#i promise being alone is better than having mediocre sex with someone you can’t stand!
banglatown · 3 years
Heyyy, how are you? Hopefully life is positive.
Just want to ask you; would you ever talk to some you have previously been in a relationship with? If so why? If not so why?
I'm currently in this situation like I do miss them and I have an urge for them but at the same time my life has moved on.
Thx xxxxx
haiii! honestly, i’ve been better, got the booster and i’ve been feeling grotty ever since but, could be worse ig … hope you’re well too tho 💕
and wellllllll, it’s … different ig? every individual situation has its own nuances .. so .. it’s weird yk … like … i’m currently talking to one of my rancid exes who i used to swear blind i’d never talk to ever again (AS FRIENDS BTW .. JUST FRIENDS) .. my whole thing tho … if i’ve liked you and then … unliked you … lmaooooo … i can’t go back to being attracted to you again :// i just can’t so this fear my family have of me going back to any of my toxic exes is like … completely unnecessary lmaoooo .. so,
in summary,
on friendly terms, if you feel tht you have healed and have both developed and grown as ppl and both feel COMFORTABLE talking to one another then absolutely go for it
if it’s for sex … then no ❤️ absolutely not!
0 notes
bibbykins · 3 years
Vulnerable in The Dead of Night (M)
I wrote this QUICK, so if it’s bad, I’m so sorry, but I just wanted to get this out ASAP, so I hope you like it! Also, pls feel free to give me your thoughts or ask any questions, I love to answer them!
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NOTE: This is part of The Household’s Bunny series, which I recommend you read before this bc otherwise, it may not make sense.
Summary: Taehyung finds himself consumed with self-loathing and crushing loneliness. You find Taehyung standing alone in the kitchen late at night, happy to see him again for the first time in weeks. The usually playful and flirty man is left with his feelings when faced with you in the dead of night.
Genre: Soft Yandere! Taehyung x Chubby! Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: 18+, soft yandere tendencies, obsessive/possessive thoughts, crying, loneliness, self-loathing, abandonment issue, adopted person feeling unworthy of love, kissing, hickeys, cunnilingus, precum, blowjob, swallowing, dom/sub dynamics, dirty talk, this is a yandere fic so unhealthy relationships are throughout this series
Taehyung felt like he was losing his mind, and maybe he was. What could he be doing wrong? How can you not know how he feels? How can Jimin get his point across better than him? 
Do you not like him?
His pacing in the kitchen ceased at this thought. 
Surely, no. You liked him, right? You told him you did.
Although, that was before he and Namjoon had basically disappeared from your life these last two weeks. Is he that replaceable? 
The nagging insecurity of his childhood crept up. Flashes of tears, isolation, and craving for love tugged at his mind. He shook his head. He wasn't a 6 year old watching his father leave him. He wasn't a 14 year old in a foster home. He just wasn't that 17 year old in a new home, trying to adapt. That wasn't him anymore. Taehyung was loved now, by many. So why not by you? 
He blew out a shaky breath before finishing his glass of room temperature water. He was still dressed in his suit, having just gotten home from the final session of the blasted weeks-long project that kept him from you. His tie was more suffocating than ever but could not find a reason he deserved to undo it.
Too enraptured in his own thoughts, he didn't hear the soft pad of slippers downstairs or the tiny pants of regaining your breath from the nine flights you just went down in the dead of night, "Tae?" Your breathy voice sliced through the chaos in his mind and he let out a breathy chuckle, thinking he was going insane, hallucinating your voice.
Truly, he felt useless. He felt sub-human. He felt every piece of shit adult who turned his back on him must be justified if this was the best he could do. If a smokescreen of lovability with no love was his peak. If being alone with only hallucinations was the closest he could get to companionship-
He nearly choked on his water when he felt arms wrap tightly around his midsection, "Tae, you're home!" Your voice cleared the cloud of self-loathing and he looked down to see your half manicured nails, most of the polish chipped off. He slowly placed his hands on yours and was relieved to find you weren't a hallucination, "I missed you." He could feel your mouth moving against his suit jacket as you squeezed him a bit harder.
He let his eyes close as he relished in the feeling of you nuzzling into him, missing him. 
Worried when he said nothing, you moved to detach yourself but he held your hands firmly, "Tae?" You questioned only for him to hum lightly.
"I missed you so much, little lamb." His voice was soft, the softest you'd ever heard it as his thumb stroked your palm, "I didn't know you missed me." His voice held a fondness you had never heard from him before. Usually, his tone was light and playful but now, he was almost melancholic.
Did he genuinely feel that way? The panic of one of the men you found yourself falling for each day thinking you didn't like him as much as you did take over and you moved for you both to face each other. Tae merely blinked before you were in front of him, hands holding his face, not searching in his eyes but looking to express something with yours, "Of course I missed you." You pouted, "You all mean the world to me." 
He searched for any sign of a lie. He'd seen it time and time again from people in the entertainment industry, but with you, it was nothing but pure honesty, "Little lamb." He commanded your attention even though he already had it as you let your hands settle on each of his shoulders, "You mean that?" 
"I would never lie to you." You didn't miss a beat before looking at him further, realizing he is not acting like he usually does, "Are you okay?" You asked lightly, eyes traveling over his form, hands working to undo his tie as you've done before when he asked you to help him, "Oh gosh, that must feel so suffocating this late at night." You mumbled and undid two of his top buttons. He grabbed your hands as you worked at the second button, making you look up.
"Do you wanna know how I feel, baby?" He asked, eyes a little darker now as he drank in your form, wearing a mere long shirt that reached the middle of your thighs with no shorts in sight. You nodded and his grip on you tightened but wasn't painful, "Jealous." He rasped and you looked up, confused, "Jealous that you don't cum for me or crave me like you do everyone else." His voice was strained despite neglecting Namjoon's own lack of experience with you.
You blinked, "I mean if you want sex, that's okay." He let go of your hands, one of his hands moving to grip your hip as the other cupped your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb, "But you know that sex is just that, I mean, I like closeness and it makes me feel good, so I do it. But I also know that being sexually attracted to me doesn't mean you want me as your partner- oh!" He cut you off by pressing you roughly against the wall, his hand now cradling the back of your head to prevent you from getting hurt.
