#yeah just watched the new TADC
cyanide-sippy-cup · 2 months
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sleepingdeath-light · 8 months
relationship hcs ; jax
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requested by ; anonymous (26/10/23) & anonymous (27/10/23)
fandom(s) ; the amazing digital circus
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; jax
outline ; “i'm so excited you're doing requests for TADC!!!!! do you have any general dating hcs for jax?”
“I saw that you now do The Amazing Digital Circus requests!
Soooo how about Jax relationship headcanons?”
note ; characterisation may be shaky as we only have the pilot episode out so far
warning(s) ; canon typical asshole behaviour from jax, mostly fluff!
first and foremost, jax is an asshole and that will not change when the two of you start flirting or when you become an ‘official’ couple — he’s not outright malicious towards you anymore, sure, but he’ll keep on teasing and messing with you at every opportunity (he’s also very unlikely to apologise unless he feels like you’re genuinely upset with him and he can’t sweet talk his way out of it)
pranks and teasing are a big part of your relationship, especially if you’re able to match his mischievousness — whether that’s him leaving things in your room for you to find later that he knows will startle you, using nicknames for you that are more amusing than intimate (e.g. something poking fun at your avatar’s height, an inside joke, or just generally teasing you for something you’ve done in front of him that he refuses to let you live down)
he’s a massive flirt and always finds a way to work around caine’s rules and regulations — he leaves just enough unsaid to get the real message across and absolutely loves watching you process what he’s said and then get flustered or frustrated once you realise what he really means (even if you playfully smack him on the chest or arm because it’s more than worth it for him)
physical affection with jax only really occurs on his terms with very few exceptions — such as when he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you against his side, or (if your avatar has hair) when he messes up your hair right after you’ve finished the introduction song — the main exception to the rule is if you’re really not doing too well and need to be grounded or comforted because of it (i.e. you’re experiencing a mental break due to your circumstances or are starting to get close to the point of abstraction for whatever reason — he might be an ass, but he cares and he doesn’t want to lose you)
during caine’s missions he generally prefers to hang out with you if possible, whether that means going off and doing your own thing, watching the inevitable chaos unfold from a safe distance, or actually participating (usually because you’re bored and he just wants to see funny things happen to people) — but that doesn’t mean you’re safe if he decides he’s bored, and he has on several occasions pushed you straight into the ‘line of fire’ of whatever you’re meant to be fighting just to see what you’ll do
(he wouldn’t do it if you could actually get hurt, mind you, but as you’re all physically safe no matter what you’re facing he’s willing to take the risk and the time in the ‘dog rabbit house’ for a laugh)
you’re just about the only person he’ll listen to if ever you tell him to ‘tone it down’… but only for a short while — yeah he can stop teasing pomni for ten minutes to let the poor jester get her bearings, and sure he’ll lay off the bugs in ragatha’s room for a week, but things always return to normal after that because he’s remarkably stubborn, a bit of an ass, and endlessly amused by the ‘suffering’ of others in the circus
if a new character or npc tries to flirt with you then he’s going to go from sassy and sarcastic to outright malicious — more openly so if it’s an npc (at least until caine gets the hint and decommissions them) but if it’s a new character trying to intrude on your relationship then he’s going to make it explicitly clear that (a) you’re taken, (b) you’re exclusive with him, and (c) he will make their time in the circus even more unpleasant if they continue down that path (especially if it’s actively making you uncomfortable in addition to just being disrespectful)
(he might not be able to cause them any harm, but he has keys to everyone’s room and little regard for the safety of others during ‘missions’ so he’s more than able to make them regret flirting with you if he wants)
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anima-writer · 8 months
heyyyyyy, can you do a headcanons with pomni, caine and gangle with a artist reader
also, have a good day my folk
Pomni, Gangle & Caine w/ an Artist!Reader
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Summary: The title
Pairing[s]: Pomni x Reader, Gangle x Reader, Caine x Reader; all platonic.
Word Count: 1.591
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With an artistic reader like you, Pomni wouldn't make it at first glance. She would still be worried about looking for a way out of that place, so her attitude would be understanding; We should also highlight that she hasn't gotten along so well with anyone yet. Little by little time passes, and even though Pomni is still looking for a way out, she begins to have to socialize more with the rest of the characters to maintain what little sanity she still has left. And one of the other people she socialized with the most if we remove Ragatha, was you.
Time flew by and fled and without noticing, Pomni ended up making a friend during her journey through the place. With your friendship growing, it would be obvious for Pomni to notice your hobbies. Art.
Observing you, you usually draw/scribble some drawings in your free time; free time where Caine wouldn't be around to introduce them to a new adventure that would result in more mental discomfort. Seeing you just in your square without thinking about anything other than finishing your drawing makes herself stop for a minute from her own turmoil to analyze you while drawing. She's sitting next to you just watching, not in a scary way, just a Pomni tired of discord and wanting to do nothing but nothing.
