#i really hope people don't think of me as someone who doesn't critically examine what she reads and who wrote jt
vanesa 1 year
Started reading The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, which seems to be obligatory reading for any biologist.
I love how, as it is a book first published in 1976 in a field that has rapidly evolved since then, it starts with many forwards and comes with footnotes addressing the many criticisms and new research that has come since. I feel as if I were reading a Tumblr post with repeated clarifications from bad faith readings, or a list of terms and conditions. Science is self-correcting and humans are subjective.
One of the many notes he addresses is the title itself. While the word "selfish" has too many negative connotations, I would argue the grief over people only reading the title/first chapter and misunderstandings and further clarifications needed is worth it for the punchier title. I think most biologist students understand selfish to mean self-perpetuating. He makes a good argument regardless.
There are some publications that came out after that have since corrected/clarified many of the points in the book, so I need to read those too.
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rainbowsky 1 year
Ok I am the turtle who asked about the breakup cpn, with the kadien and things. I have been told that is rude and hurtful and im sorry Mr Rbs, I do not want to cause you stress. I follow cuz I am autistic and I like that you are too but autistics still rub each others fur the wrong way sometimes just like anybody so im sorry if I did that. Have a great day and stay healthy and may YiZhan stay happily married and one day get to safely come out if they want!
I don't even know what to say to this.
Who told you that it was 'rude' and 'hurtful'? It certainly wasn't me. I don't have a problem with people asking me honest questions that are in good faith. I answer all kinds of asks, regardless of my reaction to them.
I'm sure whoever said that to you meant well, but I don't want anyone putting words in my mouth. Whatever they said to you, that was their own perspective.
As for your ask, it actually did annoy me a bit, but not because there was anything rude or hurtful about it. I was annoyed because it contained things that are long-standing sources of annoyance for me (which isn't your fault).
First of all, you said "I know you don't believe kadian" which - honestly I've heard people say this before and I find it frustrating. I literally have a whole post that is prominently placed on my masterlist post, where I state pretty clearly that kadian is real. So when people say things like this it feels like they aren't paying any attention and are just making assumptions about me, or else they have poor reading comprehension.
I'm going to be really clear about this:
Being skeptical is not the same thing as being dismissive.
I am skeptical about a lot of candy and CPN, but that doesn't mean I don't buy candy and CPN. It just means that the candy and CPN I do buy is stuff I genuinely believe in - not because it's cute or makes me feel good (nothing wrong with that, but it's not what gets me excited), but rather because I've evaluated it and I feel (based on my own criteria) that it's well substantiated and real.
Contrary to another popular myth about me that also frustrates me (the ridiculous idea that I don't buy CPN and candy) - a huge percentage of my blog is devoted to CPN and candy, and in fact I think CPN and candy are pretty critical to turtledom.
I say this all the time and I hope it will sink in: it's never wise to paint with too broad a brush. Nuance, people. Not everything is black and white. Most things are grey. Just because I seem like a doubter on a lot of things, doesn't mean I don't have my own CPN, and doesn't mean I don't hold a lot of candy close to my heart, much of which I think is important and unwashable.
It seems like some people see a personality trait in someone and then try to extrapolate it across everything about them. Not only is it inaccurate, frankly it betrays a certain level of intellectual laziness. "Oh, here's the funny guy, everything's a joke to him." "Oh, here's the serious guy, he has no sense of humor." "Oh, here's the cutesy girl, she won't like this scary movie."
People are complex and often contradictory creatures. We shouldn't assume we have a read on someone just because we've picked up on a few of their character traits.
As for kadian - in my post about kadian I went to some pains to show that kadian is real, so I don't get why there's anyone out there who would think I don't 'believe' in it. In reality I think people who don't 'believe' in kadian as a concept are uninformed and out of touch. 'Not believing' in kadian would be like 'not believing' in slang acronyms like LOL and OMG.
Back to that 'broad brush' thing I just said - just because kadian is real, that doesn't mean a particular perceived kadian is real and intentionally placed. These things have to be examined in context in order to be properly evaluated.
You can refer back to my kadian post for all that.
