#i need to stop covering up all emotional sentiments etc etc etc anyways if u see me being all. sentimental. on main. whoops đŸ€·
luobingmeis · 2 years
happy last day of pride month i am both sitting here with the relief of feeling very comfortable with. *vague gestures* myself while also feeling content with the fact that i have never felt more up in the air. anyways. 🧍
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet - Asmodeus
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Of course you can my dear Anon!
Enjoy ~
A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
- Asmodeus loves shopping with you and getting you all dolled up, seeing you in all sorts of cute outfits makes him feel pleased 
- Getting your nails done together is another fun thing like to spend time doing with you.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
- Honestly what doesn't Asmodeus admire about you but he really favors your unpredictability and adventurousness 
- He thinks every part of you is gorgeous because not appreciating every inch of a god/goddess such as yourself would be a disgrace to him
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
- To be honest not the best but also not the worst in dealing with you being upset or anxious. Just doesn't really know what to do for you.
- So he’ll give you a bath maybe a facemask, because he thinks that since spa days make him feel better maybe something like that can help you relax.
-Does ask what he can do, he just hopes it doesn't have to do with him having to leave your side or not talk to you for a long period of time 
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
- Asmo never really thought he would/ would ever want to get married to someone. Be with only one person forever? No. 
- BUT, then he met you and started to understand more of the appeal to marriage.
- Talking about marriage obviously the topic of kids came up as well. Was against the idea from, well ever. Asmo thought kids would really cut into things he enjoys so his whole life he never wanted any. “Y/n think about it, I hear countless stories about how kids have messed with peoples sleep and sex life with their partner. And I don't want that for either of us.” lol
- But just like the idea of marriage the other shoes dropped. About a year or two in Asmodeus started feeling something he could put his finger on when he would see families walk past him One day you notice him looking at family of 3 playing around as you were talking a walk past the park. You ask what's wrong and he just says, “I want that for us.” (Was that too grossly mushy? lol)
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
- I think its pretty even between you two, maybe about 40/60
- Prefers to be a bit more on the dominant side a lot of days but also loves if any kinda dominant side comes out of you, take that as you will 😉
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
- If he gets really pouty over something he’ll give you a cold shoulder/silent treatment, but it never lasts too long.
- You’ll give him space thinking thats what he needs to cool down and then like 2 hours later he’ll come to you asking, “Why are you ignoring me? I’m ignoring you and you’re just ok with that?” You usually have to come to him after a scuffle.
- But he’ll come to you if he thinks he really hurt you.  
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
- Asmo is always overwhelmingly dramatic about the kinda love you two share and how no-one else will ever understand what you both have, yadda yadda yadda lol
- I don't think Asmodeus really knows what you do for him on a deeper level 
- His brothers and others around him notice a subtle change in his demeanor, such as he doesn’t really flirt as much with others as he used to (still does but not like before he met you) You seem to be the one he really dumps the flirtatious charm on.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide form their s/o? Or do they share everything?
- Asmo is a pretty open book, well when it comes to what he wants to do with you and how you make him feel
- But really deep emotions, more “ugly” emotions are harder for him to surface 
I nspired - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
- You kinda showed Asmo the enjoyment of having that one person that you can always come back to, and not needing a list of people in his back pocket to be fulfilled.
- Asmodeus helped show you or delve more into your sexuality, and you as a sexual being. Not in just a raunchy filthy way, but also your sensuality. Taking enjoyment/more enjoyment in taking care of yourself and knowing what it is you want, for you to feel fulfilled as well
- You helped show and taught each other about fulfillment, in both a relationship or on your own, how cute are you guys lol
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
- Says he doesn't get jealous, “Why would I get jealous? I mean you really think I would ever worry you’d leave me?” *laughs*
- But can be a bit jealous, more so in a territorial/protective way, doesn't try and start a fight with the other person/demon but makes it known that you are his lover and that the other person has no chance with you anyways. 
- Can be catty at times
- But deep deep down he does has a little thought of what if you did leave him, but it would take a lot for him to admit that (Refer back to letter H)
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
- He’s the avatar of lust this is kinda his thing 😂
- The first kiss shared between you wasn't planned, at least not on your part. Asmo kinda stole the first kiss between you, leaving you shocked and rosy cheeked and him with an innocent smile, but you both knew he was far from innocent in that moment.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
- Its hard to tell if his confession holds much strong truth. Considering love seems to slip out of his mouth quit easily.
- But when he really means it you’ll know.
- When he truly confessed he was a bit nervous which was odd for the normally confident demon. Instead of putting on a whole show about it, he decided the best would be to pull you aside just the two of you outside one night. Held your hands, you could be sworn you saw a blush across his cheeks but he always denies that you did. Once he confessed you kissed him deeply returning the sentiment with your touch.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
- Never planned to get married, always stating “I’m a bird who cant be caged.” or “I have so much love to give, it might be unfair to just give it to one person.” 
