#i researched Aphrodite in 3rd grade
the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Guys I put two Odysseus books in my donation the other day, I got them from my teacher (I accidentally brought it home. Twice.)
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
AND PERCY JACKSON! Gurl you know your stuff... just keep reading the book series and doing research 😌 and I’m here to help too... also, the god that has multiple kids is Zeus. He’s Dionysus’ father too. THAT MAN IS A HOE PLEASE! Zeus just couldn’t keep it in his pants and he has a wife! Hera. She wanted to kill Dionysus’ mother because she found out she fucked her husband and also wanted to kill Dionysus when he was born 😭
LMFAO YES ZEUS HOE ASS LIKE SKSLDMFF 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 when I was in 3rd grade I used to read this big ass Greek mythology book and I could NOT remember all of Zeus’s kids to SAVE MY LIFE😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂omfg Hera!! Wait okay, I read this story were these Greek goddesses wanted to kill Aphrodite cuz she was pretty 😭BRUUU the amount of high school drama in Greek mythology is ridiculous !
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livvywrites · 5 years
Tagged by the lovely @witchywrite~
(and if you want to do my questions as well, feel free. but you don’t have to!) 
1. What is your favorite wip that you have worked/are working on?
THE MARTYR QUEEN. Hands down. It’s my baby. I do have a soft spot for SAPPHIRE DREAMING as well as an old wip of mine, but... I just. I’m in love with the story I’m trying to tell in TMQ, and its series. 
2. Do you have any routines/rituals you do before writing? 
Not as such, no. Mainly what I do is make sure I have something to drink (usually some flavored water, but sometimes a hot beverage or soda) and maybe something to snack on. Sometimes I’ll put on some rain noises, but for the most part, I just kind of pick a place and go. 
3. How long do you generally write for?
That’s a good question. I think I write from anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour usually, but I can (and have) gone longer. 
4. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? How old were you when you started on your first story?
Oh, jeez. Sometimes it feels like I’ve wanted to be a writer forever. However, I think... that I’d have to say about 3rd grade or so? I forget what age that would be, but under 10. 
At about 11, I started my first real “novel” though I wouldn’t say that was my first story. I still have the composition notebook I started it in, though I later moved it to my first computer, which crashed. 
Um, as for stories in general... I wrote and illustrated my own picture book, about a superhero dog. I also turned an old calendar to a book. I don’t have the calendar, but the superhero dog might be at the house somewhere. 
5. What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?
I read. A lot. Mostly fanfiction these days, but I’ve been making it a point to read more original novels. I read Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching books. They’re so good. Currently I’m reading the Riddle Master of Hed, by Patricia McKilip. I like her writing style a lot, though I’m only two chapters in to the story thus far. (I read another one of her books, though. I adore it.) 
6. How many wips do you have?
Original novels? Just the two, through concentrated effort not to go starting more.
Original short stories/oneshots? Hahaha. Um. I don’t actually know. It’s a lot, though. More than 5.
Fanfiction, long fic? Just one that I have posted. Couple more in development. (Some of those are rewrites of old fics.) 
Fanfiction, oneshots? A lot. I like my short fic, okay? :P 
7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I went through a few things. Settled on writer in 3rd grade and... never stopped? I’ve cycled through a few backup careers since the, too. 
8. Give your main cast a God/Goddess they would work with if they were Pagan/a witch.
Oooh, this is interesting :o I don’t know a lot about most of the pantheons. I mainly studied/read about Greek mythology growing up, so that’s my forte. But recently I’ve been reading a lot of Nordic stuff, so that might make it in here too. (I’ll be branching out more eventually :D) 
Alinora: It feels like cheating, but I would give her Hades. Or some other death god. Given that Death is her patron in the story, though, it feels kind of like cheating.
Elaena: Death’s daughter in the novel, but... I don’t actually think any of the death gods really suit her personality? I’d give her... Artemis, I think.
Ava: Easy one. Demeter or Persephone.
Lyr: Hm... this one is a little harder, but I think I would go with Athena for him!
Talitha: Loki. I could see her working with Hephaestus or Athena. I could also see her being drawn to Aphrodite. But in the end, I really do think that Loki is the one who suits her best. 
Aishlynn: Um. I think Aishlynn would also be drawn to Artemis. 
Amara: Ahhh.... I want to say Apollo for her, for some reason? But maybe Aphrodite could work for her, or Ares. 
8. Speaking of that, which of your characters would be a witch?
Excellent question! I feel like Ava and Talitha would definitely be drawn to Paganism/witches. 
10. Give your characters an element, (fire, water, earth, air, or spirit)
I like this question! Mainly because I pretty much always associate my characters with the five elements :D
This is mainly going off the way I’ve adapted the elements in TMQ, though.
Alinora: Fire
Elaena: Air
Ava: Earth
Lyr: Water
Talitha: Spirit
Aishlynn: Spirit
11. What would your Main Character’s Altar look like if they were a witch?
I admit outright that I have only the barest understandings of witchcraft, though it is something that interests me. I’m mainly going to pick things that I associate with Alinora, more than for their spiritual meanings. I hope that’s alright~ 
Alinora would have several candles. Probably black or purple, to suit her patron, but also red, for her element. The Death card from a tarot deck. Cinnamon, maybe ground in jar or a couple of sticks. Sunflowers, whether a picture of them or a vase of them. Roses, as well.
I think that’s everything she would have ^^ I probably should do some more in depth research so I could think of a proper altar, but... maybe later. *adds to list*
Thank you so much for these questions~ They were super fun!  <3
Questions and tags below the cut~ 
My Questions: 
1. 3 songs that remind you of your main character? (Or favorite character.)
2. Have you ever had to cut any characters? If so, what character do you miss/regret cutting the most?
3. Your favorite beverage, hot or otherwise, to have while you write?
4. Ideal writing time?
5. Do you keep notes of scenes/characters/worldbuilding, or do you keep it all in your head? 
6. How do you feel about your writing voice? Do you feel like you’ve developed your own, or like you’re still finding it?
7. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written? Preferably within the last chapter/10 pages, but any line is good!
8. How do you stay motivated when it comes to writing?
9. What’s the longest time you’ve ever dealt with writer’s block, and how did you overcome it?
10. 3 songs that make you think of your novel? (Bonus points if you say why!) 
11. 5 reasons you love your WIP?
Tagging: @quartzses; @writings-of-a-narwhal; @abalonetea; @apvtelesma; @serperina; @emmathenovelist (if i’ve tagged you before, feel free to choose which set of questions you do! also, gimme a shout if you want to be tagged, or not, in the future!) 
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