On to the other, bigger reason your ask frustrated me.
Just Say No To The Turtle Binary
Your ask was about a 'kadian' you thought you saw in DD's post about being sick, and you felt it was evidence of a breakup.
Without realizing it, you stepped into something that bugs me about the fandom.
If you've been following me for any amount of time at all, you will know that one of my absolute pet peeves in this fandom is when turtles take everything GG and DD say or do as being deeply significant to their relationship. As I've said before -
馃憠馃徎 almost nothing from or about GG or DD will actually be a candy. 馃憟馃徎
I think the key to respecting and honoring their humanity is to love them as individuals first and foremost, and as a couple second. When we fixate entirely on their relationship we end up accidentally dehumanizing them and failing to recognize, respect and celebrate their individual achievements.
There are a lot of turtles in this fandom who take every single thing GG and DD do as either proof they are together, or else proof they are not together. And frankly, that doesn't make any rational sense.
If you've ever been in a long term relationship - or a relationship of any kind, whether family or friends - you should already know that almost nothing in our daily lives is about that relationship. Our day-to-day lives tend to revolve around work, school, hobbies and interests, other social interests and obligations. Almost nothing we do in our day to day lives is about any one particular relationship.
Just look at my own blog here. How often do I mention my partner? Almost never. But we've been married for years, and he's the most important person in my life. Why don't I mention him more? Because my life doesn't revolve around him.
GG and DD are no different. They are real, non-fictional human beings with busy lives and successful careers, and they have a ton of obligations and focuses and pursuits in their daily lives. Almost none of it is about each other. Why, then, would people be so ready to think that every post, every gesture, every clothing option, every decision, every goal is about each other?
Not only is that absurd just on the face of it, it's also absurd when you consider that the vast majority of things that ARE related to their relationship will never be made public for you and I to see.
Their lives are almost entirely focused on their careers. They work hard, they have packed schedules. They no doubt spend a lot of time connected to each other behind the scenes, via texts, video chat, etc. but most of their time will be taken up with their work, and with meetings and discussions with various handlers and brands and management and other career-related contacts.
It's going to be rare for us to catch a glimpse of something related to each other, because such things are going to be rare in their daily lives and in most cases shared privately.
So I am deeply dismayed when DD can't even call in sick without people assuming a break-up. It's not right. My god, let the man be sick for a day.
When it comes to kadian we need to remember that the context is actually more important than the numbers. What is the likelihood that any particular message is about something to do with their relationship? What is the likelihood that something important is going to be discussed or disclosed in that particular venue or format? What is the likelihood that GG and DD are going to send out key messages about their personal and private relationship in the timing of a Head and Shoulders ad?
DD is in the middle of promoting his new film, which - at the time - was just days away from being released. Can you honestly believe for one hot second that he's going to pick that time - of all the times in the world - to dicker around with cryptic, deeply consequential messages about his relationship? Consider his priorities, here. Consider the context and venue.
And have some empathy for the sick guy who was just trying to quell rumors that were flying about him.
When we evaluate anything they are saying or doing, we should be kind and empathetic about it, and on their side.
There were a lot of anti messages going around when he called in sick that day. People had all sorts of nasty theories about why he called in sick, including a theory that he was trying to generate sympathy to boost ticket sales.
Imagine that. Imagine if calling in sick to work made that big of an impact on your life and reputation? NO PRESSURE.
Like, woah. No wonder the guy never takes any time off anymore. No wonder he pushes through when he's got a sprained ankle or is practically falling over from exhaustion. The man can't take a day off without all hell breaking loose.
I expect that kind of thing from antis, but not from turtles. It's very disappointing.
A final note:
Another important thing I want people to fully understand and accept:
My failure to answer an ask is no commentary whatsoever on what I thought about that ask or about that person.
Anyone who has been following me for any amount of time at all should know that. I answer as many asks that annoy me as I do ones that make me laugh, smile or reflect.
In reality, if I don't answer your ask it's 99.9% of the time for one of these reasons:
I don't have time - I've been incredibly busy lately and have had very little time on Tumblr. Most of that time is spent scrambling to keep up with the content GG and DD and turtles have been releasing/discussing. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this is pretty much always the reason I haven't answered an ask.
