#i needed to give him his own post in my doodle tag bc he's so sad and dramatique
beliscary · 9 months
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sry for sort of repost i just needed to stick him to my blog fridge
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miningroseakira · 6 months
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! Do not repost, edit, steal, NFT, claim as your own, and so on and so fourth ! [Reblogs and Comments help the artist and are very much appreciated!]
Hi. I'm alive and I'm gonna forego updating my artblog and just post this bc it took. too long, and I'm done having the "my artblog needs to have everything on it chronologically" mindset on here
I've fallen face first back into my mcyt/life series/hc obsession, and specifically my helsmits. The title of this file is "drawing other people's hels as a warmup"...... .....needless to say that warmup escalated and I've been drawing on these for like two or three days-
~~~ 1. The two in the bottom left are my own fallsmits (= helsmits with extra steps, lol) for Bdubs and Tango, Sleepless and SwingTek the beloveds- Swing has an inbetween of his natural and his "I'm totally TangoTek guys" hair colors in this doodle, because I said so.
2. Top left is a Hels!Stress named AnxiousBeast, who belongs to @square-milk. the possum thing is so creative, and I love her grian-esque unhinged vibes, so I just had to draw her 3. Top right is a Hels!Grian concept by @daffodily that I had my eye on when I first got into helsmits a year or two ago, but I don't think I ever ended up drawing him. No name given, as far as I could tell. Super dark with the stitches and everything but I love it. Totally different vibes but he does remind me a tiny bit of my falls!grian, Gregory, and I'm all for that - it's probably mostly the sweater color though jhdfkjgh but still
4. Bottom right is Foxtrot, a Hels!Tango with a very cool name, posted by @neoflames. I love the ice+siren powers this one has, plus the hair is very cool (no pun intended)
5. Central to this doodle page is Iota, a Hels!Grian design I saw and immediately became obsessed with. what the hels. who comes up with this stuff. (the answer is @rhapsoddity. rhapsoddity comes up with this stuff.)
6. And last but most certainly not least! At the center of the top is a figure that people on my art blog will have seen before, and that anyone who's browsed the helsmit tags will recognize - the beloved Limbo Lag by @galaxygermdraws. what a guy. what a little guy. he needs a hug someone hug him NOW this is an order. I'm sure my boy Swing would be glad to hear he's not the only blue tango counterpart giving off sad little guy energy
I'm gonna post this on this mcyt blog first and then reblog it to my artblog because I feel like it. this took so much more time and effort than I meant for it to fjhgkjf please I'm super tired so let me know if I made any errors with tagging people or names of characters
[Closeups under the cut]
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phopollo · 9 days
*getting on my hands and knees* Please I would love to know more about your fairytail rewrite, I have also just decided to do a rewatch of it and I am dying for more content/more people to talk about it with (also i love your designs so far and especially the focus on my girl Juvia... would love to know your ideas for both ex phantom lord guys actually)
GAJEEL & JUVIA MEAN SO MUCH TO ME, BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS A DUO, AND I WAS SO SAD ABOUT HOW THEYRE TREATED IN CANON (especially Juvia,,, she was my favorite, but she got done so dirty when they stopped allowing her to he her own character outside of loving Gray,,,) SO IM ELATED YOU WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM, BECAUSE I THINK ABOUT THEM SO MUCH
I'll start with them as a duo
While members of Phantom Lord, none of the Element 4 were really like.... friends per say, but Gajeel and Juvia had the closest thing to being like........ friendly coworkers of all the relationships among them. Juvia was kind of the only one Gajeel really respected, and Juvia recognized thar Gajeel treated her with as much respect as he could, so she reciprocated (think like,,, verbally acknowledging each other as they passed in the halls, but calling each other by last name)
After joining Fairy Tail, in the immediate aftermath, everyone was still a little cautious of them for understandable reasons. So they kind if unintentionally cling to each other, because..... yknow. They're the only ones not giving each other the side eye, so it doesn't feel like they have to claw through a wall of tension to just hold a simple conversation
The turning point for them into actual friendship is when people start to give them more of a chance! In particular, on a day that Fairy Tail is getting A Bit Rowdy(tm) in the guild hall, and Gajeel turns around, expecting Juvia to have his back, and shes.... she's not there........... and now that he thinks about it, it's been a bit rainy today............... so he gets a little worried and goes looking for her, only to find her hiding in the bathroom because she got a bit overwhelmed and overstimulated because she's never had so many people approach and try to talk to her all at once and never been involved in a brawl like that that wasn't an actual like, fight, and she just...... she needs a minute. So. Gajeel sits with her a bit, because. Yknow. It wouldn't be worth it to go out there and pick fights with everyone and have fun if she's not also going to. It's just not as fun
They get a little awkward sitting there in silence and Gajeel gets antsy. He looks at himself in the mirror, and then down at Juvia and her perfectly styled hair. He goes "Hey wanna help me wash my hair?" And she kind of. Stares at him for a few seconds.
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(Bonus doodles of when I was initially thinking about this but never planned to post bc my hand writing is ILLEGIBLE)
So Gajeel takes care of his hair now (very important about him and his character and the change in his hair style between Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail)
And after that, they accidentally become Natsu-And-Lucy-But-Cool-Tones
And they're very silly, and I love them very much
Whoops, that on its own was a little longer than I intended, but I'll still go into them individually too
His insecurity about falling behind the other dragon slayers is a little more prevelant-- he just kind of always feels like he has something to prove
An important part of the Rewrite to me is thst there's the opportunity for characters who didn't really seem to interact as much get the opportunity to, so I'll also put out there thst Gajeel forms pretty tight bonds with Wendy, Erza, team Shadow Gear as a whole not just Levy, and the Strauss siblings
I don't think he really knows what he actually likes to do in his free time. He kind of just tags along with other people doing things they like to do
He's roughly very similar to how he was in canon. A lot of the work I've done on him has been more just smoothing out the edges and adjusting his behavior to reflect the people I've declared him the closest to
It's so important to me that she gets to be a character outside of being in love with Gray. She does still have a crush on him, and she's not super subtle about it, but she's also like.... she's capable of being a normal person around and about him. They are genuinely friends above anything else
She had no idea how to talk to anyone. Cana and Mirajane were lowkey her saviors when it came to learning how to interact with other people and not be a complete freak, so she's super tight with them in particular
In canon, we were shown both thst she made her own Teru Teru Bozus, and that she knit Gray a scarf once. There's also a couple other things we're shown that its never explicitly state she made them, but I feel like the implication is there. So I'm taking those and running with them-- I'm making her a really crafty person, and she loves and takes a lot of comfort in doing things like sewing, knitting, and crocheting, and that's something she notably does in her free time-- especially since she doesn't just do them for the sake of doing them, she almost always makes something for someone (got a little drawing about this incoming actually)
We only really got to know the bare minimum of Juvia's backstory-- that her parents are dead, she was taken in by her uncle who did his best to help her and her rain problem by seeking out water and ice wizards, and then he also died while seeking help for her-- so I've expanded on it a little and made some minor changes! Longest story short; her father died in a workplace accident before she was born, and her mother died during child birth, which is what lead to her being taken in by her uncle. As much as he loved her and was doing his best with her, he also kind of always resented her and blamed her for the death of his sister (her mom) even though it really was not her fault. Juvia sort of always recognized this, but also as a traumatized child, blamed herself, which lead to the intensifying of the rain around her as she got older and understood things better. That's when her uncle started looking for other water wizards and ice wizards to try and help stop the rain. He went out one day to meet with one, and he never came back. Juvia doesn't know if something happened or if the resentment finally built of too much and he just up and left, and that's something she's never going to get closure on. It definitely still plagues the back of her mind and affects the way she acts now, even if she thinks she's moved past that point in her life.
