#i repeatedly look up the kamski ending to base the table off of
patbwaifs · 1 year
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small amount of background work before i hit the hay
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
1438 + 1414. “Would you just hold still?” “Oh my god, please don’t tell them.”
Now to the second story prompted by the lovely anon! I like this one better. Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: gun violence, android getting shot, android being repaired while temporary paralysed)
[part2]   [part3]
Nines couldn’t keep his LED from spinning red for a full circle, watching Detective Reed picking the lock in front of them. He had deliberately taken the position furthest away from the man, right behind Detective Collins and next to Miller. He didn’t like him, he would even go that far to say he hated him. It was evident Reed was anti-android to the bone. Nines knew from Connor that he had repeatedly hit him, pulled guns on him several times, never had shown even an ounce of compassion for an android, even as they had been slaughtered in the revolution and even now, he was still openly hostile. Nines hated the way he called him names and it was even worse with other androids in the precinct. Even with their rights granted by the humans, they had to stand together, so this was only another reason to detest the man.
He hadn’t liked taking Reed with him on a mission, but they needed backup on this, and the human was surprisingly competent. What he demonstrated yet again, clicking the lock open and holding the door for them to advance. Without a word, Nines hurried past him, mind already back on the task at hand: Finding and capturing their suspect. It was a thirty-two-year-old male who lost his job and took to offering services of the illegal kind: mostly robberies in the beginning, but soon his crimes escalated. They had him caught once already, but he had managed to escape by shooting the police officers who had been arresting him. Since then Nines was searching for him. And today he would make sure, the human wouldn’t get away a second time.
Nines advanced deeper into the building the man had chosen as a hideout and kept scanning his surroundings for any sign of his presence. But they could inspect the whole building without interruption. Apparently, the man wasn’t home. The group ended up in a room that looked like his base of operation: Weapons were lying around, none of them registered or owned by their suspect. They were joined by a Laptop without internet access that Nines interfaced with. His data wasn’t well protected, likely because he had never expected someone to get their hand on his computer, so it was easy for Nines to find even more of his illegal activities. He was already in the process of securing it all in a package to send to the DPD as evidence, when he hear the door open and a hissed: ‘Oh shit.’ Immediately he had his gun out and aimed, shouting: ‘DPD, don’t move!’ But the man wasn’t about to listen to him. He had his own weapon out, a machine pistol that he shot two times at Nines as the most aggressive opponent, and darted. Miller and Collins were immediately following the fleeing suspect, while Nines held onto the table with the laptop not to fall. He failed, dropping to the floor. It was a wonder he hadn’t tipped over the table in the process. The android was too occupied finding the wound through the steady stream of blue blood and noticed too late how the remaining Detective knelt down in front of him. Nines tried to scoot away from him, suddenly afraid this was what the man had been waiting for. He was in an ideal position to kill him and blame it on the wound later.
But there were strong hands at his sides, pulling him back. Nines resisted the hold and struggled against the grip only for it to get eve harder, Gavin using his body weight to press him down. ‘Phcking tin-can… Would you just hold still?’ ‘So you can kill me?’, Nines pressed against the static. ‘Never!’ Reed sighed, getting a hold of the android’s arms and pinning them against the table with one hand. The other found a knife laying around and Nines knew, this was how it would end. He awaited the long blade to be pierced in between his hull and his thirium regulator, but to his surprise, it only faintly touched him as it was pulled through the fabric of his shirt. Too perplexed to notice, the human had already pushed in the right places only a Cyberlife engineer would know and his chest opened. Again, the mortified thought arose that maybe Reed was someone who had fun in dragging it out? He had all the time in the world after all, with Miller and Collins gone until they got their suspect safely in a car. He bucked his hips again and tried to pull his arms away to get away and run from this lunatic, or at least close his chest cavity again, but it was no use. With low thirium levels his movements were sluggish already and whatever Gavin had done to him counted as a manual override.
There was another sigh, before one of his hands disappeared in his chest and dug around for a specific cable. Nines eyes went wide, and he tried his best to get this human away from him, but Gavin simply ducked under his arms he had let go to have two hands to operate and pulled. Nines immediately went slack and watched in terror how Gavin wiped away his sweat and smeared thirium all over his forehead. ‘maybe now you’ll finally let me help you, jeez’, he mumbled, quickly getting to work. Nines watched how he cut into his shirt again, ending up with a long, thirium soaked stripe of cloth he wrapped around a thirium pipe and fastened with just enough force to seal it but not break it even further. Immediately Nines’ thirium levels stabilised with a minimal leakage. But Gavin wasn’t finished yet, rummaging in his chest, opening valves for backup-pipes and adjusting the power of his pump until he had successfully bypassed the damaged part completely. As a last action, Gavin pulled out the damaged tube and set it down next to him. All of that he had managed in under an hour. Nines would have been impressed, had he not been this surprised.