- But meeting you made him feel something, still doesn't know if he wants to get married but a life partner still warms him in a way that he cant deny the allure of marriage.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Nicknames you give to him: Asmo, | Moey, | Mo, | As, | Honey, | Lover Boy, |
Nicknames he gives you: What doesn’t he call you? but his favs are, Baby-girl, | My Sweet, | My God/Goddess (when he’s being really dramatic), | Baby,|
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
- With Asmo its hard to tell because with any lover (long or short term) he’s always over the top but with you something seemed to have shifted.
-  His eccentric behavior didn't stop but he seemed more serious about you
- Took awhile for his brothers to believe it because of past “loves” of his
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o on front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
- Do I even need to answer this?
- Asmodeus will take up any opportunity to show off his lover
- No holds barred when it comes to PDA, if he wants to kiss you, he’ll kiss you. If he wants to caress your body, he’ll caress your body. 
- Who, What, When, & Where is irrelevant to him, his only Why is because he loves your very existence and he wants the world to know it too.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship?
- Asmo as we all know is a charmer
- He seems to be able (a lot of the time not always) charm his way through things. Whether is was to make up for a mistake or possibly get into a club or restaurant with out a reservation. 
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
- Asmo can get to that really hard core cheesy romantic mode
- Candles illuminating your bed room, a trail of rose petals leading and covering the bed, sultry music playing in the background. The whole shebang 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
- Asmo is like a cheerleader lol
- He will get excited/celebrate when you reach a mile stone or one step closer to your goal(s) 
- Might brag a bit about how hard working you are or about what your goal is to others.
T hrill - Do they need to try new things to spice out their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
- Asmo loves switching things up
- He lives to keep you on your toes
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
- It can be kinda hard for Asmo at first, can be a bit selfish 
- You kinda have to help teach him how to be in an actual long-term fulfilling relationship (more than just sexually)
- But tries his best to be understanding of your thoughts and feeling, especially about the action and words he says and does that could affect you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it thats worth in comparison to other things in their life?
- Next to his beauty rest & regimen you are the most important thing in his day to day life
- It may be a close battle between the two but Asmo would risk a night of beauty-sleep *gasp* if you needed him to, whether its because your having a hard time emotionally and you need some extra late nights snuggles or you need help with anything.
W ild Card - A random. Fluff Headcanon.
- Asmo loves to please you (I'm many ways 😏 not the time for that lol) by helping you relax, he doesn’t like seeing you tense because he feels so connected to you so when you don't feel good he doesn’t feel good. 
When Asmodeus sees that you’ve had a hard/tiring day at school/work or just having an off day, he likes to run you a nice bath. And not just a tub with some bubbles no no, he dresses that bath up to the nines. We’re talking bubble bath, bath salts, bath bombs, candles, & your favorite cold drink so you don't over heat while you relax and unwind from your day.
If you let him he would love to come in and wash your hair and possible more if you so please...😏
To then finish off the night with snuggles, whilst intertwined feel free to swat away any wondering hands if he gets a bit carried away during these sweet moments lol 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
- Is that even a question
- Touching time, is happy time for our boy Asmo lol
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
- When Asmodeus misses you he will send you doting messages of him thinking about you and how he cant wait to see you later
- Selfies of him going about his day 
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, whaat kind of?
- Asmodeus loves you greatly, so he would want to do anything to please you (in more than one way 😉) and keep you happy.
- But make sure you are doing the same (If not a little more) cause if its not being given both ways he might pull away, cause who would want to be in a relationship thats only/feels only one way?!
Sorry this took so long to do 😅
But I hope you liked this and I did our lusty boy justice :3
💛 ~
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Nelson Chenault-USA TODAY Sports
You ain’t seen bouncin’ back!
Alright, well let’s dust ourselves off and get back out there. At least most of us nailed the under! This is a bounce back opportunity for Auburn. Arkansas is coming off of their first conference win in 20 tries, but that’s what happen when you let BERT run your program.
What’s that?
No, I really don’t think they ever really gave him a chance. What was he supposed to do with all of two years to recruit to a completely different system?
Anyway, Auburn needs this game to work out offensive line issues, especially in the run game. Unfortunately Arkansas appears to be strong against the run. This might be one where you challenge the fortitude of your football team and make them guy through it. How do we feel it will go?
Note: Most of us started to pick this before Hurricane Delta started to move the line a bit. There’s a decent chance one of the bands could hit during the game, so that could affect scoring. I updated to what Bill Connolly used to judge SP+.