That was a lot, sorry akfbskd
I hope this was at least some of what you wanted to hear about them!!
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
Responding here to ur tag response to my question on this post so i dont clog up your notes over there 😅
That concept is so cool!! Can you tell me more about the dynamics? (Like what are the specific differences that made you classify Sabito as alpha prime instead of just alpha?)
When you say the Primes effect more and are effected more than the others what exactly do you mean?
Do you become a Prime when you take on a certain roll in your pack or is it just a option during the initial presenting event?
Are Primes like a subsection of their dynamic or are they a whole new one? (3 broad dynamics society vs 5 specific dynamics society)
How does everybody being abo (and Sabito being alive) effect their relationships with each other in this AU compared to canon?
And lastly, what are everybody's designations in this au? 👀
I kinda got carried away with the questions whoops
ok important distinction to get out of the way first- i see a/b/o as terms to describe phenomena, not strict definitions people fall into. i dont like omegaverse things like that bc 1 i love biology & speculative evolution and through that lens it makes absolutely 0 fucking sense to me and 2 i dont like omegaverse basically being reduced to sexism 2.0 with submissive feminine omegas, dominant masculine alphas, and boring betas.
i completely understand and see the appeal in traditional a/b/o but i also think its severely limiting
to answer your questions off the bat:
sabito as an alpha prime mostly just bc i really really like giving him big/visible fangs and that influenced some worldbuilding choices lmao
imagine having ur senses turned up 200%. theyre just as affected by a drop of pheromones as normal dynamics are a litre. theyre way more sensitive to others' and their own is far more potent
theres no 'presenting event' either you stay not very reactive to pheromones(beta) you start reacting to pheromones normally(alpha/omega) or you start to be fuck-off sensitive to pheromones(a/o prime) (ppl dont choose or get assigned a secondary dynamic its just something that Happens and a/b/o are terms used to describe wide trends)
its still 3 broad dynamics, primes are considered a sub-category/more specific variant of alpha/omega
mmm, id say overall theyre pretty much the same? rengokus & mitsuri are closer-knit, tengen and them kinda make a trio, sabito's almost part of the mini-group(The Loud Ones)- sanemi and obanai still dislike giyuu, now its got an added 'omega has his alpha wrapped around his finger and makes him do the dirty work instead' bc he never bothers to defend himself from them so sabito steps up and tells them to fuck off- then theres the obvious kamado situation. sabito's neutral abt them after he gets over his initial anger but cmon. its tanjiro. youre not staying neutral for long. giyuu more protective of them from the get-go
theres only a few ppls who are set in stone lmao- sakonji-alpha sabito-APrime giyuu-omega tanjiro-OPrime nezuko-N/A sanemi-beta obanai-beta mitsuri-OPrime kyojuro-alpha
my version of a/b/o
secondary dynamics arent dependent on sex, theyre two separate spectrums and secondary dynamics are Secondary
secondary dynamics start to develop with puberty, not really finished until somewhere in 20s
you cant tell what someone's secondary dynamic will be until it starts to present
betas are the hardest to tell bc sometimes ppl are just late bloomers, late20s-30s and they still dont react to scents very strongly or havent had a heat/rut theyre probably a beta
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[shitty doodle of the parabola graphic- up-down is omega/alpha left-right is not sensitive-very sensitive]
betas still smell scents but arent sensitive to pheromones and their own arent very strong either, some can have mini-heats or ruts. overall if theyre not very reactive to scents and they dont have noticeable fangs or any changes to their reproductive organs theyre considered a beta
alphas and omegas have stronger scents (a beta would need to be actively projecting their scent to be on the same level as alpha/omega's baseline) and are sensitive to pheromones.
secondary dynamics influence sex but are not influenced by sex; males who are omegas can develop female reproductive systems and females who are alphas can develop male reproductive systems. this results in tons of possible combinations, though not everything /works/ since they'd need the matching internal & external parts to actually reproduce.
with male omegas/female alphas; commonly, either the secondary reproductive system doesnt develop at all or the secondary external develops alongside the original*. less commonly the secondary external develops and the original internals swap to the secondary. very rarely the secondary will fuck up the original internals and make someone sterile. very VERY rarely will someone develop both original and secondary reproductive systems that are fully functional
main biggest difference between alphas and omegas is mostly in whether they have a heat(& nest) or a rut(& claim territory)
heats typically start off with some warning signs before the actual heat kicks in(preheat) omegas will start to be clingy and seek safety/closeness with their pack for a few days, along with starting to give off a heat scent. omegas usually dont smell their own heat scent until its already pretty strong(closer to heat) so others around them usually notice the scent first. heat hits with a full body fever for a day or two, its extremely uncomfortable and usually omegas drop out of coherency. behind the scenes all kinds of reward chemicals and other important stuff in the brain are thrown way out of wack- no one really notices that tho bc theyre usually blearily rolling around suffering through a mind-numbing fever. after it abates theyre left with the still fucky brain balance and dont really get back all the coherency they lost from the fever, still a little out of it for the whole duration of heat. theyre more sensitive to changes in their emotions and more sensitive to physical contact, heats in their usual state are non-sexual and an omega simply seeks security affection and comfort from their pack. excessively negative emotions caused by lack of security or comfort can cause an omega to be extremely panicky/depressive/aggressive (borderline feral) and its not fun for anyone involved. the omega going through it is overrun with negative thoughts/feelings/emotions and the scent of an omega going through a disruptive heat is especially nauseating & discomforting to anyone around (an intense need to Fix It and make the omega feel better). on the flip-side, omegas being more sensitive to emotion and physical contact can lead to a state of near constant euphoria/ecstasy in sexual heats between mates (the more traditional version of heat)
omegas will go into heat in the presence of another omega's heat if they are emotionally connected (family, pack, friends, etc) and an omega's heat can cause an alpha to start their rut (& vice-versa ruts causing heats)
ruts cause a similar fucky brain balance but not nearly to the same degree as heats, alphas will seek out affection and their instinct to protect is sent into absolute overdrive. mother hen x500. it causes them to be a lot more agitated which leads to more aggression bc more things are seen as a threat.