His gaze burned into you and you averted your eyes but the hand behind your head went to grip your chin, forcing your gaze to meet his own, and what a fierce gaze it was, "Who made you think that?" He snapped and continued when you struggled to respond, "Who convinced you that you're not just as worthy of pleasure as you are intimacy? Love? Companionship?" 
You were dumbstruck. Part of you wanted to ask how long he had because you had a list. You remembered every person who made you feel that way whereas they surely forgot you moments after you either did or didn't succumb to their desires. Instead, your eyes began to water, "Why are you…?" You forced out, blinking back your tears, "I don't...I don't understand." You shook your head.
"I don't want to fuck you so bad just because you're the sexiest woman I've ever seen." Your breath hitched and your mind couldn't properly process his words, "I crave you." He breathed, leaning down, "I've been agonizing over how to come to terms with the fact that I feel so fucking strongly for someone who has no obligation to feel the same." Before you could even respond, he placed his mouth on yours in a bruising kiss.
You responded immediately, trying your best to convey your feelings in this sloppy kiss, tongues intertwined as you needily moaned when his hand wrapped your leg around him, but he didn't grind into you, he just pulled your closer. The kissing lessened in urgency and increased in passion as he gripped you with a near bruising force, "Tae…" You groaned into his mouth and found yourself nearly crying. You held him closer and he squeezed you to him.
"Yes, baby?" He moved to kiss lightly at the corner of your mouth, mouth moving to. kiss at your tears. He didn't need to ask you why you were crying. He knew. He felt it too. He felt the relief that came with being held close, being kissed, and is wanted as much as another wants you.
"Do you mean it?" You asked, crying more now, "You…"
"I feel so strongly for you." He affirmed and you shook your head, having a hard time believing him, "And that's so frightening because you could just leave and I..." He breathed shakily, head tucked into your neck, "I don't know how everyone else is holding it together when I know they feel the same-"
"I do too." You had to say it before you wouldn't, "All of you, I do." You sniffled, "But I can't find a reason why you guys would feel anything for me too." Your voice was breaking and he just crushed you to him further, "And I don't know if they feel that way, and-" You cried further, "I-I need to go to bed, I need to-" You tried to pull away from his crushing embrace to no avail. 
You whined a bit at this. Your mind was scattered, and you didn't know what to do. There was so much going on yet nothing going on at all. You received a confession and so did he and yet, everything felt so complicated. The doubt of anyone wanting to be with you strangled your very being and made you want to stay in your room and never think about it again. Live alone in mediocrity and loneliness.
"Promise me you're not scared." His words were demanding but his tone was pleading, "I...I know it's a lot and I know I never act like this, but just, don't avoid it, don't avoid me." He sniffled and you relaxed, "The fact of the matter is, we feel the same about each other, the rest will come in time." He was regaining his composure and slowly you began to calm down. He was right. It was just you and him. Everyone else is at bay, they will get their time. You don't have to wake everyone up to know their feelings. You have time, "I know Jimin said his piece to you too, and we're not going anywhere, so please, don't go." His voice was stable again as he tucked in the scared and lonely little boy that haunts him sometimes and set his mind straight.
You nodded against him, honest and understanding of his words. You were nervous, sure, but only time would tell. If you run, you break your heart. But if you stay, you could either get your heart broken or get everything you want. It's a risk that you don't know how to calculate, but it's a risk you're willing to take. Maybe Taehyung is right and everyone feels the same about you in a way you could only dream. Just maybe.
He lets you go and you look at him, flawless as ever. His face was minorly red, tears minuscule and long gone by now, "We should go to bed." You murmured as Taehyung reached up to wipe away the stray tears on your cheeks and he nodded. 
He held your hand as he pressed the elevator button, lightly scolding you for taking nine flights of stairs in slippers with no traction, "Wow, you tell me you tell me you like me and now I'm getting chewed out." You giggled, the feeling of someone fussing over your safety was quite refreshing.
He looked at you incredulously, "If you fell or hurt yourself, all hell would break loose." He chided and you hummed.
You broke out into a goofy smile, "You like me." You giggled and the man next to you gave you a side-eyed glare before giving up on containing his own smile.
"Yeah well," He paused for a moment, smiling to himself, "You like me back." He chuckled and you felt your face heat up. 
He squeezed your hand and you watched the floors tick up to your own, "Tae?"
"Yes?" He asked, noticing your voice got quieter, more unsure. 
"Do you have anything to do tomorrow or do you want to stay with me tonight?" You forced out, nervous he would say no. 
Little did you see, he broke out into a cheerful smile and thanked his lucky stars before responding coolly, "I'd be honored to stay with you tonight." 
The elevator dinged just in time and you held his hand all the way to your bedroom before finally standing to face him. You studied his face for the nth time tonight. He was still beautiful each time and the moonlight only further deified his beauty further, "You're all so beautiful." You mused, reaching up to place a soft kiss on his lips.
"And all yours." He breathed.
You scoffed, "Sounds impossible." 
"Start believing, my darling." His voice was as smooth and deep as ever and you looked into his eyes and found an emotion you'd never seen before. 
Maybe you could do this. Maybe Taehyung was right and all 7 of them felt the same. Maybe you were deserving of sex and love.
And quite possibly it was your own resignation of maybe of the whole situation that made you reach up and push his suit jacket off of his shoulders. Confused, he still shrugged off the jacket, letting it fall to the floor. You reached up and began undoing the third button on his shirt. With more of his chest exposed you reached your hands up and feel the exposed skin of his chest softly, "Baby, what are you- fuck!" You cut him off, leaning up to suck onto his neck harshly before licking the spot. Your breath hit his neck, "You have got to be careful or I may not be able to control myself." You merely smiled before licking a stripe along the column of his throat and you could feel the vibration of his groan against your tongue before kissing along his jaw, "I don't want you to think I just confessed to you so I could come up here and-" He cut himself off with a strangled growl as you shifted your leg up for your thigh to brush against his erection.
"I like how cumming feels knowing you're still going to like me the next day." You spoke honestly and Taehyung wanted to find every person who didn't make you feel that way, "Unless you don't want to do anything, which is fine." You nuzzled into his neck, "I just, want to be close to you in more ways than one." 
