#i notice that a lot of the frustration w pb&j is that they don’t seem to be playing a character in the way they refuse to see that they are
zeroistic · 4 months
as much as i want the Players to win (because of how much they’ve been fucked over by pb&j), I also want to see pb&j as the sole survivors. what kind of peaceful ending do you get when it is only your team left? i want them to live with their actions of making other players ban themselves for them. If they want to win, they should deal with consequences, and hold their empty victory in a deserted server. Because ultimately, it’s not a server of gods bending to the will of mere mortals, it is the players scrapping together pyrrhic victories, living with all the bad that the conflict has brought to them, like it has alway been. no one wins a conflict without sacrifice, but pb&j don’t see that: they are trying to have a complete and utter victory. They can’t just flip a switch to revert everything to how they want it — they need to preserve it and make an effort to actually achieve the goal that they want, not just pvping the shit out of the other team. Part of their goal IS in fact get rid of the other team bc they want to ban people, but the main objective would be that they actually HELP the other players on the server, not getting them to ban themselves for fighting them better. Along their way of obsessively trying to get rid of the Players and their violent ending, they have been pursuing a violent ending, perhaps even better than the Players, with them getting other to ban themselves. They complain about the moral debates, yet their entire purpose is because of the morals they claim to have (even though they are VERY contradictory), with the conflicting ideas of peace and violence. So when the Players bring up that they have been going against their morals (by getting others to ban themselves), they immediately shut it down, because… they are right. Because if they don’t deny it, they are forced to recognize they are no different to the Players, perhaps even more ruthless being tunnel visioned on a side goal.
no matter who wins the physical war, who is left standing on the server in the end, both sides will have proven that there can only be violence, that lifesteal can never end in peace because of the lengths the server members will go to win their physical battles. PB&J can’t even stick by their own ideals to win the war, and instead give in to the gritty cruel nature of the server to be able to gain advantages, which is fine, except for the fact that one of their main goals is… to NOT have people banned? (esp because both sides keep saying that the war is between people who WANT everyone banned and those who DON’T, and yet those who don’t keep getting others banned… And, they are the ones that started it first, thus making the Players also plan on doing it… so which side has honor and morals again?)
it is also interesting when pb&j say that they don’t really have a ‘reward’ for winning, but they quite literally did that to themselves. LS has gods and exploiters, but it still is up to the players to forge their own victories, and relying their entire victory (of bringing everyone back when they ‘win’) on gods is kind of… eh. YOU make your victory, and if that victory includes banning people for another edge in pvp, then so be it (you, after all chose this, without any prompting or getting the ideas from the Players. it is naturally a place that brings the worst and cruel out of people.)
pb&j are also made up mostly of new players (and ash who is new to the whole ‘heroes’ thing), and they don’t seem to understand that a victory of their morals and being on the ‘good’ side requires sacrifice. They seem very bent on getting a clean, holistic victory, but when you fight those who want to ban everyone, you can’t get that (and pb&j have already been doing that to themselves by getting others banned, but they want a full revival to have their ‘perfect victory’). pbj are new: they don’t really see the suffering and pain previous ‘heroes’ (aka zam most of the time) had to go through, and ash is new to the whole ‘good person’ thing: he is used to complete and utter victories and power that compromise and sacrifice (something not really a problem in his godly endeavors) are a cost of pursuing their goal.
their goal for the server is unattainable, and they proved it themselves with their obsession of beating the other team
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slasherwife · 4 years
Could I request some slashers with a s/o who is sick( coughing, sneezing, headaches, ect.) but refuses to rest and eat?
Slashers with a sick!s/o
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y/n is uwu sick today 🥺💘 thank u for the ask sorry it took so long :33
Thomas Hewitt
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it’s a softly warm day, almost perfect to go out and feel the sunshine soak your skin in warm, fluttery good feelings— but you somehow caught a cold in this early spring.
you were almost afraid to tell tommy because he worries about you enough. you remembered just last week you hit your hip on the corner of the table, and tommy buried his face in the crook of your neck while rubbing the sting out of your hip, whining.
but sick???? 100% takes the day off to give his sweet baby all the sweet tea and cuddles.
he presses butterfly kisses to your face while you both laze in bed, not caring for your squeaky sniffles or coughs. he carries you to the bathroom too and waits outside for you (cuz luda mae raised a gentlemen UWU)
that was actually one of the most relaxing days of his life. wasn’t too hot at all, the window he kept open for fresh air, a cool breeze flowed through the curtains and tommy’s warm touch softened your heart.
he gets really upset when you refuse to rest, he’ll angrily tap you when he finds you doing dishes/cleaning out of bed, and point upstairs to make you go back to bed xD
he WILL resort to picking you up and carrying you to bed. he is a definite mother hen and it’s not like you could overpower him, so best do what he says :3
it hurts his heart when you won’t eat, and it makes him feel useless. he tries to get luda to make you eat, hoping you’ll get your appetite back
when in bed, u both dozed in and out of sleep and even though your cold didn’t fade quickly, being with tommy made it all the better
jason vorhees
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now this was during a cold, wintry rainy day. you couldn’t seem to keep your toes warm in your and Jason’s bed, and on top of that, you were congested and your head was spinning.
jason was already aware of your sickness before you even awoke, and being the observant man he is, went out to collect more firewood to keep the cabin warm.
you awoke to a dark room with rain thundering outside, and a 7’1 burly man trudged through the door.