sexual ruts with mates sends their instinct to make sure the other IS and feels safe/good into overdrive and They Will Not Leave Their Mate
nesting is the usual find soft things make comfy/safe bed/area for pack and is extremely personal/fiercely defended from those who its not meant for; claiming territory is a wider application of 'make area feel comfy/safe for pack' alphas will patrol or steak out vantage points of their selected territory, like omegas they also dont take kindly to intruders**
alphas are built a bit more for power and tend to be offensive/face confrontation head-on(make opponent lose ground, get threats as far away from my pack as possible); while omegas are built a bit more for speed/agility and tend to be defensive/run loops around confrontations(dont let opponent gain any ground, keep threats from getting any closer to my pack) its not solid evidence when trying to tell someone's dynamic off it alone because people's natural variation is so wide and people's experiences can change how theyd react to stress and such so its usually ignored but trends Can be seen
*giyuu's like that male omega has both parts externally but no uterus so. no mpreg for him</3
**it can be kinda subtle sometimes, one example ive posted is sabito physically situating himself so hes between his pack(giyuu/tanjiro/nezuko) and the threat (sanemi/rest of the hashira)
i think thats everything? feel free 2 ask for clarification if i fucked up explaining or missed something
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toonformers · 2 years
One thousand posts ago, I was but a humble Toon who drew humanformers, then robots, then robot OCs. Now, my dear friends, it is time I participate in what is a rite of passage in the modern drawing era! Welcome to my very first Draw This In Your Style Challange!
Everyone and their mother knows what a DTIYS is, but if you somehow don’t, I basically give you guys a piece of my art, and YOU try to recreate it in your own unique style! Be it anime, realism, be it digital or watercolor, whatever as long as it’s your style. For MY challange, I will be giving you two pieces to chose from! And your muse this time will be my dear cuddly scrunkly oc, HORIZON PRIME!
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Ain’t he adorable? Now see why I put two- he’s got two forms, my little shapeshifter~! And this way people can have two designs to chose from. Now, let’s go over the rules:
1. You can only choose one of the two drawings I have put on this post. As much as I’d like to see both, the point of the two options is if you struggle with one design, there’s a backup option.
2. The drawings here aren’t a fixed idea you need to go for! If you want to change up the pose, add a background or do something else, you can! As long as:-
Horizon is the main focus of the drawing
It’s kid-friendly (SFW)
There’s no romantic shipping between Horizon and another character (He already has a mate, and they’re a mutual’s oc. Platonic ships allowed eg; friends, family.)
No violence or gore (look at my child- he’s not very violent XD)
Doesn’t convey a message of hate in any form
3. All submissions must be tagged #toons1000th and/or #toonsdtiys so I can keep track of them all, and tag my account as well so I can see them as they’re posted (1 submission per person). I’ll also reblog the submissions on my main!
4. I will accept submissions until August 8th with ONE extra day for last minute submissions. That’s it! No more submissions after that!
5. Have fun with it :D
Finally, let’s go over the prizes bc yes there are prizes for whomever’s drawing I like the most
1st place: A drawing of whichever transformers oc or canon characters with a complex background! Fully colored and rendered! (Can be anything except valveplug. Max characters 3)
2nd place: Full drawing of their favorite canon character or oc. Completed Lineart and coloring, simple gradient background. (Again, anything but valveplug. Only one character)
3rd place: Bust Lineart of favorite canon character or oc. White background (you know what I’m gonna say about the valveplug lol. Only one character)
4th place: Chaotic doodle of a meme with oc or canon character of their choosing. Only lines colored, white background. (Only one character)
Well, that’s it everyone! Get arting! Ya got until August 8th! Can’t wait to see what ya got :D
(For those of you who may want to get very detailed, below the cut is a full body reference of Horizon, as well as a color pallate for him. You’ll need to play around with the blending options in certain areas like the glow in his optics, but this will give at least a base to start from!)
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cherubsoda · 4 years
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dinomight · 2 years
Tagged by the lovely @foxofninetales to do this Last Lines challenge! on mobile finishing this so not gonna copy the rules over but basically it’s the last lines of my most recent fics. (included two sticks and stones ficlets to buffer it out so they’re all dmbj) thanks for tagging me! ❤️❤️❤️
1. enter this place in peace
“Follow,” he says, and turns on his heel.
Flowers cannot help but reach for the sun. Water cannot help but flow. Liu Sang cannot help but listen.
awww okay so this is honestly one of my favorite last lines I’ve written! I mean, objectively it’s not the best, but it just came so naturally when I was writing, and I love the idea of Liu Sang being just as devoted to Xiaoge in an entirely different universe, yknow? and the last bit—I loved the listen part because it felt like a little wink at his hearing in canon lol
2. always the light falls
Xiaoge closes his eyes, the warm glow of the lights still imprinted on the backs of his eyelids, and he lets himself be held.
warmth!!! warmth!!! that’s all this little fic was trying to be and that’s why this felt right as a last line <333 also I’m a whore for ending on a hug
3. sticks and stones chapter eight
“Good.” Tianzhen curls a hand around the back of Pangzi’s neck and brings their foreheads to rest against one another’s. “Good. You did good. We’ll get Xiaoge fixed up, and then we’ll go home.”
“Home,” Pangzi agrees, even as their breaths intermingle, even as that hand grounds him, even as he knows, truly, simply, that wherever these two are is already home.
yeah ngl this one fucked and it fucked unexpectedly. is this platonic is it romantic does it matter no. iron triangle forever <3
4. sticks and stones chapter five
Finally, he gives up, irritated out of his sleepiness, and opens both eyes. Pangzi looks down at him with a triumphant, shit-eating grin that slowly fades into something softer the longer they look at each other, until he taps again, so carefully that Liu Sang only hears it, rather than feeling it.
Okay. No question mark added, but it’s not a declaration, either. It’s a promise.
Liu Sang nods, knowing it’s one that won’t be broken.
okay I’m not sure if this was clear to the readers or not but I do love this as my own little exploration of what the tapping language is? bc a lot of people write like whole conversations in it and that’s cool! love that but I imagine realistically a language of only tapping patterns wouldn’t be very expansive in vocab—more like a way to communicate distances, simple call and responses, and actions if they need to. so what Pangzi is really trying to say here is “you’re gonna be okay, they’ll come for us, we’re gonna be fine” but all he has is the pattern for okay, and yet—Liu Sang gets it anyways, bc he trusts him. sobs
5. percolate
When he comes out, though, the shop is empty. Confused, Liu Sang almost calls out, but then he sees the to-go cup sitting on the counter by a bright pink post-it note.
Work emergency, the hastily scrawled characters read. Text me! And right below that, a phone number.
He glances at the coffee cup. There’s doodles on it, little patterns and flowers, all surrounding two figures: a raccoon with sunglasses, and a fox wearing what he’s pretty sure is a barista apron.
