matter of fact and, it causes you to pull a few centimeters away from his lips, “What do you mean?”  
He smirks, nipping at your bottom lip, “I promised you breakfast in bed, didn’t I?”  
You return his expression, pulling back even further, your hips still pressed against his, “You could always do brunch in bed...pretty sure it's still early...”  
Yoongi chuckles, one of his hands leaves your hips and comes to move your hair from your face, amused at your suggestion, “I don’t know how well I’d do in the kitchen after I’ve let you get a hold of me...”  
Flirting didn’t exactly come natural to Yoongi, particularly when he was nervous and, although he was growing more and more comfortable around you, he still found himself easily flustered by your actions.  
“Hm I’m not sure what you mean?” You feign innocence, placing a finger on your chin, pretending to be lost in thought.  
Yoongi pounces then, cat like as ever, springing up from his position to push you gently onto your back. A shriek leaves your throat followed by a stream of giggles and , Yoongi hovers over you, rickety laughter puffing past his lips and onto yours, “You know exactly what I mean...”  
You wrap your legs around his waist, causing his hands to buckle, leaving him to rest his body weight on his elbows. You grind up against him, causing him to shudder and laugh all at the same time as he buries his face into your neck. His teeth nip at the skin there as he tries to distract himself from the throbbing between his legs.  
“Do you want to shower with me first?” You murmur sweetly into his ear, pressing a pert kiss to his earlobe.  
You feel him grin against you, biting down a little harder at your question. He doesn’t trust his voice for the moment though so, he just nods, kissing up the column of your throat before settling on your lips, his eyes sunken and hazy with the beginnings of lust.  
Moments later, the two of you are in Yoongi’s bathroom, stripped of clothing, waiting for the water to heat up. Yoongi had grabbed a t shirt and boxers for you to wear and, there is something stirring inside of you at the thought of wearing his clothes. Yoongi looks nervous as usual but, there is a new sense of calmness about him that you hadn't seen since before last night. He stays close to you, hand popping in every few seconds to see if the water is warm enough.  
“I think it’s good now,” He notes, smiling softly as he pulls back the curtain for you. You step into the steam, already feeling relaxed at the prospect of a nice hot shower.  
The water was perfect and, you practically melt as you step under the pressure of the water which, of course, was significantly better than your apartment.  
“Downtown water pressure is so much better oh my god, I’m going to be the cleanest person alive after this shower…” You hum, content under the showerhead before, you notice Yoongi, chuckling fondly at the entrance, shaking his head at you, “Get in here, what are you doing?”
He obliges, stepping in but, he doesn’t fully move towards you. Yoongi was still an awkward boi at heart and, he knows it’s silly to be flustered over showering with you because, you two have literally had sex like 4 times but, there was something really intimate about it, it made his heart flutter in his chest.  
You just smile warmly in his direction, hands reaching out for him, gently guiding him under the stream with you. He laughs, surprised by your actions but, he accepts them none the less, moving under the water, his hands wrapping around your waist.  
Yoongi’s faded platinum hair was soaked, droplets of water dripping off of the ends of it and, before it could get in his eyes, you bring your hand up to brush it back.
His appearance literally devastates you: gummy smile, dark eyes lit up in wonder, hair slicked back, revealing his forehead, something you hardly ever see. You take advantage of it, leaning in to place a kiss in the center, ok maybe you place a few kisses there but, Yoongi doesn’t stop you. His eyes close at the sensation, his hands tightening on your hips, he was melting.
You had that effect on him.
You made him happy.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy before.
In fact, he knows he hasn’t.  
He kisses your chin, biting it lightly, cause you know, he’s literally a cat trapped in a human’s body, “I only have purple shampoo, Hobi told me I had to buy it for my hair and, I ran out of my regular one. I have conditioner though and, body wash, it smells like oranges…”
You smile, the fondness in your chest threatening to rip out of you Alien movie style.
“That’s ok, I don’t think it will do much if I only use it one time but, if it does, a little purple never hurt anybody…” You giggle and, press another kiss to his forehead before, pulling back to look around for the shampoo in question.
You spot it on the shelf beside Yoongi and, motion for him to turn around.
“What?” He murmurs, eyes soft but confused at your gesture
“I’m gonna wash your hair…”
He smirks, trying very hard not to scream internally at the thought of you washing his hair. He moves forward slightly so the two of you are out of the water before turning around.
Why is his heart beating so loud?
You’re just going to wash his hair? He doesn’t understand himself sometimes…
You allow your fondness to overflow in the form of a ridiculous smile once Yoongi’s vision is focused elsewhere. As you squeeze some of the purple goop into your hands, Yoongi pipes up, “Do you think I should keep the blonde?”
You begin washing at the end of his question, starting at his hair line and, slowly combing the shampoo back through the entirety of his hair.
