#i really really like the rise of indie shows on YT
cyanide-sippy-cup · 5 months
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Masterpost/reading list
Cass' apocalypse series (y'all know this one) (ongoing)
Tapa's stuff!: life of violence era (L.O.V.E.) (completed)
Rise of the Parallel by Indie Y. rise and 2012 crossover (ongoing)
beannary's little prince au (ongoing)
Replica you probably know this one. Donnie is a robot. (ongoing)
Abby krang infection comic (completed)
K-tech prison dimension stuff. idk.
Empyreon weeping (ew) by cupcakeslushie seperated au inspired by the show Arcane. has art and written fic. (ongoing)
baskeigh-ball's mutant manhunt au - has a mix of fic/comic/Q&A stuff (ongoing)
Gemini-forest's stuff
coin toss - rise future mikey (ongoing?)
Sorry I'm late/ Papa Leo au - leo has a kid and partner. mostly art stuff/ lore dumps (ongoing)
an-artistic-failure's comic about Rise April, Casey and Sunita! it's a quick read. (completed)
Pinetree's Timothy comics <- love this shit (completed?)
DG's separated Leo au: mix of asks + comics and art (ongoing)
Twinpathy by Vane and Lee: rise disaster twins. (ongoing?)
life mission: save my brothers by Daedalweiss another separated au (ongoing, first arc done)
Anglepun's stuff: he does a lot of rise stuff and has his own iteration.
Kid Leo Au (ongoing)
L330-N AU (ongoing)
Rottmnt Rural Au <- fav (ongoing)
Turtle Tots Comics (oneshots)
TMNT: Home Movie Edition (iteration)
Heart Leo comic (completed?)
Would It Really Matter (ongoing?)
fusion mayhem au by fries (non-serial yet)
Butter masterpost:
Fuck it, we barn. (mainly ao3 fic but has a comic) (ongoing)
Elohyou's disaster twins incorrect quotes (they're hilarious) (completed?)
Sewer punks (iteration)
Carapace (rise ao3 fic) (ongoing)
Foxxes with feathers' aftermath series (hiatus)
Caliliero's colour-coded, a WIP video game project.
other links:
Triona's Yo.ho ho a ninja's life for me (ofmd meets rottmnt) (ongoing)
Tangledinink's stuff:
teenage mutant what now? ao3 fic (ongoing)
Foot Squad
TMNT: stabilise
processing grief through ninja turtles
Crime tot comic (ongoing)
Kendra Tello childhood au (ongoing)
Miiukka's subway lair reference
https://rottmntreanimated.tumblr.com/ <- i've seen a few clips on yt it looks amazing so far
https://www.tumblr.com/annaliearts because i love her art sm and the tmnt fandom needs more 2003 rep in general
Addystuff i just like their stuff.
Koolaidashley- a collection of work, indicidual comics, their own iteration, rise ftm leo. other Leo stuff.
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eri-pl · 4 months
Warning: loose rambling, suicide-related topics, criticism of Feanorians and of Polish culture, especially romanticism.
Feanorians, Polish history and self-destruction
We, the people of Poland celebrate our failed uprisings. Well, maybe not now, now it's going away, but until recently.
Feanorians are driven by death too. Glorifying death. What did Miriel do? Die.
And now she's the best mother ever, you cannot criticize her, Nerdanel can't compare, not can Curufin's unnamed wife. Not to mention Indis.
What does Finwe do? Many things, but then dies. And Feanor is driven to self-destruction. He knows he won't survive the Oath, deep inside he knows that
We destroy ourselves in an effigy to the dead, because we can't accept that they're gone.
We cannot parse the feeling, instead we burn. We say it's for our freedom, our national independence, our Silmarils and what not, but really it's just about not coping with loss.
It was never about recovering anything.
Only about channeling the pain of not having it, the guilt of people having died because of us, or even just close to us. Channeling it all into fire.
Polish romanticism is so Feanorian. Oaths, arguing with divine brings, trying to solve problems by self-destruction, and death for The Cause held as the highest achievement. Long suffering is a good second place.
"It's all because of Catholicism" you say. But it's not.
Catholicism, any healthy Christianity is not about self-destruction. It's about life, not death, with the caveat that life isn't only here and this. Martyrdom is not about self-destruction, self-punishment and suffering. It's about showing to others (and maybe to yourself) that somewhere beyond is so much more life, so much better life if you trust God, that this life cannot compare. Not because it's worthless. It's worthless only in comparison. Only.
(I'm not saying every Christian is emotionally healthy, I'm just saying it's the doctrine. Every group has people who hate themselves and want to burn, because they see it as the only way to being with anything.)
I'm not judging from above, I have a deep deep instinct of solving problems by hating and sabotaging myself too. I'm gradually healing from it.
So yeah, redemption arcs culminating in the character dying. Sometimes it makes sense but there's too much if it and not enough of characters actually having to do the work.
Also, revenge. Revenge on yourself for your father, your country, your whatever, and later revenge on everyone, friend or foe, cold revenge rising from its grave, cold oath, with God or without. Mickiewicz is so Feanorian, except Feanor would fight in the uprising 😋
Because destroying your enemy (you are also your enemy, the oath never says that they are except from the death and woe) is more important that whatever you were grieving at the start? Because the dead (not they as actual persons, they as your guilt) are more important than the living?
