#i promised i would post more personal stuff👉👈
sleepipipi · 20 days
I've been working out lately and its going really good. I dropped some extra weight I gained and i'm feeling really good about it...
So please uhm, enjoy a tummy pics😖👉👈💕
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ofmdee · 3 months
deep breath okay lets do this, active ofmd blogs, give this post a like so i can check out ur page, yeah? 👉👈
bunch of rambling under the cut lol
GOSH man. i almost never check my followers on here and now im overwhelmed by it, so i thought this would be easier lol. but i find myself wanting to be More involved here at this time? and i wanna feel... idk more of a PART of all of it?
i have this compulsion?? to make sure i catch up w my social media feeds every day (meaning get back to stuff i saw the previous day) which is why i don't follow a ton of people, because i get easily overwhelmed, to the point where i start to feel.... uncomfortable if i am out of the loop for too long, and i am rly trying to get past that and make that not matter to me? to make peace with what i Do scroll thru in a day and be cool with not seeing every single thing.
anyway point being, i wanna follow more people, and meet new people, and be less..... standoffish? i am feeling particularly fond of the fandom right now, in light of everything that's happened, and i would love to make more connections i say even tho i can never keep a fuckin conversation going lol
i've been realizing lately that i never reach out to ppl, i never initiate a conversation or approach others first, and often let conversations die because idk how to continue them, and idk, that kinda makes me sad? when did that start? and no promises that'll change, but... idk i gotta start somewhere. and it makes me nervous even tho i KNO it's not that deep? idk!!!
i've been doing fandom and sims on tumblr since like, 2012, lol, and idk when i started to shrink back and blend into the background, but it def happened? online and irl lol. i've just got so much anxiety! how can that much anxiety fit into one person???? and while i've def been more active on fandom twitter over the past 6 years, there are a lot of things that i like better abt tumblr so. yeah. here i am!!! i'm sure none of this was necessary, lol, but i wanted to talk thru it w myself so. now u get to read it too.
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e40536 · 5 months
Especially everrete👉👈
...Aaand scroll (Even though bright made him)
well, firstly thank you… I’m really happy you enjoy my art!
and secondly, yeah I do have plans to! ^_^ lol, I had no idea there was still people interested in the little guys… I really would love to share more stuff of my ad ocs & their departments, as well as the creators who made them, I have like a few ad-related pieces queued (human au adjacent stuff but, addisons are addisons soooo) I just need to figure out an order to post them in haha, but like yeah for sure!! Be patient though I’ve been kinda on a posting hiatus for some personal reasons so it may be a bit until I get all the art out but I promise… it’ll all come soon
Here’s an eve for your troubles
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ravenquing · 3 months
Do you like any relationship ship Vax is in, canon or not? I love him with Keyleth but also with Percy and Grog sometimes. Also I would love to read what you write, but your AO3 link doesn’t work :( Or do you post stuff you write here? I love Vax so much and wanna read about my baby please
Imma fix that right away
here it is for now;
as for where I post my fics;
I sometimes post headcanons and random thoughts on here, but I post my stories to A03!
my fics usually explore topics that can be triggering, though, as well as dark ships??
but I'm trying to write more normal ship fic that is fluffy
I typically also write about Vax being trans to help me deal with my own transness lol
My personal recommendation will be this one called Second Best Bed, it's vax'leth but it's in a post-campaign au so it does have some spoilers for the end of campaign one and naturally for the legend of vox machina
and for the shipping question;
I ship Vax with so many other characters that it's unreal, he is the most shippable character i have ever written for i think
my favourite Vax ship is probably Vax x Gilmore, but I have also written for Vax x Keyleth, Vax x Scanlan, Vax x Grog and Vax x Percy
(maybe more i don't remember, some might also be on my old account that lost so sorry if you cant find any of the ships that i mentioned here)
and i might have a Vax x Allura thing in the works too 👉👈 but no promises on that one
as for my favourite dark ship, its definitely Vax x Sylas as you will no doubt see lmao
(both TLOVM S1 E3 & Critical Role C1 E24/25 ruined me)
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riwooga · 1 year
Hello 👉👈
I have had tumblr for yearsssss (like 8 I think?) I’ve moved a bit between platforms though, and it’s been like 3 years since I last actively used tumblr,,,, and roughly a year or two since I kinda stopped using most social medias for anything other than lurking in general— but I kinda miss being active, and more and more found myself missing tumblr.
But I didn’t really want to go back to 13 year old me’s blog and you know kinda in general wanted to just have a fresh start, fully start over. Especially a place without the pressure of my irl friends or family staring at everything I post :’)
An important note is I personally am pretty low limits about fictional stuff, I think it’s a safe place to explore these subjects and fully believe in separating fiction and reality with pure common sense lol. You can enjoy things in fiction that you would find terrible in real life, it’s not that deep. I really don’t want to engage in any fandom drama or anything of the sort, so if you don’t like what I post or disagree with me about stuff simply just block me or ask me to block you and let that be that, no questions asked. I really don’t have the energy to be arguing about fictional stuff. Of course feel free to send me a dm to correct me if I say something wrong or such though!
But yeah I’ll probably mainly be posting art, maybe reblogging stuff, or have random rants or rambles over my hyperfixations… but I’m probably not gonna post super often and might vanish every now and then. Always feel free to dm me and such, but there too I might vanish as my energy levels are in general quite low 🥲 but im friendly and happy to chat with people i promise! However I am a bit uncomfortable with talking to minors, so please don’t dm me if you’re under 18!!
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