You and your drawings are a good escape from reality when it comes to this subject. But even though she wasn't a total stranger, as her expression of tiredness at your side would be surprising, she gathered her strength to give you small compliments about your work:
"Humm, your art is cool..? No- hum is great! Yeah! So great that I can eat it!.......forget it please."
She's not good at giving compliments. But try. Believe.
One more idea I would like to share about a Pomni with an artist reader would be that she wouldn't mind you using her as paper. I mean, she would care, but wouldn't notice you using her as a paper. Come on, we have a Pomni babbling about her worries and conspiracies about this place with you by her side and we have you, bored because you forgot your sketchpad and just brought your pen.
With boredom slowly consuming you, you make some doodles on your palm only for it to become boring as well. However, the moment Pomni throws her arm towards you, you have a mischievous idea to start doodling on her arm. You start to make simple, small symbols so that Pomni doesn't catch you by surprise, but she ends up catching you by surprise… by not noticing anything.
Just disappointed, you just continue to scribble on her arm until it is completely filled with your drawings; when finished, she still hadn't noticed it.
Later, she only noticed her arm completely covered in scribble by someone else pointing it out. She would be totally tormented that she didn't remember you doing that. It seems like she was too busy talking.
In the end, she would think it was cool that you were an artist and would think it was fun…a little.
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What a coincidence we have here, it seems like you ended up finding a drawing companion in this place. Gangle even enjoys the same interests as you, drawings! But, specifically, she likes to draw in a more anime-style way.
Like the others, she just watched you doodling, but tried to be as discreet as possible so you wouldn't think of her as a stranger. However, after you got to know each other better and started to socialize more over time, she had the courage to bring up her hobbies during one of her conversations, after a lot of courage required of herself.
For Gangle to be able to show you her work, it will take a lot of time because she is not used to exposing her interests. But after losing his fear, Gangle finally manages to show him his art and after that the two of you are talking for hours! And Gangle would be the one communicating the most.
Your conversations can be anything but make sure Gangle is the one directing the conversation. She's just happy to find someone who doesn't make her feel pressured.
“Hey, remember when you were asking about my drawings? So, um, I kinda drew you. Hope you don’t mind the art style...” –And soon the little masked woman in front of you would be handing you a piece of paper with a drawing for you.
I believe that Gangle would love to do some drawing challenges with you, and several of them would be: Drawing a character that was requested by another, drawing while running against time, drawing and having to swap each other drawings and continue, testing new drawing styles (In this specific case, I believe that Gangle wouldn't be able to escape her anime style; even if she wanted to). and etc…
Arriving next to you, you, once again, notice a masquerade made of ribbons coming towards you:
“[YOU]! Look! I did the art challenge that you made up for me! What do you think?”
One last thing I want to point out would be about compliments. Unlike Pomni who, at least, tries to praise; Gangle can't do it. She may be thinking of thirty-five different types of languages just to mention how amazing your drawing is, but when she opens her mouth, all that comes out is one: “Oh, cool.” 
During the night, Gangle squirms, cries, and starts having a meltdown in her bed all because she feels guilty for not saying what she really wanted to say. Please don't blame her, she really likes your art, she just can't express herself properly...
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Unlike the others I wrote, he would be the only one who would notice your artistic side at first, however, he wouldn't point it out. Just make a mental note of this fact without you realizing it. However, he loves recognizing artists so if he saw you doing any kind of project, he wouldn't hesitate to praise you; Even though that moment isn’t one of the best…
“Wow, my dear!—” —Caine exaggeratedly expressed himself through the air– “—I can say for sure your work is fabulous!... But you should keep your eyes on the bull.”
And before you can even ask him what he was talking about, you're hit by a bull in a fancy beach hat.
Even though these small interactions are not always cool, given that Caine appearing right in front of you never means anything good, he has a genuine feeling for your art.
He likes to see you drawing at the same time he tries to do his speech, but doing two things at the same time can be a challenge. So, if you are just doodling in your notepad and don't listen to his voice, it’s because Caine is right behind you watching you draw. No one catches Flying Tooth's attention, because the longer you keep him busy, the longer everyone in that circus doesn't have an adventure; in which they are too tired to sustain mentally.
Bringing the theme of adventure to the surface, there are times when Caine asks you, in private, for your permission to use one of your arts for future adventures. It's not that he has few ideas for his adventures; His process of creating adventures would be in daydream, so imagine while he produced his work mentally, your work ends up infiltrating his mind, but unintentionally, the idea ends up becoming better than he imagined. And that's how we get our host's first sentence asking for permission. But don't worry, only if you want to of course...only if you want to be dropped in the void if you don’t allow it.
Just kidding, Caine would understand and move on.