It's something I have already thoroughly covered, which can be found easily by doing even the barest search of my blog or browsing through my masterlist post. Given how little time I have for Tumblr, I'm not likely to spend much of it repeating myself.
It's a complicated question that will take a lot of time to answer, so the question ended up in my drafts folder as I pick away at it over weeks and months. My drafts folder is almost as backlogged as my inbox.
IT WAS NOT A QUESTION. I get quite a few of these. I've said this many times - my inbox is for questions.
Of course, anti BS, hate asks, etc. don't see the light of day, either, but that goes without saying.
If you've asked a question in good faith and it's not been answered, it's for one of the top 3 reasons on the list.
So, Anon, I found your ask frustrating, but I didn't find it 'rude' or 'hurtful'. And even though I found it frustrating, I didn't hold it against you because I know that approach is common among turtles. It's just a fairly standard part of the fandom that - while frustrating - I've more or less accepted as 'the way things are'.
So, no hard feelings. You didn't do anything wrong AFAIAC. I think you might want to do a bit more critical thinking than seems evident based on what you sent me, but you weren't rude or hurtful.
And to be clear, Anon: most of what I'm saying in this post isn't aimed at you. Like I said, I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about a couple of things, and you were unfortunate enough to accidentally stumble across it. I definitely don't hold anything against you.
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kojoty 6 months
Something I have a hard time reconciling with in spaces where we discuss the faults of a creator and specifically a creator who is abusive, is this knee-jerk reaction to then denounce the creative work as inherently 'bad.'
I don't mean bad as in 'you should not consume them and instead should spend your money and voice elsewhere', but this desire to look at art and say-- there can be no inherent skill involved in this art, because the creator did something monstrous.
(which, before I explain further, let me be clear and say that I am not necessarily advocating for the consumption or the hand-waving of a creator's input; merely, that it suits the goals of a materialist critic + someone who desires to do community based good [ie, a leftist] to inspect things case by case, on material harm)
It just feels.... Hollow. Weak. Not materialist. To denounce the whole production of something that invariably has good story elements, artistic elements, et all because the creator did something bad not only provides an easy defensive backlash of people who still like the source material and therefore might now denounce that the creator is a horrid person on merits of 'well the story is good so the guy must be good' (I'm obviously simplifying this rhetorically, but you understand what i mean I hope), but also gives cover for other abusive people who make good art-- how could I be abusive if the art is so good? (read: auteur theory, really)
I think it's worth it to acknowledge that a bad person can make good art (and I'm not getting into the inherently faulty and subjective constructs of 'good' or 'bad' here, let's not get into the weeds too much and just accept a common denominator for the scope of this.) A good person can make bad art, certainly; the inverse is true. Perhaps we ought not to take the signaling of one attribute-- the abusive atrocity the creator did-- with the inherent value of art that is, among many other things, probably a collaboration effort of many different creative teams, inputs, and miasma.
Certainly, a creator's abusive mindset can infect the art, and I think you'd be hard-pressed to say, for instance, the domed scope of a creative piece of art won't include at least some unconscious and biased messaging from the creator that is likely influenced by beliefs and actions the creator has made themself. But to start at 'the creator is bad' and 'therefore the work is bad and we can move on' really does leap over an entire canyon well of materialist criticism and examination of what was *good* and *bad* simultaneously about the art. Which does the community and realm of artistic respect dirty, I think.
Anyways. While this was partially inspired by the Dan Schneider fiasco, it's about both studio creative AND the smaller, more indie, on-our-dashboard style grassroots projects too. Art is art, man. Criticize it by the merit of the art and involve the creator when it's relevant, but using a creator's abuse to side step whole cloth the argument from the jump doesn't do you the rhetorical or critical theorizing dues that yky think it does
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schizosupport 1 year
Hello! I need help :( you鈥檙e the first blog I thought of so here I am! So before I met my partner, I worked really hard to change my perception of plus sized people that was put in my mind as a child to be way more positive. I never had a mean thought or body shamed people for a long time. And then I met my partner, he body shames everyone especially plus sized people and now I have intrusive thoughts that go along the lines of things he鈥檚 said to put down others. It鈥檚 very distressing, I feel like a terrible person, I hate that I think these thoughts because a) I don鈥檛 think anyone should be shamed for what they look like and b) it鈥檚 not my body I don鈥檛 care if someone is plus sized (which I say because my partner seems to care a lot). Maybe I鈥檓 just looking for validation that my intrusive thoughts dont make me terrible, or I鈥檓 just venting. Either way thanks for listening
Hi there anon! I'm sorry it took me such a long time to get back to you.
