#i realize this might be discussed in n w h but i still havent seen it kjhghjk
pocketramblr · 3 years
Hiiiiiii, Pocket! For the ask game, I would love an AU where Doc Ock adopts Peter, please!
you spoil me, my love
- Ok so we're moving the timeline up, Spiderman 2 happens when Peter is 17, the paper on fusion is for a scholarship for college he desperately needs to afford it. Everything proceeds mostly as normal, Harry is barely 18 and pulling a Tim Drake, Spiderman is eating up Peter's time, and then he gets to go meet Dr. Octavius, who still immediately goes "wait this kid is neat and my wife would love him" and invites him to lunch with Rosie and to the demonstration.
- the demonstration, naturally, goes wrong. Ock's arms pull a horror movie and when he stumbles out to the marina to figure out what happens, he's convinced to turn to crime and do Whatever Is Needed to complete the experiment right this time. He remembers Peter questioning his calculations, and decides that as well as money and materials, he needs the kid to double check the work. And since they'll be hidden, there's no way Osborn or Pym or Spiderman could show up to sabotage them again!
- sorry, did you say 'adopt'? i heard 'kidnap'. He scoops up Peter who's like "?? Dr. Octavius?? what the hell??" and not reassured by being told he'll let him go once the experiment goes well. he's then chained up and told to start doing math while Ock goes and shakes down Harry for the resources. Harry is like "ok i'll do it for spiderman, peter knows where he is" and Ock is like "oh good thats handy, i already kidnapped him" and harry is like "wait what". he's starting to regret but no time for that, Ock leaves to go ask Peter where the spider is. He finds the calculations not done and Peter missing, escaped somehow.
- Ok, fine, Ock is smart. He can work with this. He goes to Peter's house (arms hidden) (no sunglasses) and talks with Aunt May, saying he's sponsoring Peter for a scholarship and needs to do some work with him today. Peter walks in and freaks out about his Aunt being held hostage, though she scolds him for being rude, and Ock is just like ":) dont worry my dear boy :) i'll be out of your hair as soon as you do the calculations :) by the way do you know where spiderman is?" so peter begrudgingly does the math, correctly as best he can, and then runs upstairs to suit up as soon as Ock leaves, thanking May but saying he cant stay longer for dinner. (No, May is not flirting. Otto's wife died like two days ago! May just thinks that after Ben and Norman, it's nice to see Peter having some guidance, she's perfectly willing to adopt him as another father figure for him.)
- Ock just doesn't die due to *handwaves* whatever reason not important. He does take back control from the arms a solid 70 percent of the time though, and he does keep crashing Peter's place trying to mentor him. (its as thanks for helping him.) Peter keeps trying to get him to leave, or adopt someone else. Adopt Harry, he needs the guidance! Otto makes a face at that suggestion, then just says he wants to keep an eye on the bright young man, see if he's using his gift, if he's making Rosie proud too.
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 4 years
Hashirama arranging Tobirama a marriage with his s/o
“There are a lot of arranged marriege ones for Tobirama but what about an arranged marriage but he's already interested and maybe Hashirama thinks he's not making any progress and decides to meddle and arrange one for the two?” @kaiseaya
Thanks for the request! And sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted since i realize i kiiiiinda went away from the request?? Idk i feel as if i didn’t write it properly 
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Tobirama and you aren’t officially together
You have feelings for each other and hang out whenever he’s free
But you aren’t actually a couple despite the numerous ‘dates’ you two have gone on
It’s not that you two are scared of the commitment, its just that you can’t be a couple.
Tobirama Senju, someone in the main branch of the clan, someone who would become head of the Senju should anything happen to his brother, someone with such high authority.
How could he be dating someone like you? 
You often ask yourself this and remind yourself on how lucky you are
You couldn’t tell anyone you had feelings for each other
You guys have hid it well but eventually Hashirama knows whats up
He might ask you a few questions and you didn’t know how to respond
Could you really lie to the hokage? To someone who’s been hailed as the God of Shinobi?
He sees through it and frowns at your lie but nods his head anyways
About 6 months pass and you two still havent become official and its driving him mad
He doesn’t want his brother to hide his love life for the sake of the clan
He confronts the younger senju and when tobirama went to say the same thing you had half a year ago, he was cut off
“Don’t lie to me brother, how long have you been hiding this relationship?”
“...it will be 2 years in a month”
Hashirama is shook 
2 whole years you two have been together?? 2 whole years his dear younger brother has had to hide his feelings for the one he loves?
