#i rambled too long geesh
clearcloudlesssky · 1 year
BONJOUR (i really need to stop opening all my asks with this line there is not a singular french bone in my body)
you seem like a cool and intellectual person (everything i aspire to be fr)! and you speak mandarin like me (事实说,我的华文很糟糕...我的母语怎么说到那么差哎呀呀)! and you're friends with all my friends (i'm like a human detector device i see new person on my friends' blogs i stalk their page and follow them ehehehhj)
like we have to be besties at this point/j
my question: gush over your favourite book?? like GUSH IDC IF I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT I WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DETAIL
NEE HOW 没关系---其实我的中文也很糟糕 (ಥ﹏ಥ))
thank you so much for the ask!! i'm VERY new to interacting on tumblr so this is like really really really cool to me lmao
also PLEASE i am not a intellectual or a cool person do not aspire to be like me you don't know what i did last year under the blood red full moon of october 27th at 3:27pm
generally speaking my favorite books are the ones i'm reading/have just read, so right now they'd prob be perfume as you who have stalked my blog may be able to tell and probably coriolanus which i am rereading rn @bassguitarinablackt-shirt i told you about coriolanus last year sobs
i was forced to read perfume by a friend of mine -- she's a sucker for these totally reprehensible, incorrigible characters, and she'd been ranting abt perfume for aaaages. and it sounded kinda perverse but at the same time really interesting so i read it and it was actually really good...
ok and just in case this monstrosity below convinces anyone to read perfume, there's a few warnings in hand
perfume is a decently dark book, there's like 26 total murders, and the ending is...interesting. the author has a talent for creating unique, immersive descriptions but like maybe 20-30% of the time these descriptions lean towards eroticism so if you don't like that pls be warned?
if you've ever seen food wars think that but with really really good smells
ok now to start
i think that perfume is really cool because it's one of those where there's exactly one, very very clear theme - others may crop up but this feels super central, and that theme would probably be human greed, and the tendencies of humans to destroy that which they most love. it dives into total obsession and the idea of wanting to possess something so much, so badly that you destroy it in that greed, and the poster boy for this idea is the main character of the book, jean-baptiste grenouille, who murders those with scents he desperately wants to possess
the entire book is very unique in that it focuses itself around one sense - smell, and this creates a lot of really cool descriptions and a pov that you've probably never thought of before.
the mc himself is also a really interesting character - he's totally dominated by this sense, he's like a dog but ten times more sensitive to smell. he doesn't care about other human beings at all, he doesn't care about physical pain, or visually beautiful things, he only cares about the smells around him. he has a urge to possess all of them, to learn how to create them and collect them. i've spoken about his inhumanness and other stuff before so i won't go into that (this is long sobs i haven't even spoken abt coriolanus)
ok what's below is a weirder interpretation..
one of the ideas that popped out to me when i was reading is that the author uses individual scents as an analogy for a soul. everything in grenonuille's world has a scent. it is what defines them. it is what makes them them in his worldview, and for him to lack a scent means that he lacks a soul, and this only further emphasizes his inhumanity. he's terrified when he realizes this, and his lack of a smell is what actually pushes other humans away from him
by attempting to create a sort of "ultimate perfume" for himself, he seeks to give himself a soul, a sense of being, but he's left full of hatred and fear once he realizes that people don't care for him, the soulless, scentless grenouille, but the scent he created. they aren't attracted to him as a person, they're attracted to his ultimate perfume, and their sheer olfactory gullibility disgusts him. i can elaborate but that means spoiling the rest of the book and i don't wanna do that TwT
this leaves no room for coriolanus but let it be said this is a goofy ass book (i love it but still) generally shakespeare is a bit dry? for me and i don't take a lot of enjoyment out of it but i had fun reading coriolanus
the main idea of coriolanus is a general, a military hero who enters the cutthroat world of roman politics, and is absolutely destroyed. his bluntness, refusal to compromise, and above all pride makes him psychologically ill-suited to become a politician, generally i feel that a lot of traits that made him an excellent general turn on him once he becomes a consul (think president).
he has an absolutely wack relationship with his mom, who i feel is like the roman equivalent of that one parent who's basically living through their child. from the start to the end, she's the one pulling his strings. she's the one who pushed him to military success, she's the primary one who pushed him to become consul, and it's her who's able to convince him to spare Rome when he finally leaves to seek revenge. and when she returns to rome? it's her who gets the glory, it's her who's hailed as rome's savior, while coriolanus himself is brutally murdered at the end of the book.
to me, she comes across as someone who's hyper-ambitious, and perhaps as a woman in ancient rome, she wasn't able to move anywhere with those ambitions, so she pushed them onto her son instead. she speaks of blood and swords and death, and is prideful that her son was sent into battle at a young age.
honestly their relationship is one of my favorites from this play, and the only scene that i enjoy more than the death scene is uh coriolanus's arch nemesis speaking about him..
"Twelve several times, and I have nightly since Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thyself and me; We have been down together in my sleep, Unbuckling helms, fisting each other's throat; And waked half dead with nothing"
And there's also this
"Than thee, all noble Marcius. Let me twine Mine arms about that body, where against My grained ash an hundred times hath broke, And scarr'd the moon with splinters: here I clip The anvil of my sword, and do contest As hotly and as nobly with thy love As ever in ambitious strength I did Contend against thy valour. Know thou first, I loved the maid I married; never man Sigh'd truer breath; but that I see thee here, Thou noble thing! more dances my rapt heart"
yep additional note coriolanus's full name is gaius marcius coriolanus
they're a little bit silly aufidius totally isn't the one assassinating him at the end nope
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toxinellebug · 9 months
HESPERIA/BETTERFLY kamikotized heroes Headcanons PART 2
Since there is no Stone Heart in this reverse universe, I’m sure someone is wondering what triggered The Supreme to give the two most powerful miraculous to a couple of emo Parisian teenagers. 
So let’s do this…. *cracks knuckles and instantly regrets it*
Maybe it’s the etymology nerd in me, but I feel the amount of word play and pun usage in the show is either under-appreciated or lost in translation, so you will have to endure my ramblings behind “Hero” names.
But don’t worry, I will still include the action bits… the situation that called for a Hero, powers, appearance, and any interactions with Shady and Claw since I know THAT’s what you’re here for~
Fire Captain Hessenpy becomes…. 
(Since this character’s name was intentionally ironic/a joke, I felt it important to put extra thought into their name… btw, if you’re lost, Hessen is a very white german for a person who lives in a forest. So naming the Fire Captain Hessenpy is like, the American equivalent of Smokey the Bear.)
Now, in the normal or ‘prime’ universe, in France, fire-fighters are called “sapeurs-pompiers”.
       But in our ‘reverse’ universe where The Supreme rules all, after WW2 fire-fighters were re-branded as ���Fire-suppressors”, or “suppresseurs- pompiers”.   Sounds much less aggressive, more formal, doesn’t use words like “fighting” which has connotations of violence.
      ….I’m getting to that, geesh!
You don’t need to be a linguistic expert to figure out that “Libérateur” is the opposite of “Suppresseur”, since they are close enough to English.  But I bet you are lost on the “Neo” bit, eh?   Here is some fun word-play for you;
      In French, “pompiers” is an informal way to refer to firemen. HOWEVER, in French “pompier” is also an academic term, a rather negative one, in regards to imitating the conservative painting style of neoclassical artists.