First off, your intrusive thoughts don't make you horrible. I think it's great that you've been working to unlearn the bullshit society has taught you to think about fat people. Growing up in an imperfect society, means that we all likely have harmful beliefs at one point or another.
What's your read on your partner? Why is he unwilling or unable to confront this bias? Is he in any way willing to work on it? Does it align with other worldviews of his?
Recently my good friend went through a breakup. We had been cutting her partner a lot of slack for his harmful beliefs, believing he will one day grow up, and deep down he's a good person. I don't think it's wrong to do so, but in that situation we failed to consider if he wanted to be better. If he had a level of self reflection that would allow such growth.
I'm not saying your partner doesn't, but I am telling you to watch out for yourself. Try to examine his beliefs. A lot of fatphobia is deeply tied in with classism and ableism, even racism and sexism can be huge factors. Where is this guy at, when it comes to his self reflection and ability to examine his own beliefs, listen to criticism and grow as a person.
At the very least, if you tell him to please stop making such comments in your presence, because it's upsetting to you, he needs to be able to respect that boundary.
Whether it's ok to be with someone who has problematic beliefs and so on is a discussion that people have, but don't fall into that intellectual trap here. Don't start to feel guilty or something. Take a moment to be selfish about it.
Focus on who your partner is, who you are, and if their behaviour is good enough to deserve your patience, love, respect and support. Only you can make that choice. But I do want you to be honest with yourself. And I hope that you can establish boundaries with him. And I hope that he's willing to listen and learn. Not just because he's hurting people with his harmful beliefs, but also because you deserve a partner who is compassionate. To others as well as to yourself.
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mistaeq 4 years
Saturday, 26th December
Romeo!Don Giovanna x Juliet!Reader: The Masque
TW // mafia is mentioned, please don't take it lightly. Mista x Trish is implied, but I've aged her up.
Today I offer you this, which I'm proud of, and it doesn't happen often. So I hope you all enjoy this.
A darker point of view on Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
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Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Naples, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their ancient strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
Is now the two hours' traffic of my fic;
The which if you with patient eyes attend,
What here shall miss, my toil shall strive to mend.
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"I will be honest to thee, if thou do not mind me saying so, Don Giovanna. But I am still struggling to understand why thou wanted to show up to the event." the golden haired signore slightly chuckled, after his councilor's words, who was now helping him with fixing the bow which perfectly fit his elegant braid. He never gave up on styling his hair the same way, and now that he was showing up to an event out of pure spite, he was not going to change that.
"It is not that I wanted it, my dear Guido." the Don said, fixing his cream colored jacket's sleeves, an amused grin animating his relaxed features. "They don't expect me to show up at all, all they did was inviting me, thinking I would have chosen to not to go. And make fun of thy lord's attitude. It would be rude of mine, to not to let them know how good I am doing, despite their several attempts to push me down."
"Indeed, signore. Thy reasonment sounds just right." the young councilor Guido Mista agreed with the Don, crouching to give a better look at the lord's image in the mirror and nodding in satisfaction when he made sure the bow was symmetrical as he wanted. "In addition to this, I am pleased to inform thee about my choice of asking Lord Diavolo's daughter's hand in marriage, as soon as she will turn eighteen. Lady Trish." Giorno's grin, if possibly, widened. His councilor marrying his worst enemy's daughter? Sounded just perfect, since she was gonna move in their mansion. By her own choice. She hated her father, and had agreed to the marriage. Great to hear.
