#i probably could've written it cozy even without the rain
nikibogwater · 1 year
I planned to work on a particularly cozy scene today, and lo and behold, it began to gently rain shortly after I woke up this morning. Clearly, it is the Lord's will that this book get written. 😤
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justapotatonow · 5 years
Sunshine boy ch.1
Summary: Lucas and Y/n have been best friends for a long time, so what will happen when there's trouble in paradise and a new person enters their lives.
A/n: ello so ik this is bad bUt I've never done a written series before so yeet🤠🤡 also special thanks to @sadyeehawismy2ndname and @marsgotnojams
It was about 3 months ago when Y/n noticed Lucas getting distant. She didn't think anything of it at first, because they didn't have to spend all their time together. But she hasn't seen him in 2 weeks and she was starting to feel a little lonely even though she had lots of other people to hang out with, she still missed her best friend.
That's why they decided to meet up at the new coffee shop that opened just a few weeks ago but seemed fairly interesting.
But after over two hours of listening to coffee shop music and calling Lucas for the thousandth time, she decided to check Instagram and see what her friends are up to. But when she got a notification that Lucas posted a photo, she was curious and clicked on his profile. And sure enough, he just posted a photo of him and his friend, Kun, who she's only met very briefly, at one of their many parties. She knew the photo was recent because of Lucas' hair color, which he only changed recently. But what hurt her the most was the caption "Never let your best friends be lonely!".
Most customers had left already and it was almost time for the young barista Jungwoo to close the shop. But he was more worried about how he was going to drive back to his dorm without crashing his bike into a bush somewhere. And he was, of course, worried about the cute girl in the back of the shop whos been there for over two hours looking pretty sad. And since the costumers have cleared out and it was only the two of them in the shop, he decided to come over to her table with two cups of hot tea and two chocolate muffins.
She decided to just order a last drink and go home. What Y/n didn't notice that it was getting late and that there was a pretty bad rainstorm outside the cozy coffee shop.
The girl's thoughts were interrupted when the young boy sat across from her and pushed a cup of tea in front of her. "Uh, I couldn't help but notice that you looked sad so I thought that this might cheer you up a little." after which he smiled shyly. "oH my, I'm so sorry you probably have to close the shop, I'm really sorry I'll go now" she added with an embarrassed laugh. "No, no it's fine! Really! It looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while anyway." he pointed to the window and she finally noticed the heavy rains storm outside. "Fuck. How am I supposed to get home" Y/n said and sat back at the table. "I texted the owner a while ago, he's a good friend of mine. But it could be a while before he gets here. Something about an important meeting he has to attend."
"So we're stuck here huh?"
"Yeah looks like it."
"Why don't we get to know each other then," she said shrugging her shoulders and taking a sip of the slightly colder tea.
"Well, my name is Kim Jungwoo"
"Pleasure to meet you Jungwoo, I'm Y/n Y/l/n"
She kept checking her phone to see if Lucas texted her, which didn't go unnoticed by Jungwoo "So who are you waiting for?"
Y/n looked out the window and told him she was waiting for her best friend who she hasn't seen in a while.
"..Yeah, do you know him? or are you just really good at guessing names?" he laughed in response, a sound she could get used to.
"I've seen you two around campus before. And almost everyone knows you two! You guys are really popular, why do you think it took me all this time to come over and talk to you? ".
"Oh come on Jungwoo I don't bite" she laughed "not unless you want me to" she smirked at him and he shivered.
"Are you cold? Our heater broke this morning, but I can get some blankets from the back if you want"
"That would be great. Do you need any help?"
"It's fine, they're not very heavy. I'll be right back!"
Jungwoo comes back a few minutes later with the blankets. He proposes to move to the couches which were standing under the stairs to the second floor. She agreed, and when Jungwoo made himself comfortable on the couch, Y/n sat next to him and pulled the blankets over them.
He looked at her with wide eyes and she said that it was to "preserve heat" to which he just nodded his head and stared at the coffee table in front of them.
Jungwoo asked what had happened between her and Lucas and they got to talking. They talked about their families, school, past relationships and somehow they ended up falling asleep on the couch, legs tangled and not realizing how much time has passed
Y/n's phone ringing woke them up she saw Lucas' face lighting up the screen and Jungwoo signaled for her to pick up.
And so she did, only to be greeted with Lucas yelling at her and asking her where she was. "Why should I tell you?"
"What do you mean 'wHy sHoUlD I tElL yOu' I'm worried, it's storming outside."
"Oh so now you care all of a sudden."
"Send me your location I'm picking you up"
"No. Lucas calm down you're overreacting"
"I'm overreacting? Okay sure"
Then Jungwoo sneezed and mouthed 'sorry'
"Who was that??"
"A very nice guy I met today. We could've been hanging out right now but you stood me up and I've waited for two hours. Do you know how embarrassing that was?"
"I'm sor-"
But she hung up before he could finish the sentence.
"He seems... nice?"
She laughed at his attempt to lighten the mood.