“I think the blonde is really cool but, I know it’s a lot to keep up with. I really liked your black hair too…”
The tone of your voice is gentle and soft as you tenderly scratch Yoongi’s scalp, working the shampoo up into a sizeable lather.
“I kind of miss my black hair…I miss not having to do anything with it, that uh…” Yoongi sighs, words trailing off, completely disintegrating under your touch.
He’s never had his hair washed before…
He never wants to wash his own hair again.
“I could help you dye it back if you want, we can do it awkwardly in my kitchen for old times sake…” You giggle and, Yoongi follows suit, his eyes completely closed, goosebumps covering his skin as you continue to massage his scalp. He knows his hair is clean by now and, you know it too but, neither of you want it to end.
“Are you gonna pull my hair this time?” He smirks, leaning further into you, his hands moving behind him to pull you against his back.
You laugh again, bringing your lips to his ear, “Probably...” You tug once on his hair, smirking playfully and, Yoongi swears he feels his dick twitch between his legs, “…come back into the water, we gotta rinse it out…”
Yoongi pouts, “Already? Are you sure it’s clean? I feel like you may have missed a spot…”
Rolling your eyes, you press a kiss to the side of his head before moving it under the water, “Uh huh, I’m sure I did…lean back…”
He snickers before, following orders, tipping his head back underneath the showerhead and, you get to work at running your fingers through it, ensuring that all of the purple bubbles have left his locks.
Yoongi’s eyes are squeezed shut under the water but, his face is smoothed out in pure bliss, he’s putty in your hands but, what else is new?
“Can I wash yours too?” He braves, his voice not as strong as it was a moment ago.
You kiss his cheek again, smiling against his wet skin before nodding, “Yeah…thank you.”
The shampoo is rinsed from Yoongi’s hair and, upon placing a few more kisses into his skin, the two of you switch places. Yoongi rarely lets his eyes roam over your body, he considers it to be impolite but, he takes a moment to admire you, naked and, completely drenched in front of him. He took a deep breath to settle his body, the sight of you fucking with his ability to stay calm.
Yoongi thinks, no, he knows that you are likely the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on and, the fact that you liked him literally stuns him. He still doesn’t fully understand how you could want him back but, he’s doing his best not to question it anymore.
You’re in front of him now, head leaned back slightly so he has access to your hair. Yoongi quickly squeezes shampoo into his hand before smoothing it over the top of your head, his fingers getting to work on rubbing it into scalp.
“Sorry my nails are kind of non-existent, I bite them…” He murmurs, the base of his voice rumbling against your back and, you smile softly at the sound, Yoongi’s voice is one of your favorite things about him.
“It’s ok…your fingers are working just fine…”
Yoongi smiles, kissing your temple as you lean further into his body. His heart is pounding in his chest, you feel that against your back too; he’s nervous, he usually is.
But, you don’t comment on it, instead you steal a kiss against his forearm as it moves closer to your mouth. Yoongi chuckles gently behind you, his hands bringing the shampoo towards the ends of your hair, something you wouldn’t normally do but, you don’t stop him, you just stand there, eyes closed, enjoying his touch.
“Step back under the water…” He urges, helping you underneath the stream as his fingers gently coax the soap from your hair. 
He fills the silence again, another important question leaving his lips:
“Do you really think I should release a mixtape?”
His question makes you turn towards him slightly, an incredulous expression on your face, “Are you kidding? Of course, you saw the reaction of the crowd at Glacier right? People were going crazy for you...”
You’re turned towards him now, a genuine smile on your face, happy that he wanted your opinion.
Yoongi returns your smile, his hands immediately finding your hips, “They were? I was too nervous to look,” He chuckles but, there’s mischief in his eyes, he knows exactly how the crowd reacted to him and, it was one of the best moments of his life.
“Oh please, is that why you basically grabbed your dick during that tongue technology line? Agust D is a different man, I don’t know him…” You tease and, Yoongi kisses you again, chuckling into your mouth, attempting to silence you.
“Shhhh we don’t talk about that, my roommates still haven’t let that go…”
You can’t blame them although, you haven’t let it go for different reasons. Yoongi, spitting fire, sauntering around the stage, smirking and confidently gesturing to his dick? Truly, a sight to see.
“I’m serious though, you were so amazing…” You peck at his lips, trying your best to convey your sincerity “Is that song on SoundCloud by the way? I couldn’t find it…”
Yoongi’s heart swells as you relay that bit of information, “No, I didn’t put it on there yet but, I can send the mp3 file to you if you want, you can just add it to your phone from your laptop and, it should pop up in your music library…”
Your eyes light up at his suggestion and, you kiss him for the hundredth time as you nod eagerly, “Yes, please do, I need to learn the words before your debut concert and, you rap so freakin fast, its going to take me a long time…”
Yoongi’s gaze softens significantly, his mouth pulled up in a half smile, hair still dripping wet, the two of you likely pruney from how long you’ve been in the shower, “I’ll teach you, baby dragons gotta start somewhere right?”