"Thou spoke music to my ears, Guido. And I thank thee for thou fixed my bow properly." the golden haired Don stood up, and started walking towards the door, eyeing at his councilor's outfit. "Get ready, we are going." Believe me, he was about to touch the door handle, when a rough voice, who always allowed itself to speak too much, interrupted his actions.
"What about thy heart, signore? No love story nor marriage for thee?" The gunslinger dared to say, perfectly knowing his Don thought he had to keep on being focused on his own affairs, rather than have love related ones. He just liked to drop the question every now and then, but started being genuinely worried. Guido know how romantic Don Giovanna could get, and the thought of him getting old without getting married, weirded him out. At first, he used to think Giorno needed time to get used to his role as a boss in the neapolitan mafia - the biggest reason of his strife against Diavolo -, but now, years had passed, and it was getting worse.
"Tender is the way love might make this man change. Thy lord is not ready to face such a thing. Unless it is really worth a try." Don Giovanna's hand lingered around the doorknob, caressing it in an attempt to examinate a thin layer of dust. "Do me the favor to tell Ghirga that cleaning up every little thing, even the most insignificant one, is definitely not optional." the blonde said, finally tightening his grip on the door handle and exiting the room. Left in the whistling silence of the place, the councilor proceeded to get ready for the event himself. He knew his signore didn't like to make someone wait.
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As soon as he came in the hall, everyone turned around him and his councilor, Guido Mista, who soon blended into the crowd, for his betrothed Trish Una gripped on his arm and pulled him somewhere else. "Bothering thy councilor is not my intention, Don Giovanna. I am asking for thy permission, to take him for a while." What else could the blonde man even answer, if not agreeing with it happening. Without any doubt, he was left alone so fast, he had now nobody to cover him, as his golden hair didn't blend at all into the crowd.
A pleasant smell of cooked food and wooden furniture penetrated the Don's nose, as he gripped a glass of wine from the servant who was walking around with a tray holding some. The man shook the crystal glass a little, before he smelled the alcoholic liquid, and took a sip from it. Then, he quietly snorted. "And this would be wine. I consider myself lucky, being these people's foe. This truly doth be terrible."
Giorno mentally commented almost everything in the hall, judging the furniture... "Outdated.", the people... "Seeing them stare at me pleases me. If they are willing to criticize my appearance and attitude, I will be even more pleased.", and the service as well. "These servants are just what Lord Diavolo likes. Being so useless, it pains me." he took the last sip from his crystal glass of wine. "Let me see how much will it take for some servant to notice."
No wonder, the signore was really full of himself, and he was right, for all the people's voices murmuring when he passed by, were coming from pure envy. Diavolo staring at him, from the top of a huge flight of stairs. Don Giovanna had not noticed him, for he didn't consider necessary the action of looking above his own head. Giorno knew he was the one to be already at the top. If so, it were others who had too look up to him. He had learnt he had to stand up to ferocious beasts too, and he managed, in his life, to dominate the worst out of all the beasts. Humanity.
Plus, he was extremely focused on what was happening in front of himself, for he could see, in the middle of the hall, several couples dancing. No need to specify, that was the place where Lady Trish had brought the councilor Mista. Don Giovanna couldn't help but slightly smirk. That man had always been so loyal to him, and he was genuinely proud of him for he had found a wife and helped his affairs at the same time. He watched at the curly, dark haired councilor moving his betrother around with grace, until they accidentally bumped into another couple who was dancing beside them. The Don was now elegantly chuckling, he was amused, he was...
...Love-struck. The couple who Mista and Una had bumped into, consisted in a young lord and a beautiful creature who probably came from heavens above. The angel apologized to the pink haired Lady with a laughter, and bowed to Guido in apology. The angel... were you. Diavolo's niece/nephew had made the impenetrable heart of Don Giovanna fall in love. Could he talk about love? He wanted to. All in a matter of two seconds, the golden haired man imagined you dressed up for a luxurious wedding. What he did not know, was that there would have also been Diavolo in the crowd, watching his archenemy marry you. He had no idea you were related to him. As the same servant he had taken a glass from before passed by, Giorno gripped her arm, and pulled her closer.
