#i think the background will be fun but a bit out of my skill set
patbwaifs · 1 year
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small amount of background work before i hit the hay
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mikaleialt · 11 months
Caught in 4k
Bada Lee x Youtuber!Reader
Synopsis: A famous youtuber who uploads dance covers and sometimes even her own choreographies is actually Bada Lee's girlfriend?!!— or — you suddenly got exposed during a livestream, now people knew of you and Bada's relationship
Cw: nothing just fluff
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After your youtube channel reached the 5 million subscribers milestone, you decided to do the most requested content of your viewers which is a livestream.
They wanted you to do a livestream where you perform some dance covers and teach some of your latest choreographies. Of course to make it more fun and interactive you decided to add some Q and A segments, to be more interactive.
You started youtube way back, but before your contents used to be just a simple vlog about your everyday life, but soon shifts into posting some dance covers and sometimes even posting some of your own choreographies. Your old viewers are already aware of your talent in dancing and are so happy that you finally gained confidence to showcase your talent.
You still do some vlogs here and there, but most of your content now is about dance.
Now in the present, you are standing in your bedroom, the camera setup is facing one of your bedroom wall that serves as your background, while your monitor is next to it, where you read the live chats and manage the whole stream.
The title screen "live starts in 5..." is the only thing your viewers are seeing at the moment as you do some warm ups first. You stare at the viewer count that reads there are almost 15k people waiting on your live.
Once you feel that you are all set, you removed the title screen and waved at the camera.
"Hello everybody!" You did your intro and started doing small talks with your viewers as your chat feed floods with more people, telling you how excited they are.
"Your top looks familiar" you saw the comment passes by your screen which made you realize that the shirt you're wearing is one of Bada's shirt, and not just any shirt. It was the same shirt she wore on her first dance battle with Redy on swf 2.
You tried to ignore the comment and continue reading a few more before your viewers started begging you to teach one of your latest dance choreography, which you did.
You stand at the center of the screen once again and looked at the camera before looking back at the monitor.
"Ok ok, we'll start with the 'dance lessons', you guys wanted" you said as you prepare the first song you'll dance to.
"Oh before I start, just a quick announcement, I am not a dance teacher, nor do I have any experience teaching dance. This is literally my first time teaching, so thank you for being my guinea pigs for this experiment" you joked before starting teaching the choreo to your viewers.
Coincidentally, the first song is 16 shots, which made the person who commented earlier appear again as you read the comments in-between teaching your choreo.
"The song and the shirt really makes me feel like I've seen it already somewhere before" the comment said. To which you ignored once again.
You feel a slight blush, it's really all just a coincidence, you're not really thinking of anything when you decided to take Bada's shirt on her closet to wear for the livestream, and it's also a coincidence that you made a choreo to the 16 shots a few days ago.
Your livestream goes on for a bit over 30 minutes now and you are currently taking a break mid-stream and just chatting with your viewers.
One question after another you answer your viewer when a particular question pops up.
"You dance so well, are you taking any dance class?" You read the question out loud and the question seems to catch the viewers attention as they flood the chat feed once again with comments about how they are also curious about it.
"Honestly, I was self taught, in terms of dancing that is. But a few months ago, I joined this dance academy just for the fun of it. I just wanna improve my skills more, you know what I mean." You answered, but your answer just sparked more questions.
"What dance academy?" Is the only thing that you can read from the chat feed. You contemplate whether you should tell them or not. And after tons of viewers begged for your answer and a chat dono appears, sending you 500 dollars with a message "please tell us", you finally give in.
"It was at JustJerk" you said and immediately viewers went wild. Some even commenting "maybe it's time to enroll for a dance class too" or "no wonder your style seems familiar". But another question pops up and it caught everyone's attention.
"Do you see Bada Lee on JustJerk?" The chat read. And every viewer saw it so you can't ignore this one.
"Yeah, sometimes..." you said, and it was a lie. You always saw Bada there, no scratch that, you are always with Bada there. How can you not see her everytime you go there, she is your girlfriend, you always go to the academy together.
"OMG YOU SHOULD COVER BADA'S CHOREO FOR SHIRT" a comment pops up again and the chat once again goes wild.
"Fine, fine... wait give me a minute I'm trying to remember the step again" you search up the dance cover and watch the video before learning the choreography once more.
Meanwhile, Bada had just arrived at your apartment and was looking for you, when she heard Shirt by Sza plays over and over again coming from your shared bedroom.
Slowly, Bada creeps in and peaked by the door to see what's going on and saw your livestream setup. You are too focused on your live that you didn't even noticed her leaning by the door frame, watching you.
"...ok I think I got it" You said as you ready yourself before playing the song once again and you start moving to the beat.
Bada is in awe once she realized you are dancing to her choreo, and to Shirt even. Her jaw drops as you execute all the moves perfectly, but boy it doesn't stop there.
"...Damn, you ain't deserve~" the music subsides for a bit, you twirl around before the beats drop ones again as you move your hips to the beat before looking up the camera and hitting the beat once again.
Bada squeals as you finish dancing, she can't get over at how sexy you look earlier. You turn your head to the door as you see your girlfriend kneeling on the ground.
"Oh my god, when did you arrived?" You said, your viewers were curious on who were you talking to as they flood your chat feed once more with questions.
"Wait I moment... I know that voice" the same person who commented earlier appears again.
Bada runs up to you, and hugs you tightly, planting tons of kisses on your face. "You look so sexy just now" your girlfriend gushes over you.
"I KNEW IT! THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING" the chat feed was bombarded with surprised emotes and messages like "holy shit, they are dating?!!!!".
You face the camera shyly as Bada breaks off from you and hugs you from behind as she hides her reddened face on the crook of you neck.
"Uhmmm yeah so... I think this is where I will end my stream" you chuckled lightly as Bada cowers in embarassment behind you, now realizing that your relationship was revealed to more than 35k people right now.
"This is not really what I planned when I first decided to do the livestream but yeah, I hope you had fun dancing with me... and yeah me and Bada are dating... anyway that would be all byeeee!" You quickly cut the cameras and ended the live.
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A/n: and that is all for this story, thank you all for choosing this. I hoped you liked it. Sorry for any grammatical errors.
Requests are open
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creaman · 3 months
Hi there! I apologize for taking up your time, I am just so curious: When you tackle a comic, what does the process behind it look like?
Asking because I found myself scrolling through your blog once again and couldn't help but marvel at all the beautiful effects you use, at how flawlessly the structure guides the viewer's eye across each page, how the graphic weight seems to always be in just the right places…, and wonder how you learned doing this. Everything you put out looks incredibly professional and I aspire to reach your level of skill 😌❤️
Thank you Finz!! You're no bother at all, I'm an open book. This is such high praise for a guy that really doesn't have a set process, I feel like a hack. Ha. Rest assured my style is still developing. Besides the referencing of the linework and composition of official comic books, (practicing by redrawing panels for fun), explaining the process makes me feel like a serial killer but I will do my best.
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(WIP Riddler panel, scrapped Scarecrow composition)
My comics usually stem from a single panel or concept — I like to focus on/emphasise particular panels of my pages, the heavy hitters, the main piece that catches your eye. I know I'm not a profoundly technically proficient artist so I prefer visually interesting elements and formatting, i.e. drawing characters outside their frames, negative space, notation, perspectives etc.
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(Kung Fu Panda 4 sketch god I hate Kung Fu Panda 4)
I like to establish 'main focus' panels, the bits of the comic that really, well. make people want to chew on it. This is where the technical effort is concentrated, really, and the rest of the comic is generally build around these concepts.
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('Restaurant Balthazar' focus panels)
Textures and effects are done on individual panels first, then the entire page as a whole to even out the unity. Generally, blocking in shadows, hatching for visual interest + middle tones, then textures/half-tones, then highlights.