He pulled back to look at you properly and found no doubt in your eyes. With Jimin, sexual acts had been a show of emotions. Now that you thought about it, even what happened with Yoongi and Jin felt like something different than what you were used to. In each sexual encounter, there was a level of care, making it feel so alien. Even with Jungkook and Hoseok, there was something there that you didn't know, intimacy. And yet, it felt so good.
Nevertheless, he asked, "Are you sure?" You nodded and he smiled, head dipping down to kiss you deeply. You continued your work on the buttons of his shirt while your tongues felt each other. Your hands went to his belt, undoing the Italian leather before you pulled away from his mouth and began kissing down his neck and his hands intertwined with your hair, "Baby, you don't have to make me cum." He breathed and you sucked at his neck to protest.
"I want to feel you in my mouth." You whined, hand reaching into the pants you unbuttoned to grip his dick over his briefs, "Please?" 
He nodded, eyes heavy, unsure how he could ever say no to you in the first place, "On the bed though, I don’t want you to hurt your knees." His voice was soft and you giggled at his wholesome request but nodded anyway.
You sat on the bed as he rid himself of his mostly taken-off clothing. You both tangled into each other as he kissed while he laid over you on your bed. You lightly pushed him to flip over so you were on top of him, legs straddling his hips. His hands glided over your thighs, squishing the skin gleefully as you continued peppering kissing down his chest, pressing your core into his bare erection, making you let out a needy moan, “You’re so hard.” You whispered, mouth sliding down his body.
Before you knew it, you reached his dick and of course, it was pretty. You wrapped your hands around the base and he sucked in a breath through his teeth before you licked at the precum at the tip before taking as much of him as you could in your mouth and he let out the most delicious grunt,” So good to me, my little lamb.” He praised you in a gravelly voice and you felt yourself get wetter as his hands curled into your hair, “Fuck, just like that.” He groaned as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked him further. The dark room was filled with sounds of you drooling all over his erection as he praised you and was very vocal with his pleasure. The praise made you moan against his dick in delight, “My little lamb likes to be praised, huh?” He cooed, voice strained and breath heavy as you nodded, never letting his length escape your lips, “So perfect for me, aren’t you?” You hummed in delight as he threw his head back, fingers tensing in your hair as he did his best to not pull it or push your head down. However, determined to please, you guided his hand to push you further, nodding to let him know it was okay. He was gentle as he guided your head, his other hand intertwining with yours as a sweet gesture. You bobbed rhythmically and you could hear his noises becoming less and less controlled, “Fuck, I’m getting close.” He warned and you responded with a strong suck that made his hips lift off the bed, “Where do you want me to cum?” He asked urgently and you answered by looking up at him through your lashes with a look way too innocent for someone about to drink down his cum. It was that look that sent him over the edge and you felt him cum in your mouth. You drank him dry before letting his dick go with a resounding pop.
“Did I do well?” You asked and, his hand still in your hair, pulled you to him as he nodded before planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Perfect, baby, perfect.” He was breathless but still intent on kissing you deeply as he sat up, hands going to your thighs to grip the hem of your shirt, “Can I taste you, little lamb?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You whined as he kissed your throat, going over the hickeys you had from the other me in the house, all of them mostly faded except for the one Jimin gave you. He lifted the shirt, only detaching from marking you to strip you of your clothing. He laid you down as he slipped your panties off, groaning at how you were glistening.
“You this wet for me, sweetheart?” He spoke huskily and you hummed desperately as his finger slid from your clit to your drenched hole slowly, “I really wanted to go slow, but fuck,” His finger slid in with little resistance much to his delight, “You’re just so ready for me, aren’t you?” You nodded, panting as his finger fucked slowly into you and he raised a brow, expecting you to be verbal.
“Yes, yes, I’m ready Sir, please.” You gasped out, fighting the urge to wiggle your hips as you confirmed with the honorific you trusted him enough to give yourself fully.
“Just because you’ve been so sweet to me,” He leaned down, breath fanning over your drenched core, “I won’t make you beg this time.” He kissed your clit, making you twitch before his tongue licked a stripe from your clenching hole to your clit, making you gasp, “You taste so fucking good, no wonder Jin and Yoongi were so smug for days.” He rasped and felt you clench around him further, “Oh?” He chuckled darkly as his tongue flicked your clit, “You like when I talk about the others? You wish they were here watching you squirm around my finger?” You writhed in delight as he slid another finger in, “You wish they were here helping me get you off so pretty, holding you down so you’ll be still like a good girl?” He teased you and it only soaked his fingers and tongue further as he slurped you intently. Taehyung had been waiting what felt like his whole life to have you come apart in his clutch and feel your sweet cum on his tongue.
He tasted you intently, fucking into you a little quicker as he let you squirm around him. He would be lenient and kind this time around, because of both of your desperations and tearful confessions. There was so much to feel and so much to taste, and he just wanted to have you crumble in his clutch. You were well on your way to be his, theirs, and he would be yours in return. He wanted to channel his hunger for you as he moaned into your pussy. You were already getting off by making him cum and now, you were unsure how long you would last if he kept flexing his tongue and running it over your clit as he curled his fingers in your cunt, hitting a particularly sensitive spot that made your back arch off the bed.
He murmured dirty and sweet nothings into your pussy as you clutched the sheets with a death grip, doing your best to not push his head into your core. You wanted him to have total control over your body and pleasure in this moment, “You’re getting close.” He cooed teasingly and you nodded, spurring him to take his fingers out.
You cried out as he chuckled, sucking your juices from the two fingers, “Please, I wanna cum, please, please!” You whimpered, pushing your hips up as he let his fingers go from his mouth.
“Shit, you’re so fucking cute.” He groaned, hands pinning your hips to the bed as you squirmed, “I’ll make you cum, baby, don’t worry.” He kissed at your clit, eliciting a desperate cry, “You just have to be really good for me and cum while I fuck you with my tongue.” He licked at your hole as you nodded eagerly, “Can you be good for me and do that?” His voice was dripping with lust.
“Yes, Sir, I can, I will, please!” You babbled, having been so close to cumming just moments ago.
You calling him Sir made his teasing nature disappear as he slid his tongue into you with a groan on his end and with you nearly screaming as he fucked into you. He moved inside of you as your walls fluttered, slowly clenching more and more as you could feel your high coming. It was when his hand went to rub quick circles onto your clit that you came with a strangled moan.