Feanor never went to Mandos to ask Finwe whether he wanted to be avenged. But he had no problem forcing his sons to swear a dancing oath.
There was a really good quote about how we should focus more on being good ancestors than dutiful descendants. Was it on Pinterest or in the fall of Numenor?
We build museums and statues for lost wars instead of building houses for our children.
Death and woe we shall deal. Mostly to ourselves.
Hmmm, I should end with some conclusion but I lost my train of thought before I got half as far as I wanted.
There are a lot of great psychotherapy - related videos about how many problems are caused by the inability to accept negative feelings, uncertainty, and sadness. Just sitting with them and saying "yes, I'm sad." (I recommend Heidi Priebe on YT if you feel like you want to go swear an impossible oath or something similar, and for many other issues too)
Tldr: life before death or something.
Also, from one song
...so I'm gonna live, 'cause I'm so tired of dying.
Ps: no, I'm not in a dangerous mood or anything (but if you worried, thank you for caring!), quite the opposite + feeling philosophical + pondering origin of Feanor's issues and later Maedhros and all after the Czech musical gave me inspiration.
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
Hiyo! congrats on the 1k followers!!
I'm usually a lurker and more active on twt but Ive been easing back into tumblr again to post fandom stuff, theres a niche corner on tumblr where I got comfy in and I happens to find/followed you there! I hope I'll be seeing ur posts around! I want to throw a hat in this event for fun! Thanks for the oppertunity!!
Fandom: Spiderverse/JJK Name: Gato ヾ(•ω•`) About myself: I'm a 5'2/ 160cm, Taurus/Capricorn rising, 24yo bi INTJ-T I'm 88% introverted and I work from home so I don't usually see the sun unless it breaks into my house. I love natural documentary videos and random analyzes videos on yt if they last more than 2 hours (play in bg while I'm working) My taste in music is whatever yt auto play next, I'll listen to J-Rock, Kpop, indie to folk but I will also work in complete silence for 8 hours straight if i forgot to put on anything. ( the grind dont stop )
I'm pretty easy going and I definitely know what I'm doing @ work, I love to show people the rope if needed. Anything kind of socialize outside my job, I'll run out of wits. I've never flirt my entire life and I won't start now ( I might be aroace but its debatable lol)
Ideal type: My type of guy and gal is definitely the no-nonsense one who tell me straight up what they want. I can't say I'll give them the same treatment tho I'm not always honest with myself :))) but I'm deeply devoted and I don't do anything half way.
It's very difficult for me not to challenge any kind of authority figure on sign, I'm allergic to condescending people. Still I find assertive people very……..hot!! (please pair me up with one, itll be so funny)
Season: whenever it rain! Summer, late autumn Favorite trope: Shared room! team up! Hurt/Comfort, maybe a truce? or 'we both stuck between a rock and each other and we might not get out alive'
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— honeymoon :
– miguel was an asshole, a certified one at that — your first day at hq wasn't very thrilling with him throwing you nasty looks left and right, the worst part is, he didn't actually say anything rude or mean to you, but he wasn't all that friendly either, so when you came up to him with a scowl on your face and demanding that he tells you why he keeps looking at you like you just spilled the milk over, he simply looked you up and down and said something along the lines of 'just get back to work' not really offering much context or explanation before leaving you to head back to his 'office' and from that day on, you were sworn enemies — you couldn't stand his authority figure persona and he couldn't stand your stubborn self because you never abided by his rules, so everyday was to you was a back and forth argument with him, and it didn't help that you'd get paired up with him for alot of missions — talk about bad luck.
– slowly but surely, the two of you eased up to eachother, yeah it took like nine months but it worked out — your arguments started to turn from actual heated conversations to more of a fun back and forth bickering — miguel would deny it any moment you or anyone would ask him about it, say something about how he thinks it's annoying but the small grin on his face when he talks to you doesn't go unnoticed, no matter how much he tries to hide it — yeah, he's a tough shell, closed off and repulsive but he isn't all that bad after all, at least that how you were starting to see him — like hey, he brought you empanadas from the cafeteria with him, he doesn't do that with anybody else.
– soon enough, it's been a year and a half since miguel has known you — you still don't really know him that much but you settled for a truce and you warmed up to eachother. the day came where your walls were broken down and the rain was pouring over your head, seemingly amplifying your bad mood because it felt like such a cliche for it to heavy pour on the day you felt at your worst — but you were soon shielded from the icy cold droplets when an umbrella came over your head, and surely enough it was miguel who was holding it, he threw you a glance, his face the usual blank expression he worse but his eyes were soft, he mumbled something about 'don't want you catching a cold, you have a mission tomorrow' and the rest of the walk to your place was in silence, not the heavy kind, miguel wasn't a talker after all, but you appreciated his presence — no matter how silent it was, it was still comforting.
what's on the radio : art deco, lana del rey
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a/n : had to pair your up with miguel after you said you didn't like authority figures 😭 i like a good enemies to lovers — although it's more like office drama but whatever — THE NAME GATO IS SO CUTE I LOVE IT SHSJWJSK, and yes so true the grind don't stop 💪💪 must keep going no matter what's the circumstances are ✊✊ i love miguel sm too also look at the way he's lowkey pouting in the second pic he literally looks >:c ahhhwhee i wanna play with his cheeks 😭 tysm for the request gato, hope this did you justice i also really love your blog <33
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