#i remember vividly years ago back during our 2.1.p Hyperfixation Days™ we were sick and i listened to their self titled
euclydya · 2 years
omg I LOVE hearing about synthenesia !! please infodump if you feel like it. /no pressure, just pos excitement
one of our partners has it ( @the-songbird-bus ) and I just love some of the conversations we have;
Sini, a synthete: coke is crunchy and pepsi is like sticking a bunch of warm pennies that have been sitting in the cupholder of your car in your mouth
me, not a synthete: what do you mean sodas have textures ?? they have FLAVOURS ?? coke is Good Flavour and pepsi is Not Good Flavour /t
like synthenesia is absolutely fascinating as someone who does not experience it so I love to hear about other's experiences. /gen /pos
OK this'll be rambly and everywhere bc Still recovering from cold but uhHHH hmmmb. A good starting point I suppose is how most of us experience our synesthesia!!
SO it like. Manifests differently for a lot of us depending on a ton of things; species, whether someone fronts often or not, types of senses a specific sysmate has in-sys, etc. just to name a few! bc of this, things like our Emotion => colour syn or our mirror touch varies between a lot of us! examples:
For our emotion => tactile synesthesia: Infīnītus, being a Skeleton Nephila (or,, whatever the singular for Nephilim is ajsjsjka),,, Thing, doesn't experience touch sensations in-sys. So instead Inf experiences it as a Mental tactile sensation? If Inf fronts and Inf feels angry then instead of feeling a sensation of spikes (because for many of us Anger Feels Spikey!) Inf won't feel it but instead mentally imagine it!
For Emotion => Colour synesthesia, using anger again as an example, most of us default to anger being red but some of us experience anger as being cold and inky, I think,,, Izzet mainly experiences that one? In fact most of hes experiences with synesthesia is some variation of black and like, the sensation of Slime. Which is! Very unique to hem! I personally experience anger as a buncha reds and hot fog sensations! And Allan associates anger with grey-blues and cold, etc. !!
And then there's the clusterfuck that's fucking mirror touch, oh my god. Mirror touch is.... a Lot.
Like,,, Imagine watching a movie and there's a fight scene. You focus on one character, and they get punched in like, the side. For most of us, if we watch that scene, we ALSO feel a minor Discomfort or Tingling sensation or SOMETHING in the same area that said character got punched in. It's not a LOT but it's Annoying esp since we like action/horror </3 HFJDISIDKDJ. we Can ignore it but it's. Annoying! FJDJSKFK tho it's not Just w Violence, if we focus on Anything any character feels (be it in visual or written media) we feel it a bit too. Absolutely wild tbh.
Tho that also differs btwn sysmate to sysmate— if someone's up front and they happen to Not Have Any (or Very Little) Tactile Sensations in-sys for whatever reason (like in Inf's case, or in Giyg's case bc she's A Ghost,,, Thing), they don't Experience mirror touch unless someone who Does have a tangible (for lack of a better word??) in-sys form is fronting with them!
Let's seee uhhh,,, Hmmb. There's also ticker tape, which we all experience p much the same way, though there are ofc a handful of exceptions!
Ticker tape is basically mental closed captions. Tho with audio processing disorder it does,, NOT help much HFJSKSKD (/lighthearted). We see words as we hear them in our minds eye, tho with a bit of concentration we can project em "outward". obvs no one else can see em but when we do that they kinda float about in our line of vision. Our words => colour syn also mixes w ticket tape BUt that's a whole different can of worms.
Depending on whether a sysmate can speak in some way in-sys dictates whether they have our collective ticker tape! If they can't, they Do end up experiencing it anyway should they front w someone who does experience it though. For our nonverbal/altverbal sysmates they also use some variation of it to talk in-sys tho it's more like,,
y'know that picture of SpongeBob where he moves his hands and a rainbow appears? yeah we do That but instead of a rainbow the words we're trying 2 say appears in a caption-like mannor in the headspace! And depending on how comfortable a sysmate is speaking english in-sys dictates what their ticker tape adjacent in-sys speech looks like; our sysmate Guppy fr example can't speak due to being a Kitty Cat so instead of Words when he communicates he uh,,, Speaks emojis? they appear as captions in-sys but when he says them it sounds like Beeps And Boops. and should he front alone the ticker tape would probs manifest as gibberish to him tbh
Andddd finally there's colour => words, it's not our Last type of synesthesia we experience but we r a tad low on spoons rn BFJDSJSKD.
So like many synesthetes out there we sometimes experience one word (or letter, or number) having a different colour than how someone else in-sys experiences it! This sometimes causes fights. they're not serious but still it happens ZbJFJSKSKDKF
Many of us agree that A is red, but someone here, no idea who, is deadset on it being black. They're wrong, by the way! (/JOKE /LIGHTHEARTED)
Depending on how one pronounces a word changes the colour (and texture, and taste, and smell, and—), be it just a little or a Lot. I pronounce hyperbole as hyper-bowl, which makes it pale yellow and kinda shimmery and Sensation Of Licking Metal, but Izzet pronounces it high-per-bowl-ee, and THAT is more blue-ish, smoke scented, and feels warm!
We will jokingly argue over which colours school subjects are and if anyone disagrees with math being red then they r dead 2 us be they a sysmate or not (/jokeeeee JFJDJSJF)
there's SO MUCH MORE but this is. LONG already so I'll stop there JFJDKSDKFKFOD thank u for listening!!!
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