#i need to reread the kane chronicles i miss them
moonlightperseus · 6 months
rick riordan: fuck it! three more books about percy, annabeth and grover!
sadie and carter kane: you can just do that????
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I should do more book polls here...
More about each option below
These all stem from the looking at my bookshelf. So some may just be uhh bc interesting. Bc LISTEN I have to many books I've yet to read bc I want to read them all.
1. SOCCK do I need to say more? Favorite Series right here (I may or may not have it basically memorized) and I have a yearly reread of it (like with Ranger's Appretice) I haven't read it this year yet so it gets to be an option (unless you want to count the amazing comic adaptation by @ jccatstudios bc omg it's amazing)
2. Wings of Fire Series. Saw something abt it recently and I own up to Book 13 (tho I'll get 13 and 15 if I end up reading it) + Darkstalker and Dragonslayer. Waaayyyyy back when (like at least 8 years ago) when I last read it was up to Book 8. + Darkstalker I read that one too. So technically I'd read 8 new books if I read this (15 + slayer) Bc who doesn't enjoy rereading childhood books?
3. Ink by Alice Broadway. Skin series. Interesting concept - I almost picked it up once but ended up changing what I was going to read last minute (oops)
4. Uhhh Rick Riordan. Fun Fact I've never read Percy Jackson until 2021 (and before then I thought the movies were good ;-; so bad) So more of his work bc yeah. I own Kane Chronicles and Magus Chase but decided on Kane to be the choice. Peaked my interest more than the other right now.
5. Dark/Spark I got this a while ago at library book sale and and just...haven't read it yet? Superhero esc ans such and I mean look at the titles lol.
6. Hit and Run. Been wanting to read more mysteries.
7. I got the first book off of a 'blind date' book reading thing. (Like nothing but the genre and a sentence abt it wrapped in paper so you don't know what you chose until after. I just never got around to it (I'm horrible I know) I think bc I was in the middle of a different series at that time and it got hidden on my shelf (book overflow before I got more bookshelves lol)
8. Shadow Run. I've had this for a while. Idk feels like it's gonna be a hit or a miss book but I'm adding it anyway. (And I own the 2nd book to so)
9. What If It's Us. Gay. I've been telling myself to read this series for so long and I just NEVER did. Make me do it.
10. Leviathan series. Got this one semi recently, its steampunk and the books are weirdly heavy (bc it has pictures! (Wow so amazing)) Wouldn't of gotten it if I hadn't interested me some :)
Only the first 2 options are rereads (one is semi) then rest I've never read. And please, give me book recommendations!
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movingshelves · 6 years
Tracking my “series to read one day, just not today”
Authors who have written a lot (as in “I do want to read them but where do I even start ? Should I read them in a row ?”)
Lois McMaster BUJOLD
Vorkosigan Saga (7/31)
I feel like I need to reread from the start to be able to continue.
Bothari is something. Miles is one of the few disabled characters I’ve read and it was really upbeating to have him. Pure enjoyment.
C. J. Cherryh
I wanted some old science-fiction by female writers (thanks to The Left Hand of Darkness)
Anything by her is fine.
Glenn COOK
The Black Company (0/10)
I like my fantasy to be gritty. With adult protagonists.
Malazan Book of the Fallen (1/10)
Read and liked Gardens of the Moon. I wanted to read all of them before leaving some place, turns out that I really overestimated my ability to read. Furthermore, I would need to reread this volume and it is long. Postponing and postponing until I have both the time and a lasting ability to read. Requires a lot of commitment and raises the question of “how do you read a long series without forgetting anything in-between two volumes ?”.
Robin HOBB
What is happening with the Fool ?!
The Realm of the Elderlings (read the first few chapters long ago)
The Farseer Trilogy (0/3)
Liveship Traders Trilogy (0/3)
The Tawny Man Trilogy (0/3)
The Rain Wild Chronicles (0/4)
The Fitz and the Fool Trilogy (0/3)
Katharine KERR
Deverry Cycle (0/15)
Dunno. She appears too often in my brain for me to let her go.
Katherine KURTZ
Fantasy from the 70s ? By a female writer ? Checked ! Classical fantasy without it being a young girl bullied, I am in.