With a huffy laugh, Liu Sang pulls out his phone and opens a new contact.
looking at this now idk how I feel about the word huffy lmao but the image of the cup doodles is worth it. I knew right when this fic came swinging into my head (and it came SWINGING like it may have taken me awhile to get around to writing it bc I was focused on writing my gift but have no doubts that one second I was looking at fox’s prompts and laughing and the next I was looking up the most heinous coffee orders to write hxz’s regular) that I wanted it to be pre-ship and end on Liu Sang begrudgingly adding hxz to his phone and it happened 😭 the prickly bitch gets raccoon-ed
6. every word in every tune
Jiang Zisuan smiles, that small, precious thing, and starts toward the exit, pulling Liu Sang by the hand alongside him.
man if I had a shot for every time I ended with a character smiling I’d be dead of alcohol poisoning but god I love doing it. and it felt right here bc his smile was mentioned in Liu Sang’s flashbacks when he hit the water, so it was like a nice little circling around
7. clear water to the bottom
Tomorrow, Wu Erbai will call all of them into his tent to explain themselves. Tomorrow, before Liu Sang gets a chance to speak, Pangzi will blame the whole thing on Ma Gang, and Wu Xie will back him up, and Wu Erbai will point out that Wu Xie wasn’t even there, and then Zhang Qiling will say it’s true and end the whole discussion there. Tomorrow, Ma Gang will turn on Liu Sang, red in the face, only to be met with Pangzi standing in his way. Tomorrow, Liu Sang will lead the expedition into the tomb, and the Iron Triangle will follow, and everything will be okay.
Today, Liu Sang takes the first step to allowing that, by rolling his eyes and putting his hand in Pangzi’s.
ah yes another one of my go-to ending strategies, the “I’m sliding the resolution to this in here real quick so I don’t have to write it as an actual scene oop” XD I think it worked pretty well here tho! I liked ending on him taking Pangzi’s hand as a callback to the tent when he refused Pangzi’s hand
8. pacrim au chapter two
And as the two run, and shout, and eventually start flinging sand at one another, the ocean keeps to her soft routine, washing away their footprints, settling every speck of sand and stone back into place.
this is probably overly soft for an au fic combining pacific rim with tomb raiders (every time I remember what I’m writing I have to stare at the wall for a second bc hello. how am I supposed to explain that to literally anyone) but damn I love the little ocean bit. idk I just wanted their ridiculous bickering laid over with some softness bc this scene marks them getting closer (even if Liu Sang won’t admit it, Pangzi has officially pack bonded so this is the point of no return)
9. pacrim au chapter one
For a good minute, Liu Sang stares after him, mouth still hanging open. Then, with a rough shake of his head, he shoves the interaction to the back of his mind to deal with when he’s not swaying on his feet, goes back to his room, and falls asleep before he even hits the mattress.
yeah okay ngl I got to their little exchange post-fight and I was like. this chapter needs to end. so I knocked him out. simple, perhaps a bit blunt but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
10. things that scream and shout
Liu Sang ducks his head, and quietly says, “Okay. Friends,” and this time, he’s beginning to believe it.
another callback to an earlier line in the fic! this one was about beginning to accept that the iron triangle are more to him than just coworkers and that they see him the same way, so it felt right to end it on this. also again I didn’t want to write another scene so 🤷
I think what I’ve learned from this is that my actual strategies for end lines are a smidge more varied than I previously thought (though you’d certainly see more repeats if you look at my other fandoms lmao) but the feeling is absolutely almost always the same. even if it’s not perfect it’s hopeful. usually with some softness in there. what can I say. I claim to be a cold hearted bastard for gender purposes but I am in fact quite squishy
tbh idk who’s been tagged for this already so I’m not gonna risk repeats but if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged! (yes you. I mean you. even if we’re not mutuals do it)
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menkhu · 3 years
just finished pathfinder wrath of the righteous and i have. thoughts. spoilers ofc
hOW are y’all finding this and liking it two years later and actually do not tell me i will simply continue to pretend that this is my private little diary kept locked with a little plastic key and no one can see how many times i’ve doodled my name with my crush’s last name inside
lol if for some reason you’re here on this post i made like a year ago that isn’t in any main tags, i’ve. been updating. adding new thoughts i just have so many i finished an azata run and i loved aivu sm she reminds me of a friend
the updating does mean that this is going to become incomprehensible pretty quickly because new thoughts are inserted where i feel they’re relevant and the surrounding text is not edited bc the effort isn’t worth it when this is entirely for my own gratification so if you’re reading good luck
OK not to be hvaing Daeran Thoughts™ in this the month of december 2023 but. i just wanna talk about how “i thought you didn’t want to lose me” and “see? i’m indispensable” are two voice lines of his. this man? who doesn’t acre about how other people see him? who never wanted to be on this adventure in the fisrt place? is worried about being unwanted?? i am clenching this thought in my powerful jaws and i am frantically shaknig my head like a dog with a bone
ahahahahah gonna be playing for a third time. i think i’ll do the trickster mythic path? i have a strong distaste for evil shit and a mild distaste for lawful shit, which make demon, lich, and aeon not particularly appealing. i could also switch to dragon or smth; i was tempted in my last playthrough but didn’t want to potentially lose aivu, so.
ajshdfjgka playing as a man this time to maybe hit on sosiel we’ll see and when i went to retrieve woljif i lost it when he called me dreamboat i just wasn’t expecting
working through a lich playthrough now and in chapter 3 it’s actually been really sick. my favorite little touch is how, when controlling the crusades, each victory adds more undead to your forces. in order to get myself to choose the option i had to go hardcore into the roleplaying. my commander is maya, a druid, worships urgathoa, doesn’t like being human and is honestly indifferent to human suffering. she spends most of her time in wild shape. ppl confuse her and her leopard companion, lilia, often. probably would have disappeared into the sunset except that she found being made commander extremely funny and then developed a possessiveness for the crusaders so she’s actually trying to lead well.
i am physically incapable of choosing the dialogue options that let you start arueshalae’s romance like i am not grabbing anyone’s hand and telling them i’ll teach them how to love (if i had the power to rewrite, i’d have the line be something more like. i’ll help you thru this every step of the way. anything you need. anything you want.) similar problem with camellia. i refuse to lay on thick compliments and butter her up by talking about her social stature. and then the next chance to express interest is when she’s high off committing murder and wants to fuck like. nah. it’s impossible to romance any ladies in this game whoops
sosiel’s romance is also kinda,,, painful. i cut it off w him start of the 5th chapter because i just couldn’t feed into his fairytale romance novel bullshit and pass on something that felt more genuine (yay 3rd time romancing daeran.) it’s p easy to follow his route by being kind and showing that you appreciate the gestures he makes without fully buying into it. and like. being inexperienced in love and trying to express your feelings by writing bad poetry is actually super charming. but sosiel darling if you’re going to give an ultimatum while extolling the beauty and virtue of love shared by two people while your competition says that my heart doesn’t have to belong to any one person you’re just asking me to give up something good that comes at no cost for the privilege of being trapped a role in your fantasy. nah.
started lann’s romance. i do not like him. it’s fitting that i’m having the commander i don’t like romancing him. lmao it’s only my second time not romancing daeran; first was with arueshalae (pinched my nose and made those starting choices, found the whole thing kinda lackluster? tbh?) hate the way lann is sometimes straight up mean. and how he tries to frame it as a joke. hate how he’ll say you should hang crusaders who commit petty theft. hate his weird hero complex that’s incompatible with the way other’s lives aren’t a priority to him and mostly arises out of. idk a sense of ego? still holding out hope this’ll be interesting even if exploring the character in this manner isn’t the most appealing to me. (LOL i cut it off with him. he was just like. oh look at me being so pathetic trying to date you it’s crazy how could someone like you ever take an interest in me i’m so pathetic and i was like. okay. maybe you are pathetic. maybe i don’t have an interest in you. and then i was running the lich path so this saved his life actually lol. lmao. lmfao.)