You giggle at his reference, hands beginning to run over his back, “That was really cute Yoongi, I might actually cry right now…”
He nudges you, chuckling as he does, “Keep any cuteness between us, if I’m going to be a rapper, I really need to work on my street cred…”
Nodding, you pressing a finger to his lips, “You’re secret is safe with me…I’ll make sure everyone thinks you’re the toughest dude in town…”
“Thank you.” He says solemnly, a smile threatening his lips as he pulls you into a hug. The two of you stay like that for a moment, just enjoying one another before Yoongi nods to another bottle on the shelf of the shower, “Conditioner?”
Your eyes pop open, “Oh yeah, here I’ll do this really quick cause, I have to leave it in my hair for a few minutes…”
The two of you apply conditioner; with you applying some to your ends and, Yoongi applying just a tiny amount on his.
Yoongi’s eyes are closed as he finishes up his application and, with his arms ontop of his head, you take a moment to admire his body, stretched out and, soaking wet in front of you. Your mouth literally watered at the sight of him, you wanted him but, you didn’t want to throw yourself at him again. You wanted to appear cool and collected, just as he was but, you couldn’t help yourself, you had never been so into someone in your entire life.
“I can feel you staring at me…” He murmurs, mouth turned up into a smirk as he peeks one eye open at you and, you turn away, suddenly feeling embarrassed, something that was quite uncommon for you.
“Sorry, its kind of hard not to…”You point out, busying yourself with arranging the bottles on his shelf, trying to distract yourself.
“Don’t apologize; I want to stare at you all the time…”  
His response confuses you and, you turn back towards him, inquisition in your eyes, “What do you mean you want to?” 
Yoongi bites his lip, hand reaching out for you again, “Staring at you can be really distracting so I try to avoid it…or else I would probably never get anything done. Do you know how hard it was for me to insist on breakfast when you were on top of me?”
Yoongi’s eyes are playful but, his tone suggests that he’s completely serious.
“Hard but, not impossible…”You tease, biting his bottom lip, prompting him to pinch your ass playfully.
“It was impossible though cause look at me, I can’t stop touching you, this is the longest shower I’ve ever taken…”
This causes you to laugh and, Yoongi can’t help but, laugh with you. You two are in the same boat, both floating aimlessly amongst a sea of new emotions and desire.
It’s rather intoxicating.
You take advantage of the closeness, tucking your face into his neck and kissing tenderly over the aggravated purple mark you had left the night before. The water is washing over your head now and, Yoongi moves his hands up to rinse the conditioner from your hair, his skin erupting in goosebumps as you kiss him. He doesn’t say anything at first but, you feel his heart rate picking up in his chest.
Slowly and deliberately, you kiss tenderly around the column of his neck, your nails running gently over his hips, the motion causing his nipples to harden. He takes in a breath, attempting to control the whimper at the back of his throat, your touch doing major damage on his will power. His head is cocked back against his shoulders, eyes closing underneath the water as he lets you kiss on him. You slide your hands up his torso, stopping at his chest, your thumbs rubbing gently over his nipples. They’re sensitive and, you know this but, Yoongi’s dick twitching between your legs gives you further confirmation.
“I don’t really want to cook anymore…” He whispers, his face smoothed out in pure surrender, his brain turning to mush as it usually does when you touch him.
He’s never been touched like this before, not before you.
“No?” You giggle softly against his collarbone, your nails tickling down his torso, his stomach trembling underneath you, “What do you want to do then?”
“I want to do whatever you want to do…whatever you’re doing right now…” He’s blabbering, something he does when he’s turned on.
There is something you had in mind, something you intended on doing the night before but, other important things had gotten in the way.
You smirk, kissing up his neck before reaching his lips, “Can I give you head?”
Yoongi practically chokes; his eyes pop open then, surprised by your request and, if his dick wasn’t hard before, it certainly was now. He’s never felt your mouth before, in fact, he only remembers having good head one other time and, it was from Hoseok. Your mouth would destroy him as every other part of you did and, he didn’t want to be selfish but, how the fuck could he turn you down?
“Uh…I, um, you want to? What about you?” He stutters, dark eyes scanning your face eagerly, his hands roaming up your sides, towards your breasts.
“Just tell me when you’re gonna cum…I really want to taste you…is that ok?” You whisper, keeping your voice tender as you wrap a hand around his throbbing length, squeezing gently.  
Yoongi bucks into your hand before nodding eagerly, eyes flitting down to his dick, “Yeah, please…uh, can you go slow for me though? I’m really hard and, I don’t want to cum without you…”
His request really fucks with you. Yoongi was a rare breed, so sweet and, caring, no one would ever guess how good he was.
The best boy.
Your boy.
“I’ll go slow I promise...” He nods, his heart racing wildly in his chest as he releases his grip on you. You place a kiss to his lips before slowly sinking onto your knees, causing Yoongi’s hands to come out in assistance.