            Wow, are you bored? Why should you care?  BECAUSE I’M MAKING A PUN ON HIS PROFESSION AND HIS SUPERHERO APPEARANCE! 
This is actually the first Hero that Betterfly/Hesperia kamikotizes.
The Butterfly Brooch grants the wearer an almost telepathic type of Empathy, as we saw in S4, “Ephemeral”, even when not transformed, Gabriel was alerted to the presence of strong emotions nearby, like an emotional smoke-detector. 
     The wearer of the Brooch can be alerted to intense emotions without intentionally searching for them even when they are not transformed.
This is the case when Gabriel was simply working on fashion design sketches in his atelier (office) when he was suddenly bombarded with an intense wave of terror. Not just the fear of one person, but of many!
Pulling up a live news broadcast on his tablet he quickly identifies the source; a bus that has lost control has caused many drivers to swerve wildly out of the way to avoid collision. But even more concerning is that the bus full of passengers is heading towards the Seine.
Gabriel can hear the screams of each passenger echoing in his own mind, and his pulse races.
Nooru can sense his holder’s thoughts and warns him not to be reckless, but Gabriel can’t possibly do nothing and with his words of transformation, light wings rise and Gabriel Agreste becomes Betterfly.
Just as he transforms, the news footage on the tablet shows that the Bus has crashed into the stone railing of the Pont au Change bridge, and now the Bus is dangling precariously over the Seine… one wrong move and it will tumble over into the river!
He can feel the fear of onlookers, paralyzed into inaction, fully aware of how helpless they are…. 
     The passengers are on the brink of hysterics, perhaps they too are aware of how long it will take rescue crews to arrive at the scene, time they do not have.
            Among the sea of chaos and hopelessness, Gabriel can FEEL it- a spark of determination, a desire to do something, courage to take action but not knowing what action to take.
                     Perhaps the fluttering wings of a moth can fan this spark into a roaring flame.
Off duty Fire Captain Hessenpy’s eyes are locked on the Buss teetering on the edge, so he does not notice the glittering white butterfly that perches onto and melds with his helmet.
But he hears the voice; confident yet somehow soothing. The voice identifies as a friend who wishes to lend him the strength to save those in need. It asks if he will accept this gift for the greater good?
A woman screams as gravity leans the front half of the bus ever closer to a watery grave.
Hessenpy does not hesitate.
He can feel it- unknown strength rippling through his veins in a surge of heat. 
    He charges valiantly towards the Bus, deaf to the sounds of his uniform tearing at the seams from his suddenly engorged muscles.
Now shirtless, and the remains of what were once trousers just barely concealing his dignity, Neo-Libérateur grasps the sides of the bus like Hercules grabbing the horns of the Cretan Bull, his blue eyes glowing with ferocity, grunting with great effort that for a moment, onlookers could swear some of the brown color from his hair drained from the exertion, making his locks briefly appear blond.
         The sharp contours of his body posed in such a way that would put even Atlas himself to shame as Neo-Libérateur hefted the buss further away from the edge until both back wheels were once more touching the ground.
It is only then that sirens fill the air.
Rescue crews have finally arrived at the scene,  winches and tow cables are secured to the bus and it is hauled back away from damaged bridge.
       Neo-Libérateur collapses to the ground with exhaustion as soon as the bus doors are forcibly opened for rescue crew members to retrieve the trapped passengers.
The kamiko relinquishes it’s alliance with  Neo-Libérateur, and Captain Hessenpy is left feeling exposed, for more reasons than one, as he is surrounded by both admirers and people with questions.
Letting the wings of transformation fall, Gabriel Agreste releases his own sigh of relief.
       But Nooru can not relax. Using the power of the Miraculous so openly is sure to attract The Supreme’s attention! 
           Gabriel knows, but he had no choice…. He can sense the relief of a mother, a passenger on the bus, holding her infant to her chest in overwhelming gratitude. The baby, oblivious to the danger he had faced, feels only comfort and safety in his mother’s embrace.
                  This is why Gabriel had to act.
   There is STILL good in this world, there are still people who are moved to do what is right without the promise of reward or benefit to themselves. There is still hope of creating a better tomorrow for their children.
         Still hope for the kind of future Emelie wanted for Adrien.
Gabriel is not so naive as to believe this task will be easy, but he knows that if he does nothing, if he does not use these powers to at least make an attempt to help those in need, then he is no better than The Supreme.
The News Media is quick to focus the story on WHY the bus lost control, and what precautions will be made to prevent similar occurrences from repeating in the future, as well as discussion of re-modeling the antique  
Pont au Change to a more modern design with reinforced safety railings. Time of construction and cost of materials being of the utmost concern.
         Captain Hessenpy’s involvement is mentioned only briefly, and swept under the rug with the dull and plausible explanation of a rush of adrenaline allowing for such strength under extreme duress, not unlike that which allows mothers to overturn cars to free trapped children in a panicked state.
No one questions it… Save for an overly suspicious teenage girl.
Only The Supreme knows the truth. 
    Now he knows that whoever stole the peacock and butterfly miraculous is hiding in Paris.
Based on what has transpired, it seems the thief wishes to play the role of “Hero”.
      What better way to lure out a “Hero” than with a “Villain” or two?
The Butterfly’s powers can be tricky to combat against given the long range as well as the diversity of powers that can manifest.  
    The Ladybug has the best adaptability as well as damage control, while the Black Cat has the best chance of cutting off a Kamikotized Champion’s source of power, even the kamiko itself.   
     The two of them are too powerful to be handed to just anyone. The Supreme knows that even amongst those who have proven their worth and loyalty to be entrusted with the rare privilege of using a miraculous, the temptation for betrayal is great.
Rather, it would be better to find someone ignorant of the weight of such power. 
 Please see my first post, “Supreme Identity theory” for further elaboration.
(Hint, hint, you can also see The Supreme’s selection process in my post “Shadybug/Claw Noir Reverse Umbrella scene Headcanon.”  which takes places just little over a week of the Neo-Libérateur incident.)
Idk if I can link to previous posts or not. I’m tech dumb.
Feel free to google Neoclassic art styles if you are still lost on the pun.
Not so much funny as it is dramatic… but this is Gabriel Agreste. You can’t have fashion without drama.
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pr1ncessm00n · 3 years
for sale or wanted • jean kirstein x fem! reader
series masterlist
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warnings: cursing, some “friends” (tv show) references, hostility towards reiner >:( and some mentions of a disrespectful relationship. slight ass staring LOL. awkwardness. lots of it. thick tension geesh
[ playlist - more than friends : real life animals ]
“Y/N!” Ymir yelled.
Flinching, Y/N turned to face Ymir, who’s arm was around Historia on the non-Porco couch. That’s what they had coined the couch they actually liked and fit with their theme. Ymir and Historia were currently on it, watching a rerun of Friends. Y/N was making a sandwich. Sasha was snoring loudly on the Porco couch.
“You don’t have to yell,” Y/N rolled her eyes. “What do you want?”
“When’s Kirstein comin’?” Ymir asked.
“I’m not sure,” Y/N responded. “He said around 4.”
“It’s 4:15.” Ymir retorted.