With Caine being an art connoisseur, he has to prove it, and there's nothing better than showing it off to everyone. Caine, for sure, would be those types of parents who, if their child showed a common project for a child, they would display it as a trophy, that is, if you do something, be sure that if Mr. Tooth likes it, he will show it to everyone. . Whether you want it or not.
“Oh gosh, little star! I… I LOVED IT!”
About to respond, Caine continues his speech, taking your work from your hands: “LOOK EVERYONE!—” –Caine called the attention of the circus cast— “[YOU] MADE THIS!” —Caine floats above everyone with your project still in hand, not wanting anyone to miss it.
“Caine, you really don’t need to do it.” —You announce watching him while it flies moving from one place to another.
“Yeah. Those drawings aren’t gold, you know?” —Jax said, standing right next to you. Hearing this, Caine turned his “head” as quickly as possible towards the rabbit and then snapped his fingers, making him instantly disappear from your side. After this event, the silence soon prolonged until Ragatha broke it:“...Wow [YOU]! I love the way you used those colors in your art. It seems you took a long time to choose them.”
“Yeah! But I liked the lineart for sure!” –Continues Kinger
Some followed Ragatha's example just so they wouldn't end up with the same fate as their purple companion. Others, such as: Kinger and Zooble, didn't get the message or just didn't care that much about speaking verbally.
Caine really likes that one of his characters is an artist for sure.
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tinyinvadr · 2 months
Guess who’s back from the dead? I finally got the motivation to work on this again, probably ‘cause the new episode’s almost here! I’m so excited, I’m not gonna be normal, I love TADC SO MUCH!!!!!
Hide & Shrink
Chapter 6
I almost wish we never left the restaurant.
Not only did we make it back just in time for the adventure to be finished, we also happened to arrive just as Jax and Ragatha were having a very heated argument. About me.
“I don’t care, Jax! She’s our friend, we can’t do this to her!”
“Friend? We only just met her. And from what I’ve heard, she left you for dead when Kaufmo abstracted.”
“So did you!”
“Yeah, but you expect it from me. Look, all I’m saying is she could be our ticket out of here. Isn’t that what everybody wants? I mean, come on, don’t tell me you actually WANT to stay here now.”
“I don’t… but still, it’s not right. We shouldn’t force Pomni to do anything she doesn’t want to.”
“Rags, everyone here is being forced to do stuff they don’t want to, and as hilarious as it is, I can’t stay here forever if there really is a way out. Look, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re in or not. The bottom line is, I’m getting out of here.”
“She’s scared out of her mind, Jax. At least wait a few more days and try asking again when she’s calmed down.”
The rabbit let out a chuckle as he shook his head.
“All these years we’ve been trapped here, all we’ve done is wait. I don’t think any of us can afford to wait any longer. Just look at Kinger. He’ll be a goner any day now.”
“Don’t say things like that!”
“Why not? You know it’s true.”
The entire time, Caine just floated in place, watching the argument play out. It was like he was waiting for them to finish before approaching them. But with the way tensions were rising between the two of them, letting that happen would definitely not end well.
“Uh, Caine? Maybe you should intervene.”
It was like he suddenly snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked down at me.
“Huh? Oh, yes.”
We swiftly flew over to them, Caine positioning himself right in the middle of them.
“Hey now, the adventure’s over, you two! Let’s settle down and regroup with the others!”
The two of them finally stopped and turned their attention to us. Ragatha looked relieved to see me, while Jax just continued to smirk.
“Oh, Pomni, you’re back. Finally done hiding behind Caine?”
I glared at him, but he was technically right. That was the most infuriating part. I hated him, but a lot of the time, he was right.
The other three returned, Gangle and Kinger looking distraught as usual, and Zooble in the process of reattaching their arm.
“I swear, if I have to see a Gloink or Wroink or whatever one more time, I’m going to %$!#ing abstract.”
Gangle whimpered. “Oh, Zooble… not you too…”
For the first time, I could detect the slightest look of sympathy on Zooble’s mismatched face. “I was just exaggerating. You know I’m not actually going anywhere.”
Completely missing the tone as usual, Caine flew up into the air, and I clung onto his thumb as tightly as I could so I wouldn’t fall.
“It looks like everyone’s back together again, which means today’s adventure is officially complete! Now, what exciting activity should we do to celebrate?”
Jax sauntered over, brimming with confidence. He had something to say, and he was waiting a long time to say it. And I already knew exactly where he was going.
“If I may, I have a suggestion. We still haven’t really discussed the whole Pomni situation.”
Ragatha looked like she was on the verge of snapping, which was something that was hard for me to even picture. I only just met her, but she seemed to be the most calm and collected out of everyone. I guess it was nice to know she was looking out for me, but I still wasn’t sure why.
“Y-Yeah… we have to help her. She must be so scared…”
I don’t think Gangle meant anything by it, but it was really starting to get on my nerves how everyone was talking about me as if I wasn’t there. It reminded me all too well of how people would treat me back in the real world. How they’d talk over me, never listen to what I had to say. I wasn’t important enough to be taken seriously. Just a joke.