“Here…I’ll help you, the floor is slippery…” He whispers, eyes tender and, you giggle at his gesture, pressing a kiss to his lower stomach.
“Relax for me ok? I’m gonna make you feel good…” You assure him as you bring a hand up to grip him at the base, his dick jumping as you do.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, nodding once again as he gently pushes your hair from your face, the water from the shower running slightly cooler than it did when the two of you first got in.  
You have been in here awhile.
Licking up the side of him, you secure your lips over his swollen tip which is slightly tangy with the taste of precum. You suck him into your mouth, careful not to make any sudden movements.
At the sensation of your lips, Yoongi’s knees practically buckle and, he literally has to grip the shelf beside him for support. He can’t make a sound at first, the pleasure too overwhelming to vocalize. He feels his toes grow numb as you, slowly pull your lips up the length of him, hollowing your cheeks as you do.
The hand that’s wrapped around his base squeezes him, in a milking motion following your head as it bobs at moderate pace.
Yoongi is so quiet and, it unnerves you. You’re used to some noise from him but, all you can feel is his dick throbbing and leaking onto your tongue. At this observation, you suck him out of your mouth, your hand still pumping his dick as you steal a glance towards him.
The sight makes your pussy clench around nothing. Yoongi’s staring down at you, his slightly swollen mouth completely agape, his wet hair still slicked back to his head. His breathing is heavy, his nipples still rock hard on his chest, his left hand desperately gripping the shelf.
“Your mouth is so pretty…” He whispers, eyes hazy and, fucked out, his hips jerking as you squeeze underneath his tip.
He really likes that word…
You smirk at him, keeping your eyes up as you take him back into your mouth. You make a show of your eyes closing, ensuring that he knows you love the taste of him. He sucks in another breath as he feels your hand cuphis balls, applying a slight amount of pressure. Your tongue finds a place underneath against his frenulum that makes his toes curl into the shower floor. You find a pace then, your hand and mouth moving in sync, as you work him up more and more.
Yoongi breaks, a small whimper escaping his lips as he places a hand gently on your head, rocking ever so slowly into your mouth.
“I…I, it uh…fuck…” He’s trying his best to convey how good you’re making him feel but, the words fall short on his tongue every time.
You can feel yourself growing wetter as you pick up your pace. Sucking Yoongi off was one of your new favorite things in the world but, you had wanted him since you saw him staring at you sleepily from his pillow. Having his dick in your mouth was only making it worse.
“Baby…I’m…” He whimpers breathily, he hasn’t used this term of endearment much but, the shakiness in his voice as he does completely ruins you. “You’re gonna make me cum…”
Stopping the motion of your hand, you move off of him, giving the tip of him one last suck before, turning your attention upwards.
He wants to cum in your mouth but, he wants to be inside of you more and, he figures he can beg for you to let him finish down your throat another time.
“Do you want me to_” You begin but, he cuts you off, pulling you hastily to your feet and stabilizing you against him.
He hooks a finger under your chin and, kisses you, tasting himself on your lips as he speaks into them, “Did I taste good?”
His question surprises you, your eyes locking with his which were blown out by desire, his hands roaming freely over your body, “You taste amazing, I want more…”
He chuckles darkly, biting on your bottom lip, “I’ll give you everything I’ve got next time jagi…”
You smirk, giggling as he nudges his nose against yours, “What do you want now then?”
“Will you fuck me? Please?” He’s still kissing you, his swollen dick brushing between your legs.
“I can’t fuck in the shower, I’m not that athletic…” You tease and, he chuckles again turning towards the tap to finally turn it off.
“Yeah me neither, my balance is fucked right now…”
He doesn’t even bother with towels, he just leads you out of the shower and, pauses at the bathroom door, “I gotta make sure my roommates are gone…”
You laugh against his back as he peaks out into the hallway. The walk to Yoongi’s room is over in seconds as its literally across the hallway but, he doesn’t want to risk anyone seeing you naked.  
“Are we clear?” You whisper and his eyes narrow momentarily, neck craned as he listens for any sign of life.
“We’re clear…c’mon..”
Yoongi pulls you out of the bathroom, clumsily shoving open the door to his bedroom and, nearly tripping over one of his speakers.
You’re both alight with laughter and dripping wet as your lips collide, breath heavy with urgency and anticipation.  
“We’re going to get your bed soaking wet...” You warn him, still laughing into his kiss, as he walks you backwards.
“I don’t give a fuck about my bed, get up there...” He urges, his bossiness out of character, before nodding to his unkept bed.
As you turn around, he smacks your ass causing a squeal to leave your lips, “Watch it...”
He smiles boyishly, clambering onto the bed after you, his dick still hard and throbbing between his legs.  
You look up at him, biting your lip, smiling coyly as you spread your legs, allowing him to see you completely bare and glistening.  