“Your point?” Y/N placed her hand on her hip, butterknife in her hand.
“He’s not coming.” Ymir said smugly. “Typical Kirstein.”
Historia sighed, exasperated. “Just shush Ymir. You haven’t seen Jean in years and you still act rude to him!”
Ymir cackled. “It’s just fun to work you guys up.”
Y/N turned back to making her sandwich. “It’s not like we’re on time for anything either.” She grumbled.
“Defending Kirstein?” Ymir scoffed. “Sounds like you got the hots for him.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
“Are you 12?” Y/N snapped. “The ‘hots’? Really? Who says that anymore?”
Ymir only cackled in response.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Jean clicked his phone off, leaning back in the passenger seat of Reiner’s car.
“Everything good?” Reiner asked.
“Yeah, just Connie and Sasha being aggravating as usual.” Jean explained. Reiner shook his head.
“So this couch, was it really worth it or did you just see a pretty girl and get too embarrassed to say no?” Reiner teased, smirking.
Jean rolled his eyes. “It’s not the best piece of furniture out there but I am, one, BROKE, and two, it was an easy buy.”
Reiner shrugged. “I don’t know, I saw your tweet.”
Jean blushed. “I just tweet my thoughts, we all know that by now.”
Reiner’s smirked deepened. “Not everyday you tweet about a pretty girl.”
It’s not everyday I meet one, Jean thought.
Jean shook his head, looking out the window. He tried to stretch but hit his arms against the truck’s roof. His legs were cramped as well.
“How do you even fit in here?” Jean asked, irritated by the tight fit.
Reiner shrugged. “I’d trade the inconvenience of no leg room for a big pickup bed anyday. It’s useful.”
“Nah, you probably just like to show off your massive truck bed and hope girls find that kinda thing cool.” Jean said.
Reiner laughed. “That too.”
“Has it worked?”
“Nope.” Reiner replied cheerily.
“Is that Becky G!” Jean exclaimed, suddenly hearing the faint sound of “Shower” playing through the truck’s speakers.
“Shit!” Reiner exclaimed, turning red. He quickly rushed to move his hand off the steering wheel and change the song off his phone. Jean continued laughing, the sight of Reiner’s red face, embarrassment clear, only fueling his laughing fit.
“Shut up,” Reiner growled. “It’s a good song.” The thought of the huge guy jamming out to Becky G almost sent him into another fit, but Jean strained to hold it in. The ride remained silent for a few minutes when Reiner spoke again.
“If you ever mention that to anyone, I’ll run you over.” He murmured. Jean chuckled and turned to face Reiner only to see he was being serious, staring intently back at Jean. Jean shut his mouth, nodding.
A few moments after, almost subconsciously, Reiner began to whistle the tune. Jean couldn’t resist the laugh that escaped his throat, earning a dirty look from Reiner.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “Coming!” Y/N called, taking her apron off and rushing to the door. She opened the door, smiling.
She was met with Reiner’s face.
“Reiner?” She asked, somewhat in disbelief.
“Y/N, put the butterknife down,” Reiner put his hands up, backing up a few steps.
“What-“ Y/N remembered the butterknife in her hands, clenched tightly now between her knuckles. “Oh, sorry.” She went to put it in the kitchen. “Come in!” She called behind her.
Reiner cautiously stepped inside the dorm, eyeing his surroundings.
“Braun.” Ymir greeted, nodding at him.
“Hey!” Historia waved cheerily. Reiner sheepishly greeted them back.
“Ymir, Historia. Good to see you all again.” He managed to get out awkwardly. He tilted his head curiously, looking at Sasha snoozing on the couch. He gestured to Sasha questioningly at Ymir.
Ymir waved her hand dismissively. “She’ll wake up, just give her a minute.” As if in response, Sasha mumbled in her sleep.
“Um,” he scratched the back of his neck. “Jean’s on a phone call, but he’ll be here soon.”
Jean was on the phone with his mother, who called at that exact moment and decided it was a good time to scold him about not calling for a week and a half. Jean was pacing on the sidewalk, his hand in his hair.
“Oh, okay.” Y/N replied. “Um, so how have you been?” The tension in the air was thick, but since neither Y/N or Reiner were confrontational they didn’t know how to address the mood.
“Good, good.” Reiner nodded. “And you?”
Y/N nodded back. “Good, too.”
The room grew silent.
“I’m sorry, but did someone die?” Ymir blurted.
“Ymir!” Historia gasped, slapping her arm. Ymir removed her hand around Historia and sat forward, opening her hands in a What? gesture.
“Well, it feels like a funeral in here!” Ymir said defensively. “Y/N’s over here glaring at Reiner like he’s an enemy of the state.”
“I am not!” Y/N semi-shouted, her voice shrill. Sasha sat up on the couch.
“Can y’all shut up?” She snapped.
“No!” Ymir and Y/N shouted at her. Sasha groaned, throwing her hand over her forehead and falling back on the couch.
“Look, Y/N,” Reiner started awkwardly. “I don’t mean any harm, and I know it’s weird after everything with Porco... but I just wanted to say that I don’t agree with anything he did. And I wouldn’t have just shown up here if I knew it was your place.”
Y/N uncrossed her arms, trying to fix the visible displeasure in her face. She could not hide her emotions if her life depended on it. There was a few beats of silence before Y/N finally spoke.
“Reiner, I don’t hate you,” She said begrudgingly. “It’s not that, it’s just… You knew what Porco did and said behind my back and you just never told me. I always felt like his friends agreed with him that I was crazy or something.”
“No! Not at all,” Reiner reassured her. “To be honest, I didn’t really know what was going on in his life. I haven’t talked to him much since I left Marley. All I knew was that he was dating you. He just told me you broke up and that’s when he finally told me everything he did. I’m so sorry.” Reiner rambled.
Y/N sighed. “I mean, I’m not going to blame you. It was between Porco and I. But I guess that makes me feel better, like you didn’t betray me.” She chuckled awkwardly.
“No, I’d never stand for the stuff Porco did.” Reiner said.
“Did he cheat?” Sasha whispered to Historia. Historia shushed Sasha, swatting her.
“So we’re good?” Reiner asked. Y/N nodded.
“Sorry for the hostility, I just never expected you to be here.” Y/N admitted.
“No, I get it. But I wish Jean would’ve at least given me a headsup you were Sasha’s room mate.” Reiner muttered.
There was a knock on the door then. “Come in!” Y/N shouted. Jean walked in, peeking his head around the corner to where Y/N was standing in the kitchen with Reiner.
“Hey!” Jean said. He waved at Historia and Ymir. “So I assume you met Reiner?”
“Actually,” Y/N chuckled nervously. “We’ve known each other.”
“Oh!” Jean replied, eyes widening. “Even better! So he’s gonna help me move this thing.” He patted the couch Sasha was snoring on.
Y/N nodded, a tight lipped smile.
“Kirstein,” Ymir called. Jean glanced at her. “Long time no see.”
“Oh yeah! How have you been?” He asked Ymir. “And nice to see you too, Historia.”
Historia waved.
“I’ve been pretty good,” Ymir responded. “But I see you’re still late to everything.”
Jean blushed a deep red, running a hand through his hair. “Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. I got a phone call I had to take.” He looked at the floor, embarrassed. Ymir simply grunted.