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(Script excerpt WIP)
I'm not a writer per se, but having a vague 'script' in your pages helps with pacing and direction. Comics are a versatile story-telling medium. I only really do scripts for comics longer than 2 pages. An optional but recommended strat is to send your script to a friend for a second opinion.
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(Script excerpt — 'Restaurant Balthazar', annotated by @vincepti0n I don't know why he drew a face in the middle)
With the script crudely slapped together, I rough out the thumbnails and composition with the text, prioritising coherence and clean integration of previously mentioned 'main focus' panels.
Settling on a composition sucks the hardest. Drawing is fun, thinking makes brain hurty. Variety is good! Close-ups, wide shots, visual metaphors. Every panel is its own artwork.
The text bubbles are usually added in post, yes, but I'm just one guy and I don't have a writer to call me a good boy for doing things correctly. Bite me.
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(Early 'Restaurant Balthazar' drafts)
In addition, keeping the text graphics in mind help create a sounder composition wherein even if the panels don't read cleanly left to right + top to bottom, the text can stagger and create the same reading order effect.
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Panels and concepts are constantly tweaked, and my comic process is still highly experimental. A lot of industry standard comics aren't illustrated to their full potential due to deadlines and such — I strive for visual epiphany by treating each panel as its own artwork, and every page as a a bit of a mural.
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(Old art hurts the soul)
Constantly experimenting allows you the insight of looking at your current art in comparison to your older works. In more recent works, I've been blocking in more shadows wiht lineart with thinner lines and more line weight, and learned to integrate the subject characters with less plain, abstract backgrounds.
TLDR: I have no idea
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 months
sorry for the train ride… I hope the destination is at least interesting. I would LOVE to hear more about Przemek… he’s one of my absolute faves and I would honestly love to hear anything about him… maybe what inspired you to make him? or how he feels about his sexuality? or maybe his ethnicity (which I remember you saying you didn’t really have an answer for, but maybe you could talk about possible ideas you’ve had for it or how it affects his personality/how people treat him)
Nothing to be sorry for. i love trains. But it is a long trip with nothing but my phone and one book. Well not anymore im in Gdańsk now
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Any way this is fun Przemek is one of my favourites as well. I created him because i wanted Ryba to have more friends, so he was very much a side/background character that i learned to love very much very quickly. Im not even sure why. Design wise there were plenty of inspirations... mainly the unbread twins from omori (which i think is where Lena came from as well and it shows), Artur from parties are for losers and Norton IDV (hence the scar... in the first draft Przemek was also a miner so it was very much my Norton at home). He used to be the straight man to Rybas whole... being at that time. They used to be childhood friends but Przemek was the smarter and more of a loner of the two. Tried looking for some old art of him but couldnt find much
Sexuality wise hes mostly in denial. He doesnt like thinking of himself as queer and doesnt want to be considered a part of the community, which affects the way he treats others (initial embarrasement to be seen with Ryba or Mikita, who are either visibly queer or just simply stand out; he grows out of it as the story progresses) and later on shapes his relationship with Ryba (mostly his struggles with being vunreable and opening up mixed with a very crushing need to be normal; he tends to force himself to do things he doesnt really want but thinks will be either for the ultimate greater good or just to be able to lie to himself more, either harming himself or Ryba in the process. Communication is a skill they both are learning as they go but it is a hard one)
And exact ethnicity wise I Dont Know. Well i mean he is polish ethnically and culturally but he does have darker skin from back where the story was set in a fictional dystopian world and i never figured out how to make it work with the background he has in current more historically grounded DNS. Most probably will never know until it just dawns on me one day. In the original DNS story hes simply "from here" (as is the case with most of the characters) and it doesnt really shape his experience as much as his class and upbringing does; hes catholic, he speaks polish, his family are peasants and hes a working man. In modern au its a different case that i dont know how to resolve and he does have a different experience with it; i dont like being cruel to my characters, especially with things i dont have personal experiences with, but i do know my country pretty well, so i can imagine some of the hardships he has to go through. It definitely can be a stress factor; hes a shy, slightly anxious person (which he doesnt even realize that he is? Second nature), so "standing out" and possible conftontations that can come with looking different in a relatively middle sized nowhere town is something he had to learn how to ignore throughout his life. I will finish this by saying i think it would be funny if it turned out some of his ancestors are from the old yugoslavia but not to explain anything just because i think at some point he used to be half balkan (and also many other slavic identites) . No clue from where exactly and it wouldnt affect him at all. Normal thing in lower silesia but he is from the other side of the country. Sadly. Bit of a lacking response hope you can forgive me for that
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97keanu · 10 months
figure skating for the first time x keanuverse ? ⛸️🤍🎄❄️
*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ohohoho this is perfect !!!! Thank you for asking, I've had this on my mind for a bit now! (And I may also be writing a fuller fic for such a thing with reader x young!JW :3c) John Constantine, Kevin Lomax, and Neo undercut! Pure fluff!
❄️.*ㅤ Since he's on my mind, older John would love going ice skating with you! He's probably done it at least once himself, and if not, with as skilled as he is as working his body through the movies, I think he would manage just fine! I also have a head canon that when he grew up with The Director, they didn't seperate teaching ballet by gender of who was there (no "just girls learn ballet, boys learn how to kill" deal.) So, I like to think of John Wick as someone who can do all he does because he also has a rigorous background in learning ballet, having those precise body movements, knowing how to work every muscle in his body to his advantage.
Therefore, I would like to imagine that John takes you to the nearest rink (or perhaps a lake he knows that's more private?) And actually helps to teach you how to skate better (or how to at all if you don't know how!). He would be patient, watching you and only stepping in when you need it, his arms wrapping around your waist or steadying your elbow.
Eventually, you're doing it on your own, and John is there watching you, a smile creeping on his face from being able to teach you something so intimate to him. He actually has to be the one to stop you once the night starts setting in, the temperature getting way too cold to stay out in much longer.
He takes you back to his mustang and already has a fuzzy blanket there to wrap you in. You in the night back at his apartment, drinking a late night coffee and John listening to you giggle about how much fun you had with a warm heart.
❄️.*ㅤTed Logan however, lives in sunny California, so they don't see snow or ice often enough for ice skating to be a regular ordeal. He is your skater boyfriend however, so when you do end up finding a indoor rink to take him too, he thinks he will be pretty good at it from the get go. And he isn't horrible, he knows how to balance well and tries to stay up right, but it's actually so different from riding his skateboard or even rollerskates that it takes him a moment or two to get really good at it. Once he has it down though, he's skating around, pulling you by your hands until you two are laughing and doing goofy circles around the rink. Eventually, his himbo-ness gets the best of him, and as he's admiring how pretty your hair looks under the ice rink lights, he slips, bringing you down with him. He takes the harder of the fall, you fall on top of him with rosy cheeks and a smile already forming from how silly your boyfriend can be. You two end up laying there and laughing in the middle of the rink for way too long, maybe even annoying a few other skaters, but you two couldn't care if you tried. The night ends with the two of you warming up at a nearby cafe with hot cocoa and plans to try it again sometime.
❄️.*ㅤJohn Constantine would flat out refuse to go ice skating with you. Your big doe eyes would plead with him, but that's not going to change his mind. You tell him how much you enjoyed going as a child, how you love to ice skate, but you're not going to find a Los Angeles city boy like him on an ice rink anytime soon. Or, are you?
Maybe after his refusal, he takes on a demon hunting case that just so happens to lead him to a hockey rink. When the chase leads you two there, you don't see John stop to think about what he's doing as he tries to run out onto the ice. You go after him, your sneakers sliding and skidding on the slippery surface, but your years of practice skating have you able to keep your balance. To your dismay, ahead of you, Constantine is not someone who's trained in such things, and for the first time ever(and probably the last), you see Constantine fall flat on his ass. You easily skid by, reaching out a hand to help him up, and he can't deny grumbling a 'thank you". By the time you're ready to resume chase, the demon is gone.
