#i really have to finish working on one hyperfixation & immediately get another one huh
liyazaki · 1 year
there I was: minding my business, procrastinating work & browsing book nook YT- people. are you seeing what I’m seeing?
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ohhh- this is happening…
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queenofbaws · 9 months
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ahhhhHHHHHH it's been a hot minute since i've stopped and done one of these, but i figured now's the time, huh??? a quick little update here on my end: i'm hoping to be finishing of mummy men & bathtub soup, my conrad manofmedan-centric ghost hunting fic, in the coming weeks, so everything else is likely to be running a little slower for the immediate future. it's one of a handful of wips i'm REALLY trying to wrap up before the guilt eats me alive, telltale heart style, M O S T L Y because i have so much stuff planned for the creepiverse that i'm just...bursting at the seams to get some sort of momentum going there, haha!!!
my weekends have also been a bit more chaotic than usual lately, between health crap and family crap, so once more, if you've sent me a flash fiction prompt recently that i haven't gotten to, i promise you'll see it filled one of these days 😭 just waiting for things to calm down a bit.
BUT HEY with all that in mind, i'm throwing a chunkier sneak-peek of like wringing blood from a stone here under the cut! never fear: i'm way too deep into hackett hyperfixation to NOT be working on it in the background, but until conrad's story comes to a close, hackett house will just be a littttttttle quieter than usual ;P
(as always, i hope you're all doing well out there, that you're being as nice to yourselves as you possibly can, and that YOUR creative endeavors are going well <3 you got this!!!)
He knew better to bring those questions to Constance; in his heart he suspected she would’ve known plenty and more about this bizarre side of things, but in nearly sixty years of marriage, all she’d ever willingly shared of her life before him was that the mother and grandmother who’d raised her up had been ‘ugly, witchety women,’ and not much else. Not ‘witchy,’ mind, not ‘wicked,’ not ‘wretched,’ but ‘witchety.’ That was as far as she’d be pressed on the subject, and he’d been raised to let sleeping dogs lie, so that was as far as he’d tried to press.
Jack, though. Jack you couldn’t get to shut up.
And he was more than a little witchety, himself. He hadn’t been able to make heads or tails of that word until the first time the Fiddlers had shown up on his doorstep—then it’d made perfect sense. Witchety. Yeah.
“I’m gonna ask you something.” Jed didn’t wait for him to react, instead sitting back in his own chair and rubbing tiredly at his stubble. “Figure I might as well, seein’ as how you’ve got an opinion on every other thing under the goddamn sun. You level with me now…this curse shit, it real?”
“Oh, it’s real. Real as the shirt on your back, I promise you that.”
He frowned. Not only was it the answer he’d least wanted to hear, but Jack hadn’t even paused to mull it over. That told him a great many things at once; very few of them good.
“Tell you something else, though,” Jack soldiered on. “Since you went and opened the door and all.” Then he did pause, looking down at the whiskey in his glass as he swirled it. After another couple seconds, he took a belt of it and set the glass back down. “People think of curses like a cold. Someone gives it to you, or it’s…I dunno, catching.” He shook his head. “But that ain’t right.”
He narrowed his eyes, trying to make sense of it in his own head. “No?”
Jack shook his head again. “No. Curses are something you bring on yourself. If you’re cursed, well…that ain’t anybody’s fault but your own.”
Much as it pained him to do so, Jed held his gaze, dead eye and all. He wanted to see if he might backpedal, apologize for the slight when he realized what he’d said…but the only thing Jack did was take another drink of his whiskey.
“That don’t sit well with me.”
“Doesn’t have to. It’s the truth, Jed, and you know what they say about the truth. It shall set you free.”
“You understand you’re sittin’ in my house, telling me to my face that it’s—”
“Your own damn fault you’re up Shit Creek,” he finished for him. “Unfortunately, I am.”
“Now, you listen. Those kids were—”
Jack held both his hands up, rolling his eyes towards the ceiling. “Helpin’ that boy. Uh huh. Yeah. I know. Six years I’ve been hearin’ about how helpful the pack is. Six fuckin’ years. And know what? That’s great. Real swell. And if I were a different man, maybe this is where I’d pat you on the shoulder and say somethin’ conciliatory. ‘No good deed goes unpunished,’ maybe. ‘There but for the grace of God go we.’ Only I’m not, and so you’re stuck what I’ve got to say. Which, if you hadn’t noticed, rarely runs on the side of consolation.” He took another breath, Jack, then sat forward with his arms on the table such that he could lean in. “They meant to help that boy, Jed. What they actually did was kill his whole family right in front of him.”
