#i noticed yhis in another live
rose022 · 9 months
doing this in a post so i have room. first we're doing popipa cus ik most of them even tho its been years.
so theres this girl kasumi who wants to find something sparkly and heart pounding with the stars. shes just started hs and is going to a different one and so one day when walking to school she notices stars (stickers) and follows them and ends up at a house and finds a guitar with the stars on it. except someones like?? what are you doing in my house?? this is arisa. she fails at being intimidating cus kasumi just wants to see the guitar and its also star shaped and she loves it. arisa goes with her to a live house cus kasumi wants to play music and arisa doesnt wanna leave this "thief" alone. they watch a show instead cus they cant play here without passing an audition. they watch my lovelies glitter green and kasumi is like omg yhis is the thing ive been looking for. so she goes to arisas house to walk to school together and suggests starting a band. theres also saaya who's in her class and encourages her but she and arisa decline the band. this other girl rimi does join but just cus kasumi is a bit liek omg you should join!!! and sures like. okay... anyway she goes to talk to arisa about the show they saw but shes like ?? why are you at my house again? u want the guitar? its being auctioned for 3000 now. but instead kasumi just helps her clean. days later theyre talking and arisa confesses she put up the stickers when walking home from piano practice as a kid cus she got them as a reward. they finish cleaning and arisa shows kasumi the guitar and it breaks and kasumi keeps apologizing and arisa goes to the store and fixes it and then lets kasumi have it. they then get another room too with an amp and stuff and arisa agrees to join the band if kasumi will eat lunch with her in school.
uh im gonna leave yhis here cus ive been on and off typing for a while but i love arisa and kasumi and ive shipped them since i started playing in 2017
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yeosprout · 5 years
shinwon cannot harmonize. And that is ok
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Reignition (Kozume Kenma x Reader)
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Word Count: 2,147
Anonymous said:
Hi! I love your work so much! I was wondering if you could do a Kenma x reader? Where theyre really good childhood friends, but she moved to miyagi (karasuno) for highschool. So then they meet at the training camp and have rekindled feelings?? Sorry if yhis doesnt make sense! Again, I love your work so much!!!!
I don’t know why I made this one so long lol. This was a lot of fun to write, anything that has to do with the training camp makes me so happy lmao. I hope you like this one anon! I hope I was able to write it how you wanted!
Another reminder that requests are closing on Saturday! I’m going through them all slowly but surely, after I finish these requests I probably won’t be taking them again for a while, so I can write up some other stories of mine to share with you guys! Anyway, I hope you guys are having a good week!
You sighed in exhaustion as you walked through the doors with the chaotic duo. You were never going to babysit these two ever again, no matter what Daichi or Sugawara said.
 If it wasn’t for them you would have already been at the training camp with everyone else, helping Shimizu and Yachi with the manager duties. But fate just wasn’t one your side this time, fearing that the two would ditch their supplementary exams and try to go to Tokyo on their own, Daichi had requested that you stay with them until the exams were done.
 Which meant that you had to also suffer through a crazy drive with Big Sister Saeko, and as much as you loved her, you just so happened to love your life just a tad bit more to never want to suffer through that again. 
 Now you were just exhausted, luckily from the looks of it the practice matches were going to be wrapping up soon, which meant food, showering and a good night’s sleep.
 You sighed once again, your eyes flickering over to your team, you could feel multiple pairs of eyes on you as the three of you walked further into the gym.
 “Thanks for watching them Y/n-chan.” Daichi called out as you approached everyone.
 “You owe me senpai.” was all you said as you walked passed them towards Shimizu and Yachi, wanting to get caught up on what happened while you were gone; completely oblivious to two pairs of lingering eyes coming from the Nekoma team.
 “Must be nice having three managers,” Kuroo muttered, his eyes focusing in on your small figure. “I wonder if that one is new like the blonde one.”
 Of course, everyone’s eyes lingered on your figure a tad bit longer than necessary, curious as to why Karasuno managed to have three managers, and well, because you were incredibly cute. It was fitting that you too would be part of the team, considering there were already two other cute managers.
 The lucky bastards. 
 “Shoyo had mentioned earlier that they convinced one of their managers to come back to the team…” Kenma said quietly, his cat-like eyes following your every movement. “That’s probably her…”
 Of course, Kenma had noticed how good looking you were, but the air of familiarity was too much. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had met you before.
 “Why must the universe be so cruel!?” Yamamoto cried out. 
