#i prob relate to bj the most out of all of em ohdear
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there are people who think fans of bojack wouldn't like him if he was a woman and im sure there are people like that ( diane is not worse idiots think this) I know if bj was a bojana i'd stil adore em I love messed up people i use to rp this lovely sociopathic homiceidal women with self destructive tendencies
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terra was another favorite who you feel bad for but girl goes on a full on murder spree (oh look another show with a downer ending ) you feel bad for her cause.. she's a manipulated child
just.. always loved tragic characters that usually screw themselfs over and had a poor attitude in general (eric cartman/ dan from dan vs / oswald cobblepot. villian characters are a lot of fun theres something so real and raw about em
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