Although it’s not hashirama’s fault, he can’t help but feel slightly guilty
At the sudden silence the albino is slightly worried his brother disapproves and wants the two of you to end it
Tobirama asks in his own long, word filled and confusing way to let you guys stay together in secret
The elder brother smiles and pats his shoulder and says he will take care of things
About a week passes and suddenly tobirama finds himself in formal wear and getting ready for a meeting with his brother
Usually he doesn’t mind too much, but it was bothering him that hashirama was leaving out all the details
As the brothers are walking to the location, the water user raises a brow when he sees you walking in the same direction, also in formal clothing
Hashirama smiles before walking ahead, giving the secret lovers some space
Tobirama asks why your so dressed up and you say its because your parents are taking you to a Omiai 
He asks if your the one whos seeing if fit to be married and it made you laugh
“Pfft of course not! I think i would know if i was about to be put in an arranged marriage. Plus i would tell you right away if i was. My parents are simply taking me so i can learn how its done in person”
Lad is so relieved but pauses
He asks the location of this meeting and is slightly surprised when you said the name of the place he’s going to
You say its probably just coincidence and he barely nods his head in response
“Theres no reason to worry right? Besides, I heard this place gives the best sushi in all of konoha”
You give each other compliments on your looks and make some small talk for the rest of the walk (but lets be real it was just you giving compliments and him thinking the compliments in return)
What surprises him though is when you arrive at the location is that not only were you brought to the same room but you were suddenly seated across from each other
“Anija what is the meaning of this?” Tobirama mumbles and his brother gives him a slightly shocked look
“Im surprised someone like you hasn’t put it together yet! You’ll see in just a bit” 
The meeting starts and immediately your father asks why you should be married off to hashirama
“Wait w h a t?”
It took everything tobirama had not to blast everything away with his chakra
You sat there with a VERY strained smile as you looked towards the senju
“I wasn’t aware that this omiai was for me, much less with Hashirama-samma.”
Hashirama laughs nervously and properly explains the situation
“No no this isn’t for me, I already have my lovely mito! This marriage proposal is between my younger brother, Tobirama, and your child, Y/n-san.”
Theres many emotions throughout the meeting but you manage to stay professional the whole time
It honestly doesn’t take much to convince your parents
Getting married to a senju was such an honor that they didn’t even think twice. But they wanted to make it seem they where putting up atleast a bit of a fight
At the end of the meeting and when the food has been eaten, you all do your respective bows before going your separate ways
Well really, it was just your parents leaving.
The brothers and you had a bit to discuss on this very out of the blue marriage
Tobirama demands for the reason his brother didn’t even ask for his own opinion, and why this was happening in general
Hashirama proceeds to give a very long and overly emotional explanation that you two can finally openly be together and happy
You can finally be an official couple and it brings two clans together in the process
Its a win!
“Oh don’t tell me you’re not happy with this, Tobirama! You guys are so happy together! I’ve seen you smile more times for y/n than i have seen you smile in years!”’
And well he’s not wrong, you both are extremely happy for this marriage but tobirama won’t show that yet
He’s upset that not only did his brother get involved, but that he couldn’t even make it official himself
As tobirama walks away you give a quick hug and thanks to the elder brother
He smiles and pats your head before leaving himself
you meet up with tobirama and ask if he’s really sure he wants to do this
“I should be asking you the same thing”
you guys come to the conclusion that you indeed want this, and is very grateful that hashirama went ahead and planned this through
And soon after that, you and tobirama are not only a couple, but married as well.
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8147 · 6 years
reading hamlet for the first time (act 5: the finale)
none of you told me it was going to be this painful . none of you.
“Ophelia’s dead.” “Enter CLOWNS!”
Like im sure this has a different meaning in EMA but im gonna make fun of it because it’s fucking hilarious. (future (present? (now past once more (?))) antares coming back to say i did look at nfs and yeah theyre gravediggers)
“First Clown: What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter? Second Clown: The gallows-maker; for that frame outlives a thousand tenants.” damn not even just this one quote but these are some depressing clowns
hamlet and horatio!
okay there’s something about all of hamlet’s skull talk that makes me uneasy. like, not even the topic, just something in the words and how earnestly and (pardon my pun) gravely hamlet’s speaking about this. and it’s almost a mournful tune, too. it’s a huge difference from his “we’ll all be eaten by the same worms” speech to the point that it’s almost haunting.
“HAMLET: I will speak to this fellow.” C O N F R O N T
“HAMLET: I think it be thine, indeed; for thou liest in't.” (incomprehensible scribbling)
HAMLET, NOT IN ENGLAND: oh yeah lol he was sent to england huh u know why lmao
wait. did the. did the pirate situation get resolved. before act V.