Yoongi lets out a breath, “Jesus christ...”
“Is there something you like?” You tease, as your fingers roam freely over the inside of your thighs.
“If I wasn’t so hard, I swear I’d be begging to bury my face in between your thighs right now...” He muses, matter of factly.  
What a good boy, never demanding, always assuming you’d be making him beg.
“I’ll let you beg to eat me out another time...come here.”
He crawls on his knees across the bed, so he’s slotted between your legs, his hand coming out to line himself up at your entrance.
Yoongi’s eyes flit to yours, his dick jumping as he leans into you more, “Can I?”
You smile up at him, bringing his head down so, his lips are level with yours. You make sure to hold his eyes as you nod, attempting to convey all of the emotions you felt for him in that moment.
Yoongi slides into you then, neither of you breaking the intensity of your gaze. His face falters for a moment as he feels you squeezing around him, no doubt a product of an entire morning full of teasing.  
“Yoongi...” You moan cause you know he loves it but, also because, the way his dick curves up inside of you is sinful.  
The pleasure is building in your stomach, careening down lower and lower as he fucks into you slowly. His gaze leaves your face then and, lowers until he sees where the two of you are connected, a dark smile graces his features then, his entire back covered in goosebumps, his mind covered in you.
“You’re making me loose my mind you know that? You’re too good to be true...” He confesses, leaning down to kiss and suck over the tops of your breasts, his pace between your legs increasing.
“I really like you...like a-a lot...” You whisper, hiccupping as he hits a particularly good spot inside of you.  
You have no interest in taking the upper hand this time, you’re too wrapped up in your feelings. 
You like this boy too fucking much.
“Yeah? Me too...I like you too, fuckfuckfuckfuck I really fucking like you....” He’s face is screwed up in pleasure, his brows furrowed with it as you squeeze around him, his lips stopping their motions as he gasps.  
You tilt his chin towards you, your hips moving with his own, the two of you rapidly approaching your orgasms.
“I like you too...”  
You’ve already said this, quite a few times but, the pleasure is too intense to think straight and, you feel almost queasy with the amount of endorphins running through your body.  
Yoongi tilts his head so he can suck your thumb into his mouth, hips moving at an almost blinding speed at this point, “Don't want...I don’t want anyone else, just you...no one else...so good, you’re so good to me...”
He honestly feels like he could cry, he doesn’t know how to handle intense emotions but, rather than turn into a blubbering mess, he pulls off of your thumb and, tucks his face into your neck, nibbling on the skin there, trying to ground himself.
“Yoongi, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum really hard for you...” You warn him, hands coming up to hold onto his back, nails digging in slightly as your orgasm begins it’s descent, “Oh my god...”
Your back arches, your nipples hardened and, everything you’ve been holding in all morning comes crashing down.  
The tightening of your cunt is too much and, Yoongi whines your name into your neck as he cums inside of you. His hips jerk with the intensity and, you can feel your clit throbbing as you cum with him, the two of you grinding against each other to prolong the pleasure.
Heavy breathing and rapid heartbeats is all you manage to hear for the next few moments and, Yoongi makes absolutely no move to leave the crook of your neck, his body completely collapsing against yours. Your run your fingers through his wet hair, placing a few tender kisses against the side of his head.
The silence lingers for quite sometime before Yoongi’s raspy voice breaks the still atmosphere,  
“I really do like you...”
He says it again but, this time, there’s something different in his scratchy tone.
Something you weren’t ready to touch on yet and, neither was he but, the feeling was there.
A really strong feeling.  
“I really like you too.”
baby dragons gotta start somewhere right?
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Thoughtless Pt. 13
A/N: I had plans to upload this yesterday but sleep won! I hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: Smut. 
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He irritates you because this parenthood thing came to him easy. Ubbe enjoyed the midnight cries for milk, even though it wasn’t his breast that ache and leaked every time Preston cried. He even bought a camera baby monitor exclusively for him. Every time you asked to see it, he responds with “Get your own.” And you’re sure he means it because it stays on only his night stand. He’d adjusted like he was born to do it and you barely knew how to change a diaper, and he taught you that. 
Home didn’t feel like home. Every creak in the floor, every scrape at a window made you nervous. Preston slept with you and Ubbe. But you still j jumped up in the middle of the night teaching for him and there was one thing you an Ubbe had in common: Maggie had to die.
“Look Lil man,” Ubbe said changing his diaper. “You shell like a grown man. This is not what we meant by grow up fast.” He fanned Preston. One full month of parenthood had changed everything between you two.
“He has no clue what you’re saying.”
“Oh, I think he knows.” Ubbe shoots the diaper in the canister and buttons the all black onesie. You thought you would be the person to dress him like his dad but Ubbe had that covered. “You feel like doing something today?”
“I can’t have sex until next week.” You say rolling your eyes.