 Kenma sighed to himself. There was never any peace.
 “Ne, ne Shoyo! Who was that other manager that walked in with you!?” Inuoka asked curiously.
 Even though Kenma never removed his eyes from his game, he couldn’t help but to sit up straighter, ears perked up. Of course, he was curious too, you seemed incredibly familiar to him. 
 “Oh Y/n-senpai!” Hinata grinned. “She’s a second year at Karasuno, she’s been a manager since her first year.”
 “How come I didn’t see her at the practice match?” Inuoka pondered aloud.
 “Y/n-senpai’s health is very fragile! She was sick for a while and her parents made her quit. But she loves volleyball so much that she begged to come back to the team. Plus, she’s really pretty and a good manager!” Hinata gloated, eyes shining brightly.
 Y/n… Kenma ignored the sudden race to his heart. He knew that name, he knew that name very well. In all honesty, he had never expected hearing it again, much less seeing you again.
 It had been years.
 He couldn’t help but wonder if you remembered him too. 
 Of course, he would remember you, his first love. The one that got away, the other person that he used to play with when he was younger other than - oh that’s right, Kuroo.
 Did Kuroo recognize you too?
 You did look different from when you were younger now that he thinks about it. 
 But then again, he looked different too. Kuroo maybe not so much. Just bigger, still just as annoying though.
 “Well I should get going. We’re playing you guys first thing in the morning!” Hinata said, waving goodbye.
 First thing in the morning?
 Then maybe… he could see you again, right?
 It was too early, way too early; especially with how rowdy the boys were already being.
 It wasn’t just your boys either, but four extra teams on top of yours? 
 How were you going to survive this training camp?
 “You’ve been sighing a lot this morning, Y/n-chan. Are you feeling okay? Do you need to go rest?” Shimizu asked, a slight concern to her voice.
 “I’m fine senpai; I’m just thinking about how lively everyone is. It’s going to be a long trip isn’t it?” You grimaced, eyes scanning the sea of boys that were currently eating breakfast right now and -
 “Oi! Yuu! Leave Tsukki alone before you break his glasses!” You called out to the libero, pointing the ladle in your hand at him accusingly, eyebrow raised as if daring him to challenge you. 
 The said male apologized, releasing his grip on the tall blonde and sitting down.
 You sighed again, ignoring the giggles of the other managers around you.
 “Y/n-chan is the best at handling our first-year duo and second year duo. They always listen to her, and she’s always looking out for them.” Shimizu explained, a small smile grazing her lips. 
 “Unwillingly.” You stated, “apparently my title as a manager has ‘babysitter’ in it. If I knew Daichi-senpai was going to make me watch those four when he can’t I wouldn’t have come back.” You started saying as you began serving the boys that finally came in for breakfast.
 “I guess I do have some practice,” you begin saying, eyes fixated on the food in front of you as you serve. “when I was younger, I used to play with these two boys that were -” your eyes widened as you looked up to the next set of boys you were about to plate.
 Kuroo looked at you in shock for a moment before a wide grin stretched across his face. While Kenna stood there frozen, although his heart rate was through the roof. 
 “Oya oya oya. If it isn’t little Y/n-chan. I didn’t even recognize you the other day. Who would have thought you’d be a manager at our rival school?” Kuroo said slyly.
 “Tetsu… You look the same.” you grimaced.
 “Oi why are you making that face!?” Kuroo huffed angrily before his eyes slid over to Kenma who was just… staring at you.
 The sweetest smile grazed your lips, your eyes wide and bright and… were you blushing?
 “Kenma.” You said softly.
 He could have died right there, it felt like all the bars in his health evaporated into nothing as soon as you looked at him and said his name. 
 He definitely died and went straight to heaven; especially with a smile like that. 
 “Y/n.” he mumbled softly, eyes flickering away from you, burning holes into his food, ignoring the two pair of eyes that were now staring at him.
 “You’re still just as shy as before.” you laughed softly as you served your childhood friends.
 “We’ll have to catch up sometime Y/n-chan.” Kuroo said before walking off to find a table. 
 “Kenma.” you called out before he could scurry away with Kuroo. He glanced at you once more, pausing for you to continue.
 “I’ve missed you. We should catch up soon.” you said quietly, a soft blush beginning to coat your cheeks.
 “Yeah.” he nodded at you once more before walking off, leaving your heart racing and your cheeks flushed.
