#i need to stop thinking about it otherwise.... no. i shant say.
autism-corner · 5 months
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phantomfitzroy · 5 months
I got caught and tagged like a wild animal by @cromerholt AND @noellevanious :-) quastions time
Are you named after anyone? Technically yes. When I listened to TAZ:Graduation I was really caught on Fitzroy Maplecourt, Knight in Absentia to the realm of Goodcastle 's name for some reason. Don't get me wrong, Griffin made a very fun character but I really don't associate my attachment to the name to him at all. It was more like inspiration, you know? Also my middle name, Aleksandr, is from an old ass youtuber I used to watch religiously in high school. If you know you know. I still use it as a first name, though, Fitz and Aleks are both good names I will respond to. Fun fact, my best friend called me Aleks through our junior/high school before I knew I was trans. I guess it just stuck.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I watched a vid of an older woman with Alzheimer's talking with her daughter. She repeatedly asked her daughter to stop calling her mom, which did get to me, but what got to me most was her gradually remembering her daughter as the video went on while she looked at old photos and trinkets from her past. It really got to me.
Do you have kids? Nope :-) I fluctuate between not wanting kids and maybe wanting kids. I'm sure I'll have a better idea when I'm older and actually can take care of myself first.
What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play basketball in junior high. Also if you count marching band? Our director had us doing laps around the football field before practice and shit.
Do you use sarcasm? A very hesitant yes. I hardly use it, the closest I could say I get to sarcasm most of the time is just telling silly lies to people, but there's never any ill will behind it ever. I just like seeing what I can get people to believe, but I always let people know I lied after.
What's the first thing you notice about someone? In a physical sense their smile. I'm drawn to people's mouths for some reason. But in a broader sense the first thing I notice is usually the way they interact with other people.
Eye color? Hazel. I've got this cool ring of orangeish gold around my pupils.
Scary movies or happy endings? Depends on the day. I usually like scary movies though. As long as the ending is satisfying, it doesn't have to be happy for me to have enjoyed the experience.
Any talents? I don't like talking myself up but I am pretty good at acting and singing. Admittedly, I think I'm a better singer now than before my voice dropped from HRT.
Where were you born? Midwest. Minnesota. You're not getting anything closer than that, I shant dox myself.
Hobbies? Art. I draw and have been trying to get back into painting. I also technically do theatre as a hobby currently, since I don't get paid for the performances I'm in. And viddy games :-)
Any pets? I do not legally have pets, at least not in my own home, but I consider my dad's dogs my dogs since I take care of them as much (if not more) than they do lmao. Also one of my mom's dogs is technically mine, since I did pay for him when we got him, but I haven't been able to have pets anywhere I've lived since I moved out so he stays with my momma.
Height? 5'4"... I thought I was 5'5" until I was 18 years old.
Favorite school subject? I liked most science classes in school. The graphic design class I took in high school was fuckin awesome. Currently, though, I'm trying to teach myself to code and I'm enjoying that immensely.
Dream job? Professional acting!! Ideally I'd do live theatre, musical or otherwise. But I think I'd also be happy doing film. I would also be very happy as a live theatre director, though I'd need more experience directing first. I would also love love love to be a part of a professional improv troupe. Because I'm a dweeb. And good at improv.
Now I get to tag people. @genderkiller @gravellymistaken @nilovalentine @thesexiestlobster if you guy wanna do this :-) also anyone else who wants to, this was fun smiles
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jordan102791 · 5 years
The Danger with Faeries and Mortals part11
"I feel I should apologize for the words our king spoke. They were not right for a lady," Joseph said in earnest.
"There is no need to apologize my Lord, for you are not the one who spoke such things. Besides, our King's word is law. If he says I am a whore or wrong then it is so."
She felt the man stiffen beside her. They took a few steps in silence before he pulled her to a stop. He gently turned her to face him. He stood very still, she wasn't even sure if he was breathing in that moment. "I am sorry my dear, but you cannot honestly think that." A look of pleading crossed his face.
"It is the King's will, so shall it be." She gave him a defiant look of steel in her eyes.
"And I shall tell you, the King is a fool."
"Such statements would be seen as treason if spoken in mixed company."
"But I'm not in mixed company, am I?" She gave a subtle nod. He smirked at her assurance. "Now that that's settled; I will tell you, nothing I've seen of you is wrong. And from the look on your face back there, you aren't trying to whore your way onto the throne. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say you wanted nothing to do with the throne." He paused again, tilting his head to the side like a dog trying to understand his owner. A blush crept across cheeks and down her neck. She nodded again. "So why are you here?"
She turned and began walking again. "It is an honor to marry the King of our lands," she said in a bland and lifeless tone.
"Ah. You're afraid of me. You think I'll report what you say back to the King."
"You are his head advisor."
"You did hear how he spoke of me, correct?"
"Yes, I did. It was a bit harsh, especially for his own brother."
"Indeed. So, do you really think I'm slinking off to reveal all your secrets to my younger brother? I'm here to aid him with his kingdom, not tell him the feelings of young ladies. Honestly, you're right to worry. I would not even speak in front of the help about such things. You'll be here a long while, and I'll probably be your best ally. Besides if I tattle on you, you can always speak of my calling him a fool." His smirk widened.
"I supposed that is true. But why throw your lot in with me anyways? I am but a strange little girl to you."
"I saw in the look on your face as the King spoke of you. It was a look I've only otherwise seen in the mirror before. So have at it, why are you here? You could have refused the invitation."
"No, I couldn't have. It is my duty to my family to marry. I could not disgrace them by refusing."
"So, it's all for honor? Your father seems a reasonable man, I'm sure if I spoke with him..."
"No," she gasped out, grabbing onto his arm. "You mustn't."
Her face filled with panic as he searched it. "Why not? What's wrong?"
"Please don't. I must accept. My mother's been preparing me for this. It means so much to her that I fetch a good dowry, and what better than that from a King. My life would be a misery if I turned it down and had to return home with her." She cast her eyes downward in embarrassment.
His brow creased in confusion, he was sure there had to be more there then simply a dowry. The Greenwall's were wealthy enough, they would not need the money that came from the payment for her hand. "I see." He put his hand over her chilled one and gave a reassuring pat. "I shant tell. It will be our secret, just the two of us, all right?"
"Thank you my Lord. My gratitude to you, truly."
They walked the rest of the way in silence.
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