"What angel is that, which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight?" he frantically asked, his tone was serious and imposing, as if he was ready to squeeze the information out of the poor servant. But she knew nothing about you, it was not like she was a family servant. She was just there to serve for the event. "I know not, sir", the poor waitress said, holding the tray on her chest and trying to go back into the kitchen. "I apologize. Uh. More wine?" The girl also asked, as Don Giovanna remembered he had ran out of wine. But he shook his head and left the empty glass in the servant's hand, moving towards you to have a better look, not noticing he was right under the flight of stairs where Diavolo and a follower of his were standing. Then, he started to talk to himself, contemplating you.
"O, they doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems they hangs upon the cheek of night." he moved his hands together, in a similar motion as one of a prayer. "Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, as yonder angel o'er their fellows shows." Don Giovanna's fingers intertwined with each other as he spoke. "The measure done, I'll watch their place of stand, and, touching theirs, make blessed my rude hand." with his intense gaze, Giorno's left hand moved to slide on the side of his body, as the right hand touched his chest. "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."
He made the mistake to melt right under the sight of Diavolo, who smirked in seeing him so vulnerable for such a thing. Nobody was there to tell him that falling in love with you would have been his end. The pink haired lord was not irritated, for even if Giorno had tried to humiliate him, the golden haired boss was humiliating himself now, over a fleeting love. The man on the stairs wouldn't even have needed to do anything. Not that he wanted it in the first place. He would have behaved, to show his superiority off.
But Diavolo's loyal servant, lord Cioccolata, had other ideas. "This, by his voice, should be Giovanna. Fetch me my rapier, boy. What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?" the green haired man bent over the banister to take a better look to the supercilious Giorno, who, again, had no clue of what was right above him. "Now, by the stock and honour of my kin, to strike him dead, I hold it not a sin." Cioccolata murmured, but felt his arm get gripped from his boss.
"Why, how now, kinsman. Wherefore storm you so?" the servant's jaw dropped.
"Signore, this is literally Don Giovanna, our foe, a villain that is hither come in spite, to scorn at our solemnity this night." as the same servant who Giorno had talked to approached Diavolo and offered him a glass of wine, the pink haired boss smelled it and took a little sip from it. Then, grinned. He was not in the mood for violence. For now. So he had to keep Cioccolata back from every kind of bad decision. It wasn't easy, to keep such a man from murder. Out of pure honesty.
"Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone, Cioccolata. He bears him like a portly gentleman, and, to say truth, Naples brags of him to be a virtuous and well-govern'd youth." Diavolo explained. It would not have been good if something happened to that man in his mansion. He was part of Naples' pride. "I would not for the wealth of all the town, here in my house do him disparagement: therefore be patient, take no note of him. It is my will, the which if thou respect, show a fair presence and put off these frowns, and ill-beseeming semblance for a feast." was he asking his most violent servant to have... patience over his archenemy? Yes, he was, and Cioccolata was speechless.
"It fits, when such a villain is a guest. I'll not endure him." the angered man replied, trying once again to get his signore to reasonate and realize they could get rid of him so easily if they wished so. The councilor Mista was even too distracted by Diavolo's daughter to keep an eye on his boss. It could have been so simple, for Cioccolata, to...
"Am I the master here, or you? You'll not endure him? God shall mend my soul! You'll make a mutiny among my guests! You will set cock-a-hoop! You'll be the man!" the pink haired man slightly raised his voice - not enough for Giorno to hear - and made himself clear, so that if the green haired made any possible mess during his feast, he would have had to take his own responsibility.
"I will withdraw, then." the servant gave up on his ideas, but rudely. His one almost felt like a poisonous gaze. "But this intrusion shall now seeming sweet convert to bitter gall." he said, indirectly threatening an oblivious Giorno. Talking about him, during their conversation between the two men on the stairs, he turned unnoticed until Cioccolata left. When Diavolo looked down on him again, the golden haired boss was now in the middle of a crowded mess of people who was dancing, people who was eating and conversing. He was with you. Finally.