His tongue fucked you through your high and he only pulled away when your back settled back onto the bed and you were trying to catch your breath. He kissed your stomach before going to put on his briefs as he slid your panties back on. He hovered over you, placing a quick kiss on your mouth as you wrapped your arms around him, humming in bliss, “You’re such a good girl.” You keened at his praise as he placed a kiss on your cheek before rolling over to pull you in his arms, holding you tight.
“Now you get to be smug.”You giggled tiredly, eyes closing as you listened to his heartbeat.  
He chuckled, equally tired as he kissed the crown of your head, “I already am.” He mused, “Goodnight, little lamb.” His voice was soft and sweet as you could only muster another blissful hum.
Now, you were starting to understand what was so different about all of your sexual, or near-sexual, interactions with almost everyone. It was the emotion in it. 
You’ve had people say they liked you, get what they want, and then never see you again. However, the guys, barring Tae and Jimin, hadn’t said they liked you, but they tried to communicate it. They held you close, they stayed to cuddle with you after. There was care in the way they touched your body and it was liberating. It was frightening, the idea of getting used to something that could just go away one day, but nevertheless, you let your consciousness fade, knowing he would be there tomorrow morning.
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somerpmemes · 4 years
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist S1 Starters
Change as needed. More under the cut.
“Quick question: do you always have to play and sing your music that loud?”
“Why are you up so early anyways?”
“Oh, I didn’t go to bed.”
“So, you’re ready for this?”
“I just really don’t wanna screw this up.”
“Keeping it lean for the ladies.”
“I need to expand my horizons.”
“It was literally all you.”
“Now is not the time to be modest.”
“Let’s face it, the woman’s a narcissist.”
“Work your magic, feel the glory, in it to win it.”
“Well I’m not really comfortable with anything.”
“Alright, who wants some freshly delivered, slightly cold, mediocre pizza!”
“Could we maybe open a window or something?”
“They’re not that scary.”
“Are you sure this isn’t an elaborate teleportation device that will take me to an alternate universe?”
“I just wanna get this over with.”
“Is this supposed to be happening?”
“That sounds really sad.”
“Why are you singing right now?”
“Why would I sing to you? You don’t even like me.”
“Can I get you anything? Water? Vodka? Xanax?”
“Quick question: did you recently imbibe or inject anything that came from a “medicinal” type shop?”
“But I’m an open-minded person, I’m willing to roll with this.”
“Maybe you’re operating on a higher plane than the rest of us.”
“Child, I’m completely baked. Ain’t nothing going on in my head right now.”
“This is the first thing that I find remotely interesting about you.”
“Will we ever have joie de vivre?”
“My mom left me when I was young and my whole life has been a series of rejections from the opposite sex.”
“You sure you don’t hear that?”
“Let’s party like it’s 1978!”
“And you should really take everything I say when I’m high with a grain of salt.”
“That song is real dark.”
“Good music can make you feel things you can’t express in words.”
“Hey, not that I’m keeping tabs or anything but that’s like your fourth cup of coffee today.”
“That’s a whole lot of tmi I just spewed on you.”
“Who knows what other people are really thinking, right?”
“I’ve found in general death and dying tend not to be the best conversation starters.”
“If I show you something can you promise to keep it only between us?”
“This is the only thing that I can hold onto.”
“I’ve become a real expert on bottling my shame and pain and hiding it from the world.”
“Listen, I’m not an expert on this or anything but you can't just keep it in.”
“I should’ve been the one this happened to.”
“I think we’re just gonna have to stumble through it together. The blind leading the blind.”
“If you had the power to know what was going on in other people’s heads, do you think you’d feel guilty?”
“I’m going to be uncharacteristically honest with you so don’t get used to it.”
“I notice everything.”
“I just feel like everyone’s against me.”
“Two more hours and I would’ve gotten it, just saying.”
“There’s gonna be good days and bad days, remember? Let’s chalk this up to one of the good ones.”
“Mama needs an update.”
“No, no, don’t be flattered.”
“I view you more as a social experiment, like a rat running through a maze.”
“Sounds bougie, I’m in.”
“I'm not in trouble, am I?”
“Bottom line, please?”
“You’re yelling, bro.”
“I’m acting weirder than normal?”
“Believe it or not I didn’t really play any sports growing up.”
“This power is wasted on you!”
“Is this weird? This feels weird.”
“I gotta say, I am loving the energy.”
“I’m pretty sure nobody cares.”
“Any desire to tell me what this is all about?”
“Of course I know that song, it’s a very famous song. Do YOU know that song?”
“With great power comes a lot of nasty stuff don’t nobody wanna do.”
“I’m not NOT mortified right now.”
“Please tell me your day was better than mine.”
“Do I need to hide all of my breakables?”
“I can’t cook. You should see the inside of my fridge.”
“I guess we’ve just breezed right past the whole “knocking-and-waiting-for-the-other-person-to-answer” phase.”
“When I get inspired no doors will stand in my way.”
“Creative. Absolutely terrifying..”
“Could be cool. Could be confusing. Could be both. Let’s see.”
“And I’m kinda obsessed with you.”
“Door’s always open, honey.”
“So could everyone please act as if they care?”
“I haven’t breathed outside air in over forty-three hours.”
“Why did we come up with this stupid, stupid plan?”
“Dolly Parton is my spirit animal.”
“There are lots of reasons why people are unsatisfied, ___. 80% of it is sex related.”
“Do you just make these statistics up?”
“I’m gonna keep this one simple.”
“The only place I’m comfortable dancing is in my bedroom… closet.”
“Don’t ever say that again.”
“First of all, that’s terrible grammar.”
“I was a drum major in high school and that mess would not have been tolerated.”
“I have always found it helpful to vent when I’m feeling dissatisfied.”
“I don’t vent, I scream into a pillow.”
“You dress like a docent at a folk art museum.”
“Wow, we’re still talking about this?”
“___, are you growing as a person?”
“And the good news is I’ve been banned from the grocery store.”
“There’s been a radical shift in the way I perceive the world, you wouldn’t understand.”
“There is nothing in the world that I love more than your smile. But not if it isn’t real.”
“Don’t make this into a thing right now.”
“That term hasn’t been used in well over a decade.”