“Ass,” he laughs. “I meant go to Ivar’s graduation party.”
“I don’t want to party.”
“It’s a dinner party my mom is hosting at the Grandiose Suite. Come on.”
“I don’t want to human, Ubbe.”
“For fu-,” he corrects himself. “You’re going. Put some clothes on. Doll up. Me and Preston are good.”
You dress up in your little green dress and beige heels. HE was right, it did feel good to be a human again. You’d allowed thoughts of Maggie to consume you and drag you down, but the bitch wouldn’t have it tonight. You apply eyeliner and a dab of concealer under your sleep deprived eyes and lip gloss. You wished you would have dressed the boys, because Ubbe took it upon himself to dress them both in black. And all you could envision was the impending spit up to be on them both.
You still have a strain putting on your shoes so Ubbe helps, sliding them on your feet and kissing each of your thighs when he is done. He doesn’t care about the stretch marks, or the fact that you still waddle sometimes it of habit. Every ounce of you is sexy and appealing to him and you know he loves you.
“Have they found her yet?” You ask.
“Don’t worry about her baby, let’s just go out and have a good time. I’m completely prepared to see her again.” He gives you a knowing smile.
“I’m sure you are, but you can’t be Mr. Mom in jail.”
He kisses you once standing up in front of you, raising your chin to him. “You’re worried about her and you shouldn’t be. We have so much going for us… Preston is healthy. You’re almost all healed and those dumb ass charges have been dropped. Don’t let her ruin our new life together.”
“She tried to kill me. She took him.”
“You’re alive and he’s right here.”
“I want to stop thinking about it.” You say. “But that bitch crossed a line.”
“Oh, I know, it’s gonna be handled.”
Everyone at the dinner party was dressed formal but Ubbe and Preston and internally you were screaming at him. Ubbe didn’t seem to care showing him off to every single person that cared to listen. He was strapped to his chest and he was being over protective telling his mom to back off politely and Bjorn, that his hands were too large to hold him. You stand in the corner next to Ragnar who is taking in the room with you.
“How are you feeling?”
“Still sore but almost fully recovered, I think.” You sip the wine and watch Hvitserk as he makes an array of goofy faces to Preston.
“That’s good to hear, Y/N. And my grandson is like the life of the party.”
“He has no choice.” You chuckle.
“Ubbe is a natural at this fatherhood thing huh?”
You suppress rolling your eyes and agree. “Yes. It’s utterly annoying.”
“Well, he’s always been the domesticated type. It just means you don’t have to stop your life and become a full-time mom. He’s got you.”
That was unexpected. You watch Ragnar drinking on his beer. Maybe he knew some things about life that you didn’t. “I guess.”
Sigurd moves through the room hugging Ivar and giving him a small nudge on the head. He lived out of town, rarely came home but he came back for the event. “Finally, being more than a menace.”
Ivar rolls his eyes, “I’m trying damn it.” He leans back against the wall.
Sigurd taps his glass interrupting the flow of the room. All eyes are locked on him. “I know I just got here, I’m always late. I don’t care.” He smiles. “But this day is awesome for me because my younger brother, who has anger problems and no filter is a man now. He has his own place and a degree. And it’s finaly time to quit the part time jobs and ge a real one. I would be honored if you worked with me in my Rehabilition Facility upstate?”
Ivar beamed shaking his head. “With the old people?”
“Elderly,” He corrected happy that Ivar was pumped.
“Hell yes,” He hugs him and breaks off immediately dancing. “Brace yourself bro, the best Rehab nurse in the state is headed your way.”
“I know.” Sigurd adds.
You notice ow different from the others he is, always reserved and quiet. He even dressed differently.
 Ubbe finally allowed Preston to go to Ivar for a moment. “Uncle is gonna have a bachelorette pad upstate.” He whispers jokingly. He stands next to you. “Why are you just standing here being awkward Y/N?”
“I’m just watching.” And you were, the unfamiliar woman in the corner had caught you attention. She kept staring at you as if she wanted to speak but you had no clue who she was and why she was een there.
Ivar as usual notices, “The blonde in the corner is Freydis. She was my lab partner for some semesters.”
You exhale. “Okay.”
“She’s cute right?”
“Yeah, I guess.” You don’t care about his love life at the moment.
“Well, I’m gonna hook up with her. I’ve always wanted to, this time it won’t be awkward if I don’t call her the next day.”
“Don’t be a dick.”
“What, I’m trying to be honest. Ever since your friend decided that I was dump worthy I’ve been in a slump. I’m gonna fuck her and get back on the market.”
“Thanks for that Ivar. Would you keep in mind you’re holding my son? Between, you and Ubbe’s mouth, I’m raising a baby sailor.”
“It’s genetic. His first word is guaranteed to be fuck. It was Ubbe’s and Hvitserk.”
“I’m gonna murder your entire family if he says it.”
“Violent.” Ivar gripes leaving your side with Preston.