ember is my daughter
i’m kind of surprised that that was the final chapter. it was an appropriate end and everything but the way crusade management was set up, it felt as though there was more to come. like. events dumped three free generals into my lap when i already had the map cleared out. there were some references to generals reaching level 20 but none of my three (the ones i actually used) got anywhere close to that. there were so many different types of units but for most of them, there wasn’t any reasonable way to accrue a usable number. with the way galfrey mucked things up, i was frantic about getting the armies in order to face big things to come and those big things just didn’t come. the fact that crusade management wasn’t rewarding is probs my second biggest complaint.
i’m really glad there’s a wimpy baby difficulty mode because w h y are so many enemies able to rip me apart when i have 57 ac and w h y are there so many enemies with absurd spell resistance and ac high enough that you can only pray to crit
lol @ this previous paragraph because i have a playthrough on core difficulty where i fought most of the extra bosses for the achievements and leveling the characters myself from the ground up gave me a good understanding of their abilities. i definitely am not an advocate of the autoleveling; either the builds are inherently mid or just incompatible with the way i play. also dispel magic is so strong.
pretty sure i’m going to be playing through again though because i want to see other mythic paths (my first playthrough i didn’t look up anything about unlocking them so i only had angel and demon available at first lmao) and to spend more time with some of the companions. i never found all the masks for nenio :(
(edit: after azata path i did find all the masks for nenio and we became friends ! there was a lot of content there jfc. i do not recommend playing when u have a migraine and ur memory is diminished but it was neat. i do like puzzles even if some of them are obtuse it’s fine we all have the internet to help with that.)
ran into a lot of glitches which i guess will happen when you dive in headfirst on release day. there were a few times people didn’t recognize the choices i had made. at one point i had a dialog option with camellia that implied we had a salacious history except no such thing happened and also i was playing as a lady and she’s straight. wasn’t able to finish a quest because the necessary items didn’t exist.
lol i had an entire companion glitch on me. i had literally no interest in greybor and i accidentally killed the dragon before i went traveling with him anyway so when he met up with the group and told the commander to hire him or he’d be forced to kill her i was like sure okay buddy you can do that. he did not die. he showed up wherever companions were supposed to show up, but i could never talk to him, just attack him. he didn’t realize he had already been rejected how embarrassing
(idk if greybor glitched again or if i did something wrong but azata playthrough i really did try to recruit him but he got pissy after the fight when i wanted to pursue the dragon and even though i tried i failed but maybe i did something wrong?? waited too long? did very little to endear him to me tbh)
(trickster playthrough and i finally have greybor as a companion. i’m hoping to like him better after spending more time with him but. he really is just a wannabe manly man’s wet dream of a roleplaying character. in a want to be him way, not a want him way. haha unless)
kinda surprised that i ended up romancing daeran but tbh no regrets. the more i got to know lann the less i liked him (the final part of his questline was. ugh. why are you so whiny about how i kept you from killing yourself.)(i swear sometimes he says things just to remind you that his alignment is lawful neutral)(one of my first impressions of him was scaly alastair but that might be disrespectful to alastair tbh)(actually he and daeran told me to choose btwn them at one point and i was like???? lann i said it’d be cool if you wanted to hang out without making up stupid excuses like sparring matches meanwhile daeran has been doing all sorts of wining and dining what sort of incel bullshit) (there’s some party banter with ember where she’s like, lann jokes but really he’s just sad and i was like yea i feel that)(it’s like he isn’t even committed to his jokey persona) and arueshalae was wonderful but i’m not a fan of the teaching someone how to love narrative (i wanted to. i really tried but i just couldn’t bring myself to choose the dialogue options where you like. take her hand and tell her you’ll show her how to love it’s too much.) daeran has the best banter and also he filled the war room with flowers so a+ partner
(his alignment is evil but honestly i don’t see it? he can be vengeful ig? not that he’s never shitty but i’d put him at neutral maybe leaning evil bc the good counters the bad. like he only punches up he regularly condemns evil acts and he’s sweet with the other companions so it’s not difficult to be fond of him)(FURTHER. something i put together after uhhh some number of playthroughs. there’s banter where daeran asks arue if she’s actually good with desna having taken control of her life bc the same thing happened to him with the other and it was terrible and he hated it. so. all those times he tries to tempt her. he’s not just being awful. he’s trying to give her a choice.)
more thoughts abt his relationships with the companions!!!! it’s actually rlly funny that my instinct was to say that he was sweet with them bc on a replay i became aware of just how shitty he sounds if you fully take his words at face value. you can’t, though. he acknowledges himself that venomous is his default affect and that he has trouble expressing his kinder emotions. he also says that when he has a problem with someone, he isn’t afraid to let them know it. there’s a bit of banter where lann says anything less that an insult from daeran is p much a compliment which i think is an oversimplification but just drives home the point that even others can see that when he’s being mean, it’s often more about having fun than genuine distaste. when coming from him, things that might seem mean are actually meant as playful teasing. 
when i say he’s sweet with the companions, i mean that he lambasts paladins frequently, but always lets seelah know that he isn’t talking about her; he likes her. (yOu’rE nOt LiKe tHe oThEr pAlAdInS is maybe not a great worldview but)
he lets sosiel know that he appreciates his art. there’s banter where he tells sosiel that he would be quite the catch ;)
he’s actually protective of ember; he warns her to be careful about cultists and zealots. this one really gets me because the two have such fundamentally different views but i don’t recall him ever castigating her for it. rolling his eyes from time to time, maybe, but mostly nudging her away from what he sees as dangerous.
he’s happy to play along with nenio’s dumb experiments. finds them amusing.
he and camellia can be so bitchy about other nobles together it’s like they’re on the same team and it’s great.
don’t even get me started about his relationship with woljif ok. woljif is everything high society hates so of course daeran latches onto that right away. i love the banter where he talks about introducing woljif to parties with other nobles, which of course could be interpreted as him looking to rope woljif into those things for a few laughs, but what really gave substance to it for me was an exchange they had in the thousand delights. woljif is excited to be in a brothel and daeran is like. listen we don’t consort with demons they’re miserable creatures instead, when we get out of here, i’m going to give you a whole bunch of gold and give you a tour of the brothels in absalom. he so easily tells woljif that he’ll give him the things that he desires. he commits to making this trip with him. there is very little to gain there for daeran; he could easily tour the brothels alone were he so inclined, but instead, he agrees to do this for a friend.
actually i feel like in banter, the others are more likely to be making fun of him than he is of them? he’s both perfectly self aware and he likes who he is so he’d mostly be amused by it. in general i don’t think a companion insulting daeran (or he them in the case of those like lann and seelah who can bite back) is a sign of a bad relationship.