“So do you want to start moving it?” Jean asked Reiner.
Reiner nodded, walking over to the couch. The men stared down at Sasha’s sleeping figure, unfazed by the commotion. “Do we wake her?” Reiner questioned.
Jean sighed, shoving Sasha. “Hey. Wake up. Wake up. Wake upppp,” He shook the side or her body with his palm.
Sasha groaned. “I’m not ready to say goodbye.” she grumbled sleepily.
“You and Ymir literally bullied me to get rid of it,” Y/N scoffed.
“I had forgotten how comfy it was!” Sasha protested, turning to the opposite side. “Five more minutes.” Y/N scoffed.
“Do you guys want a sandwich while we wait for Sleeping Beauty?” Y/N offered, tilting her head towards the kitchen with the butterknife.
“More like sleeping ugly.” Ymir snorted.
Y/N and Jean made eye contact.
“You get used to it..” Y/N mouthed. Jean nodded, agreeing.
“I heard that!” Sasha exclaimed to Ymir. “Just for that, I’m gonna fart in your bed.”
Reiner turned a deep red. For someone who liked to listen to 2014 pop, he was pretty bashful.
“I’ll take one, if it’s not too much of a bother,” Jean raised a finger, inquiring.
“No problem! Follow me. And you, Reiner?” Y/N walked back to the kitchen, opening the fridge, Jean a few steps behind her.
“I’ll take one too then, thank you.” Reiner accepted. Y/N nodded, bending over into Jean’s line of sight almost unassumingly. Jean’s eyes widened, before looking the other way, a faint blush appearing on his features. He didn’t want to get caught ogling the girl on their second meeting, possibly giving the impression he was a creep. But damn, was it hard. He felt someone staring at him, and when he focused he realized it was Historia, who was holding back a giggle. He got even more flustered, looking away from her too.
“Any specifics? Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup? We have pickles and a wide variety of condiments and lunch meats.” Y/N listed.
“Y/N,” Ymir scolded. “Those lunch meats are for the fancy guests!”
Y/N shot her a glare. “Ignore Ymir, she’s just grumpy because she hasn’t been fed her daily sacrifice of small children.” Jean laughed a little too hard while Reiner chuckled. It was hard for Jean to focus when she smelled so good and was at a certain angle.
“Um, lies,” Ymir replied nonchalantly. “Children eating is at 12, it’s 4. That’s the senior citizen buffet.”
“Har, har.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “So what do you guys want?”
“Anything is fine, really,” Jean said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Is ham and muenster cheese good?” Y/N asked, standing upright and grabbing the two containers.
“Monster cheese?” Reiner asked, puzzled.
“M-U-E-nster. It’s so good, try it!” Y/N began to assemble both boys their sandwiches. “I’m gonna give you the works! Lettuce, mayonnaise and tomatoes!”
“Is Y/N making sandwiches?” Sasha asked from the couch, eyes tightly shut.
“Yeah, but don’t get your hopes up. There’s no children flavor.” Ymir mocked.
Y/N flicked her off without turning back.
Sasha bolted off the couch. “Can you make me a sandwich, Y/N? Pleaseeee? Pretty please?” Sasha begged, appearing at Y/N’s side and slightly shoving Jean.
“Yeah, yeah. But I’m not cutting the pickles this time. That’s gross.”
Sasha hummed happily, going to the kitchen to hand Y/N her sandwich components.
“Why don’t you just make your own, Sasha?” Jean asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because!” Sasha exclaimed defensively. “Y/N makes the best ones! They’re so good, and they aren’t lopsided and sloppy like Ymir’s.”
“You could always just starve.”Ymir suggested unhelpfully. She suddenly joined Historia in clapping her hands along to the Friends theme.
“But hello! Cheerio!” Ymir waved frantically to Jean and Reiner. “Don’t y’all got a couch to be moving?”
“Right,” Reiner agreed, walking over to the couch. “Jean, you take that side and we’ll lift it to my truck. Can someone open the door?”
“On it!” Sasha ran over to help.
Jean got on the other side of the couch, and on the count of three him and Reiner lifted it.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Ymir chided. “PIVOT! PIVOT!” she suddenly shrieked, causing Reiner to startle.
“Is she always like that?” He asked, wincing.
“Yes.” Everyone in the room agreed.
As Jean and Reiner moved the couch out of the dorm, Ymir sang the Friends theme song loud enough to be heard from the hallway. Historia harmonized with her happily, leaning into her chest.
Once Reiner and Jean safely secured the couch to Reiner’s truck bed, they returned to the dorm room.
“Yay! It’s gone!” Y/N clapped her hands enthusiastically. “Thanks guys, really.”
“Thank you,” Jean replied. “I really needed a couch.”
“And thank me,” Reiner teased. “For having a truck and upper body strength.”
Y/N laughed. “Here’s your sandwiches, courtesy of Chef Y/N.”
“Five stars!” Sasha banged her first on the table, chewing loudly.
“I put some chips on the side,” Y/N pointed to Jean’s plate. “It just adds that extra flavor.” She admitted almost shyly. Jean’s heart swelled. Why was she acting so.. adorable? There was just no other word for it. It wasn’t a big deal. His friends often acted adorable. Armin, Connie, even Sasha. Eren… On second thought, not Eren.
“Thanks! I love chips!” Jean said. Y/N laughed again, the corners of her eyes crinkling, shaking her head a bit. Even Reiner chuckled.
“Great commentary,” He said, patting Jean on the back with a large hand. “Thanks, Y/N.” He made his way to the couch, where Historia scooted to make room for him, smiling brightly.
“Don’t even try anything,” Ymir warned, holding up a finger to Reiner and giving him a death stare. Reiner shook his head, eyes widened in fear. Ymir borderline barked.
“You can sit!” Y/N motioned to the small breakfast table Sasha was devouring her sandwich at.
Jean quickly glanced at the table, then at Y/N leaning against the counter. “Nah, I’m good here.” He took a bite out of his sandwich.
“Ugh, that’s so barbaric,” Y/N scoffed. “Eating standing up.”
Jean nearly choked on the bite of sandwich. “Weren’t you just thanking me for buying your ugly couch?” He sassed.
Y/N rasied her eyebrows. “Um, you should be thanking me and my ugly couch for saving you from sitting on the floor. Why’d you even buy one if you just eat standing up? You animal.” Jean shook his head, trying to contain his smile.
“That’s rude.” He stated simply.
Y/N punched his shoulder jokingly. “You can handle it.”
Jean shrugged. “I don’t know. I might just cry myself to sleep every night. Who knows how long the guilt will eat you alive for.” He said in a fake menacing tone.
“Oooh, I’m terrified.” Y/N waved her hands.
“For good reason. I’d be a pretty annoying guilt trip.”
“I don’t doubt that.” Y/N agreed. His voice is so deep, Y/N thought.
Sasha stared at them blankly, head on her hand, mouth partially open.
“Sasha,” Jean rolled his eyes. “Close your mouth, I can literally see the chips.”
Like a fish, Sasha’s mouth closed with a wet sound. She finished chomping and swallowed before getting up.
“You guys are weird.” She said, walking to the couch as well.
Jean and Y/N watched her go, attempting to fit on the medium sized sofa.