Gavin sat back, still straddling the android and breathed, before frowning at him. Only then he remembered the pulled wire and was quick to reconnect it, closing the compartment afterwards. But still Nines just sat up a bit, staring at him, not moving otherwise. ‘What?’, Gavin spat. ‘You didn’t kill me.’ Nines made no effort to hide how surprised he was. ‘I didn’t- What?’ Gavin looked at him as if he just told him the world was flat. ‘You had the chance to get rid of me.’ ‘Why the hell would I do that?’ ‘You hate androids.’
Gavin leant back, rubbing his eyes in defeat. ‘Toaster. I hate Connor. I hate Cyberlife. I don’t hate androids and I don’t hate you. And even if I did, killing one? Excuse me, how much of an asshole did you think I am? Okay, don’t answer that, I think I got the message. Phcking ungrateful piece of shit.’
Finally, the human got up from the android, kicked the broken pipe away and stomped out of the room. Only a few minutes later Miller and Collins came back, completely out of breath. ‘Shit Nines!’, Chris cursed, dropping next to him. ‘Sorry we couldn’t come any faster, we finally caught the bastard and had to wait for Tina to come and pick him up. God, if I had known…’ ‘Where’s Gavin the asshole?’, Collins asked, looking around deliberately trying not to look at the puddle of blue blood underneath Nines. ‘Running off without even trying to help, that’s so him. We’re so sorry, are you alright? Do you need help?’ Nines shook his head, but Chris helped him up anyways. They both hovered around him on their way outside, where they met Gavin, smoking a cigarette. Nines wordlessly walked towards the waiting police car, while Chris and Collins stayed behind to yell at the Detective. ‘What do you think you are doing?’ ‘Nines was in there bleeding out and you go for a smoke?’ ‘What the fuck is wrong with you, seriously?’ ‘I’ll tell Fowler, don’t you think you can get away with this.’
Unimpressed, Gavin pushed himself off the wall and threw the cigarette to the ground pushing it out with his boot. ‘Go phck yourselves, guys’, he groaned, walking past them, Nines and the car down the street. ‘What are you doing?’, the android shouted at him, what the Detective answered by showing him his middle finger and shouting back: ‘Gonna call a taxi back.’
As soon as the man entered the precinct later, Nines was on his way to pull him to the side. Not only because Fowler was on the lookout for him, but also because he wanted to talk to him. ‘What is it now, tin-can?’, he asked, clearly tired of talking. ‘How did you know how to bypass a thirium system component correctly?’ ‘I’m Elijah Kamski’s brother’, Gavin stated as if that was the most normal thing in the world. ‘If you live with him for a while you pick up a few things.’ He suddenly froze. ‘Oh my god, please don’t tell them! Although… I guess they wouldn’t believe you anyways.’ Nines shook his head. ‘I guess not, I hardly believe you. Why even save me? You hate us.’ ‘Because you are alive, dipshit!’, Gavin shouted then, annoyed that they even needed to have this conversation. ‘Because you are a living person, damnit, a colleague. Because… God, you don’t have to find reasons for saving someone’s life, you just do it. Is that so difficult to understand?’ He groaned. ‘Listen, I’m no different than Miller or Anderson or anyone in this precinct deep down. I am just a human, just a person that wants to do good. If everyone decides I’m the bad guy so be it. But I don’t have to explain myself when I already know no one’s listening. So, go back to your good people and do your job. I did mine.’
He shoved Nines in the chest and walked away, straight into Fowlers arms and likely another suspension. It made the android think about what he had thought about the human and how wrong he had been to blindly follow Connor’s evaluation. This wasn’t fair. This wasn’t right. In a fit of spite he knew he might regret later, he sat down at the empty desk opposite to Gavin’s, waiting patiently for his return. He enjoyed the frowning faces of those passing him by, but none of them as much as Gavin’s completely dumbfounded expression. ‘Alright, what is that supposed to be?’ ‘I listened to you’, Nines simply said, before standing up. ‘Come tomorrow Fowler will have revoked your suspension and you will become my partner.’ ‘What?’ ‘There’s nothing you can do about it.’
[>next part]
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