“As usual, Gangle, you’re wrong. No, I’m talking about the elephant in the room that no one wants to address: Pomni’s glitch.”
At that, the whole circus went silent.
“Oh come on, don’t play dumb, guys. You know what I’m talkin’ about. If Caine can’t fix her, it means there must be something wrong with her character model, and if we can figure out what’s causing this, we can use it to get outta here.”
Jax was met with more silence, until Kinger finally spoke up.
“Well… yes, the thought has crossed my mind, but-”
“But what, Kinger? Don’t tell me you’re also too attached to Pomni to waste our only chance of leaving. You should know better than any of us getting attached to people here gets you nowhere.”
I looked back and forth between Ragatha, who was absolutely fuming, and Kinger, who looked as though he had just seen a ghost.
“I-I have to go.”
The chess piece quickly shuffled away as the rest of us watched with bated breath. Even though I had no idea what was going on, the tension was palpable.
“What… What was that about?” I asked.
Ragatha sighed, visibly frustrated.
“It’s not my story to tell. But Jax… what you just did was way over the line, and I shouldn’t have to tell you that. I know things are hard for all of us right now, but that’s no excuse to abandon basic human decency!”
Jax scoffed, heading off to his room.
“Okay, sure. Keep lying to yourselves. But it’s not gonna help in the long run. You’re only prolonging your fates. Call me whatever you want, but at least I’m trying to leave this %$!#show.”
One by one, everyone else left. Not all at the same time, it was staggered. Ragatha left first, then Gangle maybe about ten minutes later. Surprisingly, Zooble stuck around the longest. They kept looking at me, still helplessly seated in Caine’s palm, and down the hall at Kinger’s door. There were a couple times where it seemed like they were about to say something, but they never did.
The entire time, Caine was uncharacteristically quiet. It was almost like he was stuck waiting for a cue that never came. It was clear something big just happened, but I had no context for any of it.
“Hey… Caine? Why do you keep freezing up like that?”
Once again, he snapped out of it, looking mildly confused.
“Huh? Oh, Pomni, you must be tired! Let’s get you back to your room!”
Before I could protest, he flew down the hall, opened my bedroom door and tucked me into bed, patting me on the head for good measure.
“There ya go, nice n’ cozy! Now, rest up! You’ll need the energy for tomorrow’s adventure!”
“Wait, Cai-!”
He was already gone. It was so obvious he was hiding something. Everyone was. But I wasn’t about to let this circus keep its secrets hidden from me forever. The truth about this place was just out of my reach, and whatever it took, I would find it, even if I had no one truly on my side.
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justmossyall · 4 months
about me <3
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hi! the name’s claire. she/her, a minor, INFJ, aggressively neurodivergent
a bit about me: i’m a christian, an author, an artist and an actor. i’m a huge dork and love infodumping about my favorite things, so my asks are always open if you want me to rant to you 😭
the general stuff: no nsfw, don’t be weird, just remember that i am legally (and honestly mentally) a child before you say anything weird or are mean to me lol. also i have pretty bad anxiety and emetophobia, idk why that would ever come up but I figured I would mention it??? just…………….don’t stress me out or mention vomit ig????? bro idek anyways
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side blogs because i have an obsession:
this is my main, a lot of reblogs about the things i like
my horrendous thoughts @justmossyaps
art blog @justartyall
writing blog @justmosswrites
photography blog @raindropsonmushroomcaps
ask game! drama ask game! can you tell i like ask games! here’s a fourth one!