“I think we might need another couch.” Y/N commented, watching Sasha try to shove Reiner off her usual seating spot.
“No take backsies,” Jean smirked, looking at her.
“I sold it for a reason, whatever your last name is.” Y/N crossed her arms.
Jean guffawed. “Like you don’t know my last name.”
“I don’t! It’s pretentious.” Y/N insisted.
“Uh, huh.” Jean replied, not believing it, more so hoping it was just a joke. “It’s Kirstein.” He said instead, opting to not find out the hard way.
“I was right, it is pretentious. All fancy soundin’.” Y/N shuddered.
“It is not!” Jean argued.
“Whatever. Do you know mine?”
“Duh,” Jean mocked, staring at Y/N and placing his empty plate on the counter.
“Then what is it?” Y/N shot back, staring just as intently.
“It’s uh- It’s um,” Jean drew a blank. He stuttered, trying to recall the memory.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh.”
Jean waved his hand dismissively. “It’s probably just basic.”
“Sure, Kirstein,” Y/N dragged out the syllables. “It’s L/N, if you must know.”
“L/N.” Jean repeated. “Nice to meet you.” He stuck his hand out.
“You’re not gonna freeze up now?”
“Very funny. You totally froze up first.”
“You looked like a deer in headlights.”
Jean shook his head, checking his watch. It was 5:15. Connie would be home soon, hungry. “I should head out, I got a lot of stuff to do.”
“More interesting than couch transporting?” Y/N picked up Jean’s plate, moving it to the sink.
“If you can believe it, yeah.” Jean chuckled. “But hey, thank you. It was pretty good.”
“The sandwich or the couch?” Y/N teased.
“Probably the sandwich.” Y/N said.
“Probably.” Jean agreed. “You ready to go?” He asked Reiner. Reiner nodded, getting up from the couch. Sasha scrambled to her feet off the floor to take his spot.
“Bye, everyone,” Reiner waved. “Thanks for the food, Y/N.”
“You’re welcome! Hope you enjoyed it.” Y/N waved.
“And um,” He stepped closer to Y/N, lowering his voice. “I’m sorry about earlier. If you ever want to um, talk about it,” Reiner ran a hand through his hair. “Just text me.”
Y/N grew stiff. Plastering a fake smile on her face, she just nodded. “Thanks, Reiner. I’m okay though.”
Reiner nodded. “I’ll see you outside, I’m gonna start the truck.” Reiner told Jean. He walked out, keys jangling, and shut the door gently. Jean stared at Y/N quizzically. He decided it was best not to ask, not wanting to come off as nosy or creepy. But Y/N could tell he was curious. She figured Reiner would explain and grew flustered just thinking about the humiliation of Jean knowing what Reiner knew. She preferred to leave that to Reiner and Jean to talk about.
“So I’ll see you around?” Jean asked, making his way to the door. Before Y/N could respond, Historia piped up.
“Wait, Jean!” She walked over to the breakfast table, digging into her pink Coach shoulderbag. “Here!” She produced a small pink invite, extending it to Jean.
Jan. 15 @ 8 PM @ Reiss Estate
2000’s THEMED
wear ur best y2k attire!
can’t w8 to see u there ;)
Jean raised an eyebrow, flipping the card to the back. It was a pic of Historia as a kid, wearing a hot pink feather boa with a pink plastic cellphone against her ear. She looked more or less the same, only more subtler. The girl did like pink.
“You should totally come! Connie’s also invited, and Eren is coming with Mikasa! It’ll be so fun, I hope to see you there.”
“Thanks!” Jean replied, glancing at Y/N. “I’ll be there. Bye guys!” A chorus of “bye!”s ensued. He stepped out the door. 
Outside the dorm, he let out a sigh of relief. Historia’s birthday bash. Another opportunity to see Y/N.
Inside the dorm, Ymir glared at Historia. “Why’d you invite him, babe?” She whined, pouting like a child.
“Many reasons,” Historia began, walking over and sitting on her lap. “One, to spite you. Two, he’s nice! Three, I can’t invite all of his friends and not him. That’s rude. And four, for Y/N.” Sasha and Ymir looked at Y/N.
Y/N’s mouth dropped. “Um, what? I didn’t say anything!”
“Oh, please,” Ymir rolled her eyes in disbelief. “We all saw you canoodling.”
“No, we weren’t.” Y/N grumbled, washing the dishes.”
Historia giggled. “It’s okay, Y/N. You can just talk to Jean at my party.”
Y/N shrugged. “Maybe.”
Pulling out her phone, Y/N found herself re-reading her and Jean’s messages. Not really knowing why, she decided to save his contact.
Just incase, Y/N thought.
Later that night, Y/N’s phone dinged.
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a/n: hey guys!! i’m sorry for the late update but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it :D so i saw this post and it was like “fanfic authors be going thru the most traumatic shit and then come back like nothing happened with a 6k word count chapter” and LET ME TELL YOU, that is my life. Rn nothing traumatic is happening but man it’s like this fic WANTS to be delayed lol. So i broke my thumbnail and i could NOT type for a few days without excruciating pain!! then i was busy into the night time which is my usual writing time. now i am sick with a fever, sore throat and a stuffy nose!! but i’m here, hopefully i won’t be sick for my graduation lol cus then i won’t be able to go. i hope y’all enjoyed this and ahh i felt so bad being mean to reiner but i feel like this was necessary for the porco plot to develop haha. also this is not proofread it’s 2am and i literally suck at writing first meetings/conversations. can you tell this was rushed lmaoooo. there was a lot more i was going to say but i forgot omfg so tune in to the next chapter!! love you all xx
btw i literally do not know how to do that “keep reading” tab thing where it cuts off your writing so it isn’t one big post so can someone please teach me :)
taglist: @usernamehere91 @calumsfringe @tsunderehokage
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haircoveredwriter · 4 years
10c trailer breakdown
Alright so I have thoughts after watching the trailer and of course since no one asked, I’m gonna put it out there for y’all. Lol. It seems like they’re leaning heavily towards flashbacks and character’s pasts in every episode. Everything also seems to have the ominous cloud of Negan driving team family’s motives, both currently and in the past.
Zeke/Yumiko/Princess/Eugene: Well, they’re right where we left them. Being detained by the stormtroopers of the Commonwealth and as most suspected we’re getting a bunch of separate interrogations (probably due to the pandemic protocol that was in place). Also makes sense no knowing EM wasn’t around for filming so all her “scenes” will be far away double scenes. The interesting part in this is they’re playing it off from Princess’s POV, the newest character in the group, and how it effects her and drags up issues from her past.
Aaron/Gabe: Why can’t they just let Aaron have nice things?! Does he have to be tied up or held at gunpoint every couple episodes?! Geesh. Sorry, just needed to get that out. Last we left both of them, they had been coming to terms with aspects of who they are/what they believe. Aaron not wanting to be the happy Golden anymore and we all know how stabby Gabe was in 10b ... This boys weekend gets cut short by what I think are remaining whisperers and/or another random group that manages to get a hold of them and make them reconsider their life choice ... yada yada yada. We’ve seen this arc before.
