#i probably cant trust you if you dont like usopp or robin though...
generalfranky · 2 years
I don't like when people think you have to like all the straw hats to be a op fan. Like I'm happy for you that you can enjoy them all! But let me be bitter about certain straw hats as long as I'm not bashing you for liking them!
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Hello! May i please get a match up? 5'2" girl. I have a pixie cut, black hair with Green eyes and pretty sharp canines. I love to draw creepy things and monsters! I have depression, generalized anxiety, very active adhd, and sensory overload also happens sometimes. I tend to cry more than i should, I cant really talk to people i dont know. I have trouble with pda and even alone with an s/o im still pretty nervous. It takes me a while to fully trust someone, but when i do im super loyal to them.
Of course darling! You didn’t specify whether you wanted male or female so I included a female just in case
Your match is…
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Going by physical appearances first, Usopp thinks you are the most beautiful human in the entire world. He’ll brag to anyone and everyone about you, looks and personality wise, and no one can stop him from exaggerating in his typical nature. The crew have grown used to it, but he’s known to brag to enemies and even new friends, “Well, I can’t be defeated because I have the most beautiful woman by my side! Her beauty alone can kill anyone who comes near as they’re blinded by her brightness!” It’s highly endearing and there’s really no room for you to be insecure because this sweet boy is always buttering you up!
Usopp is the artsy boy of the crew, his talents mainly being photography and sketching out designs for ships and weaponry, but seeing your art talent really inspires him! He does get unsettled from time to time on just how creepy your drawings can be…but he loves them nonetheless and hangs up every single piece of art you make him in his workshop. Only covering them up to avoid getting scared when he knows you’re not around lol
I mostly paired you with Usopp because, out of everyone, I think he would be able to understand and help you cope with your depression, ADHD, anxiety, and sensory overload the best. Usopp lives for cheering people up and keeping others happy, and you are no exception. He reads up about your symptoms, learning ways to keep things at bay and help you enjoy life. Loving Usopp is very exciting and fun, he always makes sure of that. There’s never a boring time in your relationship. 
He recognizes sensory overload can happen quite a lot when around the crew, so he’ll comfort you in the safe spaces of his room, letting you relax and calm your mind. Usopp has calmed down a lot since meeting you and he never wants to overload you. He doesn’t mind the crying, though he hates to see you do it, but he takes it as his duty to cheer you up and bring that smile back to your face. Usopp is a natural nurturer towards you!
He is quite a shy boy when it comes to PDA, so he doesn’t mind that you’re not a fan of it. Though, he will make do with soft hand holding or passing touches from time to time. When you’re alone is when he touches you most, cuddling you in his arms and refusing to let go. He loves the blush in your cheeks when he does this, which encourages him to only do it more! 
When Usopp recognized that you don’t trust others so easy, he made it a point to make sure you trusted him instantly. We know Usopp lies, but with you, that’s not the case. He definitely still exaggerates things, but you’ve come to learn that’s just in his nature and that, because he truly loves you, he would never lie to you. Usopp is very thankful for you coming into his life and he makes sure to show you that everyday!
Other potential suitors:
Robin: You and Robin both have the black hair aesthetic going for you, but you two look adorable side by side nevertheless, especially considering just how much shorter you are than her! Robin is super impressed by your drawings and loves how creepy they are. She likes to sit and read while you draw, it’s wonderful quality time to her. Much like Usopp, I think Robin would be good at handling your depression, anxiety, etc. because she’s such a calm, mothering type of partner. She takes very good care of you and has no problem in holding you while you cry. She’s not necessarily shy towards PDA, but she respects you, so she leaves all the loving and cuddling for behind closed doors.
Killer: You probably look the cutest next to Killer, considering your small stature and your dark, short hair contrasting his light, long hair. He thinks your drawings are pretty neat but can also get a bit unnerved by them. Sensory overload can definitely happen on the ship (especially around Kid) so it takes some work to help you and clam you down. Killer is a more reserved person anyway who likes peace and quite time, and being with you has given him just that. Killer isn’t big on PDA either so he doesn’t mind saving his affections for you in privacy.
Corazon: You’re even smoler next to Cora and he thinks it’s just the cutest! Cora is also a natural nurturer so taking care of you is something he thoroughly enjoys doing. He’s calm and can be fairly quiet, so sensory overload can hardly ever happen around him. His devil fruit can help you immensely when you’re feeling particularly overloaded. He brings you a peace you haven’t felt in a long time. Cora loves PDA but since he respects you, he won’t go overboard with it, but you bet your ass he’s gonna cuddle the hell out of you when he gets you alone! Cora is a cryer too, so he doesn’t mind holding you and crying with you when you get upset.
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