The Chronicles of the Deryni (0/3)
The Legends of Camber of Culdi (0/3)
The Histories of King Kelson (0/3)
The Heirs of Saint Camber (0/3)
King Kelson's Bride (0/3)
The Childe Morgan Trilogy (0/3)
In Search of Lost Time (0/15)
For reasons I’ve since quite forgotten.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians (at least two volumes read) (2 ? /5)
The Heroes of Olympus (0/5)
The Kane Chronicles (0/3)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (0/3)
Somehow, it seems possible to read all of their series ... but I can wait
Horation Hornblower (0/15)
Watched one movie. Historical and maritime. Not something I am used to : “let’s try it”.
Cornelia FUNKE
Inkheart trilogy (0/3)
I swear I do read more “recent” books.
Ursula K. LE GUIN
Earthsea (0/6)
I’ve discovered Le Guin with her science-fiction. I like the idea of a young Ged wandering around, though.
Warchild, Burndive, Cagebird (1/3)
I unexpectedly found Warchild at the library. I didn’t remember why I wanted to read it (surprising ?) but borrowed it nonetheless. To this day, I still don’t know how to feel about it but this one made me sad.
Angie SAGE
Septimus Heap (0/7)
One of those series I missed when I was younger. (Before Twilight took over).
Jonathan STROUD
Bartimaeus Sequence (0/3 + 0/1)
Had to return the first volume before completing it.
Lockwood & Co. (2/5)
Nice likeable characters. Really enjoyable but not enough for me to actively search for the following books, and even more so when I am down.
The Lord of the Rings (something like 5/1000+ pages ?)
Technically not a trilogy but long enough to know that I might struggle to get through it.
May finish The Silmarillion way before tackling the series.
Memory, Sorrow & Thorn (0/3)
I like to read some “old” finished stuff, what can I say more ?
Chronicles of Amber (0/10)
Doesn’t seem that long. Old series, as usual, there is a chance I might be in.
I am on my way (like possibly reading it in the next ten years)
Tamír Triad
The Nightrunner Series 
Both of them.
Diana Wynne JONES
Howl's Moving Castle series (1/3)
A pain to find her books in libraries and bookshops unless I buy them on the net. I do have two out of the three books in this series. And Howl’s Moving Castle is one of the few books I’ve reread and plan to reread again.
Ursula K. LE GUIN
Hainish Cycle (1/8)
I used to be less interested in science-fiction before but The Left Hand of Darkness was a slap in the face to say the least. Still not over it, it has been too long, already. A bit afraid to be disappointed in her other works (but I won’t, right ?).
Alexander novels (0/3)
It’s either that or her Arthurian novels. I have a (weird ?) interest in Alexander the Great. This guy thought on a grand scale. Died young. Truly sad.
Hyperion Cantos (0/4)
I stop everytime after the priest story. Every single time.
The Eagle of the Ninth (1/8)
Read The Eagle of the Ninth a year ago, perhaps more, and I regularly crave for a reread.
Other series worth mentioning (quite often those ones from the 1980s-1990s, r/fantasy is often to be blamed)
Bernard CORNWELL,  Stephen R. LAWHEAD, Mary STEWART and Jack WHYTE
King Arthur.
Dorothy DUNNET
Lymond Chronicles (0/6)
I do like historical novels, even though I rarely read them. Perhaps was recommended because of Guy Gavriel Kay and prose ?
Jennifer FALLON
The Wolfblade Trilogy (0/3)
I have no idea why. Perhaps romance (?) and politics ?
Robert JORDAN (0/15)
The Wheel of Time series (0/15)
Once saw a fanart of Rand. It’s enough for me to begin a series. However, I am afraid that the depiction of women will leave me with a sour taste. Also, I don’t really like Brandon Sanderson (Way of Kings was just a nightmare to finish).
The Sevenwaters Trilogy (0/6)
Yep, right, trilogy. Retelling of a tale. Why not.
Doctrine of Labyrinths series (0/4)
Michael NAVA
Henry Rios novels (0/8)
I rarely read crime novels. I did found about these books at a specific time so I am very fond of these novels.
Melanie RAWN
Dragon Prince (0/3)
I don’t even know. Female author. Forgotten one ? Old one that nobody around me knows about.
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