(enough about daeran back to the other companions lmaoo)
i like nenio more than i expected she’s so funny. she seemed cold at first what with her refusing to remember your name and all but after a while, with her earnest enthusiasm for what she does, it became endearing.
actually i’ve discovered that having good banter is one of the most important factors in how much i like a character. like i have no problems with seelah or sosiel but since their banter tends to be flat i just never fell in love. also i’m not really into camellia’s whole thing but i have fun with her because of the noble code switching she and daeran will do, like referring to each other by title.
i think a lot of the reason lann fell flat for me was because of his inability to maintain the funny guy persona? everyone thinks of him as the guy who makes jokes, but. i remember first talking to him and he tells you he wants to make a difference. and when you ask for clarification he’s like imma invent a new type of salad :) jk actually i hate myself and i want to die in battle because i’m afraid of my death being as meaningless as my life. took like no prompting for him to switch. rewrite of that exchange bc it frustrates me
lann: i’m going to invent a new type of salad and have it named after me
commander: a new type of salad.
lann: what, not aiming high enough? fine, i guess i can take the culinary world by storm and have enough food named after me to serve an entire buffet, but only if it’ll make you happy
commander: it might not be well received if you’re making mongrel food. your people have...interesting palates.
lann: ah, but that’s my secret advantage. by including mold, i can guarantee that my salads will be one of a kind.
commander: what is it really tho
lann: not the salad, no surprise there. not the buffet either, though i like how you encourage me to reach new heights. it’s more that...i want to fight on the front lines. if i’m risking my life so that others don’t have to, then i’ll know i’m making a difference
unsurprisingly, i like lann more in the context of his interactions with daeran.
wish we could have irabeth and anevia as companions. love them.
(azata playthrough, galfrey lived and i was so pissed. never again.)
anyway daeran and woljif are best friends forever and it’s so funny have some screencaps 
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charrfie · 4 years
Alright now that its officially Forzen Friday let's try this post again since it didn't show up in the tags last time-
I'M FINALLY MAKING A FORZEN HC DUMP (kinda AU-ish territory but not really idk exactly) AND NONE OF YOU CAN STOP ME
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There are also a few other hcs sprinkled in here related to other characters (like Darnold and Sunkist for example) but Forzen is the main focus!! Despite him being a minor character I latched onto him and fleshed him out sm yall have no idea
Everything under the cut bc this shit is gonna be LONG (and there's also some more doodles that take up a bit of space!)
Also uhh if people like this I might take one for another hlvrai character later bc I have a lot to say about everyone!!
Forzen moved from France to the US with his parents when he was around 12 or 13 (yes, I'm aware that Scorpy and Holly are French Canadian and not France French but that doesn't mean Forzen can't be, I'm just being sure to say this now before someone says something to me about it)
He wanted to go to college and eventually become a game dev, but he didn't have the funds or the support for it (his family thought anything to do with games would amount to a career that would go nowhere).
Because of this, he instead was recruited in the US military. He originally had no intent to join, but after constantly being harrassed recommended to join and being entertained with the concept of being able to afford and pay for college, he caved (hence him telling the science team that his only goal is "to graduate").
He doesn't like his job very much if that wasn't clear.
And neither do most others that have the same job like him.
He was put on a "team" of his own, Team Nice, which was likely arranged as a guaranteed way to get Forzen in the way of danger, and with no one else fighting beside him, he would be easily dealt with- no one would have to worry about him bothering them again. However, he somehow manages to survive all of this, of course. Somehow. He likely knows the real reason he was assigned his own team (if you can even call it that), but refuses to fully acknowledge it for his own sanity, and instead pretends that he's some big, important person on a team that ranks so highly, he's the only one qualified to be in it. (I apologize ahead of time for giving one of the most shitposty and throwaway characters in hlvrai this much depth and angst, there was just potential there leave me alone)
Fast forward to the actual events of hlvrai though. This hc is a little outlandish but I really like the concept!!! So, at one point, Forzen is killed, presumably by some kind of creature that was out and about due to the RenCas. The science team + Benrey stumble across him (act 2 part 2 at around 13 min in for anyone curious), and Benrey decides to use the healing beam Sweet Voice on him. While Benrey and Forzen may not be on good terms anymore, Benrey still very begrudgingly cares about him and didn't want to see him get injured or die. Forzen wakes up a minute or so after the science team exits the room, assuming that he just passed out, nothing more, and goes along with things as normal.
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He meets Darnold a while after his first (concious) run in with the science team. Darnold has recently dealt with the science team and helped them out, but is pretty bummed that he couldn't travel with them, as everything was far too scary and dangerous for him. Forzen, wanting to escape Black Mesa and the military altogether, ends up making a deal with him that he'll handle all the dangerous stuff if Darnold can show him a way out.
Now, meeting Darnold is a very new experience for him, since Darnold actually enjoys his company, and actually wants to befriend him! At first, Forzen openly tries to act as if Darnold is a huge deal to put up with- he goes along with with the whole "if you're escaping outta this hellhole with me, you better keep up" kinda deal (despite the fact that he kinda NEEDS Darnold to escape and show him the way out). His walls are still very much so raised, and he doesn't let his guard down as he's not used to others caring about him and his safety. But as time passes, he begins to realize that maybe Darnold DOES want to be his friend, and the tough guy act becomes less apparent.
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To preface this next one- Sunkist sensed that something was up (he has a next-level sense of danger when it comes to Tommy's safety) and got to BM as fast as he could, searching every hallway for his boy. This is when Forzen finds him!! He figures that taking Sunkist as a hostage would be enough to get extra info out of the team that's been practically plaguing him lately.
Darnold doesn't know about Forzen's plans to take Sunkist hostage, so is completely fine with traveling alongside him. At one point though, Forzen and Darnold get separated (Forzen occupies him, makes sure hes safe and then runs off to deal with Sunkist). Darnold immediately uses his surroundings to model a quick little teleporter device to get Forzen back, because, you know, the man's a genius. Idc if its logical or not just go with it shhh I've gotta fill in the plotholes with something. That's why Forzen disappears all of a sudden after he's cornered by the science team. He just pops back in front of Darnold suddenly, all confused and loopy from the whole teleportation thing.
As things begin to wind down, Darnold and Forzen make it out of BM and start making a break for it, no idea how they'll get away from BM and to safety somewhere- they didnt really think things through.
Fortunately (or unfortunately for Forzen really), however, G-man picks both of them up. He means to drop Darnold off at Tommy's party, as he observed that Darnold helped his son to safety and is grateful for it. Forzen, though, he intends to "deal with" for messing things up so badly with Tommy, Sunkist, and all of Tommy's friends. This is where Darnold finds out about everything Forzen did and frankly gets really pissed with him since he thought he only had good intentions??? Luckily though, Darnold convinces G-man to give him a second chance, let him go to Tommy's party and apologize, and try things again. G-man, for some reasons agrees- probably bc hes in a good mood, as it IS his son's birthday.
The party is pretty uncomfortable to say the least. Tommy's extremely hesitant to talk to Forzen, but he does, and they end up on neutral terms by the end of it. Uneasy, but neutral. Tommy and Darnold hit it off though, and Tommy opens the invitation to Darnold that he can visit his place anytime now that everything at BM is over with.