"See? If we had just gone skating last Saturday, maybe you would have been prepared for this type of thing!" You know you shouldn't rub it in, but you can't help pointing out the truth.
"Yeah, yeah," Constantine carefully finds his way to the rinks edge, and gets out onto non-slippery flooring. "Okay, Maybe I'll take you next time..."
You squeal with joy and the two of you end the night with you having a hot tea in his apartment and Constantine taking a whiskey and nursing his bruised backside.
❄️.*ㅤKevin Lomax is not one for ice skating. Our good southern boy hasn't even roller skated a day in his life, and he's not about to trade his cowboy boots for a pair of blades.
"Please, Kevin! I really want to go skating!" You pester him, and eventually he caves, lucky that New York gets more snow than Florida.
He wraps you, and himself, up tight in winter clothes, and bites back complaints about how cold it is. He takes you to a local spot that he's heard of, and only a few other couples are out at the rink. Good, less people to have to see him fall on his ass when this goes awry.
He still has to maintain the confidence of a business man, so he keeps his lawyer smile on and helps you into your skates. At first, he let's you go ahead and skate without him, watching you perform moves he is actually pretty entranced with. When you pull your leg up over your head, he actually gives a holler out of support("Yeah that's my wife/girlfriend!").
Eventually, when everyone else has left, you persuade him into trying on a pair of skates, and to your surprise, he does. You gently take him out onto the ice, and for a few moments he's actually doing it! You let go gently, and he glides by himself, able to get down the simple movements, but nothing too crazy. In the end, you two do slow circles in the middle of the rink, face to face with each other. Kevin looks deeply in your eyes, and you're happy he's obliged your silly request. He leans in for a kiss, and you feel your legs shake on your skates. To your surprise, you're the one who's lost your balance first, and Kevin catches you with a laugh.
"Too much for you, darlin'?" He whispers with that husky southern voice, and the redness in your cheeks isn't just from the cold anymore.
The two of you end the night at a fancy dinner spot, something expensive, decorated in holiday spirit and the sound of a live pianist and violinist playing soft Christmas tunes.
❄️.*ㅤNeo lives in Chicago, so he's no stranger to the cold or navigating ice. I believe he likely has gone ice skating before, probably as a child, but hasn't done that in many years. When you ask him, he's apprehensive, but it doesn't take much begging for him to agree.
He takes you to a spot that's supposed to be the best experience, and only after you two have bought your tickets do you realize it's PACKED. There's way too many people here for Neo's comfort, or yours for that matter, and after about an hour of trying to find your way onto the ice where you two can have some alone time, you see it's not going to happen tonight and give up.
Neo makes it up to you by taking you to your favorite dinner spot. It's an enjoyable date night still, but he can tell how badly you wanted to go and can see the disappointment that you couldn't.
So, after about a week, he tells you that he's taking you out for a surprise.
When you arrive to this mystery destination, you realize it's the same ice rink. You ask him why, knowing it's another Saturday and it will be packed just like before, but Neo motions to the lack of people in the parking lot.
"What...?" You say as you begin to piece things together. "How did you...?"
"We have the whole place to ourselves. I took out every ticket just for us." He says slyly, obviously proud of this feat.
"What do you mean? That has to be crazy expensive!" You know Neo is well enough off, but that sorta price is excessive even for him.
"Well, their website for buying tickets was particually hard to hack..." He looks over at you with a smirk and smiles big when you throw your hands around his neck, gleeful for his talent tonight.
"No! You didn't! Neo..." You say into his neck giving him a big squeeze. "Thank you..."
The two of you head inside and are treated like unknown celebrities, putting on an air of being such, and trying to remain lowkey. You both have fun pretending to be people you're not, and Neo skates alongside you easily, even taking the risk of dipping you back and twirling you a few times. You're surprised your typical home dwelling boyfriend could be so suave and savvy, but you enjoy it nonetheless. You get hot drinks at a concession stand, and eat pretzels and Chicago style hotdogs to your content.
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cr4yolaas · 1 month
the night shift — prologue
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masterlist | day 1
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it's cold. too cold.
it's a little too late at night for any customers to arrive. tokyo is deemed one of the many cities that don't sleep, but with how quiet it is inside and out and the snow collecting softly on the windows, it seems that the world has come to a slumber.
the overhead lights flicker, slightly. someone would have to squint their eyes to see it. the freezers hum in the background, forever running for the satisfaction of others. a gentle melody that neither of them knows the name of loops from the speakers. it's just about the same as every other branch in the city.
and yet, for them, it's a sanctuary.
to escape from the reality of their lives is a blessing, and they find that solace in the walls of the convenience store, almost every night.
he likes to observe her. when their shifts align and they find themselves seated together behind the register, just like every other night, he observes, and observes, and observes, but he can only absorb so much. the color of her hair. the tint of her cheeks. the little habits.
he knows there's more to it. that, beneath the mass of flesh and muscle and bone, there are more intricacies than he could count on his fingers. but he reminds himself, every night, that there is no point in bothering himself with it. because, after all, they're just coworkers.
the alarm on his phone, set at exactly 11:30 in the evening, rings inside his pocket. they're both pulled out of the reservoirs of their minds and dropped into something more secure, something more familiar. a routine.
while he gets up to sanitize the counter, she moves to the register, the metal clinking at the little drawer pops open (he doesn't know, but she counts the money in her hands and wonders what it'd be like if it were all hers, just for a day). the heater shuts off and the door to the break room clicks shut. old shoes squeak against old tile while pen meets paper, little notes jotted into her mind that she'll (hopefully) remember to tell her manager about tomorrow.
silence washes over like a blanket. they don't fight it.
a sense of agreement, albeit not verbally disclosed, is shared between them — that much has been established since they were both employed, standing side by side in a line full of newcomers with too little shoulder space. there is no need to say anything. there is no need to do anything, other than their job. it's routine. it's necessary. it's comfortable.
but, the night shift drags on. and the more it does, the more he wants to break the routine.
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ᡣ𐭩 thank you for choosing to read the night shift !!
ᡣ𐭩 this is one of my favorite projects ever i think. i'm so so excited for it
ᡣ𐭩 i wanted to introduce the ambiance and general vibe first so i hope this little prologue captured it well ^_^
ᡣ𐭩 in case you missed it, the convenience store that kags and yn work at is a common branch in this au. therefore it's not exactly a mega company but it's not a family business either
ᡣ𐭩 yn texts the manager's son bc he's an old man who stays around just for the fun of it. may or may not hate the son's guts, bc he's a bit of a privileged nepo baby
ᡣ𐭩 kageyama is a people watcher imo. bc of his analytical skills that are constantly applied to volleyball, i feel like he tries to apply similar skills to those around him sometimes. and who better than his coworker !!
ᡣ𐭩 anyways. i hope this smau turns out well !!
taglist: @causenessus @strawberryuri @iiwaijime @savemebrazilhinata @tiramizuloz @conrad4life13 @wyrcan @zazathezaer @nperoconelcositoarriba @winniethepooh-lover
italicized names cannot be tagged. check your account settings!
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comicgeekery · 3 months
Sherlock and Shoscombe
So, after the deep dive I did with Sherlock & Co and the issues with the Case of Identity storyline, I thought it was only fair that I talk about their take on The Adventure at Shoscombe Old Place.
*Ahem*.....This was a lot of fun! I just looked up a summary of the original story because I didn't remember it well, and no wonder! It was the very last Sherlock Holmes story Doyle published, later collected into The Casebook, and thus...one of the boring ones. I'm sorry. I really don't like The Casebook stories. It's also the last batch of stories that the Doyle estate was clutching onto before Sherlock went fully into the public domain, which makes the story feel doubly tedious to me.