“Family,” he scoffed, leaning further back to show him what he thought of that one. “What family would that be? A truckful of carnies roaming town to town…that ain’t a fuckin’ family.”
Jack didn’t drop his gaze. “No? It ain’t? Huh. See—to me at least—sounds an awful lot like what you married yourself into.” He gave his glass another swirl. “An awful lot.”
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daturanerium · 4 years
finished season two of the magnus archives! here is my s2 livetweet thread and here are my reflections/predictions from season one. 
you are so fucking stupid. so incomprehensibly dumb. it is absolutely incredible how you lack any brain cells at all.
if jon was a dnd character he’d have a plus three to intelligence and a negative two to wisdom. i’m right.
[jon voice] people care about me? Must Be A Manipulation Tactic!
[jon voice, continued] literally everyone except for me is a) a murderer, b) using me, or c) hiding something. i, however, am totally fine and also sane and if you imply otherwise you are definitely Hiding Something and i need to stalk you.
seriously it’s a goddamn miracle he wasn’t fired or didn’t just like....explode on the spot
that awkward moment when you befriend a cop and get tapes that may lead to your successor’s cold murder case being solved but in the process you learn that you and your place of employment are actually owned by The Great, All-Powerful [REDACTED] 
it’s so interesting listening to a man’s mental health and sanity decline in real time!
martin: do u want some tea? jon: you’re going to kill me huh?
[jon voice] it is a good idea for me to enter these dangerous tunnels alone on multiple occasions. i am fine. 
his fatal flaw is still pursuit of knowledge. love that for him. 
baby please you work for an entity that probably literally thrives off knowledge.......please grow some brain cells in season three before you literally die doing something stupid
i literally can’t say anything more about s2 jon that isn’t me just repeating “stupid dumb paranoid baby” over and over again
martin [shaking hands emoji] me playing the mediator as our family loses their minds around us
martin blackwell recieves everything he has ever wanted and needed challenge!!!
baby i love you
martin’s job this season is literally the concerned husband but we’re not ready to talk about that yet
my dude really stepped up at the end! he was gonna fight michael in hand to hand combat for jon and sasha and i’m so proud of him!
martin went from baby to hold my flower
martin saw some shit in season one and now he’s a badass
his poetry.....i cried i literally love him so much
when he was talking to tim in the tunnels and he just breaks. and yells. and says he wants to get out of here and save jon and help sasha and be happy and you know what if everything DID turn out in the end that would be kind of nice actually!!!!
we didn’t see much of him this season but from what we did, especially at the end......the character development.......he’s so much braver now, so much more ready to confront the horrors of the world around him. martin is one of those special people that runs on love and uses love as a driving force to fight for the things he needs. 
i hope someday martin gets to sit down in a nice little cottage in the middle of nowhere with someone who loves him and just. relax. it’s what he deserves.
you are the only bitch in this house i ever respected
literally just trying his best
so incredibly valid
as someone who is the least confrontational person on the planet i really respect and admire tim calling jon out on his bullshit
that scene was so cathartic.....god.....
tim at the beginning of s2: hey jon you okay? you’re acting weird and it’s kind of freaking us out tim at the end of s2: fuck archivist lives and jon in particular,
and you know what? he’s right
i hope tim gets to go home. it won’t happen but i can dream.
are we just gonna brush over that part in the finale where michael just???? bamfed them to another dimension or something????? because neither tim nor martin seemed the least bit phased
honestly tim/jon has rights. i enjoy it.
he’s just so angry and hurt and done. he’s reached his limit. goodbye
get tim out of the archives s3!!! do it!!!
wow i love you
every time i hear gertrude’s voice i just go [one thousand teary-eyes emojis]
there’s a lot we don’t know and there’s a lot that she knows. i wish we could like. raise her from the dead or something. altho honestly with a horror podcast who the hell knows
jon listening to/hyperfixating on gertrude is just a fancy way of him claiming her as his new mother figure
basira and daisy
the only cops with rights
that part where tim thought basira was jon’s girlfriend and they both dissolved into gay panic.....priceless
daisy step on me challenge. i’ve met her twice and i love her.