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As everyone's getting ready to leave, Forzen mentions to Darnold that he doesn't have a place to stay, seeing as the entire military was kinda. Yknow. Wiped out. Obviously wouldn't wanna go back to check anyways. And he has no interest in going home to his parents. So Darnold agrees to let him stay with him since they've become good pals over the course of everything.
Over time, Darnold visits Tommy more and more often. He starts bringing Forzen along, which Tommy is iffy of at first, but their dynamic starts to change and become more comfortable once Tommy sees that Forzen isnt interested in being enemies anymore.
Sunkist and Forzen still don't get along for a very long time. Or, well- it's moreso that Sunkist is very wary about Forzen, despite him not doing anything to harm either Sunkist or Tommy.
Oh yeah and almost forgot to mention one of my favorite hcs (that I PROMISE you started out as a joke but then I got attached) is Sunkist can talk!! So his first spoken interaction with Forzen after Forzen comes over to visit for the first time is literally just him being all threatening and laying down the ground rules bc he doesn't want Forzen to hurt Tommy at all in any way. And of course Forzen about has a heart attack bc "HUH??????? THERE'S A DOG THAT IS SPEAKING HUMAN WORDS TO ME"
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UHH I HAVE MORE (I've written out so much shit about dynamics and what I'd think would happen even after all of this) BUT I DON'T WANT THIS TO BE TOO LONG like it already is SO I SUPPOSE I'LL LEAVE IT AT THAT FOR NOW!!!! I hope this isn't too ooc either, I just have Emotions about this series and write too much so why not share it yknow
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kulekrizpy · 5 years
i was in classroom where gifted kids were. used to go there myself? b. cohen was there (trans guy from hs — don’t remember if that’s his last name). hung out with cool instructor. couch had smartboard tech. teacher was lithe and yoga instructor like. after class she tried to get everyone to leave pretty quickly. i hung around. our house’s stairs were there and i listened in from them while the woman told people over loud speaker to come to the lava pit. for extra class or a session. idr. people came by for it. one guy looked like lemony snicket guy. he had an anxious brother looked like the waiter guy from asoue actually. it took me a little while to figure out how to get in (behind washing machine, in front of door in washing room in basement, eventually i went upstairs when lady said there were special portals for cohen around). there was more you had to do to get in properly. there was a room for like debriefing and then if you wanted to go on mission you couldn’t get in without some sort of soul animal test where you go into a dreamlike state and have to fend it off or something. boy from class (older boy) tried it. he seemed european somehow. he had a pig on a farm trying to get him and he couldn’t fend it off it kept finding its way around the fence posts and slipping thru towards him and he was like “idk why it’s not working lady ______! i want to help but it won’t let me!” and she was like are you sure and he said yes but she zoomed out took wet cloth off his face and the lighting sunrise or set turned from reddish to green tinged and she said i don’t think you really want this and it was bc he was actually good aligned not evil. i felt like i could go thru tho i wasn’t sure if i was evil aligned. the lady said you’ve been ready whenever you want and the dark dreamworld fell and i had cloth but the lighting was greenish then city lighting yellowish and a caribou (cartoon-like from frozen) came running toward me instead of a goat like i thought but it never hit me instead i turned and it kind of fell away and then guy from house md was dancing in the street and i followed him (i think slater was nearby). he was doing lots of flowy movements and leg kicks and shear fabric flow and i followed him near a european building we went inside the arching entrance. it was square outside and continued to arch inside. then weird time flow stuff happened and i ended up inside in a different outfit and i was —
before all this i had a rerun of a bit of a dream where i broke into this lady’s closet (with her permission -- i just had to know how). there wes a  big slab same as wall around it set in wall with brass patterns/castings and it was leaves and knobs. towards the bottom it was more tarnished in one area. the pattern to open was just to turn one knob (has flathead screw look) and press another and it popped open which revealed some books and boxes inside each with their own puzzle to unlock the proper thing. in the closet next to this there were more as well. i unlocked on but i think there were several unlock keys and it wasn’t the right one. code was deangelis and i had to press the letters on a box with a different saying inscribed already. the letter were separate ornate buttons. lady was also instructor lady
before THAT i had another horrible dream about the rats and this time i freaked out and was like MOMMY i need to give them to petco and we  were gonna do that but then when i bought extra containers for separating them further i got MORE rats/mice for some reason D: and then when i put them together they multiplied. and then i thought wait i already got RID of the rats and anyway it was mess. when i got home tom looked at them. when i visited instructor lady i explained some of this and i was looking at a huge assortment of them for some reason. lots and lots and actually they were tiny tiny cats in this scenario for some reason. i remember bc the orange male tabbies were particularly protective. also there was kenya present searching going on
when i went to visit classroom it’s bc it used to be my classroom and lady was my instructor and she didn’t really like one kid with glasses. the kids were all ages
anyway back to time stuff i went down tunnel and then i was there and it was like 50′s maybe and i was a hat designer i think but for some reason any time weirdness or discrepancies we said or did would be covered up so i would doodle shit that didn’t make sense (cohen had a notebook that looked like hat designs in classroom earlier) and it would get covered up as like the best work ever
when i got there there were red letters marked on stuff only i and other travellers could see. anxious tall white guy from asoue was there and also snicket who was his brother (aka slater). anxious guy had an H written on a luggage lock or smth so it made DOHA or smth similar (DORAH? i think it was a place tho). i had a K written somewhere. i went into his room briefly to discuss this and he didn’t know anything about it or gettign there he didn’t know anything about the mission. i didn’t really either but i knew more than him. snicket’s name was slater which seems like last name but i don’t think it was associated w/ brother at all
we were at dinner with some lady from the time or whatever and she was like your  designs are nice but they could use some work and i was like llol ok cuz i literally never designed shit since the time stream magic did it for me. my companions laughed tho like maybe it was due to my lack of skill of time magic manipulation. i listened politely tho
me and slater were at odds about something. i did weird dream thing of suddenly zooming far away from the scene (it was like looking across a train station and on the other side’s wall there were moving cylindrical prisms and they had scenes from the dinner printed and there were some red letters sprayed that should line up if the cylinders were placed correctly) and there was some modernish black dude dilvering pizza at the train station and when he said “pizza!” some white guy wearing business suit took his hands and said “thank you for telling me your name” and i knew the business dude had been upset bc he didn’t know some particular people’s names.... anyway pizza dude was like “..ok” and i walked him back out of the time stream and i asked if he knew the word mambo (anxious guy’s name i think) and the guy was like ofc and only modern ppl knew that word (altho it meant salsa but the Word was mambo) and i sent him out. he knew the word tho not the guy
after i talked to mambo and told him his brother was named slater i knew cuz i had somehow been here before in the 1920′s and the  brother had SLATER stamped on a little metal tag on the back of his hat. he was like peaky blinders or smth. idk why but it seemed like slater was Bad
then i woke up?