The music starts and Ubbe is overly excited at Stir Fry. He dances locking eyes with you and you shake your head no. He shakes his head yes grabbing you to the dance floor with the rest of them. It slipped your mind that Ubbe liked to dance until you’re out there with him. He’s talented actually swaying an bouncing to the beat and you try to hide our excitement that you’re enjoying yourself. He sneaks you off the dance floor to the jacket closet. He closes the door behind him.
“I missed that damn smile. So, fucking cute.” He mumbles. His lips trace over yours and his hands are in your hair pressing you against the wall. “What’s a week?”
“This is a jacket closet.” You protest.
“We’ve fucked everywhere, the jacket closet is probably the most private. We won’t have another free minute for another week?” He’s right. He moves closer to you hiking your dress up. You can hear Preston cry and your breast leak milk all onto your dress. “That is the sexiest shit I have ever seen in my life.” He bites his lip. “They’ll come looking in a few minutes, how fast can you get there?” You unzip his pants stroking him twice. He didn’t even need that his dick could break bricks at this point. He picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist and rocks into you. It aches for a moment for he has no self-control the first few strokes. “You’re so fucking tight.” He notices your slight discomfort and slows his pace hissing when you are grinding your hips down on him. The sound of his reservation adds to the excitement. You kiss him licking the line of his chin then savoring the taste of beer on his tongue. He pins you against the wall forgetting the party is behind you. He suppresses your moans with his mouth. You’ve never controlled yourself, but he was always good at it. You love the way he sounds when he comes, the melodic plea in your ear as he spills into you makes you come behind him. He grips your face finishing his last few strokes with his eyes locked on you. “I love you so much.”
“You better, I gave you a whole child.” You push his soaked hair back reaching for the hat he’d knocked off during.
“I want like ten more.” He grins.
“I love you too.” You slide the hat on backwards. “But you’ve lost your damn mind.”
Ivar and Freydis are so consumed with the baby you two just slide next to them. “We’d like our child back now?”
“Working on brother?” Ivar looks at Ubbe. “Walls are fucking thin.”
Your face burns and you push Ubbe, scowling him. “I told you.”
He takes Preston. “I told you I didn’t care, still don’t.” He kisses you once more. “Baby is cranky, we should be headed home?”
“Yes, I’ll go get our things. Ivar, congrats.” You half hug him. “Be nice to the elderly.”
“I love old people.”
You ignore his comment walking back to the jacket closet and you see her. Maggie at the end of the hall, how’d she even get in this hotel. You say nothing following her into one of suite rooms. You open the door and she’s not in there. Just an open window. Ubbe walks after you with everything you were supposed to grab from the room. “What’s wrong?”
“I thought I seen…” You shake it off. “Your mom but I was wrong. Can we go?”
“Yes babe, Preston is pissing all over my shirt. And granted everything he does is cute, this is teetering right between adorable and annoying.”
 Taglist: @captstefanbrandt @wilddrabble @sparklemichele @imgoldielikehawn @earthsmightiestasses @siren-queen03@whenimaunicorn @titty-teetee@hvitserksgirl @oddsnendsfanfics @amour-quinn@readsalot73 @getinmelanin011@sunnyfortomorrow @proudcoiler88 @perfectus-in-morte@g4u15 @lol-haha-joke @allinestarr-blog@doloreschanal @mads---world—world—world@xilyadax@leaderradiante@letsshamelessqueen-m@marvelsviking@equalstrashflavoredtrash @sassymcgonagal1651@kenzieam @igetcarriedawaywithyou @akamaiden @cocobanbooom@tomarisela @cbouvier23 @courtrae89 @pebblesz892
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barefootandaimless · 8 years
Tips for living broke/van life/student living
As I am all of these things I feel qualified to write some tips to help other folks make their way through this (important) experience. [Note: our business money is all reinvested in the business, no bullshit here I am these things]
I added important there because I’d say everyone should be broke at least once in their life, it really shows you what you can make of yourself and helps you appreciate what you have/had. Even if parts of the experience monumentally suck! You also learn to appreciate other peoples’ perspectives. I’d say the same thing about being a student, it is absolutely never too late..i was speaking to a friend of mine recently who explained to me the reason he came back to college to study now (even though he’s all grown up with a child and everything) is because he read a story of a man in his 80′s who decided to go and get his degree because it’s something he always wanted to do. Can’t argue with my point now eh? ;) Lets be clear though I’m not saying you should all go get a degree..that doesn’t suit everyone. But if you’ve always fancied learning something don’t put barriers in your way. My brother’s just started Italian classes part time so he can communicate with his Italian friends better. Learning tends to bring satisfaction..and that feels awesome.
Oops got a little sidetracked there eh. Bet you’re going..I thought this blog post was Tips for being broke etc..my bad I’ll get back to it.