Giorno Giovanna approached you in a way you couldn't help but notice. He looked like the sun, a golden being, it caught your heart as well. Neverending seconds of staring at each other followed, until... "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this." he gently took your hand in his. It felt warm. "My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." as the man said so, he leaned in to leave a soft kiss on the back of your hand. His sweet scent overwhelming you as he moved. How gentle.
"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this." you withdrew your hand and slightly chuckled, reassuring him it was fine. Someway, the two of you found yourself moving away from the crowd. In a more intimate spot. Diavolo couldn't even find you. "For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch..." your sweet voice was soothing the man more than you would realize. "...and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."
Giorno bit his lip in anticipation, and gently exhaled. "Have not saints lips... and holy palmers too?" he asked, leaning down right towards your soft mouth, before you moved aside and, chuckling like an angel playing in a field, avoided the gentleman's kiss, jokingly scolding his mind with a mischievous smile.
"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." You provoked him. Where had Giorno Giovanna's temperance gone? He had swore to his councilor, just before leaving his house, that he wouldn't have let love blind his senses. And there he was. Plus, you did not know each other. You did not know who you were. You did not know you should have not been there together. Due to this, he gladly accepted your game, and chuckled back. God, he was so ethereal and he did not even realize it.
"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do." he begged, looking almost afraid of touching you, or your waist, or your own hand. How can someone fall so deep in love after having just met someone? Does love at first sight even exist? "They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." Don Giovanna's tone sounded impatient.
But you had accepted to play his game, and now you would have played it until the very end. You smirked, staring at the blonde man's trembling lips. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." you said, implying the fact that you wouldn't have made the first step. It made sense, though. It was him, who had compared you to a saint first. Little did you know, you were playing with fire, for that man you felt love at first sight for, was your uncle's archenemy.
Giorno grinned, and hid you more against the wall, as your hands automatically wrapped around his figure. Though you didn't move in for a kiss. Until... "Then move not... while my prayer's effect I take.", said the man, grazing with his lips against yours, and finally pressing. You felt all your senses relieve and relax, as your hands grasped on the fabric of the Don's jacket. You didn't like your uncle's crimes. You wouldn't have liked Giorno's ones too. But you had no clue. And he had no clue you were Diavolo's niece/nephew. And you were in love.
His sugary sweet lips clicked against yours a last, neverending time, when he pulled back and thought staring right in your eyes was a good idea. "Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." Don Giovanna whispered, breathing hard against your giggling mouth. He hadn't stopped playing, you noticed with a pleasant feeling.
"Then have my lips the sin that they have took...?" you slyly asked him, clearly wanting the kiss to continue, clearly wanting more, having no idea of how wrong it was. Having no idea of how dangerous is was. Though his eyes widened, and got even closer, so close to giving you what you wanted for the second time. You felt yourself growing so enamored.
"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!" he paused for a second, before he bit his own lower lip. "Give me my sin again." Giorno whispered, grabbing your waist with his hand and kissing you, almost desperately, but romantically, against the wall. He had been so focused on anything else, that he had forgotten the true flavor of love, and living it all again after he had swore he wouldn't have done it, was way too intense. Way too beautiful. Better than the art he'd been collecting the latest years.
When he pulled back, you instictively smiled and raised an eyebrow, silently chuckling a little. "You kiss by the book..." you told him, caressing his neck gently and carefully. If it were for him and you, that beautiful moment could go on for hours, days, even an eternity. But beautiful things never last. The two of you almost had a heart attack, when the arm of a blonde, long haired man grabbed your right wrist, ripping your dream in half.
"Madam/sir, your uncle craves a word with you." he almost managed to get you away from Giorno, when the Don grabbed your left wrist, and pulled you towards him, not letting the man, Tiziano to be precise, bring you away.
"What's their uncle?"
At that question, the almond eyed man smirked, as if he was ready to drop a heavy bomb on the snooty Don. "Marry, bachelor, their uncle is the lord of the house, and a good man, wise and virtuous. I nursed his niece/nephew, that you talk'd withal." as if Tiziano had read into Don Giovanna's mind, he added something else, just for the sake of making it even heavier. "I tell you, he that can lay hold of them, shall have the chinks."