Negan/Maggie: I’m lumping them together because they’re stories basically rely upon each other as well as there are much more important things I want to get to. Sorry, not sorry. Maggie looks to have scenes with everyone, talking about one thing and one thing only. Negan. Was there really any doubt as to why she hadn’t come back earlier? Yes we get some Hershel Jr content but they’ve not expanded her storyline in how many years/seasons which feels a little old and stagnant to me. Now Negan is in the same boat. He has scenes with almost everyone, talking about the same stuff - I’m better now. Judith likes me so now everyone has to. =/  However they are giving him more depth in the Negan episode where he looks to be hallucinating himself, reliving better times when his wife was saving his ass and battling cancer, and telling himself the story of how the ZA made him the big bad he never wanted to be (please read the heavy notes of sarcasm). Truthfully, I do find his episode to sound intriguing but I also have other reasons behind that we won’t get into now.
Caryl: THE THING I’VE BEEN WAITING TO GET TO!!!! So this is gonna be in point form because there’s just too much going on in my brain and warning now, there will be a lot of rambling because, well, I can.
CARYL ON THE BIKE!!! Angela knows exactly what Carylers want to see and continues to feed us regularly. 
The “Negan issue” looks to be what they’re going with to start the argument between them. Toss in some time/convos with Maggie and Daryl’s being pulled in both directions. His natural instinct to protect Carol, which we saw in the table read when Maggie brings up her letting Negan out, and his hatred for the asshole himself.
I feel like the last part also ties into his guilt over Glenn still, especially with Glenn’s kid running around again.
We’re getting flashback content from when Carol visited Daryl out in the woods, else something we’ve been dying for.
Leah ... I don’t know what to make of her. She could just be a nice person with a dog that dies and Daryl feels bad so he takes Dog and we get puppy Dog/Caryl scenes the world deserves, or she could be cray cray. Need more info to decide but the only part I see her playing is having Daryl think about why he’s truly still out in the woods alone.
Daryl yelling at the world by what looks like the blown up bridge. Carol tearing down a wall with her bear hands in the dark, abandoned building she’s found once again. Yeah, they really do well apart.
I know these eps aren’t supposed to affect season 11 but AK can we please get something else for my girl besides hating herself and waiting for the end to come?
I’d also like Caryl to talk about what happened on the cliff in 10.16. Thank you.
Basically we’ve got a ton of introspection coming and I’m excited. There are so many Caryl questions left unanswered from Daryl’s woods years as well as things they NEVER talked about and really need to before they explode.
I wish they’d shown us more but I get why they didn’t. Kang keeps her ship tight. I trust her. I’m ready for the incoming wave of angst that coming because it’s gonna make things better for Caryl in the long run. Shit has to be brought into the light.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Stronger Part 3 (Unbreak my Heart)
Summary: Gang-tae finally gets a reality check.
Author's note: Slightly tipsy as I wrote this, life has been very busy but I have plans to write a naughty Search:WWW fic so I wanted to get this out first. The next chapters will be the climaxes and y'all can let me know if you want smut in this series, or if you like it nice and wholesome. 🙃🙃🙃🙃 But no worries the smut would come muchhhhh later.
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Mang-tae lays limp on the night frosted ground, gleaming button eyes peering up at him in judgement. With a deep rooted sigh he bends over to retrieve the doll, pocketing it before turning from the empty spot she no longer resides.
The happiness that bubbled up at her unforeseen appearance has twisted and crystallized into a rancid pool of disappointment and melancholy at her just as sudden disappearance.
He doesn't understand.
Opening up had been difficult, the most challenging obstacle he'd faced in their.... predicament. She'd been poking and prodding for as long as he'd know her, enticing him to crawl out of his self imposed prison, until he broke. Unleashed all his pain and misery on her like torrential showers thundering from the heavens. Voicing hidden horrors and his not so hidden desires, he'd tried to subdue his feelings but as always she made him act out of character.
The thought of that mad woman harming her made his skin boil with heated anger, so much so that all he could do was kiss her back to life; his grim thoughts had painted morbid tales of her demise and seeing her there on the staircase, painfully gorgeous had been so heart shattering he almost wept.
But somehow that hadn't been enough. His secrets and his scars weren't enough for her, she'd seen the real him and taken his advice to get lost. She wasn't supposed to listen to him, she never had before.
"Geesh what was that about? She looked like a witch out here! Did you two have fight? Why didn't she try to kidnap you and take you home?" Jae-su's bewildered voice cracks through the thumping of his heart, weighty in his chest.
He fumbles to think of an answer. He's at a loss, maybe he was the one who wouldn't understand her for a hundred years.
"I... don't... It's nothing. We're fine. Let's go inside." His friend scoffs, condescending eyes calling him a liar but he ignores them, running away instead.
At least he still has Sang-tae.
"I can't. I'm busy." His brother carelessly rejects his offer to hang out and watch cartoons, stuffing pencils and a notepad into the satchel slung across his body. Fidgeting as he fixes his hair in the mirror, visibly excited about his events for the day. He tries not to be jealous that he isn't a part of those plans.
He fails.
"Where are you going? Can't I come?" He pleads, staring up at his older brother with wide beckoning eyes.
Sang-tae stares back nonplussed, "You're not as cute at the alley cat, that won't convince me. That isn't convincing at all Gang-tae."
With a groan he rolls on the bed roll, before clambering onto his feet. Pulling out his phone he sends Jae-su a text, Do you want to hang out? He freezes as his eyes unknowingly land on her messages underneath, tricks to get him back in the castle and teasing selfies that he had saved once he received them.
He'd composed many messages to her before his thumb destroyed them with systemic viciousness, leaving no letter untouched. There was still a minuscule part of him that envisioned her coming back of her own volition. She always came back, boomeranging back into his life every time he attempted to flick her out. It was a law of his universe.
Yet it had been days since their last interaction and he'd heard nothing from her, no calls or messages, simply radio silence. He was beginning to become worried.
The honk of a car snaps him from his thoughts as Sang-tae perks up at the alarming sound, happily flailing before running out the doors.
He follows blindly, stopping in the doorway gazing down at her familiar car, instinctively he grabs Sang-tae's arm hindering his movement and escape.
"Where are you going?" He asks stupidly as if he can't see what is so painfully obvious.
Sang-tae looks at him with a look that mirrors his own thoughts, "My bestie invited me to a book conference, I'm going as her illustrator. We're going as partners, it's too to make connections she said. I'll be gone all day."
He can't hear Sang-tae's excited spiel over the blood rushing to his face, she hadn't contacted him at all but clearly was still conversing with his brother. Why was she only upset with him? Annoyance and jealousy ebb in equal waves in his blood line.
"Hyung don't you think that's too much? I thought you weren't talking to her right now." He instigates, feeling petty about being the one left out.
"I was but I forgave her, sometimes best friends fight but she apologized so I forgave her. She's going to be a better best friend now."
Sang-tae speaks calmly and certainly, pulling away from his firm grip and skipping down the stairs before hopping into the car.
Finally he allows his eyes to land on the window, readily expecting her answering gaze, eager to lock eyes with her and get lost in time with her.
Her smile is blinding and tender, eyes soft crescents.
But they aren't on him, they are locked instead on Sang-tae. Cloying possessiveness curls around his control and without any acknowledgement of him, they're gone in smoke and the smell of burnt rubber.
He gets drunk, disgustingly so, sloshing the liquid on his sleeves as he loses his balance and almost pitches off the table.
