#i probably could’ve finished this on time but tbh I spent a significant part of the evening hitting shops to collect on free food deals
quortknei · 4 years
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I wasn’t gonna do a Halloween drawing (and technically I haven’t bc I’m late as always) but last night my 3am brain said “Uravity Falls” and I could not rest until the pun was fulfilled ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also the deku squad makes me so happy!! :)) look at them in their costumes, bein all cute & non-covid-compliant
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meggannn · 8 years
3, 9, 33 for the fanfic ask meme, please!
whoops, sorry i went to bed early last night so i’m just getting to this now!
3. Favorite fandom?
my favorite fandom tends to be the one I’m most engaged in at the moment, but BioWare fandom is so full of dramalama I can’t genuinely say it’s my favorite lol. though I have made tons of friends in DA/ME and I love diving into all of the amazing fanwork here, which is something I haven’t been able to do in a long time and I do genuinely appreciate the fact that it’s a place I feel free to contribute to the pile without feeling like I’m intruding on a members-only club.
some favorite past fandoms that have inspired me a lot to write, or otherwise shaped my fic or helped me grow as a writer and reader, are:
harry potter (when i was real li’l, it was technically the first fic i ever wrote, and tbh, no matter how terrible it is, i will always come back to hp fandom if it comes calling -- i loved the feeling it came with being a part of a fangroup that became cultural, not just thing exclusive to nerds)
pirates of the caribbean (the first fandom i ever really wrote “serious” fic for at 12 years old, AKA i spent more than five minutes on it, however terrible it was)
yugioh (the first fandom i engaged in actual discussion and i feel like it was the first to expose me to social justice, which is a bizarre thing to say, but i also made a lot of older friends that made me start thinking about writing seriously as a career, or at least as a serious pastime)
sherlock (i didn’t engage in this as much as i read, and i had to wade through a lot of bullshit, but there was a lot of talent in that fandom that inspired me to try out new styles, so i can’t regret it)
and legend of korra (RIP, but that was the first time i really started feeling somewhat confident about my fic. i was getting and giving feedback, which was an amazing thing to be apart of in the book 1 heyday)
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read?
do series count? i know a fic that is two series long – the revival and identity series – and it is by far one of the best fic i’ve ever read across fandom, and also the longest, at ~500k-ish words. also uh it’s yugioh, but everyone should know i’m a nerd by now.
runner-ups, and i am working almost entirely off of memory here in the “oh yeah i remember that fic was long” mental database and then going to check the word count as i type:
embers (mass effect), 280k
the grey morrow, another series (sherlock), 213k
a handful of dust (mass effect), 180k – and i might be cheating because i actually cannot remember if i finished this one, i think the author has updated since i reached the last chapter which…. was a while ago…
blue sky (portal), 170k
nenju (samurai champloo), 130k – which is AMAZING BY THE WAY AND MADE ME CRY
a ton of other ~100-200k sherlock fics that are all merging in my head atm
ETA WAIT another runner-up is also ghost by @theherocomplex which is around 220k atm!!! wow and now that i think about it i could’ve sworn there is some other 200k~ish shakarian longfic i’m forgetting but honestly i’m so tired my brain might have made it up and it was probably just that one
33. Least favorite AU tropes?
I think I already kind of answered this one here and here, but to summarize, my least favorite ones are alpha/beta/omega or vampire, werewolves, slavery, any sort of AU that involves biological or animalistic sub/dom tendencies. I’m also generally not usually interested in AUs that don’t have canonical narrative significance. for example regency AUs, partly bc I’ve never been a fan of period dramas, but also because oftentimes I don’t feel there’s any new understanding or angle to the characters or ship that’s explored in this AU, or at least if there is, it’s rarely explored in a way that engages me. (and I understand that’s not really the point, the point of writing is for fun, not to always to ~bring some new awareness~, and that’s totally fair.) for an example of what I mean by “canonical narrative significance,” I mean something like a First Contact War Shakarian AU – it’s a bit cliche at this point, but I also think it’s fascinating because it puts these two otherwise allied characters, who are very alike in their skills and sense of duty and honor, on opposite sides of a war that is neither of their fault. that kind of stuff is fascinating to me. another good one is the Hawke-never-existed AU, because it forces Varric (and the reader) to confront uncomfortable truths about the nature of DA2 and Varric’s straight-from-his-mouth-onto-the-page narrative.
fanfic ask meme
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