But! These episodes were a blast! Practically a survey of all the best parts of Sherlock & Co! There's fun banter! Heaps of character background! A really clever update to the original set-up! BRILLIANT acting and foley work! A cheeky cameo! And a truly exciting, satisfying end! I think this is the most direct information we've gotten about John's past since, well ever, but certainly since we learned about his memories of his dad. Now we know that he grew up in a very class-divided town that once felt so much bigger. And he was deeply in love once, with a woman he lost partially because of classism. (Which is such a great mirror for Beatrice and her husband's situation!) He also lost his friends because they had privileges he didn't. (Did John join the military partly as a way to get away from his roots? Out of a desperate need to be praised as a hero?)
No wonder John has so much resentment for the wealthy when it's so deeply personal. I think it's going to be comically awkward and VERY interesting when he finds out that Sherlock is mega super rich. Holmes is often theorized to be the son of a lord in canon. I figure he's at least from a wealthy family that was able to pay for him to go to tons of fancy schools. And then personal tutors. And a full-time staff that always took care of cleaning and stocking up the groceries. (For all his observation skills, I do think Sherlock grew up never considering who made his household run.) I think part of why Sherlock has been so touchy about John's anger at rich people is because Sherlock is SUPER nervous it would ruin their friendship. I am also so pumped to see what the podcast does with Mycroft! I wonder if his autism might be more limiting than Sherlock's. Like he's got the genius skills, he's got the deceptively powerful government job, but he can't handle going out into the world. Going to Baker Street would be an ordeal. Might have a full meltdown if he's not at home, work, or whatever the Diogenes Club is updated to. But.....It's hard to tell how much Sherlock & Co wants us to suspend our disbelief about some things. John and Sherlock have very clearly committed a LOT of crimes on their publicly available podcast. Maybe that will never be addressed or MAYBE Sherlock, Mycroft, or other Holmes allies have been bribing and intervening to keep them from getting arrested. Imagine the drama! "You hate the rich, but you owe all your success to MY money and power, 'Dr.' John Watson!" *Blinks rapidly*
Where was I? Oh yeah, Shoscombe. That. God. Damn. Chase. Scene! So bold for a podcast to have a climax with a car chase at the center. The foley work was top-notch for the driving and the terrain and then the crash and sinking in the lake. Whoever plays John Watson, you did an incredible job! The reckless car chase where, OF COURSE, he still narrates everything, the diving for Robert (and the clever layer of the recorder fritzing), and that CPR! It was all so engaging and believable! I love when John does doctor stuff generally, but this was my favorite example since the gunshot wound at the wedding with The Solitary Cyclist. Not sure I buy Robert's at-home crematorium as being 100% good, but I can believe John thinks so. Might help that John's a bit more desensitized to cutting into corpses than most folks. Finally, I'm sure folks are quite excited that a certain James made a cameo. (Maybe he's interested in why Sherlock and John keep getting away with all their crimes.) I knew he was going to show up at some point, and making Moriarty a listener shout-out is delightful. I just hope it's a while longer before he's ON the show. It always frustrates me when Moriarty winds up becoming basically Lex Luthor. Then again, we've already had similar cameos for Irene Adler and Baskerville Hall (and probably some I've missed) without them showing up yet. We'll see how it goes!
Good job, Sherlock & Co! I'm excited to see what you do next!
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
Hi it's me again sorry to spam your inbox. I had PoA in the background while working and it just hit me: how was Remus immediately so good at teaching? As far as we know, he never was a teacher before. He worked little odd jobs to survive that he barely kept for a few months. Yet, he starts at Hogwarts and immediately his first lesson is a success. The students love him so much to the point they still talk about him books later, actively defend him (in front of Snape and Umbridge), to the point that Hermione, who figured out he was a werewolf, decided to trust him and defended him as well.
How did this happen? It also didn't seem like Remus wanted to teach so much, it even sounded like he was coerced into it by Dumbledore who tracked him down. Yet, he came prepared, with his neat little suitcase he carefully repaired and sewed together, he even stamped "Professor R.J Lupin" on it (ACTUALLY CANON OMG). He even received praise from Madam Pomfrey "So we've finally got a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows his remedies?". He was PREPARED. He gave hands on lessons (there is a whole paragraph in the beginning of Chapter 8 describing how good his lessons are), a fun practical exam, he always deflected conflicts (regarding Malfoy's snarky remarks and rage baits), he immediately spots Neville as anxious and puts him forward in the first class to give him a little confidence boost (literally the first professor to ever praise Neville), he had a subtle but funny humour (I'm referring to the time Harry had tea in his office "I've only got teabags, I'm afraid -- but I daresay you've had enough of tea leaves?"). The CUTEST THING is him giving Harry a set of very nice, useful books for Christmas in OotP along with Sirius. Like, how thoughtful???
We often refer to him as "grey" but to me he seems more polarized. Like he is ALL or NOTHING. Fatherly yet cold, caring yet distant, supportive yet absent. Tbh sometimes I just wanna grab his shoulders and give him a shake. How does one spot a student like Neville so easily, boosts him up, and then just goes and does exactly what Neville is doing (cowarding away, throwing self-confidence out the window).
He makes me so mad. I love him so much. Sorry I didn't mean for this to turn into such a rant (expect another msg on Remus' interactions with Severus in a near future).
no this isn't spam this is delicious yum yum yum I've thought for awhile that I wanna go through Remus and Severus' teaching methods. I'm reading POA right now, a chapter a night or so to my boyfriend (He was 'a bit too old' for HP when it came out, so he's enjoying it now) So I'm paying attention lol
Whether Remus didn't want to teach and Albus had to beg him - or teaching did appeal to him but he thought as a werewolf it would just never be a possibility... he really took to it, didn't he? His suitcase AAHHHH how can one man be SO FUCKING CUTE
I think it's down to being a good mix of skills for him:
He manipulates people to like him. He makes himself pleasant, helpful, positive, charming... that's a good quality for a teacher! To be able to control a whole class of kids takes some sort of manipulation - and Remus is already practiced. He is good at reading people, who they are and what they need... His best quality as a teacher is the fact he can connect to his students emotionally - a rare quality for Hogswarts staff.
That and he just seems to like the kids. He is a bit of a kid himself at heart - while also enjoying being a mentor. Being nurturing. Impressing them. Learning all their names. Showing off his skills. Helping them. Making class fun and engaging. A practical as their first lesson: where he shows them they are capable of handling even their worst fears...
DADA is a good subject for him - he is a strong spellcaster (can cast a patronus effortlessly), Was a spy amongst dark creatures and Death Eaters in the first war - and has a father that specialized in the field. Lyall studied boggarts, poltergeists and dementors - what does Remus do on his very first few days...? Scare off a dementor, show off against a poltergeist - and teach the kids how to deal with a boggart. Just like his own dad. Probably where he knows the chocolate remedy from too, imo Also was the dementor there for him because it could sense he was a werewolf?
Snape mentions later that Lupin lacks organization, is 'hardly over-taxing' the class teaching them first year stuff - that the class is very behind. He might be exaggerating because he hates Lupin (though why say anything at all...?) - but Snape is a good teacher. Not perfect, but despite demanding a high bar for his NEWTs classes they are always well populated. He is good at his job. If he says Lupin is disorganized, behind and focusing on the easy stuff, I believe him at least partially. Maybe his standards are just too high, made worse by hating Lupin and being desperate in the one class he might have with the third years to get them warned about werewolves.
But if those are Lupin's only failings in his first year...? Lupin's a natural at teaching. He is just a bit behind and disorganized - when he spends multiple days a month disabled. And he excels at the area Snape struggles most in: Being able to alter how he teaches to support struggling students. Considering the fact the classes last two teachers were a very distracted Quirrell (underrated character) and an incompetent Lockheart - teaching first year stuff and going easy is probably the best option. He has assessed the level of the class and matched it.