“jason?” you called, but he didn’t answer, instead loading the heater with fresh wood and closing the door on the expanding fire.
he then spent the rest of the night with you hiding in the crook of his arm, sleeping with blankets and soft pillows, a warm flush staining your cheeks cuddled in warm flesh.
at one point he even brushed his fingertips along your hairline, reveling in the feeling of your soft, warm skin.
when you decide that you don’t need rest, jason will 100% disagree with you. it isn’t his first time dealing with colds himself, so he takes on mother role like tommy, and reminds you to rest in his own way.
he won’t be so bold as tommy per se, but but he’ll gently sign to you that you need to rest more than once.
if you continue to do as you wish, he’ll generally leave you alone though :3
it’s a no no if you don’t eat. he’s much stricter than thomas on this. he will sit there in front of you until you’ve eaten breakfast/lunch/dinner, every last morsel. he won’t let you leave if you don’t ❤️
michael myers
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blank stare, sheepishly gives you some advil, otherwise he doesn’t know how to care for illnesses like tommy and jason do.
he’ll generally leave you alone, feeling like you need space to recharge your health or smth xD
if you require snuggly cuddles, he’ll oblige you by letting you, in your burrito blanket, to wiggle into his burly arms and curl yourself on his chest in bed or on the couch
he doesn’t really care if he gets sick, tbh he’s so tolerant to pain and discomfort he probably wouldn’t even notice he’s sick
you’ll have to ask him to get you something, he’ll usually do it but if you weren’t sick he’d look you dead in the eye and do nothing
so this is michael’s special treatment :DD
if you decide to work even while you are obviously sick, michael will just think you’re better and will treat you like normal.
but if it’s TOO obvious, he’ll give you an incredulous look while your doing something, but won’t do anything to stop you
it’s the same with jason and tommy if you don’t eat— he will pull you into his lap anywhere and hand feed you. if you seriously refuse, he’ll feel helpless and do nothing, letting you fall slack against his chest as he holds you
bo sinclair
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uh ohhh a germaphobee
he cares about you a lot but he’ll do it from a distance :D
he’ll throw a bottle of water at you and a box of tissues, then leave.
it’s definitely not as if he doesn’t care about you, but he just doesn’t want to get sick. he misses touching you all over and in fact he wouldn’t mind wearing a face mask while he cuddles with you
he’s over dramatic over nothing though tbh.
you both end up snuggling together on a pullout bed in front of the TV screen, watching sports late at night uwu
when he finds you working even when you promised him you would rest, he gets rlly mad.
he’ll scold you since he’s “always right”, in the middle of your doing dishes. he’d spew out that you’re killing yourself and that being a stubborn brat isn’t going to help you.
if u snap back that you’re fine, he’ll snarl back at you, probably turning into an argument that sadly doesn’t end in sex because you’re sick
but if when you decide to retire to bed after his stubborn self discouraged you from overworking yourself,
he’ll stroke your head softly even while you’ve been out for a while, absentmindedly with his face lit up blue by the tv.
if you refuse to eat, he’ll try to explain logically why that’s bullshit and you need to eat, becoming frustrated when you still refuse. towards the end he will try to coax you softly and gently, doing his best to take care of you
he ends up being sick himself, bitching about how you were needy for him so much that you got him sick.
but now he hogs you to himself in bed, not letting you leave him for anything since this is technically “ur fault”. ????
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he knows what’s going on too before you realize it. it’s because he stares at you while you sleep cuz he’s lonely when he’s missing even one ounce of attention from you
he kind of ignores the fact that you’re sick at all and just snuggles into you when you wake up because you’re so beautiful y/n are you even real? 🥺
you don’t even get out of bed because Brahms is all over you, nuzzling you and possibly getting a little suggestive cuz he horny af —
but he pouts when you finally pull away from him, telling him everything you have to do and he probably then brings up that you’re sick and you have to stay w him in his cute little child voice to coax you
he only becomes concerned when you tell him that you’re fine, when you’re clearly congested and hot, frequently coughing.
he’ll cling to you, nagging you to come back to bed with him, pretending to cry when you refuse him
if that doesn’t catch your attention, he’ll be genuinely offended and give you the silent treatment.
he only retreats back to you when he finds you’ve refused to eat, getting sicker whenever you do. he has no idea what to do, and wishes he does. he’ll leave you pb and j’s at your door while still distancing himself cuz he is still technically mad at u ❤️
just go back to bed with him 🥺
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