“I can see your side eye.”
“You can take the fifth and stop telling me about it.”
“Do you know anything about faith at all?”
“I think we might be vibing again.”
“Are you sure that everything’s okay with you because I feel like maybe it’s not.”
“See, that whole “leap of faith” thing really doesn’t work for me.”
“Empathy is a wonderful gift to have.”
“I have faith. You should too.”
“I recognize your tiny footsteps.”
“Okay, that’s enough gaping at the shut in for one day.”
“I swear this is the last one.”
“Why so secretive?”
“I am very aware of what a duet is.”
“Why do I even answer the phone this early?”
“My brain does not like functioning until night o’clock.”
“What’s the good of bad news if you can’t share it?”
“I love barely meeting expectations!”
“Is it great? Feels not so great.”
“I think you’re crushing it, that’s all that matters.”
“You two would be great in a female cop show.”
“Something’s going on with you, I can tell.”
“How do you do that? Really see me. No one else has the ability.”
“I’m just not used to negative feedback.”
“Care to tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Can I take a picture? I’m gonna take a picture.”
“Uh oh. Don’t tell me you’re depressed too.”
“My body’s doing all sorts of disgusting things to me like making liquid appear in my eyes.”
“It’s too gutless, it’s too passive-aggressive. I like aggressive-aggressive.”
“I just feel like I’m failing.”
“Why do you put so much pressure on yourself?”
“Wow. I just got a window into your soul and, baby, it is not a place I wanna visit.”
“Did you know I once stared at the ocean for literally seven hours?”
“How about you lead the way and I’ll just holler if I need any medical assistance?”
“You’d tell me if you weren’t good, right?”
“So, tell me some good news please.”
“Thank you for not trying to fix me or make me feel better. Thanks for just being real.”
“Why are you smirking?”
“Sometimes I just feel like I can’t do anything right.”
“Someone sounds like they’re in a good mood.”
“The world is waiting, so am I.”
“I have no interest in hanging around a bunch of 20-somethings talking about artisanal beer all night.”
“___, this is a classy affair. Of course they’ll be pigs in a blanket.”
“Now it’s time for a makeover which is literally my favorite thing to do.”
“No matter how hard I try I just never say the right thing.”
“At least let me help you accessorize.”
“I gotta admit this is kinda fun.”
“Now they just taste like water.”
“Who do we know with a hot tub?”
“You are super fun. Like sloppy, dance on a bar fun.”
“I might also be drunk.”
“I’m a mess… and emotional… also vodka.”
“Life doesn’t always go as planned. It just doesn’t.”
“Is it weird that I want one of those?”
“Yeah, nothing good happens after someone sings that song.”
“I hate when people assume I know their names.”
“So, you’re attractive and talented.”
“I can’t believe that happened, and how quickly…”
“If there’s something going on I’d love all our friends to hear about it.”
“You should probably leave this party before you burn something else down.”
“That’s almost funny.”
“I need that thing more than you’ve ever needed anything in your entire life and I’m ready to fight you for it if you make me.”
“I wouldn’t trust myself to ride that thing sober let alone now still halfway drunk.”
“The last thing I want to hear from you is another apology.”
“I really need to be mad at you right now.”
“Are you crying?”
“What? I’m not allowed to get emotional at a superhero movie? Lives were lost, ___. Ethical questions were raised!”
“He only responds in one letter. ‘K’? Who does that?”
“Just— let’s talk about you.”
“It’s hard to accept that I can’t do this all on my own anymore.”
“Wouldn’t peg you for a food court guy.”
“We are gonna be ultra professional from now on.”
“What’s the crisis? Did I cause it?”
“Can you believe it?! ...apparently you can and perhaps already knew?”
“___, are you okay? You look paler than usual.”
“You okay? You look shaken.”
“But I feel great and I’m gonna be totally fine.”
“Can you google that for me?”
“Are you seriously hiding from me?”
“I listen to true crime to calm myself.”
“Look, we both know I’m not good with feelings or emotions.”
“Mad respect for your pun game.”
“Men don’t check on men in bathrooms, it’s not a thing.”
“Well now I know you’re telling the truth because no one would ever lie about doing something that heartless.”
“Were we ever even friends at all?”
“Real friends have hard conversations. They owe it to each other.”
“I’m gonna get deep for a hot second so bear with me.”
“Stuff like this has been going on for a while now. You wanna tell me what’s up?”
“You’re starting to seem like a liability, man.”
“What’s the point of rising if we can’t do it together?”
“Here to pour salt on my wounds?”
“It’s all coming from a place of love.”
“It is not exactly what I expected but I’m rolling with it.”
“Watch how fast I nail this.”
“Are we talking witchcraft or just shameless career advancing?”
“I’ve got a super chill brain that never needs calming, so…”
“Was I just singing out loud?”
“Am I going crazy? I feel like I am. I mean, I don’t know what crazy feels like but I feel like this is it.”
“That’s… bad.”
“Are you fine? I mean, I know you’re not fine but…”
“Can you schedule your nervous breakdown for another day?”
“In solving one problem I’ve created another.”
“I… I don’t know why that happened.”
“Okay, yes, I’ll admit I’m in a good mood but it’s for completely unrelated reasons.”
“Okay, this is getting worse by the second.”
“I apologize in advance for whatever’s about to come out of mouth.”
“I'm really sorry. Just know, it’s not me, it’s my body.”
“That’s such a strange way to phrase that.”
“There you go, now you know. Hey, that rhymed.”
“I will go to the supermarket… one day.”
“I ruined my entire life yesterday.”
“I just call that uninspired.”
“Honestly, I think I’m broken.”
“What exactly is going on here? A creative inspiration or a massive cry for help?”
“I’m broken and I’m gonna die alone.”
“How do you go through all that suffering and not let it break you?”
“I don’t know what to do. And it’s tearing me up inside.”
“Hurt people hurt people.”
“I think it’s best if you don’t look at me or worry about and focus on what I’m thinking or feeling.”
“It can be challenging sometimes, knowing the right way and the wrong way to care for somebody.”
“Well, it’s the almost-thought that counts.”
“That’s a terrible surprise face.”
“I think it’s finally time I focus on my own happiness for a change.”
“I don’t want to talk. Lord knows that we’ve done enough talking.”
