#i only added milfs because this is Tumblr be honest
I shouldn't have expected anything less lmao but shout out to the lady who is my usual nurse at my local doctors office, who hasn't been letting me slide on my studying spanish, because she's slowly turning into another mom figure and I'm collecting them like pokemon at this point dhdhhdd and no, none of them are milfs
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All the mods are in a giant platonic (sometimes romantic 👀) poly relationship but no one knows if it's fueled by love or utter disrespect
I can confirm as multiple mods have crushes on each other (idk who has one on me but mooncake anon, i’d love to hold your hand) and because we all love and respect each other (not disrespect. maybe i judge Sam for the MILF stuff but no disrespect at all). Which is why the server works.
To be honest, Tiger ( @sir-tigerr) is one of the coolest people I know and I wish I had his confidence in life and in myself. And I wish i could just hug him cus I want to hug him. and he lets me info dump about my characters which is just instant love for me
( @reallyradrat) Lion is an amazing person and I am so glad I can call them my friend. Just hearing their voice makes my day.
( @gayest-unicorn) Collin is like a brother and I love talking to him because we tend to work on the same wavelength of ADHD and it’s so amazing to have someone who gets what’s going on in my head
( @lentil-darling) Whiskerss is loving and funny and just great to be around. They’re always there and I know i can rely on them just to be stable, even on their bad days.
( @sammichfoxx) There’s Foxx who I love talking to about anything (characters and music particularly). She also got me back into wanting vinyls because they’re really cool but I used to think i was weird for liking them
( @undead-mutt) Wolf is great to talk to about critical role because I can share the pain that Matthew Mercer inflicts and I love having someone who is just as big as a nerd in the exactly same way as I am
( @honey-and-biscuts) Honey is baby and I will always protect them. They’re super sweet (and call me bun bun which is really cute) and they’re just really cool. And they send pictures of dragons all the time adding to their cool factor
( @fishie-and-chips) We also have Fishie who is also baby but sometimes isn’t and it’s shocking (#hoestuck 2021). I would die for xem. They always find a way to make us all feel better about everything (and xey’re cute as frick and xey shouldn’t forget it)
( @amy-walters) Bee is an absolute sweetheart. I don’t know how she puts up with us or why but we all adore her (and if another anon says anything bad about them i swear to god i am going feral, bee is so nice and wonderful and just amazing)
( @hufflepuff-pide-honey-badger) Julep is so great. They’re really comforting and just generally a great person to be around and even better to be friends with, I’m glad she’s part of our team and I’m glad she’s my friend because she’s just lovely
Krow (i don’t have his tumblr) is my bro. My guy. He got me back into my startreck hyperfixation AND my criminal minds hyperfixation. I’m still waiting on his essay about why Worf is the only Klingon bottom because it’s an ingenious idea. 
And there’s AJ ( @lotta-ghosts) who is our newest member but is still doing great at all of this. I know it’s overwhelming at first but they’re handling it great and I think he’s another little brother but that’s alright
And finally we have Killi ( @palid-espousal) who is just... fucking fantastic i love him so goddamn much oh my god. He is the mod parent, he makes sure we all eat and get water and get enough sleep and even when half of us are having breaks, he is there. He is always there and, even when he needs a break, we all know he’s still there. And I want him to know we all adore him and want the best for him, you can’t fight this Killi, majority rules
Anyway, i doubt anon was expecting mod appreciation hours but i love these people so much i just had to. They make this whole thing so much better and so full of love. And again, I respect everyone of these people so much, more than I do a lot of people, and that goes for how much I love them.  thank you
TL;DR i love my friends and they’re all amazing.
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