#i probably should have mentioned klapollo also erm sorry besties theres just too much narumitsu brainworms i forgor there are other shipsLOL
rendevok · 2 months
How about 5 (Phoenix) 16 and 23
5. Out of all your fanworks that include [Phoenix], which is your favorite?
Ohhhhhh OHHHHHHHHH… so i just stared at him for 15 minutes straight (thank you for that), but if i really had to pick JUST ONE, it’s this particular Phoenix (from the glove comic):
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Something about him… He just feels super Phoenixy to me, moreso than any other I’ve ever drawn, and for that he has my heart. Of course every Phoenix is very VERY important to me, but, the close 2nd & 3rd are that one heart Phoenix, and the yawny Phoenix haha
16. Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
Yes, though they are the people who are the closest to me. I’m typically very hesitant about sharing my art with just anyone i meet because fandom & fanart are very specific. I’m not really interested in sharing my work with people who wouldn’t enjoy it’s contents
23. Has your favorite character/ship changed over time?
Oh, absolutely! I’ve gone through many fandoms, and I’m the sort to let my interest levels rise and fall with them. (Though the ones that really matter to me stick with me even when the intensity fades.)
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