He'd bitten the bullet and finally sent her a message, readying for her to call and for them to fight their way back into their... predicament.
Instead he'd gotten a taste of his own medicine, it was poignantly bitter. It hadn't even been read. He wasn't sure if that made it better or worse.
"I told her everything, things I never even told you! But she's ignoring me, why? Why would she do that?"
Jae-su's eyes are huge as he rambles on, snatching a shot of soju from his hand before he can slam it back, he whines making grabby hands.
"Why did you get so drunk? You said that you only wanted to have a few drinks." Jae-su sighs exasperated, falling back onto the table folding his arms behind his head.
"Jae-su, what did I do wrong? Why won't she answer my messages? I stopped running, I let her catch m--"
"Yah!" They both jump from the volume of the scream, Gang-tae almost falling to the ground in his shock.
Sang-in's rage filled face swims in his vision, intoxication stuttering his movement.
"You think you did her any favors? You think meeting you did her any good? Do you know what she was like after you left her that day? She cried everyday. You broke her. You made her come back to this wretched place, do you know what that castle means to her? You're a selfish prick. Did you even say sorry to her for everything you've done to her?" Sang-in's spit showers his face in a wet splash, a feeling of deja vu overwhelming him.
He blinks back, dazed.
Jae-su shakes himself from his trance, jumping to his defense, "What's your problem? Of course he apologized to her! What are you accusing my best friend of?" He points his finger into the manager's face as they slap and hit each other.
That day. His blood runs cold, remembering his cruel words, berating and belittling her all because he couldn't deal with his feelings for her. Couldn't be honest with his brother or himself.
One time event.
Her tears salty like the sea water that crashed at their feet.
Realization drops on him like a dead weight, severing his air flow.
Did you even apologize?
Did you even say sorry?
He racks his brain scouring his memory desperately, that conversation playing out in his mind like a movie, scene by scene.
Telling her about Sang-tae and his trauma, the effects that had on him and the way he was allowed to live life, inviting her to join this life, be with them.
And, I, need you.
All about him.
He hadn't asked her if she was okay after being targeted by a patient, her skin pale as he ascended the stairs to wrap her in a hug. Her voice was not a part of the conversation, he'd said let's talk but in all honesty he had been the only one to talk.
About his pain.
His suffering.
All about him.
"I'm an asshole." He whispers aloud finally, finally understanding.
Sang-in and Jae-su both pause at his soft declaration, hands tangled from their scuffle.
"You are. But somehow you got the bitch and the nice girl. You don't deserve either."
He has never felt smaller in his life.
Why are you mad?
Stop acting up.
Those had been his messages, the only messages he'd sent to her, nothing but shameful regret fills his veins now, he hadn't done nearly enough. Not by a long shot.
He'd woken up the next day with a killer hangover and a sour taste in his mouth, wanting the ground to swallow him up. He wasn't that lucky.
He'd called her, one, two, three, many times. Each time going to voice mail, testament to her avoiding him.
Mun-yeong. Please.
I need to talk to you.
He'd lost track of the amount of times he'd looked at his phone hopefully, only to be crestfallen when it wasn't her. If this was anything like she felt when he ignored his messages he would never do that again. That coupled with Sang-in's snarky comments and withering glares made him want to pull his hair out.
The castle looms over him as he hesitates at the gate, before pushing it open with a loud creak.
His knocks boom on the hollow wood of the door, pounding as hard as his heart. The castle is silent, he pounds once more.
"Mun-yeong! Ko Mun-Yeong, please open up! I need to talk to you." He hangs his head, hand sliding down the smooth wood.
The silence is deafening.
"Please, Mun-yeong. I'm.... sorry."
He falls to the steps, the strength disappearing from his bones.
"Get up. Stop making such a scene, this was always the outcome. Only I can take care of her."
He twists his head around, eyes too tired to form a true glare but the intent there.
"Where is she?" He demands, fury and shame emboldening him.
Sang-in scoffs at him, walking away after peering through the windows.
He feels his eyes prickle from his emotions overtaking him, life without her was like going from high definition to black and white, his life was lack luster and empty.
"Wait." He begs, tears caressing his cheeks, "Please, where is she? I have to make this right."
Sang-in pauses on the last step, hesitation evident in the sharp angle of his shoulders before he starts walking again, leaving him shattered on the ground.
Sang-in stops at his car, steel eyes as he looks at him with pity, "Maybe it's your turn to start chasing."
The truth can be humbling.
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evathenovice · 4 years
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I has a story here! A gift for @tyraeltheapprentice​ I hopes you like it! Just some soft interaction between Eva and Tyrael. Aand..y-yeah sooo- *Shoves here and hides*
Just my luck, Tyrael huffed. And it was usually her luck; storms and weird weather happened rather often when she traveled. Not even the thick lush of the forest could hold back the rain drops or icy winds that bombarded her. No, there was no traveling in this kind of weather. “We need to find shelter, and fast.” she groaned to her two familiars, who were unseen if any other were to come across her, but their presence was felts. 
Trudging through the woods with both hands to her hood to keep it in place despite the battle with the wind, through the bramble and the bush that was lessening,  seemed to be a small clearing. Normally the opposite of shelter from a storm, the small cottage that was giving off light and smoke made said clearing much more appealing. The woman lowered her head to push through the storm challenges and made her way to the door, banging on the wooden circle since someone had to be home if there was a fire going. 
“Coming!” A lighthearted voice came from the other side as the sound of metal latches and the creak of the wood followed suit. “Hello, this isn’t the best weather to be out in- wait! Tyrael?” 
“Eva?” Her golden eyes widened as she looked down at the redhead at the door. This was the last person I was expecting to find
“Oh my gosh get in here!” Eva’s small hand reached out to grab Ty’s wrist and bring her into her home, “Get in front of the fire, quickly” the shorter woman kept pulling deeper into the home and right to the fire. “You are soaked to the bone!” “I-Uh, yeah. The storm hit pretty hard,” Ty honestly didn’t know how to handle the other woman’s attention. Not that it wasn't appreciated of course, but it was just not the common treatment she expected from the former apprentice of her mentor. Heck they had only met perhaps a handful of times when Eva would come to the shop looking for Asra or drop off something. 
“Wrap up and then have a seat,” The redhead instructed, gesturing to her blanket and chair by the fire before stepping away to another room.
“Oh uh, thanks” Tyrael mumbled, wrapping the blanket around herself before sitting as she was told to. Looking into the fire as she scooted closer for warmth, a small smile touched her face as the salamander rolling around in the embers looked up at her in a brief pause before continuing its play, “hey there little fella.” Perhaps it was how tired she was, or the focus on the little creature in the firepit, but the traveler didn’t expect the warm fluffy towel that was dropped on her head. “W-what are you doing?” Eva’s hands started working the towel through her hair, gently patting and ringing out the water trapped in the strands, “We need to get you dry, or you could catch a cold” The other woman’s tone gave off the feeling that this was the most natural thing for her to do. 
However it was far from what the blue haired sorceress in training would say was natural. Such kindness, and unabashed care…. A small blush formed on her flustered cheeks as she sunk deeper into the cozy chair, wrapping the blanket tighter around herself. “T-Thank you.” she stammered, eyes going back to the little critter in the fireplace. 