Auburn (-14) vs. Arkansas (O/U 46.5)
SP+ Pick: Auburn -16.6; Total 49 (OVER)
Yeah I’m still boiling over last Saturday’s abject failure and now am even more enraged at the notion that if we coach/play like we did in Athens in the middle of a hurricane on Saturday that we could end up losing to this team and ultimately wind up with a $50 million+ decision to make in a pandemic. I am not ok and will not be ok regardless of what happens Saturday.
Still, we should beat this team and cover this spread. Don’t let Mississippi State looking like ass fool you here, Arkansas is the worst team in this league, and the only debate to the contrary involves Vanderbilt. The problem is they are very well coached, WHICH MATTERS WHEN YOU WANT TO BEAT A MORE TALENTED TEAM ON THE ROAD IN THIS CONFERENCE NOT THAT I AM REFERENCING ANYTHING IN PARTICULAR NOPE JUST THROWING OUT SOME RANDOM BIT OF ANALYSIS HERE.
/takes a deep breath and attempts to rationalize anything in this stupid year

Auburn needs to run the football 35-40 times. Not a single one of those carries should be a called run by Bo Nix. They will not be given a better opportunity to use a game to get better than this one. They need to figure out run blocking regardless of how tight that keeps the score. And it’ll mean a sloppy game where things get weird, but it can pay dividends in the coming weeks. They absolutely must use this game to settle the offensive line and get some confidence, because if you don’t you’re going to get bullied by Alabama, LSU, Tennessee, and probably be dared to get into a shootout with the Mississippi schools.
I think the offense looks rough as hell thanks to the weather and a need to grind through the deficiencies up front, but ultimately eek out an ugly win that feels similar to Ole Miss a year ago, where the game is in question on the scoreboard and the stats don’t align with it.
Auburn 27, Arkansas 10 (Auburn wins and covers; under)
—Josh Black
I am still pissed about last Saturday & will remain so for quite some time. The Tigers had a golden opportunity to change the AU/UGA narrative & establish themselves as a legitimate CFP contender. Instead, they got their butts beat & looked outclassed from head coach to student manager. It was embarrassing.
But despite the hopeless feelings of this week that AU fans have expressed quite verbosely on the internet wherever anyone would listen, the season isn’t over. The Tigers still have a chance to put together a season of football to be proud of but it has to start this weekend.
Auburn must win this game. That’s obvious but I’ll go a step further. Auburn must dominate this game. This team needs an emotional kickstart just as much as the fanbase. No, winning Saturday doesn’t make last weekend any better. It doesn’t even mean this team will end up being any good but a win at least gets this team going back in the right direction. A dominating win let’s this group feel like a GOOD football team again. I still believe the ingredients are there to be a good football team but it’s going to take some players at key positions elevating their play.
The weather might be nasty Saturday which could force both offenses to the ground. In the past, that would be a very good thing for Auburn. But I don’t feel as comfortable in 2020 about that situation. Still, despite the Hogs capturing their first win last week, they haven’t necessarily looked like an elite squad. It took 4 turnovers including a pick 6 for the Hogs to pull off last week’s upset. Their offense has yet to cross the 300 yard threshold & are averaging a pretty terrible 4.2 yards a play. If they win Saturday it will be because the Tigers turn the ball over too much & aren’t able to mentally shake last week’s loss.
However, I think this team shows up Saturday and plays better football. Specifically, I think Saturday becomes the Tank Bigsby show with the Tigers leaning on their explosive freshman and he responds by going over the century mark and putting some TDs on the board. On the other side of the ball, I expect the Hogs offense to make some big plays but struggle to finish drives. Franks can be turnover prone at times & I think a couple of picks turn this game into a blowout in the 2nd half.
Auburn 48, Arkansas 17 (Auburn wins and covers; over)
Arkansas fans haaaaaaaaaaaate Chad Morris. Arkansas fans haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Gus Malzahn. I don’t think our head coach much cares for Arkansas, either. These revenge games haven’t worked out for Arkansas very well. Auburn’s got some stuff to work out Saturday. If this game is close, Auburn has some soul searching to do. But this game won’t be close.
Auburn 56 Arkansas 3 (Auburn wins and covers; over)
—Josh W
I think this is a case of two teams who need a win desperately for various reasons. Auburn needs to win this game to prove to itself that it isn’t a bad football team, it just had a bad game. Arkansas needs to win because they got bad blood, but they used to have mad love. Now they got problems and I don’t think they can solve them, etc.
If Auburn and Chad Morris drop a fifty-spot on the hogs, they would be so angry they may never recover. However, if Gus has proven anything to us it is that he is vindictive.