Calling Lupin all-or-nothing is... pretty apt, really. I often think of him as lukewarm, but you're right: It's not that he mingles around half-doing things. he does shit 100% or he is gone. Teacher, 'mentor', Order member, spy, partner... all either done brilliantly - or he is someone Albus needs to track down.
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rileys-battlecats · 1 month
How difficult was it to create a whole another clan, and do you have any tips for those wanting to start? I've always been wanting to make one but honestly my worldbuilding skills are not that great and procrastination levels are high😿
Honestly I never really set out to make an entire clan! It started with just a little handful of OCs, and then it just sort of.... expanded on its own HAHA
My advice would be to start small! I started by focusing on a little handful of characters, really only fleshing out two of them (mudpaw and wrentail), and then branching out from there based on their relationships. Mudpaw needed peers, so the other apprentices were designed and eventually their personalities were developed. Then those apprentices needed mentors, and needed dynamics with those mentors, and then the mentors needed dynamics with each other, and at that point I had so many cats it was just logical to design a leader, deputy, and med cat! And then I just designed a few background characters to fill in some spaces (sometimes reusing old designs I'd made but hadn't used for anything), and then I had an entire clan!
It definitely helps that I LOVE designing cat characters, it's actually so fun for me HAHA. Any excuse to make up a new kitty cat is good enough for me :P
The worldbuilding for the clan was built mostly from what I needed it to be for the characters/story! I've been putting it together piecemeal for quite a long time. Don't feel pressured to figure everything out all at once! I left a lot of blank spaces in the clan's history/culture in the beginning; I only really started filling it out over time and with a lot of help brainstorming from the people leaving their questions and thoughts on this blog! Even now, I still sometimes have new ideas that I want to integrate into the clan's lore
My biggest tip is to just have fun with it! Use concepts that are cool to you, make stories that YOU love, and don't worry about making it appealing to other people. They're your OCs, they're there for you to have fun with! Don't worry about making everything cohesive and finished all at once, you can make things and develop them in little bite-sized bits, then just put them together whenever you want!
A more concrete tip is to think about what little pieces of clan culture affect the characters and their thoughts/feelings/relationships! For instance, I have one of Micaclan's most important traits being that they are deeply insular as a group; this means that outsiders are treated with suspicion, but it also means that they care about their clanmates immensely. Those considered to be part of the "in-group" are met with support, love, and loyalty. So, anything or anyone that breaks from this loyalty is treated very harshly (ex. Possum leaving the clan was seen as a very serious betrayal). This insular trait affects how the clan treats Mudpaw (a perceived outsider), it affects how the clan treats their kits (they all share responsibility for each kitten equally/"it takes a village" approach), and it affects how the clan sees its individual members' shortcomings (ex. Wrentail being seen as a harsh mentor, sure, but ultimately believing him to be a good cat; they can't really conceive one of their own as being in the wrong without some serious proof).
Another tip is to include fun little details that might not seem important to a story, but still add a little bit of flavor to the world! Micaclan values storytelling, and Wrentail was one of their best storytellers. The elder Snaptail keeps clan history alive by imparting old stories to each new generation. The clan teaches their kits to swim at a young age, due to their history of losing cats to a flood and now living close to water. The clan doesn't have frequent access to Starclan, because their holy place is dangerous to approach. The clan's healers meet with Starclan each half moon only symbolically, by traveling to their mountain's peak to stargaze. Little details like that can do a lot to make the clan feel more alive!
I know this is sort of an eclectic mess as far as tips/advice goes, but I hope it helps!!
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colourstreakgryffin · 11 months
can you do Kenma x high school first year female reader who wants to join the girl’s volleyball team but is struggling to learn how to play so she can’t join yet and Kenma helps her?:3 ty!:p
Yessssiieeee~! My love! My Haikyuu baeee~! I love Kenma so much! That like… I can’t even express how much I love Kenma! Let’s goooo~! This is rather cute and I can already see it!
Kozume Kenma; Level 0; Training
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“It’s fine, okay…?” Kenma speaks gently as he slowly walks over to the bouncing volleyball rolling on the grassy floor to pick it up and return to his designated spot in front of the portable net he and his childhood best friend, Kuroo had set up for him to assist his longtime crush in honing her overall sport skills
You, a second year girl much like him. In the background, not that noticeable but yet with a unique yet unexplainable spark that drew him to you
You really became determined to follow your passion and join the female Nekoma Volleyball team after you overheard one of your closest friends, Kenma himself joined the male Volleyball team as their main Setter. You have always wanted to play volleyball and regularly practiced with Kuroo, sparking up Kenma’s mad jealousy over you and his dorky childhood best friend bonding over matching desires
You’ll like him more than Kuroo, if he works harder to join the Volleyball Team right? You’ll like him, more than Kuroo, if he helps you with your own practice sessions. It may be true that Kenma thinks about you a lot… besides Kuroo, you’re one of his only actual friends and you’re so sweet to him…
So angelic and pure, like you are made directly from cotton candy and clouds. Kenma finds himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you everyday, his crush on you overtakes his thought process a lot
You were quite distressed as you widen your stance and stretch your pressed-together forearms outwards, so professionally as you waited for Kenma to fire a practice shot at you. Nowhere, it’d be painful but judging him, you know to always be on your toes for how unpredictable he truly is. You still liked that unpredictability well, such a little genius he is
Despite how tense you are over your rejection in trying to apply for the girls’ team. You were still smiling and determined to get what you wanted, and Kenma thrived off that. You were such a wonderful piece of motivation to keep doing all he can in the boys’ Volleyball Team, Kuroo’s encouragement did play a part but so did you
You two were simply passing shots to each other. It was simple, it was fun, it was quiet as Kenma occasionally intervened to show you specific strategies he used during practice with his team. You couldn’t help but feel a warmth rise in your stomach everytime Kenma’s cute, smooth yet reserved voice rung out and his surprisingly calloused hands moved your arms or hips in a precise style
He was just helping you, both of you thought that… but that didn’t mean both of you weren’t blushing intensely at every decision Kenma makes over helping you physically
Kenma did help you in all ways he can. He was straining himself, just a bit, to practice with you for hours, not necessarily above his usual hours but he wanted to try harder than he did with the team; all to try impress you whilst assisting you with your own volleyball skills by applying his own experience. He was no volleyball protege like Kuroo but he didn’t want Kuroo possibly stealing up your heart
Kenma will help get you into the girls’ team, on his own and at the best of his abilities. Kuroo and his many requests to assist him with training you, would always be rejected as he pushes on. It’s not just for a random girl… it’s for the girl he really likes, the girl who understands him well, the girl who has his heart. If you want to be a member of the Girls’ Volleyball Team but got rejected for your unsuitable skillset;
He’ll just train you to be even better, better than any of those girls ever could be
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batfam-rewrites · 1 year
Damian: Cassandra!!! *runs around the mansion and into the second floor living room* Has anyone seen Cassandra?
Jason: Cass left a while ago to train.
Stephanie: You know, I think I saw Dick leave with her. You don’t think...?
Duke: Oh no, you don’t think they are training together, do you?
Stephanie: I think they might be!
Jason: Oh my god, poor Cass!
Damian: That is truly unfortunate!
Harper: Why is training with Dick so horrible?
Jason: Because Dick doesn’t train, normal.
Harper: How so?
Damian: Grayson trains exactly like a circus freak. So when he goes to train, it’s not just sparing and working out but he also fits in a number of his gymnastics events into his training.
Harper: Oh! Well...that can’t be too bad. I mean a lot of us do acrobatic stuff anyway so how much worse can it get.