I mean i think hamlet mentioned something about three years but the pirates are so fucking glossed over like what the fuck
“First Clown: 'Twill, a not be seen in him there; there the men are as mad as he.” HOLY SHIT ROAST THEM JFC
“HAMLET: Let me see. (Takes the skull)” THIS IS THE SKULL SCENE! I fucking KNEW it was bullshit that holding the skull was in the to be/not to be speech. I saw it being presented as such like once or twice while reading and I KNEW IT
hm okay so hamlet picks up this guys skull, of someone he used to know, and sure maybe i could ignore the “those lips i have kissed” but then he goes on to mention alexander the great and i mean come on
but jesus like i feel like im not doing justice to the stuff hamlet’s saying. just, the gravity of it all. Its kinda hitting home a bit hard bc like ive had a crippling fear of what happens after death and being forgotten etc since i was like in fourth grade and this is @ing that phobia
like, with that julius ceasar thing. “O that that earth which kept the world in awe / should patch a wall to expel the winter flaw,” it’s so strange. like, every fucking human who has lived, whether they be emperors, murderers, inventors, peasants, or philanthropists- as long as they weren’t blind, they’ve all looked at the same sky. like. It doesnt matter what the fuck you did or didn’t. It’s wild.
“First Priest: No more be done: We should profane the service of the dead To sing a requiem and such rest to her As to peace-parted souls.” hey i get that there are cultural taboos around suicide but like this guy’s a dick it isnt even clear if it was suicide, like, she was so fucking crazy she might not have even known she was, y’know, in a lake or w/e
laertes, dude, my guy. maybe jumping into a grave is cosmic foreshadowing for something you don’t want to happen to you. js.
“HAMLET: [Advancing] What is he whose grief Bears such an emphasis? whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wandering stars, and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I, Hamlet the Dane. (Leaps into the grave)” hamlet is NOT one to be out-extra’d (posting-antares here to say, wait, ‘whose phrase of sorrow conjures the stars? is this my aesthetic-speeches-summon-ghosts theory? probably not, but i havent mentioned it for a while)
“LAERTES: The devil take thy soul! (Grappling with him)” IN A FUCKING GRAVE. THEY ARE FIGHTING. IN A GRAVE.
all because hamlet doesn’t want to be out-extra’d. my god.
“QUEEN GERTRUDE: This is mere madness: And thus awhile the fit will work on him; Anon, as patient as the female dove, When that her golden couplets are disclosed, His silence will sit drooping.” Ah yes gertie just talk about the distraught and angry madman as if he isn’t there. that’ll diffuse the situation.
You know what? We still haven’t discussed the pirates.
“HAMLET: So much for this, sir: now shall you see the other; You do remember all the circumstance?” If this isn’t gonna be about the pirates im gonna. scream.
“HAMLET: My fears forgetting manners, to unseal Their grand commission; where I found, Horatio,-- O royal knavery!--an exact command, Larded with many several sorts of reasons Importing Denmark's health and England's too, With, ho! such bugs and goblins in my life, That, on the supervise, no leisure bated, No, not to stay the grinding of the axe, My head should be struck off.” god, though. imagine that. being exiled to another country by the person who killed your father, only to find out that they were going to have you killed, anyways. that’s fucking terrifying. jesus christ.
Damn this idea that pretty handwriting is ~beneath~ nobles confuses me so fucking much. I got called haughty once just because my main handwriting is cursive. I mean, they were right, but their evidence was circumstantial at best.
“HAMLET: That, on the view and knowing of these contents, Without debatement further, more or less, He should the bearers put to sudden death, Not shriving-time allow'd.” Hamlet’s Revenge. 
but also, what the fuck, dude. two wrongs dont make a right.
damn i kinda lost myself while reading but it really doesn’t sound like hamlet’s insane anymore. Like he’s… tempered himself. he doesn’t feel insane, just solemn.
“OSRIC: Your lordship is right welcome back to Denmark. HAMLET: I humbly thank you, sir. Dost know this water-fly?” goddamn ROAST HIM HAMLET (also what a fucking mood)
Osric put on your fucking ha--
The wind is
The wind is northerly
“HAMLET: No, believe me, 'tis very cold; the wind is northerly.” I remember someone saying that this is important
Okay here: “HAMLET: I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.”
oh no
Osric just wear ur fucking hat u doof
“OSRIC: Exceedingly, my lord; it is very sultry,--as 'twere,--I cannot tell how. But, my lord, his majesty bade me signify to you that he has laid a great wager on your head: sir, this is the matter,-- HAMLET: I beseech you, remember-- (HAMLET moves him to put on his hat)” excuse me a WAGER
but alas all hamlet cares about is osric’s fucking hat
“HAMLET: What's his weapon? OSRIC: Rapier and dagger. HAMLET: That's two of his weapons: but, well.” hamlet u sarcastic little shit i love you
I mean so is horatio. I love him too.
