#atlas talks🧪
the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I need senshi related things in my room rn
Also these
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🎬💭🦋💘💡🧪🤩 💛
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Last time I said Lovesick, but that's kind of cheating since I already fancast that.... so let me try something new.
I want to make a miniseries out of Princes & Pickpockets! Tom Holland for Midoriya. He just gives the energy I want midoriya to have within it (and since they're from a fantasy land, I don't really have to narrow it down to Japanese/Asian actors). Also.... I kinda want a Kpop idol to be Todoroki.... the grace... the elegance... I'm a Jimin fan so... he's the one on my mind rn. I also can't stop laughing over the idea of Tom Holland being betrothed to Park Jimin😂 no wait, I actually wanna think about this I might make another post for this casting lmfao
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
A lot of the times it's songs honestly. I like making playlist for the storyline!
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I love writing the angry characters who feel too much but refuse to let it show. Keith, Katsuki, Rody, Chuuya. They feel... close to home lmfao
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
I personally love to write angst. I love digging into the aches and worries. I actually find it really hard to write fluff because I worry it's too cheesy or unrealistic and half the time I don't even know how couples are supposed to act once everything is settling
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
This should be an illegal question lmfaoooo oh man. Theres... stilverse, the soukoku fic, two rddk ones..... then there's concepts I haven't posted which are like... another four???? God t.t let's not talk about it lmfao
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
I do, to the point where it's not even all that necessary. I know so much about queer Japanese artists rn (enough to ramble, not enough to educate tho...) and I research a lot of cultural aspects to make sure it's authentic. I used to research dance a lot in order to describe it. For a while I was actually in a fitness program that taught basic kickboxing/jiu-jitsu, and I used that to create an ATLA battle scene. It's honestly really fun to me. You won't believe how much research has gone into STILverse since they all have different jobs and I wanted to give them complex lives to interweave and ahhhhhh yes, yes I do research.
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
Honestly, happenstance. I found fanfiction which led me to finding pages on Facebook of fans who would post imaginary snippets and that led to me writing and eventually I found Tumblr and started posting here. I was really surprised when I got responses and feedback from other fans, and I realized there was a lot of layers to fandom. Role-playing and fanfiction and art and cosplay and just the general discussions. I've been lucky enough not to encounter toxicity (wild considering the fandoms I've been in) so it's all been really enjoyable!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Ahhh. Honestly, this is something I learned in college in my poetry classes not quite through fanfiction, but the most impactful lesson I've had is to trust my subconscious. I shouldn't steer the story just because I'm hellbent on an idea. Most of the time your subconscious makes connections you're not even aware of until they're on the page. It's happened so often to me. It's important to be flexible and to trust your creativity to flow and take the story where it needs to go♡
Thank you for asking!! ♡♡♡
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outofthiisworld · 1 year
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@grandgrief sent in: The synth-- labeled 'EMPEROR-10,' and nicknamed Nero in lab trials to maintain his false identity, approaches. He offers Doc... a tray of cornbread. "You have not had breakfast yet. That's no way to start an ATLAS day. This comes from the cafeteria, post-haste."
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[🧪]— Doc was holed up in the infirmary’s office (which was more of a closet in the corner of the infirmary than an actual office, if he was being honest), where stacks upon stacks of files on crew members and experiments alike towered over the old medic. Stress weighed heavy against his shoulders as he hunched over the desk.
Why the hell was there always so much damned paperwork? Weren't there computer logs for this?
Doc’s attention lifted from the documents scattered across his desk at the sound of someone approaching— a moment’s relief that it was just Nero and not an upper echelon or worse— Beth (a sweet girl — but she liked small talk far more than he would ever care for).
“Yeah, yeah, yeah— an ATLAS day to you too; saying good morning instead won’t kill you, you know.” 
Was it already morning? Hard to tell out in space. That was the only reason why he lost track, no other reason of course.
Doc rubbed his eyes as a yawn broke through; he picked at the crust that lined his eyelids as he examined the...
“Nero, buddy. Did— did you pick that out? For breakfast?”
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I need senshi related things in my room rn
Also these
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I'm actually so hungry rn (doesn't eat breakfast) guys send senshi with food im in need
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I see you friend of mine liking ALL of my posts (/poz)
Also because I feel like it *tosses my lovely art on the table*
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Enrichment photosynthesis time has ended
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I post them on discord but they don't get a lot of attention.
They aren't really challenges? Just, you'll see if enough of you say yes
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I still can't find out how to block tags
Is it perhaps this
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I'm not sure
All the stuff y'all are suggesting I can't find
Granted, I'm on mobile 24/7
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Genloss oc wiwiwiwiw
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Guys I put two Odysseus books in my donation the other day, I got them from my teacher (I accidentally brought it home. Twice.)
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Guys I'm going to get into centricide because my boyfriend enjoyed it (I will start the first viedo today)
Devious scheming
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
Do yall ever just- think, but then forget
Anyways I wanna find an OC to rant about someone ask me about my OCS someone do something idk please I'm really bored
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
I'm so awesome guys /j
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
He's having a hard time spelling delicious
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the-bite-of-87-lol · 5 months
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