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franeridart · 6 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall 😍 idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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franeridart · 7 years
fran i dont understand the last art?? is it a noragami au since the weapons are people?? help my dumb ass senpai
It’s !!!! okay anon why would you be dumb just for not knowing a fandom with an anime that finished airing eight years ago and a manga that finished publication four years ago haha it’s called Soul Eater! An incredibly good manga in my opinion, one of the best shounen ever, I would look it up if I were you :D 
Anon said:Could you possibly do a Tokoyami and Shouji fusion? I just love your art style with bnha!! It's fine if you don't want to though! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
I already did!!! :O and thank you so much!!!
Anon said:i love your art, so i looked through all 64 pages of your art tag. cant wait to see more!! ;)
Thank you!!!! °O° though.... the older stuff... we could maybe pretend that never existed ever........ that’d be nice......... lmao
Anon said:followed you the second I finished reading that bakugou analysis
I take you’re of my same opinion on the matter!!! That’s nice to know hahaha 
Anon said:You really don't need to respond!! but I thought you might get a laugh at this idea. Denki convinces the squad to do GOTG w/ him for a costume party (A LOT of begging involved... he was obsessed with GOTG at the time) and gets Momo to make their costumes. Katsuki finds out the day of that he assigned him Rocket (assumed he'd be Drax) 😂. (Kami=SL, Mina=Gamora, Sero=Groot, Kiri=Drax). Denki tells him don't worry, all he has to do is be himself to get into character and runs off cackling.
Okay this is adorable hahaha I love it, though I gotta admit I can totally see Bakugou having Rocket as his favorite anyway, he’s exactly the type of character Bakugou might relate to (the “of course I care about the planets and the plants and the animals on those planets!” “and the people!” “...meh” exchange is an incredibly Bakugou thing haha)
Anon said:🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (。’▽’。)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Anon said: Shoosh pap
.............I should have expected this ask haha
Anon said:you used the tag limit lmao (for the comic doodle about bakugou's temp)
:O I can see all of them, tho! If the last one you can see is “and yet”, then that’s exactly where I meant to stop lol
Anon said:As far as whether Baku gets cold fast or slow; it's not the same because I don't have a sweat related quirk obviously but I run a constant temperature of 105°F or 40.5°C (maybe that's my quirk) and it takes me a long ass time to get cold so maybe it's like that?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the info!!!! :O that actually does make sense!
Anon said:I actually do like inko and I think she's a pretty good parent, all things considered-- but I cannot condone the whole "I'm so sorry izuku" thing, simply bc inko is more important to izuku than bakugou. If bakugou says something like "deku, youre worthless", while it is very cruel it definitely 100% will not hurt as much as izukus own mother saying "izuku I'm so sorry that your dreams will never come true". But the good things that she understands her mistake and has apologized to izuku for it.
I mean, yeah! For a long while in the manga I was like, okay, easy to say “oops I was wrong” now that you have actual proofs of the fact you were wrong and you can’t deny the fact that Izuku could make it as a hero since he’s into UA, easy to say “I support you” now that it’s obvious he can make it, using the easy way out much, but I’m always 100% open and supportive of characters that realize their mistakes and change for the better, so even if she had to wait for every condition to be in her favor before she could realize her mistake as long as she got it, that she had finally decided to be a supportive mother I was!!! Super happy for her and about it and ready to like her as much as possible! 
And then she had to go and tell Izuku she wasn’t letting him back into UA. Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand the fear for his life she has as a mother - she didn’t have fifteen years like everyone else to get used to the fact that her boy was set on becoming a hero (...since she refused to acknowledge the possibility, even though Izuku was working to become one without a quirk anyway like, she should have been even more worried for his safety before he got the quirk but WHATEVER) so she’s scared for him, and Izuku’s been hurt a lot since starting UA so I get it, but you don’t just pull the “I’m pulling him out of school” card, in front of Izuku’s teacher, mentor AND greatest hero, without ever discussing the thing with Izuku first? Without even asking for his imput on the matter, or giving him an heads up? As if she owns his whole life? 
I’m your mother I decide what’s best for you and what you want doesn’t matter at all - that’s.... that’s not growing up and learning, and that’s the literal opposite of being supportive. That’s allowing your son to have fun as long as it’s okay with you, and then going “okay, game’s done, who cares that you finally found a way to reach your goal, a place you belong to and are way happier than I’ve ever seen you before, I don’t like it so you can’t keep going”
I’m sorry, but I really, really can’t like Inko if she keeps on being like that. She’s literally the biggest hindrance on Izuku’s path to a fulfilling, happy life, and I need her to stop being like that before I can actually change my mind about her orz
Anon said:side note re: asshole bakugou and deku's development - the manga's translation is //very liberal// in trying to make it sound more 'western' in regards to how in japanese things are more formal (?) baku's demeanor and language would be considered incredibly rude so the translators try and shift the language for the english reading audience. what's probably considered absolutely reprehensible for english readers only seems that way because of how they've tried to adapt it.
Oh, yeah, that too! As long as you stick to mangastream’s translations they’re a bit more literal, but there’s a lot of things that Bakugou says/does that are just... a localization to give the “rude” feeling. Then again, he is an asshole, so you never know what he actually said and what’s just a liberal interpretation haha
Anon said:I love your art style so much! And all your Bakushima doodles and comics are super wonderful!
Ohhhhhh gods thank you so much !!!!! *O*
Anon said:are kendou's feet backwards?
...anon... my friend... why would I draw Kendou’s feet backwards.........
Anon said:Fran the comic about kiribaku and the balconies is--well, let's just say I have a new headcanon and a new otp.
THAT!!!! Makes me super happy to know!!!! :O I’m glad I could make you like those two a bit more
Anon said:Can I suggest you to draw todokami (todoroki and kaminari) please? It's a really rare pair and I would love to see it in your style but if you don't want to or are uncomfortable doing so I understand ^^ ily keep up the good work
Ahhhhhhhhhh it’s not like I’m uncomfortable with it, I just... don’t understand the ship at all? So finding inspiration to draw it is really hard for me, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! sorryyyyy m(;_;)m
Anon said:Everytime I see u posted I honestly gasp a little and then literally whatever it is just makes me happy and smile and ???? Honestly I'm blessed you're so good and lovely and * throws confetti* I hope you have a lovely day and I just wanted to let you know you bring light into my life
Holy smokes thank you so much??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;O; this really really means a lot to me, I’m so glad I can make you smile? Ahhhh mannnn!!!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Anon said:the sweet little bakushima comic that u just posted is my favorite ! piece of ! bnha art ! I've ever seen ! so good. so warm. thank u for sharing ur talent and ideas!! sending u love
Your favorite???? Oh my g o d ;O; thank you??? I’m super glad you liked it aaahhhhhhhh
Anon said:Fran I'm w e a k for everything u do... esp soft boys. You kill me with those.
Soft boys are the best and also my very own weakness too so I!!! try!!!! I’m glad you like them too!!!!!!!! (♡´艸`)
Anon said:KENDOU!! IS SO GOOD!! YOU DRAW HER SO GOOD!!!! ily fran
G O D S thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m!!!! seriously glad I could make her pretty, she’s so beautiful to me!!!!
Anon said:is it possible to have a crush on someone's art ??? bc i sure do have one on yours it's gorgeous
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