Jason: That’s exactly what I said. I went in thinking, “Oh, gee wiz. I can’t wait to train with golden boy Dick!”
Stephanie: *laughs* You said gee wiz?
Jason: Shut up, this was before I died! Anyway, I go in and he had very simple skills set out for me. Should’ve been easy, right? I fell doing just about every skill that he had me do! And if doing all six events wasn’t already bad enough, he decided to through me on the trapeze as well! And after that we did an hour of conditioning and flexibility! I came back to the Batcave more sore and with more bruises than I had ever received out in the field at that point!
Damian: *snickers* Wow, how pathetic that must have been!
Jason: Oh, yeah, and how did your training session with Dick go?
Damian: Pfft.... I excelled at everything he had set out for me! I was a natural!
Everyone: *stares at Damian*
Damian: *crosses his arms* Fine! I fell a lot and I had to tap out after vault because Dick was scared I was going to “make my injury worse.” It was only a bit of leg pain!
Stephanie: Your couldn’t move your leg!!!
Damian: It was just a bone fracture, I could have kept going though!
Harper: Holy shit!
Duke: Personally I wouldn’t mind just training floor or high bar with him again, I would just try and skip the rest though.
Stephanie: Yeah, but you got off much easier than the rest of us! I remember Dick finding out I did gymnastics until I was 15 and he dragged me with him.
Tim: *walks in*
Stephanie: The training part wasn’t too bad but I’d much rather do Bruce’s conditioning than Dick’s!
Tim: Are we talking about training with Dick?
Stephanie: Yeah.
Tim: It’s not too bad!
Jason: Shut up, you don’t count because you’re a junior elite gymnast!
Duke: I don’t think either you or Steph count as both of you actually had a gymnastics background!
Stephanie: Hey, Dick’s training is on a whole different level!
Jason: Gymnastics in itself is a whole different level of training! I’d rather hear another lecture from Bruce than ever do that shit again!
Damian: Don’t lie to yourself, Todd! We all know that you secretly use the rings and tumble track when you think no one is watching!
Jason: Oh, like you don’t go in there training as well every once in a while!
Damian: I don’t!
Duke: You most definitely do!
Damian: Why would I want to, I’m the one who was injured!
Stephanie: Please, you said it was nothing!
Duke: I couldn’t walk for a whole day after mine!
Stephanie: You think that’s bad, I couldn’t walk for three days!
Jason: You still had previous experience!
Stephanie: I hadn’t done shit for a year though!
Harper: I haven’t trained with Dick yet, and I don’t want to!
Jason: I don’t want to do that shit again!
Cassandra: *walks in*
Everyone: *stops fighting*
Harper: Hey Cassie, how are you feeling?
Cassandra: I’m feeling pretty good, core is killing me though!
Stephanie: You poor thing! How did training with Dick go?
Cassandra: It was really fun! Dick was talking about how we finally have enough people to do a competition again!
Jason: You’re not bruised, super sore, anything?
Damian: No broken or fractured bones?
Cassandra: *examines and lifts her arms and legs* Nope!
Dick: *walks in super sore and grunting* Hey Tim, do you mind subbing in for me during patrol tonight?
Everyone: *looks at Dick in surprise*
Tim: Suuure!
Duke: Did Cass train you!
Dick: *moves to a chair* She said my conditioning was too light so we did hers. *sits down* Oh fuck! I’m not moving.
Cassandra: Damian, are you ready to play?
Damian: You’ve kept me waiting.
Damian and Cassandra: *walk out*
Jason: Hey, Dick! Out of curiosity, who had the worst training session with you?
Dick: Ummm...... Definitely Bruce!
Everyone: What?!
Dick: Yeah, he fell on top of the pommel, had a hard time moving on floor, kept running into the vault table. By the end of it Bruce took a shower and passed out for 15 hours. Pretty sure it’s the most he’s ever slept in his life.
Harper: Don’t ever invite me to train with you! I am terrified!
Dick: Cool! *gives a thumbs up and starts to zone out*
Duke: Wait, if you’re as acrobatic as Dick, then why don’t you do many flips and stuff out in the field then?
Tim: Are you kidding? I don’t want anyone to know my identity, especially when I was able to find out Dick’s identity by only watching his high bar routine back when I was in level 6!
Dick: *zones back in* I remember that! You called me stupid for that!
Tim: It is so obvious, just stop showing off!
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vera-king-hrfl · 2 months
Yay! OK so I picked this up from @dark-and-kawaii (thank you bebe! I only wish my design skills were as godlike as yours and not painfully infantile 😅) And I thought it was just a super fun way to explain my HC surrounding my two lovers, Cal and Ryldinn. Obvi Ryldinn is mine, so I decide what he's like, but the Cal stuff is also specific to this story, and might not agree with your own.
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Nsft below cut, CW: discussion of sexual trauma.
For those of you who have read the story and know his background, this might seem a bit odd, but just work with me. People handle things in different ways.
Ryldinn was a sex slave before he was kidnapped by the mindflayers. Basically, a prostitute whose owner kept all the money and who had no choice about who he slept with or what was done to him. He's also killed a lot of people for the same reason. He feels no guilt about that.
So it might be a surprise that he's quite submissive. He's definitely a bottom, and he likes pain. He likes to be spanked, clawed, bitten, and having his hair pulled. He likes it when Cal loses it a bit and gets rough. He never really minded his life that much before. He's never known anything else, and in his society, there was never anyone who would think there was anything wrong with that, so it doesn't affect him like it would affect, say, Astarion. There is trauma there, though it's very much buried in his psychology. He's starting to feel more agency over his own body, and now he'll only accept those things if Cal does them, but he still likes it.
He is very homosexual. He dislikes women in general and would never actually touch one in that way unless he was ordered to do so. Those of you who understand matriarchal drow society will understand why. He's gay due to past trauma. He's obviously not a gold star, but he's never been with a woman out of choice.
Part of his repressed trauma requires him to be very clean at all times. It's almost an OCD compulsion. He doesn't mind if Cal is sweaty or smells a bit like a horse, but for himself, he bathes as often and as thoroughly as possible and loves water and swimming, scented oils for his soft sensitive skin, soap, and anything that smells nice.
His body is the drow definition of perfection. He's not tall (5'7" or so) or extremely muscular but tight, hard, strong, smooth, and defined. He's lighter and stronger than he looks. His dick isn't very big but quite pretty, easy to take, or to suck. He's sinuous, lean, the elven equivalent of a gazelle or a cheetah. He has very dark grey skin, almost black, and pure white hair, almost translucent. Bright red eyes, slightly pink lips and nipples, lighter palms, and soles.
My sweet baby boy! The little brother, the peace maker. Always polite and accommodating. Possibly the only person who could have taken that weird damaged guy and made anything pleasant out of him.
Cal is a genuinely good person. He's been through literal hell, but despite the devil blood, he strains with all his being to keep his hope and his softness. He's also killed people, but he hates it, and it haunts him.
Sexually, he's actually quite dominant. He loves being asked for sex, encouraged, and being begged sets him on fire. He was a virgin before Ryldinn, but he finds his stride and discovers his likes and dislikes very quickly. He's a top, but the service variety, and he makes sure that his partner is feeling good before taking his own pleasure. He doesn't mind hurting Ryldinn as long as he knows that he's enjoying it, but he's not really into pain himself, and bottoming is not his preference, though he will do it if Ryldinn wants, and does have that occasional desire. He likes using his tail, likes when his horns are pulled on, and loves when his tiefling attributes are adored. He's a bit insecure about his heritage.
Cal is bi/pan, whatever. It wouldn’t have mattered to him if Ryldinn had been a woman or a sentient rock. He loves the person, regardless of what they look like. The fact that Ryldinn is beautiful and wants him so bad is a bonus. It's that want, that desire to be with him that makes Cal melt. He's also demi and has a hard time performing unless he loves the person and they love him back. That said, there is quite a bit of devil blood in there, and sometimes that takes over, though he tries with all his might to suppress that.
