#i really want to draw more starstruck stuff im just SO SCARED TO
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Hello LGBTQ+ community. I redesigned prism a little
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
Hey, do you have any Steve headcannons you want to share? You always come up with the best stories I'd love to hear more.
omg hi hello! you are too kind and i know i say this so much, but your art!!!! is fantastic!!! and i always get excited interacting with you!
anyway minor starstruck moment over.... steve hc time! lets seeee. okay ill pull from a WIP im working on
okay so i see a lot of steve angst in the fandom (and admittedly from me, too) focus around bucky and guilt he might have with bucky and while that is definitely a large part of his trauma and a good chunk of what he has to work through... what about the other stuff? im gonna shit on his dad again. standby:
Okay so it was the middle of the night and Steve woke up from a nightmare with Bucky at his side, but this was-- this was different. Bucky was confused. Steve seemed... frantic. More so than usual. and he reached out to touch, to comfort, because Steve usually liked that, but he flinched hard and shied away. But he’s really working himself up and Bucky knows how the worst of these go, and he really doesn’t think either of them want to spend another night in the bathroom, knelt over a toilet while Steve threw up his anxiety, because he always reacted in such a viscerally physical way. Steve was tugging at his hair now and it looked like it hurt, so Bucky grabbed Steve’s sketchbook from his bedside table and a random ticonderoga pencil he keeps in the spiral and shoves it in his hand. 
“Steve,” he urged. “Stevie. Draw.”
It was something he used to do for him when he was so worked up he couldn’t seem to calm down, back in Brooklyn, back before the war, back when the hurt was so nakedly apparent, but Bucky was too naive to understand the extent of it. 
“Does your dad hit your ma, too?”
“No... Steve, what?”
Looking at Steve now, he wondered... he wondered. 
Steve didn’t understand why all this shit was hitting him now. His therapist said something about repression and not giving himself the time to process his old trauma and finally having the space blah blah blah. It made sense, he could understand that, but it still fucking sucked, because he really couldn’t stop thinking about his father and he’d spent so long carefully compartmentalizing that particular brand of bullshit. All his hard work, for nothing. 
But he really couldn’t calm down and Bucky was shoving a sketchbook at him and Steve couldn’t do much else besides take it. What was he even supposed to draw? Nothing made sense and his head was so loud and the pencil was moving and Steve wanted to cover his ears and then a form was taking shape on the page. A skinny, small form. Shirtless and cowering, kneeling on the ground, bent over his knees and the position always hurt because his back was all bendy and his legs were still weak and the doctor said he might need braces for them, but he ended up powering through that particular ailment, by some grace of God and the figure was shaking, but Steve didn't know how to show that on paper, but he thought it might be apparent, because how could something that scared and pathetic looking not be shaking and then his little hands were covering his ears, blocking it out, blocking everything out and-- 
 --Steve stilled, staring at the picture. Lead was smudged over the page. There was no background-- not really. Just a little boy covering his ears, wishing someone would see him. Hear him. Find him. Ask him about the bruises on his arms. No one ever did.
Bucky saw the picture and thought he might be sick. They didn’t talk about it; not right then. But Bucky wished he could go back and hug that little boy. Some part of him wondered if Steve wished that, too. 
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edengarden · 4 years
AYO long time no see😌🤚 I was just wondering since I literally loved the last match up you did for me if I could request a school matchup?
Ahjshdk ok I’m a Leo but I identify much more with Pisces, I’m an infp, and I’m a hufflepuff. Positive traits: I’m really fun and like making weird or random jokes a lot, like a LOT, humor is kinda my coping mechanism haha😗✌️ I’m very respectful/understanding and really supportive. I’m talkative with those I’m close with but with other people I’m vv quiet. Im also rlly laid back and very ambitious. A lot of people say I’m “too nice” and I love helping people. Negative traits: I have a tendency to hide my emotions and I block my problems with humor.Im also pretty insecure and I get down on myself a lot and Im an extreme over thinker. I like goofy or weird ppl and I like doing spontaneous and fun things. I don’t like judgmental people, especially if they judge things that others can’t control or others dreams. I love basketball and volleyball, drawing, music, and writing. I have very long hair that’s really light brown, greenish gray eyes, and rounder features. I’m around 5’8 1/2 and I have an hourglass body but with MUCH more on my thighs and butt😃An athletic body type and I would say I look ✨sturdy✨and I’m pretty thin everywhere but my thighs and butt like I’ve said before. A few fun facts: I love sweets and chocolate, i want to be an animator for Disney when I’m older, and I’m actually rlly emotional even though I never show anyone my emotions🕳🏃‍♀️AH I’m sorry this was way longer than expected, thank you so much!!!<33
But I’ll ship you to Karasuno!!
You’re a lil weird, and that’s awesome, I love that, and I think you’d fit right in with the team?? But for that to happen, you’d have to stand out; which definitely happened because Tanaka and Nishinoya saw you and wanted to add you to their little troublemaking group. You’re also like,, their babysitter in a way. You can tell when they’re going too far and you’ll try to stop them before they cross that line. When Suga heard about you, he was EXTREMELY grateful.
For a while, you knew the entire team but you weren’t like, CLOSE close with them all. It was mostly Tanaka, Nishinoya, Sugawara, Asahi and Daichi. The newbies didn’t really approach you because they were scared
But then oh lawd, your boyfriend texted you about some Tsukishima guy and all of a sudden you were a spy?? Yeah, Bokuto just wanted to see if you can spot Kei doing weird stuff so he and Kuroo could blackmail him. Super funny stuff, by the way, it took a WHILE for the poor guy to know who the heck was spying on him because he practically forgot your existence.
The crow babies absolutely support your relationship with Koutarou?? Hinata was STARSTRUCK when he saw the ace running and practically tackling you to the ground one day. It was so funny.
Despite Bokuto being like, the best boyfriend you could ask for, Tanaka and Nishinoya get extremely protective and seeing those three bickering over you is so funny. Most times you’ll just let them do their thing and go chat with Akaashi instead
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