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shows i like: gravity falls, arcane, bluey, bee and puppycat, amazing digital circus, toh, wandavision (not a marvel fan in general but i love that show), dance moms (don’t judge im a sucker for reality tv), and way too many kids shows. what can i say my mental age is like 4 (@person4924 and @sweetronancer know octonauts is where it’s at 😭)
movies i like: first of all i am a huge ghibli fan 😭 anyways the tinker bell movies, ratatouille, wall-e, the muppet movies, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, brave, random 90s movies that I watch with my parents
books i like: psych im not listing all those, there’s way too many 😭 (kotlc and the scythe series are my favs though)
games i like: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow (y’all should know by now how obsessed i am with that franchise), stardew valley, animal crossing, zelda botw (i have not played totk yet :( im hoping to soon though!), ddlc
special interests: psychology (especially neurodivergencies, specifically autism and tic disorders), writing, utdr/uty, gravity falls, arcane, tadc, bee and puppycat, some oddly specific medical stuff (mostly things like autoimmune disorders and the like, i just hate gore and tbh the cardiovascular system in general), kotlc, bluey, coding, embroidery, linguistics/etymology, clowns for some reason??? girl idk don’t ask
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i do a lot of writing, my first novel is actually fully drafted and i’m hoping to have it edited within the next 2 years so i can publish :) other than that main one + my other main-ish novel i have about ten million wips 😭
as mentioned above i am also an artist, i mostly just draw though i also embroider and dabble in clay and watercolor. my art blog is linked above so you can go check that out :) i also do photography! it’s not a very serious hobby but i enjoy it, photography acc is also linked above. i actually also make music???? lmaoooo yeah here’s my soundcloud it’s @\lofiwithsunny. i just write crappy instrumentals using soundtrap loops, but it’s fun and i think they sound pretty nice :)
i’m also an actor (yes i like to suffer creatively in many ways) so naturally i’m quite dramatic. i frequent the 😭 emoji and often use all caps. i love to sing though and i love music so if you have any cool songs you think i would like feel free to send them to me. OBSESSED with the oh hellos
speaking of which, my spotify is @/-sunflowerskies- if you want to search me up. here are a few of my fav playlists ~ ~ ~
also as mentioned above, i am a christian! if you ever want me to pray for you or are curious about the faith, my asks and dms are always open :)
i have a huuuuge sweet tooth. it’s so bad but I love candy so much
idk what else to put here???? i am, as the kids say, neurospicy so im sure none of my posts are coherent lol. also im having a lot of health issues recently with a lot of brain fog and fatigue affecting my overall functioning, so apologies if the posts are even less coherent than normal lmaooo
honestly send me asks whenever you want, i am incredibly bored all of the time and love making new friends <3 literally rant to me about anything idrc but i apologize if i don’t answer for a while lol, i go through on and off phases of being on this site
i guess that’s about it?? love you guys have a wonderful day!! <3
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gh0stward · 15 days
I spoke too soon 😭
hhhhh these new batch of fans that came from the second episode are very unwelcoming
like, they know ppl who hate Jax and those who make headcanons and alternate versions of him are generally two separate groups in the fandom, right? Obviously I’m an exception bc I don’t personally like the character anymore but seeing other’s lump in innocent fanartists that love the character with supposed “haters” is not fair to Jax kissers 😭
“it’s other’s AUs and headcanons fault that people don’t like Jax in episode 2”
or maybe you should sit down and actually listen to other’s criticisms or just simply block them if you find the criticism they have isn’t coming from a good place
why try to pin blame in something that’s as simple as someone else having different taste than you, why on those who simply share their own take on a piece of media they love specifically? I talked about this irl and you’d you be surprise by the number of people who flat out told me “haha yeah I hate asshole characters too” like ppl are hating the canon character from the canon show, they don’t even interact with the fandom, let alone headcanons and AUs so there’s zero outside meddling from your fellow fans.
“there are mean people in real life!” yeah, and that’s a valid reason why someone won’t like a character, that character reminds them of a real person they had to deal with in their life. That’s why some people don’t like pomni, and I find that valid too.
“but that fan media isn’t canon!!!” canon isn’t the end all be all. If you want to see the canon, go watch/read the original media and leave fanartists alone, or y’know you could just pay them to make something specific… or pick up a pencil yourself.
and I haven’t even mentioned how tadc fans have attacked artists for drawing humanizations of the characters that aren’t just generic looking white people or depicting Caine with a thicker build…
sorry if I’m all boo hoo baby I feel like another wonderful thing is being stripped away from me…
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nyancreeperdraws · 8 months
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She amaze on my digital till I circus.
So, yeah, to keep me satiated until the FNAF Movie, I decided to draw Pomni and Jax from TADC because honestly, these colorful characters make me smile.
If you don't know, The Amazing Digital Circus is a pilot from creator Gooseworx, who you may know from things like their short film Lil Runmo or from THE_BLUE_CHANNEL and just a week ago she released this pilot for a new show she is working on with Glitch Productions.
But you probably already know that. TADC is like, one of the most popular internet pilots to date, even getting more views and attention than even Hazbin Hotel. (And unfortunately getting nearly the same amount if unnessesary hate on Twitter but that's a whole different rant)
My opinion: I love this pilot. It's so wacky and fun, and extremely dark. And Gooseworx's extremely zany yet dark comedy meshes well with Glitch's more experimental 3d animation. Plus the story is extremely intriguing, I wanna see more.
While I might end up becoming more of a casual fan than anything (Hazbin and Helluva brainrot still infests me I'm afraid :( ) I will definately watch more of this show when it gets made! Who knows, maybe by then I'll become a super fan.
So yeah, if you haven't watched TADC, go watch it now, it's on Youtube for free and only half an hour long. Trust me you won't regret it.
So yeah, hope you enjoy Jax and Pomni in my style.
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pluralquotebook · 1 month
(we just finished watching the new TADC and Pomni was our first TADC fictive)
⬜: *explaining what discord is to 🚪(Pomni)*
🚪: is that Gangle?