honestly basira is such a badass. stealing from the cops while being a cop? that takes guts and i really respect her lack of respect toward cops while being one
not to mention that entire business with that sentient cult darkness shit. she killed it in there (no pun intended). give her like a purple heart or something idk how cops work
daisy.....please tell me your secrets. what have you seen. what do you know.
please work for the archives i am BEGGING you
my ghost hunter girlfriend
i love her and jon’s relationship. just pure loathing. tension between the hunter and the archivist. i live for that shit.
but under that it’s like Oh Shit I Actually Care A Lot???? like their loathing comes from their businesses being judgemental enemies, but personally they actually have a lot in common and care for each others’ wellbeing.
i really hope melanie sticks around so we can learn more about her and see her friendship with jon grow into....an actual friendship
shes also a total badass and both her research and deducing skills are so good. she’s just a great archive candidate overall.
what the fuck are you
what the fuck do you want
why do i like you so much.
okay there’s a lot more going on here but i’m putting my predictions under the cut!
okay lets check out my predictions from last time.
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okay this one was partially right! “entities” rule the world apparently, and the archive is run by one of them. sort of got that!
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.....yeah that didn’t happen.
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hell yeah! i’m proud of myself for this one, even though the time loop part wasn’t true. i thought “time loop” because her voice started echoing when she hit the table, but turns out that was just her crazy long copy taking over. oh well!
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nope. gertrude was killed by elias, apparently. fucker.
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okay. this one is complicated because i was sort of correct but there’s still a lot of information i don’t know. gonna give myself half credit for this one i think.
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okay, season three predictions. let's go.
(disclaimer: while i haven’t been actively looking up spoilers or engaging in the tma tag, i also haven’t muted the tag or anything associated with it. i have ideas of what’s to come but they’re vague and mostly come from fanart on my dash/timeline).
jon just gives up. he’s having to much of a crisis to do anything other than his job.
jonmartin endgame still
michael becomes a sort of??? constant presence??? at the archive. everyone just kind of accepts it.
the books and the entities make a lot more things make sense. that’s really vague i know but like. 
predictions for the entities:
knowledge (jon stans rise up)
empty/alone (these stories always get to me the most. the ones where you’re endlessly falling or trapped in a cave or can’t sleep or stuck in space. shit scares me more than anything else)
chaos (i think michael is with this one. the doors also fit into this category, and maybe that shipping company)
death/id (brings out the bareness of human instinct. the meat, the bloodlust, and the death. maybe even the bugs go here, but they’re confusing. i don’t know where they fit.)
each entity represents a deep-set human fear. they were created to either teach us lessons or keep us in line.
sometimes they have devoted followers. sometimes they have disciples or avatars. you can lose yourself to them if you aren’t careful. jane was probably an avatar, that girl with the heat powers on hilltop road was an avatar, that guy with the lightning powers was an avatar, etc.
the books can teach you how to connect with the entities, but you have to be actually insane to try it. (if you aren’t already, you certainly will by the time you finish the reading/ritual. if you even survive)
anyway back to actual plot.
jon learns more from gertrude’s tapes about elias and the archives. maybe even the entities. he doesn’t want to know, but as we’ve learned, he Just Can’t Not Know. 
jon finally grows a brain cell and lets people (martin) take care of him. a little.
tim is just there. he hates it but he can’t leave. (someone please get him out this is so sad)
melanie and basira join up with the archive, but for different reasons. melanie because jon asks her to, basira because despite her best interest she couldn’t stay away.
at the end of the season we’ll either meet a powerful avatar person of one of the entities themselves. that will be.....interesting. 
elias gets hit by a bus. won’t happen but i can dream.
what ever happened to that one man from season one who had the dreams about death? i loved his statement. is there anyone out there like him? will jon receive a message like gertrude did?
WHAT IS THE LIGHTER FOR. i completely forgot about it until i looked at my last predictions and saw it mentioned.
martin is more active in tapes (again unlikely but i can dream. i love him)
that’s about all i got! i’m going to post this and immediately start season three. wish me luck :)
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hihoneyimdead · 4 years
Storytime because I’m procrastinating writing fic yet again!
Under the read-more because this is kinda more rambling about toxic internet bullshit (sorry if you’re on mobile or whatever)
So I only got into po/yg0n in April of last year because a then-friend told me, hey, these two dudes are in a relationship!
And I was like :0 and immediately latched on
Cue like two days of watching gng and realizing, wait, no
Wait a minute
This ain’t. The hell?