This stuff with the competition is. not gonna end well. not at well.
“HAMLET: I do not think so: since he went into France, I have been in continual practise: I shall win at the odds. But thou wouldst not think how ill all's here about my heart: but it is no matter.”
hamlet no. listen to your heart or whatever. jesus christ don’t do it.
Ohhh hamlet
okay reading what laertes said, you know what? i’m giving laertes one last chance. please do not prove me a fool, laertes. 
everything is giving me mad anxiety. e v e r y t h i n g.
claud’s speech is insanely sketchy
“KING CLAUDIUS: [Aside] It is the poison'd cup: it is too late.” One, so that’s why it was sketchy. Two, the POISONED CUP?
Gertie’s. Dead.
Shit, shit, shit
“LAERTES: [Aside] And yet 'tis almost 'gainst my conscience.” YES! SO PLEASE! STOP FIGHTING!
“LAERTES wounds HAMLET; then in scuffling, they change rapiers, and HAMLET wounds LAERTES.” Oh no oh no oh jeez eheu they’re hurting each other, shit, fuck,
“LAERTES: ...woodcock…”
“KING CLAUDIUS: She swounds to see them bleed. QUEEN GERTRUDE: No, no, the drink, the drink,--O my dear Hamlet,-- The drink, the drink! I am poison'd. (Dies)” one, i love how claud is desperatley trying to stick to the plan, its almost adorable in a childish sort of way. two, oh god. ohhh god. gertie. 
Oh no. 
this is the bloodbath. THIS IS THE BLOODBATH.
“HAMLET: The point!--envenom'd too! Then, venom, to thy work. (Stabs KING CLAUDIUS)” ...
wait and hamlet’s on death row, as with laertes. Oh no.
“LAERTES: He is justly served; It is a poison temper'd by himself. Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet: Mine and my father's death come not upon thee, Nor thine on me. (Dies)’ oh my god already??? I haven’t even really accepted king claud’s death?? jesus christ??
My friend just sorta nudged me and asked if i was alright and i. I’m not. i’m in shock. goddamn. what?
goodness thats three in like less than thirty seconds JESUS CHRIST
“HAMLET: Heaven make thee free of it! I follow thee.I am dead, Horatio.” that’s chilling. just, the poignancy. that’s so fucking spectral. i’m not okay.
“HORATIO: Never believe it: I am more an antique Roman than a Dane: Here's yet some liquor left.” No no no on no nononon NO NO oh my god are you going to-
“HAMLET: As thou'rt a man, Give me the cup: let go; by heaven, I'll have't. … If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart Absent thee from felicity awhile, And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story.” hey i’m crying in study hall. i’m actually crying. what the fuck. I don’t cry unless i’m thinking about that one pair of 18th century shoes with the really good photo quality (transcribing-antares here. I fucking love those shoes. I’m looking at them right now and they’re so fucking beautiful. they look how velvet feels, which is odd, bc they're apparently silk. I don’t care they’re just so fucking lovely)
F O R T I N B R A S?
“HAMLET: O, I die, Horatio; The potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit.” I’ve identified my emotion. Dread. pure, unadulterated Dread.
for all of you that’ve listened to the penumbra podcast: do you remember the concierge, right before final resting place, saying “you do realize you can just like, leave, and everything will be hunky dory and you won’t have to deal with the emotional consequences this episode will bring you” because i’m seriously considering doing that right now.
“HAMLET: The rest is silence. (Dies)” shit. (posting-antares here to say that i forgot to do the body count but honestly im crying while formating because of this goddamn fucking 400 year old play)
“HORATIO: Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince…” oh god. horatio.
“Good night sweet prince…”
(yet again tis transcribing-antares here to say that im fucking sobbing right now, the shoes are no match for this, and ‘goodnight sweet prince’ is actually never going to leave my head.) (editing-antares here to say im fucking crying again god fucking damn it) (posting-antares back again saying that this fucking line. this line. my god.)
“HORATIO: What is it ye would see? If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search.” oh, horatio. god. that isn’t something said without tears staining your skin and a bitter tone hard-won, not that its possession is a victory.
oh my god. this can’t. no. this can’t end like this. What. no. people must have rioted. No. no!!
i typically hate it but i would GLADLY accept a deus ex machina right about now!!
okay my friend just took my phone away from me and shut it off because i kept on trying to scroll past the end
jesus christ
okay so i’m not going to be okay for like, several eternities, so im going to play the sims until i. until i die, probably. my god.
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