Cal is a bigger dude. I made him about 6'1" in my story, and reasonably muscular. He's a bit malnourished due to the exile and the journey, but he has a tendency to get a bit more chunky when he's comfortable. He'd definitely be softer around the middle with a bit of a belly. Nothing wrong with that! He'd be your very own squishy heater to snuggle with on cold winter nights. He is also a devilish tiefling and has that big thick ridged cock. He likes it when Ryldinn tells him how big he is, as plenty of men would.
They both love kissing. Ryldinn had never been kissed before Cal did it, but now it's his favorite thing to do. He loves the soft lips and the forked tongue and the intimacy. He can kiss his tiefling for hours. Cal has kissed, had a few hot and heavy make-out sessions when he was younger, just never went further.
Eye contact. Another thing Ryldinn has avoided, but Cals eyes are so beautiful to him, the gentle burning fires, the love and desire. It just makes him feel special.
They both have a pretty high sex drive and do it often. Cal usually tops, but he also likes to go down on Ryldinn, to taste him and make him shudder. Ryldinn likes it any way Cal does. Slow soft missionary, against a wall, bent over a table, whatever his man is in the mood for. Cal's favorite position is on his back with Ryldinn riding him. He loves to watch how his body turns his lover into a shaking panting mess. He loves to see the gentle undulation of the perfect gorgeous body enjoying him so much.
They both love touch. When they're together, they're usually touching, even if it's discreet. Hand holding, tail wrapped around an ankle, petting.
Anyway, there's probably more but those parts are still to come so I'll leave it here. I hope this helps you to understand where I'm going with this. I've had so much amazing encouragement and feedback from you guys it's inspired me to go deeper into the personality of these characters and how I see them. Thank you all so much for tolerating me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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entomolog-t · 7 months
is there any reason u think small knights are kind of a common theme used in the g/t community? i’ve seen it used a few times and am a bit mystified by the coincidence
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OOH Thats a good question!
I think theres lots of factors at play there- The main one I can think of off the top of my head goes as follows.
Subverted expectation
Charismatic Archetype
Easily "accessible" g/t premise
First off, its a great role reversal/subversion of expectations. Knights are seen as protectors, a beacon of strength and what have you, so making the knight small is an easy way to make something enticing to an audience since it defies expectation. This can be for comedic reasons, or angst ( or both). I think the biggest factor is going against the grain creates new avenues/perspectives to explore/thus high intrigue.
The second point is that knight are a fairly fun and charismatic archetype- their role is already exciting, and you don't necessarily need a lot of background knowledge to use the archetype to make a compelling story. So while prevalent in g/t media quite often, I think they are also quite prevalent in media as a whole (especially fandom), and would fall in the same "Charismatic Archetype Bin" as other such characters like witches, vampires, mafia bosses, pirates etc. Though I do think knights stand out particularly in g/t, which leads me to my next point-
Its an easily accessible g/t genre. Adding a g/t element can at times be difficult- Giants in a modern world usually mean a lot of question about world building pop up, as well as logistics. A knight setting is normally much more primitive, and often times has a fantastical or magical element, thus taking a lot of the "How can we make this work" leg work off the creator's shoulders.
Lastly I think Knights as a whole offer a lot of interesting symbolism. Certain aspects could be a combination of things such as strength, duty, loyalty, obedience, bravery, dedication etc... And those make for a very interesting character, especially when making that character small.
How do they handle losing/not being able to use their strength?
Does their sense of duty crumble in the face of someone so much larger than them? Does their bravery crumble ?
How do those traits look on someone so much smaller? Is it inspiring? Sad? Comical? Infuriating (A good ol combination is my favorite)
Whatever the case, knights act as a very clear symbol in both the cultural zeitgiest and within the unique perceptions of an individual. Its easy for one's mind to project particular feelings onto a symbol.
For example, someone who may highly value duty/responsibility could easily (both consciously or not) project those feelings onto a knight character. Making that character small could be a way to vent/explore the idea of ones responsibilities being overwhelmingly large, or as if you feel like you've lost the capacity to deal with them.
Another may write about others not viewing them as capable because of their size, despite having the skills and abilities of a knight- they just aren't seen seriously.
Knights offer a really loaded character archetype, especially in the G/t sphere, since the symbolism of both themselves as a knight and then the concept of being small can create such a variety of metaphors for the audience.
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strunmah-mah · 7 months
Touchstarved Characters as DnD Classes
Given the existence of Ocudeus and Ais's relationship with it, Ais is an easy choice for a warlock, a person who gets their powers from a patron entity. My choice would either be The Great Old One, or The Fathomless. The both have those eldritch vibes but with slightly different emphasis. The Fathomless buts a strong emphasis on the oceanic tentacle monster, while The Great Old One has some tentacle imagery but focuses far more on the effects Eldritch beings have on the mind. Which one you think suits him more comes down to personal preference I think.
Given that magic for humans seems to largely be a learned skill, and stuff devs have said about Leander coming from a more more formal background giving him access to a proper education, Leander would 100% be a wizard. With as little information as we have about him exactly which school might be harder to pin down, but for the purpose of this I'm going School of Illusion. I think it works both as a fun reference to the first spell we ever see him cast (the illucitory lily) and a sort of foreshadowing of him duplicitous nature.
As an angel, Kuras's divine power is innate to him in a way that I think the Divine Soul Sorcerer would be best at replicating. Not really sure what else to add, this might be an even easier pick than Ais as a Warlock.
Vere is interesting. Given our first impression is that of a snarling shadow beast in the corner of out vision, part of me is inclined towards Shadow Magic Sorcerer. His power seems to be innate to him and I think the Hound of Ill Omen ability synergizes well with Vere's status as the Senobium's hunting dog. HOWEVER, the devs recently dropped the extra bit of lore implying that Vere used to be worshiped as a god, which does make an interesting argument for casting him as a cleric. I don't think most cleric abilities mesh as well with Vere's in game abilities, but thematically the Ambition Domain meshes well with his personality.
Mhin is the one I'm least confident on. Their attempt to sneak into the Senobium speaks to them being a Rogue, The revelation that they're regular collecting bounties from soulless hunting points them to being a Ranger, and the Alchemist's observation that their a scientist suggests that when the full games drops they might be something of an Artificer, or depending on your tolerance for psuedo canon, maybe a Blood Hunter? IDK, I'm a little bit at a loss of what to do with this guy.
Bonus the Origins
Now given that all Origins more or less have the same skill set with some flavor difference All of them could easily be Aberrant Mind Sorcerers and be done with it. Their power is innate to them, and that power is power over the minds of others. It's a good solid choice, but if you wanted to give the Origins more influence over their skills sets below would be my choices
The Unnamed
Raised at a temple as an oracle? The Unnnamed is a Cleric. Given that it was thought their ability could create a groupmind the Solidarity or Zeal Domains could be an interesting choice, That the people under their influence are so violent could be an argument for the War Domain, or that everyone was so mislead as to what your ability is could be an argument for Trickery Domain. Ultimately as a self insert the Unnamed's background is fluid and any choice is valid, but thematically I think I think those four could all work really well. TBH I really wish there was a Madness Domain or something so you could channel that Dionysus Maenadic energy, I think that'd work really well, but homebrew is not my area.