(yeah so now we have Pomni, Gangle and Jax 💀)
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alexluvsskittlez · 2 months
new blog into because uhhh
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my name is Alex, I also go by Sam, Reagan, Zoe, and Binoo. most people call me Alex though (plus its the name I prefer most)
im 14 and go by he/they :] my birthday is April 23rd :D
my special intrerests are Paramore and Steven universe
my current hyperfixations are Jake Webber, regretevator, and madoka magica
i am asexual, demiromantic, pan, genderfluid, polyamorus, and possibly transmasc? maybe somewhere on the aro spectrum too (still figuring that out lol) I also use xenogenders :)
i have ADHD, dyscalculia, and I'm autistic (I might also have ocd I'm not sure though)
my humor can be a bit... heh... lets just say... 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 👅 no but seriously, my humor is weird. I usually don't think before I post shit so if I do or say anything wrong please let me know !!
im bad at socializing
i use emoticons a lot
i don't use tonetags a lot unless I feel like its necessary, if you want or don't want me to use them around you please let me know ^^
i get angry pretty easily and I rant sometimes (mostly on Instagram and sometimes TikTok)
i make jokes about shipping real people. i don't actually ship real people unless they're actually dating
i'm fr a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 and I'm nothing like y'all 👅😎😭😭😭
what I post:
stuff related to my interests (especially Paramore)
art, sometimes animations
oc stuff
music stuff
memes and other weird shit
rants sometimes
bigots, maps, zoos, just gross ppl in general.
this would also be counting as gross ppl in general but PEOPLE WHO WRITE SMVT OF REAL PEOPLE. IM LOOKING AT YOU JAKE AND JOHNNIE FANS ON THIS WEBSITE. STOP IT. ITS GROSS. YALL ARE FREAKAZOIDS OH MY GOD. (this isn't aimed towards all of their fans on here ofc some of you guys are cool as hell)
other than that idc who interacts with my shit. I'll just block you if I don't like you
fandoms/other stuff I like:
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steven universe
gravity falls
murder drones
madoka magica
inside job
the owl house
clone high
toopy and binoo
the nightly manor
the ghost and molly mcgee
spooky month
scott pilgrim takes off
invader zim
Paramore (y'all don't fw this band like I do)
Pierce the veil
linkin park
sleeping with sirens
my chemical romance
Hayley Williams
lemon demon
meet me @ the altar
get scared
stomach book
the used
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
panic! at the disco (pre split)
picture me broken
bring me the horizon
not enough space
black veil brides
la dispute
Florence + the machine
owl city
Will Wood and the tapeworms
Will Wood
vylet pony
fall out boy
green day
asking alexandria
Avril Lavigne
attack attack!
the final riot (its actually a documentary but I'll count it as a movie)
steven universe the movie
toopy and binoo the movie
across the spiderverse
into the spiderverse
scott pilgrim vs the world
mlp the movie
splatoon 2
animal crossing (nh and ww)
doki doki literature club
sally face
baldis basics
youtubers I watch:
Jake Webber
Johnnie Guilbert
Danny Gonzalez
Kurtis Conner
Drew Gooden
Laikas comet
uhh idk what else
Marcy's journal
yeah I don't read that much lmao
other interests:
alternative subcultures/fashion
animation memes (more specifically the ones from 2016-2019)
nostalgic stuff
old internet stuff
galaxy print stuff
video essays
animals (especially cats)
Tumblr media
stuff i'm okay with!:
asking to be moots/friends
fanart of my ocs
art trades
do NOT:
draw n$fw of my ocs
s3xualize my ocs
s3xualize me
make fun of my insecurities
send me n$fw
ask me to draw n$fw
vent to me
bring up Chester Bennington's death (unless i bring it up first)
where you can find me:
Tumblr media
instagram: paramorenumber1fan
art instagram: alexluvsskittlez
youtube: alexluvsskittlez
roblox: alexluvsskittlez (display is paramorenumber1fan)
discord: alexluvskittlez
newgrounds: alexluvsskitlez
deviantart: pixelisgay
spacehey: alexluvsskitlez
thats all! later sigmas 💯 DATTEBAYO
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
RE: https://www.tumblr.com/chaifootsteps/732288710156156928/so-i-finally-watched-tadc-and-its-really-good?source=share&ref=_tumblr
Ok, video game industry person here. As someone who has pulled crunch hours on extremely limited and barely functional code, this is an existential hell.
Imagine you've been testing on the same exact game/software build 12 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, for months on end. Now add on top of that: the build only has one working level with a handful functional features, leaving the entire thing extremely buggy, frustrating, and worst of all boring because you've long since memorized everything and done all the possible work you can.
But you can't stop. Because the new build isn't in yet and you have to keep testing it until it comes in because the boss will not let you go home.
The game in TADC is an abandoned game. There will NEVER be a new build. And those levels aren't just their jobs, it's their entire lives.