The following tips should crossover each other quite nicely I think...*puts down empty cider can* ..but that could be the cider talking.
Hey I just learned how to put these line things in ^^
Budget ..this word seems to bring dread but don’t fear it. I found a way that works for me..multiple bank accounts! At least one that you can’t access easily..ie cardless account (they do still make those I promise). Have one account your pay goes into then transfer money as soon as you’re paid, into other accounts. This stops you spending all your money all at once. I have an account that gets topped up by just a tenner a month but it’s there for emergencies like van breakdowns and trust me I’ve been saved by it a few times! This’ll work for non van lifers too. Ten pounds a month isn’t too much of a struggle and if you don’t use the account it builds up faster than you’d think. Then if something breaks or you have a larger bill then you expected, you’re not as f*cked as you thought you were!
Learn to live with less - if you live in a van...well duh you have less space. Think more in terms of need not want. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. You’ll have more money and more space. It also feels SO much better when you treat yourself (that’s a mum expression right there) to something you really really want but don’t need. This should crossover to the non-vandwellers too :)
Living in a van with less leads to things like...beer shoes..as seen below vvv
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The reduced section - this is both a blessing and a curse. What self respecting broke person/student doesn’t head straight for the reduced section right?! Don’t be caught out..like it says above, if you don’t need it don’t buy it! We’ve all been there.. go to buy two things..one reduced section later..ten things. Damn!
Share - it’s a cliche isn’t it, karma and the whole give and get what you return..ok that last bit doesn’t quite make sense but sort of does at the same time (cider talking now?). Cliched it may be but it works. For example: Your friend needs a lift somewhere, help ‘em out.. This may mean when your van breaks down and you have no where to stay they’ll happily give you a room/sofa/floorspace. This has literally happened to me...the best part..that wasn’t my intention I was just happy to offer lifts to my mates. (What I said about crossover above)
Here’s one of my mates after he introduced me to a freekin awesome bookshop (It has a log fire and everything)! Can’t regret the lift I gave him to town now :) 
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Save money/warm showers - yep that warranted a puzzled look! Being a student and living the van life means I shower in the college (I did this last year too). There are so many reasons this is good. 
You get an actual hot shower! (Except that one time the college’s boiler broke down..that was a..very bracing shower I tell you.)
It’s unlikely you’ll have to wait to get in the shower.
You’ll save money on your electricity/gas bill..especially if you encourage your whole flat to do this. (I know when I lived in a flat the shower used the most electricity.)
You’re already at college so how can you be late!
There’s unlikely to be anyone else knocking to get in/making you hurry up.
If it’s next to the gym facilities go and get some exercise first..double bonus!
If you’re thinking: surely that’s not allowed?! Well answer me this: why not, if you are a student and it’s a student facility? I can’t say for sure (I’m not the oracle of all colleges) but I’ve never had a problem and I can’t see why anyone could get angry with someone trying to be hygienic. 
Free/low price haircuts - your local undergraduate college (in the UK anyway) will likely have a hair and beauty course and guess what they need customers! Getting your hair cut by a fellow student may be nerve-racking but I’ve done this multiple times and the haircuts have been better than those I’ve paid top dolla for! My last college would do free hair cuts once a semester and I went every time (squeezed in between classes). My current one is about £6-8 for a womens cut. If you’re like me and have been so broke you haven’t had a haircut for 6 months to a year and looking in the mirror’s starting to get you down this is an easy way to perk back up. Anyone can get their hair done you don’t have to be a student. The salons usually offer other beauty treatments so if that’s your bag then go and get pampered on the cheap. :)
Drink less - she says after squeezing the lime from her g&t all over the laptop! But seriously this works, you feel less shit the next day and your bank account is healthier. Let yourself have a wild one maybe once a week or every two weeks and you’ll enjoy it more while still feeling good and worrying less about whether you can afford it. If you live in a van then it means you’ll be legal to drive the next day rather than stuck in the same place until you are absolutely certain all the alcohol has left your system. Lets face it, it is most definitely not worth the risk (that got serious but it’s an important and valid point)
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Find free events - to the naysayers - it bloody can be done. London, perhaps the most expensive city in the UK..I went to work there for two weeks and stayed with my bro’ and visited some old friends. They, like me, were pretty broke and bemoaned the lack of things to do in London when you have no money. Well I stirred things up a bit. I went online and searched free things to do in london and dragged them out to multiple things such as: a seriously trippy Alice in Wonderland exhibition (there were toilets with virtual reality headsets), a mini cuban festival with salsa dancing and we almost went diving for free but the hangover got us (see above tip). If you can do it in London, you can certainly do it where you are (no excuses now).
Photo taken after Crammond Island - a free punk festival.
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I feel like this post has got long enough. I’m sure I’ll write another in future with more tips. Let me know any of yours in the comments. Let me know if any of these work for you as well :)
Don’t feel down about your situation you’re just wayward, not lost.
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