 Even after all these years... could that be considered true love? You wondered, ignoring the giggles, and pointed looks all of the other girls were giving you.
 But internally you were squealing as well.
 The next couple of days you did exactly what you said you would do; you caught up with your childhood friends. 
 When you had finally returned for the week-long training camp, you were glued to the Nekoma team, much to Karasuno’s annoyance.
 Right now, you were handing out watermelon, a sweet smile glued to your face as you made sure your boys got some and then making sure that Nekoma did as well. 
 “Do you want seconds Kenma?” you asked, sitting next to the pudding haired boy. His eyes slid over to you before he shook his head and took out his phone, pulling up a mobile game.
 You scooted closer to him, your head finding his shoulders, eyes glued to the screen.
 You felt Kenma stiffen at the sudden contact, but soon relaxed as you guys drifted into comfortable silence. 
 This was all too familiar, you would always watch Kenma play video games when you were younger, it was entertaining and it didn’t involve strenuous work, which meant it was great for you due to your fragile health. 
 Plus, you got to be close to him, that was another bonus.
 Kenma ignored the racing of his heart and tried to beat down the smugness that filled his body as he received envious looks from the others. 
 The two of you were always close, you were the one person he didn’t mind receiving affection from, although it never really appeared that way.
 “Oi Y/n-chan, can you fill up our water bottles before the next match?” Kuroo called out. 
 “I’m not your manager Tetsurou. But I guess.” You rolled your eyes at him, heaving yourself up and dusting off your shorts.
 “I’ll go with you Y/n.” Kenma said quietly, putting his phone back into his pocket as he stood up.
 You couldn’t help the blush and smile that spread across your face at his offer, that just meant you got to spend more time with him, you’d fill up Nekoma’s water bottles any day if it meant more time with Kenma.
 Kenma was quiet as you talked about everything and anything as you guys walked towards the water fountains.
 It wasn’t that he was ignoring you, rather, his head was consumed by thoughts of you. He wanted to voice his feelings, he could only assume that you liked him too, from the way you acted around him, the way you treated him.
 Even though you guys were apart for years, it felt like you had never left his side. Everything was familiar, everything was comfortable, he liked that, he liked that a lot.
 “- As much as I admire and respect my senpais, it’s just not fair that they want me to teach those two on top of babysitting them and -” 
 “Y/n.” Kenma interrupted your animated storytelling, his slender fingers gently grabbing at your hand that held a water bottle.
 You looked up at him in surprise. 
 Why…. why was he looking at you like that? You could feel heat beginning to creep up into your cheeks, your stomach twisting with butterflies.
 Kenma’s piercing eyes bore into your own, there was a softness to them, but there was also a hardened look of determination.
 “What’s wrong?” You asked quietly, placing the water bottle down and you turned your body towards him completely. 
 He grasped both of your hands in his, eyes flickering down to stare at them before they softly trailed up your arms until they rested gently on top of your shoulders.
 “Do you like me?” he asked, peering down at you.
 “W-What are you talking about?” you asked nervously, eyes flickering away from his intense gaze. “O-Of course I like you Kenma, you’re my best -”
 “That’s not what I mean.” He cut you off. “If you don’t like me then you can push me away, but I’m not going to hold back anymore.” 
 “What do you mean hold back -”
 He was kissing you. Kenma’s lips were surprisingly soft and slightly cold, but they fit perfectly against your own. The kiss was lingering and gentle, hesitant almost.
 But it was your first kiss.
 Your first kiss with your best friend, your crush since childhood, your first love. It was… it was perfect. 
 This was perfect.
 All too soon he pulled away, taking a small step back to give you some space.
 Both of your faces flushed.
 Someone cleared their throat loudly, causing you guys to jump further away from each other.
 “I was wondering what was taking you guys so long.” Kuroo grinned wickedly. “If I would have known you guys were sucking face, I wouldn’t have come.”
 “Shut up Kuroo.” Kenma scowled.
 “So… did you guys finally confess to each other?” he asked, ignoring him completely.
 “Y/n is mine.” Kenma said simply, finishing up the last water bottle, grabbing your hand gently and tugging you away. “Since you’re here Kuroo you can take the water bottles back to the gym.” 
 A soft giggle escaped your lips as he tugged you away, causing a small smile to erupt on his face.
 “Damn you Kenma!” Kuroo yelled out. 
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leconcombrerit · 6 years
Lloyd made me love Sorey.
