#i remember sharing a a cup of popcorn with xiaojun :P
froghwon · 2 years
I hit the tag limit jdbfjjgjdh
Basically all of my fam looked how they did 10 years ago and then I woke up :P
It was a rollercoaster of a dream >.<
#rambling#i wanted to write about my wild dream/nightmare that i had last night before i forget it it :P#it was the first time nct guys showed up in my dreams and icb it wasnt any of the dreamies ksdnckjfng#ok so at the start it looks like im in a college classroom and im sitting next to xiaojun#and behind him is hendery and we've got some friends sitting in the seats around us#but i didnt actually know any of those people irl ksdnjcks#and it was either a free period or we were just watching a movie#but we werent paying attention we were just eating snacks and chilling#i remember sharing a a cup of popcorn with xiaojun :P#(this is when the nightmare started)#so i leave to go on a camping trip with my extended fam#we're supposed to drive out to the country and then hike to the camping spot#OH YEAH THERE WAS ALSO THIS SERIAL MURDERING FAMILY THAT WAS STAYING NEAR US#like they seemed so normal at first#but then the eldest son(?) in the family stabbed me with a kitchen knife at one point???#and they were just coming for my family D:#but i guess fate took pity on me so time rewound. and i guess i was the only one who remembered the other timeline#so i just kept an eye on that other family and when the eldest son was acting sus i got to him first :P#but like the camp ground keeper (before we left) said we had to leave by a certain time or else the ocean tide would come up#and we'd be stranded#but for some reason my ENTIRE fam slept in >.<#so we're scrambling to get all our stuff into the cars#and im just getting these bad vibes bc all the animals are acting weird#so we take too long#and eventually the tide comes up#but instead of being gentle waves. it's RAPIDLY rushing water and we all get swept away#and i tried to keep my head above the water#but eventually i black out#(i think i died sjdncksdf bc) when i wake up we're back at the campsite and everything looks normal#except all my family members look younger
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