“I’m exhausted. And exhilarated. And thoroughly depleted.”
“Stay aloof, reveal nothing, keep small talk down to a minimum.”
“You’ve been there for me, I wanna be there for you.”
“Don’t smile at me, I don’t wanna look at your sad, appreciative eyes.”
“What? He’s hot, I’m weak, you do the math.”
“That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a hoodie before.”
“This would be a great place to murder someone, huh?”
“So, who’s ready to talk about death?”
“It doesn’t have to go down like this, ___.”
“You can only postpone the inevitable for so long.”
“In moments like these sometimes you have to haul out the big guns.”
“Someone better be dead or dying, I’m not in the mood.”
“I am worried. This is how I compensate.”
“I find you charming and disturbing, like a Pomeranian wearing a tutu.”
“I go big or go home.”
“Death is hideous and ugly and grotesque and wildly, wildly unfair.”
“Believe me, I’m not doing well but I’m not doing that badly either.”
“I guess we gotta face the music sometime, right?”
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The Stars Are Exploding Lights
So this is my sort of late fic for @mattelektrasecretsanta for @darkphoenixgoddess10 happy holidays I hope you have a good new year. I hope you like it. 
The Stars Are Exploding Lights, Daredevil AU where Elektra survives, takes place in the days before Matt and Elektra go on the run.
Matthew can't stop touching her. All through the drive to his apartment, he's stroking his finger along her arms, her thigh, pushing her hair back behind her ear, smiling. When she takes her eyes off the road for just a glance she can see it beaming out of him, happiness, all of his senses are trained on her, and the thrill of it sends a shiver down her spine.
"We'll travel, see the world."
"Mhmm," her Matty isn't stupid. He doesn't name places or time,  their plans are general.
"You'll like this Stick, no possessions. I'll have to give up my silk sheets."
"Mhmm," Elektra pouts. "I like your silk sheets we'll have to test drive them at least once before we leave."
Matthew chuckles and the hand on her thigh grips her more tightly the gentle stroke shifting to a massage belying his intent the moment they are alone. Elektra bites her lower lip and drives faster.
It's been so long since they've been together and they work out their adrenaline on one another. Still covered in blood and battle wounds, Matthew's hands and mouth are everywhere, and it's been years since she's been with him, too long since she's been with anybody, so she's ready for him the moment his bedroom door shuts.
Not caring about Stick in the other she urges him on in ecstatic cries: deeper, faster, savoring the weight and heat of his body atop hers. They fit together as perfectly as they did years ago. Later she'll worry about the fact that they forgot the condoms, that she isn't on the pill.
But at that moment she needs him, needs to be reminded of what is good and right in her life, Matthew, her Matthew. It doesn't matter what Stick said about who and what she is, what the Chaste raised her to be or what the Hand wants her to be. What matters is Matthew and how she loves him, how their bodies come together, the way his whole person focuses on her, and that he is still good in spite of everything, in spite of her.
That together they are good.
When they stir to bathe, to eat they both have a text message from Stick
"You've got about two weeks before the Hand reorganizes itself to look for you use 'em well, kids."
They both have things they want to take care of before leaving. He needs to see Foggy and Karen, and he'd like to see Claire tell her that he wasn't isolating himself any longer, that he was taking care of the people most important to him, connecting to them, but she's left the hospital, and her apartment has an air of disuse about it.
Instead, all he can do is dictate a letter telling her these things and assure her that The Hand will follow him out of the city and ask her not worry too much. He'll be in touch through Foggy. It's easier sending an email.
It's harder with Karen, harder still with Foggy, the best friend he was supposed to be running a law firm with, the best friend he'd disappointed so much.
"So you're just leaving with Elektra, your crazy 'X?"
"She's not crazy, and she's not my X'."
"Right, she's this Black Sky Thing and a warrior for  Chaste, which you also are, but the Chaste are also sworn to destroy the Black Sky?"
Matthew isn't sure what to say. His tone makes Foggy's feeling on the whole thing very clear.
Instead, he stands, waiting, tense, trying to think about what to say to convince Foggy to relent, to still be his best friend when he leaves, because he doesn't know when or if he'll see Foggy again and he'd like Foggy to be a part of this.
"And you didn't tell me about any of this all these years?"
"Well, I didn't know about the Black Sky thing or Elektra being apart of the Chaste."
"Ahhh so you know how it feels."
"Yeah," Matthew says resting his hands on his hips, trying not to be annoyed, Foggy has a right to be angry.
"But you love her?"
"And she's worth throwing away everything else you ever planned for your life?"
"Foggy I don't want to leave New York or give up being a lawyer, and I want to find a solution to the Hand, but Elektra, Elektra is my heart, and I need her to be safe. I can't go another ten years without seeing her."
For a very long time Foggy is quiet, and Matthew can feel the weight of it all sitting on him and that scent of overwhelming feeling growing his friend hanging in the air, like the smell of water in the air before rainfall. But Foggy doesn't quite make it that far.
"Alright man, you gotta protect your lady and only someone as extra as you would have a lady as extra as that, but I get it."
Matthew relaxes and Foggy lets out a laugh.
"Good because there is one thing I want you to do."
"One I'm already giving this letter to Claire."
"Fine two. We're getting married before we leave, just quick justice of the peace courthouse wedding. Will you be my best man?"
He can see Foggy of course, but its one of those moments when he wishes he could see clearly, see his full expression, the subtleties of the face he's making,  see all the things he's read in books, the things he barely remembers. The wash of ochres and ambers in which he sees world doesn't allow for small things like arched brows, widened eyes
"Of course Matt."
The elevator clicks open then and his ears detect the sound of Elektra's steady heartbeat thumping with the strength and steadiness of an ancient California redwood, the strongest heartbeat he's ever heard.
"You're welcome. You know what we need?"
"A drink?"
"Right to drink to you and Elektra."
Matthew made his way to the door, pulling it open before Elektra can knock.
She kisses him for a greeting and arm-in-arm they walk into his apartment.
"I have good news. Foggy has agreed to be my best man."
"That's excellent Matthew. Thank you, Foggy."
"You're welcome."
"Did you get your errands done?"
Foggy passes out the beer, and they drink a toast to new beginnings.