Auburn 55, Arkansas 17 (Auburn wins and covers; over)
—Son of Crow
Man, I’ll admit, my confidence is shot after last weekend. It is really hard for me to trust Auburn beating anybody, much less by 18, right now. Nevertheless, this is the type of game Auburn wins big time under Gus, with the fanbase already too ticked off to be able to enjoy it. Auburn has a severe talent advantage, and even though we’re nicked up with some injuries, I expect the Auburn offense to come out with their hair on fire. Down KJ Britt, I do worry the defense may struggle, but I don’t think Arkansas has the ground game to take advantage of it. Tank Bigsby becomes the first Tiger to break 100 yards rushing since Boobee Whitlow in the Iron Bowl. 38-13 Good Guys. (Auburn wins and covers; over)
—Ryan S. Sterritt
If there was ever a weekend that could make me not want to watch football after the extended sports break we had with COVID, it was last weekend. I don’t need to tell you the myriad of ways in which Auburn sucked, but it was disheartening as hell. Now, we get to play a team that might actually be just what the doctor ordered. Gus and Chad clearly don’t have any sort of sentimental feelings toward the Pigs, but I think this is going to be a little tougher than the past few seasons have been. Still, there may be two teams each season that Gus saves a little fun for, and it’s Arkansas and Alabama.
With an impending deluge, we might not be as crisp as we’d like to see, but I can only imagine that the team got its ass kicked in practice this week. Not having heard any “good week of practice” quotes coming from the head man may indicate that we did indeed have a good week of practice. We still need to work on the run game, and I’m definitely not alone in believing that it’s going to be an emphasis this weekend. Pound it and don’t stop until you get it right. Tank shows us more from last weekend, only this time he won’t be alone. Auburn 34-10. (Auburn wins and covers; under)
—Jack Condon
I am really between a rock and a hard place. I am so hurt and disheartened that I am drifting into crazy fan territory of “JUST LOSE SO WE CAN BE DONE WITH THIS”. Auburn will win this game, more than likely. The talent is just there and this is the path Gus takes, looks terrible against the upper tier of the conference (because Auburn is not part of that this year), and then dominate the lower half (the Mississippi’s and Arkansas) of the conference. I don’t know what to expect or what we will see but Auburn should win. I will take the piggies and the points because...this offense isn’t good. Auburn 28-17 (Auburn wins, Arkansas covers; under)
—Drew Mac
The Tigers come into this game on the lowest of lows while Arkansas comes into this game on the highest of highs. Auburn has blown out Arkansas the last 2 times the Hogs had come to the Plains, but after what I saw last week, my confidence in this group has been shaken quite a bit. The lines on both sides of the ball need to take a major step this week as last week was just brutal to watch. With KJ Britt out, it’s time for someone to step on the defensive side of the ball and become the leader of this group. The hope is Auburn will have Jaylin Simpson back this week and not have anyone get thrown out for targeting 5 minutes into the game.
I think Auburn wins this game but it’s going to one of those that will frustrate the fanbase. Auburn 27 Arkansas 13 (Auburn wins, Arkansas covers*; under)
—Dr. Will (*-pick was made with previous line. This is a push on the new line)
After what we saw last week, it’s hard to imagine this Auburn team beating anyone. I’m now convinced You could take any auburn team from the past 15 years and have them play a Pop Warner team in an empty Sanford Stadium, and the Auburn team just wouldn’t win. That said, this Arkansas team is like one of those houses you see from war movies has been shelled, burned, and barely even has a foundation to speak of. We have some serious problems on our hands if we can’t beat this team, especially at home, where over the last 14 months, Auburn has been much better than when they are playing somewhere else. I look for Bo to bounce back from last week’s struggles and see us to an ultimately comfortable win. Auburn 38 - Arkansas 12 (Auburn wins and covers; over)
Are we sure we still have to do this? The Panthers have shown signs of life. Everton haven’t lost in what feels like months...because it has been. The Braves won a post-season series for the first time since I was in high school, and then they won another one for good measure! Do I still have to watch Gus and Chad try to get this offense out of first gear against Arkansas?
YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT I DO! This game is “get-right” city. Arkansas is good against the run, and they don’t give up big plays. So guess what, it’s time to put up or shut up with Bo throwing the ball 5-15 yards downfield and over the middle. If you’re going to do it, Saturday is the day. Work those tight ends early. Get your timing down on RPOs. Feed the Tank!
I think things look a little out-of-sorts for the first half, and the defense bends a little more than we like. Then Auburn breaks out in the second half. Think a better version of the Kentucky game. 10-6 at the half, but the final is Auburn 34-9 (Auburn wins and covers; under)
—James Jones
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/10/10/21508523/staff-picks-13-auburn-vs-arkansas
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