So I was like “Hey what the fuck Jimothy”
And Jimothy was like “Oh yeah I meant sarcastically man”
And my autism-having ass was like “Ah so I was a dumbass!”
And Jimothy was like “Yeah man but imagine-”
And so I got roped into writing fic. At first I was like yeah sure. Then, later on, I was like. Wait a damn minute-
Meanwhile, I got detached from previous internet friends, as is what happens with hyperfixations. So I haven’t spoken to any of them in like a year, which sucks, but that’s whatever. And these new fandom friends were like. Very sex-driven, which is fine if you’re like that! I may be ace, but I’m not an ass. 
Until they got into Gross Shit. Which is about when I met a new internet friend, who scared the ever-loving shit out of me. They’re a punk, told me I couldn’t be punk. Even though punk, tbh, just means that you’re badass as hell. And I’m badass despite not listening to punk bands and looking absolutely terrifying. I’m soft. I’m a soft punk. I protest via emails to senators and by not burning down fucking buildings (and that shit’s fine if it’s very much deserved.)
Their friend group terrified me, but this person gave me praise for a fic I got roped into writing. Which is 50k and is not good at all and the only reason I haven’t taken it off my ao3 yet is cause I’m still somehow proud of it. So I was like. Bffs. 
So I dumped that original friend and joined up with this new group (we were drifting apart anyway). Meanwhile, those sexual bros of mine were getting gross and tearing me apart for saying that porn should be in its own place and not in the general public. Which, admittedly, was kinda a dick move on my part. I didn’t consider their side of the situation at the time. But that punk friend and their friends backed me up and told me I did nothing wrong.
So I then lost the friends I had made during that fandom phase. 
But I still had the punk friends! Which, admittedly, were punk friend, punk friend’s friend, and a friend who I’m still on good terms with. I was fucking miserable. Like, there had gone most of my friends for half a fucking year and almost my entire support network. 
And then, slowly, I dropped the fandom. The content wasn’t exciting and it just brought up bad memories. I stopped writing for it, thankfully, because like. That stuff can be toxic. 
So I was adrift for a good moment, depressed, and then that one new friend told me to listen to a certain british horror podcast, and I realized. Huh. I fucking love podcasts, and especially this one. 
Y’all know this podcast by now, it’s certainly blown up enough, and it’s badass as hell and I will never shut up about it.
After finishing that podcast, I started another, and then I deleted my po/yg0n blog and my old r0o$ter t33tH one and my old bfu one. And then tumblr brought up that weird groupchat thing and I joined the first tma one I found and met a whole new group of friends!
So I dumped punk friend and punk friend’s friend, got vagueposted about (yeah, I’m a fucking hypocrite, I did it to them too). Blocked punk friend on everything, left the discord servers I was too scared to leave, and finally stopped seeing everything so negatively, just for a while. 
I haven’t been in healthy online friendships in, like, ever. I joined too young. 2018, the sp7 friends I had all dumped me for something toxic someone else did. 2019, I dumped an rp friend, then I dumped the other rp friend (who was my only friend for a good bit). I dumped an entire fandom that used to bring me joy (tbh i couldn’t even watch pat streams by the end and anyone who’s been following me for a while really knows i have an undying internet crush on that man despite him being like human ginger beer). 
And then I made new friends, and, yeah, it’s fucking hard sometimes. I feel bad about dumping a lot of relationships since April because punk friend told me they were toxic even though, looking back on it, they were just fine! They were toxic to that person, not to me and my friends/so (to my ex: i’m sorry, if you see this, which you won’t, but i’m so sorry and i’m glad you’re having a good time at college). But I have new friends! I have great rl friends, I’m in a motw campaign with some of these new internet friends, and I can be creative again! I have so many ocs now! Someone, if you see this, ask about my tma avatar-sonas! They’re all great and I love them!
This is all to say:
I’m procrastinating writing fluff for a podcast fandom, I’m planning on deleting my po/yg0n fics off ao3 (or orphaning them), I’m kinda happy for the first time in a while. Sure I got a bit of an eating disorder last semester, but I’m in counseling. I have an original novel concept I’m slowly working on. I’m in two tabletop games, and I’m loving it! Punk friend and punk friend’s friends, if you see this and are like >:( stop vagueing our friend/me!
Sorry my dudes, stop being fucking buzzkills and let me be a soft bitch that cries over the mechs and gets sad when anyone thinks about being mean to me
Also live your lives and stop being petty
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