People would describe her as fearless, but the truth is Elektra Natchios gets scared. Her closest friends and loved ones, even Matthew who knows her better than anybody else, except maybe Stick seems to struggle imagining that she can be scared, but they're wrong.The common platitudes about fear: that you shouldn't let it hold you back, that you have nothing to fear, but fear itself or that a little fear is good are all wrong at least in her opinion.
Well maybe not the last one, there's a very good reason to fear things like jumping off 100 story building or being eaten by a shark, but otherwise the way people tend to think about fear, to run from it, persevere through it or ignore it is all wrong, at least from her perspective. The best approach to fear is to seek it out.
Fear is the emotion sitting on the edge of a new horizon, the thing you must step over or wade through to cross into a better life.
So for Elektra Natchios when she is afraid of something she always runs right toward it and having lived the last eighteen years of her life just like that doesn't make the next five seconds any easier.
"Do you Matthew Murdock take this woman Elektra Natchios to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold for richer and for poorer, in sickness and health, forsaking all others as long as you both shall live."
It's just a pause, barely an eye blink, but ever since they escaped that roof a week ago, every day that they'd been planning to leave, every moment of thoughtful repose that she caught Matthew in she wondered, wondered if he was regretting the promise he'd made in those few desperate moments before they'd gone to confront certain death, if in the light of day with an entire world of possibilities before him if Matthew didn't want to stay in the city that he loved doing the things that he loved.
Her life philosophy dictated that she confront him about it, or offer him relief from his promise after all since they both knew he'd made it believing that he was going to die. It was a fear and confronting it would only lead to good things, yet she'd backed away from it every time.
Now she watched him, trembling with it, five seconds and they were just so long.
"I do." He said those words and she basked in the brightness of the smile stretched over his face, and there were a million things she could have said to him at that moment, but then Matthew was kissing her, and she let herself melt into his arms.
The judge chuckled good-naturedly at their eagerness and pronounced them man and wife. Foggy threw rice at them, and Matthew suggest they go out, but Foggy insisted they go back to Matthew's apartment.
Where they walked into an apartment full of people shouting surprise.
When you were a human lie detector, it made life annoying sometimes. Most people could tell little white lies without a problem, but when someone wanted to cover their nerves they couldn't, and he could help, but respond even if it wasn't convenient or easy. For example once when he was in college before he'd met Elektra this incredibly hot girl had picked him up, her intentions were obvious, but underneath it, he'd sensed nerves, nerves he couldn't ignore.
He'd finally done the right thing when they were alone and asked her if she wanted to do this while listening for her real answer and it had mostly been a lie when she said yes.
He got her to talking, and it turned out she'd had a boyfriend that cheated on her, and she went out to pick up a guy, revenge cheating in hopes that if she did it would let her forgive the boyfriend and they could move on.
If he'd been able to just listen to her words, he could have gone on ahead and slept with her, because like most men to Matthew,  bad or mediocre sex was still good sex. But listening to everything else she said from the smell of fear around her, the lack of arousal in the air, her voice starting high in her throat and that rapid heartbeat, it became very clear to Matthew that she needed a friend that night to help her sort out her feelings.
He didn't have to be her friend of course, but once he knew that he couldn't sleep with her knowing her heart wasn't in it.
He told himself that if Elektra had any doubts, that she didn't want to share if she had any conflict, any hesitation about marrying him that it would be private. If she said "I do" that was enough. Yet when the time came he couldn't resist, a little peek at first and when he heard nothing but a steady heartbeat a voice lifting excitement he felt ever so slightly confused. She should have some doubt, right? A little uncertainty was normal.
The little peak turned to him training every sense on her 100%, and there was nothing that would indicate nerves. There was no smell of sweat in the air or hint of a stomach soured by nerves. He never thought of Elektra as a woman in love, it wasn't a way to think of her, but his sense told him that she wanted to marry him with every fiber of her being.
Her calm and steady heartbeat, her voice even and unwavering, they washed over Matthew as he listened to recite her vows stirring his love for her in a way he hadn't felt since they were in college. He wanted to step across the foot of space separating them and sweep her into his arms, press every inch of her small, lithe body against his, kiss her breathless and vow to love and protect her forever.
It took a prickle of fear from her as he stood letting Elektra fill up his senses, to remind Matthew that that was what he was there to do and standing there feeling it, mesmerized by her wasn't enough.
And as he spoke his voice heavy and hoarse with all he was feeling Matthew found himself wishing he could see clearly just how bright she smiled when he said I do.
He keeps expecting to feel something doubt, regret, fear, but he feels none of these. The only thing he can feel is excitement. Elektra has told him about all the places they can go, places she will show to him. London first later Greece and Cambodia. Then Belize, Thailand, and the wonderful cities of Africa that no one ever talks about like Algiers, Cairo, and Nairobi. They'll have to be careful of course, hiding at times, living rough sometimes and he's looking forward to disappearing into a quiet little cabin in the woods. He'd often thought the woods might be good for him, less agitation, less stimulation.
All the way to JFK he is just fine.
"What are you thinking Matthew?" She asks him that as they settle into their seats having passed security without a single hassle for their new identities.
"That whatever happens, as long as we're together I know we're going to be happy."
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catcomixzstudios · 7 years
How To Life Chapter 49
How To Avoid Being An Asshole
- NEVER create a religion out of these guiding beliefs, and ESPECIALLY NEVER create a religion out of these guiding beliefs where you spread the message by killing, harming, and/or prosecuting others who do not share your beliefs. Religions, in theory, generally seek to do good in the world. I respect that. However, almost all religions (or even just groups of people) will usually develop at least a sub-sect of individuals who spread messages of goodwill towards others by violently attacking them. It’s vain of me to assume someone would try to make a religion out of these ideals, but just in case, I’d like to clearly state that I do NOT want that to happen. That person is doing something I don’t approve of. If these guiding beliefs help you, that’s awesome, but I don’t want it to be any more than that. If you ever have to cause harm to someone else to try and spread a message, that to me says that either your message is shit, or at least you yourself are a piece of shit.