He really did, going through Symphonia again. I’ve been in a ranting mood recently, and there might be spoilers for Zesty and Symphonia ahead. You’re warned !
Lloyd gets on my nerves. At times, at least. And far from enough to keep me from enjoying the game, but I still rolled my eyes and sighed a goddamn lot throughout Symphonia. It was quite the contrary with Sorey, and seeing them side by side makes me realize how much I love our kind Shepherd. Let me explain.
Lloyd is such an idealist. Other characters point this out, in case anyone hadn’t noticed. Not that I have anything against idealists. I’m quite cynical, so I tend to find them annoying most of the time, but I recognize that we need people like that too. Idealism can be nice, if paired up with empathy. Otherwise, the character just becomes a self-righteous brat that makes people facepalm hard enough to lose all the remaining neurones their cheesy speeches hadn’t killed yet. And Lloyd had the empathy of an especially unsensitive duck. Okay, maybe not that much. But you get the idea. 
Arguable? Maybe. But how did he treat Dorr, when he learnt that he hadn’t stepped up to the Desians? Colette had to stop him and kindly remind him that not everyone was strong enough to stand up to their tormentors. Same with Mithos. A little piece of me died when he told him that he could live anywhere he wanted. “Not everyone can be strong”, as he said. Not everyone feels and reacts the same. “You don’t understand anything”, well no, he doesn’t. But Lloyd insists that he does. Despite their experience and hearts being entirely different, Lloyd feels entitled to tell him how he should feel and react. In that sense, the main antagonist of the story, the very one who wanted to make everyone the same, acknowledges difference better than Lloyd. Ironic much. You could argue that the thing with Dorr happened at the very beginning, but the fact that he acts the same with Mithos at the end (minus the anger, he gained some tact) shows that this peculiar trait of character remains.
He sees the world in black and white, probably because of his idealism again. Mithos points yhis out very clearly too, referring to a “game of good and evil”. This lack of nuance makes him the right guy with right answers for everybody. “The Desians are bad guys, let’s kill all the Desians, regardless of their condition and why they were treated like that”. Well, my bad, he does wonder why they do that. For a split second, before casting that aside to focus on his killing spree. “Kratos betrayed us, he’s a traitor, a bad guy, let’s not even wonder why he did this, we just have to stop him!”, “the Cruxis is horrible, let’s kill them”. I mean, yeah, they’re bad, same for the Renegades at first, but he killed many guards? Who mentioned, in Triet, that they had kids?
This statement isn’t absolute. He learns a lot during his journey, and that’s for the best. But he still assumes that his strength and values should be shared by everyone. He’s like a stubborn kid who’s ready to play dice with the world’s fate, the entire damn world’s fate, just so that he can save everyone, postponing the regeneration over and over to do stuff, and saving Sheena against all advice, and manages through his shining plot armour to survive and. I just can’t. I’m not saying he’s cruel or anything. You could even say that he has a sh*t ton of empathy for the people in the farms and the world as a whole (that he quickly dismisses to save Colette), but even then he mostly says “not another Iselia”, so… His feelings again.
 Sorey on the other hand starts off as this young, innocent and sheltered boy. He’s naïve and tries to help too, but when Lailah (who gets Raine’s role in the sense that she warns him of the consequences of his actions times and times again) talks to him, he understands. He does say he’ll save Eizen. But he also understands when he can’t. He’s focused on his task but doesn’t forget what’s important to him. He chooses to make a huge sacrifice to save the world instead of being a kid and say “I won’t sacrifice myself or my friends, who could die if we do this, we’ll find another way”. The whole concept of malevolence makes it obvious that people can be “weak hearted”, and Sorey doesn’t yell at them for that. He understands, or tries, or acknowledges that he can’t understand. That’s extremely mature for a 17-year-old boy.
People call him bland, and I can somehow get why. He’s not all that expressive. He doesn’t say things, they’re implied, and I would have liked to see more of his emotions on display too. But it makes his fists of fury even more impressive.
They’re entirely different characters and comparing them might be as stupid as comparing a spoon with a fork, complaining the latter isn’t useful for soup. This is just my opinion and interpretation of the characters, to each their own.
Tl;dr : to me Lloyd is a self-righteous kid who can’t take no for an answer and forces his own emotions and strength onto others. Sorey is more reserved and grows an awful lot, and puts so much efforts into understanding other people and finding what’s the best thing to do is. Which is why I love him more. But I still like Lloyd.
He’s just way more of a kid to me.
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