Then the blonde haired Don followed the two of you around the hall, until he saw you get pulled upstairs by Tiziano, and connected his brains to what he saw. Diavolo, waiting for you upstairs, and Tiziano holding your arm so that you wouldn't have been able to run away. Four painful words formed on Giorno's whispering lips. "Are they an enemy...?" he asked to himself, looking at you up there, until Trish didn't appear as well behind you.
Trish wasn't happy to be there, she loved Guido Mista, but apparently Diavolo had called all his family back. And your presence there, only confirmed his fear. You were about to step back towards him and say something, but Tiziano caught your shoulder just in time, and pulled you close enough to whisper you the words you would have never wanted to hear. "His name is Giorno." he added more details. "Giorno Giovanna. The only appearance you should match to your great enemy."
You stood there. Empty. You and your forbidden lover had understood what was going on. And both your hearts clenched. And both your hearts suffered. How could love be so beautiful yet so evil, to make a man live and die on the same evening. How...
We all know how this story ends, we know about the pain, we know about the sorrow. But what if this time it made sense. One of the lovers is dirty with criminal blood, running through his veins, and you accept him, in the good and in the bad. Is this right...?
Or is death the punishment, for the sin that in reality your lips hadn't purged at all?
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removedscrybe 3 years
"Th-- thank you." Belwyn accepts the compliment, glowing, feeling his heart pound a little. "Coming from someone like you, that-- that means so much to me." Tittering to himself, he smiles at Removed. "Some of the sigils that come up, you should be familiar with! Like flying and anti-flying and stuff...b-but, there are some new ones too! I don't want to spoil them, but....but I do have a little notebook with all of the ones I'm using written down. I don't want you to feel stressed because you don't know what a sigil means while they're playing." He digs the tiny notebook out of his pocket and hands it to the Scrybe. "H-here!" The notebook has Belwyn's name written on it in glittery pen, and, like his cards, is covered in holographic stickers, though these appear to be added purely for aesthetic purposes. He passes his next round to allow Removed to deal more direct damage to him, knowing he will lose in the next round. He is currently more engrossed in his conversation, and they can always start a real game later, after all. "I-I don't think Leshy is that bad," he says, letting out another soft laugh, though this one is less comfortable. "I think he really thinks that his way of looking at the world is right...and I guess I sort of see his point. Sometimes we need to struggle to be able to grow. But," he adds, "I don't think I can agree that life is about fighting and winning and losing. Quiet moments with friends...those little moments of love and contentment......I think those make life worth living, too." Shaking his head, he allows his smile to grow brighter. "And I think you're right about P03, too! I-I know sometimes it likes to act unfeeling, but....I know it laughs and feels joy and has hopes and dreams just like anyone else." Belwyn wrinkles his nose a little mischievously. "And it can be very funny too." His smile drops a little as Removed asks his question. Truthfully.....he has an inkling. He doesn't know for certain, but..... "I--" he begins, and then swallows, fidgeting a bit. "The world has felt......strange, lately.......quiet. Empty. I-I don't even really know what I mean-- it's always been this empty, right? But it feels....wrong, somehow." He chews his lower lip a little. That is only half of the answer, but Belwyn isn't sure how safe he would be to share the other part of what he suspects.
Removed reset things as the game started once again. The game mechanics were unrefined, but they were enjoyable. He looked through the book occasionally to aid in his play, but the rounds passed calmly enough without story line, as they were just playing for fun, though his scale still kept count of who won and who lost. "I can be a bit critical of the others..." There was no excuse that came from him. He knew his flaws. "I believe Leshy and the others are good people, they are just..." Bad scrybes? No... "In need of someone to show them certain perspectives and perhaps make them think it's their own idea."
The change in Belwyn's manner quirked his interest. "Empty..." He repeated the words, a cold heaviness in the back of his stomach. "So... something has happened. Again. Scars are made on this world of ours due to the craving for power..." He paused and tilted his head, examining Belwyn as if this was the first time he'd really seen him. "You... tore something... to get here." It was a statement, not a question. "I won't press. I think thanks to you... I may be able to get out. Though... if someone else gains control, I may be delayed."
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