- Don’t kill, harm, or threaten people, animals, etc if you don’t have to. This is a very tough thing to fully elaborate on. I firmly believe that most situations can be resolved without the use of violence. But if someone is trying to stab you, I don’t think it’s bad to try and defend yourself. To me, violence is always and absolutely the last option and NEVER something you should start. If others have hurt you, acting on their level isn’t how you beat them. Be better than them. Actions taken on a violent impulse tend to have drastic consequences. Obviously I can’t speak to every single possible scenario, but you should seek to avoid causing others physical or mental harm whenever possible. A vast majority of people will likely not be trying to kill or hurt you. As a matter of respect, you should do the same for others.
- Don’t be a dick to people. You don’t have to be friends with everyone you meet to offer even the most basic levels of respect. If someone helps or just offers to help, be thankful. If someone disagrees with you, you don’t have to be an asshole about it. If someone’s a dick to you, dwelling on it is only going to get you to act that way as well. Not every day is a good day, of course, but trying to make other people’s lives worse because of your issues isn’t helping anyone. You have to take a stand at times, of course, but try to pick your battles wisely. Some dicks are going to be dicks no matter what you do, and just aren’t worth the time or brain-space. We have to live together, so the least we can do is go about our business without pissing each other off when we can.
- Don’t rape or molest others. No one owes you sex, no matter who they are or what you’ve done for them. You don’t owe anyone else sex, no matter who they are or what they’ve done for you. Your body is your own, and everyone else’s bodies are their own. Forcing or trying to coerce someone into sex they aren’t interested in is one of the most shitty things you can do to another person. Listen to people. If you pay even the slightest bit of attention, they will give you cues on how comfortable they are. If you choose to ignore these and force someone into that situation anyway, then I absolutely hope the most horrible things possible happen to you.
- Never own another human being. Slavery is great if you’re a slave owner. Lots of free labor done by people you get to mistreat with no repercussions. If the tables were turned however, I don’t think you’d be so happy to get up in the morning. I hope it becomes REALLY obvious that forcing or coercing people into shitty situations is a shitty thing to do. No sentient species should be subservient to their own people. No one should live a life feeling like they can never escape.
- Don’t use drugs or other things that can have a negative impact on yourself and others. With things like alcohol, use it responsibly. The medical field has made great strides with drugs that can help treat diseases and increase our chances of survival. Crystal meth is not one of those drugs. Hardcore drugs like that will fuck your body up something fierce, and the “benefits” are not worth it. Unless you enjoy staying up for several days straight and feeling like invisible spiders are crawling all over you. On the other hand, there are things like marijuana and alcohol. While I don’t use them myself, if used responsibly, I don’t think there are any problems with things like that. Those can be just as (if not more) problematic than the hardcore drugs if handled poorly, however.  
- Don’t steal from others. Would you be happy if your most prized possession was stolen from you? I’d wager not. Respect people’s property. If people have bought or made something, taking it from them is a dick move. There certainly will be cases where a person might have to steal to survive, but there’s a big difference between that and taking your neighbor’s sweet new laptop because you hate your current one.
- Don’t break or damage people’s stuff. Pretty much the same idea as stealing, while also remembering that destroying something of someone else’s is an asshole thing to do as well. If someone stealing your stuff makes you unhappy, just imagine how you’ll feel if it turns out they broke it instead?
- Don’t lie whenever possible. Spreading lies, mistruths, or withholding important information can and often will make situations worse. Technically, telling the truth in some cases may do that as well, but I’d personally rather learn to accept truths then become more comfortable with lies. Like with most things, there are levels of lying; saying you’re having a good day rather than a mediocre one isn’t on the same level as blaming someone else for a theft you committed. It’s absolutely good to tell the truth in most cases, but I will begrudgingly admit that sometimes you might have to lie to keep the peace. Just understand that lies built on lies may eventually be revealed as being just that, and the fallout for it will be much worse.
- Avoid holding grudges. Do the best you can to hang onto the positivity in life. I firmly believe that most people are generally good, though it might not always show. We can be distrusting and rude to one another, but at least part of that comes from a fear of the unknown. There might be some individuals that you come to know that hurt you, but I promise there will be others who want to help you. Focus on those that want to help you and who make your life better. I’m not asking you to completely forgive those that have wronged you; you owe them nothing. But once you can get them out of your life, don’t let your anger towards them continue to pull you back in. Doing so only serves to hurt your more.
- Try not to get too worked up over little things. In the day to day, lots of small annoyances will come and go. If you choose to hold onto them and let them keep breaking you down, it will make things worse. Acknowledge them, of course. Don’t pretend that bad things have never happened. Yet find time to consider how important some of these things might be. Consider what situations are things you won’t ever have to worry about a few years down the line, let alone even for tomorrow.
- Don’t fear those that are different from yourself. Things that you don’t know or fully understand can be intimidating. Some people react by dismissing these things. Some react by showing overt aggression. Most of the time, however, those that are different from yourself simply live their lives in a different way (usually one that doesn’t negatively impact you). There will certainly be individuals that seek to harm you for aspects of your being that you may or may not have control over, but spreading more of that behavior around never serves to make things better; it just validates fear. Try to look with fresh eyes to people that live differently but mean no harm. To me, it’s the differences between individuals that make life interesting and help us grow.
- (Generally) avoid absolutes. Very few matters in life are purely black and white matters of good and evil. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that one certain thing is always good or bad, but keep in mind that all groups are made up of individuals. Many things we get angry about are merely tools, and while some might absolutely be misused, it is the singular cases we should focus on. This isn’t always possible or practical, of course, but deciding that any thing or person is ultimately one way or another without much evidence can be dangerous. Carefully put pieces of evidence together and draw your own conclusions.
- Try to avoid frustration from perceived ignorance. Or to put it another way, remember that not everyone has the knowledge and/or the experience that you do. We’ve all lived different lives and had different experiences. Some of us have obtained much more knowledge of a particular topic over time, and keeping in mind that most others haven’t had the same opportunity will help you avoid some minor frustrations. Remembering that for yourself when learning from others will also help.
- Never get a tattoo of a romantic partner’s name. Look I know you might really love the person you’re with right now. But I swear, like the day after you get that tattoo of that person’s name, you’ll totally have some big fight or something and possibly even break up right there. Then you’re gonna be stuck with a tattoo of your exe’s name and you’ll have to go through a whole big process to either cover it up or get rid of it. Tattoos can be pretty awesome, mind you, but just be absolutely sure it’s something you won’t regret to have on your body like 50 years from now.
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