No breaks, no sleep, no food, no alternative entertainment or socialization. You have the same body, same physical assets, same repetitive music and sfx that burrow themselves into your BRAIN forever.
You can be put through agonizing pain without dying (as we saw with Ragatha), lose parts of your body (and thus control over them like Zooble), oh and if you mentally crack you corrupt and turn into a monster who will either kill everyone or end up perma-locked in a dark basement full of other similar monsters.
Yeah, as someone who only went through the job part of that hellish existence? This is absolutely HORRIFYING
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Hold me, I'm scared.
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gaybabeyjailbreak · 7 months
So, I have watched TADC due to all the hype that's been around it and I just... Don't see the reason for any hype to be there at all?
I'll break it down, It's not uncommon for Indie animations to accrue a big following that will stay with them throughout thick and thin as the major appeal of the genre is the romanticised idea of supporting an underdog and helping fulfill the dreams of an art school graduate in realising their own little piece of art. It is also not uncommon for this fandom to dissolve when they perceive an issue in this fantasy that no longer satisfies them like this, which results in all of the jumping ship that happens when a new project is released and the previous fascination is portrayed as bad. And of course the entire juvenile idea of there being mature animation (Read crass and rude, not actually mature.)
So it would make sense for the popularity of tadc to be from this combined reasons, and I feel the reason for this because i saw the show, and the only genuine way this mess would be so popular would be because of spawning st the right time, just as the magic from Lackadaisy and Spindle horse is dying a bit and people need to fix on s new project.
Because let's be real, there's no inherent appeal in digital Circus as a show. The promised theme of the show is Dark Psychological comedy. But like that's not a thing, that's a combination of words that doesn't actually mean anything, walk with me for a second. How do you do dark, psychological, and comedy at the same time. Think about it, yeah, dark comedy is a thing sure. But can you turn that psychological? You have to be serious to be psychological, at least in the way the show protrays it, and it's not working. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be deeply invested because the moments requiring that are cut short by comedy, and I can't take the comedy in because suddenly a serious moment requiring deeper focus.
For real, the whiplash doesn't work, it is a tone issue you're not sure how to approach and the writers certainly aren't skilled enough for this to work.
See the premise could work as a comedy, it very much could, but I'd believe people would hate it because fandom hates not being able to theorize and mysterize the show of the week. So we also get, some bits of seriousness, some attempt at a story, but without actually committing to any. We don't get enough of a story to fully grasp anything coherent, even for pilot standards, but what little there is, is distracting from the premise of no story needed just characters in a setting having fun. It tries to be dark and psychological by attempts of horror, except the "psychological" is just mental torture of the main fem character Pomni, which starts reading like outright fetishism of fem suffering after the second time we're very intimately shown she's breaking down. And the "dark" horror falls short because the inherent fear of the unknown from the monster, the mystery that contains dread is immediately revealed, and the existential horror is underutilized.
Speaking of mysteries, it's kinda embarrassing to try and pull a computer based mystery nowadays, and people fully accepting it as a fresh take. I guarantee you that any reveal of why something in this show is the way it is, will be very underwhelming. Possesed headsets, computer code going haywire, possesed viruses, government experiments, dead people souls in some code. Literally any explanation you can think of has been done, and considering how little these revelations add to a story, their only aspect being shock value suddenly dissapears, and now you will be left with a nothing of a reveal in your nothing of a story.
And that's really what it is. A sandbox, It's a tumblr post of one of the various potential cartoon shows like Officer and mr. Paws, except they actually managed to make a pilot. The only appeal the show has is introducing a few tumblr sexymen and sexywomen. I do not see any appeal in this show, no story it wants to tell.
I would say they're like clowns in a circus just playing for your enjoyment, which would be clever, but it's something so obviously advanced for how the show appears to be written right now that I seriously doubt that was an intentional parallel.
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machathecat · 2 months
JUST FINISHED WATCHING THE NEW TADC EPISODE gummigoo deserved better 😭 Also am I going crazy or did jax looked a bit,, sad?? When ragatha mentioned that they make funerals for ppl who abstracted . Man the funeral scene actually made me tear up I'm gonna fucking cry x'3
i couldn't find a screenshot but yeah Jax Was sad for the funeral scene x3 also if gummigoo doesn't come back with all his memory in another episode I'm gonna buy the Cain plushie only to torture it
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galaxywing-has-adhd · 2 months
tadc incorrect quotes (includes oc)
my oc
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Ragatha: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!
Galacta: Apparently, we're not.
Caine: Things will get better!
The Squad:
Caine: Okay, maybe they won’t.
Caine: But they will be terrible in new and interesting ways!
Caine: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Galacta, watching Ragatha screaming, Jax trying to set a sleeping Gangle on fire, and Kinger choking on air: I don't know either.
Ragatha: Are you alright?
Gangle: Short answer or long answer?