"Jungwoo, thank you for today. Honestly, you cheered me up. Id like to keep in touch." she said scribbling her number on a napkin.
Y/n gave him the napkin and a kiss on the cheek. "Call me anytime." she whispered in his ear.
She left the cafe with a smile on her lips leaving a shocked Jungwoo behind.Sunshine boy
It was about 3 months ago when Y/n noticed Lucas getting distant. She didn't think anything of it at first, because they didn't have to spend all their time together. But she hasn't seen him in 2 weeks and she was starting to feel a little lonely even though she had lots of other people to hang out with, she still missed her best friend.
That's why they decided to meet up at the new coffee shop that opened just a few weeks ago but seemed fairly interesting.
Most customers had left already and it was almost time for the young barista Jungwoo to close the shop. But he was more worried about how he was going to drive back to his dorm without crashing his bike into a bush somewhere. And he was, of course, worried about the cute girl in the back of the shop whos been there for over two hours looking pretty sad. And since the costumers have cleared out and it was only the two of them in the shop, he decided to come over to her table with two cups of hot tea and two chocolate muffins.
But after over two hours of listening to coffee shop music and calling Lucas for the thousandth time, she decided to check Instagram and see what her friends are up to. But when she got a notification that Lucas posted a photo, she was curious and clicked on his profile. And sure enough, he just posted a photo of him and his friend, Kun, who she's only met very briefly, at one of their many parties. She knew the photo was recent because of Lucas' hair color, which he only changed recently. But what hurt her the most was the caption "Never let your best friends be lonely!".
She decided to just order a last drink and go home. What Y/n didn't notice that it was getting late and that there was a pretty bad rainstorm outside the cozy coffee shop.
The girl's thoughts were interrupted when the young boy sat across from her and pushed a cup of tea in front of her. "Uh, I couldn't help but notice that you looked sad so I thought that this might cheer you up a little." after which he smiled shyly. "oH my, I'm so sorry you probably have to close the shop, I'm really sorry I'll go now" she added with an embarrassed laugh. "No, no it's fine! Really! It looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while anyway." he pointed to the window and she finally noticed the heavy rains storm outside. "Fuck. How am I supposed to get home" Y/n said and sat back at the table. "I texted the owner a while ago, he's a good friend of mine. But it could be a while before he gets here. Something about an important meeting he has to attend."
"So we're stuck here huh?"
"Yeah looks like it."
"Why don't we get to know each other then," she said shrugging her shoulders and taking a sip of the slightly colder tea.
"Well, my name is Kim Jungwoo"
"Pleasure to meet you Jungwoo, I'm Y/n Y/l/n"
She kept checking her phone to see if Lucas texted her, which didn't go unnoticed by Jungwoo "So who are you waiting for?"
Y/n looked out the window and told him she was waiting for her best friend who she hasn't seen in a while.
"..Yeah, do you know him? or are you just really good at guessing names?" he laughed in response, a sound she could get used to.
"I've seen you two around campus before. And almost everyone knows you two! You guys are really popular, why do you think it took me all this time to come over and talk to you? ".
"Oh come on Jungwoo I don't bite" she laughed "not unless you want me to" she smirked at him and he shivered.
"Are you cold? Our heater broke this morning, but I can get some blankets from the back if you want"
"That would be great. Do you need any help?"
"It's fine, they're not very heavy. I'll be right back!"
Jungwoo comes back a few minutes later with the blankets. He proposes to move to the couches which were standing under the stairs to the second floor. She agreed, and when Jungwoo made himself comfortable on the couch, Y/n sat next to him and pulled the blankets over them.
He looked at her with wide eyes and she said that it was to "preserve heat" to which he just nodded his head and stared at the coffee table in front of them.
Jungwoo asked what had happened between her and Lucas and they got to talking. They talked about their families, school, past relationships and somehow they ended up falling asleep on the couch, legs tangled and not realizing how much time has passed
Y/n's phone ringing woke them up she saw Lucas' face lighting up the screen and Jungwoo signaled for her to pick up.
And so she did, only to be greeted with Lucas yelling at her and asking her where she was. "Why should I tell you?"
"What do you mean 'wHy sHoUlD I tElL yOu' I'm worried, it's storming outside."
"Oh so now you care all of a sudden."
"Send me your location I'm picking you up"
"No. Lucas calm down you're overreacting"
"I'm overreacting? Okay sure"
Then Jungwoo sneezed and mouthed 'sorry'
"Who was that??"
"A very nice guy I met today. We could've been hanging out right now but you stood me up and I've waited for two hours. Do you know how embarrassing that was?"
"I'm sor-"
But she hung up before he could finish the sentence.
"He seems... nice?"
She laughed at his attempt to lighten the mood.
"Jungwoo, thank you for today. Honestly, you cheered me up. Id like to keep in touch." she said scribbling her number on a napkin.
Y/n gave him the napkin and a kiss on the cheek. "Call me anytime." she whispered in his ear.
She left the cafe with a smile on her lips leaving a shocked Jungwoo behind.
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