The Alchemist
This Origin knows magic, magic is a learned skill for humans, The Alchemist is a Wizard, maybe an Artificer. Again, self insert, either choice is valid. If you go Wizard I think School of Enchantment could be a good choice, would tie into their powers a bit better then some of the other options. If you go Artificier there is an Alchemist subclass, it's a match made in heaven
The Hound
The Hound has a very specific archetype built into it and that is the Rogue: Thief. They're a street kid who survived by stealing. I don't know if there's another choice that could work for this Origin even half as well. works for this
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floatinginzerogravity · 2 months
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First shot, probably the flesh hole from episode seven, the one Uzi, Nori, and Flesha fell into
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Uzi has some oil on her cheek BG looks like the elevator hallway
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This is very obviously Nori's kooky insane closet, meaning Uzi got back to the colony at some point
Noticeably not space
I was going to question the inclusion of the holo-spooky snake crab drawing, but then I remembered Kahn had confiscated those and stuck them in the closet back in episode three
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HI J :DDDD I hope you feel pain! /pos
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The closest thing this looks like to me is the pod. (The ones Tessa and J came in) We still don't know what was in the other two
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diving back into the atmosphere at terminal velocity can't be fun
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HER TAIL IS GRABBING THE RAILGUN FOR HER DKFJSKJFKJNF I was focused on figuring out where the background was, so it took me a second to noticekksjkdfsksdf But yeah, can't figure out where this takes place other than a vague notion of 'outside' Maybe the towering thing in the bg is smoke? Orange suggests dawn or sunset for the time of day, but might just be spooky solver glow
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more Flesha! I think this is the colony (?) will have to check The hallway here and from the Uzi with oil on her cheek shot look like they're in the same location and have the same lighting, so I'm gonna guess these two things are back to back Also, the hallway to me looks most similar to the elevator building in episode six
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What's over her eye? (probably just a scope/aim bot) Walls look rocky, similar to the episode seven underground setting
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Solver claw
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She'd getting a missile fired at her
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Uzi + solver hand
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Another N
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More Flesha!
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space pod! (in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace) Possibly coming to grab Uzi before she burns in the atmosphere? N putting his pilot skills to use???
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My first thought was Uzi or Noti, but it kind of looks more Yeva/Doll colored? Am I crazy?
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I am concerned, but also a little frightened a little bit For multiple reasons
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Series finale? When you say series, you mean season, right? RIGHT???? (If this is really the end, which it likely is, I trust Glitch to end it on a high note, please don't attack them) (But I will be sad)
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pahtoosh · 2 years
soup saturday
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[image ID: a photo collage with images of Sebastian Stan, soup, and heart-shaped carrots on a lime green background. /.end ID]
wc: ~1060 words
warnings: fluff. reader is in kidspace. very cheesy ending. disregard the types of soup present in the moodboard, Buckles is making whatever soup you like!
a/n: this may be the strangest moodboard I've ever made. y'all would not BELIEVE how many images there are of heart-shaped carrots on pinterest. it is very late and I do not have my glasses on so I hope it's cool😎
pairing: chef!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary: you and your favorite chef make a delicious pot of soup
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Go real slow, alright, Munchkin? One slice at a time and don’t forget to curl your fingers in.”
“Yes! I can do it, Daddy.” You nodded your head vigorously, then cut the moment short, remembering that you had to be calm and in control of your body to do the task. 
Bucky was teaching you how to properly cut vegetables. He noticed your big self struggling a bit with cooking and wanted to share some of his knowledge from culinary school with you. He intended on teaching you these knife skills while you were still big, but you’d been having a rough week and regressing more often than not at home. 
Today you were in kid space and wanted nothing more than to help your Daddy in the kitchen. It was Soup Saturday which meant Bucky would start a pot of soup in the morning, letting it cook all day for the most delicious dinner.
Bucky tried keeping you occupied with measuring spices; however, you wanted to be just like him and do the harder tasks too. He was hesitant to let you use a knife, but you promised to be extra careful and let Bucky finish chopping the vegetables when they got too small for you to hold. 
Luckily, Bucky had a few kid-safe knives tucked away in a cabinet. After a few minutes of showing you the proper technique and some hand-over-hand assistance, you were ready to cut up the vegetables on your own. Within a few minutes, you had cut up two whole carrots by yourself. 
“You did so good, Bubba! These carrots are going to be delicious in our soup.”
You set your little knife down and shyly looked at the ground with a small, proud smile on your face. “Thank you, Daddy. Do I put them in the bowl now?”
“Not yet, little chef. Daddy’s got a surprise for you.” Bucky went back into the tall cupboard where he kept the kid-safe knives and pulled out a box that made a clinking sound when he moved it. He handed it to you. “Think you can open this?”
You nodded and pulled off the lid, revealing an assortment of metal shapes. “What is it, Daddy?”
“They’re like very small cookie cutters, so you can cut your vegetables into all sorts of shapes.” Bucky gently took the box from your hands and emptied it onto the table so you could see the new tools. 
“Wow!” you giggled. 
“Do you wanna make the carrots into fun shapes while I cut the rest of the vegetables?” 
“Yes, yes, yes!”
Bucky chuckled at your enthusiasm and pressed a kiss to your head before resuming his task. The two of you worked in a comfortable silence until all the ingredients were ready for the soup. While you washed your hands, Bucky came from behind and started washing your hands for you. He knew you were fully capable of doing it yourself, but he couldn’t resist your adorable laugh. 
“Daddy!” you squealed. “Can do it myself, I’m big today!” 
“I don’t know, my little munch. You still look like a baby to me.” Bucky teased. He rinsed off the suds and dried your hands, then he made a silly act of pretending that your hands had disappeared under the towel. You could not stop laughing and held onto Bucky, much to his delight. 
Once you had both calmed down, Bucky moved all the soup ingredients next to the stove and got out his soup pot. Bucky’s soup pot was the largest cooking vessel you had ever seen. It showed signs of being well-loved after being passed down in his family for generations. Every time he made soup, it had to be in this pot. Bucky went so far as to claim that he only knew how to make soup for a crowd of people. It would take weeks for the two of you to finish such a large portion, so the leftovers were distributed to your friends(Sam could never say no to home-cooked food) or frozen for when one of you had a sick day. 
The only downside to this pot was that it was too tall for you to see what Bucky was doing. The sautéed onions and bloomed spices were doing wonders for your nose, but your brain wanted so badly to see what your Daddy was doing. It was mesmerizing to see Bucky in the kitchen. He was in his element, moving with confident strokes as if he’d spent every second of his life cooking. 
You needed to see it. 
“Dadaaa,” you pouted. 
“Yes, Honeybun?” Bucky asked, not looking away from the pot. 
“Hmph.” You stomped your foot, hoping to get his attention. 
“Use your words, Munchkin. Daddy can’t read minds.”
“Can’t see soup, Dada.”
“Oh, well the soup’s not done yet. It’ll be ready at dinnertime, baby.”
“No! Wanna see Dada make soup.”
Bucky stopped his stirring as he finally understood what you were saying. “You wanna see inside the pot while Daddy’s cooking?”
“Yes! Please, Daddy?” You clasped your hands in front of you and bounced on your toes. 
“Okay,” Bucky turned off the stove. “Only because my baby has such good manners.” He kissed your forehead and quickly grabbed a stepping stool from the closet. 
He placed the stool a comfortable distance from the stove so that you could see into the pot without being too close to the heat. “Alright, Pumpkin. Now you just stand on this stool and hold onto the counter if you need to. Don’t touch the stove and don’t start leaning forward. Daddy’s gonna be keeping an eye on ya, so don’t do anything naughty or I’ll take the stool away and you won’t be able to see the soup.”
He made you repeat the rules back to him before lifting you onto the stool. 
You let out a small gasp. “I can see the pot, Dada!”
Bucky grinned. “Good, Baby. Can you name the ingredients in the pot?”
Time flew by as Bucky cooked and occasionally quizzed you on cooking terms. When he was done, the two of you cleaned up the kitchen and worked on chores around the house while the soup simmered away. Finally, it was dinner time and you got to enjoy your hard work. Every day with Bucky as your caregiver was amazing, but Soup Saturdays were something special.
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