Ragatha: Short?
Gangle: No.
Ragatha: Long?
Gangle: Nooooooo.
Galacta: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Caine: I am an expert at identifying birds.
Galacta: Okay, what about those ones flying over there?
Caine: Yeah, they're all birds.
Jax, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea?
Gangle: Tea.
Jax: Wrong. It's coffee.
Galacta: I have locked Jax in a cage designed by their own art. Oh, they have been well and truly hoist by their own petard.
Gangle: Could you put it another way? I didn’t understand a word of that.
Galacta: I’m blackmailing them.
Gangle: Oh, happy days.
Galacta: Caine, what is the ONE thing I asked you NOT to do tonight?
Caine: Raise the dead.
Galacta: And what did you do?
Caine: Raise the dead.
Zooble: Guys where did Jax go?
Galacta: They got arrested.
Zooble: How the hell-
Jax: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Jax: Do you have a self-care routine?
Galacta: "Keep going b----" said to myself in different accents.
Pomni: Why are you two always out during rainstorms?
Galacta: It’s so peaceful and refreshing. I love the smell of rain.
Kinger: Jax bet me I couldn’t get struck by lighting, but they’re WRONG.
Galacta: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail.
Jax: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
Galacta: I have a new hoodie.
Jax: Wrong.
Jax: We have a new hoodie.
Kinger: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Jax, used to Kinger being dumb: Sure...
Kinger: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Jax: Okay?
Kinger: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Kinger: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Jax: Jesus, that one is a little-
Galacta, interested: No, no, Kinger, keep going.
Galacta: Don't ask me what I'm talking about. I don't know, okay? I'm just the vessel. The message has been gifted. I've moved on.
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disneyanddisneyships · 8 months
Questions for ur TADC oc Lux cause i feel like she should be appreciated more
How long has she been stuck in the digital circus?
Out of all the members who's she most close friends with??
What did she like about the purple bunny man im curious
From 1-10 how close is she from abstracting? What's keeping her "sane" somehow, or keeping her from abstracting?
Has she been to the void like pomni?
What was her first day at the circus like after she arrived?
How old is she?
A brief thing about her past life (like her occupation back then or smth like that- that she probably can't remember now)
Is she taller, shorter or in the same height as Jax
Voice claim?
Now since we don't have enough context for the rest of TADC I might not be able to answer some of these yet bc I don't know where exactly this show is gonna go.
I'm gonna say she got there before pomni. Shes relatively new.
She's friends with another OC I made named bun bun, but I just haven't had the courage to post her/him. (They're a mix of a few different beanie baby stuffed animals)
she likes how she can make jax flustered. And she does it a lot.
She's not very close to abstracting, just cause she feels like she'd rather be here than back to her life even though she doesn't remember, so 3/10. But mostly, her friends here keep her sane.
The first day she got here she snuck off to go look around and stumbled across the void. But she saw one of Caine's eyes watching her and thought it'd be best if she didn't do that.
The adventure Caine sent them on was ridiculous and all she did was use the time to look around.
I wanna say she'd be like... 25
Idk where the show is gonna go with that bc I have some theories of my own so Idk her occupation. But I think maybe in her past life she really liked to dance.
She's shorter than jax.
You know the voice of Megara from Hercules? Yeah.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 2 months
Off now.
Today had its ups and downs.
Was able to finish a drawing (I'll post it and another one next week), get some stuff done at work, got a sandwich...so yeah. That was nice :P
Welp, I have the day off tomorrow, so I'm going to finally watch the new TADC! So yeah, could people please do me a favor and NOT SPOIL THE EPISODE FOR ME?!
Seriously--after the Stranger Things and Spider-Verse things, could ya'll please please PLEASE just NOT?!?
Anyway, I'll see you guys when I see you.
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ashuribbon · 5 months
I remember you saying on Twitter that you wanted to hear "Your New Home" from TADC on your birthday?
I can see that playing for White Lily as she's surrounded by the corrupted Ancients.
I'm about to go off on a huge ramble, I'm sorry if you don't like receiving asks in general /srs
So I imagine that White Lily Cookie would be absolutely be absolutely devastated if Pure Vanilla ever gotten hurt. White Lily wants to seek the truth? The truth is that her childhood friend likes her /j /j her true emotions for Pure Vanilla would shine through
Either that or Shadow Milk Cookie, being a trickster that he is, would try to "manipulate" their relationship with each other. Being he's you know, a theater kid /j
Yeah! Since I turn another year older this year, I requested people to just spam my replies and DMs with "Your New Home" from TADC as a light-hearted joke! That song can go with pretty much anything, eheheh!
GOD that would be heartbreaking. White Lily and Pure Vanilla getting hurt would be tragic at most. Shadow Milk basically trying to rig everything up to break them apart would be something he'd do in order for more entertainment for himself and everyone who watches!
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