“Not at all!” Eva hummed with a smile, patting and gently floofing Ty’s hair. “Hey Sausage, would you be a dear and go heat up the bathtub? I bet our guest could use a nice hot bath to get the cold out of her bones.” 
“Oh, uh, you don’t need to do that,” The guest tried to say, “I’m okay.” “You sure? I don’t want you to get sick, and your face is a bit flush,” Eva knelt down in front of the chair, gently pressing the back of her hand to Ty’s forehead to check for a fever. 
“I guess...That would be nice” Ty’ felt her face heating up even more at the gentle touch. Normally she would say she could tough it out, but the soft doe eyes staring at her.. It was hard to say no to. 
The salamander with a small gurgle of a noise crawled out of the fire, steam coming off its body as it made its way across the stone floor to the bathroom in the back of the hut to do the task. 
The redhead’s smile grew, “There we go. Now, how about something to drink, I was just stirring up some caramel apple cider. Definitely will warm you up from the inside out.”
“Oh uh,” but before the other woman could ask about what exactly *cider* was, Eva had scurried into the kitchen to get them some mugs, as well as a bowl of hot oatmeal for her guest. Ty arched her neck to look over the chair to try and see what was going on in the kitchen, hearing the shuffling of dishes and the hissing of a teapot. “Everything okay in there?” 
“Huh? Oh yes yes, I was just getting something warm for you to eat too. It’s just oatmeal, but I have honey and stuff I can put in if you want.” "Oh you don't need to add that for me. I like it simple.... Do, uh... Do you want to have some too?" She would have felt a bit odd eating alone in another person’s home. Besides, eating together and talking sounded rather nice. 
“Well I think I could have a little.” Eva chuckled, adding an extra spoon to the bowl before bringing it all out on a tray. “It will still be a bit hot, so careful not to burn your tongue, okay” She winked, pulling one of her bean bag pillow cushions to sit beside Ty. 
“I’ll be sure to be careful,” Ty chuckled softly, a soft hum spilling out with her exhale as she took a deep whiff of the cider, enjoying the mix of slight sweetness and spice, as well as the heat that was spreading into her fingers. 
“I gotta say I am so relieved you found my place,” The redhead said between small sips of her drink, “If I found out you were in my neck of the woods and had been out all night in this storm I would have felt so guilty.” 
“It wouldn’t have been your fault though, you didn't make the storm happen,” Ty raised a brow, a rather amused smile on her face at how… well, coddling and doting on her. It was rather confusing to try and comprehend why the girl was doing these things for her, but also it warmed her heart to see how caring and adamant she was, rambling on about how Ty could have gotten sick or lost and so on and on. “Well I didn’t, I am here so we don’t have to worry about that.”
Both the women chuckled a little and decided to change the topic of conversation, whilst sharing in the oatmeal, which Eva had thought had cooled down enough, but the sudden huffing and fanning of her mouth proved that wrong. “You okay?” Ty asked, sitting up in concern and reaching a hand to touch Eva’s shoulder. Getting a small thumbs up and a half smile, Ty chuckled a bit with a sigh, “And here you are telling me to be careful of my own tongue. Seems you need to be careful too.” “Hehehe, w-well I thought it was cooled enough for a little nibble” Eva giggled, “Now anywho, I was gonna ask, what were you doing out in this crazy weather anyway? You are a bit of a ways away from the shop, needless to say” The question brought a small frown to the taller woman’s face. Well, not so much the question, but the answer to said question. The memory of the argument, one of many, she had gotten into with Asra before storming off, not caring where she went so long as it was away from him. “Hey” Eva put her hand on top of Ty’s, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have pried. We can talk about something else if you want.” “N-no.. no it isn’t that it is just…”She let out a deep exhale, trying to quell some of the frustration that was growing in her again just by remembering the fight. “Asra. Let’s just say Asra…” “Awe geesh, I could have expected that” Eva rolled her eyes, patting Ty’s hand before leaning back in her bean chair, “That man might know a good collection of spells, but the way he talks to people is not as charming as he thinks it is.” “No kidding,” Ty tsked, but a small smile came back to her face knowing she was sharing her grievances with someone who could relate. 
Their talk went on, Ty sharing the details of her most recent argument with her mentor. Which led to Eva’ sharing her own issues she recalled when being an apprentice. Back and forth the women shared, finishing their bowl of oatmeal and going through two or so refills of warm cider as they laughed, groaned and confided in each other. Their latest bit of chuckles interrupted by a little gurgle of a noise.  
“Hm? Oh Sausage,” Eva reached and collected the salamander, who was now a few shades darker than he previously was to signal he was cooled down a bit. “That is right, your bath must be ready. It would have been painfully hot if you had gone in before, but you better take the chance before it gets too cold.” Eva set the little creature on the hot brick that bordered the hearth, “I can get some kind of pillow bed set up by the fire for you. Well, unless you want to share the bed with me. It is downstairs so it is nice and warm.” 
“Oh, no thanks I am sure out here will be fine” Ty shook her head and let the blanket around her fall off her shoulders.  “You sure? I mean I want to make sure you are comfortable” Eva started collecting various pillow seat cushions she had and a few blankets from a chest, “I don’t mind cuddling and Persephatta actually loves the rain so she won’t be coming in tonight, so it won’t be too cramped.” 
With a soft smile, the tanned woman shook her head again, “Maybe next time, but I feel I will be pretty comfy out here. And maybe Sausage can keep me company.” She looked down at the salamander that was already starting to get a little brighter in color from the hot bricks. 
“Well he does make a very good hot water bottle,” Eva chuckled, “Okay then, I will see to a nice makeshift bed. Should be ready by the time you are done. And feel free to use my robe in there, it should fit you as a nice thing to sleep in for the night while we have our clothes taken care of.” With a small nod, Tyrael found her way to the bathroom, which wasn’t very hard considering the small size of the cottage. Dipping her finger in the water to check the temp one more time, she went about adding a few of the bath salts and herbs that were set on a shelf for cleansing and calming purposes. For a while she let herself soak, sinking down till the water was just past her chin as she closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. What a crazy day it had been indeed, but not without a happy ending. Her thoughts drifted to Eva’s kind words, and how they made each other smile. 
I could get used to such conversations... this feeling.... I hope we can meet up like this again. okay maybe with a little less storm. 
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ner-runi · 7 years
That's It Guys
My favorite fic of all time, Cherchez La Femme, has finally come to a close. I don't know what to do with myself because I've invested so much time into PRAISING the one... The only... @sexylibrarian1 .. Lils I what you to understand how much this writing meant to me.. no amount of likes or reblogs can truly describe that this fic is HONEST TO GOD HANDS DOWN ONE OF THE BEST READS EVER!!! You managed to take one storyline and completely reimagine it and it couldn't have worked out more perfectly. The character arcs of Lydia and Drina were so satisfying in the regards that many writers, not all, don't put that much time invested into creating what is a true, original character. Geesh, Hun I know times have been tough. It's understandable that you find solace in your writing. Keep it up. Please. Your followers find solace in it too because it transports us to a completely different world where our problems are gone... Don't even get me started on how I handled some if the conflicts in this plotline... It's just too much right now😂😂 (that was supposed to be a quip... I failed) this post had rambled on long enough... Keep Writing Lily.. and Keep Living💙
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